Author Topic: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread  (Read 3178289 times)

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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #22680 on: July 31, 2020, 07:02:05 AM »
Yeah that's why you aren't a prick to CS reps who are already getting a shitty deal, good on him deleting that pricks account.

I've worked in a call center and I guarantee you that OP is sugar coating his side.  A CSR (even a manager) isn't just going to be able to delete an account, and it wouldn't be instant.  The guy was probably calling multiple times being an asshole and got marked as a problem customer.

For how many people on that site that work in call center/retail/IT jobs, they are the typical dare I say "Karens" when they don't get things their way.  If he would have just said in a nicer way that he didn't like the new deal and was thinking of going to a new provider, he would have gotten at least some sort of discount. 


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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #22681 on: July 31, 2020, 07:09:04 AM »
I've been in his place and heard all types of complaints about stuff that had nothing to do with me personally but that's how it is in CS sector. Management sucks, but the cs gets to hear what management should hear.
yeah this is something an entitled asshole would say. someone should drop a karen meme into that thread.


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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #22682 on: July 31, 2020, 07:14:46 AM »
I'd appreciate it if people here would not turn this whole incident into doing morals.

Funniest thing I've read all week. The irony is



  • Dumbass Monkey
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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #22683 on: July 31, 2020, 07:22:24 AM »
I feel bad that it comes to them to get the shit all over but again we are humans and it's easy to lose your shit, specially in times we're living.

c'mon guys, times are tough for *checks notes* people berating minimum wage customer support to try and save five bucks


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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #22684 on: July 31, 2020, 07:25:58 AM »
Bloodborne: I am a dumbass because I finished the game + Chalice Dungeons believing your character progress would be reset if you died, which meant that every time I died I closed down the game and downloaded my save file. I must've opened and closed the game hundreds of times, for this reason I uploaded my saves after every area and boss lol. I actually got the platinum and on my save file I technically died 0 times throughout the game + Chalice Dungeons.
For this reason the experience of Bloodborne got pretty ruined for me and that's why its never in my top PS4 games list, and also the reason I have never played another Souls game afterwards, its my biggest shame



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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #22685 on: July 31, 2020, 08:15:04 AM »
Reckon they’ll be closing that Trader Joe’s thread soon. Should make for an interesting lock message.


  • Haughty and a little naughty
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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #22686 on: July 31, 2020, 09:41:01 AM »
Yeah, damn Latinos not being upset about harmless bullshit. Makes me sick
if you’re not offended by this congrats?! But you sure as shit don’t get to speak for everyone first of all. Second, the response for the company here is pretty gross and to me that’s the real story. Last, no matter how you slice it this is a form of racism so to see people dismissing it as “cute” or “pseudo-intellectual liberal handwringing”.

This defense is always great as it only ever gets used when someone isn't offended. If they were more consistent this would also be considered as "dismissing minority voices"


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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #22687 on: July 31, 2020, 09:51:11 AM »

I love seeing the white people here get upset about the most innocuous shit that minorities couldnt actually give less of a shit about. Theres fucking internet camps out there on the border with Mexico and you guys are fucking getting upset at this shit? If you posted in this thread to complain about how this is offensive then i would ask you to direct that energy towards something that is worth fighting for, not some brand that named some shit Trader Jose. As a Mexican, I think this is overreaction and hope you guys find it in yourselves to see how your being a bigger problem than Trader Joes in this, because i feel nothing but embarrassment for you folks.
People can hold two thoughts in their heads at the same time. Just because someone makes a posts on a fucking Internet forum about this shit doesn’t mean they don’t care about the brutality of the Trump admin with regards to immigration. Stop being so fucking dramatic.

I bet that first poster doesn't even call himself latix. 

And lol at the bolded. Shocked that he doesn't get to be the one to toss his cookies. 

Why are you so hysterical?
White person here

It’s not my place to pick and choose what offends non-white people, because removing that agency from others and proactively acting as a gatekeeper like that is just another form of racism. If people are finding this labeling hurtful then sure, I’m in support. For now, I’ll just continue to absorb the responses I see from people here.

Why even post this shit, white boy?

« Last Edit: July 31, 2020, 09:55:14 AM by clothedmacuser »


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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #22688 on: July 31, 2020, 10:11:03 AM » or progressive's last internet haven ResetERA ?

Can Biden reverse this ?

End of day, if it's something Putin wants, it's not a good thing. For one, that's him controlling the US military and forcing the US President to do his bidding with nothing but a phone call.

If they invaded eastern europe tomorrow do you see the EU doing anything about it?

Quote from: Stinkles
why should a peaceful country have peace talks witha dishonest belligerent expansionist mafia state it isn’t actually at war with?
Russia is not an honest actor in the region and won’t be until it experiences significant change of leadership.


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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #22689 on: July 31, 2020, 10:31:05 AM »

Alternate thread title - Tell me a really sad fact about yourself.


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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #22690 on: July 31, 2020, 10:32:56 AM » or progressive's last internet haven ResetERA ?

Can Biden reverse this ?

End of day, if it's something Putin wants, it's not a good thing. For one, that's him controlling the US military and forcing the US President to do his bidding with nothing but a phone call.

If they invaded eastern europe tomorrow do you see the EU doing anything about it?

Quote from: Stinkles
why should a peaceful country have peace talks witha dishonest belligerent expansionist mafia state it isn’t actually at war with?
Russia is not an honest actor in the region and won’t be until it experiences significant change of leadership.

They probably don’t know this but the US still has an armored brigade forward deployed to Poland in case Putin’s little green men get any funny ideas.

What is upsetting is that Trump is wrecking the Army’s premier duty station because Angela Merkel hurt his feelings. Getting stationed in Bumfuck, Texas just isn’t the same, sigh.
« Last Edit: July 31, 2020, 10:37:03 AM by BrokenVerses »

Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #22691 on: July 31, 2020, 11:35:50 AM »
Is this where we talk about Era posts?

NothingLoud is such a passive aggressive braggart and I just find them fascinating and annoying at the same time.


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  • Haughty and a little naughty
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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #22693 on: July 31, 2020, 11:48:13 AM »
I stated it clearly and explicitly, but I will write it out at greater length for you. You said that it's racist "any way you slice it." That claim implies that this branding (or, anything else) is objectively racist. It isn't objectively racist because nothing is objectively racist. Now, things can be subjectively racist, meaning, we can agree to label them racist depending on the context. To cite one example, I'd call the Aunt Jemima brand racist because that stereotype was used for many years to help justify segregation. But a picture of a Black woman isn't itself racist "any way you slice it." And the name Jose is just a name in Spanish-speaking countries/cultures. The name is not itself racist--again, because nothing can be racist inherently. (By the way, I'm just summarizing the basic tenets of deconstruction. There's nothing revolutionary or even up for debate about this; it's how all language works.)

So, it's up to you to explain how the specific situation here is something we should consider racist.
I’m not gonna engage with this condescending post. Peace



  • Dumbass Monkey
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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #22694 on: July 31, 2020, 12:02:27 PM »

Why would a charity whose explicit aims are promoting the transitioning of children while news stories of people who have detransitioned talk about how it ruined their life and they were pressured into something that - as a child - they could not fully grasp the consequences of be remotely controversial?

Why would any perceived action against trans activitists goals be shouted down as transphobia mean that decisions not to continue endorsing a controversial charity-slash-pressure group be done quietly?



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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #22695 on: July 31, 2020, 12:11:47 PM »
Yeah that's why you aren't a prick to CS reps who are already getting a shitty deal, good on him deleting that pricks account.

I've worked in a call center and I guarantee you that OP is sugar coating his side.  A CSR (even a manager) isn't just going to be able to delete an account, and it wouldn't be instant.  The guy was probably calling multiple times being an asshole and got marked as a problem customer.

For how many people on that site that work in call center/retail/IT jobs, they are the typical dare I say "Karens" when they don't get things their way.  If he would have just said in a nicer way that he didn't like the new deal and was thinking of going to a new provider, he would have gotten at least some sort of discount.

On the flip side, call centers have really high turn over

If you're quitting anyway, no reason not to have fun on your last day.

I gave out credits like candy


  • It was all going to be very admirable and noble and it would show us - philosophically - what it means to be human.
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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #22696 on: July 31, 2020, 12:54:49 PM »

Why would a charity whose explicit aims are promoting the transitioning of children while news stories of people who have detransitioned talk about how it ruined their life and they were pressured into something that - as a child - they could not fully grasp the consequences of be remotely controversial?

Why would any perceived action against trans activitists goals be shouted down as transphobia mean that decisions not to continue endorsing a controversial charity-slash-pressure group be done quietly?


Before parents let their children start hormone therapies, they often want to know how likely their child is to later change their mind about transitioning. The answer depends on if their child has hit puberty.

For adolescents who have reached the earliest stages of puberty, the odds are very low. A large study of transgender adolescents from the Netherlands found that only 1.9 percent of those who hit puberty and start puberty blockers decide to stop treatment like Alex did.

There is more debate around how likely prepubescent children are to later not identify as transgender. For this reason, they are not offered hormone therapies. They also, by definition, have not yet started puberty, and thus there is no puberty to block and no need for hormone therapy.

spoiler (click to show/hide)
Puberty blockers like Lupron are approved by the Food and Drug Administration and have been used for decades for precocious puberty, a condition in which very young children go through puberty too early. The only significant side effect is that the adolescent may fall behind on bone density. For this reason, doctors will regularly check bone density while the patient is on the medication. If the medication is stopped, bone density catches up to normal after a few years as the child goes through the puberty of their gender assigned at birth.

Alternatively, if an adolescent continues to identify as transgender and starts on gender-affirming hormones like estrogen or testosterone down the line, this will also catch them up on bone density. The great thing about puberty blockers is that if you stop them, puberty will progress as if the medication were never started. Parents can think of a puberty blocker as buying their children more time to figure out their gender identity without going through puberty.


  • Dumbass Monkey
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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #22697 on: July 31, 2020, 01:08:55 PM »

She was referred to the Tavistock GIDS clinic at the age of 16. She said after three one-hour-long appointments she was prescribed puberty blockers, which delay the development of signs of puberty, like periods or facial hair.

She felt there wasn't enough investigation or therapy before she reached that stage.
The BBC has found the scientific debate around blockers increasingly fractious, with experts only prepared to comment off the record for fear of reprisal.
The review acknowledges staff had raised concerns over a period of years. But staff claim in the transcripts that when they did so, they were seen as the problem.

"People who raise concerns are seen as trouble making and difficult," one staff member argued.

"When I raised concerns I was told that I had to toe the line or I would never progress in my career," another said.

Using "transphobia" as a cudgel to silence legitimate criticism is in nobodys best interest.


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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #22698 on: July 31, 2020, 01:14:49 PM »

Why would a charity whose explicit aims are promoting the transitioning of children while news stories of people who have detransitioned talk about how it ruined their life and they were pressured into something that - as a child - they could not fully grasp the consequences of be remotely controversial?

Why would any perceived action against trans activitists goals be shouted down as transphobia mean that decisions not to continue endorsing a controversial charity-slash-pressure group be done quietly?


Quote from: purseowner
Yeah, I was reading about this and it's revolting.

Horrible dogwhistling piece in The Times too:

what a take  :dizzy

"honey you're not gay you're just a girl correctly attracted to men"


  • #1 Pit-Fighter fan
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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #22699 on: July 31, 2020, 01:16:01 PM »
Yeah that's why you aren't a prick to CS reps who are already getting a shitty deal, good on him deleting that pricks account.

I've worked in a call center and I guarantee you that OP is sugar coating his side.  A CSR (even a manager) isn't just going to be able to delete an account, and it wouldn't be instant.  The guy was probably calling multiple times being an asshole and got marked as a problem customer.

For how many people on that site that work in call center/retail/IT jobs, they are the typical dare I say "Karens" when they don't get things their way.  If he would have just said in a nicer way that he didn't like the new deal and was thinking of going to a new provider, he would have gotten at least some sort of discount.

On the flip side, call centers have really high turn over

If you're quitting anyway, no reason not to have fun on your last day.

I gave out credits like candy

I didn't have anything I could give out (I worked in a call center for a brokerage firm) but if someone was nice (or hell, didn't yell at me) I would do everything I could to resolve the issue on the call.  But the assholes like the OP in that thread?  They got the "ok, let me talk to my supervisor about that" while I went to the bathroom because we weren't allowed to do that outside of designated breaks.

Also I noticed his whole complaint was paying $40 versus $35, which indicates to me that it's some kind of pay as you go plan.  I would assume phone companies (especially the big ones like Verizon) don't really care all that much about those types of customers.  they want the "whales" who have their whole family on a plan.


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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #22700 on: July 31, 2020, 01:26:11 PM »
"Took a screenshot of the last chat window but can't upload it now."
"And he replies with a sarcastic sentence which I'm too lazy to check it at the screenshot I took."
Yeah ok.


  • Dumbass Monkey
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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #22701 on: July 31, 2020, 01:31:35 PM »
what a take  :dizzy

"honey you're not gay you're just a girl correctly attracted to men"

Mermaids as a charity has been linked to a number of recent controversies about how things are being handled, and it seems pretty clear that the BBC is specifically disassociating with that particular organisation.

Here's the BBC's response to earlier complaints upon this issue:
Our off-air support for gender identity has not been removed, but was temporarily unavailable while we looked at the information and support we gave across this area. We recognise how important off-air support is for people.

We have now updated the Action Line page which supports the fuller range of LGBT issues and links to a number of organisations so that it also now includes a link to gender identity information which is provided on the NHS website, which includes that relating to children. The NHS site then links from its relevant sections to additional organisations.

We do recognise a number of people might want this provided differently, or to list many other organisations directly, but hope this reassures you that the off-air information about available support has not been discontinued.


  • It was all going to be very admirable and noble and it would show us - philosophically - what it means to be human.
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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #22702 on: July 31, 2020, 01:48:02 PM »
Using "transphobia" as a cudgel to silence legitimate criticism is in nobodys best interest.

I don't recall calling anyone the T word in my post. You made a series of claims and I posted some basic information in response. Anecdotes and nameless accusations aren't particularly demonstrative.

FYI, one of your links links to a National Library of Medicine webpage with the following text:

Conclusion: Puberty suppression may be considered a valuable contribution in the clinical management of gender dysphoria in adolescents.


  • Do the moron
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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #22703 on: July 31, 2020, 01:59:53 PM »
"Took a screenshot of the last chat window but can't upload it now."
"And he replies with a sarcastic sentence which I'm too lazy to check it at the screenshot I took."
Yeah ok.

If his account was indeed "deleted", it sounds like an overreaction by the support person he had but I'm not totally convinced it was deleted or that his retelling of his interaction is especially faithful.


  • Dumbass Monkey
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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #22704 on: July 31, 2020, 02:00:54 PM »
Using "transphobia" as a cudgel to silence legitimate criticism is in nobodys best interest.

I don't recall calling anyone the T word in my post. You made a series of claims and I posted some basic information in response. Anecdotes and nameless accusations aren't particularly demonstrative.

FYI, one of your links links to a National Library of Medicine webpage with the following text:

Conclusion: Puberty suppression may be considered a valuable contribution in the clinical management of gender dysphoria in adolescents.

I made two claims;
1) that the charity Mermaids has been attached to a number of recent controversies so its not shocking that they would not be simultaneously presented as a resource to go to while criticised in news reports
2) activists screaming "transphobia" at any perceived transgression against their doctrine meant it was removed quietly



  • Do the moron
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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #22705 on: July 31, 2020, 02:28:16 PM »
Anti-China sentiment in US at ‘historic high’, Pew Research survey finds, amid friction over trade, coronavirus and human rights

Calling it now, this will be our new cold war



  • Haughty and a little naughty
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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #22706 on: July 31, 2020, 03:12:15 PM »
Is it just me, or do you sometimes feel like it often feels really uncomfortable trying to talk about female characters here on Resetera as you sometimes I feel like often when guys say they don't like a character or that it's written badly, that you feel there's sexism going on in their bias but there's nothing on what they said you can actually call out? I never really know how to discuss such things.

"Help! How can I call guys sexist when they're not being sexist?"


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« Last Edit: July 31, 2020, 07:05:45 PM by bdoughty »


  • Dumbass Monkey
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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #22708 on: July 31, 2020, 03:28:43 PM »
Is it just me, or do you sometimes feel like it often feels really uncomfortable trying to talk about female characters here on Resetera as you sometimes I feel like often when guys say they don't like a character or that it's written badly, that you feel there's sexism going on in their bias but there's nothing on what they said you can actually call out? I never really know how to discuss such things.

"Help! How can I call guys sexist when they're not being sexist?"

"One way I found you can tell - if they didn't like DISNEYs© MARVELs™ CAPTAIN MARVEL®"



  • Haughty and a little naughty
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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #22709 on: July 31, 2020, 03:48:57 PM »
Is it just me, or do you sometimes feel like it often feels really uncomfortable trying to talk about female characters here on Resetera as you sometimes I feel like often when guys say they don't like a character or that it's written badly, that you feel there's sexism going on in their bias but there's nothing on what they said you can actually call out? I never really know how to discuss such things.

"Help! How can I call guys sexist when they're not being sexist?"

"One way I found you can tell - if they didn't like DISNEYs© MARVELs™ CAPTAIN MARVEL®"


Then one guy says that he and his girlfriend just didn't like captain marvel and she deflects to "how dare you mention your girlfriend"

Can't agree with this. The actress has a lot of charisma but her characterization on the movie or the way they directed her was the kind of arrogant with no charisma. I watched with my girlfriend and she hated it.
Please don't use your girlfriend to make your opinion more legitimate, you are essentially using it as a "I can't be sexist cus my girlfriend agrees with me" card and it's not cool, and it's done all the time on these forums.

I don't know why she's mad at him mentioning his girlfriend when her previous point was that the character is written for women.


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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #22710 on: July 31, 2020, 04:04:22 PM »
Please don't use your girlfriend to make your opinion more legitimate, you are essentially using it as a "I can't be sexist cus my girlfriend agrees with me" card and it's not cool, and it's done all the time on these forums.

"People keep rebutting my broad generalisations with specific counter examples, and it makes me so mad!"


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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #22711 on: July 31, 2020, 04:06:25 PM »
You also had the guy banned for bringing his Asian wife's opinion about cooking rice and that happened a handful of times before.

Like yeah, your partner is only anecdotal and sometimes it can be used as cover but assuming the worst every time seems irrational.

Guess he should have spun it as a friend he was picking up at a daycare he parked at 90mn in advance.


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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #22713 on: July 31, 2020, 04:33:33 PM »
I feel bad that it comes to them to get the shit all over but again we are humans and it's easy to lose your shit, specially in times we're living.

c'mon guys, times are tough for *checks notes* people berating minimum wage customer support to try and save five bucks

god, are the first world millennials so damn pathetic, no wonder zoomers clown on them
can't find the viral tweet complaining about a list of various bad things happening around the word (note not to the person) as a reason to be allowed to wallow in their own misery or something


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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #22714 on: July 31, 2020, 04:34:40 PM »
Is this where we talk about Era posts?

NothingLoud is such a passive aggressive braggart and I just find them fascinating and annoying at the same time.

just doxxing and sending threats though the BenjiThreats subsidiary


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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #22715 on: July 31, 2020, 04:46:18 PM »
"The character wasn't written for you!"

*examples of women also not liking Captain Marvel*

"Don't use women to prop up your opinions! My boyfriend liked her so there!"

It's almost like...some people liked her and some didn't, exactly like reactions we have seen to any male characters over the years.

Are there plenty of legit sexist assholes out there who didn't like her solely because she's a woman? Yeah. But this conspiracy they are yet again conjuring up that every guy out there who didn't like her or the movie must somehow be secretly sexist, instead of just not liking the writing or the movie is so goddamn annoying.

Carol was boring for the most part and the movie was eh. I'm just shocked that it actually got some of the lowest reviews for an MCU movie we've seen in awhile.


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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #22716 on: July 31, 2020, 05:32:01 PM »
people have been taking the "defund the police" motto and twisting it to apply to private corporations that unlike the police, aren't funded by government money. Saw a lot of "defund NASCAR" after the Confederate flag ban/Bubba Wallace thing. Anyone who is advocating for defunding a corporation is an idiot and doesn't actually understand what "defund" means, they are just using it as another way to say "boycott".

Like "cancel" ? :rollsafe

you cant just make art a commodity that someone just tosses music like a mill.

Sit down, I have some bad news for you...


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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #22717 on: July 31, 2020, 05:35:57 PM »
Her overly friendly and nicey-nice comedy style has always been a red flag for me, to be honest. It doesn't surprise me at all that that shit is a cover. Overly performative shit like that has always made me suspicious.


blame space

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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #22718 on: July 31, 2020, 06:25:05 PM »
is this the thread where we respond in earnest to other people on another message board who don’t know we exist?


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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #22719 on: July 31, 2020, 06:35:11 PM »
is this the thread where we respond in earnest to other people on another message board who don’t know we exist?
are we tho?


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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #22720 on: July 31, 2020, 06:44:50 PM »
is this the thread where we respond in earnest to other people on another message board who don’t know we exist?

Internet is mostly an exercice of screaming into the void.

DJ Bedroom

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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #22721 on: July 31, 2020, 06:46:11 PM »
How? How did it run its course when no answers were had?


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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #22722 on: July 31, 2020, 06:47:33 PM »

The reason for the vagueness around staff decisions (no appeals system, no mention of what mod was responsible for a ban, no list of public mod actions, etc) is because when the forum was first founded we were under heavy siege by several websites full of shitheads who dedicate their lives to stalking, harassing, and doxxing members of ERA. Those sites -- The Bore, Kiwifarms, and NeoGAF itself -- are still around, but the understandable fear that the staff have of these sites subverting ERA's rules has spread to a general distrust of the entire community by the staff, including people who should have well earned their trust by now.

Ironically, even mentioning that these sites exist, who they are, or that two-faced members of ERA actively participate in these raids is a bannable offense under the clause of "off-site drama."


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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #22723 on: July 31, 2020, 07:06:24 PM »
Fun little website

Look at all the shootings and assaults on such a peaceful night in Portlandia. Also going back previous days, it's a pretty similar amount to last night.

Today is not any better. Assaults everywhere.
« Last Edit: July 31, 2020, 07:28:15 PM by bdoughty »


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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #22724 on: July 31, 2020, 08:11:43 PM »
Why the fuck was mr awesome banned‘historic-high’-pew-research-survey-finds-amid-friction-over-trade-coronavirus-and-human-rights.259404/


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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #22725 on: July 31, 2020, 08:17:17 PM »
Why the fuck was mr awesome banned

I am still here.


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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #22726 on: July 31, 2020, 08:47:30 PM »
dunkey watch.

4 days 21 hours 20 minutes since "Locking the thread while we review Dunkey's status on the forum."

that's some review

Joe Molotov

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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #22727 on: July 31, 2020, 08:57:37 PM »
The reason for the vagueness around staff decisions (no appeals system, no mention of what mod was responsible for a ban, no list of public mod actions, etc) is because when the forum was first founded we were under heavy siege by several websites full of shitheads who dedicate their lives to stalking, harassing, and doxxing members of ERA. Those sites -- The Bore, Kiwifarms, and NeoGAF itself -- are still around, but the understandable fear that the staff have of these sites subverting ERA's rules has spread to a general distrust of the entire community by the staff, including people who should have well earned their trust by now.

Ironically, even mentioning that these sites exist, who they are, or that two-faced members of ERA actively participate in these raids is a bannable offense under the clause of "off-site drama."

That’s because y’all stole that rule from NeoGAF, aka the other place. If you wanna shitpost about other forums, feel free to join us on the Dark Side.  :trumps


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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #22728 on: July 31, 2020, 10:51:32 PM »
ERA- dedicating their lives to stalking, harassing, and doxxing members of The Bore, Kiwifarms, and NeoGAF


Pissy F Benny

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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #22729 on: August 01, 2020, 04:50:31 AM »
Resetera fear me :rash


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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #22730 on: August 01, 2020, 04:56:42 AM »
ResetEra if you are listening, help me find the 30 000 DM's that were bleached by the mod team containing unspeakable crimes against humanity and Nintendo.


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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #22731 on: August 01, 2020, 05:03:59 AM »
20 fucking years on and I still read ‘DMs’ as ‘Deutsche Marks’.


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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #22732 on: August 01, 2020, 05:23:50 AM »
20 fucking years on and I still read ‘DMs’ as ‘Deutsche Marks’.
I say don't rule out financial crimes and ResetEra should investigate.


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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #22733 on: August 01, 2020, 06:29:12 AM »
The cisnorms are at it again !

Tiktok is amazing. Y’all are only seeing straight tiktok and that’s why you think it sucks
Absolutely this. You get outside of straight tiktok and it's the most wholesome shit on the internet.


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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #22734 on: August 01, 2020, 06:39:04 AM »
She's so goddamn good. I'm addicted to her stuff! It's too funny.
I can't tell if you're serious.

So this is the whole shtick? She pantomimes Trump audio? I don’t get why this is funny, but I’ll take your word for it.
I swear, some of you try to be miserable.
Nah, some things just legitimately are not funny nor entertaining. Plenty of other things are, just .. not this?

Cool. But she's very popular and a lot of people find her funny.

Replying with a snarky and negative attitude like, "So this is what you find funny? Huh. Whatever!" is just childish.

It also -- factually -- takes talent. Recreating his nonsense dialogue with the facial expressions and having it be on time takes effort. Most people here wouldn't be able to do it, even if you don't think it's funny.

No need to comment if you're just going to be negative for the sake of being negative.



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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #22735 on: August 01, 2020, 06:45:16 AM »
So... literally... all she does is mimics him? Where's the funny? :Seinfeld


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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #22736 on: August 01, 2020, 06:56:36 AM »
She'a a woman pretending to be a man, that's pretty funny. Even Shakespeare knew that was funny


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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #22737 on: August 01, 2020, 07:13:48 AM »
She'a a woman pretending to be a man, that's pretty funny. Even Shakespeare knew that was funny

Marrec’s back  :rejoice


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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #22738 on: August 01, 2020, 07:33:06 AM »
I don't know what Tik Tok is. I know there was a hot chick who did a dance about old people but that's about it


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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #22739 on: August 01, 2020, 07:51:38 AM »
Yeah, I realized I'm starting to get old with this Tiktok shit.