Author Topic: The Culture War Thread  (Read 151807 times)

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Re: The Culture War Thread
« Reply #1140 on: September 15, 2022, 11:15:34 PM »


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Re: The Culture War Thread
« Reply #1142 on: September 16, 2022, 02:42:34 PM »
To be honest I rather have the fat ladies try to make us eat cookies, cake and hamburgers than the shitlibs trying to make us eat bugs.


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Re: The Culture War Thread
« Reply #1144 on: September 18, 2022, 05:06:26 PM »


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Re: The Culture War Thread
« Reply #1145 on: September 18, 2022, 05:07:46 PM »


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Re: The Culture War Thread
« Reply #1146 on: September 18, 2022, 05:13:20 PM »
i clicked the tweet and found out that "jorts" is a cat and i'm dying  :lol :lol :lol

It worked though because the person has raised $15K:


  • Haughty and a little naughty
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Re: The Culture War Thread
« Reply #1147 on: September 18, 2022, 05:25:17 PM »

There was an even worse case a month ago or so where a videogame basically spoiled a scene right before it happened with their triggerwarning:

I can understand a trigger warning at the beginning of the game (though I still think it's dumb since studies have shown that trigger warnings are unlikely to help) but adding a pause midgame to warn the player is some real dumb stuff


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Re: The Culture War Thread
« Reply #1148 on: September 18, 2022, 05:52:59 PM »

Phoenix Dark

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Re: The Culture War Thread
« Reply #1149 on: September 18, 2022, 08:37:36 PM »

This has been going on for years but the insidious nature still blows me away. Heart disease, high blood pressure, and hyper tension kill black people at higher rates than anyone on the planet. Diabetes hurts us worse than anyone besides Hispanic people. All of this is intrinsically tied to weight and diet. That's not an opinion, it's a fact. Instead of dealing with it we've got groups of people black people who do not care about health and will cook their soul food with as much sodium or sugar as they want, no matter what because that's how grandma did it. And now we also have a group of younger black people who have fully bought into white intersectional feminist bullshit groupthink about "fatphobia" all foods/diets being fine.

I always imagine a 400 pound person tweeting this shit and then walking down a flight of stairs at their apartment building. Or simply getting out of bed. Or simply sitting on the toilet. Do they simply think everyone struggles to breath while doing basic things in life, or do they on some deep level acknowledge they are obscenely unhealthy and have not only given up on life - but are dedicated to ensuring others give up as well. It's like this weird cult of acceptance for failure. You could go for a walk and eat healthier...or you could explain how walking/hiking/outdoors activity is fatphobic and that the heath food industry pimps products that are no better/worse than ice cream.

This has real life consequences and impact. These people are swarming into academia and medicine. It's not good.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: The Culture War Thread
« Reply #1150 on: September 18, 2022, 08:54:25 PM »
I always imagine a 400 pound person tweeting this shit and then walking down a flight of stairs at their apartment building. Or simply getting out of bed. Or simply sitting on the toilet. Do they simply think everyone struggles to breath while doing basic things in life, or do they on some deep level acknowledge they are obscenely unhealthy and have not only given up on life - but are dedicated to ensuring others give up as well. It's like this weird cult of acceptance for failure. You could go for a walk and eat healthier...or you could explain how walking/hiking/outdoors activity is fatphobic and that the heath food industry pimps products that are no better/worse than ice cream.
Some of the fat acceptance/liberation people really do make this argument, that everyone suffers physically they just suffer slightly differently in part because the medical community is fatphobic and refuses to correct its fatphobic bias. But that's the public persona I can't know what they truly think.

There's a hilarious Twitter account, that makes all kinds of crazy arguments about this, how reality is fatphobic, how medical science has never proven there's any downsides to being fat, how the "thins" are all genocidal towards fat people, etc. and seems to be at the center of Fat Twitter:

Funniest to me is that she isn't really that fat by many American standards, but lots of her orbiters really are super/infinityfats. They all just repeat the same stuff day in and day out about how much healthier it is to love your fat body instead of being genocidal towards others. One of their big things is that it's violent hatred to ask a patient their weight and this needs to be outlawed.

Pissy F Benny

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Re: The Culture War Thread
« Reply #1151 on: September 18, 2022, 09:20:13 PM »
I wish I was important enough to cancel cos some loser found out I listen to Tory Lanez every so often or something :fbm

Polident Hive

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Re: The Culture War Thread
« Reply #1152 on: September 18, 2022, 09:41:05 PM »
Too often does this read as an over correction. Escaping “nothing tastes better than skinny” and coke chic dumb attitudes to land at “never ending means never ending, ladies. Let’s bankrupt the olive garden!” One way or the other, you shouldn’t need to vomit after a meal.

Phoenix Dark

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Re: The Culture War Thread
« Reply #1153 on: September 18, 2022, 11:13:01 PM »
I always imagine a 400 pound person tweeting this shit and then walking down a flight of stairs at their apartment building. Or simply getting out of bed. Or simply sitting on the toilet. Do they simply think everyone struggles to breath while doing basic things in life, or do they on some deep level acknowledge they are obscenely unhealthy and have not only given up on life - but are dedicated to ensuring others give up as well. It's like this weird cult of acceptance for failure. You could go for a walk and eat healthier...or you could explain how walking/hiking/outdoors activity is fatphobic and that the heath food industry pimps products that are no better/worse than ice cream.
Some of the fat acceptance/liberation people really do make this argument, that everyone suffers physically they just suffer slightly differently in part because the medical community is fatphobic and refuses to correct its fatphobic bias. But that's the public persona I can't know what they truly think.

There's a hilarious Twitter account, that makes all kinds of crazy arguments about this, how reality is fatphobic, how medical science has never proven there's any downsides to being fat, how the "thins" are all genocidal towards fat people, etc. and seems to be at the center of Fat Twitter:

Funniest to me is that she isn't really that fat by many American standards, but lots of her orbiters really are super/infinityfats. They all just repeat the same stuff day in and day out about how much healthier it is to love your fat body instead of being genocidal towards others. One of their big things is that it's violent hatred to ask a patient their weight and this needs to be outlawed.
I see you and raise you this...

Family friend of mine is a pediatrician and she said she's got a couple 12-15 year old patients who refuse to be weighed during appointments due to that. Both are overweight or obese, both are unhealthy by any non-BMI metric (blood pressure, cholesterol, etc) yet they simply do not believe it and refuse to participate in "systems constructed by fatphobia." It's utterly insane but this is the shit that's destroying brains/thought/etc.

Also fat people creating their own hierarchy to determine who is oppressed the most is really on brand. Everything is becoming intersectional oppression Olympics. We're doomed.


  • Dumbass Monkey
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Re: The Culture War Thread
« Reply #1154 on: September 19, 2022, 05:29:59 AM »
Too often does this read as an over correction. Escaping “nothing tastes better than skinny” and coke chic dumb attitudes to land at “never ending means never ending, ladies. Let’s bankrupt the olive garden!” One way or the other, you shouldn’t need to vomit after a meal.

So many Awfully Online People are so malignant in exactly the same ways the people they constantly rail against are, the whole thing feels like a fucking impromptu shirts vs skins and they're not massive arseholes because they're on Shirts this time, that's just where the coin toss landed them this time and they would be doing the exact same shit for the other team under near identical circumstances on a parallel earth.

Pissy F Benny

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Re: The Culture War Thread
« Reply #1155 on: September 19, 2022, 01:55:21 PM »
I always imagine a 400 pound person tweeting this shit and then walking down a flight of stairs at their apartment building. Or simply getting out of bed. Or simply sitting on the toilet. Do they simply think everyone struggles to breath while doing basic things in life, or do they on some deep level acknowledge they are obscenely unhealthy and have not only given up on life - but are dedicated to ensuring others give up as well. It's like this weird cult of acceptance for failure. You could go for a walk and eat healthier...or you could explain how walking/hiking/outdoors activity is fatphobic and that the heath food industry pimps products that are no better/worse than ice cream.
Some of the fat acceptance/liberation people really do make this argument, that everyone suffers physically they just suffer slightly differently in part because the medical community is fatphobic and refuses to correct its fatphobic bias. But that's the public persona I can't know what they truly think.

There's a hilarious Twitter account, that makes all kinds of crazy arguments about this, how reality is fatphobic, how medical science has never proven there's any downsides to being fat, how the "thins" are all genocidal towards fat people, etc. and seems to be at the center of Fat Twitter:

Funniest to me is that she isn't really that fat by many American standards, but lots of her orbiters really are super/infinityfats. They all just repeat the same stuff day in and day out about how much healthier it is to love your fat body instead of being genocidal towards others. One of their big things is that it's violent hatred to ask a patient their weight and this needs to be outlawed.
I see you and raise you this...

Family friend of mine is a pediatrician and she said she's got a couple 12-15 year old patients who refuse to be weighed during appointments due to that. Both are overweight or obese, both are unhealthy by any non-BMI metric (blood pressure, cholesterol, etc) yet they simply do not believe it and refuse to participate in "systems constructed by fatphobia." It's utterly insane but this is the shit that's destroying brains/thought/etc.

Also fat people creating their own hierarchy to determine who is oppressed the most is really on brand. Everything is becoming intersectional oppression Olympics. We're doomed.

I'd like to hear more about this fat hierarchy :hmm

Whats most stupid about this is the number 1 rule of being fat is you make fun of yourself for it, thereby becoming the funny fat guy :trumps



  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: The Culture War Thread
« Reply #1156 on: September 20, 2022, 12:49:15 AM »
I'd like to hear more about this fat hierarchy :hmm
Check the link PD posted, the charts from that get posted all over, basically the more fat you get (which nobody has any control over and is not because of your personal choices) the more oppressed you are and as you move through multiple categories of fat you become more oppressed by Genocidal Thin Culture:

Just for reference, a women's size 18 is about a men's waist size of 34.


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Re: The Culture War Thread
« Reply #1157 on: September 20, 2022, 01:21:30 AM »
Is it fair to assume Benji is Infinifat


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Re: The Culture War Thread
« Reply #1158 on: September 20, 2022, 02:40:31 AM »

because the embed cuts off the reply


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Re: The Culture War Thread
« Reply #1160 on: September 20, 2022, 10:03:55 AM »

because the embed cuts off the reply

Deleting tweets should be illegal. What did it say?


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: The Culture War Thread
« Reply #1161 on: September 20, 2022, 03:33:04 PM »

Deleting tweets should be illegal. What did it say?
Was just the screenshot in the spoilers.


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Re: The Culture War Thread
« Reply #1162 on: September 21, 2022, 03:40:15 PM »

 :hmm Go on.


  • Haughty and a little naughty
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Re: The Culture War Thread
« Reply #1163 on: September 21, 2022, 03:42:11 PM »
You can't just drop this hot dance floor segregation story without providing the full article  :cry


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: The Culture War Thread
« Reply #1164 on: September 21, 2022, 03:49:48 PM »
You can't just drop this hot dance floor segregation story without providing the full article  :cry
Not too long ago, a friend of mine invited me to a party at their home that was for femmes only. My gender expression is fluid, and I’ve gone through periods of time where I am comfortable in makeup and dresses. For the last several years, however, I’ve been rocking button-ups and barber’s cuts. It was awkward to receive an invitation from a dear friend to an event at which I’d be unwelcome.

(I remember one time inviting two lesbians who were not involved in the Queer Scene to a femme picnic in the hopes that they’d make new friends. When I asked them about it afterward (I couldn’t attend due to being a swishy butch at the time), they told me they felt judged and unwelcome. They didn’t get the memo to bring a homemade vegan snack and watched people sneer at the bag of chips they’d brought to share. Although they were dress-wearing lesbians, they were not femmes—their fellow picnickers’ passive aggression made this abundantly clear.)

I decided to ask my party-planning friend what they were trying to accomplish by making their event femmes only. As we talked, it became clear that what my friend truly wanted was a dress party! They didn’t actually care about the genders of their guests. They wanted to dance in a dress with a bunch of other people doing the same—to enjoy the sweet swish of fabric around their legs in good company.


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Re: The Culture War Thread
« Reply #1165 on: September 21, 2022, 04:57:03 PM »


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« Last Edit: September 21, 2022, 09:01:19 PM by benjipwns »


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Re: The Culture War Thread
« Reply #1168 on: September 21, 2022, 08:11:21 PM »


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Re: The Culture War Thread
« Reply #1169 on: September 22, 2022, 05:26:24 PM »


  • Haughty and a little naughty
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Re: The Culture War Thread
« Reply #1170 on: September 22, 2022, 05:56:13 PM »
Normalize  :clap Pink  :clap Nuclear  :clap Bombs


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Re: The Culture War Thread
« Reply #1171 on: September 22, 2022, 06:33:33 PM »


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Re: The Culture War Thread
« Reply #1172 on: September 22, 2022, 06:52:54 PM »


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Re: The Culture War Thread
« Reply #1173 on: September 23, 2022, 08:08:01 AM »

Pissy F Benny

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Re: The Culture War Thread
« Reply #1174 on: September 23, 2022, 09:44:33 AM »


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Re: The Culture War Thread
« Reply #1175 on: September 23, 2022, 04:40:09 PM »


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Re: The Culture War Thread
« Reply #1177 on: September 23, 2022, 07:10:07 PM »
What are these. :lol

Why does this exist:

I've heard about these, it's basically like the content mill Elsa sucks Spiderman's toes crap for kids where some weirdo realizes they can get rich gaming the algorithm with millions of accidental/farmed clicks


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Re: The Culture War Thread
« Reply #1178 on: September 23, 2022, 10:14:56 PM »

spoiler (click to show/hide)


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Re: The Culture War Thread
« Reply #1179 on: September 24, 2022, 08:42:16 PM »


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Re: The Culture War Thread
« Reply #1180 on: September 25, 2022, 06:00:18 AM »
Imagine that the "right" used to be afraid Japan would take over, now they are actively celebrating this.



  • Dumbass Monkey
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Re: The Culture War Thread
« Reply #1181 on: September 25, 2022, 08:10:24 AM »
When american comics has author-insert journalists haranguing captain america for not being american enough because he doesnt watch nascar or use myspace, and weeabos have a chain smoking pirate chef who can kick the shit out of anyone and anything but can't help simping for beautiful women, america kinda deserves it


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Re: The Culture War Thread
« Reply #1182 on: September 25, 2022, 09:47:50 PM »
Another white woman strays from her lane and does a heckin cultural imperialisms:
Meg Smaker felt exhilarated last November. After 16 months filming inside a Saudi rehabilitation center for accused terrorists, she learned that her documentary “Jihad Rehab” was invited to the 2022 Sundance Festival, one of the most prestigious showcases in the world.

Her documentary centered on four former Guantánamo detainees sent to a rehab center in Saudi Arabia who had opened their lives to her, speaking of youthful attraction to Al Qaeda and the Taliban, of torture endured, and of regrets.

Film critics warned that conservatives might bridle at these human portraits, but reviews after the festival’s screening were strong.

“The absence of absolutes is what’s most enriching,” The Guardian stated, adding, “This is a movie for intelligent people looking to have their preconceived notions challenged.” Variety wrote: The film “feels like a miracle and an interrogative act of defiance.”
Arab and Muslim filmmakers and their white supporters accused Ms. Smaker of Islamophobia and American propaganda. Some suggested her race was disqualifying, a white woman who presumed to tell the story of Arab men.

Sundance leaders reversed themselves and apologized.

Abigail Disney, a grandniece of Walt Disney, had been the executive producer of “Jihad Rehab” and called it “freaking brilliant” in an email to Ms. Smaker. Now she disavowed it.

The film “landed like a truckload of hate,” Ms. Disney wrote in an open letter.
Many Arab and Muslim filmmakers — who like others in the industry struggle for money and recognition — denounced “Jihad Rehab” as offering an all too familiar take. They say Ms. Smaker is the latest white documentarian to tell the story of Muslims through a lens of the war on terror. These documentary makers, they say, take their white, Western gaze and claim to film victims with empathy.

Assia Boundaoui, a filmmaker, critiqued it for Documentary magazine.

“To see my language and the homelands of folks in my community used as backdrops for white savior tendencies is nauseating,” she wrote. “The talk is all empathy, but the energy is Indiana Jones.”

She called on festivals to allow Muslims to create “films that concern themselves not with war, but with life.”
“An entirely white team behind a film about Yemeni and South Arabian men,” the filmmaker Violeta Ayala wrote in a tweet.

Ms. Smaker’s film had a Yemeni-American executive producer and a Saudi co-producer.

More than 230 filmmakers signed a letter denouncing the documentary. A majority had not seen it.
Ms. Smaker said a public relations firm recommended that she apologize. “What was I apologizing for?” she said. “For trusting my audience to make up their own mind?”
“When I, a practicing Muslim woman, say that this film is problematic,” wrote Jude Chehab, a Lebanese American documentarian, “my voice should be stronger than a white woman saying that it isn’t. Point blank.”

Ms. Disney, the former champion, wrote, “I failed, failed and absolutely failed to understand just how exhausted by and disgusted with the perpetual representation of Muslim men and women as terrorists or former terrorists or potential terrorists the Muslim people are.”

Her apology and that of Sundance shook the industry. The South by Southwest and San Francisco festivals rescinded invitations.


  • Haughty and a little naughty
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Re: The Culture War Thread
« Reply #1183 on: September 25, 2022, 10:09:06 PM »
More than 230 filmmakers signed a letter denouncing the documentary. A majority had not seen it

This is fucking sad.

A lot of the criticism also reads like those people would just rather ignore the subject matter. It's about real people and real things that happen but some would rather not talk about it.


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Re: The Culture War Thread
« Reply #1184 on: September 27, 2022, 05:32:16 PM »

Phoenix Dark

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Re: The Culture War Thread
« Reply #1185 on: September 28, 2022, 11:39:30 AM »
We're definitely at a point where there are entire sociopolitical movements that cannot appreciate/respect art or media that does not include or centralize their personal representation trait. Which is a piss poor way to view anything, especially art. I always think about the Breakfast Club, which isn't diverse at all racially yet is a great film in large part due to how audiences identify with main characters - whose lives and experiences are quite diverse. It never donned on me as a kid watching the film to say "I don't see myself on the screen so I can't relate to this (#breakfastclubsowhite)." I've never read a novel and thought oh wow, I'm offended by the lack of black people. Yet this is how we are conditioning people to think about art and media.

It's not surprising that corporations have responded with cynical, half assed diversity content to appeal to these people in the most embarrassing ways. The algorithm sure found a perfect demographic marriage with that Dahmer show btw. Women obsessed with true crime, gay niccas, and black twitter. That's a holy trinity for social media marketing in the streaming era.



  • Haughty and a little naughty
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Re: The Culture War Thread
« Reply #1186 on: September 28, 2022, 11:51:59 AM »
We're definitely at a point where there are entire sociopolitical movements that cannot appreciate/respect art or media that does not include or centralize their personal representation trait. Which is a piss poor way to view anything, especially art. I always think about the Breakfast Club, which isn't diverse at all racially yet is a great film in large part due to how audiences identify with main characters - whose lives and experiences are quite diverse. It never donned on me as a kid watching the film to say "I don't see myself on the screen so I can't relate to this (#breakfastclubsowhite)." I've never read a novel and thought oh wow, I'm offended by the lack of black people. Yet this is how we are conditioning people to think about art and media.

It's really frustrating because a push for diversity does feel justified but it's done in a way where only the race and gender of the character appears to matter anymore. Recently some comic book series was put on hold and the news site reported that it would have been "The first Arab male led show based on a comic book"
which just is an absurd amount of qualifiers solely so they can say "Omg this is the first show that does this, progress has finally been made. Ms. Marvel? No that was about female Arab Muslim hero based on a comicbook, completely different thing, our show is the first of its kind."

Also paradoxically, people are basically implying that white guys who whine about how they can't relate to a black character are justified, because apparently skin color is all that matters.

The algorithm sure found a perfect demographic marriage with that Dahmer show btw. Women obsessed with true crime, gay niccas, and black twitter. That's a holy trinity for social media marketing in the streaming era.

Speaking of
« Last Edit: September 28, 2022, 12:13:25 PM by HaughtyFrank »


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Re: The Culture War Thread
« Reply #1187 on: September 28, 2022, 12:07:17 PM »
We're definitely at a point where there are entire sociopolitical movements that cannot appreciate/respect art or media that does not include or centralize their personal representation trait. Which is a piss poor way to view anything, especially art. I always think about the Breakfast Club, which isn't diverse at all racially yet is a great film in large part due to how audiences identify with main characters - whose lives and experiences are quite diverse. It never donned on me as a kid watching the film to say "I don't see myself on the screen so I can't relate to this (#breakfastclubsowhite)." I've never read a novel and thought oh wow, I'm offended by the lack of black people. Yet this is how we are conditioning people to think about art and media.

It's not surprising that corporations have responded with cynical, half assed diversity content to appeal to these people in the most embarrassing ways. The algorithm sure found a perfect demographic marriage with that Dahmer show btw. Women obsessed with true crime, gay niccas, and black twitter. That's a holy trinity for social media marketing in the streaming era.

Can any slacktivist explain how Squid Game is the most successful TV show of all time? I'm not a homeless South Korean, nor is the majority of the world. How could this show have any possible appeal? :thinking

Pissy F Benny

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Re: The Culture War Thread
« Reply #1188 on: September 28, 2022, 12:19:48 PM »
I think a big problem is way too many people of that ilk are too narcissistic and stupid to be able to watch and relate to something without it being a self insert :trumps

I always think about the Breakfast Club, which isn't diverse at all racially yet is a great film in large part due to how audiences identify with main characters - whose lives and experiences are quite diverse.

Similarly one of the reasons I think most people love series 4 of the Wire is, that even though they're not black kids living in west baltimore, we all knew someone similar at least one of Michael, Naymond, Dukie and Randy when we was kids.


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Re: The Culture War Thread
« Reply #1189 on: September 28, 2022, 12:59:40 PM »
"Omg this is the first show that does this, progress has finally been made. Ms. Marvel? No that was about female Arab Muslim hero based on a comicbook, completely different thing, our show is the first of its kind."

Pakistanis are not Arabs  :ufup

Polident Hive

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Re: The Culture War Thread
« Reply #1190 on: September 28, 2022, 01:56:35 PM »
Of two minds about it. Think there’s a bastardized idea of empathy and relatability. That people need a mirror image with all the micro quirks to see a character. Don’t think it’s true so much as it’s pushed by profoundly narcissistic people on Twitter. That’s a platform build on solipsism so whatever. It’s so confused and wrapped around itself. That dumb little mermaid thing. Both extremes implicitly admit they don’t think humans can relate to people who look different. They live in their own heads.

My other thought is, as a [insert relevant 2022 term for POC, not white, whatever] I can’t deny exploring different and alternative media as a kid. Was it entirely about race? Probably not. But going way back, it’s not a coincidence East Asian culture was popular with black kids, and black culture was popular with Asian American kids. How that plays out these days is can of worms.

Phoenix Dark

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Re: The Culture War Thread
« Reply #1191 on: September 28, 2022, 02:26:08 PM »
Another issue is this cynical, corporate idea that if you simply change an established character from white to black - or male to female - you're advancing the arc of diversity/social progress. In reality it's often just a cynical marketing attempt to attract black/women/etc audiences. Which is fine if we could simply accept it as such. They aren't interested in exploring black stories - unless it's some weird trauma based shit - they just want your money. So Little Mermaid is black. Her mother will be black, and her father is white (well, Javier Bardem). Because of course Disney will never depict a black family, much less a straight black male character, in anything today...

I get that they're weirdo racists but jeez, why do people care about this stuff. It's obvious what the agenda is ($). If you don't want to see it, don't see it.


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Re: The Culture War Thread
« Reply #1192 on: September 28, 2022, 04:21:06 PM »
Another issue is this cynical, corporate idea that if you simply change an established character from white to black - or male to female - you're advancing the arc of diversity/social progress. In reality it's often just a cynical marketing attempt to attract black/women/etc audiences. Which is fine if we could simply accept it as such. They aren't interested in exploring black stories - unless it's some weird trauma based shit - they just want your money. So Little Mermaid is black. Her mother will be black, and her father is white (well, Javier Bardem). Because of course Disney will never depict a black family, much less a straight black male character, in anything today...

I get that they're weirdo racists but jeez, why do people care about this stuff. It's obvious what the agenda is ($). If you don't want to see it, don't see it.

all the actual original characters tend to be awesome personal stories that make them stand out like miles morales

what was the recent show, sandman? which essentially rolled the dice on all characters being any given race, which led people to say "damn why does this character who suffers so much/acts so evil gotta be black? what are you saying about black people?" when previously they were generally all white so it was perfectly fine for them to suffer/be evil

you swap a character, you risk making a social commentary

now the little mermaid is about a black girl who chooses to completely abandon her culture and people because she wants white man dick so badly


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Re: The Culture War Thread
« Reply #1193 on: September 28, 2022, 05:57:05 PM »
PD, dude, this is a thread for poking fun at culture war bullshit, not eviscerating cynical corporate America's pandering to terminally online ethno-separatists. Jesus, get back on topic!


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Re: The Culture War Thread
« Reply #1194 on: September 28, 2022, 08:47:33 PM »
It never donned on me as a kid watching the film to say "I don't see myself on the screen so I can't relate to this (#breakfastclubsowhite)." I've never read a novel and thought oh wow, I'm offended by the lack of black people. Yet this is how we are conditioning people to think about art and media.
Another issue is this cynical, corporate idea that if you simply change an established character from white to black - or male to female - you're advancing the arc of diversity/social progress.
The latter is just the excuse for doing the former to get five minutes of Twitter attention or outrage clicks on your stupid article.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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« Last Edit: September 29, 2022, 12:28:37 AM by benjipwns »


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: The Culture War Thread
« Reply #1196 on: September 29, 2022, 12:17:39 AM »


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: The Culture War Thread
« Reply #1197 on: September 29, 2022, 12:23:56 AM »
Essay: Dear White Women Cheering Iranian Women

It’s thrilling, isn’t it, watching women far away rise up?

Especially when they are women whose plight was always used to shut you up.


This isn’t a “whose flavour of patriarchy is worse” letter. This is a “fuck the patriarchy everywhere” grenade that I gift to you. This is not The Handmaid’s Tale, it’s real life. This is a wake the fuck up because clearly you’ve been drifting, cruising on the delusions that your whiteness will save you from white supremacist patriarchy.

Nothing will.

So successful has white supremacist patriarchy been at convincing you that you’re lucky to live in the U.S. and not Saudi Arabia or Iran, that so many of you did not pay enough attention to the theocracy that white supremacy was building right here, at home.

It was being built by white men who look like your fathers, brothers, husbands, and sons–men who look like Lindsay Graham–not the scary brown men with beards, right?

And it was being built by white women who are your mothers, aunts, and sisters—women like Marsha Blackburn–all too willing to foot-soldier for the patriarchy in return for its crumbs.

White supremacist patriarchy so successfully lulled you into a delusion of “Be grateful you don’t live over there” that you sleep walked your way into the disaster that is now and over here.

Liberal or conservative, white women in the U.S. are more obsessed with Muslim women and whatever you think is oppressing Muslim women than you are at recognizing your own oppressions. You are more obsessed with what you think Brown Muslim men are doing to Brown Muslim women than you are at what your own menfolk are doing to you.

And now here are Brown Muslim women rising up, sparking a revolution, setting alight a tool of their patriarchy, leaving us breathless at their courage, and still you cheer at the women whose plight over there you are grateful not to share, and still your remain comfortable pointing fingers at the patriarchy in Iran and fail to complete the sentence by asking “What about my patriarchy, over here?”

White liberal women want to save Muslim women - preferably over there somewhere - and white conservative women want to feel superior to Muslim women and so refuse to see anything in your beliefs that consigns you to the subservience and submission you think Muslim women must live with.


And that’s exactly why white women have not been paying attention. White supremacist patriarchy is their patriarchy. It looks and sounds just like them. It’s much easier to see Brown men and Black men as the danger. That is where white supremacist patriarchy always kept the attention -- always promised to save white women from.

It is way past time for white women in the U.S. who have ever asked “How can I help Muslim women” and “Why do Muslim women submit to misogyny?” to start obsessing instead over their white sisters who benefit from white supremacist patriarchy and who don’t give a flying fuck how it hurts everyone else. I’ve had white women come to my events and ask how they can help Muslim women over there because it’s easier than actually doing something about women over here.

Fascism doesn't happen overnight. Theocracy is not built in a day. And fascist theocrats are obsessed with what’s on our heads and what’s in between our legs.

We are more than what's on our heads and what's in between our legs:

In Iran, women are fighting against theocrats who enforce hijab by burning shit down, including their hijab.

In the U.S., what are women fighting against theocrats who enforce abortion bans doing?

As you watch the glory and power of the feminist revolution against theocrats in Iran, ask yourself where the fuck is your feminist revolution against theocrats in the U.S.


And what will most Americans do about it?

Will you burn things to the ground? Will you risk your lives as the very Iranian women you are cheering do?

Next time you are tempted to ask how it got so bad for women in Iran, ask yourself how you allowed white, Christian zealots to use democracy to cut it at its knees by destroying the right to abortion–a right which most Americans support. And recognize that the destruction of that right is but the first of many other destructions. Anyone who is not an able-bodied, white cisgender heterosexual man should fear what is to come.

When will you start burning things to the ground? Where is your fucking rage?

Where is your feminist revolution against your theocrats?

Point to your “morality police”and what they have made compulsory and burn it to the ground and join the revolution that women in Iran have ignited against theocracy. Stop pointing over there and point to your theocrats and rise up!

Are revolutions dangerous? Patriarchy and theocracy are more dangerous.

Fuck theocracy everywhere.

Fuck fascism everywhere.

Fuck the patriarchy in every time zone and every universe.

Burn. Shit. Down.


  • Finish the Fight
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Re: The Culture War Thread
« Reply #1198 on: September 29, 2022, 08:30:16 AM »
Feminists: "Burn shit down"

Also feminists
"Put out that fire I feel very unsafe"



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Re: The Culture War Thread
« Reply #1199 on: September 29, 2022, 01:11:41 PM »
btw fuck character creators in videogames. Design me some cool characters, you lazy fucks. I couldn't care less about "seeing myself" in a game. And no, I didn't feel at all "represented" during the era of bald white videogame guys, I hated it. I grew up playing Asian protagonists, women, poc, - they just had to be cool. That reminds me of another annoyance with the slacktivist narrative: it's simply false. "First strong female/minority/whatever character in a main role" might a be a catchy marketing phrase for games, movies, etc., but it is almost always revisionist.

Another issue is this cynical, corporate idea that if you simply change an established character from white to black - or male to female - you're advancing the arc of diversity/social progress. In reality it's often just a cynical marketing attempt to attract black/women/etc audiences. Which is fine if we could simply accept it as such. They aren't interested in exploring black stories - unless it's some weird trauma based shit - they just want your money. So Little Mermaid is black. Her mother will be black, and her father is white (well, Javier Bardem). Because of course Disney will never depict a black family, much less a straight black male character, in anything today...

I get that they're weirdo racists but jeez, why do people care about this stuff. It's obvious what the agenda is ($). If you don't want to see it, don't see it.

Also, where are the new great artists? All there is, is the idiotic thought that progressive art is a bare ethnicity swap for the same focus-tested Disney trash to get rich with. I'm sure there were more than enough dumb hippies back in the day, but out of the 68 generation you eventually got disruptive artists like Scorcese and Alan Moore. Jordan Peele seems like the only young mainstream movie director who's creatively playing with current problems.