Author Topic: Resident Evil 3 Remake - Jill will return to your screens to tell his story.  (Read 28583 times)

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  • GunOn™! Apply directly to forehead!
  • Senior Member
I mean they still turned out a really fun game with RE3R so I don't think it matters.

Did I stutter when I said it's utter garbage?


where to pre-order for classic costume?  ???

Too late.


  • Senior Member
I only hope it's true because that would mean that REmake 1 is being left alone (for now). As good as 7 and 2 REimagine are, REmake is still the GOAT and yes it's partly because of the camera angles and classic sound setup.

RE4 isn't Resident Evil, don't care what happens to it. Could be interesting if they used its settings for a proper horror game though. Also unlike the others there's a trillion versions to preserve the original, so whatever.


  • Senior Member
« Last Edit: April 15, 2020, 12:58:13 PM by Rahxephon91 »


  • cooler than willco
  • Administrator
haha challenging boss battles, which ones did you play?

the one where you shoot the grenade launcher at nemesis,

the one where you shoot grenade launcher at nemesis,

or the one where you shoot nemesis clearly highlighted stun spots


  • Senior Member
« Last Edit: April 15, 2020, 12:57:56 PM by Rahxephon91 »


  • cooler than willco
  • Administrator
What's that got to do with what your dumbass said? Spit it out gringo

- WRONG on Doom Eternal
- WRONG on Nier
- WRONG on Final Fantasy 7
- WRONG on Resident Evil 3 Remake


  • Senior Member
« Last Edit: April 15, 2020, 12:57:43 PM by Rahxephon91 »


  • GunOn™! Apply directly to forehead!
  • Senior Member
I mean most people seem to like RE3R so aren't you the one that's wrong?

:confused In what universe? Series fans dislike the lack of care put into it. Bio 3 outing fans like me hate it because it butchered the scenario REALLY FUCKING BADLY and made some unnecessary changes to the scenario (cutting clock-tower, changing Nemesis into mutations, Jill not going to the R.P.D. exploring the aftermath of her resigning/getting fired from R.P.D. etc.)

Single-player buyers hate it because "lol short."

Multiplayer buyers hate it because "it's not Resistance [which died on the vine, I should add] and has that tied to it and I don't want to spend $60 for a shit singleplayer mode for a mode I want to play."

Only you and casuals like Nintex seem to be really unbothered by a lot of the shit that is festering in it. Which is fine, that's ok: You can like it. But saying "most people seem to like it" when there's quite a vocal backlash is pretty funny.


  • Senior Member
« Last Edit: April 15, 2020, 01:00:29 PM by Rahxephon91 »


  • Punk Mushi no Onna
  • Senior Member
I think the difference on your end might be between big fans of the RE series and gamers in general. People around me saying it should have been either a DLC or a 40 euro budget title.


  • Winner of the Baited Award 2018
  • Senior Member
The game was completely gutted of its content. They went for those dumb jump cuts instead. Level design is garbage.

The dodge mechanic is lame, and seems to be more RNG than anything.

It isn't helped by the fact that basic ass zombies seem to have weird command grabs from 10m away.

The game throws a metric fuckton of ammo etc at you.

The boss fights are :snore and the camera is fucking broken in most of them. "HEY HOW DO YOU LIKE THE PERSPECTIVE FROM JILL'S HAIR LOL".

Etc etc. It's a huge downgrade compared to RE2R.


  • Senior Member
« Last Edit: April 15, 2020, 12:56:34 PM by Rahxephon91 »


  • Finish the Fight
  • Senior Member
I got up until the bugs with the power things so I'm not that far into the game.
It might not be as good as Resident Evil 2, but I never expected it to be as good as the Game of the Year of 2019.
But I also didn't expect it to be as surprising as it is, I was pleasantly surprised how much it differs in tone and pacing from RE2.
Compared to other late gen asset flips this is a very good game.

With that said, while RE2 was good even that had its weakpoints. Leon A, Claire B was the best route. Claire A, Leon B, didn't seem as good. So I can see that RE2 is a 10/10 or a 9/10 and RE3 a 8/10 for me or a 7/10 for some maybe.
And there's the argument about price. I just completed AC Odyssey in 132 hours and this is just about 7 or 8 hours. At 30 Euro AC was obviously the better value vs. the 55 I paid for RE3.

But we have a new DOOM, Resident Evil and Half Life :rejoice

I think for this particular game expectations were just too high. Thinking that after RE2 the next game would also be GOTY.
Which I never expected given how quickly this followed and the information available prior to release.
It was obviously smaller in scope. Which makes sense as they wanted this released before the big next gen titles would hit and they formed a new studio to work on it.
And I've got to say, I've seldom seen a new studio knock it out of the park like this with their first release.


  • Winner of the Baited Award 2018
  • Senior Member
It wasn't gutted of any content. This is'nt Resident Evil 3(1999). This is Resident Evil 3(2020).


Even if you want to go for that distinguished mentally-challenged argument, just compare how much you get out of RE2R vs RE3R.


  • Senior Member
Were some of you absolutely outraged when Metal Gear Rising came out and took 4-5 hours to beat?  :lol



  • Senior Member
Were some of you absolutely outraged when Metal Gear Rising came out and took 4-5 hours to beat?  :lol

Not enough people bought that one. :fbm


  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
  • Global Moderator
Were some of you absolutely outraged when Metal Gear Rising came out and took 4-5 hours to beat?  :lol

Looking at 'time to complete' sites, it looks like with the extra content, it takes around 12 hours to complete the first time.

Plus, found this:

The game counter only counts successful attempts in gameplay, not fails or cutscenes. The end counter showed 4 hours for me but Steam reported 13. Plus you have the DLC, VR missions and other difficulties. It's a lot longer than 6 hours.



  • Senior Member
You're incapable if you need 12 hours for MGR  :lol Or a game reviewer. :doge


  • GunOn™! Apply directly to forehead!
  • Senior Member
Were some of you absolutely outraged when Metal Gear Rising came out and took 4-5 hours to beat?  :lol

...This is Rah level of mental gymnastics, I expect better from you Morma...

-Was new
-Was an action game that expected you to go on harder difficutlies
-Didn't wear out it's welcome/ended pretty perfectly
-Was fun
-B-team made into a -B+ esque nearly A outing for a series that is mostly Kojimbo hackery.

Bio 3:RE3
-Wasn't new, but a De"Remake" of the original Biohazard 3 from 20 years ago.
-Was already a short (2 hour-ish) scenario that got BUTCHERED/cut locations and rejigged scenes/etc for the "new" scenario and can be finished in 30-45 minutes if you're good.
-Wore out it's welcome as soon as Uptown Raccoon was completely cut from a major area into a 20 minute opening scene.
-*point down*

Map Comparison of the original Raccoon City/scenario with the DeRemake's:

(Image removed from quote.)

"remake in blue with red areas for when you're being chased. original in green."

They didn't shade the RPD (the big building in the middle) due to Carlos, I guess? Kendo moves from the bottom left near the Y junction (but the stairs since you go over the van for his store) to behind the R.P.D. in the remake universe.

About 80% of Raccoon was cut from the scenario. (they expanded the bottom right isolated area/Jill's apartment for a chase scene. They expanded it to Dario's warehouse (the bottom right), cut off the connection from that to the Garage [to the right of the R.P.D. in the middle] and made that the "entire" Uptown area.

You could say "but that's cutting the fat," and that's fine if you like that. But I don't like the fact that Raccoon City was completely BUTCHERED and rejigged for their nu-Reboot continuity.

(Same reason I don't like the new Umbrella lab, though I'm mostly ok with it replacing the "rundown"/undercover-esque tied-to-subway-factory-etc. that REbirth 2 did.
-Made by the B-team that didn't put in even a fifth of the care/love that REbirth 2 got (bar the butchered/copy-pasted with 2-3 new addition/bosses B-scenario that 2's original outing didn't really do)
-Changed up the formula (camera angles into third person shooter)
-Cut content for the sake of a shitty tacked-on D.O.A. multiplayer mode in the hopes that like DOA it'd be able to sell $600 DLC packs to whales. Narrator: It can't if it dies on the vine, but good attempt for another shitty multiplayer PvP in a primarily single-player horror series, Capcom.

I could go on, but you get the point. You're comparing a new-entry in a long-running series that turned out to be a fun campy "WHOO HOO CUHRAZY PIZZA GUY!" outing (from a studio that does "WHOO HOO CUHRAZY PIZZA GUY!") to a rushed "remake" that series fans expected some love and care to be made to (a la the original Biohazard's remake, which a lot of fans in the series considers the PEAK of the fucking series in regards to love/care and new additions were made to the scenario while keeping the base mansion nearly 1:1 with the originals so fans knew what to expect but with twists to it)

...It's as bad as Rah's "WELL, I LIKE IT!!!"-isms.

Human Snorenado

  • Stay out of Malibu, Lebowski
  • Icon
I mean, could it be better? Yeah. Did I still enjoy it anyway? Yeah. Does TIMU have some sort of inexplicable boner for OG RE3 when it's clearly in the bottom half of the main series? FUCKING OBVIOUSLY.

I would probably be more upset if I'd paid $60 for it; in interest of full disclosure, I had about $20 leftover from a steam gift card that I used to defray the cost of the game.

But it's "ok" ultimately. Not as good as RE2... JUST LIKE THE FUCKING ORIGINAL.


  • Senior Member
Were some of you absolutely outraged when Metal Gear Rising came out and took 4-5 hours to beat?  :lol

Looking at 'time to complete' sites, it looks like with the extra content, it takes around 12 hours to complete the first time.

Plus, found this:

The game counter only counts successful attempts in gameplay, not fails or cutscenes. The end counter showed 4 hours for me but Steam reported 13. Plus you have the DLC, VR missions and other difficulties. It's a lot longer than 6 hours.


I bought it day 1 and beat it that same day, it took me about 5 hours and I played on hard difficulty (which was easy besides Armstrong) . Metal Gear Rising was criticized heavily for a short play time, which is criticism I rarely agree with.

Were some of you absolutely outraged when Metal Gear Rising came out and took 4-5 hours to beat?  :lol

...This is Rah level of mental gymnastics, I expect better from you Morma...

-Was new
-Was an action game that expected you to go on harder difficutlies
-Didn't wear out it's welcome/ended pretty perfectly
-Was fun
-B-team made into a -B+ esque nearly A outing for a series that is mostly Kojimbo hackery.

Bio 3:RE3
-Wasn't new, but a De"Remake" of the original Biohazard 3 from 20 years ago.
-Was already a short (2 hour-ish) scenario that got BUTCHERED/cut locations and rejigged scenes/etc for the "new" scenario and can be finished in 30-45 minutes if you're good.
-Wore out it's welcome as soon as Uptown Raccoon was completely cut from a major area into a 20 minute opening scene.
-*point down*

Map Comparison of the original Raccoon City/scenario with the DeRemake's:

(Image removed from quote.)

"remake in blue with red areas for when you're being chased. original in green."

They didn't shade the RPD (the big building in the middle) due to Carlos, I guess? Kendo moves from the bottom left near the Y junction (but the stairs since you go over the van for his store) to behind the R.P.D. in the remake universe.

About 80% of Raccoon was cut from the scenario. (they expanded the bottom right isolated area/Jill's apartment for a chase scene. They expanded it to Dario's warehouse (the bottom right), cut off the connection from that to the Garage [to the right of the R.P.D. in the middle] and made that the "entire" Uptown area.

You could say "but that's cutting the fat," and that's fine if you like that. But I don't like the fact that Raccoon City was completely BUTCHERED and rejigged for their nu-Reboot continuity.

(Same reason I don't like the new Umbrella lab, though I'm mostly ok with it replacing the "rundown"/undercover-esque tied-to-subway-factory-etc. that REbirth 2 did.
-Made by the B-team that didn't put in even a fifth of the care/love that REbirth 2 got (bar the butchered/copy-pasted with 2-3 new addition/bosses B-scenario that 2's original outing didn't really do)
-Changed up the formula (camera angles into third person shooter)
-Cut content for the sake of a shitty tacked-on D.O.A. multiplayer mode in the hopes that like DOA it'd be able to sell $600 DLC packs to whales. Narrator: It can't if it dies on the vine, but good attempt for another shitty multiplayer PvP in a primarily single-player horror series, Capcom.

I could go on, but you get the point. You're comparing a new-entry in a long-running series that turned out to be a fun campy "WHOO HOO CUHRAZY PIZZA GUY!" outing (from a studio that does "WHOO HOO CUHRAZY PIZZA GUY!") to a rushed "remake" that series fans expected some love and care to be made to (a la the original Biohazard's remake, which a lot of fans in the series considers the PEAK of the fucking series in regards to love/care and new additions were made to the scenario while keeping the base mansion nearly 1:1 with the originals so fans knew what to expect but with twists to it)

...It's as bad as Rah's "WELL, I LIKE IT!!!"-isms.

I absolutely am not a classic RE fan though, I don't care about RE3's original content. I'm a fan of action RE, I love the original RE2 though, it's lean enough as a classic RE for me to enjoy it. But I don't even like RE1 Remake that much my dude.



  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
  • Global Moderator
You're incapable if you need 12 hours for MGR  :lol Or a game reviewer. :doge

Or it takes that long to do everything and you just don't realize it, since the game clock apparently doesn't count everything.  :doge


  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
  • Global Moderator
I bought it day 1 and beat it that same day, it took me about 5 hours and I played on hard difficulty (which was easy besides Armstrong) . Metal Gear Rising was criticized heavily for a short play time, which is criticism I rarely agree with.

Five hours including the VR stuff and the DLC though?  I'm not saying it's not a short game, but it's interesting seeing that the game clock doesn't actually count some stuff.


  • Senior Member
You're incapable if you need 12 hours for MGR  :lol Or a game reviewer. :doge

Or it takes that long to do everything and you just don't realize it, since the game clock apparently doesn't count everything.  :doge

I don't remember an ingame clock, but it was definitely a game you beat in one afternoon sitting.


  • Finish the Fight
  • Senior Member
Played some more

Fighting the Terminator Nemesis is pretty cool  :)


  • cooler than willco
  • Administrator
Ya that hulking monstrosity that... goes down to a single grenade apparently


  • I don’t wanna be horny anymore, I wanna be happy
  • Senior Member
Almost got the platinum trophy for this game. Finally platinumed RE2 last week so it’s also pretty fresh in my mind.

In many ways, this game feels like it should’ve been the predecessor to RE2. A lot of stuff is just scaled back (no poison enemies/herbs, no knife degradation, no stabbing enemies, no double campaign, less polish, shorter). Also, it’s way less scary. Even my third or fourth time playing it, RE2 was scaring me. I don’t think RE3 scared me once.

I did like the story and boss fights overall though. Probably more than RE2. Also pretty happy at the expanded role Carlos plays. What a badass.

RE2 was so good that even if you take those things out, RE3 is still a solid game. Kinda leaves you confused why they took so many steps back but whatever. I’m still not sick of this formula and would gladly play RE4make tomorrow if it released.


  • Senior Member
« Last Edit: April 15, 2020, 12:57:24 PM by Rahxephon91 »


  • GunOn™! Apply directly to forehead!
  • Senior Member
I'm a fan of action RE,

Then there's nothing to discuss, because you're part of the reason the series has fallen on hard-times. :doge So it's easy to understand why you don't get why Rising-- an entry in a long-established series with love and care that made it's out there prospects more easily swallowed. While Bio:RE3, isn't going to be accepted by long-time fans that want love-and-care (like the seconds, bar some cuts in monsters/areas) that wasn't put into the remake of the third outing of the series compared to the first one (damn near perfect) and second (which wasn't perfect but acceptable).


  • Senior Member
« Last Edit: April 15, 2020, 12:55:57 PM by Rahxephon91 »

Don Rumata

  • Hard To Be A John
  • Senior Member
I'm a big fan of OG RE3, and i'm a fan of horror RE (Remake 1 being the best, and REmake 2 being better than og RE2 because of the better horror) but i agree with the idea that you should judge R3make for what it is in itself, rather than as a comparison with the OG.
that said, i haven't played it yet (waiting for that massive sale or CODEX  :doge), so maybe i'll hate it.

Don Rumata

  • Hard To Be A John
  • Senior Member
Series has fallen on hard times?
RE6 weren't hard times?  ??? Maybe not financially, i guess, but critically it was a black hole for the series' identity.


  • Senior Member
Series has fallen on hard times?
RE6 weren't hard times?  ??? Maybe not financially, i guess, but critically it was a black hole for the series' identity.

Which was 8 years ago  :lol

And RE6 is the black hole? Not Operation Raccoon City? That multiplayer game released this gen? RE0?


  • Senior Member
« Last Edit: April 15, 2020, 12:55:40 PM by Rahxephon91 »


  • cooler than willco
  • Administrator
I'm a big fan of OG RE3, and i'm a fan of horror RE (Remake 1 being the best, and REmake 2 being better than og RE2 because of the better horror) but i agree with the idea that you should judge R3make for what it is in itself, rather than as a comparison with the OG.
that said, i haven't played it yet (waiting for that massive sale or CODEX  :doge), so maybe i'll hate it.

RE3R sucks as both a remake and as a "sequel" to RE2R. People have been comparing it as both, and it falls short each time.

Just make RE8 and just do whatever they "assumedly" learned from RE7 and RE2R I really don't care

Don Rumata

  • Hard To Be A John
  • Senior Member
Series has fallen on hard times?
RE6 weren't hard times?  ??? Maybe not financially, i guess, but critically it was a black hole for the series' identity.

Which was 8 years ago  :lol

And RE6 is the black hole? Not Operation Raccoon City? That multiplayer game released this gen? RE0?
Saying that something fell on hard times, doesn't imply it's currently on hard times.
RE definitely went through a tough patch, and going action, was part of it (OP Raccoon City was also action, btw).


  • Senior Member
« Last Edit: April 15, 2020, 12:55:26 PM by Rahxephon91 »


  • I don’t wanna be horny anymore, I wanna be happy
  • Senior Member
Give me a beefy RE game using Remake gameplay that’s 10 hours long and stars Carlos and Sheva


  • Nebuchadnezzar
  • Senior Member
This RE asynchronous multiplayer Friday 13th boobagoloo looks fun as fuck


  • cooler than willco
  • Administrator
It's not


  • Nebuchadnezzar
  • Senior Member


  • cooler than willco
  • Administrator
Get better friends


  • Nebuchadnezzar
  • Senior Member
The best times i've had with friends in games is playing truly awful things and suffering through it together, for example RE Operation Racoon City. We all betrayed the one whiny friend we have at the end and he raged for months :lol


  • Finish the Fight
  • Senior Member

Great thread on this


- Vocal folks complained about Mr. X when the game was released
- Capcom possibly changed the mechanics for Nemesis because of these complaints
- People later appreciated Mr. X more and praised the mechanic
- People now disappointed that Capcom listened to fan feedback and changed the Nemesis accordingly
- Something similar now going on with DOOM Eternal


  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
  • Global Moderator
Mr. X in RE2 is the changed-up thing- Nemesis in RE3 being scripted sticks with the original style.  I preferred the latter.


  • cooler than willco
  • Administrator
Nemesis is awful, where is this discussion about the Marauder?


  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
  • Global Moderator
Nemesis is awful, where is this discussion about the Marauder?

Maybe it's a Twitter thing?  Couldn't find anything apart from a Reddit thread "petition" to remove the Marauder's dog.


  • GunOn™! Apply directly to forehead!
  • Senior Member

Folks giving some good feedback. Get yours in, and throw in "I say this every night, everyday, every afternoon, and it's so true. Project REsistance! is a mess. Project REsistance! is a waste [of development time that could've gone into Bio 3's scenario not being 80% cut]. Project REsistance! is a big, fat mess. *AIRHORN* PS: Outbreak File 1-2 HD and File #3 plz" on Resistance's grave, plz.

*dabs on Resistances Grave*


  • Finish the Fight
  • Senior Member
The hospital was damn good  :pimp


  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
  • Global Moderator

Jill doesn't have to be deal with zombies this time, only very, very, very drunk people.


spoiler (click to show/hide)


  • GunOn™! Apply directly to forehead!
  • Senior Member
That's one way of making Nightmare and Inferno trivial. :doge

@ :nsfw So someone just imported the Milla Jovovich outfit from Project REflopstance to 3 and cut a few parts of the outfit. Coomers really are the worst.


  • Finish the Fight
  • Senior Member
Recently finished, these are my thoughts.

It isn't as good as Resident Evil 2 but that doesn't necessarily make it a bad game.
The only area I felt was really barren were the sewers compared to the great sewers in Resident Evil 2.
The hospital was my favorite area of the game next to the city itself.

The game has a different gameplay style than Resident Evil 2. I can see why they removed boarding up windows as you're rarely stuck in one place.  Still, I would've liked to see more zombie defense options, like the flash bangs and knives.
The sidestep move is decent but can't replace those more tactical options.

Visually these Capcom games get better and better but they do need to work on the audio. The one thing that never really packs a punch in Resident Evil are the guns.
It's also kinda strange that they upgraded the lighting, hero character model and object details at the expense of the enemies.

Overall a stellar entry in the series for people who want more third person Resident Evil considering it's a late gen asset flip.
Would've worked better as a $30 expansion of Resident Evil 2, which it essentially is but REsistance is worthless so everyone just sees it as a FULL 60 DOLLAR Resident Evil 3 remake.


  • Senior Member

So Capcom explicitly had RE4 (in particular) and its story in mind when developing RE3make...  :lucas


  • GunOn™! Apply directly to forehead!
  • Senior Member

So Capcom explicitly had RE4 (in particular) and its story in mind when developing RE3make...  :lucas

And retconned established lore to attempt hammer 4 into the series canon. :doge


  • GunOn™! Apply directly to forehead!
  • Senior Member
NE-α parasite != European Plagas parasite. How the fuck did nobody at Capcom say "no," to this blog post? :doge

Seriously, this is making me rage at how little love and care the series has post-Mikami and crew.

Positive Touch

  • Woo Papa
  • Senior Member
haven't played the 3 remake yet, but in the original the ne-alpha was injected into a tyrant to make nemesis, so what is the problem.

also not keeping series lore consistent is something capcom does with all their games, so this isn't out of nowhere or something.


  • Senior Member
NE-α parasite != European Plagas parasite. How the fuck did nobody at Capcom say "no," to this blog post? :doge

Seriously, this is making me rage at how little love and care the series has post-Mikami and crew.

Mikami was the og to completely shit on the lore though.


  • Finish the Fight
  • Senior Member
I will only jump on timu's hate train if the retcon means they scrap the Castle from Resident Evil 4 and send you straight to the Umbrella lab after the village.  :thinking

spoiler (click to show/hide)
As the point of the Castle, beyond adding in more puzzles, priests with rocket launchers and Salazar was to show you the origins of the Plagas and the reptilian remains that they dug up in the underground section.

Don Rumata

  • Hard To Be A John
  • Senior Member
They'll scrap anything they can, if RE3 is any indication.


  • Administrator
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The Castle is so pretty tho