Author Topic: Corona Thread |OT| Nu variant, who dis?  (Read 1088292 times)

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G The Resurrected

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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Please scream inside your heart
« Reply #10980 on: July 26, 2020, 11:10:30 AM »
My father is back in the hospital, can't confirm his results yet (there is a backlog.) Knowing how fucking stupid he's been lately going to Arizona and not taking shit seriously after surviving the first go around. His wife has been in a care facility while he's been out partying, pissing off my Grandmother and Aunts/Uncles for visiting them unannounced and putting videos on Facebook/Instagram about the "hoax." I wouldn't be surprised if it's COVID again, maybe it'll do the job right this time.

Cauliflower Of Love

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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Please scream inside your heart
« Reply #10981 on: July 26, 2020, 12:45:22 PM »
My father is back in the hospital, can't confirm his results yet (there is a backlog.) Knowing how fucking stupid he's been lately going to Arizona and not taking shit seriously after surviving the first go around. His wife has been in a care facility while he's been out partying, pissing off my Grandmother and Aunts/Uncles for visiting them unannounced and putting videos on Facebook/Instagram about the "hoax." I wouldn't be surprised if it's COVID again, maybe it'll do the job right this time.



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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Please scream inside your heart
« Reply #10982 on: July 26, 2020, 12:50:27 PM »
It'd be one thing if it was just his life that he was risking, but when you flout any kind of risk minimization and you've had it twice maybe death is the best outcome.


  • It was all going to be very admirable and noble and it would show us - philosophically - what it means to be human.
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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Please scream inside your heart
« Reply #10983 on: July 26, 2020, 03:11:36 PM »
somewhat a shame as my man, the motherlovin' CAIN TRAIN, made the best political ad of all time:

Not watching this but the thumbnail looks like Mikey Parenti. :o


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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Please scream inside your heart
« Reply #10985 on: July 26, 2020, 07:35:35 PM »
Canada's new cases have basically doubled from 250-350 a day to the 500+ a day over the last week.  However, our daily deaths have been a single digit all week.

Speaking of Canada:
(Image removed from quote.)

Let's be honest. 90% of that number is Quebec.

edit: also, I can't find any other source when typing the news headline other than  :shaq2

Great Rumbler

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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Please scream inside your heart
« Reply #10986 on: July 26, 2020, 08:15:22 PM »
edit: also, I can't find any other source when typing the news headline other than  :shaq2



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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Please scream inside your heart
« Reply #10987 on: July 27, 2020, 12:06:35 AM »
Imagine the sound and vibration of an old-fashioned electric heater going through your whole body. Imagine gasping for air with every step you take. Imagine rubbing Icy Hot all over your head to soothe a painful headache. Imagine your eyes in a bowl of water while you’re still seeing through them. Imagine collapsing and waking up in the ER only to find out COVID-19 attacked your central nervous system, and the doctor had just saved you from a stroke.

If that were the worst of it, it would be bad enough. But that’s not the worst of it. This is the story of one family’s harrowing fight with COVID-19.

cliff notes: MAGAy throws a party, winds up infecting almost everyone in his family and kills his father in law and his mother (the father in law's mother, not the MAGAy's)


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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Please scream inside your heart
« Reply #10988 on: July 27, 2020, 03:26:30 AM »
More than 40 people have coronavirus after attending a week-long revival at a small north Alabama Baptist church last week, pastor Daryl Ross said today. Only two male members’ cases were serious, he said. “One respiratory, he almost got put in the hospital, but he’s OK,” Ross said. “The other one fought it off with two days in bed.”

“The whole church has got it, just about,” Ross said, and that includes himself. Ross said he has tested positive but has few symptoms.

And everybody you ask, if you talk to our church members right now, they’d tell you we’d do it again. It was that good.



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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Please scream inside your heart
« Reply #10989 on: July 27, 2020, 05:03:47 AM »
My current girlfriend called me because she just got word from a doctor's office she was at Friday that the physician tested positive.

Surprise : Getting a test is not simple, still, even several months into Corona season.


  • Virgo. Live Music. The Office. Tacos. Fur mom. True crime junkie. INTJ.
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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Please scream inside your heart
« Reply #10990 on: July 27, 2020, 05:36:44 AM »
That’s what you get for getting laid while the rest of us are fiending  :ufup


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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Please scream inside your heart
« Reply #10991 on: July 27, 2020, 07:51:07 AM »
That’s what you get for getting laid while the rest of us are fiending  :ufup

Could have caught it at work or in public transports. We started reopening two months ago and things were somewhat kept at manageable levels.

I'm gonna lose some work and I had a somewhat promising professional meeting lined up in two days. Sucks but I'll probably self isolate this week (though I need to take the subway to get a test without an appointment... I honestly thought that by July that shit would be easier but turns out it's not for the PCR one. You can do the antibody test in pharmacy stores though.).


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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Please scream inside your heart
« Reply #10992 on: July 27, 2020, 09:01:36 AM »
Hope you're okay. Maybe you didn't get her viral load in your mouth.


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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Please scream inside your heart
« Reply #10993 on: July 27, 2020, 09:09:02 AM »
Hope you're okay. Maybe you didn't get her viral load in your mouth.

We don't know for her yet. If she's positive, I am most definitely too.

Flannel Boy

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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Please scream inside your heart
« Reply #10994 on: July 27, 2020, 09:11:55 AM »
This spring, as countries around the world told people to stay home to slow the spread of the coronavirus, doctors in neonatal intensive care units were noticing something strange: Premature births were falling, in some cases drastically.

While the Irish team was digging into its data, researchers in Denmark were doing the same thing . . . researchers found that during the lockdown, the rate of babies born before 28 weeks had dropped by a startling 90 percent.


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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Please scream inside your heart
« Reply #10995 on: July 27, 2020, 09:16:45 AM »
That’s what you get for getting laid while the rest of us are fiending  :ufup

this is why i decided to stop all attempts at dating for the time being. the risks are way too high and the benefits aren't really worth it (no matter how stacked they may be  :'( ).


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  • Virgo. Live Music. The Office. Tacos. Fur mom. True crime junkie. INTJ.
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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Please scream inside your heart
« Reply #10999 on: July 27, 2020, 10:34:32 AM »
That’s what you get for getting laid while the rest of us are fiending  :ufup

this is why i decided to stop all attempts at dating for the time being. the risks are way too high and the benefits aren't really worth it (no matter how stacked they may be  :'( ).

Stacked benefits  :drool


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Cauliflower Of Love

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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Please scream inside your heart
« Reply #11001 on: July 27, 2020, 11:56:55 AM »
Those tits look super natural too.


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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Please scream inside your heart
« Reply #11002 on: July 27, 2020, 11:57:44 AM »


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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Please scream inside your heart
« Reply #11003 on: July 27, 2020, 12:09:05 PM »


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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Please scream inside your heart
« Reply #11004 on: July 27, 2020, 12:12:45 PM »
One question still dogs Trump: Why not try harder to solve the coronavirus crisis?
Both President Trump’s advisers and operatives laboring to defeat him increasingly agree on one thing: The best way for him to regain his political footing is to wrest control of the coronavirus.

In the six months since the deadly contagion was first reported in the United States, Trump has demanded the economy reopen and children return to school, all while scrambling to salvage his reelection campaign.

But both allies and opponents agree he has failed at the one task that could help him achieve all of his goals — confronting the pandemic with a clear strategy and consistent leadership.

Trump’s shortcomings have perplexed even some of his most loyal allies, who increasingly have wondered why the president has not at least pantomimed a sense of command over the crisis or conveyed compassion for the millions of Americans impacted by it.


In the past couple of weeks, senior advisers began presenting Trump with maps and data showing spikes in coronavirus cases among “our people” in Republican states, a senior administration official said. They also shared projections predicting that virus surges could soon hit politically important states in the Midwest — including Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin, the official said.

Full article in spoilers.

spoiler (click to show/hide)
Both President Trump’s advisers and operatives laboring to defeat him increasingly agree on one thing: The best way for him to regain his political footing is to wrest control of the coronavirus.

In the six months since the deadly contagion was first reported in the United States, Trump has demanded the economy reopen and children return to school, all while scrambling to salvage his reelection campaign.

But both allies and opponents agree he has failed at the one task that could help him achieve all of his goals — confronting the pandemic with a clear strategy and consistent leadership.

Trump’s shortcomings have perplexed even some of his most loyal allies, who increasingly have wondered why the president has not at least pantomimed a sense of command over the crisis or conveyed compassion for the millions of Americans impacted by it.

People close to Trump, many speaking anonymously to share candid discussions and impressions, say the president’s inability to wholly address the crisis is due to his almost pathological unwillingness to admit error; a positive feedback loop of overly rosy assessments and data from advisers and Fox News; and a penchant for magical thinking that prevented him from fully engaging with the pandemic.

In recent weeks, with more than 146,000 Americans now dead from the virus, the White House has attempted to overhaul — or at least rejigger — its approach. The administration has revived news briefings led by Trump himself and presented the president with projections showing how the virus is now decimating Republican states full of Trump voters. Officials have also set up a separate, smaller coronavirus working group led by Deborah Birx, the White House coronavirus response coordinator, along with Trump son-in-law and senior adviser Jared Kushner.

For many, however, the question is why Trump did not adjust sooner, realizing that the path to nearly all of his goals — from an economic recovery to an electoral victory in November — runs directly through a healthy nation in control of the virus.

“The irony is that if he’d just performed with minimal competence and just mouthed words about national unity, he actually could be in a pretty strong position right now, where the economy is reopening, where jobs are coming back,” said Ben Rhodes, a deputy national security adviser to former president Barack Obama. “And he just could not do it.”

Many public health experts agree.

“The best thing that we can do to set our economy up for success and rebounding from the last few months is making sure our outbreak is in a good place,” said Caitlin Rivers, epidemiologist at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security. “People are not going to feel comfortable returning to activities in the community — even if it’s allowed from a policy perspective — if they don’t feel the outbreak is under control.”

Some aides and outside advisers have, in fact, tried to stress to Trump and others in his orbit that before he could move on to reopening the economy and getting the country back to work — and life — he needed to grapple with the reality of the virus.

But until recently, the president was largely unreceptive to that message, they said, not fully grasping the magnitude of the pandemic — and overly preoccupied with his own sense of grievance, beginning many conversations casting himself as the blameless victim of the crisis.

In the past couple of weeks, senior advisers began presenting Trump with maps and data showing spikes in coronavirus cases among “our people” in Republican states, a senior administration official said. They also shared projections predicting that virus surges could soon hit politically important states in the Midwest — including Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin, the official said.

This new approach seemed to resonate, as he hewed closely to pre-scripted remarks in a trio of coronavirus briefings last week.

“This could have been stopped. It could have been stopped quickly and easily. But for some reason, it wasn’t, and we’ll figure out what that reason was,” Trump said Thursday, seemingly to simultaneously acknowledge his predicament while also trying to assign blame elsewhere.

In addition to Birx and Kushner, the new coronavirus group guiding Trump includes Kushner advisers Adam Boehler and Brad Smith, according to two administration officials. Marc Short, chief of staff to Vice President Pence, also attends, along with Alyssa Farah, the White House director of strategic communications, and Stephen Miller, Trump’s senior policy adviser.

The working group’s goal is to meet every day, for no more than 30 minutes. It views its mission as half focused on the government’s response to the pandemic and half focused on the White House’s public message, the officials said.

White House spokeswoman Sarah Matthews defended the president’s handling of the crisis, claiming he acted “early and decisively.”

“The president has also led an historic, whole-of-America coronavirus response — resulting in 100,000 ventilators procured, sourcing critical PPE for our front-line heroes, and a robust testing regime resulting in more than double the number of tests than any other country in the world,” Matthews said in an email statement. “His message has been consistent and his strong leadership will continue as we safely reopen the economy, expedite vaccine and therapeutics developments, and continue to see an encouraging decline in the U.S. mortality rate.”

For some, however, the additional effort is too little and far too late.

“This is a situation where if Trump did his job and put in the work to combat the health crisis, it would solve the economic crisis, and it’s an instance where the correct governing move is also the correct political move and Trump is doing the opposite,” said Josh Schwerin, a senior strategist for Priorities USA, a super PAC supporting former vice president Joe Biden, the presumptive Democratic nominee.

Other anti-Trump operatives agree, saying the president could make up lost ground and make his race with Biden far more competitive with a simple course correction.

“He’s staring in the mirror at night: That’s who can fix his political problem,” said John Weaver, one of the Republican strategists leading The Lincoln Project, a group known for its anti-Trump ads.

One of Trump’s biggest obstacles is his refusal to take responsibility and admit error.

In mid-March, as many of the nation’s businesses were shuttering early in the pandemic, Trump proclaimed in the Rose Garden, “I don’t take responsibility at all.” Those six words have neatly summed up Trump’s approach not only to the pandemic but also to many of the other crises he has faced during his presidency.

“His operating style is to double- and triple-down on positions and to never, ever admit he’s wrong about anything,” said Anthony Scaramucci, a longtime Trump associate who briefly served as White House communications director and is now a critic of the president’s. “His 50-year track record is to bulldog through whatever he’s doing, whether it’s Atlantic City, which was a failure, or the Plaza Hotel, which was a failure, or Eastern Airlines, which was a failure. He can never just say, ‘I got it wrong and let’s try over again.’ ”

Another self-imposed hurdle for Trump has been his reliance on a positive feedback loop. Rather than sit for briefings by infectious-disease director Anthony S. Fauci and other medical experts, the president consumes much of his information about the virus from Fox News Channel and other conservative media sources, where his on-air boosters put a positive spin on developments.

Consider one example from last week. At about 6:15 a.m. that Tuesday on “Fox & Friends,” co-host Steve Doocy told viewers, “There is a lot of good news out there regarding the development of vaccines and therapeutics.” The president appears to have been watching because, 16 minutes later, he tweeted from his iPhone, “Tremendous progress being made on Vaccines and Therapeutics!!!”

It is not just pro-Trump media figures feeding Trump positive information. White House staffers have long made overly rosy assessments and projections in an effort to satisfy the president. This, in turn, makes Trump further distrustful of the presentations of scientists and reports in the mainstream news media, according to his advisers and other people familiar with the president’s approach.

This dynamic was on display during an in-depth interview with “Fox News Sunday” anchor Chris Wallace that aired on July 19. After the president claimed that the United States had one of the lowest coronavirus mortality rates in the world, Wallace interjected to fact-check him: “It’s not true, sir.”

Agitated by Wallace’s persistence, Trump turned off-camera to call for White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany. “Can you please get me the mortality rates?” he asked. Turning to Wallace, he said, “Kayleigh’s right here. I heard we have one of the lowest, maybe the lowest mortality rate anywhere in the world.”

Trump, relying on cherry-picked White House data, insisted that the United States was “number one low mortality fatality rates.”

Fox then interrupted the taped interview to air a voice-over from Wallace explaining that the White House chart showed Italy and Spain doing worse than the United States but countries like Brazil and South Korea doing better — and other countries that are doing better, including Russia, were not included on the White House chart. By contrast, worldwide data compiled by Johns Hopkins University show the U.S. mortality rate is far from the lowest.

Trump is also predisposed to magical thinking — an unerring belief, at an almost elemental level, that he can will his goals into existence, through sheer force of personality, according to outside advisers and former White House officials.

The trait is one he shares with his late father and family patriarch, Fred Trump. In her best-selling memoir, “Too Much and Never Enough,” the president’s niece, Mary Trump, writes that Fred Trump was instantly taken by the “shallow message of self-sufficiency” he encountered in Norman Vincent Peale’s 1952 bestseller, “The Power of Positive Thinking.”

Some close to the president say that when Trump claims, as he did twice last week, that the virus will simply “disappear,” there is a part of him that actually believes that assessment, making him more reluctant to take the practical steps required to combat the pandemic.

Until recently, Trump also refused to fully engage with the magnitude of the crisis. After appointing Pence head of the coronavirus task force, the president gradually stopped attending task force briefings, and was lulled into a false sense of complacency that the group had the virus under control, according to one person familiar with the dynamic.

Trump also maintained such a sense of grievance — about how the virus was personally impacting him, his presidency and his reelection prospects — that aides recount spending valuable time listening to his gripes, rather than focusing on crafting a national strategy to combat the pandemic.

Nonetheless, some White House aides insist that the president has always been focused on aggressively responding to the virus. And some advisers are still optimistic that if Trump — who trails Biden in national polls — can sustain at least a modicum of self-discipline and demonstrate real focus on the pandemic, he can still prevail on Election Day.

Others are less certain, including critics who say Trump squandered an obvious solution — good governance and leadership — as the simplest means of achieving his other goals.

“There is quite a high likelihood where people look back and think between February and April was when Trump burned down his own presidency, and he can’t recover from it,” Rhodes said. “The decisions he made then ensured he’d be in his endless cycle of covid spikes and economic disruption, because he couldn't exhibit any medium- or long-term thinking.”

Cauliflower Of Love

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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Please scream inside your heart
« Reply #11005 on: July 27, 2020, 01:12:08 PM »
Is that supposed to be a hard hitting piece?


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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Please scream inside your heart
« Reply #11006 on: July 27, 2020, 01:17:15 PM »
edit: also, I can't find any other source when typing the news headline other than  :shaq2

It doesn‘t matter if fake news are true or not, just if they confirm your preconceived notions.

Cauliflower Of Love

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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Please scream inside your heart
« Reply #11007 on: July 27, 2020, 01:53:20 PM »
Florida Covid-19 cases in children: Hospitalizations among kids jump 23%

They're calling it the Jordan Hop.



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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Please scream inside your heart
« Reply #11008 on: July 27, 2020, 01:56:24 PM »
The pandemic is like a wave. You don't go into it sideways, you meet it head on and come out the other side safe. That's the plan.

Great Rumbler

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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Please scream inside your heart
« Reply #11009 on: July 27, 2020, 04:04:40 PM »
I think we tried to go under the wave only to get sucked in by the riptide and ended up swirled to the top of the wave so we got splattered to pieces when it crashed into the rocky shore

A strained metaphor, but I'll allow it.


  • It was all going to be very admirable and noble and it would show us - philosophically - what it means to be human.
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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Please scream inside your heart
« Reply #11010 on: July 27, 2020, 04:13:04 PM »

Great Rumbler

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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Please scream inside your heart
« Reply #11012 on: July 27, 2020, 05:56:05 PM »
that seems like something that could, you know, gain some traction if true...


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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Please scream inside your heart
« Reply #11013 on: July 27, 2020, 06:00:51 PM »
Seems like a poor attempt at book cooking though.

Great Rumbler

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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Please scream inside your heart
« Reply #11014 on: July 27, 2020, 06:01:52 PM »
President Donald Trump’s national security adviser Robert O’Brien has tested positive for the coronavirus.

O’Brien, 54, has mild symptoms and has been self-isolating and working from a secure location off site, the White House said Monday, according to a pool report.


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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Please scream inside your heart
« Reply #11015 on: July 27, 2020, 06:14:55 PM »
This works great for his true believers though. "SEE?? THE CDC WAS INFLATING THE NUMBERS! NOW THAT TRUMP IS IN CONTROL, WE SEE THE TRUE NUMBERS!!" or something like that.


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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Please scream inside your heart
« Reply #11016 on: July 27, 2020, 06:17:23 PM »
The boring answer is probably that the case numbers we look at from Worldometers or Covidtracking are compiled directly from state data anyways, and the flattening is some combination of actual plateauing (Arizona looks like its peaked) and hitting the testing ceiling because shit got so out of control.


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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Please scream inside your heart
« Reply #11017 on: July 27, 2020, 06:18:19 PM »
MLB is gonna have a real tough time. The NBA and NHL I can see being able to complete the season. They have a bubble. And if you break the bubble too bad. You have to isolate and you can't play in X amount of games til you are cleared. That should be motivation enough.

But the Baseball players are traveling all over the place and nobody is keeping an eye on them when they are home. So who knows what they are doing potentially. Maybe something stupid like that one Clippers basketball player. Except because of the NBA bubble the only person being hurt is he himself. And the utter shame of letting down your team. With baseball even if you were doing something stupid, nobody knows. You can just play it off and be like "I guess I got it at the grocery store and not from a packed strip club or huge BBQ gathering where people were grabbing chips from the same bowl". Hopefully it's a huge wake up call though for every athlete. The NFL is so screwed though if their players can't get it through their heads. Will also make for a real fun fantasy football season.


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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Please scream inside your heart
« Reply #11018 on: July 27, 2020, 06:22:27 PM »


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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Please scream inside your heart
« Reply #11019 on: July 27, 2020, 06:27:41 PM »



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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Please scream inside your heart
« Reply #11020 on: July 27, 2020, 07:39:11 PM »
California unveiled its stimulus program today and it included that proposed provision to permit taxpayers to prepay future state income taxes (2024 to 2033!!) at a discounted rate in exchange for vouchers. :lol

Idiot wonks go home. :foxx

spoiler (click to show/hide)
Hopefully no one participates and this doesn't turn into a fiscal time bomb. :larry


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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Please scream inside your heart
« Reply #11021 on: July 27, 2020, 08:04:12 PM »
California unveiled its stimulus program today and it included that proposed provision to permit taxpayers to prepay future state income taxes (2024 to 2033!!) at a discounted rate in exchange for vouchers. :lol

Idiot wonks go home. :foxx

spoiler (click to show/hide)
Hopefully no one participates and this doesn't turn into a fiscal time bomb. :larry

Isn't California already notorious for having a bunch of people who make money here but try to cheat out of the high state income taxes by claiming residence in another state? As I understand, whatever you make in California, you owe taxes on to the state even if you live in Alaska or something.

Now Kara, how stupid generally are rich people when it comes to cheating on taxes? The type of person who would take advantage of this program is obviously in a higher income group and I could see some of them assuming that they could just underestimate future tax burdens and then moving out of state as WFH gives them that flexibility. It would be hilarious if this is a big ol' tax trap meant to create some juicy, low-hanging targets for their auditors but that might be too galaxy brain for a government.


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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Please scream inside your heart
« Reply #11023 on: July 27, 2020, 08:39:37 PM »
which part of the 9 9 9 plan is getting hospitalized for a month with covid-19


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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Please scream inside your heart
« Reply #11024 on: July 27, 2020, 09:54:45 PM »
It just dawned on me today that anyone can get famous  (for a day) if they’re willing to make a scene in a public place over masks. It’s not the kind of fame you want, but the bar to clear has never been lower. This pandemic has mainstreamed this shame fame.

25 years ago you had to convince a couple Jerry Springer producers you were an irredeemable jackass, now everywhere is open mic night.

Cauliflower Of Love

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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Please scream inside your heart
« Reply #11025 on: July 27, 2020, 11:25:56 PM »
toxic adam is about to go viral isn't he/she?


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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Please scream inside your heart
« Reply #11026 on: July 27, 2020, 11:26:58 PM »

HONG KONG – Hong Kong banned gatherings of more than two people on Monday, closed down restaurant dining and introduced mandatory face masks in public places, including outdoors, as it tries to rein in a new coronavirus outbreak.

The measures, which take effect from Wednesday, are the first time the densely populated city has completely banned dining in restaurants. Since late January, more than 2,700 people have been infected in Hong Kong, 20 of whom have died.

“The situation is very worrying,” said Chief Secretary Matthew Cheung, adding that the current outbreak is the most severe the city has experienced.

The measures will be in place for seven days, he said.

The ban on dining at restaurants and food stalls threatens to complicate life for the many people in the city who depend on eating out for daily meals as their tiny apartments lack kitchen facilities.

G The Resurrected

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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Please scream inside your heart
« Reply #11027 on: July 27, 2020, 11:31:37 PM »
Grandmother called me today to let me know she couldn't get a hold of my father. I let her know that he is in the hospital again awaiting results and getting oxygen support/anti clotting drugs/circulation treatment. She isn't feeling well and is going to see the onsite doctor tomorrow at her care facility. My father was there on the 18th.... Gonna have to let the rest of the family know since he neglected to tell anyone that information. Ugh....  :-\


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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Please scream inside your heart
« Reply #11029 on: July 28, 2020, 12:26:31 AM »

Cauliflower Of Love

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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Please scream inside your heart
« Reply #11030 on: July 28, 2020, 12:35:44 AM »


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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Please scream inside your heart
« Reply #11031 on: July 28, 2020, 03:04:39 AM »
Isn't California already notorious for having a bunch of people who make money here but try to cheat out of the high state income taxes by claiming residence in another state? As I understand, whatever you make in California, you owe taxes on to the state even if you live in Alaska or something.

Now Kara, how stupid generally are rich people when it comes to cheating on taxes? The type of person who would take advantage of this program is obviously in a higher income group and I could see some of them assuming that they could just underestimate future tax burdens and then moving out of state as WFH gives them that flexibility. It would be hilarious if this is a big ol' tax trap meant to create some juicy, low-hanging targets for their auditors but that might be too galaxy brain for a government.

You're discussing related but distinct things. California has a reputation for being aggressive in claiming tax residency. California taxes worldwide income (like the federal government does for individual taxpayers) for its tax residents. Sometimes this spills into messy disputes that drag on for years, but in my experience it mostly means that it's a pain in the ass to switch from resident to nonresident without an unambiguous exit from the state.

For nonresidents California taxes on a territorial basis. Your example of an Alaska resident paying California income tax on California income is an example of this. Territorial taxation is both commonplace and uncontroversial and is how state income taxes work generally speaking. (Sometimes states have reciprocity agreements with their neighbors wherein you can work in one but only have to pay state income tax to your tax home.)

I assume the program will operate kind of like gift cards do but for pennies on the dollar. i.e. You pay $60,000 for a $100,000 tax voucher that can be utilized throughout the useful life of the voucher. I don't believe you could game such a system in the manner you proposed; if you underestimated your future tax liabilities you'd just be paying closer to dollars on the dollar. I'm not quite sure what kind of taxpayer this is for yet.

In my experience stupid high income taxpayers are the ones who live far beyond their means and try to subsidize it by engaging in various shades of tax evasion. Unless this program is comically susceptible to fraud I don't think it's capable of being a honeypot.


  • Do the moron
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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Please scream inside your heart
« Reply #11033 on: July 28, 2020, 04:46:02 AM »
Just got the nasal swab. Not pleasant, mercifully short.
Got a test faster than my girlfriend who is actually the one who was in contact. As I said yesterday, I would have expected the whole infrastructure to be more on the ball right now (though there's a lot of small reasons for that, it's holiday season and labs are short-handed etc...). Getting a nasal swab without "cause" or a prescription is still not the norm, I'm lucky I'm living in a town leaning very left I think, the whole "public service" thing here is taken seriously and the municipal health center has been an invaluable resource.

« Last Edit: July 28, 2020, 05:52:08 AM by VomKriege »

Great Rumbler

  • Dab on the sinners
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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Please scream inside your heart
« Reply #11034 on: July 28, 2020, 09:29:14 AM »


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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Please scream inside your heart
« Reply #11035 on: July 28, 2020, 10:44:18 AM »
Just got the nasal swab. Not pleasant, mercifully short.
Got a test faster than my girlfriend who is actually the one who was in contact. As I said yesterday, I would have expected the whole infrastructure to be more on the ball right now (though there's a lot of small reasons for that, it's holiday season and labs are short-handed etc...). Getting a nasal swab without "cause" or a prescription is still not the norm, I'm lucky I'm living in a town leaning very left I think, the whole "public service" thing here is taken seriously and the municipal health center has been an invaluable resource.


When I was tested, I had to gag because they put this thing so deep into my throat.

Gotta practice a lot if I don’t want to embarrass myself at the next BoreCon.


  • Teach by day, Sleep by night
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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Please scream inside your heart
« Reply #11036 on: July 28, 2020, 11:30:00 AM »
There is no way for the NFL to play this season. They might be able to do dome games in Summer 2021.


  • ルカルカ★ナイトフィーバー
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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Please scream inside your heart
« Reply #11037 on: July 28, 2020, 12:35:20 PM »

Was supposed to be a drive-in concert with real expensive tickets but lots of people ignored social distancing orders and congregated on the main stage. Seriously? Risking your or other people's lives to see one of the worst electronic music acts in history?


  • Easy Victor
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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Please scream inside your heart
« Reply #11038 on: July 28, 2020, 12:59:26 PM »



  • Do the moron
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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Please scream inside your heart
« Reply #11039 on: July 28, 2020, 02:04:39 PM »

Was supposed to be a drive-in concert with real expensive tickets but lots of people ignored social distancing orders and congregated on the main stage. Seriously? Risking your or other people's lives to see one of the worst electronic music acts in history?

Man you're not lying.

People were ready to party in the Hamptons, and Goldman Sachs Chief Executive David Solomon, fresh off a great quarter and a multibillion-dollar fine to settle criminal charges in Malaysia, was one of them.

Solomon was on stage for an hour, just him and a turntable on an elevated platform, mask around neck, surrounded by animations of cherries and his deejay name, D-Sol

A couple of thousand people -- including the Winklevoss twins

(NYT account-walled so apologies for any repeats.)

D-Sol ? More like D-Fault amirite !