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  • Senior Member
Upgrade the knife durability, Bebpo!

Now I assume for NG+ with the Krauser knife that's more durable and you can repair it's a non-issue. So it's just something I think was a bad design decision for the first playthrough.

"More durable"

Your knife should have been maxed out and therefore maximum durability! You neglected your knife! You can't say "I'm just now using the knife but it lacks durability" . It lacks durability because you didn't invest in the knife and the game gives ample things like kitchen knives.

Which Krauser fight are you referring to? This is bad??

The second Krauser fight is even more incredible.

Also, "knife is overpowered" but also it's "lacking durability". Come on, Bebs
 Perhaps your issue is you're now skilled out of standard mode?
« Last Edit: April 17, 2023, 05:55:52 PM by Himu »


  • Finish the Fight
  • Senior Member
Got S+ on Mercenaries pretty easily with my boy Hunk ripping and tearing through all the boomers :rejoice

There's something oddly satisfying about mass murdering farmers and worshippers  :doge


  • Senior Member
huh, the standard boot knives or whatever you pick up don't show under weapon upgrades at the merchant.

How do you upgrade durability on them? How do you repair them?

This big knife I got after krauser lets me upgrade durability and repair, but unless I missed something you can't do that on the standard knives you find and they break after a few parries or stealth kills or plaga kills.


  • Senior Member
wait, could you repair/upgrade your starting knife? Once it broke 10 mins into the game i tossed the broken knife in storage and I've just been using consumable knives I find the whole game.

If you could upgrade that one, that would explain some things...


  • Senior Member
Assuming that's the case and my run got a bit thrown off because I didn't know you could repair/upgrade your starting knife, that just highlights another dumb design decision in this game, that in the merchant weapon upgrade panel you can't see your weapons in storage. Which makes no sense because you can see them when selling or comparing weapons, but having to grab them out to upgrade them is stupid.

So this happened because my knife broke in the the first village fight and I had a useless broken knife taking up inventory space so I move it to storage box and then when I get to the first merchant guy because it's in the box it doesn't show under weapon upgrades and I have no idea you can repair it/upgrade it the whole game.  :-\

I mean it's been fine with just using consumable knives, although I did die once on the first Krauser battle because I ran out of knives to parry his combos and I thought I had hit a game lock point, but then I found a couple more boot knives in the arena. Even on the 2nd Ruins Krauser fight, after I beat him I found one more boot knife I hadn't seen during the fight stuck on a wall which would've helped a lot since as I said I went into that fight with like 1, maybe 1.5 boot knives and his tyrant arm slash attacks did like 50% durability loss per parry so they both broke after parrying like 2-3 combo strings and then I had no knives and couldn't parry for the rest of the ruins fight which made the fight a lot less fun.


  • Senior Member
Near the end of Chapter 11 I think. Making slow progress, but the game is nuts.  But yeah, the storage handling is dumb as shit, but at least it's not tedious to where you can just carry on and gather shit without worrying about running out of space it seems.  Almost feels like an afterthought though.  Did just get the AR, so that took some space.  :-[ 


  • Finish the Fight
  • Senior Member
Also if your knife is broken you can blast Krauser in the face with a magnum or riot gun.  8)

It takes a while to realize but you don't really have to do anything with specific weapons in this game.
Some context based weapons can even be skipped.
spoiler (click to show/hide)
- You can shoot the church bell and skip the first village fight.
- You can throw a flashbang to prevent zealots enabling traps and levers in the castle.
- You can kill Salazar with the Golden Egg
- You can kill the 2 giants at the lava pit with guns, Luis will come back with the TNT only to find out that you didn't leave any for him

There's probably more skips in the game yet to be discovered. Don't forget the Rocket Launcher either. It can one shot most bosses.
What I don't like about storage is that I can only store guns and parts and not any of the materials and ammo I find.


  • Senior Member
Also if your knife is broken you can blast Krauser in the face with a magnum or riot gun.  8)

It takes a while to realize but you don't really have to do anything with specific weapons in this game.
Some context based weapons can even be skipped.
spoiler (click to show/hide)
- You can shoot the church bell and skip the first village fight.
- You can throw a flashbang to prevent zealots enabling traps and levers in the castle.
- You can kill Salazar with the Golden Egg
- You can kill the 2 giants at the lava pit with guns, Luis will come back with the TNT only to find out that you didn't leave any for him

I mean yeah, I beat Krauser Ruins fight with guns. I'm just saying since you couldn't parry if your knife was broken it means you'd have to just run and take potshots the entire fight which made the fight unfun. Didn't think you could use guns on him in the first fight though, thought he dodged out of the way of all guns so you could only do knife slashes and melee.

On the lava pit, not sure what the "correct" way was, I just lured them into the middle, stunned them with a hand grenade and dropped them.


  • Finish the Fight
  • Senior Member
On the lava pit, not sure what the "correct" way was, I just lured them into the middle, stunned them with a hand grenade and dropped them.

spoiler (click to show/hide)
If the fight takes long enough, Luis climbs up the wall and waits overhead with a stick of dynamite, lure the giant to the right spot and Luis will toss a piece of dynamite on the armor that you can shoot to destroy it.


  • Senior Member
Ok, beat this. Was pretty awesome.


spoiler (click to show/hide)
the helicopter support action rambo stage

Was pretty much the best action RE that action RE has been in the series. Really fun shooter/action game level. Might've been my favorite level in the game.
Overall I think the Island was solid thanks to that stage. I think the weakest part of the Island and the game as a whole is the lab section in these tiny corridors and the regenerators that suck.

Great game, tons of variety and lengthy as hell. Will do a NG+ run and mess around with Mercenaries until the Separate Ways DLC comes out. Will give OG RE4 another play later in the year.

I feel like the magnum isn't great. Even maxed out it's only about as strong as 2 shotgun blasts or 2 rifle shots and ammo for those is far more plentiful. Not sure what enemies it would be useful to use magnum ammo on, I basically just used it on the final boss and it didn't seem to make much of a difference. I'm assuming on the regenerators you still need to hit the weak points so it's not any better. I guess maybe it's just best for boar/pig head guys. They're the only tanky enemies in the game.

Btw, whatever happened to Salazars Blue/Red hood henchmen? Doesn't seem like you ever fight them.


  • my hog is small but it is mighty
  • Senior Member
One of them is the guy you fight in the tunnels with the icebox, the other one is ????


  • Senior Member
I started a new game+ speedrun on hardcore mode and when I got to ch.2's dynamite ganado rush I think hardcore's probably out of my level. It's really just the aggressiveness increase for the ganado, everyone is constantly rushing you, one enemy I had to triple parry in a row just to get an opening to get a shot in (though by the 3rd parry he was staggered and I could melee). I might be able to get by on hardcore mode but I'd rather be lazy and have an easy run so will do my NG+ run on standard.

Joe Molotov

  • I'm much more humble than you would understand.
  • Administrator
wait, could you repair/upgrade your starting knife? Once it broke 10 mins into the game i tossed the broken knife in storage and I've just been using consumable knives I find the whole game.

If you could upgrade that one, that would explain some things...



  • Virgo. Live Music. The Office. Tacos. Fur mom. True crime junkie. INTJ.
  • Senior Member
Wait till he finds out about the run button.


  • cooler than willco
  • Administrator
"knife is bad, knife is awful, knife fucked my girlfriend, knife ruined my marriage, knife gave me lasting self esteem issues"

meanwhile, actual chads:


  • Administrator
  • Senior Member
Dunkey did a speedrun too



  • Senior Member
wait, could you repair/upgrade your starting knife? Once it broke 10 mins into the game i tossed the broken knife in storage and I've just been using consumable knives I find the whole game.

If you could upgrade that one, that would explain some things...


To be fair, there is no way of knowing you can repair/upgrade your knife if you move it to storage before the first merchant guy. It's not like you could in the original or any of the other games in the series? So it's not something I would have expected. Especially when the game gives you tons of consumable knives like knives are meant to be consumables.


  • Senior Member
"knife is bad, knife is awful, knife fucked my girlfriend, knife ruined my marriage, knife gave me lasting self esteem issues"

meanwhile, actual chads:

The water hall :o


  • Senior Member
Assuming that's the case and my run got a bit thrown off because I didn't know you could repair/upgrade your starting knife, that just highlights another dumb design decision in this game, that in the merchant weapon upgrade panel you can't see your weapons in storage. Which makes no sense because you can see them when selling or comparing weapons, but having to grab them out to upgrade them is stupid.

So this happened because my knife broke in the the first village fight and I had a useless broken knife taking up inventory space so I move it to storage box and then when I get to the first merchant guy because it's in the box it doesn't show under weapon upgrades and I have no idea you can repair it/upgrade it the whole game.  :-\

I mean it's been fine with just using consumable knives, although I did die once on the first Krauser battle because I ran out of knives to parry his combos and I thought I had hit a game lock point, but then I found a couple more boot knives in the arena. Even on the 2nd Ruins Krauser fight, after I beat him I found one more boot knife I hadn't seen during the fight stuck on a wall which would've helped a lot since as I said I went into that fight with like 1, maybe 1.5 boot knives and his tyrant arm slash attacks did like 50% durability loss per parry so they both broke after parrying like 2-3 combo strings and then I had no knives and couldn't parry for the rest of the ruins fight which made the fight a lot less fun.

When we have been talking about "the knife" the starting knife is the one we've been talking about. The others are reusable fodder but the start knife is an actual upgradable weapon.

Pissy F Benny

  • Is down with the sickness
  • Senior Member

Pretty sure it's also the first thing it goes to when you click over to the upgrade tab at the merchant :heh


  • Senior Member
Here's what I'm assuming what happened. Merchant doesn't show up until Chapter 2. Bebpo put the knife in storage thinking it was useless. With the knife in storage it doesn't show up on the upgrade screen so Bebpo missed it. When we said "the knife" Bebpo assumed we were talking just any knife.

I assume Bebpo thought this because, to be fair, RE2 remake and RE3 remake made knives disposable and they can break and aren't usable once they break. Bebpo is unfamiliar with the original RE4 where the knife is imperative and the remake carried this element over despite giving it durability.

So this whole time when we refer to "the knife", an actual upgradable weapon, Bebpo thought we were talking about fodder - disposables like kitchen knives.

This is a very unfortunate chain of events. You went through the whole game without the main knife? You made it so much harder for yourself and honestly you should be lauded but now you owe it to yourself and us to replay RE4 Remake with the actual knife.


  • Finish the Fight
  • Senior Member
It reminds me of how I figured out how magic worked in Final Fantasy II in like the second last dungeon  :doge


  • Senior Member
I can't help but enjoy the castle looking at all the assets that will be reused in Dragon's Dogma 2.   :marimo

Maybe Capcom allowed REmake 4 solely to help Itsuno get DD2 out faster.  :jawalrus :betty


  • Finish the Fight
  • Senior Member


  • Senior Member
Here's what I'm assuming what happened. Merchant doesn't show up until Chapter 2. Bebpo put the knife in storage thinking it was useless. With the knife in storage it doesn't show up on the upgrade screen so Bebpo missed it. When we said "the knife" Bebpo assumed we were talking just any knife.

(Image removed from quote.)

I assume Bebpo thought this because, to be fair, RE2 remake and RE3 remake made knives disposable and they can break and aren't usable once they break. Bebpo is unfamiliar with the original RE4 where the knife is imperative and the remake carried this element over despite giving it durability.

So this whole time when we refer to "the knife", an actual upgradable weapon, Bebpo thought we were talking about fodder - disposables like kitchen knives.

This is a very unfortunate chain of events. You went through the whole game without the main knife? You made it so much harder for yourself and honestly you should be lauded but now you owe it to yourself and us to replay RE4 Remake with the actual knife.

Yeah. It's exactly this. I didn't realize there was a non-disposable knife and figured everyone was just talking about knives in general until I got the Krauser knife and went to the merchant and it had an upgrade screen.


  • Administrator
  • Senior Member
Here's what I'm assuming what happened. Merchant doesn't show up until Chapter 2. Bebpo put the knife in storage thinking it was useless. With the knife in storage it doesn't show up on the upgrade screen so Bebpo missed it. When we said "the knife" Bebpo assumed we were talking just any knife.

(Image removed from quote.)

I assume Bebpo thought this because, to be fair, RE2 remake and RE3 remake made knives disposable and they can break and aren't usable once they break. Bebpo is unfamiliar with the original RE4 where the knife is imperative and the remake carried this element over despite giving it durability.

So this whole time when we refer to "the knife", an actual upgradable weapon, Bebpo thought we were talking about fodder - disposables like kitchen knives.

This is a very unfortunate chain of events. You went through the whole game without the main knife? You made it so much harder for yourself and honestly you should be lauded but now you owe it to yourself and us to replay RE4 Remake with the actual knife.

Yeah. It's exactly this. I didn't realize there was a non-disposable knife and figured everyone was just talking about knives in general until I got the Krauser knife and went to the merchant and it had an upgrade screen.

Its allright old man, go back to your 2d jrpg's with lots of reading



  • Senior Member
Think I'm over NG+, it's fun but Ashley just kills it when I'm trying to speedrun. Gets grabbed or incapacitated and fucks things up. Dunno if I'll finish this second run. Got about 1/3rd into the castle in 2 hours, so figure I could probably do the whole thing in about 5, but seems like there's not much of real NG+ unlocks outside of professional difficulty?

Great game, but I feel like if I'm going to do another run, might as well do the OG RE4 so it's a bit different.

Going back through the game again, Village section feels pretty consistently great from start to finish outside the Lord of the Lake boss fight which sucks and is boring and a waste of time. The boat sandbox is a bit dull but it's such a short section if you know what you're doing and are ignoring side content so it's ok. But yeah, the lake section is the only slightly boring bit in the village run on replay. Everywhere else is pretty tightly paced. I really enjoyed the house standoff this time around. Also whether it's hardcore difficulty or standard difficulty, I swear the dynamite spam part at the start of ch.2 is the toughest section in the village because it's so easy to get staggered/grabbed and then blown up during those animations.

Castle...the opening catapult bit felt like one of the worst sections in the game to me because it feels like there's RNG with the catapults. Yeah you can shortcut the cannon up through the grate window on the initial stairs, but the combination of RNG catapults landing + RNG Ashley seems to fuck me a lot even knowing what to do in a 2nd run. Nothing like avoiding catapult hits but Ashley eats the catapult and becomes incapacitated and then you run to pick her up and you both eat a catapult and die. Anyhow I want to watch speedrunners do this section to see the most efficient way to run it that works exactly the same 99% of the time. Water room is kind of annoying when trying to speedrun it just because since there's so many enemies its easy for Ashley to keep getting grabbed. I feel like if you do water room slowly it's fine, I didn't have any problem with it on my first run because I wasn't rushing. Otherwise castle's all great so far.

One thing that always throws me off is how early the parry window is on enemies that cleave you. I try to perfect parry and I wait until they lift the weapon above their head to hit parry and then it goes into the cutscene of them cleaving me. Feels like you need to parry right when they start to lift their arm upwards, which is just a lot different than parry timings in most games where you want to wait until the last second when the hit is about to connect.
« Last Edit: April 19, 2023, 02:56:17 AM by Bebpo »


  • Finish the Fight
  • Senior Member
Started NG+ and went for hardcore this time.

I gotta say, it's pretty damn awesome to walk into the village fully armed with upgraded guns and I got Leons perm jacket and some sunglasses.
Now with all the explosions, some knife parry experience, and ammo being less of an issue it's even more like an 80/90's action movie hero rolls into town.


  • Senior Member
Yeah, I'm still slowly going through my NG+ standard speedrun and feels pretty pointless. There's no actual challenge and it's hard to speedrun the castle section with the mazes and traps and Ashley getting ganked constantly. Village section is easy to speedrun since it's straightforward.

If I finish this out, will definitely do NG++ in hardcore for at least a new challenge.


  • cooler than willco
  • Administrator
new patch out today. seems to resolve the issues from the previous patch re: graphics & deadzone on xbox

it also patches out the speedrun tech with clipping through walls

Joe Molotov

  • I'm much more humble than you would understand.
  • Administrator

The Sceneman

  • Did my wife send you?
  • Senior Member
I just finished the handgun+knife only, no merchant, no heal run. Was pretty fun aside from a couple of choke points (Krauser and Saddler). Now I have the infinite rocket launcher and am blasting my way through pro mode for the unlocks. Pretty good getting revenge on all these baddies


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