Author Topic: Other Forums Containment Thread  (Read 1920155 times)

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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #12240 on: January 26, 2022, 04:45:16 PM »
Don't have much to say about Mushoku Tensei (watched the first season and it was fucking boring) but I do find it amusing when Era bans popular award-winning anime and then wonders why the userbase thinks the site is hostile toward the medium.  One of them is airing on Toonami right now, which is pretty mainstream all things considered.  Might as well just ban anime entirely like Penny Arcade did back in the day if some of the highest quality representations of the industry (based on consensus) just aren't allowed to be discussed there.

It's also amusing because Garnt and the rest of the Trash Taste crew are becoming one of the most prevalent figures adjacent to another massively growing industry (vtubing).


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #12241 on: January 26, 2022, 04:48:11 PM »
If the "popular" and "award winning" examples of your entertainment format are paedo-adjacent at best, then maybe you need to find some other form of entertainment...

Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #12242 on: January 26, 2022, 04:51:57 PM »
I mean you're not wrong.  People giving up anime at this point if they aren't completely desensitized or don't have their own personal curator is pretty damn valid.


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #12243 on: January 26, 2022, 04:53:33 PM »
Quote from: WereSalamander
Mushoku Tensei, man this show....

Like yeah it tells you that what the MC is doing is wrong and the whole medieval world he reincarnates into is seriously fucked up. His father is a womanizer so bad even a sex-loving nymphomaniac character hates him, and the world has nobles sexually abusing the lower class up the wazoo. Some of the characters that are supposedly on the good side are some of the worst in this regard. If there's something to admire in this show it's the fact that no one is clear-cut good and everyone is a scumbag of some sort.

I guess it could be taken as a lesson that even someone as wretched as the MC can change into a better person and it's true, the MC does gradually change into a more mature person.

But this series suffers the same problem that shows like Kobayashi Maid Dragon, Bakemonogatari, and Sword Art Online experience. It's that the creator has some great ideas but sabotages their own story with their fetishes.

Like Maid Dragon is a warm, fluffy story of a multi-species family but then suddenly you've got Saikawa, Lucoa molesting a boy, and Iruru. The author of the original manga also draws hentai and they all feature a very specific fetish.

Bakemonogatari is intriguing and you've got complicated characters with strange, mythologically-inspired concepts, but then all of a sudden the MC's rampant pedophilia suddenly rams its face into the scene all of a sudden. Those Hachikuji scenes, sheesh.

And Sword Art Online could've been a fascinating dive into virtual reality, transhumanism, all that jazz but then has to go out of its way to treat its female characters as trophies for the main male lead.

Like if Mushoku wanted to tell the story as a redemption and maturation story for the MC they could've avoided him still worshiping panties, having sex with two of the girls before they're well into adulthood, and eventually turning it all into a male fantasy ending with him marrying all three of them.

Another "I hate all this disgusting filth- I've also watched all of it and have encyclopedic-level knowledge about it" post.

Top of the page wholesome cosplay from another filthy anime that era certainly watches hates  :nsfw
spoiler (click to show/hide)

What anime cosplay is that? Not that I would ever watch such disgusting filth I'm just curious


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #12244 on: January 26, 2022, 04:57:50 PM »
Taco Bell Tower you don't have to like posts about uncles sexualizing their infant nieces

Taco Bell Tower

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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #12245 on: January 26, 2022, 05:17:59 PM »


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #12246 on: January 26, 2022, 05:27:33 PM »
Quote from: Transistor
We have decided to lock this thread and not host discussion on the show due to the very problematic depiction of underage sexualization and pedophilia.



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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #12247 on: January 26, 2022, 05:35:52 PM »
Tbf that show does sound fucked up. mc was 34, died, went to new world while retaining his memories of past life, gets to teenage years, decides to hit everything breathing and worships panties

Wait... That actually sounds awesome 😎


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #12248 on: January 26, 2022, 05:37:01 PM »
Tbf that show does sound fucked up. mc was 34, died, went to new world while retaining his memories of past life, gets to teenage years, decides to hit everything breathing and worships panties

Wait... That actually sounds awesome 😎

Sounds like a realistic analysis of the male psych.


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #12249 on: January 26, 2022, 05:45:47 PM »
Its real


using this as a springboard to educate on the subject of the only site on the internet worse than kiwifarms

for perhaps you have not been introduced to


as much as r/subredditdrama may appear to be a place for popcorn to laugh at the rest of reddit, it is in fact the woke, sanitized, "approved" drama board

r/drama is (was) its wild west cousin, whose sidebar clearly states:

Do your part to keep our community healthy by blowing everything out of proportion and making literally everything as dramatic as possible.

to be clear, as often as they might laugh at antiwork goofballs they would also be somewhat cruel and more subversive, and it was one of the most chaotic boards on the site, one of the last remaining after multiple purges of e.g. r/thedonald etc.

over time, other subreddits and reddit leadership became very angry with the board, but they managed to keep ducking new rules and limitations enforced on them

posting in r/drama would flag you as a hateful person and get you autobanned from other brigading...scrub all personally identifiable information from all more saying naughty words (users simply started saying r-slur and t-slur)...linking to literally any other location on reddit from r/drama was banned...archiving (via etc.) was banned

constantly on the verge of having their board shut down by the admins, they took the nuclear option: users were only allowed to post in emoji, with the reasoning being that if admins are going to ban people for literal smileys, then reddit is truly broken

and this is where the site sits to this day

(by the way, lol @ one of those links)

but this is not the end of the story of rdrama

for in their final days of text posting, they formed a treehouse site at and made sure the entire userbase knew about it

and there is some room here to pontificate: was it better to crack down on r/drama and run them off the site to keep reddit pure, or would it have been better to keep them in a place where you can track them, monitor their chats and private messages, ban specific bad users, and overall keep them under control?

because now...

Let me tell you this-- is one of the most malevolent, cruel, coldhearted online communities you'll ever find, and even as a supporter of free speech it appalls me that the internet would allow such a vile, festering hub of bigotry and sadism to exist. You think [slur]town was bad? That website, if you pick up on the dog-whistles (and many don't even bother with that-- say want you want about Stormfront, at least it bans "n[slur]"), will reveal itself to you as the internet's number one hub for the web's most hardened Nazis, Klansmen, Fascists, and Gamergaters. You'll notice on the description that it encourages members to be as dramatic as possible. That's intentional. They encourage arguments in the comments section. That's intentional. You know the Three Minute Hate (it's from this underrated book 1985, give it a read, it's scary how much it parallels our society)? It's like that, they want to stoke the flames of reactionary rage so they continue to dogpile every progressive and minority who enters the website, normalizing these evil feelings. They brigade from website to website, having an entire cabal of admins spanning hundreds of communities, gaslighting lived experiences of the oppressed and unashamedly bolstering the internet's white supremacy movement. They've kink-shamed hundreds of people too, some even... to death. I fear that may be producing an entire army of Dylann Roofs and Elliot Rogers, and I highly suggest that nobody dares visit that horrible website, lest you potentially fall victim to its corruptive aura.

and therefore mentioning anywhere at reddit is banned

here are some other facts about rdrama:

  • one of their many hoaxes you may have heard of was the creation of r/txbountyhunters, supposedly for collecting bounties in the wake of Texas's new abortion laws. they fooled a number of major news sites reporting on the "phenomenon"
    Update: After publication of this article, a Medium article reported the r/TXBountyHunters subreddit was a hoax created by a group called "rDrama" which starts internet forums designed to troll users. Insider viewed discussions of the subreddit on rDrama's website.
  • oddly enough they are equal opportunity chaos and aren't explicitly left- or right-wing, which results in a community constantly at war with itself. if a user is a "rightoid" and constantly rages about identity politics and Biden and AOC, they are forcibly given a sitewide theme in LGBT rainbow colors, and they are forced to include the phrase "trans lives matter" in every post or it will be automatically deleted
  • they hold public lynchings, where anyone can nominate another user to be banned from the site and hold a vote to do so
  • they are obsessed with the word bussy, and Marsey the cat which I guess is from Telegram, who you will see plastered all over the site like a horrible plague and is sure to soon make the list as an international hate symbol
  • they have awards which allow users to break the site in various ways like pin a picture of their choice to the main page, and one notorious award called the Touch Grass Award, which bans the user immediately and requires them to send a timestamped photo of themselves literally touching grass to be unbanned

and this has been your cultural enrichment for the day


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #12250 on: January 26, 2022, 05:51:21 PM »
From their Horizon preview thread

Hint: it doesn't matter if an user makes their profile private to hide their trolling, just copy their username and in the search bar use the "Search by" option. It will show all of their posts.

Having to go to these lengths because you can’t handle criticisms of Sony first party games.
« Last Edit: January 26, 2022, 10:49:07 PM by ShutUp »


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #12251 on: January 26, 2022, 05:54:43 PM »
Look at the camera when you do an interview you fucking aspy distinguished mentally-challenged fellow!

This is every Reeeeesetera moderator who ever existed in physical form.
She says she has anxiety about making eye contact.


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #12252 on: January 26, 2022, 06:01:36 PM »
Look at the camera when you do an interview you fucking aspy distinguished mentally-challenged fellow!

This is every Reeeeesetera moderator who ever existed in physical form.
She says she has anxiety about making eye contact.

drag skype window to corner of screen

place jpg of pizza in center of screen

stare at pizza while talking

visibly salivate over pizza to establish dominance

 :clap :clap :clap

Taco Bell Tower

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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #12253 on: January 26, 2022, 06:15:36 PM »
Had a thread on Monday about my car accident. Guy hit me when I was stopped at the light. He was taking a right and over turned and hit me.

GEICO called me today and told me my car is totaled.. they will cut me a check once I sign. The check is double than what I was expecting but they took out $1,000 for deductible. I feel like I shouldn’t sign yet because I shouldn’t have to pay the deductible when the accident wasn’t my fault at all. But I needed a rental that same day and insurance guy told me that was the only option so I can get a rental. If I would have fought it with the other persons insurance company it could have been days for a rental.

So I’m other words what do you think I should do? I mean the check is a lot more than I was expecting and the faster I sign the faster I can get my check since I only have my rental covered until the 5th(next Saturday) and need to get another car pretty soon.
But can possibly get extra $1,000 if I can have them talk to each other’s insurance but that could take awhile..if that’s even an option at this point

my first accident so fucking confused lol
Omg, talk to a attorney or something!  :mindblown


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #12254 on: January 26, 2022, 06:26:12 PM »
Look at the camera when you do an interview you fucking aspy distinguished mentally-challenged fellow!

This is every Reeeeesetera moderator who ever existed in physical form.
She says she has anxiety about making eye contact.
Don't put yourself up to do an interview on TV then.


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #12255 on: January 26, 2022, 06:36:33 PM »
Look at the camera when you do an interview you fucking aspy distinguished mentally-challenged fellow!

This is every Reeeeesetera moderator who ever existed in physical form.
She says she has anxiety about making eye contact.
Don't put yourself up to do an interview on TV then.
I think it was brave for an anxious person to do that and they had a good conversation.
All this hate over a nothing burger :trumps


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #12256 on: January 26, 2022, 08:37:39 PM »
Quote from: WereSalamander
Mushoku Tensei, man this show....

Like yeah it tells you that what the MC is doing is wrong and the whole medieval world he reincarnates into is seriously fucked up. His father is a womanizer so bad even a sex-loving nymphomaniac character hates him, and the world has nobles sexually abusing the lower class up the wazoo. Some of the characters that are supposedly on the good side are some of the worst in this regard. If there's something to admire in this show it's the fact that no one is clear-cut good and everyone is a scumbag of some sort.

I guess it could be taken as a lesson that even someone as wretched as the MC can change into a better person and it's true, the MC does gradually change into a more mature person.

But this series suffers the same problem that shows like Kobayashi Maid Dragon, Bakemonogatari, and Sword Art Online experience. It's that the creator has some great ideas but sabotages their own story with their fetishes.

Like Maid Dragon is a warm, fluffy story of a multi-species family but then suddenly you've got Saikawa, Lucoa molesting a boy, and Iruru. The author of the original manga also draws hentai and they all feature a very specific fetish.

Bakemonogatari is intriguing and you've got complicated characters with strange, mythologically-inspired concepts, but then all of a sudden the MC's rampant pedophilia suddenly rams its face into the scene all of a sudden. Those Hachikuji scenes, sheesh.

And Sword Art Online could've been a fascinating dive into virtual reality, transhumanism, all that jazz but then has to go out of its way to treat its female characters as trophies for the main male lead.

Like if Mushoku wanted to tell the story as a redemption and maturation story for the MC they could've avoided him still worshiping panties, having sex with two of the girls before they're well into adulthood, and eventually turning it all into a male fantasy ending with him marrying all three of them.

Another "I hate all this disgusting filth- I've also watched all of it and have encyclopedic-level knowledge about it" post.

Top of the page wholesome cosplay from another filthy anime that era certainly watches hates  :nsfw
spoiler (click to show/hide)

What anime cosplay is that? Not that I would ever watch such disgusting filth I'm just curious

If Reddit didn't say I'd have no idea- High School DxD- Era approved!


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #12257 on: January 26, 2022, 08:55:42 PM »
Reset posters love the pedo/creep redemption isekais because as creep dirtbags that peaked in grade school themselves they need a protagonist they can relate to qnd hope that they can redeem themselves
« Last Edit: January 26, 2022, 09:12:49 PM by remy »


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #12258 on: January 26, 2022, 09:03:23 PM »
Why else would they spend their lives being the loudest, most virtuous, most progressivest alliest allies that ever existed? To cover the noise of the rattling skeletons?

Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #12259 on: January 26, 2022, 09:17:29 PM »
Constructive thread would not simmer down, brief appearance of "Morrigan continues to feel the loss of mod power":
Quote from: Android Sophia
If you think someone is acting in bad faith, best to use the report feature rather than respond. Someone acting in bad faith is hoping for a response, after all.

My stance still remains the same: It's not realistic to ban the discussion of crypto/NFT given how often they're in the news, but the promotion of at least NFTs should be banned. There are legitimate scams happening with NFTs, and we know this from artists who have not consented to NFTs having their art stolen.

That being said, regardless of what choice staff make, please give them some time to respond, as they have other obligations besides just Era.
Quote from: Morrigan
Quote from: Android Sophia
If you think someone is acting in bad faith, best to use the report feature rather than respond. Someone acting in bad faith is hoping for a response, after all.
I would agree, but I've reported more than one such poster and nothing happened. So I understand the frustrations.

But yes, let's give them to respond.
Quote from: Hecht
I get the frustrations, but sometimes "bad faith" is subjective. You know as well as I do that we get plenty of reports that say "posting in bad faith," and it's after looking things over it's just, "no...they just don't like the thing you like."

Not saying we get them all correct, but it's not like we completely ignore them all.
Quote from: Morrigan
Yes I'm well aware, and that's why I don't send vague reports like that, but typically give more details and receipts. Oh well.

And then, at the end, the new crypto policy:
Quote from: Hecht
Hello everyone, after long, long (long...seriously, I'm so sick of this topic) discussions, staff has achieved some sort of consensus when it comes to crypto/NFT discussions on ResetEra.

So, short version, we ARE going to limit the types of discussions going forward.

1. We will allow gaming-related stories, if they at least meet the following criteria:
a. The crypto/NFT "feature" is part of something in-game. This means Ghost Recon serial numbers are fine. Konami releasing Castlevania artwork NFTs is not.
    b. It's substantial enough that it is worth discussing. Obviously this will be a little subjective, but for example, "Nintendo announcing Mario hat NFTs for Mario Odyssey 2" would be fine. "[Random indie dev] introducing their debut title, NFT Clicker," is not.

2. Non-gaming related stories are, for the most part, not allowed. If it's something substantial, like, "Facebook/Meta requires users to sign away their soul with an NFT 'smart contract' in order to use Oculus" then all right. "Idiot loses $140T in ape jpgs," "Tucker Carlson hosts three-hour-long segment about which cryptocurrency he'd like to fuck," or "Crocs release NFTs of their most fashionable shoes" are not.   An informative thread about the topic is ok, but subject to close due to user behavior.

3. Again, there will be some subjectivity involved, and threads will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. But this should cut down on the majority of threads that only exist to have the same circular arguments over and over and over.

4. The Cryptocurrency OT can stay as it is. If you don't want to talk about it, you don't have to click that thread.

We aren't going to ban the topic outright, as I've stated before earlier in this thread - these things exist, and seem like they'll be around in some fashion for the foreseeable future. So for better or for worse, some applications of this phenomenon may, or do, affect the gaming industry - which is like...what we talk about here. Or at least shout at each other mercilessly because the Internet has broken everyone and nobody knows how to act like a rational human anymore.


There are a few other things we are going to be addressing, as well.

1. Absolutely no crypto/NFT promotion outside of the Cryptocurrency OT. If you want to go talk about your favorite cryptocurrency and get advice or whatever, feel free to do so in there. It will not be tolerated outside of that thread. This includes derailing a thread by condescendingly telling other users "Oh, well I'm just trying to inform you, because you don't have experience in this," "well, I guess you're NGMI," or essentially handwaving the issues with NFTs and Crypto.

2. On the flipside, y'all need to stop with the accusations of shilling all. of. the. damn. time.  People explaining to you how something works (even if, IMO, it doesn't "work") isn't shilling.  I know more about NFTs and crypto than I've ever wanted to learn to try to do the job here more effectively, and I'm confident I could explain to you, in basic terms, how these things function, but I sure as hell am not shilling them.  So yeah, we're going to be cracking down on these accusations as well - we already do that for other things, like calling other posters "astroturfers" and the like.

3. Take down the hostilities a notch. If you think somebody is shilling or otherwise breaking the rules then -->report them<--. Don't start fights that are going to go on indefinitely. Call these things a scam if you want, but leave the personal shit out of it. Act like adults. If you can't, then you can have a vacation.


And the last thing, no more of this "why doesn't Era ban X" stuff.

We've been talking about this topic long before this sudden crusade decided to happen, and frankly, it's annoying and childish. I guarantee there are users who have said this and yet also go into those threads and post, thereby bumping it, and giving it more oxygen than it deserves.  We're happy to talk about it, as we often do when it comes to figuring out how best to navigate topics like this, but waving your pitchforks and torches isn't going to make the process happen any faster. Believe it or not, we can actually get a sense of how much users dislike a thing by them simply saying "I don't like this thing!"  So a user trying to derail every topic with talking about a ban on something so they can get their serotonin hit whenever someone else agrees with them is not actually necessary.

Anyone doing this, for any topic, is going to catch a ban.

As best I can tell, this policy is only stated within the containment thread and has not been posted like... anywhere else.
« Last Edit: January 26, 2022, 09:24:51 PM by nobody of note »

Taco Bell Tower

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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #12260 on: January 26, 2022, 09:27:23 PM »
If you don't want to talk about it, you don't have to click that thread
I can't believe manchildren over 30 have to be told this.
So for better or for worse, some applications of this phenomenon may, or do, affect the gaming industry - which is like...what we talk about here. Or at least shout at each other mercilessly because the Internet has broken everyone and nobody knows how to act like a rational human anymore.
3. Take down the hostilities a notch. If you think somebody is shilling or otherwise breaking the rules then -->report them<--. Don't start fights that are going to go on indefinitely. Call these things a scam if you want, but leave the personal shit out of it. Act like adults. If you can't, then you can have a vacation.
Incoming suicide accounts.


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #12261 on: January 26, 2022, 09:31:57 PM »
Anyone doing this, for any topic, is going to catch a ban.

Why are they so dumb? How about a warning first? It's them, the idiot mods, who encouraged this whole "ban topic x on era", like remember how they made Colin Moriarty a non-person because of a tweet? So now they change their mind and don't tell anyone about this change. (who the fuck even reads that thread?)
So because people don't know this rule change they'll end up getting banned and will feel pretty pissed about it, something that will lead to even more animosity towards the mods from members, members who are already lightly deranged since they're the kind who want to ban topics on a discussion forum.

RE mods give me the same vibes as a completely out of touch management that only communicates with employees per e-mail


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #12262 on: January 26, 2022, 09:57:37 PM »
No Ree thread on the r/antiwork Fox News meltdown yet?


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #12263 on: January 26, 2022, 10:07:24 PM »
No Ree thread on the r/antiwork Fox News meltdown yet?

Locked, no drama


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #12264 on: January 26, 2022, 10:13:49 PM »
with antiwork private and faith lost in the leadership there, users have flocked to r/WorkReform as their new promised land

except it turns out the top three mods are all childhood friends who also happen to be financial advisors for the CIBC (Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce), and they are doing their damndest to hide and bury this fact from everyone who talks about it

It would appear not just two, but three are employees at CIBC (Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce). The last mod was noted in another post on another sub as having made comments previously about being the CTO (Chief Technology Officer) and working with/hiring programmers.

It seems rather odd that two to three moderate to high-level corporate, national bank employees from Canada were the ones that immediately jumped in, created the new sub, and made themselves the head mods. Taking over the antiwork movement almost immediately after the presumably unexpected and sudden crash and burn that occurred after the Fox News interview.

EDIT: As of 9:29 EST this post has been locked. Guess not everything is on the up and up for OP's post to have been locked that fast by mods.

so who do you want to represent your antiwork movement? schlubby people who do the bare minimum and live with their parents and embody the true spirit of refusing to work, or respectable wealthy elites who swear they have the working man's best interests at heart, we promise?


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #12265 on: January 26, 2022, 10:45:38 PM »

There was no backlash, but resetti's repeated failed attempts to drag Capcom/their fanbase through the mud really exposes the desperation of idiot whiteknights.   :brain


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #12266 on: January 26, 2022, 11:15:26 PM »

There was no backlash, but resetti's repeated failed attempts to drag Capcom/their fanbase through the mud really exposes the desperation of idiot whiteknights.   :brain

Damn I don’t remember people calling them ugly.
Tbh, i don't remember people being negative about their looks. If there were, then it's probably in the minority.
I'm not sure where OP is seeing this outside of the video they watched.
Literally never heard any such thing.
Was there? They are obviously very, very attractive and fairly tastefully designed.
I remember seeing people upset about Claire’s outfit or whatever but I’ve never heard anyone call them ugly, let alone see a backlash
Where in the vocal minority was this?
I honestly don't recall a lot of backlash to the new models.
This feels like a "Fishing for Outrage" thread. I don't recall any of this happening at all.
I'm not sure what backlash you're talking about OP.
I feel like I’m being gaslit into participating in a thirst thread.
What backlash? This just feels like a dog shit excuse by OP to make a thread were he can go "Fucking Gamers! AMIRITE???". Weak.


Quote from: CaptainKashup (OP)
Damn, Era really is a bubble.
You guys, for real, haven't seen any of the shit that these two characters have gotten on the internet ? Really ?

Quote from: CaptainKashup (OP)
Quote from: lvl 99 Pixel
define "the internet"
Reddit? Twitter? Never saw any posts about them being ugly tbh

When I'm talking about the internet, I'm talking about everywhere outside of Era. So yeah. Reddit, Twitter, Youtube and everything else.
I'm not saying the majority of people dislike them, of course not, but there's a huge chunk of people that are complaining about both of them to this day.


Quote from: Vonocourt
Not gonna even comment on Jill beyond that gross ass picture where the guy points out her skintone meant she was infertile

But here's some comments from our E3 2018 trailer thread.

Looks disgusting.

Claire's design is atrocious and no Alyson Court yet again.

Leon looks like a cool young dude and Claire... well, she doesn't look like Toby Maguire anymore at least.


Claire looked weird I don't like her model at all, but that aside HOLY FUCKING SHIT MY HEART SO FUCKING HYPED HNGHGG

What have they done to Claire.....

This had that "strained" VR look and they emphasized first person view upon first reveal.

    Claire looks horrific.

    I am pretty terrified of this for the wrong reasons.

Why did they fuck up their faces? Clair is not my Claire.

    Not my Leon.

The original trailer looked incredibly flat and honestly reminded me of RE6 HD port. Not terrible, but not up to snuff with RE7.

    This new trailer is much better.

    Character wise, Leon and Sherry are okay. Mayor's daughter is the best. Claire just can't catch a break with the redesigns lol

Claire looks soooooooooooo weird.

Holy shit at Claire's new facial design. That is just awful...

Yeah, it's not blunt like in the shitholes, but there was a very clear tone that they "messed up" Claire, more so than Leon or a general reaction to a "changing of models."

Quote from: Vonocourt
Quote from: Print_Dog
Not alot of responses to those quotes from this site. Where did y'all go?

Probably forgot about this thread.
Quote from: Vonocourt
Real. I was reading from the beginning. And when the receipts started showing up it got quiet. I just thought it was funny.



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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #12267 on: January 26, 2022, 11:18:28 PM »
Quote from: Pyro
I don't recall folks being upset about these designs but that's probably because I've insulated myself from the dumbshit gaming circles online for a while now. Also I'd think these people would've revealed themselves before these games with shit like GG.

But you're on ResetEra  ???

Taco Bell Tower

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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #12268 on: January 26, 2022, 11:25:53 PM »
What blacklash?  Da faq is op talking about


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #12269 on: January 26, 2022, 11:28:35 PM »
Motherfucker flew to El Salvador because of bitcoin

I flew to El Salvador’s Bitcoin Beach for 4 days… here’s what I learned… (self.Bitcoin)

I went to El Salvador with no expectations. When I first landed it felt hot, lovely. Had to wait for a friend so I grabbed the rental car, where they try and scam you for insurance, and went for a coffee. Friend arrived and we drove to El Zonte a.k.a Bitcoin Beach.

The drive we thought we were going to be shot, not sure why but you hear stories. We didn’t get shot. Checked in the Airbnb no probs, no hot water though.

Next day we drive to the beach for coffee and bump straight into Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert, said hi, Stacy was nice but Max was not interested, I probably wouldn’t be to be fair, especially when I’m after a coffee.

Bitcoin signs everywhere, talked to a bunch of people and some knew about bitcoin but mostly not, felt like just a lot of travellers there passing through. I think all the stuff you see online you assume everyone is walking around with Chivo wallets but it doesn’t seem to be the case, maybe other places it’s like that but not here.

We contacted some estate/realtor agents and saw two properties just to see what’s available, this place literally has nothing, when I say nothing I mean you’ll need to put water in, electricity, it’s so behind the times that most people here live in tin shacks by the road/river. It seems that there’s chancers there trying their luck to get bitcoiners to buy shacks but there really isn’t any point… the reality is you can’t either, not straight forward anyway as you’ll need a lawyer and even if you buy something you’re not 100% sure you own it, it’s confusing, plus the government has some rule where they can take property off people.

My thoughts are this won’t be the future of Bitcoin, it’s so behind the times. The people were lovely, beautiful scenery, great weather but realistically this place will take 20 years to develop and in the next couple of years there will most likely be other countries adopting Bitcoin, countries which are already developed.

El Salvador is definitely cool and will probably the Mecca/pilgrimage place for the future of where it all started to be accepted but I can’t see it being anything but that. I actually hope I’m wrong because it was first and deserves so much more but after visiting and seeing how undeveloped it is I’d be very surprised if people actually go there.

If anyone has been to San Salvador and people are daily using their Chivo wallets then please comment, I hope there is more use of it as I read millions of people have them but whether they’re active accounts would be interesting to know.

The last thing I want to say is this trip has made me realise how truly early we are still… one place is using Bitcoin and it’s underdeveloped. I can’t imagine what Bitcoin will be like when everyone is using it… it blows my mind! It’s so early.

 :dead :dead :dead


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #12270 on: January 26, 2022, 11:32:42 PM »
What blacklash?  Da faq is op talking about

Even with some "choice quotes" later in the thread, it's still pretty much "wtf are you on about?" and is the same non-backlash "they changed the faces again" type reactions these new RE games have. 


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #12271 on: January 27, 2022, 12:03:01 AM »
All those fucking dummies not realising that the new rules just prohibit them making threads for the exclusive purpose of shitting on NFTs.

You already weren't allowed to shill your own shit and nobody was doing that anyway.

So any reasoned, relevant threads about NFT/crypto are still allowed, but salty derails and threadwhining are now specifically codified in the ToS.



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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #12272 on: January 27, 2022, 01:02:34 AM »
And then, at the end, the new crypto policy:
Quote from: Hecht
If you don't want to talk about it, you don't have to click that thread.

We aren't going to ban the topic outright, as I've stated before earlier in this thread - these things exist, and seem like they'll be around in some fashion for the foreseeable future. So for better or for worse, some applications of this phenomenon may, or do, affect the gaming industry - which is like...what we talk about here. Or at least shout at each other mercilessly because the Internet has broken everyone and nobody knows how to act like a rational human anymore.
On the flipside, y'all need to stop with the accusations of shilling all. of. the. damn. time. 
Take down the hostilities a notch. If you think somebody is shilling or otherwise breaking the rules then -->report them<--. Don't start fights that are going to go on indefinitely. Call these things a scam if you want, but leave the personal shit out of it. Act like adults. If you can't, then you can have a vacation.


And the last thing, no more of this "why doesn't Era ban X" stuff.

We've been talking about this topic long before this sudden crusade decided to happen, and frankly, it's annoying and childish. I guarantee there are users who have said this and yet also go into those threads and post, thereby bumping it, and giving it more oxygen than it deserves.  We're happy to talk about it, as we often do when it comes to figuring out how best to navigate topics like this, but waving your pitchforks and torches isn't going to make the process happen any faster. Believe it or not, we can actually get a sense of how much users dislike a thing by them simply saying "I don't like this thing!"  So a user trying to derail every topic with talking about a ban on something so they can get their serotonin hit whenever someone else agrees with them is not actually necessary.

Anyone doing this, for any topic, is going to catch a ban.
I don't feel safe.


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #12273 on: January 27, 2022, 01:06:36 AM »
Why is the sub called "Anti-Work" and the first wird out of her mouth is that it's a misconception that they don't want to work.

What's up with people who want moderate change but give their movements radical names and then get upset if misinterpreted?
Proud to announce a new radical centrist subreddit: r/vaguelyimprovesocietysomewhatmaybe


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #12274 on: January 27, 2022, 01:52:27 AM »

yo stop digging :mindblown

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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #12275 on: January 27, 2022, 03:00:23 AM »
It just keeps getting worse for that antiwork mod.


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #12276 on: January 27, 2022, 03:08:42 AM »



  • my hog is small but it is mighty
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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #12277 on: January 27, 2022, 03:22:34 AM »
It just keeps getting worse for that antiwork mod.

(Image removed from quote.)

torturing animals to own capitilism. fucking moron


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #12278 on: January 27, 2022, 04:09:12 AM »
Meanwhile on the Marvel beat:

I expected to see a certain somebody in the replies but he's busy with important matters:


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #12279 on: January 27, 2022, 06:09:16 AM »
with antiwork private and faith lost in the leadership there, users have flocked to r/WorkReform as their new promised land

except it turns out the top three mods are all childhood friends who also happen to be financial advisors for the CIBC (Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce), and they are doing their damndest to hide and bury this fact from everyone who talks about it

It would appear not just two, but three are employees at CIBC (Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce). The last mod was noted in another post on another sub as having made comments previously about being the CTO (Chief Technology Officer) and working with/hiring programmers.

It seems rather odd that two to three moderate to high-level corporate, national bank employees from Canada were the ones that immediately jumped in, created the new sub, and made themselves the head mods. Taking over the antiwork movement almost immediately after the presumably unexpected and sudden crash and burn that occurred after the Fox News interview.

EDIT: As of 9:29 EST this post has been locked. Guess not everything is on the up and up for OP's post to have been locked that fast by mods.

so who do you want to represent your antiwork movement? schlubby people who do the bare minimum and live with their parents and embody the true spirit of refusing to work, or respectable wealthy elites who swear they have the working man's best interests at heart, we promise?
they should join my group.


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #12280 on: January 27, 2022, 07:12:31 AM »
Idiot who got thread banned for being hostile sees new rules about NFTs and immediately looks for a loop hole so they can be hostile

Can't reply in community discussions, but i agree this seems fair. My only question would be, will negative opinion posts about NFT in general, during the next idiotic NFT scheme thread popping up in gaming, fall under the antagonizing rule? Like, will you be banned for basically saying "fuck NFTs" in future topics about NFT implementation?


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #12281 on: January 27, 2022, 08:02:41 AM »
All those fucking dummies not realising that the new rules just prohibit them making threads for the exclusive purpose of shitting on NFTs.

You already weren't allowed to shill your own shit and nobody was doing that anyway.

So any reasoned, relevant threads about NFT/crypto are still allowed, but salty derails and threadwhining are now specifically codified in the ToS.


Listen if ERA continues forward with it's policy of "don't make threads exclusively for the purpose of shitting on (x)" it might actually become a good community.
« Last Edit: January 27, 2022, 08:25:43 AM by marrec »


  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #12282 on: January 27, 2022, 08:26:56 AM »
[Era] might actually become a good community.



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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #12283 on: January 27, 2022, 08:50:50 AM »
All those fucking dummies not realising that the new rules just prohibit them making threads for the exclusive purpose of shitting on NFTs.

You already weren't allowed to shill your own shit and nobody was doing that anyway.

So any reasoned, relevant threads about NFT/crypto are still allowed, but salty derails and threadwhining are now specifically codified in the ToS.


Listen if ERA continues forward with it's policy of "don't make threads exclusively for the purpose of shitting on (x)" it might actually become a good community.

how did you accidentally make a list  :o :dizzy


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #12284 on: January 27, 2022, 09:34:47 AM »
All those fucking dummies not realising that the new rules just prohibit them making threads for the exclusive purpose of shitting on NFTs.

You already weren't allowed to shill your own shit and nobody was doing that anyway.

So any reasoned, relevant threads about NFT/crypto are still allowed, but salty derails and threadwhining are now specifically codified in the ToS.


Listen if ERA continues forward with it's policy of "don't make threads exclusively for the purpose of shitting on (x)" it might actually become a good community.

how did you accidentally make a list  :o :dizzy

I used the [ ] brackets like a good person


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #12285 on: January 27, 2022, 09:42:18 AM »
(Image removed from quote.)

yo stop digging :mindblown

spoiler (click to show/hide)

This is a teachable moment in political branding, having objectives and mandates for your movement, associative principles among members, and picking a competent ambassador and spokesperson...jesus.   

 Reminds me of this:

How many BLM supporters want Justice for Juicy?  Less than 20%?
« Last Edit: January 27, 2022, 09:49:45 AM by Propagandhim »

Mediocre Lager

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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #12286 on: January 27, 2022, 09:46:21 AM »
As much as I hate to praise Fox News for literally anything, they really played it perfectly. The interviewer didn't even have to do anything. She buried herself.


  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #12287 on: January 27, 2022, 09:50:07 AM »
As much as I hate to praise Fox News for literally anything, they really played it perfectly. The interviewer didn't even have to do anything. She buried herself.

Yup.  He was just sitting there with the :smug expression while the Redditor came off looking like a lazy idiot.

Mediocre Lager

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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #12288 on: January 27, 2022, 10:10:34 AM »
If you're representing a leftist the movement the last thing you should do is accept an interview request from goddamn Fox News of all places. But if you have to do it anyway, the least you could do is shower first.


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #12289 on: January 27, 2022, 10:23:45 AM »
If you're representing a leftist the movement the last thing you should do is accept an interview request from goddamn Fox News of all places. But if you have to do it anyway, the least you could do is shower first.


  • there had previously been a sub-wide poll with everyone agreeing not to do interviews with anyone anywhere, especially right wing
  • a podcast tried to interview this exact reddit mod a year ago but were rejected for using right wing imagery like pepe  :fbm



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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #12290 on: January 27, 2022, 10:35:26 AM »
As much as I hate to praise Fox News for literally anything, they really played it perfectly. The interviewer didn't even have to do anything. She buried herself.

From what I'm reading Fox even asked for that specific moderator which should have been a real red flag. It's like asking Nepenthe to represent Resetera


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #12291 on: January 27, 2022, 10:43:06 AM »
As much as I hate to praise Fox News for literally anything, they really played it perfectly. The interviewer didn't even have to do anything. She buried herself.

From what I'm reading Fox even asked for that specific moderator which should have been a real red flag. It's like asking Nepenthe to represent Resetera

that particular mod joined when there were only 300 people there, is the most senior mod and is actually practically the leader of the movement

they've also done numerous interviews before, some in print and some recorded, so it could easily be a matter of "we want to talk to the leader/the one who has given interviews before"

but besides that, the mods got together and decided doreen should do it due to past experience with such things


Pissy F Benny

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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #12292 on: January 27, 2022, 10:44:13 AM »
NEETs :nothot


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #12293 on: January 27, 2022, 10:47:39 AM »
As much as I hate to praise Fox News for literally anything, they really played it perfectly. The interviewer didn't even have to do anything. She buried herself.

From what I'm reading Fox even asked for that specific moderator which should have been a real red flag. It's like asking Nepenthe to represent Resetera

that particular mod joined when there were only 300 people there, is the most senior mod and is actually practically the leader of the movement

they've also done numerous interviews before, some in print and some recorded, so it could easily be a matter of "we want to talk to the leader/the one who has given interviews before"

but besides that, the mods got together and decided doreen should do it due to past experience with such things

(Image removed from quote.)

I gets better and better with more info.


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #12294 on: January 27, 2022, 10:53:56 AM »
r/antiwork is back open!

they have posted a wonderful thread regarding future interviews...


  • I know everyone hated what just happened but just so you know we've done a lot of other interviews that just haven't come out yet  :smug
  • the person who did those interviews? why it's me, a random mod who is 21, unemployed and an anarchist  :doge
  • by the way we removed doreen because of allegations of sexual abuse ???


  • Virgo. Live Music. The Office. Tacos. Fur mom. True crime junkie. INTJ.
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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #12295 on: January 27, 2022, 10:54:53 AM »
As much as I hate to praise Fox News for literally anything, they really played it perfectly. The interviewer didn't even have to do anything. She buried herself.

From what I'm reading Fox even asked for that specific moderator which should have been a real red flag. It's like asking Nepenthe to represent Resetera

that particular mod joined when there were only 300 people there, is the most senior mod and is actually practically the leader of the movement

they've also done numerous interviews before, some in print and some recorded, so it could easily be a matter of "we want to talk to the leader/the one who has given interviews before"

but besides that, the mods got together and decided doreen should do it due to past experience with such things

(Image removed from quote.)

How socially inept are the rest of the mods if she’s the best of them?  :titus

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Unless the rest are just larpers ‘aving a giggle at her  :shh

Mediocre Lager

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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #12296 on: January 27, 2022, 10:55:33 AM »
I think my favourite part of the interview is how she lied about how many hours she actually works. Even someone who's entire personality is built around how lazy they are was too embarrassed to admit how little they actually do.


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #12297 on: January 27, 2022, 10:56:53 AM »
Top of the page Doreen


  • Virgo. Live Music. The Office. Tacos. Fur mom. True crime junkie. INTJ.
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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #12298 on: January 27, 2022, 10:57:32 AM »
Weirdo mods and sexual abuse. Name a more iconic duo.


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #12299 on: January 27, 2022, 11:01:29 AM »
They've issued a STAFF COMMUNICATION, canned the moderator who appeared on Fox News (in part due to an admission of sexual assault on Facebook resurfacing) and have sent a new person to do more interviews:
Regarding Abolishwork, we are planning to remove her from her moderation duties and have contacted the admins for the removal of her as a mod. We thank her for building up the anti-work movement, but regarding the past incidents, we decided as a majority to remove her.
Who's /u/Kimezukae ? Why did he do interviews?

Hello, I'm a 21 years old male, long-term unemployed and an Anarchist. I've been surfing this Subreddit since 2020 and it helped me in my journey when I started to began to be unemployed. When I began to read this Subreddit I was a leftist-liberal, namely a social-democrat. I've been reading some of the recommended literature from the library since then, for example Bob Black's "Abolition of Work" and have been radicalized to an Anarchist.

I was randomly invited by a former mod that quit 1 week ago, named /u/onedayitwillbedaisy and after thinking for some while about it, accepted it.

I'm aware that this movement is fluid, there are people with all kind of ideologies, history and I've been trying to say exactly that in the written interview of the New York Times. I've said that I merely see myself as a volunteer, just as another Anti-Worker just as you are reading this. From now I'll personally plan to not do interviews in the short-term future and I'm open to feedback regarding that.

I'm going as long as nothing other is planned to be the new librarian of the antiwork's library. So far I've got one request to read through a sort of research paper and asked in the internal chat about the thoughts, after reading through it myself for an hour. I'll be revisiting the piece and think again whether to add it.

I've always tried to listen to feedback, especially from the people that are the longest active in this subreddit. I've been trying to implement some and failed in some, for example it was suggested by an user to make an anti-work counter media, namely, that we are doing our own sort of media to counter any wrong messages by news outlets. However, this was a too big project to take on for me alone and I didn't told others about the subreddit I created because back then I was still too new and didn't wanted to make any big changes. Like I said, I'm very passionate to keep the r/antiwork spirit and movement alive and have been personally investing more than 10 hours moderating this subreddit in the last 2 day, to the point of sleep deprivation. I'll be taking care of that after today by having a good night's sleep and I hope you continue to enjoy your stay in r/antiwork

Thank you.

Other moderator similarities to
Before the Fox News incident went out, we were planning to sticky a submission about searching for new mods. Due to a few mods quitting, we are definitely going to search for new mods in the near future.
We were about 10 mods active at the time and most of them were working more than 8 hours through the mod queue and the subreddit in general
Frustrated, as mocking pictures of /u/Abolishwork went around and the submission brigading per minute kept increasing, we had no other way out but to close the subreddit.
Alleged sexual assaults

Meanwhile we don't know enough to feel comfortable about making a statement, the individual in question has been removed from the moderation team by collective decision. We are waiting on the Admin removing her officially.

We would be glad if you would stop the witch hunt surrounding the moderator team. A few moderators have quit already due to personal reasons affected by them receiving harassment. The majority of the moderators are still active and as mentioned before we're going to look for new moderators, preferable people that have a good standing in this community.

Thank you,

The moderator team of r/Antiwork

Some comments:
2 hr. ago

Can the mods please stop trying to represent us. You are not the leaders of the movement nor spokespersons. You are solely here to keep this sub a civil place.
41 min. ago
I don’t get this (mod) post at all. Still talking about ‘not doing interviews for now’ as if they have any authority to represent the movement in any capacity at any point past or present.

I’m done with this sub, I’m in support of the movement, not promoting a bunch of Reddit mods to minor political stardom.

Absolutely pathetic.
2 hr. ago
I'm absolutely stunned that they assumed they were the leaders of a community of 1.7 million redditors simply because they happened to be moderating it.
3 hr. ago

& 2 More
It is not brigading if it is your own community calling your mistakes. Have some respect for your community and own the mistake
2 hr. ago
Wholesome Seal of Approval
She said at the same time she had an interview at 9:48 p.m and as far as /u/Kimezukae can remember, one hour prior Abolishwork wanted to prepare for the interview, such as taking a shower.

As an aside, I love the fact that u/abolishwork may or may not have even bathed before the interview makes it into your official statement.
2 hr. ago
Implying that bathing is something you do for a special occasion, such as a major television interview
« Last Edit: January 27, 2022, 11:05:41 AM by benjipwns »