Titanfall 2-PC: One of most genuinely fun single player campaign I've ever seen in a AAA cinematic bombastic FPS. While it shares a straightforward set-piece driven structure like its CoD cousins. It's infused with so much personality. Thrilling set-pieces that make use of the games fast paced platforming and rendered in loving care as Respawn presents it's military mecha sci-fi fantasy world. The story while pretty basic, is nevertheless very wholesome and facilitates a fun sci-fi shooty bang adventure that never bores. Thanks in part to movement that feels incredibly smooth and responsive and while the gunplay still has that CoD lightness, it still feels punchy and smooth.
Titanfall 2 is just the definition of an excellent video game.
Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2019-PC: Call of Duty ounce again deploys the Modern Warfare series to ground the series and reflect modern times. It really is a step forward in many ways.
The gunplay feels punchy and weightier than ever before, creating gun feedback that feels almost brutal in achieving the cool feeling of shooting guns. It is at it's release the best feeling CoD, weapons no longer feeling like air soft guns, but true mechanical killing sticks.
It's presentation is top tier, invoking modern films such as 13 Hours and Zero Dark Thirty. Depicting a warzone that is not big battles of moving armies and mechanical movements, but more strategic strikes, terrorism, and in general more believable. Toning down the 80s/90s action movie vibe. It's rendered amazingly at times, looking life like at plenty of times.
It's sound design captures the grittiness.
The problem is many of these missions are rather dry and boring and its attempts at creative missions often just dull.