Author Topic: DOJ |OT| SUMMIT NOW SUMMIT NOW  (Read 912613 times)

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Re: DOJ |OT| We get it, you’re woke
« Reply #2100 on: November 21, 2019, 11:48:03 PM »
poliera is the more sane Democrats

It is relative. Specifically they mock the bernie sanders media bias conspiracy.


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Re: DOJ |OT| We get it, you’re woke
« Reply #2101 on: November 21, 2019, 11:48:11 PM »
The one thing I've noticed, and dislike, is posters go from zero to 'scorched earth' angry/aggressive. There's no in between for many.


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Re: DOJ |OT| We get it, you’re woke
« Reply #2102 on: November 21, 2019, 11:50:26 PM »
By the way, Brock Reiher's ban has finally been set to a duration of one week.
...For a post he made seven days ago, so does that mean he's gonna get unbanned in like a few hours, or the twenty-eighth?
Should be in a few hours. I don't know the exact time however as the ban system is a bit finicky in regards to time zones.

User banned (duration pending): History of hostility towards members and staff, posting private messages with other users as a personal attack

Called it! :ego


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Re: DOJ |OT| We get it, you’re woke
« Reply #2103 on: November 21, 2019, 11:54:03 PM »
You ok sweetie?

If you need someone to talk to I’m here for u.
Not falling for this again. :bolo


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Re: DOJ |OT| We get it, you’re woke
« Reply #2104 on: November 22, 2019, 12:05:22 AM »
I need someone to talk to



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Re: DOJ |OT| We get it, you’re woke
« Reply #2105 on: November 22, 2019, 12:05:53 AM »
Let’s be honest, a lot of people here need professional help as evident by all the suicide talk and lack of passion around life.
This is why we cannot allow Ketkat to ever be banned again.

Cerveza mas fina

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Re: DOJ |OT| We get it, you’re woke
« Reply #2106 on: November 22, 2019, 12:05:58 AM »
I doubt many foods are halal in trumps America.

Also the fuck? You’re getting a vegan burger and expecting all other meats to cater to your religious beliefs?

Vegan people are starting to get weird.

I have this co-worker who flipped out at me the other day. She only wants vegan food. I can understand that.
But nearly all vegan food is based on Soy beans but now she doesn't want food based on soy beans anymore.

So I asked her the question you shouldn't ask a vegan. "What were you eating before? Because honestly none of the things you are eating now existed 5 let alone 10 years ago."
I think the vegan only diets have started to effect their brains as much as the climate doomsday cult has.

Why r u being so dumb again.

Ofc she doesnt want want soy beans cause they are often the source of deforestation.

Yes people can want things that didnt exist before like medicine and electricity and now ethical food.

Youre always so obtuse jesus.
It's more the fact that she acts like she's going to starve to death if the <insert_veggie_trend_of_the_week> is not available to her.
I'm more wondering how she survived up to this year when Sencha soup wasn't around in 2017.

And deforestation is not the issue. She doesn't eat products with soy beans in them because they are bad for her skin?  ???
She was also thinking of removing 'salt' from her diet for some reason I forgot. And then she complaints she doesn't know what to eat anymore.

Ask her if she posts on Reee


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: DOJ |OT| We get it, you’re woke
« Reply #2107 on: November 22, 2019, 12:11:23 AM »
i think this is the same guy as in that other Nintendo video

Cerveza mas fina

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Re: DOJ |OT| We get it, you’re woke
« Reply #2108 on: November 22, 2019, 12:16:59 AM »
Colonialism is a white supremacist myth. I'm seriously supposed to believe that only white people are capable enough of building ships, crossing the ocean and establishing new powerful nation-states? Total alt-right dog whistle imo.

Wow are u suggesting black people werent involved in splitting the atom and flying into space?

Documentaries like Black Panther show this to be false (renonwed Marvel production, not some Scorcese dross)

Cauliflower Of Love

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Re: DOJ |OT| We get it, you’re woke
« Reply #2109 on: November 22, 2019, 12:45:05 AM »
so era mods are on the side of the argument that private messages have some secret "for your eyes only" inherently built in to them?


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: DOJ |OT| We get it, you’re woke
« Reply #2110 on: November 22, 2019, 12:49:49 AM »
so era mods are on the side of the argument that private messages have some secret "for your eyes only" inherently built in to them?
Yes, private messages are only for the sender, the receiver, and the relevant staff members of the forum.


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Re: DOJ |OT| We get it, you’re woke
« Reply #2111 on: November 22, 2019, 12:54:14 AM »
So I'd been mulling about bringing up this subject because I am absolutely not the person to really be able to express myself easily, but I think we really need to have a center focused discussion about this.

We most recently just had an issue that occurred in the Trans Awareness Week and the LGBT Issues Moderation threads, which covered aspects of the issue that I'm going to be discussing in this thread, because I feel it's incredibly important. And I absolutely think there are more significant problems on this board that need to be addressed further that both relate to those issues, as well as outside of them as well.

Before I start, I need to explain something:

I am an individual who has a number of disabilities that relate to a combination of mental health, as well as mental developmental problems. Some of these include:

- Inability to quickly process thoughts and understanding said information and communication given to me.
- Inability to properly articulate what I want to say both in a text and vocal conversation. The latter is significantly worse than the former, but I absolutely do struggle to be able to communicate easily. As a result, I cannot easily and properly explain things as a result, especially in instances of heavy and emotional distress.
- I do not understand and cannot properly process spacial relation issues, which creates problems when I'm given directions on how to get to a place or what I do (I often end up going left instead of right, for instance). It also affected my ability to properly delve into aspect of Geometry, which I at the time, didn't understand why these particular things were giving me issues.
- Emotionally, I'm underdeveloped from the rest of my peers and as a result, it does make things more difficult for me to handle.
- I have anxiety, panic attack disorders, constant heart palpitations, and I both shut down and break down easily under stress. Because of this, I am disabled, on disability, and attempts to try to put me in the work force have not been successful. I am 30 years old, have practically no college experience, and never worked properly either.
- For many of my issues, I am attending and seeing multiple people at a local mental health clinic, but it's a life long issue for me and I do not see myself improving. It's more just trying to cope with what I do have at this point and trying to deal with it the best I can.

And there's more issues I can get into.

As to why this relates to what I'm about to discuss, awhile back after I had a bad experience on Grindr, I opened a thread to vent. The result? Immediately an automatic assumptions, misunderstanding what I was saying, and it got to the point that I do not believe that the topic warranted further discussion. The topic can be read here.

What happened is I did not properly explain what happened, I was under distress, and I was not able to communicate properly. What ultimately happened was during the beginning of the conversation, I apologized to the user I had not updated my profile image in a bit, I sent him what I had at the start of the conversation, we communicated and made sure everything was okay from the get go, and somehow the user not long after that made some of those comments. Ultimately, it's no big deal in the end and I just learn from it and move on.

The topic was another matter. I was called out for "Cat fishing", and it resulted in a user bumping the thread in another topic which suggested it heavily implied to be me given the wording. To add onto this, there were comments intentionally fat shaming me, and among other issues in the said thread.

Another thread that I had opened up, regarding a trending topic on Twitter and I asked users how their High School experience was, a individual posted the following text:

From the sounds of it maybe a school that could better deal w/ your behavioral issues might have done the trick, doesn’t seem like that school was working out for you.
I literally responded to the user to clarify, but they ignored my post and I can only imagine from that they were automatically assuming the worst about me and making said comment.

In another thread, after I brought up my experience on Tinder as a whole (which was a mixture, positive and negative, I think we all had that), individuals proceeded to try and "Call me out", including saying the reason they stopped talking to me was because I got caught "cat fishing", and then when I tried to explain my situation how I struggle to communicate, individual proceeded to say that I should google communication guides and stuff like that and practice and it didn't seem to matter at that point what I had to say.

For reference: Once I became aware of my communication issues, I had to learn how to communicate (took me over a year and I was still practicing since about 2003 or so), but I feel that as if I've hit a brick wall on this and I think I'm at my limit. Even my doctor told me not to over think it as this point and it's okay if I can't easily say what I have to.

These are issues that I personally experience and I feel are minor probably compared to some users, but I feel this is still worth mentioning. This is not okay and it makes me, a person with a number of issues as is, uncomfortable here.

However, we have had issues with some other topics, which I had minimal participation in, such as some of the Gym topics, in how they can be incredibly toxic in nature, and honestly: overly condescending.

Most recent topic comes to mind is this one, both in the OPs title, text, and the poll options. I often people see them post this in threads and it really bugs me as a user that I at first thought was a joke, but this topic seems to serve otherwise, including the responses feel kinda unwelcoming. There was also a topic I participated that also felt incredibly toxic and judgmental, and as a person who struggles to deal with self-esteem issues on top of what I detailed, this only made me feel worse seeing comments like this. Users did call some of this out, but doesn't feel it made an impact.

Now, this isn't intended to be a call out to individual users (and I realize it's hard not to discuss this without bringing up specific topics or posts, so I apologize for this), because I don't think it's specifically one or two people, but the fact many users are not being held accountable by some of the behavior replicated.

I do believe my personal issues, arguably are probably minor, but as someone who has to deal with miscommunications on a day-to-day basis, difficulty explaining myself, and then I feel people automatically assuming the worst, only makes these topics more difficult to post in these.

I've heard from users how uncomfortable they feel posting in Dating, Gym/Fitness threads, and among other ones, as well as some of the comments I've seen with people dealing with mental health issues and disabilities, is frustrating.

Not to mention, we've had threads asking for simple accessibility options, threads about possible issues with strobing/flashing that could cause seizures, many of these are ignored and buried quickly, or the topics become incredibly toxic that there is no conversation to be had.

We really need to talk about all these issues. I'm trying my best on this forum, and I realize a lot of times, I mess up, I try to explain myself better, and now I feel as if I ever want to post in a dating or relationship related thread, users will be quick to point out the thread above, without adding context, or I'll also be handwaved about my communication issues.

I should NOT feel this way about a forum that prides itself is making users feel safe. And I'm sure more users feel this way.

So really, we need to talk about this. How can we change this? How can this be addressed? How can the Admin/Mods make this safer? Because as it stands, I just simply do not feel safe on this forum in a majority of topics. I try and I keep posting, but I always feel I'm this close to somehow making a mistake and it just following me wherever I post.

This needs to be addressed.
(Image removed from quote.)
We need a smart name for when REEEseterans use their long list of (alleged) disabilities to shield themselves from being banned.

team filler

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Re: DOJ |OT| We get it, you’re woke
« Reply #2113 on: November 22, 2019, 12:58:03 AM »
You can't ask questions. Ever. It's all in bad faith! Always! Straight people are out to attack us, the holy alphabet folx.
One problem that does need to be addressed that isn't strictly administration's fault is that, as per Ketkat's post, mods are quite influenced by the fact that there's communities dedicated to harassing Era and trying to tear us down. Honestly, this affects us all-- given what I've seen over the past few days, I'm skeptical that Era's trans members didn't have the same kind of spotlight pointed on them the whole time. And if they didn't before, thanks to this debacle, they certainly do now. Given my observations about certain posters in the past, mods being lax about transphobic posters has knock-on effects for all of ERA, because the CHUDs in question have all the impulse control of toddlers. People are wise enough to brand new accounts with all of four posts chiming in on sensitive topics, so even those individuals have an impetus to participate in the community, if only to build up enough cover to cause trouble. And wouldn't you know it, it just so happens that threads about trans people happen to always be full of people showing their asses 24/7. I'm going to suggest there's a correlation there. I'm going to suggest the alt-right dickheads that like to go after ERA like going after marginalized and vulnerable people most of all, and that protecting our most marginalized and vulnerable voices readily translates to making all of us safer. That includes the mods. That's more true now, after this, than it ever has been.
Translation: Ban more users and ban them faster! Faster damnit!

Edit: Top of page big black hog
spoiler (click to show/hide)

« Last Edit: November 22, 2019, 01:06:27 AM by Potato »

Cerveza mas fina

  • I don't care for Islam tbqh
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Re: DOJ |OT| We get it, you’re woke
« Reply #2114 on: November 22, 2019, 01:08:43 AM »
Ree is going to end up with just people with mental issues.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: DOJ |OT| We get it, you’re woke
« Reply #2115 on: November 22, 2019, 01:16:39 AM »
Everyone deserves to have a safe space on the internet.


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Re: DOJ |OT| We get it, you’re woke
« Reply #2116 on: November 22, 2019, 01:23:57 AM »
Why on earth would you tell a story about how you got busted catfishing and became notorious for it on multiple dating apps? Like, this is deep deep e-exhibitionism.

Cerveza mas fina

  • I don't care for Islam tbqh
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Re: DOJ |OT| We get it, you’re woke
« Reply #2117 on: November 22, 2019, 01:25:56 AM »
Because clearly he has communication issues  :lol

Didn't you read his novella?


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Re: DOJ |OT| We get it, you’re woke
« Reply #2118 on: November 22, 2019, 01:31:43 AM »
Ree is going to end up with just people with mental issues.

End up?  :crowdlaff

Bore Expert

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Re: DOJ |OT| We get it, you’re woke
« Reply #2119 on: November 22, 2019, 02:30:44 AM »
Ree is going to end up with just people with mental issues.

Yeah that would be terrible

 :whatisthis :whatisthis :whatisthis


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: DOJ |OT| We get it, you’re woke
« Reply #2120 on: November 22, 2019, 02:58:22 AM »
I don't give two fucks about flexing my post quota, but it's odd how I'm definitely one of the top 0.001% in terms of activity and contribution to the forum and still I am unable to get decently in contact with who's in charge.

The admins missed some quality suggestions:
For the major communities of ResetEra, members with semi-regular participation and some duration of 'citizenship' of said community (6 months+ to avoid an influx of saboteurs) should elect representatives to enter into the discussions with the ResetEra staff. This way representatives are not picked by the staff themselves which could lead to accusations of picking cronies or less oppositional members.

Then staff and the representatives have an open discussion on the important topics, where all of ResetEra can view (but not participate). Closed doors sessions would likely be necessary to avoid everyone needing to "perform" and to have more candid conversations, but at the end of these conversations, agreed upon summaries would be released with the endorsement of all who participated.
Because I see people talking about alternative moderation styles. How about community moderation?

What if users can vote to ban a user based on a post. For example, if someone says something hurtful, with ten dislikes they could be banned for one day. Moderators would act to overturn any bans that don't break the TOS, for example if someone posted an unpopular yet inoffensive opinion.

It's kind of similar to Reddit, if a post receives a set amount of dislikes that comment becomes hidden but the idea is that the community will be able to make inappropriate content disappear.

New thread is also adding some quality thought:
I used to think the site's staff could do more to deal with the environment here, which they can of course but I came to the conclusion that it's not really up to them, mods can't give people emotional maturity. It's up to people to suck less, but I don't think that's happening.

My advice is thicker skin, as unhelpful as that may sound. Don't let random internet people affect how you feel about yourself, or about anything really.

I'm sorry you didn't find what you were looking for here.
This is the perfect example of the type of post that should not be posted and contributes to a toxic environment on this site.

It displays a complete lack of empathy and demonstrates victim blaming tendencies. Then finishes with an exclusionary message that is basically telling the person they are responding to to leave the community if they are unwilling to put up with bad actors.

Just an overall toxic post


  • Nebuchadnezzar
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Re: DOJ |OT| We get it, you’re woke
« Reply #2121 on: November 22, 2019, 03:11:28 AM »
So I'd been mulling about bringing up this subject because I am absolutely not the person to really be able to express myself easily, but I think we really need to have a center focused discussion about this.

We most recently just had an issue that occurred in the Trans Awareness Week and the LGBT Issues Moderation threads, which covered aspects of the issue that I'm going to be discussing in this thread, because I feel it's incredibly important. And I absolutely think there are more significant problems on this board that need to be addressed further that both relate to those issues, as well as outside of them as well.

Before I start, I need to explain something:

I am an individual who has a number of disabilities that relate to a combination of mental health, as well as mental developmental problems. Some of these include:

- Inability to quickly process thoughts and understanding said information and communication given to me.
- Inability to properly articulate what I want to say both in a text and vocal conversation. The latter is significantly worse than the former, but I absolutely do struggle to be able to communicate easily. As a result, I cannot easily and properly explain things as a result, especially in instances of heavy and emotional distress.
- I do not understand and cannot properly process spacial relation issues, which creates problems when I'm given directions on how to get to a place or what I do (I often end up going left instead of right, for instance). It also affected my ability to properly delve into aspect of Geometry, which I at the time, didn't understand why these particular things were giving me issues.
- Emotionally, I'm underdeveloped from the rest of my peers and as a result, it does make things more difficult for me to handle.
- I have anxiety, panic attack disorders, constant heart palpitations, and I both shut down and break down easily under stress. Because of this, I am disabled, on disability, and attempts to try to put me in the work force have not been successful. I am 30 years old, have practically no college experience, and never worked properly either.
- For many of my issues, I am attending and seeing multiple people at a local mental health clinic, but it's a life long issue for me and I do not see myself improving. It's more just trying to cope with what I do have at this point and trying to deal with it the best I can.

And there's more issues I can get into.

As to why this relates to what I'm about to discuss, awhile back after I had a bad experience on Grindr, I opened a thread to vent. The result? Immediately an automatic assumptions, misunderstanding what I was saying, and it got to the point that I do not believe that the topic warranted further discussion. The topic can be read here.

What happened is I did not properly explain what happened, I was under distress, and I was not able to communicate properly. What ultimately happened was during the beginning of the conversation, I apologized to the user I had not updated my profile image in a bit, I sent him what I had at the start of the conversation, we communicated and made sure everything was okay from the get go, and somehow the user not long after that made some of those comments. Ultimately, it's no big deal in the end and I just learn from it and move on.

The topic was another matter. I was called out for "Cat fishing", and it resulted in a user bumping the thread in another topic which suggested it heavily implied to be me given the wording. To add onto this, there were comments intentionally fat shaming me, and among other issues in the said thread.

Another thread that I had opened up, regarding a trending topic on Twitter and I asked users how their High School experience was, a individual posted the following text:

From the sounds of it maybe a school that could better deal w/ your behavioral issues might have done the trick, doesn’t seem like that school was working out for you.
I literally responded to the user to clarify, but they ignored my post and I can only imagine from that they were automatically assuming the worst about me and making said comment.

In another thread, after I brought up my experience on Tinder as a whole (which was a mixture, positive and negative, I think we all had that), individuals proceeded to try and "Call me out", including saying the reason they stopped talking to me was because I got caught "cat fishing", and then when I tried to explain my situation how I struggle to communicate, individual proceeded to say that I should google communication guides and stuff like that and practice and it didn't seem to matter at that point what I had to say.

For reference: Once I became aware of my communication issues, I had to learn how to communicate (took me over a year and I was still practicing since about 2003 or so), but I feel that as if I've hit a brick wall on this and I think I'm at my limit. Even my doctor told me not to over think it as this point and it's okay if I can't easily say what I have to.

These are issues that I personally experience and I feel are minor probably compared to some users, but I feel this is still worth mentioning. This is not okay and it makes me, a person with a number of issues as is, uncomfortable here.

However, we have had issues with some other topics, which I had minimal participation in, such as some of the Gym topics, in how they can be incredibly toxic in nature, and honestly: overly condescending.

Most recent topic comes to mind is this one, both in the OPs title, text, and the poll options. I often people see them post this in threads and it really bugs me as a user that I at first thought was a joke, but this topic seems to serve otherwise, including the responses feel kinda unwelcoming. There was also a topic I participated that also felt incredibly toxic and judgmental, and as a person who struggles to deal with self-esteem issues on top of what I detailed, this only made me feel worse seeing comments like this. Users did call some of this out, but doesn't feel it made an impact.

Now, this isn't intended to be a call out to individual users (and I realize it's hard not to discuss this without bringing up specific topics or posts, so I apologize for this), because I don't think it's specifically one or two people, but the fact many users are not being held accountable by some of the behavior replicated.

I do believe my personal issues, arguably are probably minor, but as someone who has to deal with miscommunications on a day-to-day basis, difficulty explaining myself, and then I feel people automatically assuming the worst, only makes these topics more difficult to post in these.

I've heard from users how uncomfortable they feel posting in Dating, Gym/Fitness threads, and among other ones, as well as some of the comments I've seen with people dealing with mental health issues and disabilities, is frustrating.

Not to mention, we've had threads asking for simple accessibility options, threads about possible issues with strobing/flashing that could cause seizures, many of these are ignored and buried quickly, or the topics become incredibly toxic that there is no conversation to be had.

We really need to talk about all these issues. I'm trying my best on this forum, and I realize a lot of times, I mess up, I try to explain myself better, and now I feel as if I ever want to post in a dating or relationship related thread, users will be quick to point out the thread above, without adding context, or I'll also be handwaved about my communication issues.

I should NOT feel this way about a forum that prides itself is making users feel safe. And I'm sure more users feel this way.

So really, we need to talk about this. How can we change this? How can this be addressed? How can the Admin/Mods make this safer? Because as it stands, I just simply do not feel safe on this forum in a majority of topics. I try and I keep posting, but I always feel I'm this close to somehow making a mistake and it just following me wherever I post.

This needs to be addressed.
(Image removed from quote.)


  • Junior Member
Re: DOJ |OT| We get it, you’re woke
« Reply #2122 on: November 22, 2019, 03:16:18 AM »
Is there a single fucking regular poster on that site who isn't an emotionally and mentally stunted degenerate drama queen? It's a fucking message board you fucking losers. Close the tab if you feel "threatened" by pixels on screen. How do these mouth breathers manage to do ANYTHING in the real world?


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: DOJ |OT| We get it, you’re woke
« Reply #2123 on: November 22, 2019, 03:37:15 AM »
So I'd been mulling about bringing up this subject because I am absolutely not the person to really be able to express myself easily, but I think we really need to have a center focused discussion about this.

We most recently just had an issue that occurred in the Trans Awareness Week and the LGBT Issues Moderation threads, which covered aspects of the issue that I'm going to be discussing in this thread, because I feel it's incredibly important. And I absolutely think there are more significant problems on this board that need to be addressed further that both relate to those issues, as well as outside of them as well.

Before I start, I need to explain something:

I am an individual who has a number of disabilities that relate to a combination of mental health, as well as mental developmental problems. Some of these include:

- Inability to quickly process thoughts and understanding said information and communication given to me.
- Inability to properly articulate what I want to say both in a text and vocal conversation. The latter is significantly worse than the former, but I absolutely do struggle to be able to communicate easily. As a result, I cannot easily and properly explain things as a result, especially in instances of heavy and emotional distress.
- I do not understand and cannot properly process spacial relation issues, which creates problems when I'm given directions on how to get to a place or what I do (I often end up going left instead of right, for instance). It also affected my ability to properly delve into aspect of Geometry, which I at the time, didn't understand why these particular things were giving me issues.
- Emotionally, I'm underdeveloped from the rest of my peers and as a result, it does make things more difficult for me to handle.
- I have anxiety, panic attack disorders, constant heart palpitations, and I both shut down and break down easily under stress. Because of this, I am disabled, on disability, and attempts to try to put me in the work force have not been successful. I am 30 years old, have practically no college experience, and never worked properly either.
- For many of my issues, I am attending and seeing multiple people at a local mental health clinic, but it's a life long issue for me and I do not see myself improving. It's more just trying to cope with what I do have at this point and trying to deal with it the best I can.

And there's more issues I can get into.

As to why this relates to what I'm about to discuss, awhile back after I had a bad experience on Grindr, I opened a thread to vent. The result? Immediately an automatic assumptions, misunderstanding what I was saying, and it got to the point that I do not believe that the topic warranted further discussion. The topic can be read here.

What happened is I did not properly explain what happened, I was under distress, and I was not able to communicate properly. What ultimately happened was during the beginning of the conversation, I apologized to the user I had not updated my profile image in a bit, I sent him what I had at the start of the conversation, we communicated and made sure everything was okay from the get go, and somehow the user not long after that made some of those comments. Ultimately, it's no big deal in the end and I just learn from it and move on.

The topic was another matter. I was called out for "Cat fishing", and it resulted in a user bumping the thread in another topic which suggested it heavily implied to be me given the wording. To add onto this, there were comments intentionally fat shaming me, and among other issues in the said thread.

Another thread that I had opened up, regarding a trending topic on Twitter and I asked users how their High School experience was, a individual posted the following text:

From the sounds of it maybe a school that could better deal w/ your behavioral issues might have done the trick, doesn’t seem like that school was working out for you.
I literally responded to the user to clarify, but they ignored my post and I can only imagine from that they were automatically assuming the worst about me and making said comment.

In another thread, after I brought up my experience on Tinder as a whole (which was a mixture, positive and negative, I think we all had that), individuals proceeded to try and "Call me out", including saying the reason they stopped talking to me was because I got caught "cat fishing", and then when I tried to explain my situation how I struggle to communicate, individual proceeded to say that I should google communication guides and stuff like that and practice and it didn't seem to matter at that point what I had to say.

For reference: Once I became aware of my communication issues, I had to learn how to communicate (took me over a year and I was still practicing since about 2003 or so), but I feel that as if I've hit a brick wall on this and I think I'm at my limit. Even my doctor told me not to over think it as this point and it's okay if I can't easily say what I have to.

These are issues that I personally experience and I feel are minor probably compared to some users, but I feel this is still worth mentioning. This is not okay and it makes me, a person with a number of issues as is, uncomfortable here.

However, we have had issues with some other topics, which I had minimal participation in, such as some of the Gym topics, in how they can be incredibly toxic in nature, and honestly: overly condescending.

Most recent topic comes to mind is this one, both in the OPs title, text, and the poll options. I often people see them post this in threads and it really bugs me as a user that I at first thought was a joke, but this topic seems to serve otherwise, including the responses feel kinda unwelcoming. There was also a topic I participated that also felt incredibly toxic and judgmental, and as a person who struggles to deal with self-esteem issues on top of what I detailed, this only made me feel worse seeing comments like this. Users did call some of this out, but doesn't feel it made an impact.

Now, this isn't intended to be a call out to individual users (and I realize it's hard not to discuss this without bringing up specific topics or posts, so I apologize for this), because I don't think it's specifically one or two people, but the fact many users are not being held accountable by some of the behavior replicated.

I do believe my personal issues, arguably are probably minor, but as someone who has to deal with miscommunications on a day-to-day basis, difficulty explaining myself, and then I feel people automatically assuming the worst, only makes these topics more difficult to post in these.

I've heard from users how uncomfortable they feel posting in Dating, Gym/Fitness threads, and among other ones, as well as some of the comments I've seen with people dealing with mental health issues and disabilities, is frustrating.

Not to mention, we've had threads asking for simple accessibility options, threads about possible issues with strobing/flashing that could cause seizures, many of these are ignored and buried quickly, or the topics become incredibly toxic that there is no conversation to be had.

We really need to talk about all these issues. I'm trying my best on this forum, and I realize a lot of times, I mess up, I try to explain myself better, and now I feel as if I ever want to post in a dating or relationship related thread, users will be quick to point out the thread above, without adding context, or I'll also be handwaved about my communication issues.

I should NOT feel this way about a forum that prides itself is making users feel safe. And I'm sure more users feel this way.

So really, we need to talk about this. How can we change this? How can this be addressed? How can the Admin/Mods make this safer? Because as it stands, I just simply do not feel safe on this forum in a majority of topics. I try and I keep posting, but I always feel I'm this close to somehow making a mistake and it just following me wherever I post.

This needs to be addressed.
(Image removed from quote.)

Not as good as the ultimate:


  • Haughty and a little naughty
  • Senior Member
Re: DOJ |OT| We get it, you’re woke
« Reply #2124 on: November 22, 2019, 03:38:51 AM »
Hey I know you weren't serious, but the notion of ace people thinking they're better than other people by not being interested in sex is an actual harmful stereotype I've seen come up.


  • Senior Member
Re: DOJ |OT| We get it, you’re woke
« Reply #2125 on: November 22, 2019, 03:49:19 AM »
Is there a single fucking regular poster on that site who isn't an emotionally and mentally stunted degenerate drama queen?

There's a few. I don't know how often you have to post to be considered a regular, but sometimes i'll read something that's actually insightful and adds to the discussion.


  • Do the moron
  • Senior Member
Re: DOJ |OT| We get it, you’re woke
« Reply #2126 on: November 22, 2019, 04:09:06 AM »


  • Nebuchadnezzar
  • Senior Member
Re: DOJ |OT| We get it, you’re woke
« Reply #2127 on: November 22, 2019, 04:20:12 AM »
So I'd been mulling about bringing up this subject because I am absolutely not the person to really be able to express myself easily, but I think we really need to have a center focused discussion about this.

We most recently just had an issue that occurred in the Trans Awareness Week and the LGBT Issues Moderation threads, which covered aspects of the issue that I'm going to be discussing in this thread, because I feel it's incredibly important. And I absolutely think there are more significant problems on this board that need to be addressed further that both relate to those issues, as well as outside of them as well.

Before I start, I need to explain something:

I am an individual who has a number of disabilities that relate to a combination of mental health, as well as mental developmental problems. Some of these include:

- Inability to quickly process thoughts and understanding said information and communication given to me.
- Inability to properly articulate what I want to say both in a text and vocal conversation. The latter is significantly worse than the former, but I absolutely do struggle to be able to communicate easily. As a result, I cannot easily and properly explain things as a result, especially in instances of heavy and emotional distress.
- I do not understand and cannot properly process spacial relation issues, which creates problems when I'm given directions on how to get to a place or what I do (I often end up going left instead of right, for instance). It also affected my ability to properly delve into aspect of Geometry, which I at the time, didn't understand why these particular things were giving me issues.
- Emotionally, I'm underdeveloped from the rest of my peers and as a result, it does make things more difficult for me to handle.
- I have anxiety, panic attack disorders, constant heart palpitations, and I both shut down and break down easily under stress. Because of this, I am disabled, on disability, and attempts to try to put me in the work force have not been successful. I am 30 years old, have practically no college experience, and never worked properly either.
- For many of my issues, I am attending and seeing multiple people at a local mental health clinic, but it's a life long issue for me and I do not see myself improving. It's more just trying to cope with what I do have at this point and trying to deal with it the best I can.

And there's more issues I can get into.

As to why this relates to what I'm about to discuss, awhile back after I had a bad experience on Grindr, I opened a thread to vent. The result? Immediately an automatic assumptions, misunderstanding what I was saying, and it got to the point that I do not believe that the topic warranted further discussion. The topic can be read here.

What happened is I did not properly explain what happened, I was under distress, and I was not able to communicate properly. What ultimately happened was during the beginning of the conversation, I apologized to the user I had not updated my profile image in a bit, I sent him what I had at the start of the conversation, we communicated and made sure everything was okay from the get go, and somehow the user not long after that made some of those comments. Ultimately, it's no big deal in the end and I just learn from it and move on.

The topic was another matter. I was called out for "Cat fishing", and it resulted in a user bumping the thread in another topic which suggested it heavily implied to be me given the wording. To add onto this, there were comments intentionally fat shaming me, and among other issues in the said thread.

Another thread that I had opened up, regarding a trending topic on Twitter and I asked users how their High School experience was, a individual posted the following text:

From the sounds of it maybe a school that could better deal w/ your behavioral issues might have done the trick, doesn’t seem like that school was working out for you.
I literally responded to the user to clarify, but they ignored my post and I can only imagine from that they were automatically assuming the worst about me and making said comment.

In another thread, after I brought up my experience on Tinder as a whole (which was a mixture, positive and negative, I think we all had that), individuals proceeded to try and "Call me out", including saying the reason they stopped talking to me was because I got caught "cat fishing", and then when I tried to explain my situation how I struggle to communicate, individual proceeded to say that I should google communication guides and stuff like that and practice and it didn't seem to matter at that point what I had to say.

For reference: Once I became aware of my communication issues, I had to learn how to communicate (took me over a year and I was still practicing since about 2003 or so), but I feel that as if I've hit a brick wall on this and I think I'm at my limit. Even my doctor told me not to over think it as this point and it's okay if I can't easily say what I have to.

These are issues that I personally experience and I feel are minor probably compared to some users, but I feel this is still worth mentioning. This is not okay and it makes me, a person with a number of issues as is, uncomfortable here.

However, we have had issues with some other topics, which I had minimal participation in, such as some of the Gym topics, in how they can be incredibly toxic in nature, and honestly: overly condescending.

Most recent topic comes to mind is this one, both in the OPs title, text, and the poll options. I often people see them post this in threads and it really bugs me as a user that I at first thought was a joke, but this topic seems to serve otherwise, including the responses feel kinda unwelcoming. There was also a topic I participated that also felt incredibly toxic and judgmental, and as a person who struggles to deal with self-esteem issues on top of what I detailed, this only made me feel worse seeing comments like this. Users did call some of this out, but doesn't feel it made an impact.

Now, this isn't intended to be a call out to individual users (and I realize it's hard not to discuss this without bringing up specific topics or posts, so I apologize for this), because I don't think it's specifically one or two people, but the fact many users are not being held accountable by some of the behavior replicated.

I do believe my personal issues, arguably are probably minor, but as someone who has to deal with miscommunications on a day-to-day basis, difficulty explaining myself, and then I feel people automatically assuming the worst, only makes these topics more difficult to post in these.

I've heard from users how uncomfortable they feel posting in Dating, Gym/Fitness threads, and among other ones, as well as some of the comments I've seen with people dealing with mental health issues and disabilities, is frustrating.

Not to mention, we've had threads asking for simple accessibility options, threads about possible issues with strobing/flashing that could cause seizures, many of these are ignored and buried quickly, or the topics become incredibly toxic that there is no conversation to be had.

We really need to talk about all these issues. I'm trying my best on this forum, and I realize a lot of times, I mess up, I try to explain myself better, and now I feel as if I ever want to post in a dating or relationship related thread, users will be quick to point out the thread above, without adding context, or I'll also be handwaved about my communication issues.

I should NOT feel this way about a forum that prides itself is making users feel safe. And I'm sure more users feel this way.

So really, we need to talk about this. How can we change this? How can this be addressed? How can the Admin/Mods make this safer? Because as it stands, I just simply do not feel safe on this forum in a majority of topics. I try and I keep posting, but I always feel I'm this close to somehow making a mistake and it just following me wherever I post.

This needs to be addressed.
(Image removed from quote.)

Not as good as the ultimate:

Pissy F Benny

  • Is down with the sickness
  • Senior Member
Re: DOJ |OT| We get it, you’re woke
« Reply #2128 on: November 22, 2019, 04:20:20 AM »
The only thing that makes me feel safe is filler likes  :fbm


  • Former Unofficial Ambassador to ResetEra
  • Senior Member
Re: DOJ |OT| We get it, you’re woke
« Reply #2129 on: November 22, 2019, 05:37:02 AM »
If that happened today it would’ve been a lot worse for all of them. Artest could’ve easily been banned for life.

Deadnaming? :wag


  • brutal deluxe
  • Senior Member
Re: DOJ |OT| We get it, you’re woke
« Reply #2130 on: November 22, 2019, 06:11:39 AM »


  • brutal deluxe
  • Senior Member
Re: DOJ |OT| We get it, you’re woke
« Reply #2131 on: November 22, 2019, 06:12:00 AM »


  • brutal deluxe
  • Senior Member
Re: DOJ |OT| We get it, you’re woke
« Reply #2132 on: November 22, 2019, 06:12:29 AM »


  • brutal deluxe
  • Senior Member
Re: DOJ |OT| We get it, you’re woke
« Reply #2133 on: November 22, 2019, 06:12:55 AM »
the ultimate cinematic asset.


  • Laugh when you can, it’s cheap medicine -LB
  • Senior Member
Re: DOJ |OT| We get it, you’re woke
« Reply #2134 on: November 22, 2019, 06:13:11 AM »

Insomnia again. Third time this week :(


  • Laugh when you can, it’s cheap medicine -LB
  • Senior Member
Re: DOJ |OT| We get it, you’re woke
« Reply #2135 on: November 22, 2019, 06:13:48 AM »
headwalk you are doing My Sweet Satan’s work


  • Cremation will be my last chance to have a smoking hot body. We have already made the arrangements.
  • Senior Member
Re: DOJ |OT| We get it, you’re woke
« Reply #2136 on: November 22, 2019, 06:17:19 AM »
Some serious chudding going on in this thread :D


Insomnia again. Third time this week :(

Would you say "sooo tired...."


  • Laugh when you can, it’s cheap medicine -LB
  • Senior Member
Re: DOJ |OT| We get it, you’re woke
« Reply #2137 on: November 22, 2019, 06:35:58 AM »
Not really tired, that’s the problem. I will be by the time I get to work though.


  • Senior Member
Re: DOJ |OT| We get it, you’re woke
« Reply #2138 on: November 22, 2019, 06:56:30 AM »
Is there a single fucking regular poster on that site who isn't an emotionally and mentally stunted degenerate drama queen? It's a fucking message board you fucking losers. Close the tab if you feel "threatened" by pixels on screen. How do these mouth breathers manage to do ANYTHING in the real world?
This is what happens when all your social interaction comes from a message board.

You are supposed to get social support from people face to face, family, friends, counselors, and so on. Not mouth breathers online who have no social graces at all. We evolved in very close knit groups. The internet is not the place for the empathy and real community many of the posters want. Even an apparently SAFE space like ERA sucks for that, ironically so.

These dudes need to get a therapist. Join meetups. Get the fuck out of their rooms and engage with the real world.

It’s not surprising many don’t get well. They piss away all their time in these fake communities.
« Last Edit: November 22, 2019, 07:00:43 AM by Rman »

Don Rumata

  • Hard To Be A John
  • Senior Member


  • Member
Re: DOJ |OT| We get it, you’re woke
« Reply #2140 on: November 22, 2019, 07:37:05 AM »
So I'd been mulling about bringing up this subject because I am absolutely not the person to really be able to express myself easily, but I think we really need to have a center focused discussion about this.

We most recently just had an issue that occurred in the Trans Awareness Week and the LGBT Issues Moderation threads, which covered aspects of the issue that I'm going to be discussing in this thread, because I feel it's incredibly important. And I absolutely think there are more significant problems on this board that need to be addressed further that both relate to those issues, as well as outside of them as well.

Before I start, I need to explain something:

I am an individual who has a number of disabilities that relate to a combination of mental health, as well as mental developmental problems. Some of these include:

- Inability to quickly process thoughts and understanding said information and communication given to me.
- Inability to properly articulate what I want to say both in a text and vocal conversation. The latter is significantly worse than the former, but I absolutely do struggle to be able to communicate easily. As a result, I cannot easily and properly explain things as a result, especially in instances of heavy and emotional distress.
- I do not understand and cannot properly process spacial relation issues, which creates problems when I'm given directions on how to get to a place or what I do (I often end up going left instead of right, for instance). It also affected my ability to properly delve into aspect of Geometry, which I at the time, didn't understand why these particular things were giving me issues.
- Emotionally, I'm underdeveloped from the rest of my peers and as a result, it does make things more difficult for me to handle.
- I have anxiety, panic attack disorders, constant heart palpitations, and I both shut down and break down easily under stress. Because of this, I am disabled, on disability, and attempts to try to put me in the work force have not been successful. I am 30 years old, have practically no college experience, and never worked properly either.
- For many of my issues, I am attending and seeing multiple people at a local mental health clinic, but it's a life long issue for me and I do not see myself improving. It's more just trying to cope with what I do have at this point and trying to deal with it the best I can.

And there's more issues I can get into.

As to why this relates to what I'm about to discuss, awhile back after I had a bad experience on Grindr, I opened a thread to vent. The result? Immediately an automatic assumptions, misunderstanding what I was saying, and it got to the point that I do not believe that the topic warranted further discussion. The topic can be read here.

What happened is I did not properly explain what happened, I was under distress, and I was not able to communicate properly. What ultimately happened was during the beginning of the conversation, I apologized to the user I had not updated my profile image in a bit, I sent him what I had at the start of the conversation, we communicated and made sure everything was okay from the get go, and somehow the user not long after that made some of those comments. Ultimately, it's no big deal in the end and I just learn from it and move on.

The topic was another matter. I was called out for "Cat fishing", and it resulted in a user bumping the thread in another topic which suggested it heavily implied to be me given the wording. To add onto this, there were comments intentionally fat shaming me, and among other issues in the said thread.

Another thread that I had opened up, regarding a trending topic on Twitter and I asked users how their High School experience was, a individual posted the following text:

From the sounds of it maybe a school that could better deal w/ your behavioral issues might have done the trick, doesn’t seem like that school was working out for you.
I literally responded to the user to clarify, but they ignored my post and I can only imagine from that they were automatically assuming the worst about me and making said comment.

In another thread, after I brought up my experience on Tinder as a whole (which was a mixture, positive and negative, I think we all had that), individuals proceeded to try and "Call me out", including saying the reason they stopped talking to me was because I got caught "cat fishing", and then when I tried to explain my situation how I struggle to communicate, individual proceeded to say that I should google communication guides and stuff like that and practice and it didn't seem to matter at that point what I had to say.

For reference: Once I became aware of my communication issues, I had to learn how to communicate (took me over a year and I was still practicing since about 2003 or so), but I feel that as if I've hit a brick wall on this and I think I'm at my limit. Even my doctor told me not to over think it as this point and it's okay if I can't easily say what I have to.

These are issues that I personally experience and I feel are minor probably compared to some users, but I feel this is still worth mentioning. This is not okay and it makes me, a person with a number of issues as is, uncomfortable here.

However, we have had issues with some other topics, which I had minimal participation in, such as some of the Gym topics, in how they can be incredibly toxic in nature, and honestly: overly condescending.

Most recent topic comes to mind is this one, both in the OPs title, text, and the poll options. I often people see them post this in threads and it really bugs me as a user that I at first thought was a joke, but this topic seems to serve otherwise, including the responses feel kinda unwelcoming. There was also a topic I participated that also felt incredibly toxic and judgmental, and as a person who struggles to deal with self-esteem issues on top of what I detailed, this only made me feel worse seeing comments like this. Users did call some of this out, but doesn't feel it made an impact.

Now, this isn't intended to be a call out to individual users (and I realize it's hard not to discuss this without bringing up specific topics or posts, so I apologize for this), because I don't think it's specifically one or two people, but the fact many users are not being held accountable by some of the behavior replicated.

I do believe my personal issues, arguably are probably minor, but as someone who has to deal with miscommunications on a day-to-day basis, difficulty explaining myself, and then I feel people automatically assuming the worst, only makes these topics more difficult to post in these.

I've heard from users how uncomfortable they feel posting in Dating, Gym/Fitness threads, and among other ones, as well as some of the comments I've seen with people dealing with mental health issues and disabilities, is frustrating.

Not to mention, we've had threads asking for simple accessibility options, threads about possible issues with strobing/flashing that could cause seizures, many of these are ignored and buried quickly, or the topics become incredibly toxic that there is no conversation to be had.

We really need to talk about all these issues. I'm trying my best on this forum, and I realize a lot of times, I mess up, I try to explain myself better, and now I feel as if I ever want to post in a dating or relationship related thread, users will be quick to point out the thread above, without adding context, or I'll also be handwaved about my communication issues.

I should NOT feel this way about a forum that prides itself is making users feel safe. And I'm sure more users feel this way.

So really, we need to talk about this. How can we change this? How can this be addressed? How can the Admin/Mods make this safer? Because as it stands, I just simply do not feel safe on this forum in a majority of topics. I try and I keep posting, but I always feel I'm this close to somehow making a mistake and it just following me wherever I post.

This needs to be addressed.
(Image removed from quote.)

Not as good as the ultimate:

I know this shit by heart I've heard it so many times :lol

Going to be singing it to myself the rest of the day again now :-[


  • Junior Member
Re: DOJ |OT| We get it, you’re woke
« Reply #2141 on: November 22, 2019, 08:15:16 AM »
Is there a single fucking regular poster on that site who isn't an emotionally and mentally stunted degenerate drama queen? It's a fucking message board you fucking losers. Close the tab if you feel "threatened" by pixels on screen. How do these mouth breathers manage to do ANYTHING in the real world?

No, they don't. They are all "disabled" and leeching off society or their parents. It's clearly evidenced by the amount of time they put into the forum. As an adult who works I have actual real world shit to do which is why I have so few posts on here and Era, I lurk because frankly who has the time (never mind the desire) to devote to that?  Era is grifter central, a bunch of fucking 30 year old children that know nothing about reality. This recent incident only served to highlight how fucking insane that place has become.

It's been a long slow sad ride watching GAF go from a cool place to read about vidja games to a dystopian fascist left wing insane asylum.


  • Virgo. Live Music. The Office. Tacos. Fur mom. True crime junkie. INTJ.
  • Senior Member
Re: DOJ |OT| We get it, you’re woke
« Reply #2142 on: November 22, 2019, 08:27:05 AM »
I need someone to talk to


Fuck off


  • Member
Re: DOJ |OT| We get it, you’re woke
« Reply #2143 on: November 22, 2019, 08:36:19 AM »
Well, at least you're not the only one suffering. My code was accepted, but I still didn't get any of the in-game rewards and I backed at the $800 tier.



  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
Re: DOJ |OT| We get it, you’re woke
« Reply #2144 on: November 22, 2019, 08:36:44 AM »

 :maf NOT FUNNY :maf

It's like they don't even know about the traumatic events of the last week on :notlikethis


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
Re: DOJ |OT| We get it, you’re woke
« Reply #2145 on: November 22, 2019, 08:37:44 AM »
They know what they were doing.


  • Member
Re: DOJ |OT| We get it, you’re woke
« Reply #2146 on: November 22, 2019, 08:39:51 AM »
On today of all days.


  • Senior Member
Re: DOJ |OT| We get it, you’re woke
« Reply #2147 on: November 22, 2019, 08:41:42 AM »
On safe awareness day of all fuck off days


  • Virgo. Live Music. The Office. Tacos. Fur mom. True crime junkie. INTJ.
  • Senior Member
Re: DOJ |OT| We get it, you’re woke
« Reply #2148 on: November 22, 2019, 08:49:25 AM »
You guys didn’t post one of the best that doesn’t need any edits:

“Adults can not understand CHILDREN LEVEL IDEAS :lucas” should be the new ree tag line.


  • #1 Pit-Fighter fan
  • Member
Re: DOJ |OT| We get it, you’re woke
« Reply #2149 on: November 22, 2019, 08:51:00 AM »
Is there a single fucking regular poster on that site who isn't an emotionally and mentally stunted degenerate drama queen? It's a fucking message board you fucking losers. Close the tab if you feel "threatened" by pixels on screen. How do these mouth breathers manage to do ANYTHING in the real world?

I am 30 years old, have practically no college experience, and never worked properly either.

There's your answer right there.  They don't manage to do anything.  Era is a case of the inmates running the asylum.

Re: DOJ |OT| We get it, you’re woke
« Reply #2150 on: November 22, 2019, 08:51:29 AM »
Reality is most of era are dysfunctional adults in real life. The ratio of mental illness in the population has to be 1 in 20. The normal folks are usually banned because they react to dysfunctional thinking as if it’s normal and the dysfunctional mods with mental issues get triggered instantly


  • captain of my capsized ship
  • Senior Member
Re: DOJ |OT| We get it, you’re woke
« Reply #2151 on: November 22, 2019, 08:53:45 AM »
That's why I don't really engage with making fun of people on there. It feels weird to pick on people that are clearly mentally ill (or so narcissistic that they are delusional and easily confused with mentally ill people).


  • Virgo. Live Music. The Office. Tacos. Fur mom. True crime junkie. INTJ.
  • Senior Member
Re: DOJ |OT| We get it, you’re woke
« Reply #2152 on: November 22, 2019, 09:04:58 AM »

:jeb  :aah  :jeb

Cerveza mas fina

  • I don't care for Islam tbqh
  • filler
Re: DOJ |OT| We get it, you’re woke
« Reply #2153 on: November 22, 2019, 09:10:23 AM »
That's why I don't really engage with making fun of people on there. It feels weird to pick on people that are clearly mentally ill (or so narcissistic that they are delusional and easily confused with mentally ill people).

Sure but if you put zany opinions out there for all to read...


  • Virgo. Live Music. The Office. Tacos. Fur mom. True crime junkie. INTJ.
  • Senior Member


  • Member
Re: DOJ |OT| We get it, you’re woke
« Reply #2155 on: November 22, 2019, 09:23:07 AM »
I know absolutely nothing about modern kiddie films. One time I was looking for a gift for my nephew and saw a Frozen coloring book with Elsa and that other chick on the cover in a very romantic-looking embrace and thought huh, so they are a couple. Later I was told they are sisters and googling what the fuck was up with that cover I found out about the incest shippers for Frozen and welp, I guess one of them got their fan art on a children's coloring book cover. Good thing I didn't flip through the pages  :exxy


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
Re: DOJ |OT| We get it, you’re woke
« Reply #2156 on: November 22, 2019, 09:30:35 AM »
User warned: antagonising another member
Couldn't hit ignore thread quickly enough.
Actually you were right. Kirblar is posting there now.
User banned (1 day): antagonising another member, cross-thread drama

Yeah, he was there from before I ignored. Best sign to quarantine the thread.

I'm telling you guys, Kirblar has something on Cerium from the Clinton campaign days.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
Re: DOJ |OT| We get it, you’re woke
« Reply #2157 on: November 22, 2019, 09:42:31 AM »
meanwhile in video games:
User Warned: Inflammatory generalizations

I love how pointing out that this game it totally predatory is apparently "shit posting" and worthy of warnings. Star Citizen is a pseudo cult/religion at this point, full of people and sharks who apparently think that throwing money at developers for over a decade will release some sort of final game that will end all games and give life purpose and meaning. There is nothing normal about how this game is financed, and the fact that this game can be in perpetual development and continually have private events where people pay real money to get access to pay even more money to buy digital ships, is like borderline Scientology E-metering-esque.

This game represents everything gross and wrong with capitalism, gaming, and digital economies. Even if aspects of the tech are interesting, none of these practices are worth defending.

User Warned: Trolling

This was the first I've ever seen of the game - no videos, screenshots, previews, threads, nothing - totally blank slate.

I cannot believe this is an actual thing. It's quite possibly the stupidest game I've seen in years. People are seriously calling this a "GOTY"? What in the ever-living fuck is going on here? It's made by the same person who created MSG? Is this some kind of "emperor has no clothes" moment? Am I taking crazy pills?
Quote from: astro
This. Video. Is. Intentionally. Playing. Badly. For. Lols.

It is NOT honest representation.
You based your entire opinion of something you know nothing about on one short video which if not being outright disingenuous is purposefully framing things as poorly as possible for laughs. So you tell us. To quote someone who is taking crazy pills, Holy Fucking Shit.
You're basing your first impressions on a Dunkey video?

If you want to get an actual idea of the game then watch an actual review instead of a meme YouTuber.
Little dissapointed in dunk on this one. Its kinda tantamount to playing a shooter with a high dpi gaming mouse and the sensitivity maxed, then calling it 'hard to aim'. Certainly a divisive game, but fighting against the game's systems and blaming the game doesn't make great games criticism.

It's also most certainly walking the line between "done for laughs" and "serious critique", but you can tell dunkey dislikes the game, and the footage on display just shows someone, intentionally or not, refusing to play within the game's constraints.
Quote from: astro
Doesn't change the fact the footage is misleading, and some people ITT are taking it as honest representation.
Quote from: astro
The video is pure hyperbole for entertainment. If you think otherwise just lol
At this point, the game factually scored pretty well.

Reading this thread its pretty clear how disingenuous (or sadder, blind) some are being...
...Its incredible actually. I figured this tomfoolery would have ended when the game came out but here we are. lmaooooo
Quote from: astro
If you've not played it, it's impossible to tell if you'll think it elevates beyond that. Some of us thought the same as you, and now consider it 10/10 GotY/GotG.
Quote from: astro
The footage has some jokes but isn't *that* misleading.
Yes it is.
Quote from: astro
You have like, a hundred posts in this thread. That's defensiveness
No mate, I'm discussing a game I'm passionate about. Me breaking down why you made incorrect statements is not that. You're the only one being defensive out of the two of us.

The fact you cannot even counter and rush to ad hominem says it all.
Quote from: astro
megalowho please don't creep into my DMs with insults mate, thank you.
Quote from: astro
Sorry! Didn't want to derail. I'll post it here.

You keep editing your posts to add more put downs and snark lol. You win! Maybe step away for a bit?
EDIT: not worth carrying this on, already covered it all. Anyone is free to read why your nonsense is just that. <3
Quote from: astro
Hes been doing the same thing in the OT and been called out for it there as well. Its incredibly petty.
Actually, fuck it... I'm out. This thread has been wild, enjoy!
Dunkey misrepresenting some stuff about a game, what's new? He may be right about some stuff, but I just can't find him funny.
Who he’s fooling here? He made equality horrible video about the last guardian, I think that he genuinely doesn’t get these type of games.

It’s not so funny when his fans use his videos to form their opinions about certain games
27 pages for this dunkey video :dead

spoiler (click to show/hide)
astro will come back to it for another ten pages if people keep posting how they liked the video :teehee


  • Member
Re: DOJ |OT| We get it, you’re woke
« Reply #2158 on: November 22, 2019, 09:46:33 AM »
astro is legit one of the biggest losers on that forum


  • GunOn™! Apply directly to forehead!
  • Senior Member
Re: DOJ |OT| We get it, you’re woke
« Reply #2159 on: November 22, 2019, 09:51:40 AM »
poliera is the more sane Democrats

It is relative. Specifically they mock the bernie sanders media bias conspiracy.
