Author Topic: The Official Capeshit thread  (Read 14809 times)

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Cauliflower Of Love

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Re: The Official Capeshit thread
« Reply #240 on: February 19, 2023, 07:41:06 PM »

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Paul cashing that delicious Disney money to the max.

First twenty minutes was like watching star wars.

Then the Kang bull stuff with Pfeiffer was a bit too on the nose for me.

MODOK CGI face when they introduced his was fucking hilariously bad. It's weird cause near the end of the movie it wasn't that bad.

Ants take 90 percent off Kangs life so Scott lang can have a fist fight with the konquerrer  ::)

Let's go home!

Literal reset to everything that happened in the movie

Good times

Cauliflower Of Love

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Re: The Official Capeshit thread
« Reply #241 on: February 19, 2023, 08:49:29 PM »
Oh and
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what the fuck at Kang needing other people to start his ship? I thought it was neural linked touchy think about it machine

Like oh yeah we need "suspense" so the germs and tiny gotg side characters can charge?

What is this black panther?

Kurt Russell

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Re: The Official Capeshit thread
« Reply #242 on: February 20, 2023, 08:48:50 AM »

Also maybe Marvel should look at their MCU and cut back a bit on the quips Because some don't need constant quips every 2 minutes.


ANTMAN (40s) walks into the living room, where his father-in-law, MR. X (60s), is sitting on the couch.

(smiling) Hey Mr. X, how's it going?

MR. X:
(sternly) Cut the crap Antman, I need to talk to you.

(still smiling) Sure thing, what's up?

MR. X:
(angrily) I just got some news about you that's going to change everything.

(jokingly) Uh oh, is it that I'm secretly a super villain?

MR. X:
(serious) No, it's worse. You have AIDS.

Antman's smile disappears, replaced with a look of shock.

(breathing heavily) What? How?

MR. X:
(sighing) I don't know all the details, but it's true. And it's all because of that irresponsible son-in-law of mine.

(joking) Well, at least now I have a reason to wear red.


Thank you, ChatGPT.

Joe Molotov

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Re: The Official Capeshit thread
« Reply #243 on: February 22, 2023, 07:10:42 PM »
Dark Crisis is basically the "fallout" from that and is undoing the original Crisis, it's being used as the jumping off point to bring back stuff that was already on its way back but hadn't been greenlit like JSA which Doomsday Clock brought back but nobody did anything with until Dark Crisis being an EVENT allows for the killing of titles and starting new ones. The whole arc of Infinite Frontier and stuff was really just an extended story between METAL and Dark Crisis that was like "oh look these guys are back" and "look multiverse is back again" and so on, it was mostly all unused characters and multiverse versions so nothing would interfere with the ongoing stories in all the books.
Completely forgot it was even happening until I saw the new issue this week but the Lazarus Planet crossover event thingy is doing the same exact thing, a whole bunch of characters just came back and there's a new Firestorm now and stuff. The LAZARUS in the title is related to Al Ghul's Lazarus Pits which is presumably why these characters are coming back but I don't know anything about the specifics involved.

Oh, and don't worry Tasty, one of the upcoming issues for that is titled "Lazarus Planet: Dark Fate" so they got it in there.

The Flash trailer has got me in the mood to read some ridiculous crossover shit. I kinda tapped out after a year of The New 52, so what's the hot shit since then? Kinda want to read Dark Metal or Death Metal or Dark Metal Knight Rising or whatever the fuck all that was.

Polident Hive

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Re: The Official Capeshit thread
« Reply #244 on: February 22, 2023, 08:13:02 PM »
Speaking of, The Flash show is ending. It’s season 9 or 10? Anyway, at a point CW had about seven DC shows airing. All ended or have been canceled. Inexplicably they’re starting up a Gotham Knights show on CW, somehow more broke ass than the game. Main character is Bruce’s son, Turner Hayes (nerds, help) and assorted kids of Batman villains. You know, Duela, daughter of Joker.

We need to return to normalcy. Being back The Cape and No Ordinary Family.


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Re: The Official Capeshit thread
« Reply #245 on: February 22, 2023, 09:51:44 PM »
Speaking of, The Flash show is ending. It’s season 9 or 10? Anyway, at a point CW had about seven DC shows airing. All ended or have been canceled. Inexplicably they’re starting up a Gotham Knights show on CW, somehow more broke ass than the game. Main character is Bruce’s son, Turner Hayes (nerds, help) and assorted kids of Batman villains. You know, Duela, daughter of Joker.

We need to return to normalcy. Being back The Cape and No Ordinary Family.

I started losing interest in Arrowverse shows after Arrow ended.  Had enough of Flash with season 7 (or possibly early into season 8?).  It's kind of crazy how so many of the villains ended up being speedsters and in some cases the same speedster every time. :zzz

Arrow season one was the best of any of those, IMO, although Legends Of Tomorrow was pretty fun since after it stopped taking itself too seriously after a season or two.

Return Of The Mack :lol


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Re: The Official Capeshit thread
« Reply #246 on: February 22, 2023, 10:17:08 PM »
The Flash trailer has got me in the mood to read some ridiculous crossover shit. I kinda tapped out after a year of The New 52, so what's the hot shit since then? Kinda want to read Dark Metal or Death Metal or Dark Metal Knight Rising or whatever the fuck all that was.
Full title is Dark Nights: METAL and the sequel is Dark Nights: DEATH METAL. First one is really great, one of the best DC crossover events, the sequel is a little try hard with an expanded scope, METAL really benefits from everyone running wild with a pretty simple core idea. They are pretty decently self-contained in terms of whether or not you need to know anything that's happened elsewhere as setup, you'll mostly just miss out on previous setup stuff coming together and the characters coming back from the dead type of stuff. The post Death Metal Infinite Frontier/Flashpoint Beyond/etc. stuff that led into Dark Crisis picks up on a number of threads from The Multiversity. I haven't read Dark Crisis yet so I have no idea if it's nuts or not.

Joe Molotov

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Re: The Official Capeshit thread
« Reply #247 on: February 23, 2023, 01:40:37 PM »
Thanks, I'll check out Metal. Also, I was browsing eBay and randomly bought Forever Evil and Trinity War HCs for $10. No idea if those are any good or not.


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Re: The Official Capeshit thread
« Reply #248 on: February 24, 2023, 12:31:03 AM »
Forever Evil isn't bad. Trinity War is a pretty dumb setup for the various Justice Leagues to fight and none of it matters because it ends with the start of Forever Evil.

I misread your mention of New 52 and didn't think about stuff during it, probably The Multiversity, Futures End and Darkseid War were my favorite events during it. Oh, and Earth 2 was great but that's not really an event. (Justice League 3000 is somewhat similar and went some fun places before randomly ending.) Rotworld is alright, Swamp Thing and Animal Man crossover. The Omega Men was pretty cool but more of just a miniseries.


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Re: The Official Capeshit thread
« Reply #249 on: February 24, 2023, 07:00:59 PM »


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Re: The Official Capeshit thread
« Reply #250 on: February 24, 2023, 09:48:47 PM »
First one was pretty dire

Joe Molotov

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Re: The Official Capeshit thread
« Reply #251 on: February 26, 2023, 01:07:23 AM »
Forever Evil isn't bad. Trinity War is a pretty dumb setup for the various Justice Leagues to fight and none of it matters because it ends with the start of Forever Evil.

I misread your mention of New 52 and didn't think about stuff during it, probably The Multiversity, Futures End and Darkseid War were my favorite events during it. Oh, and Earth 2 was great but that's not really an event. (Justice League 3000 is somewhat similar and went some fun places before randomly ending.) Rotworld is alright, Swamp Thing and Animal Man crossover. The Omega Men was pretty cool but more of just a miniseries.

I’ve actually read Rot World, I think it was one of the last things I read when I was still keeping up with comics. Multiversity is one that was on my radar because I like Grant Morrison. What about Doomsday Clock, was that any good?


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Re: The Official Capeshit thread
« Reply #252 on: February 26, 2023, 01:22:45 AM »
Doomsday Clock is pretty boring, especially if you want a "sequel to Watchmen" or whatever, barely anything happens for the first ten issues. I think Death Metal summarizes it in like a paragraph.


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Re: The Official Capeshit thread
« Reply #253 on: March 09, 2023, 03:52:19 PM »

Panic is starting to set in at Disney. Brace yourself for some bad decisions.



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Re: The Official Capeshit thread
« Reply #254 on: April 28, 2023, 12:26:51 AM »
The trailers make it look like they actually somehow pulled this shit off:

Might not even mind watching a coda to The Academy Award Winning Zack Snyder's Trilogy at this point knowing that they're completely scrapping the stupidity it was going to lead to originally. Also curious how they might have changed the leaked (years ago now) ending.


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Re: The Official Capeshit thread
« Reply #255 on: May 03, 2023, 06:34:59 PM »
You know how Disney can guarantee that I won't see Guardians of the Galaxy 3 in the cinema?

By releasing Ant Man 3 on Disney+ two weeks after opening day.


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Re: The Official Capeshit thread
« Reply #257 on: May 14, 2023, 05:26:42 PM »
Going to shunt this into this thread:
That was maybe the most nerd infuriating part of that whole "was Thanos right?" horseshit wankery. Really, we need to have more contempt for "Marvel fans" and self-proclaimed nerds in general praising how they scraped out the entire thematic core of the Infinity Gauntlet (and Thanos personally) for objectively stupid Malthusianism and low level Star Trek tier time travel nonsense. One of the saving graces of Snyder getting fired was he wasn't able to use lame ass time travel in a story with reality shaping powers like he also planned.

Then all these dummies tried to talk us into their multiverse horseshit as the next great storytelling frontier and how much "fun" we're supposed to be having with a multiverse where everyone alive had a traumatic five year time separation and each new "adventure" is about escalating existential cosmic horrors none of the writers have solutions for. Something which everyone completely ignores until somebody steps slightly out of formula in a non-superficial way and our "fans" tut-tut them for making things "too bleak" and "losing the fun and heroics" as Gunn is currently getting.

And then there's the unrelenting inconsistent reality of these "shared universes" that exist only as the main characters (of the moment) move through them. And while I'm on it another thing is how... :rage

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Unironically, reflecting on the last 80 of these movies in the past decade, come away thinking Zod in MoS is the best realized villain. How he’s by design, in text and in universe, one dimensional. How that single track purpose born from a eugenics forward culture feeds into every action he makes. How when he fails that purpose, he’s basically going for suicide by cop while causing as much despair to everyone else. Makes me wonder what Darkseid could’ve been. What I understand, the direction was inline with Grant Morrison’s take. With Darkseid being this manifestation of evil, a force of nature, one track in his own way. It’s an interesting contrast with the other villains, who have relatively relatable motivations, to see someone that’s unambiguously and unashamedly evil. Oh, you’re saying I should shove myself into the locker? Sure thing.
The villains in these movies have been trash, worse than anything done to any of the heroes in any of them. It's pretty much aside from minor exceptions been downhill since Jeff Bridges was yelling about Tony Stark's box of scraps in a cave.

For all the criticism of how Snyder didn't get this or that character, I think he was starting to "get" Darkseid as what he was truly looking for out of the DC superhero canon back to Watchmen. The fear Batman has of Superman in BvS, it's the fear Luthor has of Darkseid (though the movie gives the impression he's afraid of Superman the ending reveals he's not, he had multiple solutions for that problem which he hoped would take care of the larger one), it's the fear the Zod/Superman fight showcased for the in-world characters, it's in the tinged language throughout Justice League (though I think Snyder took the wrong track in stripping the gallows humor he shot from his own cut), it's even in the treatment of Dr. Manhattan and Ozymandias's slightly more complex dumber plan against him, etc. Everybody picked up on the Superman (and the rest of the Justice League) as a god trope Snyder ran with, but in Darkseid and "getting" the potential use of the character in the premise he had Snyder had found his real Bad God to sell that "actually, superheroes in the real world would totally fucking suck" aspect. Though I doubt he could have pulled it off (he botched nearly every similar scope theme in BvS, the high batting average of JL almost assuredly came from having four years to sit on it and ponder) the idea of not having Superman (or Diana, Arthur, J'onn, any Lanterns, etc. "No protectors here, no Lanterns, no Kryptonian" was such a brilliant canon-steeped single line to straight away convey the threat even if we want to give the credit to Terrio) when Darkseid comes for Anti-Life is a pretty compelling one for a Justice League capstone. Which is partly why The Flash going back in time to convince Batfleck to sacrifice himself instead of Lois is so fucking stupid as a solution. (It's arguably far worse as a character arc conclusion.) You don't strip the Justice League of their gods and ask how they defeat a god then turn to the one god they have left so he can ask their lone human to sacrifice himself to prevent the whole thing before it happens lmao

The problem for Warner Bros. definitely would have been how it's a terrible way to start a DC Universe film franchise, especially continuously invoking the fear of all your main characters unchecked powers just so they can fail when confronted with an ultimate absolute power that has no such morals. :lol

Ironically, we're basically getting a version of this in The Flash movie with Zod coming to a world with no heroes but Michael Keaton then "deus ex machina" rebooting into a new DC Universe. I always thought this was maybe the only real honest way you could do a reboot when you reached a point of no return and already knew you wanted to replace all the actors. It's a shame they didn't really know this when they were shooting so Zod could go ham in Metropolis again instead of a desert. Zaslav should have called back Snyder to say "here's some millions, storyboard something to let them know what you think about the criticism of Man of Steel's fight and we'll CGI it up" as Ezra, Keaton and Supergirl get shredded by Zod before Barry hits the reboot button.


  • Dumbass Monkey
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Re: The Official Capeshit thread
« Reply #258 on: May 15, 2023, 05:01:53 AM »
What I'm going to say here is somewhat primarily pre-Nu52, (because thats where DC bounced me out) but the actual comics universe where the general populace are fucking terrified of supes of all flavours and origins was Wildstorm, which just got folded into the general DCU and I don't know how to reconcile that with how the DC / Marvel split was usually portrayed (explicitly in JLA vs Avengers) was that the DCU was more 'mythic' and the general population were in awe and wonderment of their super heroes, versus the MU being both more toned down in power sets, and also people generally not exactly liking or trusting their heroes.

Which is pretty much flipped in the movie portrayals.

Like, take that character moment in Spiderman: Homecoming, where the shop keeper is like "Hey, you're that spider guy - do a flip!" *does flip* "Yaaaaaay!".
It's a cute beat, but... for a huge fucking chunk of Spiderman history, general attitudes are he's working outside the law and most people are all "Well, there's something about that guy..." and everytime there's an arguable call he gets his Daily Bugle front page for people to "I always knew that guy was off" about.

Cauliflower Of Love

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Re: The Official Capeshit thread
« Reply #259 on: May 15, 2023, 05:05:51 AM »
when can we get another fun movie?


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Re: The Official Capeshit thread
« Reply #260 on: May 15, 2023, 05:17:37 AM »
Blue Beetle looks pretty good...?

Cauliflower Of Love

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Re: The Official Capeshit thread
« Reply #261 on: May 15, 2023, 05:22:42 AM »
Jorge Lopez


e: what happened to the sick emoji? bork streamlining while fine dining smh


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Re: The Official Capeshit thread
« Reply #262 on: May 15, 2023, 05:23:50 AM »
Which is pretty much flipped in the movie portrayals.
It's amusing because the MCU is based so much on Ultimate Marvel where people don't care about mutants being killed randomly in front of them and often cheer it on like Joanne does, the first big "event" is the Hulk laying waste to NYC killing thousands and guys like Captain America are basically Superman level strong. :lol

Snyder's self-proclaimed "deconstruction" was hardly new, as you mentioned Wildstorm maybe got there first to do it as standard as it quickly got to "holy shit superheroes would be nuts" levels but Ultimate Marvel popularly picked up many of those strands with bigger brand names. New 52 had some of this in mind but it was tied to part of them trying to power everyone back down more than explore the idea, there were some similar things after the original Crisis. There's been some other stuff that's dabbled in these areas, all the stuff that's been adapted to TV like Powers, The Boys, Invincible, etc. touches on these things. Astro City has some of it. Supreme Power was about little else. Alan Moore did a bunch of it in his indie stuff and obviously may claim the modern mainstream "first!" with Watchmen.

The MCU is just weird about this and people almost never mention it. While the fans/media seem to get weirdly upset if someone does mention it.
« Last Edit: May 15, 2023, 05:34:11 AM by benjipwns »

Cauliflower Of Love

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Re: The Official Capeshit thread
« Reply #263 on: May 15, 2023, 05:27:33 AM »
nerd alert


  • Dumbass Monkey
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Re: The Official Capeshit thread
« Reply #264 on: May 15, 2023, 05:42:50 AM »
Snyder's self-proclaimed "deconstruction" was hardly new, as you mentioned Wildstorm maybe got there first to do it as standard as it quickly got to "holy shit superheroes would be nuts" levels but Ultimate Marvel popularly picked up many of those strands with bigger brand names. New 52 had some of this in mind but it was tied to part of them trying to power everyone back down more than explore the idea, there were some similar things after the original Crisis. There's been some other stuff that's dabbled in these areas, all the stuff that's been adapted to TV like Powers, The Boys, Invincible, etc. touches on these things. Astro City has some of it. Supreme Power was about little else. Alan Moore did a bunch of it in his indie stuff and obviously may claim the modern mainstream "first!" with Watchmen.

I think Snyders sensibilities are probably somewhat casual comics reader?
And by that, I mean for a long ass time your typical "entry point" TPB recommendations would 100% include Watchmen, Dark Knight Returns, and Kingdom Come, which absolutely do have that Snyderverse vibe - but they're mostly 'end point' after a bunch of continuity has passed.
It'd be like the MCU using Earth X, or any of the The End one shots as its template - it doesn't really make sense as a launchpad, its pretty much a post-mortem of after things went wrong far far in the future.

In terms of using bad guys, hollywood films in general are much more prone to go to execution of the antagonist as a finale, but comics have known thats a stupid fucking idea since Dick Tracey and its endless 'son of flattop who looks and acts identical to his dad' shenanigans to resurrect popular foils for the hero (and you see this a little in very early batman when they stupidly killed off the Joker and had to retcon that shit).


Cauliflower Of Love

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Re: The Official Capeshit thread
« Reply #265 on: May 15, 2023, 05:45:55 AM »
dweeb alert

Polident Hive

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Re: The Official Capeshit thread
« Reply #266 on: May 15, 2023, 06:30:20 AM »
Snyder's self-proclaimed "deconstruction" was hardly new, as you mentioned Wildstorm maybe got there first to do it as standard as it quickly got to "holy shit superheroes would be nuts" levels but Ultimate Marvel popularly picked up many of those strands with bigger brand names. New 52 had some of this in mind but it was tied to part of them trying to power everyone back down more than explore the idea, there were some similar things after the original Crisis. There's been some other stuff that's dabbled in these areas, all the stuff that's been adapted to TV like Powers, The Boys, Invincible, etc. touches on these things. Astro City has some of it. Supreme Power was about little else. Alan Moore did a bunch of it in his indie stuff and obviously may claim the modern mainstream "first!" with Watchmen.

I think Snyders sensibilities are probably somewhat casual comics reader?
And by that, I mean for a long ass time your typical "entry point" TPB recommendations would 100% include Watchmen, Dark Knight Returns, and Kingdom Come, which absolutely do have that Snyderverse vibe - but they're mostly 'end point' after a bunch of continuity has passed.
It'd be like the MCU using Earth X, or any of the The End one shots as its template - it doesn't really make sense as a launchpad, its pretty much a post-mortem of after things went wrong far far in the future.

In terms of using bad guys, hollywood films in general are much more prone to go to execution of the antagonist as a finale, but comics have known thats a stupid fucking idea since Dick Tracey and its endless 'son of flattop who looks and acts identical to his dad' shenanigans to resurrect popular foils for the hero (and you see this a little in very early batman when they stupidly killed off the Joker and had to retcon that shit).


iirc that was the intent. It had a finite ending in JL3. The model was akin to LotR, where everyone in their rightful place, the journey is over, etc. They even spoke of an epilogue set years later. If the MCU is settling into a long status quo, the concept was Superman et al leading the world into a progressive future. That whole “they’ll join you in the sun” thing.

Once that run was over, it’d all be open for a reboot. It’s kinda funny how, had Geoff Johns not been Geoff John, things would’ve been naturally resolved by now for the upcoming reboot.

I’d also say the idea of deconstruction wouldn’t have merit without reconstruction. And that was very much the ebb and flow of the movies. Challenging the idea of these characters to show who they are. It’s how you get the darkest Batman in BvS to the most optimistic in JL. I get why it’s not for everybody.


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Re: The Official Capeshit thread
« Reply #267 on: May 15, 2023, 06:50:56 AM »
I think one of the fundamental thematic complaints with Snyder is that whether he did it well or not, he wanted to ask what makes a hero and makes heroes come together other than they're just "good people" and that's what heroes do. A lot of people really hate this idea and it's quite ideological at a base level, tying back to that GOTG3 review that started this discussion it's the inverse of the "villainous progressive" that paranoid reviewer was complaining about. People don't want to think Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, etc. have to be convinced to become heroes and that's the central theme of BvS/JL and it starts in MoS. ZSJL has this underlying notion of a doomed effort, that Bruce has transplanted his death wish to combatting Steppenwolf and the others are going along with him out of being similarly lost and having nothing better either in terms of a meaning nor a plan to succeed. They bet everything on faith in Superman, something that the first two movies absolutely fail in justifying in them. Snyder never established that they should have this faith other than Superman stupidly and unnecessarily sacrificing himself in BvS. Probably worse, Superman never had this faith in himself until he came back from the dead. The fact that Snyder was going to do it again is probably good evidence that he wasn't the guy to pull off what is otherwise a decent idea.

Polident Hive

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Re: The Official Capeshit thread
« Reply #268 on: May 15, 2023, 07:12:16 AM »
I mean, this Superman is pretty hot. I’d have faith in him.


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Re: The Official Capeshit thread
« Reply #269 on: May 15, 2023, 07:15:47 AM »
They're taking our capital-G Gamer Superman from us. :usacry


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Re: The Official Capeshit thread
« Reply #270 on: November 19, 2023, 10:48:57 AM »
The Marvels are the biggest failure of all time.

It's satisfying to see the mask is finally off and the truth is no one ever liked these garbage movies but people felt forced to go see them because they were "culturally relevant".

Now people can be loud and proud saying "no I didn't watch the marvel movie and I don't care"

team filler

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Re: The Official Capeshit thread
« Reply #271 on: November 19, 2023, 12:35:17 PM »
meanwhile snyder cut still rules  :rejoice


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Re: The Official Capeshit thread
« Reply #272 on: November 20, 2023, 03:59:12 PM »
They needed this kind of kick in the ass.  Hopefully this leads Marvel to improve things.

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Re: The Official Capeshit thread
« Reply #273 on: November 22, 2023, 03:16:24 AM »
marvels response is yassifying silver surfer in the next fantasic four movie  :lol


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Re: The Official Capeshit thread
« Reply #274 on: November 24, 2023, 06:21:21 PM »
MARVELS was a heap of fun. Grounded, heartwarming, and energetic.
Guardians 3 was better than 2, touching, hilarious, exciting.

Quantumania and Wakanda Forever are the only theatrical loserfruit on the MCU tree. Even Captain Marvel beats those.