Author Topic: What book(s) are you reading?  (Read 690086 times)

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Madrun Badrun

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Re: What book(s) are you reading?
« Reply #3840 on: February 05, 2023, 12:10:09 PM »
#3 is weird in terms of the other WoT books because of Rand is portrayed and, if I recall, lacks a POV.  I kind of wish the series kept with how #3 was going in terms of his character.  Honestly if you don't like it by 3, I'd just stop reading them and don't even do summaries or skip to the end.  I think a lot of the popularity of WoT is 1) it was novel for the time 2) it is novel if it's your first epic fantasy series, but other than that, it is just pretty mediocre.  I got up to 8, and will finish this year.  I have already forgot like half the characters though.       

Nearly done with Shards of Honor.  It is a strange book.  Part of that is because it's a 80's romance space opera and that is not what I read.  I've heard that the premise of the book was what if a Federation woman fell in love with a Klingon man (and remember this was before TNG's Klingons).  The other part is that tonally it's like a fun romp but then has things like the war ends and the 'Federation' side sends all the rape-babies back to the 'Klingon' side in artificial womb pods and this is done by courier with a note that basically says 'you deal with them'.  Like a real WTF from modern sensibilities.   

When the Hugo's started doing a Best Series award in 2017, this series won the first one.     


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Re: What book(s) are you reading?
« Reply #3841 on: February 05, 2023, 12:28:26 PM »
Does Rand ever stop sucking?

He's still the most obnoxious dumbass lead I can think of at this point in book #2 Motherfucker just whines and whines and whines.

Madrun Badrun

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Re: What book(s) are you reading?
« Reply #3842 on: February 05, 2023, 12:41:43 PM »
No, and all the characters suck to various degrees.  WoT is very CW teen drama most of the time. 


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Re: What book(s) are you reading?
« Reply #3843 on: February 05, 2023, 03:13:02 PM »

I honestly don't mind the other characters. It's just Rand and his victim complex and gotta be a total asshole to everyone and not trust anyone personality that is really grating.

Madrun Badrun

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Re: What book(s) are you reading?
« Reply #3844 on: February 05, 2023, 07:39:50 PM »
Barrayar:  'He's bisexual you know.'  'Was bisexual.  Now he's monogamous.'  :dead


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Re: What book(s) are you reading?
« Reply #3845 on: February 05, 2023, 08:12:40 PM »

I honestly don't mind the other characters. It's just Rand and his victim complex and gotta be a total asshole to everyone and not trust anyone personality that is really grating.
He's a teenager/early 20s. They're all like that in real life too.


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Re: What book(s) are you reading?
« Reply #3846 on: February 11, 2023, 02:40:25 PM »
I'm pretty sure even if WoT #2 ends up being any good I'm out on the series after this and will just watch the crappy TV version.

These books are just incredibly slow. Slower than anything else I've ever read and they're fucking long. At the rate I'm making it through book #2, it's the only thing I'll be reading for the next 2 months. And life's short and I've got other shit to read. I'm reading the big style paperback version which is about 700 large pages and I get through maybe 20-25 pages a night in an hour.

I don't remember book #1 being this slow though, so maybe it's just this book. Took them forever just to leave the starting city.

I'm also listening to Blood Meridian when driving in like 20 min sessions. It sorta works because the chapters are really self-contained little stories and aren't super lengthy. But not sure if I'm enjoying the book so far. It's well written but it reminds me of like grimdark anime where everything is just death. Hard to feel any sort of investment so far. I definitely wouldn't call it a "fun" audiobook. But it's interesting enough.


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Re: What book(s) are you reading?
« Reply #3847 on: February 11, 2023, 06:23:25 PM »

Kinda rushes through to the Google purchase and then it's just about how everyone hates YouTube. Governments hate YouTube, media companies hate YouTube, advertisers hate YouTube, creators hate YouTube, Google hates YouTube, tech companies hate YouTube, people who spend all day watching YouTube hate YouTube, etc. The book also seems like you should know who the YouTubers he's talking about are. Natalie Wynn turns up a bunch, but only in the Epilogue does he tell you this person is better known as Contrapoints. Another person he treats as some kind of central YouTube culture figure is so obscure they aren't on the first page of Google results when you search for them and their Kiwi Farms thread turns up before they actually do, their views counts are in the hundreds usually. Other times he avoids this, whenever he mentions Carl Benjamin, for example, he adds that he's known as Sargon of Akkad. The sourcing is also bad, both in terms of citation numbers not leading to a relevant citation in the footnote and also in using delusional conspiracy theorists like Aja Romano as sources. He also uses a lot of quotes from YouTubers (such as those mentioned above) but a lot of times they aren't sourced to anything and he doesn't say he did interviews, so like is he quoting their videos or something? I seriously couldn't tell and it was a little odd because he uses these as sources as to what was "happening on YouTube" when they're just like random people who post videos in the first place. Also, if you're looking for any kind of computer tech like details I can sum those up for you: YouTube works by using a lot of the internet.

This is pretty short and was amusing enough. It's not really revisionist history but he notes he didn't want to do the standard thing of just demonizing Gould and instead points to how a lot of that criticism came from his rivals who were ethically no different but were just worse at playing the game than he was. That's mostly the point, how you could love him or hate him but he wasn't uniquely evil, just better. The LeBron or Jordan of railroad barons. My one objection was to part of the conclusion, but it was just one paragraph, where he seems to suggest laws are what stop modern Goulds. But I don't think Gould's tactics of stuff like sending his buddy in to the market "floor" (really a not very large room at the time) wearing an expensive outfit with a bunch of diamonds and saying he thinks a price will shoot to $200 would be too successful in driving a frenzy these days.


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Re: What book(s) are you reading?
« Reply #3848 on: February 11, 2023, 10:11:58 PM »
I'm interested in an early/midlife history of YouTube but definitely not anything that includes YouTubers.

Also the YouTube hate started early and strong with the whole SNL/Viacom dustup that turned into a half-decade long legal battle for literally no reason (they settled).

It's thanks to Viacom we have ContentID. Yay.


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Re: What book(s) are you reading?
« Reply #3849 on: February 11, 2023, 10:54:14 PM »
Yeah, the book talks a bit about the Viacom stuff. Most of the focus is on how YouTube makes money off ads and so do YouTubers and how this constantly changes, PewDiePie is one of the main characters of the book. I have to admit that some of the more interesting chapters actually were ones heavy on YouTubers complaining about the "algorithim", not because of them but because of what they were complaining about, like how channels would appear that would just be a pair of voiceless hands unboxing toys and it would do better than their hard work "educational" channels. Also I had seen people refer to "Elsagate" before but I had no idea it was about sketchy YouTube videos of people dressed as Spider-Man and Elsa from Frozen just doing random often creepy shit. Apparently these were destroying good wholesome channels from proper YouTubers in views.

Oh, I forgot, when I finished this the latest review on Goodreads was from a guy who does great reviews about how every book he reads is left wing propaganda:
Yet another left-wing piece of propaganda masquerading as a technology book, written by a left-wing nut who should just leave out the technology parts, and just write left-wing praise books for a living.

The only reason why I gave it two stars is because the book took me down memory lane, so it prayed on my nostalgia. Plus the author inadvertently pointed out that Susan Wojcicki only got the top job at YouTube because she was close friends with Larry Page and Sergey Brin, and let them use her garage to start Google.

Susan is just like every other entitled woman, who thinks they should be paid as much as a man who works 7 days a week, 12 hours a day, meanwhile Susan was nothing but a baby factory the entire time, taking years in accumulative maternity leave, and offering no real substantial improvements to YouTube, leaving early every day to spend time with her minions... pathetic.

Hell, the author even had to sneak in a very short chapter just to make his case on why the United States's Second Amendment is wrong and evil. All of the liberal tropes are touched on in this garbage pile of wasted paper, and the author doesn't even try to hide any of his left-wing ideology.

I thought it was going to be a good book, and had high-hopes that the author would make a few liberal points and move on... but I was wrong.
That chapter was just about the shooting at YouTube, there was like maybe a sentence handwringing about it being too easy to get a gun in the US. :lol
« Last Edit: February 11, 2023, 11:02:47 PM by benjipwns »


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Re: What book(s) are you reading?
« Reply #3850 on: February 11, 2023, 11:29:07 PM »
Conservatives are the real snowflakes, news at 11.


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Re: What book(s) are you reading?
« Reply #3851 on: February 15, 2023, 07:10:16 PM »
I think for Blood Meridian I'm going to switch over to the Paperback.  The writing is so succinct that listening to the audiobook while driving, if I tune out for a second, I completely miss stuff. I've been reading the cliff notes

As I go to re-confirm my understanding of each chapter as I finish it, and I keep noticing how much I'm missing. Like I thought Glanton and The Judge were the same person this whole time.

I think reading it on page will be a lot easier for keeping track of all the characters and details. I've gotten the general gists of all the scenes so far (at chapter 8 ), but just been missing small details. This is the reason why I'm not going to audiobook stuff like Wheel of Time or more dense fantasy series where there's a lot of detail. For me, audiobooks work a lot better for lighter YA type stuff you don't need 99% full attention to every line to enjoy the whole thing.

Madrun Badrun

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Re: What book(s) are you reading?
« Reply #3852 on: February 15, 2023, 07:39:34 PM »
I'm listening to No Country For Old Men right now and it's been a similar experience -- had to stop listening while walking and only when I'm at home when I can focus on it.

I think WoT audio books is the only reason I got so far though.  McCarthy's writing is so terse if you miss the wrong sentence you get lost, whereas WoT you can zone out for half a chapter and still be in the same place.  I tried listening to Malazan once, that was a mistake -- I might be able to do it on a 2nd or 3rd reread now though.


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Re: What book(s) are you reading?
« Reply #3853 on: February 15, 2023, 08:20:34 PM »
I'm listening to No Country For Old Men right now and it's been a similar experience -- had to stop listening while walking and only when I'm at home when I can focus on it.

I think WoT audio books is the only reason I got so far though.  McCarthy's writing is so terse if you miss the wrong sentence you get lost, whereas WoT you can zone out for half a chapter and still be in the same place.  I tried listening to Malazan once, that was a mistake -- I might be able to do it on a 2nd or 3rd reread now though.

Ok, yeah, maybe WoT is a bad example given how little can happen over several pages.


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Re: What book(s) are you reading?
« Reply #3854 on: February 16, 2023, 02:40:13 AM »
I am generally that way with anyone who is talented with language. I love re-reading Gibson's sentences in his Sprawl sequence. I can't imagine listening to a Gene Wolfe novel, esp. Urth of the New Sun. Such dense language.

And that was before the pandemic, when reading was easy for me.

In contrast, I'm reading The Mysterious Benedict Society, a charming bit of YA fiction in the vein of Lemony Snicket. With enough practice at focus, hopefully I'll return to more challenging fare soon.


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Re: What book(s) are you reading?
« Reply #3855 on: February 16, 2023, 02:48:59 AM »
Conservatives are the real snowflakes, news at 11.

Deny, deflect, project. It's the majority of their playbook.

Madrun Badrun

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Re: What book(s) are you reading?
« Reply #3856 on: February 16, 2023, 10:08:06 AM »
Started Brown Girl in the Ring -- which is a 90's cyberpunk* book set in Toronto where Toronto has been blockaded a la Escape from Newyork.  It's been pretty cool so far, mostly because it is literally set 2 blocks from my house and they keep referencing streets I walk past every day.  Also, the plot revolves around the Premier of Ontario doing a deal with a Toronto gang to secure a heart transplant from someone in the slums because they don't want to use a pigs heart lol

* also listed as Science fiction, horror, urban fantasy, magical realism, and/or Afro-futurism according to Wikipedia. 

Madrun Badrun

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Re: What book(s) are you reading?
« Reply #3857 on: February 17, 2023, 02:34:08 PM »

the explanation of why skyward 2 and 3 kind of suck, especially in combination, confirmed my thoughts on the books


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Re: What book(s) are you reading?
« Reply #3858 on: February 17, 2023, 02:51:06 PM »
I enjoyed my time with the Mistborn trilogy, but reading Elantris actually killed any desire to read more of his stuff.

He also seems like a giant douche.

Madrun Badrun

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Re: What book(s) are you reading?
« Reply #3859 on: February 17, 2023, 03:30:56 PM »
I find his stuff enjoyable but generally middle-tier.  I have watched his writing lecture, seen his reddit posts, and some of his other online stuff and he is very much the opposite of a douce.  What gave you that impression?


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Re: What book(s) are you reading?
« Reply #3860 on: February 17, 2023, 03:47:23 PM »
I enjoyed my time with the Mistborn trilogy, but reading Elantris actually killed any desire to read more of his stuff.

Elantris, being his first published novel, is just alright. Same with Mistborn trilogy being his next books. He improved A TON as a writer post-Mistborn up until about 4 years ago when he's started to go downhill in quality (probably because he's juggling too much at once, or doesn't get edited as much idk).

I tell people who are willing to give Sanderson a shot to read two things and then decide whether they are in or out of the Cosmere storyline:

-The Emperor's Soul novella - short and great
-Warbreaker - standalone novel and a lot of fun (and also pretty interesting magic system)

If someone likes those two, then I typically say to just start with Elantris and read forward in release order.

Right now I think Sanderson peaked in 2016/2017 with Wax & Wayne #3 and Stormlight #3 back to back. Both fantastic books doing very different things. Hell I'll even include Skyward #1 (2018) in that group when he was riding high. Skyward #1 is YA sci-fi but a lot of fun in an anime way.

But then after writing hit after hit after hit the last few years have been:

2019 - Skyward 2 - Alright-ish.
2020 - Stormlight #4 - Alright-ish but needed more editing and worst book in the series.
2021 - Skyward 3 - Apparently people really dislike this like Madrun. I haven't read it yet.
2022 - Wax & Wayne #4 - Alright-ish but kind of a weaker let down finale to the series and worst maybe book in the series.

Going from his best years to a bunch of alright-ish/weak stuff year after year is pretty concerning. 2019 is around when his popularity blew up and he started hosting his own convention and doing a million things and being involved in film/tv adaptation work, etc...

The big concern about his writing quality lately is that 2024 is Stormlight #5 which is the big FINALE to 5,000 page+ epic journey. Everyone wants it to be awesome like book #2/#3, but if it's more like book #4 in quality...gonna really be a bummer for the series. He needs to get his writing quality back to where it used to be.

2023 is also Skyward #4 which is the finale to that series and I think people won't be happy if it's the quality of Skyward #2/#3.

That being said he also wrote 4 standalone novels which are releasing this year, with the first one being out, and it'll be interesting to see how the quality of them compare.

He also seems like a giant douche.

Though this I can't agree with. Dude's always come across as pretty humble and probably the most open minded Mormon I've seen as a celebrity figurehead. He believes in his god and all the mormon stuff but he'll write anti-religion god-killing LGBT stuff so I appreciate that he keeps his personal beliefs separate from his fiction storywriting. It's like I have a friend whose basically a pastor and he loves Shin Megami Tensei about hanging with Lucifer and killing god. Some people can separate fiction storytelling from their personal beliefs and Sanderson comes across as that.

Also he's a huge weaboo gamer nerd in his 40s and his tastes line up a lot with mine. Dude loves FFX, Bloodborne, etc... and all of that shows in his writing which has a weaboo anime/game feel. Like Xenogears is my favorite game of all time and I love that religious imagery x mecha x anime x millenia spanning story stuff and Cosmere is...pretty damn close to that, so it hits all the right buttons for me.

Finally I like Sanderson because I think he's a very good humor writer. Some of his books and characters are very funny to me, which makes them entertaining reads when they keep me laughing.

Madrun Badrun

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Re: What book(s) are you reading?
« Reply #3861 on: February 17, 2023, 04:51:05 PM »
This was a good thread on the LGBT stuff in his personal life and the kind of response you'd want from someone who once help poor beliefs


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Re: What book(s) are you reading?
« Reply #3862 on: February 17, 2023, 04:57:34 PM »
I think maybe my opinion of him has been tainted by the fandom. The Emperor's Soul was ok. Elantris was boring. Haven't read Warbreaker. Maybe I should give that a go before I decide whether or not to continue with his stuff.


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Re: What book(s) are you reading?
« Reply #3863 on: February 17, 2023, 05:37:14 PM »
I don’t like him because he approaches magic like an engineer. He was salty that Gandalf doesn’t follow any rules in his spells or magic use. For me that just means he misses the point of Gandalf’s role in LOTR, which leads me to believe he’s not an insightful author.


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Re: What book(s) are you reading?
« Reply #3864 on: February 17, 2023, 05:45:24 PM »
I think maybe my opinion of him has been tainted by the fandom. The Emperor's Soul was ok. Elantris was boring. Haven't read Warbreaker. Maybe I should give that a go before I decide whether or not to continue with his stuff.

Yeah, fandom's are like that. I really don't pay any attention to the fandom (mostly because wanting to avoid spoilers). If you don't like Warbreaker (and Nightblood in particular) then Stormlight's probably not worth it.

Madrun Badrun

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Re: What book(s) are you reading?
« Reply #3865 on: February 17, 2023, 06:22:01 PM »
In his lectures, at least for the year that I watched, he wasn't so much salty about Gandalf, rather he just dislikes that kind of system.  Though to me it was clear that this was a preference and not a misunderstanding of how Gandalf worked in the story and he could describe trade-offs between the systems.  I certainly recall him discussing why Gandolf arriving at Helm's deep to save the day worked, but Aragorn's magic ghosts did not.  I prefer soft systems, but in defense of hard systems, what Sanderson mainly does is just a major trope in scifi stories where the protagonist is a competent engineer who solves the problem via their knowledge or expertise (often with some delayed catalyst).  The hard systems he uses lets him transplant that trope into a fantasy setting and so most of the major obstacles get magicked away, but in a way that still feels satisfying because the solution logically follows from the rules set out.   This is also why the first mistborn worked so well because this got mixed in with a heist story, which generally relies on hyper-competent protagonists anyways.

He certainly isn't right about everything, like, I have seen what I think is a wildly wrong definition of grim-dark from him, but in general, he knows his craft really well, at least to teach it, even if I think he might struggle to actually execute it well himself.


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Re: What book(s) are you reading?
« Reply #3866 on: February 17, 2023, 10:49:21 PM »
Sanderson-aside, I was surprised when Wheel of Time #2 actually starting getting good and hard to put down when things are actually moving on the hunt for the horn.

It's like when stuff is actually moving on an adventure Wheel of Time is at least entertaining fantasy, but when things aren't moving and more than 20 pages are spent with characters just talking to each other in one place, it's boring af fantasy.


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Re: What book(s) are you reading?
« Reply #3867 on: February 17, 2023, 10:49:33 PM »
but in general, he knows his craft really well, at least to teach it, even if I think he might struggle to actually execute it well himself.
"Those who can't, teach." :rollsafe


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Re: What book(s) are you reading?
« Reply #3868 on: February 18, 2023, 04:08:09 AM »
I don’t like him because he approaches magic like an engineer. He was salty that Gandalf doesn’t follow any rules in his spells or magic use. For me that just means he misses the point of Gandalf’s role in LOTR, which leads me to believe he’s not an insightful author.

Me when I see the phrase ‘magic system’:


Sanderson’s books can be entertaining enough but it’s generally paper thin stuff. He’s a YA-level writer who’s avoided that particular pigeonhole.

Madrun Badrun

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Re: What book(s) are you reading?
« Reply #3869 on: March 01, 2023, 11:38:58 AM »
Uzumaki was so good.  Brown Girl in the Ring was better than it's rather silly premise.  Also the big-bad lives in the CN Tower :dead


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Re: What book(s) are you reading?
« Reply #3870 on: March 06, 2023, 07:46:30 PM »

I've been aware of this book but I never really looked into it because I thought it was just a complaint about the wokes (or social studies warriors or whatever else you want to call them, I'll stick with wokes for being short) in power in universities but I'm glad I gave it a chance. Yes, it is about those but that's really more the framing and those are just examples for a larger point about one's personal mentality and psychology. (For just the complaint part see James Lindsay's increasingly unhinged works.) Despite what the one-star reviews on Goodreads (yes, I broke the rules and looked) contend the book is not at all a screed that "women who have been raped need to shut up" nor that "Trump is great because he'll get rid of the people of color on campus" and is definitely not an explanation that "social injustice can be ended by listening to men and getting therapy" to where I have to wonder if the reviewers can't read, missed the point entirely or think metaphors and analogies are literal factual statements about reality. If there's really a complaint to be leveled it's that it not just tries to hammer the point into your head but then it tries to drill it all the way through your skull and you could get sloshed from just a single choice of a drinking word. (Definitely don't pick safety and any variation of it.) The main point is pretty simple and hard to argue against (which I assume is why none of those one-star reviews did except the ones attacking the book from the "right" for not exposing wokeism as a Marxist plot by the gays who stole our marriages) the same harmful mentality seen in anxiety/depression is being deliberately established within a certain culture and thus the same corrective thinking in CBT can resolve the issues rather than continuing and encouraging an endless one-way spiral away from addressing issues for paranoia, delusions and eventually violence. While they are slightly critical of some minor ideological aspects of wokeism (although with neither's field being in philosophy, or worse the fake field of poli sci, they seem to miss the aspect of the ideology that promotes the binary thinking) their point is not at all to contend with the goals of wokeism (well, most of them, they digress into unrelated treatment of college athletics by sex for some reason) but rather the means employed towards those goals. Never do they argue that wokeism is a mental illness (for a contrary view see this), they instead argue that a certain form of thinking shares known traits with mental illnesses and so theorize that methods against those can work for methods against what appears to be the same type of mentality. My secondary complaint would be that the book kinda gets boring because of the above mentioned style, I figured out where they were going with things in the introduction (perhaps due to my familiarity with mental illness) and the other chapters confirmed that before they got into stuff that's less clear, less relevant, was heavily sourced on "solutions" by their personal friends and then kept repeating themselves and what the obvious conclusions are. I blame this on my negative mentality that lead me to read the Goodreads one-stars for additional engagement, I blame myself for not relying on CBT methods to stop myself.

Putting these together because they are somewhat similar, albeit opposite in both quality and the actual subject*. Basically Wall Street is all like "you're dumb and lame and you dress poorly" and then guy makes a billion dollars and the first guy gets fired and probably is homeless now. It's slightly more complex but both have a similar theme of academics realizing something and deciding the institutions are overlooking a way to make a bunch of money and the big funds or banks or whatever going "lol go ahead nerd" until the nerd buys their corpse down the road. The first book is not that great because for one thing, nobody would talk to him about any of it, but for some reason he continued on to write the book anyway. Also Jim Simons isn't really the guy who did it, he's just the organizer and guy who saw it through. Second one is better because it more freely uses a cast of characters who were also sources for the book. While I'm not entirely complaining because the first book drifts into politics, Bob Mercer (Steve Bannon ties) is a major person in the story and it's fine to get into that but it spends like three chapters on Trump getting elected to which Mercer personally didn't really have anything to do with it other than Bannon worked for something he owned that his daughter ran. The latter thing is kinda important because it's his daughter, not him, who's into all that shit while Mercer sounds more like an autistic Ron Swanson than a MAGA guy. (I have no idea if this is true but it's how the book portrays him going back decades.) The other book also gets into politics with BlackRock and ESG's but doesn't make it a whole thing, just talks about it and how some people like it and some people don't in the context of how index funds now have a lot of power to where they can actually make those kinds of decisions, in the same chapter it also discusses how customers have asked for index funds with no gun companies or no tobacco companies and so on. So it's not irrelevant drama for drama's sake about Trump or anything. I liked the second book more because it was a bunch of guys doing different stuff around the same time based around the same simple idea and mostly all succeeding, the first book is basically Jim Simons and some dudes did some math on a computer and made money because math is magic. And by "some dudes" more just people later because everyone else quit before they started making money because Simons wasn't listening to them. Lastly, the first book has a big appendix showing the profits and stuff for the fund, but in the text all the numbers for years are different, feel like this is something someone should have caught. :lol

*Renaissance's system (though the author didn't seem to personally understand this even though told him exactly what it does he continues to insist throughout the book that it's a secret) is making a bunch of tiny trades to exploit momentary price differences from an expected baseline to where it sometimes doesn't even hold equities for an entire hour before selling them back off, index funds are about trying to buy a diversified portfolio that reflects the market broadly and sitting on it because number go up.


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Re: What book(s) are you reading?
« Reply #3871 on: March 07, 2023, 02:13:35 AM »
Getting closer to finishing Wheel of Time #2, I kind of feel like Loial, Perrin and Morraine are the only decent characters in this book and they're all mostly side characters without a lot of lines. Loial gets the most screen time of them.

Mat and Rand suck. The TV show did a good job with their casting, because they were dumb (Rand) and annoying (Mat) teens in the show and they're exactly that in the books too.

It's also pretty weird how in book 2 it's like almost entirely just Rand's PoV chapters and everyone else maybe gets a chapter or two. Odd for an ensemble story. I swear the first book had like 3 major PoVs that it would swap between. I remember Perrin getting a lot more development in book #1.

The Selene stuff is so awful.

Even the Gleeman sucks in this series as the cool sexy & smart older mentor character. Not really feeling the Seanchan stuff either.

I know Madrun called Wheel of Time CW Fantasy, but feels more like Game of Thrones written at the level of Twilight to me. It's entertaining-ish though. I'll give it that. The back half of book 2 moves pretty decently as opposed to the front half which is so.freaking.boring.

Madrun Badrun

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Re: What book(s) are you reading?
« Reply #3872 on: March 07, 2023, 11:15:20 AM »
The CW stuff starts more after book 4 when everyone just starts lying and being general assholes to each other to create drama.


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Re: What book(s) are you reading?
« Reply #3873 on: March 07, 2023, 01:38:13 PM »
The CW stuff starts more after book 4 when everyone just starts lying and being general assholes to each other to create drama.

Oh boy, that sure sounds fun /sarcasm

So are like the first three books supposed to be a single arc? You mentioned book 3 being the point to get to for deciding whether to jump ship. I'm not really inclined to read book 3, but morbidly curious to read it in a year or so when I'm in the mood.

Madrun Badrun

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Re: What book(s) are you reading?
« Reply #3874 on: March 07, 2023, 03:30:58 PM »
Book 3 is weird because of Rand (he is not the main POV if I recall).  Book 4 is great, but then it starts nose-diving.


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Re: What book(s) are you reading?
« Reply #3875 on: March 12, 2023, 01:21:47 AM »
Ok finishing Wheel of Time #2 and there's so much nonsense:

Rand, who just started learning the sword, and only has gotten by with his magic sword cheat powers, gets in a fight with an actual skilled heron sword blademaster and Rand can't use his cheat magic and he...just gets lucky and wins? da fuck

Nynaeve can magic pop the damane collars off? If it was that easy wouldn't the Aes Sedai have been doing that and stopped the Seanchan in the first place?

Also wtf at Morraine being written out of the whole book. She has like one scene in Fal Dara at the start, and then one chapter in the middle at a village with Lan and that's it. Maybe she'll show up in the ending or something, but she was kind of a major character for all of book 1, so it's weird she gets dropped in book 2.


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Re: What book(s) are you reading?
« Reply #3876 on: March 12, 2023, 03:28:25 AM »

Ok, the ending was kind of interesting. Feels like all the nonsense of book 1&2 was just a prologue of Rand running and denying everything over and over and over and that potentially book 3 actually starts the story?

Hmmm...this book was readable even if it was overly long and not great. I'll pick up book #3 and maybe someday give it a chance.


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Re: What book(s) are you reading?
« Reply #3877 on: March 12, 2023, 04:23:01 AM »
I think I said it before, get to the end of #3 and then decide. My memory is that all the prices are finally in place and it comes together nicely.


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Re: What book(s) are you reading?
« Reply #3878 on: March 12, 2023, 11:01:20 PM »
So last night I went to buy the paperback of book #3 on Amazon and it was $26 while book #4 was like $14, so I went to the local bookstore and picked up book #3 for like $24 or something and then I get home and book #3 on Amazon is now $14.99 fuck. I'm not going to be a dick and return the book, gotta support local bookstores, but still...

Which leads me to my comment that when I was growing up I never knew what we call the modern paperback existed  :o
Like there was just the hardcover big book and the paperback small book.

Now that in my adulthood I've discovered the non-mass-market-paperback, the full-sized paperback is my favorite way to read books. I really don't enjoy hardcovers. They're too big and heavy and it's a pain to hold them in bed and read them and the slip covers are stupid and I end up taking them off and throwing them in a closet day 1. Mass market paperbacks are pretty whatever too with their tiny print.

But the full size paperbacks feel good, nice and big and easy to read, nice covers usually, feel a bit classy and don't have the weight or the nasty smell of hardcovers. The only downside is they're pricey if you don't get them on sale, like these Wheel of Time paperbacks from 2012 reprint are like $24.99 which is basically hardcover pricing.


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Re: What book(s) are you reading?
« Reply #3879 on: March 13, 2023, 11:10:42 PM »
Also with Wheel of Time #2 I just remembered that weeks and weeks ago when I started this book, the prologue chapter is a point of view of some guy named bor or bog or some name at a masked party of DARKFRIENDS and then the badguy presenter at the party is like "go hunt these three (Rand/Mat/Perrin)" and he goes off to find them.

But like in the next 700 pages or whatever that follows...I don't think this guy ever showed up in the actual book? That seems like bad writing?

Madrun Badrun

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Re: What book(s) are you reading?
« Reply #3880 on: March 14, 2023, 10:15:37 PM »
Project Hail Mary was great


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Re: What book(s) are you reading?
« Reply #3881 on: March 14, 2023, 10:27:26 PM »
I started reading Skyward #3 - Cytonic - It's entertaining but not the kind of story I thought it was going to be. I was expecting like a serious introspective void solo adventure with Spensa and Sovereigns, not just another goofy multi-species rodeo adventure with dinosaurs and pirates and jungles which was basically book #2 Starsight. Just feels too much of a repeat of that book so far. Spensa being an entertaining lead and M-bot being a goofy sidekick goes a long way towards making it still enjoyable to read tho.

Project Hail Mary was great

Yeah, I've heard nothing but good things about this and I liked The Martian. I'll probably get to reading it this year.


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Re: What book(s) are you reading?
« Reply #3882 on: March 15, 2023, 02:02:31 AM »
Artemis was okay. I liked The Martian much more. I was planning to read Project Hail Mary soon.

I'm reading Hyperion by Dan Simmons. It's fantastic so far.


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Re: What book(s) are you reading?
« Reply #3883 on: March 15, 2023, 02:18:08 AM »
Oh man, I love Hyperion. I think I have said that in this thread at least three times already, but it is just that good.

A colleague at work just read it too. Had loads of fun discussing it with her.


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Re: What book(s) are you reading?
« Reply #3884 on: March 15, 2023, 02:48:36 AM »
Project Hail Mary was great

I finished that yesterday. It was enjoyable enough but my god the main character is annoying and the characters are paper thin.


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Re: What book(s) are you reading?
« Reply #3885 on: March 15, 2023, 04:44:24 AM »
Oh man, I love Hyperion. I think I have said that in this thread at least three times already, but it is just that good.

A colleague at work just read it too. Had loads of fun discussing it with her.
Have you read any of the other three novels in the series? Do you know if they're worth reading?


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Re: What book(s) are you reading?
« Reply #3886 on: March 15, 2023, 09:23:53 AM »
Oh man, I love Hyperion. I think I have said that in this thread at least three times already, but it is just that good.

A colleague at work just read it too. Had loads of fun discussing it with her.
Have you read any of the other three novels in the series? Do you know if they're worth reading?
Only The Fall of Hyperion. It's great and a good conclusion to the story.

Neogoof warned me off Endymion and Rise so I've never read it. My colleague says she's enjoyed it, so I really should pick them up.

Madrun Badrun

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Re: What book(s) are you reading?
« Reply #3887 on: March 15, 2023, 01:38:10 PM »
Project Hail Mary was great

I finished that yesterday. It was enjoyable enough but my god the main character is annoying and the characters are paper thin.

That describes most scifi of this kind though.


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Re: What book(s) are you reading?
« Reply #3888 on: March 15, 2023, 06:21:24 PM »
Maybe, but I just kept thinking that he’s written Mark Watney again.

My copy has a quote on the cover from Ernest Cline and I couldn’t help but feel that that endorsement made sense.


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Re: What book(s) are you reading?
« Reply #3889 on: March 24, 2023, 02:05:09 AM »
Got the first book from the Sanderson kickstarter today. They weren't kidding when they said they went overboard with the foil stamping on the cover which caused a huge production delay. It's a really nice cover.

Finished Blood Meridian. Good book, well written and interesting characters and tense scenes. Going to take a few days of reading up on interpretations to get more out of it and maybe do a re-read. I definitely enjoyed the book more once it was clear that the Judge was not a literal person, because that made him much more interesting.

It honestly didn't seem that shocking and unfilmable in modern 2020s media. It's pretty violent and dark and fucked up and mean-spirited at times, but like so are lots of other authors and film/tv these days and everyone's fine with it.

Joe Abercrombie's First Law trilogy style seems to pull a lot from McCarthy's imo, but First Law is a bit more hopeful with more likeable characters. Though I liked the Ex-priest in Blood Meridian.


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Re: What book(s) are you reading?
« Reply #3890 on: March 24, 2023, 03:52:31 AM »
Just finished up this one

Sequel to one of my favourite Australian history books ever. Very sarcastic look at our sketchy past.

My only complaint was the author allowed his political leanings to show a few times. No big deal, just annoying.
« Last Edit: March 24, 2023, 04:23:46 AM by Potato »

Madrun Badrun

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Re: What book(s) are you reading?
« Reply #3891 on: March 24, 2023, 10:29:32 AM »
I've been wanting to read Girt for a while now, heard it is good.  The third one is free on audible plus.   

Reading Weave World.  It's not bad so far at 1/3 of the way in.  I do like that Barker can't seem to go 5 chapters without describing a painfully hard cock spitting spunk.  :dead 


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Re: What book(s) are you reading?
« Reply #3892 on: March 24, 2023, 04:42:19 PM »
Girt is lots of fun.

I can see it upsetting the Southern Cross tattoo set because it skewers the romanticised view that some people have about British settlement of the continent, but as a child of migrants, I have no such issue.

True Girt wasn't as good, but definitely worth a read.


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Re: What book(s) are you reading?
« Reply #3893 on: March 28, 2023, 04:07:54 AM »
Ok, finished up Skyward #3 - Cytonic

I didn't dislike it as much as Madrun, but yeah, it was just an ok book. I don't know if I'd say it's Sanderson's worst book, I think a few of his books are a lot weaker, but maybe it's the most "nothing" book he's written? In that it really is just a transition episode and feels really short and not really a full beginning, middle, end tale. It's just a short story of one sequence played out over 400 pages.

The reveals were kinda so-so, I do enjoy the callbacks to the initial novella Defending Elysium that's the prequel to Skyward, but the reveals themselves weren't too interesting.

Also Sanderson's strength besides world building is character interaction and too much of the book lacks Spensa interacting with other characters. The best part of the book is when she's part of a pirate team and there's actually a cast of characters she interacts with. That part read quickly.

Not sure about the final book coming this fall, I'd say it's 50/50 whether he pulls everything from this and the Skyward novellas into a big satisfying epic tale, or it's just kinda a so-so finale like The Lost Metal was last fall. We'll see.

Even though I got my hardcover now for the Kickstarter book #1 Tress of the Emerald Sea, going to take a Sanderson break and read something else or two before I go for that one.


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Re: What book(s) are you reading?
« Reply #3894 on: March 28, 2023, 04:48:05 PM »
Just finished this

I got it free with some promotion I think and wasn't really intending to read it. However, I needed a short palate cleanser after reading Girt and boy am I happy about that decision!

What a wonderful book!

Suffice to say, I picked up the sequel before I had even finished it.

It's a mystery wrapped up in light sci-fi skin which centres around human cloning, touching a little on the ethics and ramifications for humanity, but never getting overly preachy.

The ending didn't 100% stick for me and it was somewhat predictable, but it was so well done that I didn't care. There's an urgency to the story that makes you want to read just one more chapter and I finished it at just after midnight last night.


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Re: What book(s) are you reading?
« Reply #3895 on: March 28, 2023, 07:18:51 PM »
Thanks for the link, I've marked it to-read.


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Re: What book(s) are you reading?
« Reply #3896 on: April 01, 2023, 02:31:38 AM »
Sanderson's 2nd book of four from his kickstarter just dropped digitally looks like he's going hard on his Pratchett influence with this one. Which is great because I really enjoy his humor writing. This is the one book of the four that is not canon lore connected universe Cosmere stuff and is just a standalone fun book he wrote.

May just read this digital rather than wait 3 months to get the physical copy.


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Re: What book(s) are you reading?
« Reply #3897 on: April 09, 2023, 10:39:48 PM »
Started reading Discworld #7 - Pyramids and listening to We are Legion (We Are Bob).

Both are pretty fun. I think Pyramids reads a lot better than the previous Wyrd Sisters so far.


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Re: What book(s) are you reading?
« Reply #3898 on: April 15, 2023, 08:43:58 PM »

The Ben Bernank is kind of a jerk. Most of the Fed stuff in this is pretty basic but I know most people don't really understand it so I won't complain. The bulk of this is sort of a biography of two somewhat random dudes and it switches from one to the other halfway through and there's no "endpoint" to the story for either so that's a questionable narrative choice. I do wonder if it started as a biography of the one guy, a Fed board dissenter, and then he took another job and dropped out of the story because he wasn't part of the Fed story anymore. Most of what I liked is that the guy read the released Fed meetings so I don't have to, they're released many years after the fact. That's where you learn how much of a jerk Bernanke and a few others were. Saw he wrote a new book trying to explain some economy thing at the library and laughed like lol what a jerk. This book covers the time from like 2006 mostly forward through COVID but all the "action" in is in the first half because after the first guy and Bernanke leave everyone mostly agrees all the time about doing stupid stuff. Also the minutes aren't available yet so we wouldn't really know if anyone disagreed anyway.

Mildly deceptive title, this is really about the film industry in China not Hollywood specifically. Hollywood does play a role obviously and it covers some similar ground on that to another book or two I've shared in the thread but the vast bulk of it is really about Chinese film itself. I thought it was somewhat interesting how although the author seems somewhat more favorable of China and the CCP (although she may have just been being even-handed) she portrayed the state guided and promoted propaganda type films much more cynically than that other book on Hollywood/China I read which seemed to view things like Wolf Warrior 2 as legitimate threats to American cultural hegemony. She notes by contrast that basically nobody outside of China gives a shit about Chinese blockbusters and how the CCP is somewhat like "I don't get it, we put the explosions, we put the quips, we put the Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, we showed the success of the Belt and Road Initiative for encouraging independence from capitalism, why does the rest of the world not eat this stuff up?" She also notes that the CCP is not unique in being paranoid about the power of film, the Qing and KMT had similarly extensive and harsh censorship although in the former case it was more of the "wait, they're showing this in theaters?" type of reaction versus controlling the means of production. She doesn't note it explicitly but I thought it was somewhat amusing that one aspect the CCP deliberately copied from the Hollywood studio system and found to their continuing advantage was all kinds of layers of bureaucracy that can take your scripts and budgets and movies away from you and change everything no matter what they promised you before and then stick your name on it. :american

Jeff Immelt sucks. Wait a minute... This is, as the title might imply, the whole story from after some guy nobody's ever heard of invented a light bulb or something. Anyway, GE gets really big, Jack Welch becomes God, etc. then Jeff Immelt fucks it all up. Pretty much everyone alive was willing to be interviewed for this, Welch did multiple interviews so he gets a slightly more favorable treatment than everyone else although he probably was better anyway. Best part is that this is after Immelt's own book and also he gave interviews for it which leads to most of the second half being the same format: guy tells you about some GE thing, goes to Jeff Immelt's version, then asks everyone else who says "that's bullshit, he's lying." Jeff Immelt has a pretty simple theory for what went wrong at GE: people didn't listen to Jeff Immelt's brilliance enough. Everyone else seems to think it was that Jeff Immelt wouldn't listen to anyone else. Welch was a tyrant but he could be won over and not only could he be but he enjoyed the entire give-and-take process. Immelt wouldn't even read the reports people brought him, make a decision from the "gut" despite not knowing anything about any of the businesses and then demand absolute loyalty. For some strange reason, this didn't work. Immelt doesn't outright suspect he was sabotaged by wreckers and Kulaks but he does think too many other people were focused on their careers rather than what was best for GE (following Jeff's ideas with total loyalty) which is apparently delivering a $2 a share dividend and just buying shit semi-randomly.

Are you sitting down? China's been erasing events from its official history. I know, it was surprising. In this case the CCP has pretty much erased that Zhao Ziyang did anything. Now, you might be asking, who is that? Oh, just a minor guy, let me quote Wikipedia here: "was the third premier of the People's Republic of China from 1980 to 1987, vice chairman of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) from 1981 to 1982, and CCP general secretary from 1987 to 1989." Anyway, after Tiananmen they blamed him for literally every problem in China, put him under house arrest, accused him of being part of a capitalist plot and erased him from official documents. Now you might wonder, how can you erase the head of the country and The Party? Easy peasy, see all his good ideas, those were actually Deng Xiaoping's. Sure, you thought they were just vague random sayings but actually they were really specific policy orders. The bad ones, well like Jeff Immelt's 99 Problems that was just Zhao, evil capitalist who rose to the premier spot in the CCP, not following Deng's perfect wisdom. While the book mostly covers only the above noted dates, the coda is an amusing look at how Xi Jinping has now effectively erased Deng as well, not completely like Zhao (who still goes unmentioned) but now Deng is just some guy from the before time back before Xi's perfectness came to power and gets mentioned only in passing rather than as the "chief architect" history they used to cover over Zhao. If I had a complaint, there's one section where the various Chinese officials are discussing some problems including "inflation" and the guy discusses it like they are, say, American officials which makes the entire discussion not really make sense, I was baffled somewhat about the chapter and assumed it was something I might just have to look up or whatever but then I read another official on another subject talking about Marxist philosophy and it hit me, the officials may have been using all the kinds of economic language we're used to but they were actually talking about things involving state rationing so stuff like the "inflation" wasn't actually ever happening. It's a minor point in the book but it was the main flaw I found in it. The other may have been that he didn't really "wrap" up the story and let Zhao be erased from his own book, the guy wrote a memoir that got out through Hong Kong, the author read it (and reads Chinese) as it's used as a source and you're left wondering if the guy is like "yeah, they fucked me, but that's the game." Chinese officials have been pretty candid in their memoirs so he might have had a whole section on how Jeff Immelt sucks!


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Re: What book(s) are you reading?
« Reply #3899 on: April 20, 2023, 11:18:39 PM »

Finished Lock-On Vol.2 last night.
That was actually a pretty good step up from their first volume. Only 1 or 2 kinda wonky articles. Very thick volume, some interesting write ups like:

Kenji Eno biography (I'd played D2 and Enemy Zero growing up and I knew his name but didn't know much about him until this)
Ratchet & Clank series breakdown, including a cool article on Ratchet 1 speedrunning hacks
Bit on the history of Jack & Daxter
Nier series breakdown
Zelda series breakdown
Interview series on Mundaun
Interview series with Keita Takahashi
Interview series with Suda51 on NMH
Short breakdown on the history of Rockstar Games (nothing really new, but some interesting takes)
Article on the whole cyberpunk genre of games like Shadowrun
Too many articles on actual Cyberpunk 2077
Plus a nice article on Spiritfarer which reminded me that I should give it another shot and am currently playing it.

All in all it was a good read. Looking forward to vol.3 and vol.4 when I get to them.

Also despite the Hollow Knight softcover and some great HK fan art, the actual article on HK was kind of whack.