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The Sceneman

  • Did my wife send you?
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Game is awesome. Hard to put down. Hardcore mode is a good challenge - the fights are really intense. The deluxe weapons do give you a leg up. The shotgun really packs a punch


  • Senior Member
Played the demo a few more times trying to figure out where to buy this.  PC just looks a good deal nicer than PS5, but it stutters here and there, has deadzone lag like the xbox version to feel sluggish, and apparently crashes randomly. On PS5 demo runs I score a lot higher due to the responsiveness though. Image quality is a bit last gen.

Maybe I'll play it on PS5 for now, and then replay it when the PC version is dirt cheap with nicer graphics and by then all the issues should be fixed. Game is made to be replayed a few times anyhow.


  • cooler than willco
  • Administrator
Original game is so much better, but I'm trying to adjust to the horrid controls

Despite the game saying Hardcore is for "RE4 Veterans" it absolutely is not, lmao

The controls are just so aghhhhhhhhhhhhh

Then you got the enemies that just randomly spawn behind you like agghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
« Last Edit: March 25, 2023, 04:48:21 AM by demi »


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Copped the soundtrack swap too, game is really good. Just a few chapters in and im warming up to the merchant voice. Game playa like a dream and the changes so far are really cool.


  • Punk Mushi no Onna
  • Senior Member
Now two thirds into the game. This is my favourite of the modern REmakes. Got used to the controls pretty quickly, even with the horrid deadzones on Xbox.

I hope they give RE5 the same treatment since that one actually could benefit from being remade. I also desperately want a competent couch coop game.


  • Finish the Fight
  • Senior Member
I think they're going to keep up the asset/engine flip pace and Ada Wong DLC and Code Veronica based on RE4 mechanics and graphics are next.
After that Resident Evil 5. Maybe 'next gen' at that point.

The Steelbook was just delivered :lawd


  • Senior Member
Re: ℝℕ ℝ
« Reply #186 on: March 25, 2023, 10:20:14 AM »
Game is awesome. Hard to put down. Hardcore mode is a good challenge - the fights are really intense. The deluxe weapons do give you a leg up. The shotgun really packs a punch

This has easily the best "hard" mode of all modern RE games. Something like RE8 was way too easy on normal, but without NG+ it's extremely difficult to beat the intro. The others were similar, even if not as unbalanced as RE8. Hardcore in RE4 is just right.


  • Senior Member
Me, back when I'd eat too much taco bell...


  • Senior Member
Got up to Chapter 4.  Game is fun.  Froze up on me once and had to reset the PS5.  The map cursor spazzes when I open it for some reason.  Where the hell is the gyro aiming option?  Want to try it.  The adaptive triggers are a nice touch.  Stabbing with the knife and pulling the shotgun trigger feels more intense with their unique tension adds to the gameplay.
Coming off of Metro Exodus, this feels last gen; graphics are great still, but the 3D audio could be finer tuned.  The 3D audio in the RE8 demo was more refined tbh. 

I'm having fun, but so far, I'm not getting these perfect 10 scores yet. Feels a little rushed and could use some finer tuning. It's not put down the controller for a second blowing me away.. Still solid fun though.  Do look forward to playing more.


  • cooler than willco
  • Administrator
Lol why you are trying your hardest to just not just say "yeah this game rules/is good/fun"

Cringe bitch, aint nobody gonna care if you like this game or not


  • Senior Member
I don't have same the nostalgia about the original as others do.  :trumps


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I don't have same the nostalgia about the original as others do.  :trumps

That doesnt matter game is still one of the best if not the best in its genre (action/horror)

Nothing like the snoozefest of Calisto Protocol


  • Member
Original game is so much better, but I'm trying to adjust to the horrid controls

Despite the game saying Hardcore is for "RE4 Veterans" it absolutely is not, lmao

The controls are just so aghhhhhhhhhhhhh

Then you got the enemies that just randomly spawn behind you like agghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Get good scrub, you have to relearn the game. Playing on the RE4 control scheme has been better for me.

I'm not getting these perfect 10 scores yet. It's not put down the controller for a second blowing me away.
I've nutted several times mid session.  :trumps


  • Senior Member
The RE4 controls have been best. Haven't been able to play this because I've been sick.


  • Senior Member
The RE4 controls have been best. Haven't been able to play this because I've been sick.
Sorry to hear that.  :( Hope you feel better.

Speaking of controls, I finally found the option for gyro aiming on PS5.  It's weird.. when switched on, it will still allow x-axis control with the right analog, but not the y-axis, in conjunction with gyro.  :huh  Just wish there was some tuning options for it, but it initially felt like using a Wiimote of sorts.  Can't wait to try it out tonight.

The Sceneman

  • Did my wife send you?
  • Senior Member
The dead zone issue makes the shooting gallery nearly impossible to get perfect scores on. Will try and do that shit when they patch it. Precision aiming with the rifle is not really possible


  • Senior Member
If there's one word I would use to describe this remake it would be: bloated.

Every map needs a key to progress. In the original the pacing is perfect clip and you're always going forward. Here things are more guided. You can't get Into the farm house because guess what? You need to trigger an event, get a cog wheel.


  • Senior Member
As a corollary, the game is more sluggish than the original. The dead zone issue, the fact enemies don't really react to head shots, the incredibly slow reload speed, enemies that seemingly come out of nowhere, all combined makes for an overall worse experience.

Pissy F Benny

  • Is down with the sickness
  • Senior Member
Played the first chapter on ps5, seems aight.


  • Junior Member
Is money a complete non-issue? I'm at chapter 7 and have all my weapons maxed out since everything only has 3 levels so far.


  • Senior Member
Re: ℝℕ ℝ
« Reply #200 on: March 25, 2023, 09:28:36 PM »
Gameplay-wise I got no issues, to the contrary. They really nailed the multitasking and stress testing during endless onslaught, it's highly satisfying - especially with the new moves and the few tweaks enemies got. I googled the dead zone thing, apparently that's only on Xbox, doesn't concern me.

I really just don't like how they made the atmosphere more generic. The village at night is somehow less eerie with the new graphics (and they cut the best part), the castle feels like out of RE8 now instead of a crazy ghost train, no fun things to discover on your own or to decide, like between the Bella Sisters or El Gigante, since everything is now either mandatory or a generic sidequest, etc. In the original not even the first chainsaw man was mandatory, you had to stumble upon him yourself.

Funny. I always loved RE4, finished it prob 10 times or more. Yet I never could get over the fact that it didn't fit with prior games and hated it for paving the way for RE5/6. Now that I've finally made peace with it thanks to the latest RE games, I am once again hating on RE4, except this time because it isn't different enough  :angryjoe


  • Senior Member
Re: ℝℕ ℝ
« Reply #201 on: March 25, 2023, 09:37:56 PM »
Is money a complete non-issue? I'm at chapter 7 and have all my weapons maxed out since everything only has 3 levels so far.

On hardcore, skipping most sidequests, I can't buy all too much. Also running out of ammo regurarely. Which is all good. Though I was almost softlocked at Salazar, what a tedious trash fight (once again), from which you can't return to the castle to farm. Then I did him like I always did in the original, i.e. using a rocketlauncher - but I had to sell almost everything I had for it  :doge


  • Senior Member
Re: ℝℕ ℝ
« Reply #202 on: March 25, 2023, 10:18:54 PM »
Gameplay-wise I got no issues, to the contrary. They really nailed the multitasking and stress testing during endless onslaught, it's highly satisfying - especially with the new moves and the few tweaks enemies got. I googled the dead zone thing, apparently that's only on Xbox, doesn't concern me.

I really just don't like how they made the atmosphere more generic. The village at night is somehow less eerie with the new graphics (and they cut the best part), the castle feels like out of RE8 now instead of a crazy ghost train, no fun things to discover on your own or to decide, like between the Bella Sisters or El Gigante, since everything is now either mandatory or a generic sidequest, etc. In the original not even the first chainsaw man was mandatory, you had to stumble upon him yourself.

Funny. I always loved RE4, finished it prob 10 times or more. Yet I never could get over the fact that it didn't fit with prior games and hated it for paving the way for RE5/6. Now that I've finally made peace with it thanks to the latest RE games, I am once again hating on RE4, except this time because it isn't different enough  :angryjoe

Yeah I noticed there's less environmental puzzles and now you're doing side quests like shooting rats in a warehouse. Yawn.


  • Senior Member
This game is busy work. The Village chief house doesn't need a key. Every single area needs a key. It's terrible.

They removed the details from the game too. You go in the chiefs house in the original and you can examine and get details. Things like,"these people are actually civilized. They even read books." Here in the remake all Leon says is they're showing up the neighbors. The original hints that the Las Plagas doesn't control every person and people like Mendez, Salazar, and Sadler are exceptions and able to control their Plagas and live a relatively "normal" life. They even took out the examine detail for the toilet.

Less detail. More sidequest BS. Extraneous key hunting and crap puzzles that break up the flow.
« Last Edit: March 26, 2023, 12:18:11 AM by Himu »


  • Senior Member
This game is worse because it's more "cinematic". You can't just waltz through the village. Nope. They have to some event with blowing up the watchtower and then unleashing dogs. This game repeatedly does this. All it does is make the game feel more guided and constricted.

An extra example is a path to the house where Luis was captured. I left some treasures there and wanted to go back. Nope. Can't! It's blocked off.

They added a storage but what's the point of a storage if you can only store specific items? You can't store any crafting material. So I've got all this crafting stuff in my case taking up space. :facepalm
« Last Edit: March 26, 2023, 03:15:31 AM by Himu »


  • cooler than willco
  • Administrator
the storage is absolutely useless, lol

better store those weaker guns in there, never know when you might want to use them!


  • Senior Member
Despite the negative posts I still really like this. It's hard to put down just like the original.

Combat is excellent once you adjust to the controls. They leave a lot more villager notes this time and almost all of them are heartbreaking. You got a hint of what happened to the village in the ending credits of RE4 but being able to read what happened beforehand is great. The atmosphere is great.

Is money a complete non-issue? I'm at chapter 7 and have all my weapons maxed out since everything only has 3 levels so far.

I won't say it's a non issue but it's fairly easy to come by?

The Sceneman

  • Did my wife send you?
  • Senior Member
If you scour the map and hunt the treasure icons you'll get loads of cash. I have a couple guns close to maxed and I'm still in the village. The bowgun thing is pretty good


  • Junior Member
Green herbs are somehow super rare for some reason, I'm on chapter 9 and have like 2 red herbs with nothing to combine them with. Don't really like the upgrade system with how you're just sitting on a pile of cash for a good chunk of the first half, then half-way in, you unlock all the other upgrades and are suddenly out of cash again.


  • Senior Member
Shooting gallery is a massive upgrade from the original and is fun as heck.

Green herbs are somehow super rare for some reason, I'm on chapter 9 and have like 2 red herbs with nothing to combine them with. Don't really like the upgrade system with how you're just sitting on a pile of cash for a good chunk of the first half, then half-way in, you unlock all the other upgrades and are suddenly out of cash again.

It's like the original. It's telling you not all guns are worth upgrading and save your money for what's truly good and what you think is worth investing in. It's a waste of money to max every weapon because not every weapon deserves that treatment.


  • Senior Member
Bro. Mmarsu you will be very satisfied with El Gigante kill animation. Wow. Brutal.

The RE4 controls have been best. Haven't been able to play this because I've been sick.
Sorry to hear that.  :( Hope you feel better.

Thank you.
« Last Edit: March 26, 2023, 11:34:12 AM by Himu »


  • Senior Member
The giant battle was pretty awesome. That, and the fish boss, were pretty fun.  Getting a pretty good groove and used gyro aiming the whole time, but not yet sold on it's limited range/function. Gonna have to take a break from this for over week for having to move.  :-\


  • Punk Mushi no Onna
  • Senior Member
Anyone else also having trouble with the HDR implementation? On my Samsung QLED that only supports HDR10 (+) the blacks look kinda washed out. When I hook up the console to my Panasonic 4K tv with Dolby Vision it looks way, way better. The Samsung is 120hz with VRR as opposed to the Panasonic which is only 60hz with no VRR.


  • Senior Member
Game gets so much better once you get Ashley.


  • Senior Member
RE4R does a fantastic job in making the village more tragic. The notes in the Chief's attic are heartbreaking. He was such a good man. :brazilcry :tocry :stop

Man there's like three different decap deaths. It's metal. Mmarsu should be satisfied.
« Last Edit: March 26, 2023, 03:13:56 PM by Himu »

The Sceneman

  • Did my wife send you?
  • Senior Member
Shooting gallery is a massive upgrade from the original and is fun as heck.

The pirate theme is pretty fun and I like the artwork on the targets. The deadzone thing does make it tough but I battled through a couple of the challenges yesterday for some S ranks and gold emblems. Got a rare charm for 30% off knife repairs which is pretty useful!

I'm kinda surprised they didn't include microtransactions for the literal gacha machine in the game
« Last Edit: March 26, 2023, 04:33:09 PM by The Sceneman »

The Sceneman

  • Did my wife send you?
  • Senior Member
RE4R does a fantastic job in making the village more tragic. The notes in the Chief's attic are heartbreaking. He was such a good man. :brazilcry :tocry :stop

Man there's like three different decap deaths. It's metal. Mmarsu should be satisfied.

Poor big cheese  :cry

Love how a common theme ion these remakes is giving people hats, lol. They gave big cheese a big ol hat and Mr X had the silly little fedora in RE2


  • Senior Member
Mendez has always had a hat., hasn't he?

The Sceneman

  • Did my wife send you?
  • Senior Member
Haha has he? I don't recall him having one...

Have looked through Google image search and all pics from OG RE4 are hat-less


  • Administrator
  • Senior Member
RE4R does a fantastic job in making the village more tragic. The notes in the Chief's attic are heartbreaking. He was such a good man. :brazilcry :tocry :stop

Man there's like three different decap deaths. It's metal. Mmarsu should be satisfied.

Ya man I love the decaps , already had it happen to me twice, but I still dont get why they removed it from mr chainsaw man as that was his most menacing attack!


  • Senior Member
Haha has he? I don't recall him having one...

Have looked through Google image search and all pics from OG RE4 are hat-less

Hmmm I'm suffering from mandela effect lmao


  • Senior Member
I'm almost to the castle and I think I can fairly conclude that this is not better than the original. It's too guided. Too cutscene-y. Too railroaded. The El Gigante and Bella Sisters act? Replaced with a fairly linear section. This part in the original had a far more cramped arena making the Bella's a threat because you're in a pit. Here you've got wide open space. Once I was done with the cabin a cutscene forced me out, disabling me from getting the loot I wanted. So much of the game is typified from scripted nonsense that adds nothing to the game but makes it more linear and less interesting.

Don't get me wrong. It's a good game. But this definitely wasn't directed by Shinji Mikami's team (obvious) and it's no masterpiece. This is a worse remake than REmake 2 by far.

Also the person who said this is a 1:1 remake is full of crap.


  • cooler than willco
  • Administrator
Finished on Hardcore. I just bought the Rocket Launcher for Saddler, lol


The Sceneman

  • Did my wife send you?
  • Senior Member
I note the S+ rank requirements are for time and for "first playthrough" but I wonder if you can potentially smuggle in unlocked items as they are added to the storage for your profile or they could be save specific? In any case I'll wait for a guide on best way to tackle. There'll be optimal route and upgrade path even without cheese weapons. Getting the CHICKEN HAT is a priority for achievement mop up imo


  • Finish the Fight
  • Senior Member
Played the first chapter and I love it so far.

Tweaked the controls on Xbox a bit. I don't think the deadzones are as much an issue as the slow movement while aiming.
By default the bar sits at about 10%, so moving it to 25% - 30% makes the game feel more snappy.

Leon is John Wick and Jason Bourne rolled into one, a one man army  :whew


  • cooler than willco
  • Administrator
Doing a speedrun on Assisted (no healing? maybe) to make that scrilla to buy my infinite rocket launcherrrrrrrrrrrr (1.6 million w/ the 20% off charm)

The Sceneman

  • Did my wife send you?
  • Senior Member
Sounds like assisted is the way to go for the no heal achievement - as it has some auto regen so you don't have to limp through the whole game. And yeah I'm on the token hustle to see if I can nab the bazooka discount charm. Sounds like a pretty good one to have.

Am a bit bummed I wasn't clever enough to pre-order and get the handgun ammo charm and gold attache case. I just assumed a) those also came in the deluxe edition and b) they were just cosmetics as opposed to actually having useful in game effects.
« Last Edit: March 26, 2023, 07:43:46 PM by The Sceneman »


  • cooler than willco
  • Administrator
I have those but didnt use the code. You dont really need them


  • Senior Member
The castle is so good. Yessss Salazar into my veins.

Yesssss my blind bestie! Hnnnng!
« Last Edit: March 27, 2023, 12:10:20 AM by Himu »


  • Senior Member
YES; THE MANSION IS RESIDENT EVIL 4. NO BLOAT. NO STUPID LAME SIDEQUEST BULLCRAP. LEAN. MACHINE!!! A TO B. C TO D! Game loop: action -> break in action -> explore a bit -> action. Have reasonable keys for reasonable locations (a locked door in a dungeon). Hnnnng. And it's so lived in. The paintings are soooo good! The courtyard, the dungeon, the audience chamber. This is pure RE4. :whew I'm glad whoever directed this finally decided to unf*ck themselves and stick to the original.

Green herbs are somehow super rare for some reason, I'm on chapter 9 and have like 2 red herbs with nothing to combine them with. Don't really like the upgrade system with how you're just sitting on a pile of cash for a good chunk of the first half, then half-way in, you unlock all the other upgrades and are suddenly out of cash again.

The courtyard has fish in the fountain. Use them instead of herbs. There's plenty so load up.
« Last Edit: March 27, 2023, 01:20:09 AM by Himu »


  • cooler than willco
  • Administrator
I note the S+ rank requirements are for time and for "first playthrough" but I wonder if you can potentially smuggle in unlocked items as they are added to the storage for your profile or they could be save specific? In any case I'll wait for a guide on best way to tackle. There'll be optimal route and upgrade path even without cheese weapons. Getting the CHICKEN HAT is a priority for achievement mop up imo

S+ is easy with Chicago Typewriter. So get infinite RL, then do Professional NG+ with the infinite RL for easy A rank.

Then do NG on Standard/Hardcore and grind out 30 spinels quickly and use the ticket on the Chicago Typewriter for infinite ammo.


  • Senior Member
Started ch.2 and since I haven't played RE4 in 20 years I've forgotten all this fucking dynamite spam wtf.

I keep getting blown up from dynamite I don't even see while running around fighting guys and lose a shitton of health each time I get exploded. I basically just kill myself if I eat one dynamite because it's such a huge health loss.

Did not remember RE4 having Ninja Gaiden 2 rocket spam stuff...


  • Senior Member
RE4 has dynamite dudes but they're less aggressive and more visible.


  • Senior Member
It's interesting going back to this now, The Evil Within 1 feels a lot more natural progression of Mikami. I didn't remember RE4 having all this souls-ish ganking. Like besides just the bear traps, dynamites, chainsaw dudes, there's the bit in ch.2 where you follow the guy to stealth kill him and another guy is hiding behind the corner to grab you, or the door in the house where a dude is right in your face. Game is a lot of griefing. Which is fine, but Evil Within 1 was filled with a ton of that stuff too, and I didn't remember RE4 being like that, so in retrospect TEW1's design makes more sense now.

Also makes me feel like Demon Souls was influenced by RE4 a bit.


  • Senior Member
Just got to the castle.  This shit is fucking good.  It just gets better and better.  If this keeps up, I can't even imagine what the castle's gonna be like.   


  • Senior Member
The castle is great besides this part with the Giant. I hate guided "there's only one way to beat them" stuff. Especially since they replaced that section with the turret. But the thing is, you can let that enemy get to the turret and cause problems or you take him out early and have an easy time. RE4 is a masterpiece because if you think there's one solution there's another solution and another. This is something the devs or the remake don't get and they really into these high set piece thrills that aren't particularly fun. But other than that the Castle is A+.


  • Senior Member
It's interesting going back to this now, The Evil Within 1 feels a lot more natural progression of Mikami. I didn't remember RE4 having all this souls-ish ganking. Like besides just the bear traps, dynamites, chainsaw dudes, there's the bit in ch.2 where you follow the guy to stealth kill him and another guy is hiding behind the corner to grab you, or the door in the house where a dude is right in your face. Game is a lot of griefing. Which is fine, but Evil Within 1 was filled with a ton of that stuff too, and I didn't remember RE4 being like that, so in retrospect TEW1's design makes more sense now.

Also makes me feel like Demon Souls was influenced by RE4 a bit.

Yes there's literally RE4 death compilations. It's one of the most celebrated games in that capacity.



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  • Administrator
  • Senior Member
It's interesting going back to this now, The Evil Within 1 feels a lot more natural progression of Mikami. I didn't remember RE4 having all this souls-ish ganking. Like besides just the bear traps, dynamites, chainsaw dudes, there's the bit in ch.2 where you follow the guy to stealth kill him and another guy is hiding behind the corner to grab you, or the door in the house where a dude is right in your face. Game is a lot of griefing. Which is fine, but Evil Within 1 was filled with a ton of that stuff too, and I didn't remember RE4 being like that, so in retrospect TEW1's design makes more sense now.

Also makes me feel like Demon Souls was influenced by RE4 a bit.

Yes there's literally RE4 death compilations. It's one of the most celebrated games in that capacity.

Hmm so many tasty decapitations!!


  • Senior Member

You can skip the village intro by shooting the church bell