Author Topic: USA Politics Thread |OT| Son of a bitch!  (Read 335243 times)

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Skullfuckers Anonymous

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Looks like we got another secret Muslim in the White House  :'(


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Last June, 60% in a USA TODAY/Ipsos Poll described Floyd's death as murder; that percentage has now dropped by double digits to 36%. Uncertainty has grown about how to characterize the incident, caught on video, when Chauvin held his knee on Floyd's neck and ignored his protests that he couldn't breathe. Last year, 4% said they didn't know how to describe it; that number has climbed to 17%.

Nearly two-thirds of Black Americans, 64%, view Floyd's death as murder; fewer than one-third of white people, 28%, feel that way. White Americans are more likely to describe it instead as the police officer's "negligence," 33% compared with 16% of Black respondents.

That said, Americans who have heard at least something about Chauvin's trial say 4 to 1, or 60%-15%, that they hope Chauvin is convicted. That included 54% of white Americans and 76% of Black Americans.

It's a fairly short and simple to follow read beyond this bit I pulled.
« Last Edit: March 05, 2021, 01:01:05 PM by EchoRin »

team filler

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the dirty dems are done with blm now that the big guy is in power  :biden

Cauliflower Of Love

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did kamala's dorky step daughter dress her  :mueller

Skullfuckers Anonymous

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Sinema began her political career in the Arizona Green Party and rose to prominence for her progressive advocacy, supporting causes such as LGBT rights and opposing the war on terror.

God damn it Putin, let us have our $15 minimum wage.


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He meant help for himself and the cronycrats :trumps


  • Haughty and a little naughty
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  • Finish the Fight
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Dems are at the point in the RPG when they think they've beaten the endboss depleting their potions and spells and every enemy is easy to defeat. Then 4 rooms later the plot twist where the boss reappears at lvl 100 to kill or knock out their favorite party member and it's either grind or die.

El Babua

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The dirty corrupt New Deal dems would be eating rn with reps freaking out over potato gender and neandeethals

Skullfuckers Anonymous

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Skullfuckers Anonymous

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  • Haughty and a little naughty
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Maybe just don't vote on an important bill with the demeanor of kicking a cheerleader from the team


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Sinema is a pig.


  • Finish the Fight
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Pissy F Benny

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Using Trump's name to boost their atrocious ratings. Sad!


  • Finish the Fight
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Licensing his name out to the Republican party would be the most Trump thing ever  :lol

Minimum wage was never meant as a living wage. It was intended as a starting salary. You get hired, you earn some money, you learn valuable skills, and gain work experience.

Then: You get promoted or you get a better job. Either way, you get more money and a new spot is opened up for a minimum wage employee.

Somewhere along the line we got it in our heads people should shovel fries for life and be able to live comfortably doing it.


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From 1979 to 2018, net productivity rose 69.6 percent, while the hourly pay of typical workers essentially stagnated—increasing only 11.6 percent over 39 years (after adjusting for inflation). This means that although Americans are working more productively than ever, the fruits of their labors have primarily accrued to those at the top and to corporate profits, especially in recent years.

Minimum wage was never meant as a living wage. It was intended as a starting salary. You get hired, you earn some money, you learn valuable skills, and gain work experience.

Then: You get promoted or you get a better job. Either way, you get more money and a new spot is opened up for a minimum wage employee.

Somewhere along the line we got it in our heads people should shovel fries for life and be able to live comfortably doing it.

There are an abundance of low income jobs that are required for our society to function, jobs that aren't getting filled or with huge turn over rates, that pay above minimum wage, but aren't living wages or are barely reaching living wages.



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Minimum wage was never meant as a living wage. It was intended as a starting salary. You get hired, you earn some money, you learn valuable skills, and gain work experience.

Then: You get promoted or you get a better job. Either way, you get more money and a new spot is opened up for a minimum wage employee.

Somewhere along the line we got it in our heads people should shovel fries for life and be able to live comfortably doing it.
This is about the most American thing I've ever read on this forum.

Minimum wage was never meant as a living wage. It was intended as a starting salary. You get hired, you earn some money, you learn valuable skills, and gain work experience.

Then: You get promoted or you get a better job. Either way, you get more money and a new spot is opened up for a minimum wage employee.

Somewhere along the line we got it in our heads people should shovel fries for life and be able to live comfortably doing it.
This is about the most American thing I've ever read on this forum.

It's the truth. Minimum wage was an incentive for employers to hire people and an opportunity for job seekers to receive entry-level jobs in which they can learn and grow. Minimum wage was not created to be something an individual or family could live upon.

Don't carp because we've chosen to redefine the term rather than address its problems.


  • Senior Member
Minimum wage was never meant as a living wage. It was intended as a starting salary. You get hired, you earn some money, you learn valuable skills, and gain work experience.

Then: You get promoted or you get a better job. Either way, you get more money and a new spot is opened up for a minimum wage employee.

Somewhere along the line we got it in our heads people should shovel fries for life and be able to live comfortably doing it.
This is about the most American thing I've ever read on this forum.

It's the truth. Minimum wage was an incentive for employers to hire people and an opportunity for job seekers to receive entry-level jobs in which they can learn and grow. Minimum wage was not created to be something an individual or family could live upon.

Don't carp because we've chosen to redefine the term rather than address its problems.

That's not the history behind it though. You're creating a narrative based around actually believing company and corporation bottom lines at face value.

Shit, looking up minimum wage on wikipedia gets you this

Minimum wage legislation emerged at the end of the nineteenth century from the desire to end sweated labor which had developed in the wake of industrialization.[19] Sweatshops employed large numbers of women and young workers, paying them what were considered nonliving wages that did not allow workers to afford the necessaries of life.[20] Besides substandard wages, sweating was also associated with long work hours and unsanitary and unsafe work conditions.[21] From the 1890s to the 1920s, during the Progressive Era, a time of social activists and political reform across the United States, progressive reformers, women's organizations, religious figures, academics, and politicians all played an important role in getting state minimum wage laws passed throughout the United States.[22]

The first successful attempts at using minimum wage laws to ameliorate the problem of nonliving wages occurred in the Australian state of Victoria in 1896.[23][24] Factory inspector reports and newspaper reporting on the conditions of sweated labor in Melbourne, Victoria led in 1895 to the formation of the National Anti-Sweating League which pushed the government aggressively to deal legislatively with the problem of substandard wages.[25] The government, following the recommendation of the Victorian Chief Secretary Alexander Peacock, established wage boards which were tasked with establishing minimum wages in the labor trades which suffered from unlivable wages. During the same time period, campaigns against sweated labor were occurring in the United States and England.[26]

In the United States, the earliest minimum wage laws were state laws focused on women and children.[27] These laws were struck down by the Supreme Court between 1923 and 1937.[27] The first federal minimum wage law, which exempted large parts of the workforce, was enacted in 1938 and set rates that had become obsolete during World War II.[27]

Minimum wage was never meant as a living wage. It was intended as a starting salary

Quite literally the opposite of its origins.
« Last Edit: March 08, 2021, 12:36:41 AM by mormapope »


  • Finish the Fight
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Minimum wage was never meant as a living wage. It was intended as a starting salary. You get hired, you earn some money, you learn valuable skills, and gain work experience.

Then: You get promoted or you get a better job. Either way, you get more money and a new spot is opened up for a minimum wage employee.

Somewhere along the line we got it in our heads people should shovel fries for life and be able to live comfortably doing it.
Yep, the issue is that the minimum wage has barely moved with inflation though.
There's a little catch up to do, but overall I agree with you that it should be an 'entry point' salary not the end destination.

However, part of this blame lies with companies like Amazon. Who drill people into thinking that VP of Package Arrangement is a different and more fulfilling career than mail sorting. :trumps

There's also the race to the bottom with pricing. Selling shit cheap is easier than proving the value of your products. And companies that sell shit for low prices and fuck over their suppliers whenever they can will never pay you a decent wage.
« Last Edit: March 08, 2021, 12:27:15 PM by Nintex »


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With labor there should be no "end destination". If the resources are sustainable and if the quality of life that's comfortable is possible, there should never be a game of "fuck you, got mine". 

If a McDonalds worker and a doctor made a similar wage, had all their needs met in a reasonable fashion, combined with education and the pursuit of numerous occupations not having dozens of thousands of dollars of debt attached, I would guarantee there would still be doctors, engineers, all the roles society would need to function.

If a some form of intelligent life came to Earth and went to Target, the absolute amount of confusion would be immense. We live lives based on games and absurdity, and people try really hard to make sense and validate that absurdity.


  • Finish the Fight
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Most people are held back by what's in their head. A certain perception. People think it's not for them, or they can never achieve or make it. ResetEra is bursting at the seams with such people. My dad was much the same in some ways. Did construction work all his life and he was really good at it, towards the end of his career some cool stuff with reparing historical buildings for university studies as he's an expert in medieval building techniques but he could've achieved much more. He didn't take it well when my brother didn't do anything with his low-level college IT education but instead taught himself how to create Half Life maps and mods, moved out of town and then lost everything in a bankruptcy. Then he tried again and through twists and turns is now a level design director making the big money. If he would've gone for the minimum wage route as my dad wanted he would've never had made it this far.

I'm seeing a sort of calvinism take hold. 'Minimal' living spaces, 'tiny houses', 'minimum wages', 'basic income', 'this is good enough' etc. combined with a distorted sort of feudalism focused around a political class and tech giants who turn the dials of what we see, hear, do and soon earn. We should strive for better and more beautiful things instead of the lowest thing we can achieve while we wait to be 'saved' by the government. My dad votes labour his entire life, he was never saved by any government. In fact by now he is more scared of the government than ever. Now at first it is scary to think that you must rely on yourself but after that initial hurdle it feels amazing to be in control of your own destiny. If you told me or anyone that knew me 10 years ago I would do the things I'm doing today, no one would've believed you and that makes me more excited about the next 10 years.

Also there a just too many normies going for the minimal route in various levels and conditioned to do so that you will never manage to 'change the system' at this point.
The storming of the capitol is about the closest you can get and that achieved the exact opposite.

Now I do agree that people should live comfortably and have something to fall back on if they fail which is why I think UBI and universal healthcare are in general a much better idea than moving around taxes and benefits.
I just don't agree with the underlying socialist philosophy of holding back ambition through control, regulations and limitations and conditioning people to behave or think in certain ways.


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I agree Nintex, thats why I buy lottery tickets. Great wealth is within my grasp


  • Finish the Fight
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I agree Nintex, thats why I buy lottery tickets. Great wealth is within my grasp
The James Fund had an insane ROI for what it was  :rejoice


  • Donate to the JAMES FUND
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I agree Nintex, thats why I buy lottery tickets. Great wealth is within my grasp
The James Fund had an insane ROI for what it was  :rejoice

Promise made
Promise kept

Skullfuckers Anonymous

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Madrun Badrun

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A year ago


  • Finish the Fight
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 :lol :lol
The contrast between this hypernormal boring shit and the Trump extravaganza is just  :yeshrug

They can all-caps that CNN chryon all they want, it's just not the same energy as:

« Last Edit: March 09, 2021, 12:34:55 PM by Nintex »


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 :lol :lol
He could literally soil himself on stage and still be better at the job than Trump.
No doubt, being bad at 'any' job is basically the only thing Trump was ever any good at.  :lol

Pissy F Benny

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ngl seeing joe biden doing this shit is sad, this is someone who should be living out the rest of his life in peace and quiet in a florida resort and not being forced in front of the camera daily cos the establishment couldn't come up with anyone better :fbm


  • Finish the Fight
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low effort Trump :lol


  • Finish the Fight
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I like how Trump's people always say the quiet part out loud.  :lol


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Checks are on the way

 :preach :preach :preach


  • Virgo. Live Music. The Office. Tacos. Fur mom. True crime junkie. INTJ.
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Checks are on the way

 :preach :preach :preach

Eat the  :reeeee ch


  • Finish the Fight
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You forgot to ask people to donate  :doge


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(Image removed from quote.)

You forgot to ask people to donate  :doge
Looks like someone had a word to him about this, "Office of the Former President" business

Joe Molotov

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Remember when Trump downplayed Covid because he thought it would mostly hurt blue urban areas, said the coronavirus would magically go away, refused to wear a mask because he thought it made him look weak, undermined his coronavirus experts at every opportunity, made fun of Biden for taking safety precautions, held giant rallies even though everyone said he shouldn’t, got the coronavirus and required experimental treatments to save his fatass, and then literally killed Herman Cain? We really couldn’t have done it without him.

team filler

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(Image removed from quote.)

A year ago
Yeah, but that was the CoronaVirus, not this COVID thing.

Cauliflower Of Love

  • I found my bearings, they were in the race
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(Image removed from quote.)

You forgot to ask people to donate  :doge

Corspies acting like they forgot about dr...umpf?

Skullfuckers Anonymous

  • Will hunt bullies for fruit baskets. PM for details.
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(Image removed from quote.)

You forgot to ask people to donate  :doge

Wait I thought vaccines are bad, why is Trump bragging about something that’s going to kill 80% of us and give the rest autism?

Cauliflower Of Love

  • I found my bearings, they were in the race
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I guess someone had to take the fucking idiot mantle after fuck face baugh went away.


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Biden admin is forcing Garrison to become a better artist, he should be thankful.

Joe Molotov

  • I'm much more humble than you would understand.
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Surprised he hasn’t fully transitioned to horny Trump fanart comissions.


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Whats a better way to spend $1,400

One very expensive escort, or 10 budget escorts

Asking for a friend


  • Finish the Fight
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We could stop Trump from launching the nukes and destroying the world with a well placed Fox News ad or Tucker Carlson segment.

But how do we reach Biden :existential


  • Senior Member
We could stop Trump from launching the nukes and destroying the world with a well placed Fox News ad or Tucker Carlson segment.

But how do we reach Biden :existential

Inception at 3pm nap time.

Cauliflower Of Love

  • I found my bearings, they were in the race
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We could stop Trump from launching the nukes and destroying the world with a well placed Fox News ad or Tucker Carlson segment.

But how do we reach Biden :existential

Make a plee to help people.

spoiler (click to show/hide)
no socialists


  • Finish the Fight
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How did Michael Moore and Zach Galifianakis end up in this  :doge

Skullfuckers Anonymous

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Woke US politics taking opportunity away from Australian indigenous people.

Last month that fight went to a new level when Democratic congressman Salud Carbajal and Republican Brian Fitzpatrick introduced The Kangaroo Protection Act to the US Congress. Should it become law, it would outright ban the importation of kangaroo products into the US.

The move builds off a campaign called “kangaroos are not shoes” run by a coalition of animal rights groups looking to pressure brands such as Nike into abandoning the use of kangaroo leather in their products. The website compares the commercial harvest of kangaroos to the slaughter of seals in Canada and calls for similar protections to those given to the American eagle, asking: “Why kill the beloved Australia icon?”

Donovan’s answer is blunt: that’s white people thinking. To make the point he first served up a dish on Australia Day in 2006 made from native ingredients that included kangaroo and emu – both the animals that appear on the Australian coat of arms.


"The commercial kangaroo industry offers a path for self-determination for Aboriginal people. And now another group of non-Indigenous are talking about taking it away entirely,” he says.


While that certification system is something he wants to work towards, Mallard says a blanket ban like that currently being proposed in the US would kill off the opportunity to build a culturally-appropriate industry on country before it can develop.

“Who’s creating the rules here?” Mallard says. “If you had fair representation of First Nations people from northern America, and they heard our story, there wouldn’t be a ban. There would be understanding.

Why should others have rights over our native animal? Over us? They’ve taken our land, they’ve locked us out of political decision making and the corporate power base.
« Last Edit: March 13, 2021, 06:22:28 PM by Potato »


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And yet Americans have no issues with killing and eating their own icon, the pig


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