Author Topic: What book(s) are you reading?  (Read 698751 times)

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Re: What book(s) are you reading?
« Reply #3900 on: April 21, 2023, 02:00:36 AM »
Finished up Galaxy in Flames by Ben Counter which is the third volume in the Warhammer 40K Horus Heresy series.

I just love this series. The Grim Dark setting is wonderful and the characters are all so well realised, especially for a series that was essentially written like a TV show with a writers room and all.

I am not really into 40K, but I do admire the attention to detail and the worldbuilding. The best praise I can give the series is that it would be just as enjoyable in an original setting.


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Re: What book(s) are you reading?
« Reply #3901 on: April 27, 2023, 06:00:27 PM »
They occasionally do a big Horus Heresy ebook Humble Bundle where you can get like 20 of them for next to nothing. They’re trash but it’s entertaining trash.


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Re: What book(s) are you reading?
« Reply #3902 on: April 27, 2023, 08:35:25 PM »
They occasionally do a big Horus Heresy ebook Humble Bundle where you can get like 20 of them for next to nothing. They’re trash but it’s entertaining trash.
That's how I got them a few years back.

Trash is good sometimes. You need comfort food in your life to contrast to the times when you eat like a king.


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Re: What book(s) are you reading?
« Reply #3903 on: May 05, 2023, 03:49:17 AM »
Finished Discworld #7 - Pyramids

That was a good book. Felt like the most fleshed out and accomplished novel in the Discworld series so far. Has a good structure that comes together, lots of characters, good story and fairly humorous, lots of great takes on society and humans, and some good running gags like Hat, the Vulture Headed God. It's a bit messy, but overall it's a legit great book.

Not sure if I'd say it's my favorite Discworld book so far, but I think it's objectively the best one. It's probably a book I wouldn't mind re-reading someday.


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Re: What book(s) are you reading?
« Reply #3904 on: May 10, 2023, 01:40:48 AM »
Finished the audiobook of Bobiverse #1 - We Are Legion (We Are Bob)

Really enjoyable book for about the first 60-70% until caveman tales and gorillas, at which point that subplot became the "boring subplot" where the rest of the book was interesting sci-fi and that was kinda zzz and brought down the pacing each time it jumped back there. It was still ok, and the other subplots were still great, but I thought it brought down the last 30% because of that subplot.

Also the ending felt a bit abrupt, and because there's all these storylines going on separately, the final chapters didn't feel like a real "come together wrap it up satisfying conclusion" but rather moving all the story arcs forward a little bit. The end.

I get that works in that there's more books in the series, but yeah, felt like a Season 1 vs a self-contained thing.

But that all sounds more negative than I actually am on it. I thought it was really entertaining, especially outside of the gorillas sub-plot, and as someone that's not really into sci-fi, I thoroughly enjoyed it. A really solid 8.5/10.

I'll continue with the series unless it gets bad. Probably stick with the audiobooks because I thought the narrator did a good job with the various characters making them sound unique.


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Re: What book(s) are you reading?
« Reply #3905 on: May 10, 2023, 02:25:36 AM »
Finished up Strange Dogs which is a novella in The Expanse series and have dived straight into book #7 (Persepolis Rising).

Strange Dogs was a great little novella giving a bit of prep for the big time jump between book #6 and #7.

I already knew the basics of the story because this novella was part of season 6 of the TV show.

Something I am always impressed with is the way each of the multitude of characters in The Expanse, even the bit part players, always have excellent characterisation and feel like unique personalities. It's amazing what the two authors achieved with this series considering the level of output they had.


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Re: What book(s) are you reading?
« Reply #3906 on: May 12, 2023, 03:06:34 AM »
Started listening to Dresden #1 - Stormfront

Seems solid so far. I think I just really enjoy Noir gumshoe detective audiobooks. Like I really enjoyed Red Harvest. Hearing the gumshoe self-narrator just seems like a good fit for audiobook narrators.


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Re: What book(s) are you reading?
« Reply #3907 on: May 12, 2023, 03:49:01 AM »
I read that a while ago. I really enjoyed it but haven't managed to get onto the second book yet. I might pick that up once I'm done with the Expanse.


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Re: What book(s) are you reading?
« Reply #3908 on: May 12, 2023, 10:40:45 PM »
There are some tonally problematic things with Stormfront, but from book 2 or 3, it's just fantastic. Butcher said he was writing for a certain audience, and then abandoned that as he progressed.

Joe Molotov

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Re: What book(s) are you reading?
« Reply #3909 on: May 12, 2023, 10:56:19 PM »

Picked it up on a whim because the cover looked cool and the synopsis sounded neat.

GOD IS DEAD, his corpse hidden in the catacombs beneath Mordew.
In the slums of the sea-battered city a young boy called Nathan Treeves lives with his parents, eking out a meagre existence by picking treasures from the Living Mud and the half-formed, short-lived creatures it spawns. Until one day his desperate mother sells him to the mysterious Master of Mordew.
The Master derives his magical power from feeding on the corpse of God. But Nathan, despite his fear and lowly station, has his own strength and it is greater than the Master has ever known. Great enough to destroy everything the Master has built. If only Nathan can discover how to use it.
So it is that the Master begins to scheme against him and Nathan has to fight his way through the betrayals, secrets, and vendettas of the city where God was murdered, and darkness reigns...

I assume this is just a historically accurate portrayal of living in Britain.


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Re: What book(s) are you reading?
« Reply #3910 on: May 12, 2023, 11:00:34 PM »
There are some tonally problematic things with Stormfront
Quoting this out of context to signal my agreement.

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Re: What book(s) are you reading?
« Reply #3911 on: May 13, 2023, 12:07:39 AM »
There are some tonally problematic things with Stormfront, but from book 2 or 3, it's just fantastic. Butcher said he was writing for a certain audience, and then abandoned that as he progressed.

Yeah, I can see that even early on. The main guy is kind of overly try hard macho and dismissive of women. There's kind of an occasional cringe line or two but otherwise it's good so far.

Madrun Badrun

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Re: What book(s) are you reading?
« Reply #3912 on: May 14, 2023, 01:06:51 PM »
There are some tonally problematic things with Stormfront
Quoting this out of context to signal my agreement.

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Madrun Badrun

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Re: What book(s) are you reading?
« Reply #3913 on: May 14, 2023, 01:10:18 PM »
Dresden is pretty cool in that the first 12 books basically just continually get better and better.  The series doesn't really launch off until the last half of book 3 though.       

I read a cozy fantasy just to see what the hype was about -- it's not my thing.  But the book, 'The Bookshop and the Barbarian', had a pretty good joke in the first chapter.  The main character, Maribelle, buys a bookstore and finds it's infested by Goblins, and then gets told by the town guard that they can't help her because it is illegal to remove them as they are an endangered species due to to many adventures killing them for experience.  Then, in Always Sunny fashion, the next chapter is titled 'Maribelle hires a murder hobo'.

Also listening to 'Hardwired' and it is pretty cool so far. 
« Last Edit: May 14, 2023, 01:19:38 PM by Madrun Badrun »


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Re: What book(s) are you reading?
« Reply #3914 on: May 22, 2023, 11:28:37 PM »
Almost done with Dresden #1. This book moves so fast. Really breezy read/listen. Pleasantly surprised by this. Was expecting just an alright series that gets good after a few books, but this is a great exciting fun book outside some problematic elements. Feels like it'd make a great movie adaptation. Reminds me of Constantine. Definitely will add this series to my First Law, Discworld, Sanderson, Wheel of Time fantasy book rotation.

Also finishing up tonight John Scalzi's The Kaiju Preservation Society which I started last week for a book club I'm going to on Friday. Wasn't sure about the intro, was a bit too zoomer speak, but once it got past that I like the way Scalzi writes dialogue. Feels very much like TV show quipping. I've just got a bit left to finish tonight but the book's been pretty funny. Laughed quite a bit throughout. More than I do from your average Discworld book. Also like Dresden #1 it's short and paced quickly, so was easy to blow through and very enjoyable. Will probably try more of Scalzi's novels.


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Re: What book(s) are you reading?
« Reply #3915 on: May 23, 2023, 01:43:00 AM »
Old Man's War series is good. Got a bit silly by the end, but definitely a good guilty pleasure kind of series.


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Re: What book(s) are you reading?
« Reply #3916 on: May 23, 2023, 10:23:24 AM »
So yeah, finished The Kaiju Preservation Society. Good book, would make a fun TV series.

The thing is though that the book is great for like the first 80% of it when it's a comedy about office workers in Jurassic Park. Funny stuff. Good writing. Then the last 20% finale when it tries to have an action adventure summer movie finale it's just...boringly generic.

At least in this book Scalzi's strength is his dialogue and humor and his weakness is his plot and action. Still a good short read.

Is Old Man's War or any of his other stuff humor?


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Re: What book(s) are you reading?
« Reply #3917 on: May 23, 2023, 04:32:31 PM »
Old Man's War is pretty funny, but it's not outright comedy. More cynical and sarcastic. I haven't read Kaiju Preservation Society for reference, but it is definitely on the lighter, funnier side of sci-fi.


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Re: What book(s) are you reading?
« Reply #3918 on: May 24, 2023, 08:51:21 PM »
Finished Dresden #1. Was great outside the finale which dragged out with action and the whole everything going wrong until the very last second thing.

Also, at least book #1 felt more like a horror detective book than a fantasy series. Felt like tons of point n click adventure games that are supernatural murder mysteries like Gabriel Knight and Wadjet Eye stuff like Unavowed or Blackwell series. Considering that's my favorite genre of PnC, it's probably why I enjoyed this one so much.

Is the series generally more horror (gore, demons, ghosts, vampires, spooky stuff) or fantasy (fairies and wizards v wizards)? I always thought this was a fantasy series, but for my tastes I'd prefer more of a Stephen King detective series.


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Re: What book(s) are you reading?
« Reply #3919 on: May 24, 2023, 08:54:16 PM »
Actually caught up with my audiobooks now. About halfway through Sanderson's secret project #1 Tress of the Emerald Sea in physical.

When I finish that I'll figure out some next reads. Probably Abercrombie on physical. Maybe Bobiverse #2 on audiobook, or maybe something else there like a horror book.


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Re: What book(s) are you reading?
« Reply #3920 on: May 25, 2023, 03:18:12 PM »
Also, now that I finished Stormfront, can someone go into the tonally problematic issues with the book? Honestly I expected something pretty bad from that warning, but the only thing kind cringe was a love potion which he didn't make on purpose (horny skull forced him), and he didn't use on purpose (Susan grabbed the wrong potion) and nothing came out of it. So it seemed mostly harmless?

I mean Harry's descriptors of when he meets women tend to describe their eyes and sometimes their bust, which is slightly cringe, but pretty typical of late 90s/early 00s as typical male written writing. Was expecting something a lot worse with the tone warning.


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Re: What book(s) are you reading?
« Reply #3921 on: May 27, 2023, 02:37:59 PM »
So this seems like a good deal for the Murderbot audiobooks

But since I'm new to audiobooks, I don't even know how to listen to mp3s on my phone anymore since all the cloud services where you upload your own stuff shut down. With audiobooks on Audible or Spotify even if I go listen to other stuff it keeps track of where I was in the audiobook when I come back to it. Not sure it's worth the savings in the bundle if I need to find my place each time with an mp3.


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Re: What book(s) are you reading?
« Reply #3922 on: May 27, 2023, 02:53:31 PM »
Ended up buying, it, getting a book app BookPlayer that reddit recommended, getting the cloud drive working and getting the file over and importing it

...only to find out that HumbleBundle fucked this bundle up and all the downloads are just the 1 chapter samples and not the actual books  :awesome

I'm sure they will fix this quick. Will check back again tonight.


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Re: What book(s) are you reading?
« Reply #3923 on: May 27, 2023, 05:51:31 PM »
So are any of the other books in that bundle worth reading besides the murderbot ones?


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Re: What book(s) are you reading?
« Reply #3924 on: May 27, 2023, 06:03:45 PM »
So are any of the other books in that bundle worth reading besides the murderbot ones?
Never heard of any of them. Even allowing for not judging books by their covers, none of them fill me with confidence.


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Re: What book(s) are you reading?
« Reply #3925 on: May 27, 2023, 08:53:22 PM »
So are any of the other books in that bundle worth reading besides the murderbot ones?
Never heard of any of them. Even allowing for not judging books by their covers, none of them fill me with confidence.

$20 still a good deal for all those Murderbot audiobooks, so I don't mind.


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Re: What book(s) are you reading?
« Reply #3926 on: May 27, 2023, 11:20:37 PM »

Madrun Badrun

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Re: What book(s) are you reading?
« Reply #3928 on: May 31, 2023, 06:50:43 AM »
Bebpo and chrono you guys got Goodread accounts?


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Re: What book(s) are you reading?
« Reply #3929 on: June 01, 2023, 12:51:25 AM »
Bebpo and chrono you guys got Goodread accounts?

Nah, I try to minimize internet accounts these days. Don't have time for more than an inactive forum.

What's your Goodreads? Maybe I'll follow it after this place dies.


  • Punk Mushi no Onna
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Re: What book(s) are you reading?
« Reply #3930 on: June 01, 2023, 06:22:12 AM »
Read that Joe Abercrombie's Best Served Cold is getting a movie adaptation. They best not fuck this up. (They will.)


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Re: What book(s) are you reading?
« Reply #3931 on: June 02, 2023, 10:34:30 PM »
Over halfway through Murderbot #1 All Systems Red and idk

The first quarter when it was a dry humor piece about an antisocial murderbot dealing with humans was pretty funny. Good stuff.
The 2nd quarter when it's like 100% serious action sci-fi, I find this really dry and boring and hard to get through.

Basically I have zero interest in this series as a legit plot focused sci-fi series,
but I'm down for it if it's just a dry comedy series.

Will see how the book/novella turns out by the end and if I'm interested in continuing.


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Re: What book(s) are you reading?
« Reply #3932 on: June 03, 2023, 05:31:11 AM »

Finished Sanderson's Tress of the Emerald Sea

It's a good enjoyable Princess Bride-esque pirate adventure. Likeable characters, interesting world that's lightly explored, and a few Cosmere teases, but overall nothing really stood out and has a bit of a fluff feel to it.

It's better than Skyward #3 and Mistborn Era 2/Book 4 The Lost Metal, so it's a step back in the right direction. But just doesn't have the compelling writing of Sanderson's better books like Warbreaker or Stormlight. It's also written in a very YA tone like Skyward so that might be it too.

Enjoyed it. *** out of **** stars. The hardcover is gorgeous with amazing illustrations and coloring and it's a good length.

Fingers crossed some of the other kickstarter secret project books are a bit better though. Or at least I hope some of them aren't YA tone.


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Re: What book(s) are you reading?
« Reply #3933 on: June 03, 2023, 05:35:17 AM »
The book club I try to make it to if I can, which read The Kaiju Preservation Society last month (and I missed the damn book club event because I was too knocked out from surgery  :maf ), is reading This is How You Lose the Time War by Amal El-Mohtar for the June book.

So I think I'll give that a try next, otherwise next book I'm reading is Best Served Cold. Keep meaning to get to it and with the news of the film adaptation, I think it's time to read it.

Madrun Badrun

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Re: What book(s) are you reading?
« Reply #3934 on: June 03, 2023, 02:15:08 PM »
Audible US sale is crazy for any of the 85% off series.  Could easily spend 500$.  Debating which series I should pick up.

edit:  bought 20 books for 80$.  Half The Laundry Files series and the full Sun Eater novels plus others
« Last Edit: June 03, 2023, 06:03:44 PM by Madrun Badrun »

Madrun Badrun

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Re: What book(s) are you reading?
« Reply #3935 on: June 04, 2023, 06:29:52 PM »
Listening to Will Wight's youtube stream.  The giveaway this last time was almost half a million books and was about the same as all the other giveaways combined  :o  Pretty cool to see how popular he has gotten given he is probably the best-known self-published author. 


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Re: What book(s) are you reading?
« Reply #3936 on: June 07, 2023, 04:12:55 AM »
Finished This is How You Lose the Time War by Amal El-Mohtar and Max Gladstone alternating chapters. About two time agents going back and forth between time strands to change history.

I really didn't enjoy the prose and stream of conscious style it was written in. Especially in such a weird world lore setting. There's no time spent establishing anything and it's just really confusing to follow and would work better as a visual medium piece I think.

Eventually it starts to click and the last 1/3rd where there was actually "some" plot was mildly enjoyable. But so much of the 200 page book is just poem-like ramblings of time period events over a single page.

The first half definitely got me feeling like "at this point in my life, why should I be wasting any reading time on books that aren't 'fun'", but it was short and part of a book club. Having finished it, it was maybe worth the time, maybe. Definitely not my kind of thing. I'm a boring old fogey who likes my prose straight forward and understandable.

Looking forward to jumping into Best Served Cold tomorrow. Almost done with Murderbot #1. Will listen to Dresden #2 next on the audiobook side.


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Re: What book(s) are you reading?
« Reply #3937 on: June 07, 2023, 11:52:17 PM »
Ok, finished Murderbot #1. Was good.


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Re: What book(s) are you reading?
« Reply #3938 on: June 08, 2023, 12:06:13 AM »
Audible US sale is crazy for any of the 85% off series.  Could easily spend 500$.  Debating which series I should pick up.

edit:  bought 20 books for 80$.  Half The Laundry Files series and the full Sun Eater novels plus others

Oh shit, I hadn't paid attention to this since I wasn't caught up in audiobooks yet.
Now I am and wow, glad I didn't miss this. Bobiverse books are $2.50.

*edit* Ok, didn't grab too much since I don't go through audiobooks that quickly.

Grabbed Bobiverse #2-#4, Dresden #2/#3 and Project Hail Mary. Between those and the rest of the Murderbot audiobooks I got from the humble sale that should last for about a year.

« Last Edit: June 08, 2023, 12:30:12 AM by Bebpo »


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Re: What book(s) are you reading?
« Reply #3939 on: June 09, 2023, 05:06:55 AM »
Best Served Cold is super fucking good so far. Abercrombie writes so damn well and his characters are extremely enjoyable.

I looked him up and saw he did a YA series in 2014/2015.
...I can't imagine him doing YA. All the First Law stuff is very, very mature writing and very, very adult everything.


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Re: What book(s) are you reading?
« Reply #3940 on: June 10, 2023, 02:10:17 AM »
Yeah, I'm going to blow through all the rest of Abercrombie's bibliography pretty quickly after this. Makes me remember how much I liked reading the First Law trilogy even if I was kind of disappointed in its nihilistic conclusion. His characters are A++ and everything is so well written.


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Re: What book(s) are you reading?
« Reply #3941 on: June 12, 2023, 01:28:36 AM »
I'll spare you guys my normal lengthy unfunny obvious commentaries (I posted those in the .net thread) and make just short comments about these:

Quite good, many of the Goodreads reviews stupidly accuse him of political bias (and one of "hating America") because he accurately mentions Trump on one page of the conclusion as someone who also likes "law and order" and is "suspicious of immigrants" when his real bias is just that he accepts the standard popular narrative of history:

Adequate, the Ford one is the clear superior, the Reagan one suffers because he didn't really integrate any challenges to his thesis except from pro-Reagan sources upset at his lack of use of force and he turns to ad hoc explanations sometimes because his thesis is that everything Reagan did was connected to some kind of master plan:

Bad, not even about corporations but select big businesses, he even starts out his book on the "history of corporations" by defining out the bulk of corporations existing today and probably in human history from even being corporations, and this guy is a law professor who then goes on to fail describing the law accurately in a number of other ways:


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Re: What book(s) are you reading?
« Reply #3942 on: June 12, 2023, 02:44:21 AM »
My only gripe about Abercrombie's Best Served Cold is that the main two characters and their interactions feel like a rehash of the main two from the First Law trilogy, which makes me wonder about Abercrombie's range a bit.

Shivers PoV seems like the exact same PoV as Logen was. Naive fish out of water Northman, humble natured, always trying to be a better man and bring some camaraderie to the party. Monza being a hard assed antisocial murder machine basically like Ferrio. Just feels kind of samey even if it's still very entertaining.

Olivia Wilde Homo

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Re: What book(s) are you reading?
« Reply #3943 on: June 12, 2023, 07:52:26 PM »
American Midnight is a good book about a time period very few know much about. Highly recommended.


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Re: What book(s) are you reading?
« Reply #3944 on: June 12, 2023, 08:39:43 PM »
Read that Joe Abercrombie's Best Served Cold is getting a movie adaptation. They best not fuck this up. (They will.)

That was my first books by that author and I really love it. I think there is room to do it right!


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Re: What book(s) are you reading?
« Reply #3945 on: June 13, 2023, 12:40:16 AM »
Audible US sale is crazy for any of the 85% off series.  Could easily spend 500$.  Debating which series I should pick up.

edit:  bought 20 books for 80$.  Half The Laundry Files series and the full Sun Eater novels plus others

Shit, looks like I slept through the sale.


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Re: What book(s) are you reading?
« Reply #3946 on: June 15, 2023, 12:11:33 PM »
Best Served Cold

The brothel scene was A+++
Book is like Dark Fantasy x Ocean's Eleven x Tarantino

Though I will nitpick more and say the massive re-use and shoving in your face constantly of stuff from First Law is a bit overkill. Like a small character like Shivers, ok, that works. But like

spoiler (click to show/hide)
Vitari, Cosca, Carlot de Eider, Jezal, etc... everyone yelling THE CRIPPLE, THE CRIPPLE RUNS IT ALL, etc...

It's kind of a bit too much fanservice? Like it feels detrimental to the plot standing on its own with its own characters. It really doesn't need all these connections, not too mention it's kind of a ridiculous coincidence all these characters are just happening to show up again in the same spot.

I think the original characters in Best Served Cold are great. Morveer and Day the poisoners are so, so good. Friendly is uh, interesting lol. Just doesn't need all the connections in your face imo.

But it's very entertainingly written and plot-wise, so it's fine.

It definitely feels like it's written for film/TV, but the biggest hurdle of a film will be truncating what is a pretty long fucking book into a 2 hour medieval Tarantino film.


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Re: What book(s) are you reading?
« Reply #3947 on: June 17, 2023, 12:27:40 PM »
Best Served Cold

Damn, this book got dark in the Visserine arc.


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Re: What book(s) are you reading?
« Reply #3948 on: June 17, 2023, 10:15:10 PM »
Best Served Cold

The brothel scene was A+++
Book is like Dark Fantasy x Ocean's Eleven x Tarantino

Though I will nitpick more and say the massive re-use and shoving in your face constantly of stuff from First Law is a bit overkill. Like a small character like Shivers, ok, that works. But like

spoiler (click to show/hide)
Vitari, Cosca, Carlot de Eider, Jezal, etc... everyone yelling THE CRIPPLE, THE CRIPPLE RUNS IT ALL, etc...

It's kind of a bit too much fanservice? Like it feels detrimental to the plot standing on its own with its own characters. It really doesn't need all these connections, not too mention it's kind of a ridiculous coincidence all these characters are just happening to show up again in the same spot.

I think the original characters in Best Served Cold are great. Morveer and Day the poisoners are so, so good. Friendly is uh, interesting lol. Just doesn't need all the connections in your face imo.

But it's very entertainingly written and plot-wise, so it's fine.

It definitely feels like it's written for film/TV, but the biggest hurdle of a film will be truncating what is a pretty long fucking book into a 2 hour medieval Tarantino film.

Because I was unaware of First Law, I started with this book and loved it. What seems like fanservice for you was my introduction to the characters. Maybe it’s better that way?


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Re: What book(s) are you reading?
« Reply #3949 on: June 17, 2023, 10:49:32 PM »
Best Served Cold

The brothel scene was A+++
Book is like Dark Fantasy x Ocean's Eleven x Tarantino

Though I will nitpick more and say the massive re-use and shoving in your face constantly of stuff from First Law is a bit overkill. Like a small character like Shivers, ok, that works. But like

spoiler (click to show/hide)
Vitari, Cosca, Carlot de Eider, Jezal, etc... everyone yelling THE CRIPPLE, THE CRIPPLE RUNS IT ALL, etc...

It's kind of a bit too much fanservice? Like it feels detrimental to the plot standing on its own with its own characters. It really doesn't need all these connections, not too mention it's kind of a ridiculous coincidence all these characters are just happening to show up again in the same spot.

I think the original characters in Best Served Cold are great. Morveer and Day the poisoners are so, so good. Friendly is uh, interesting lol. Just doesn't need all the connections in your face imo.

But it's very entertainingly written and plot-wise, so it's fine.

It definitely feels like it's written for film/TV, but the biggest hurdle of a film will be truncating what is a pretty long fucking book into a 2 hour medieval Tarantino film.

Because I was unaware of First Law, I started with this book and loved it. What seems like fanservice for you was my introduction to the characters. Maybe it’s better that way?

Did you feel like reading Best Served Cold first spoiled too much of the First Law Trilogy? For something that's standalone it references everything so much I feel like it would kind of ruin a lot of the plot points in that trilogy if someone read it after.


  • Punk Mushi no Onna
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Re: What book(s) are you reading?
« Reply #3950 on: June 18, 2023, 04:56:13 AM »
The writing just has to be good. Everybody knows the main outline for Lord of the Rings, but I'm still enjoying reading the books in 2023.

How does knowing outcomes ruin the plot points anways. You got 3 whole books to find out how things came out to be the way they are. People put way too much weight on spoilers. If the only thing keeping you interested in books/movies/games is the surprise of the next plot point I'm going to assume they aren't very good on their own.

Do you ever reread books you like? If spoilers are that important why ever reread anything.


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Re: What book(s) are you reading?
« Reply #3951 on: June 18, 2023, 09:17:06 PM »
The writing just has to be good. Everybody knows the main outline for Lord of the Rings, but I'm still enjoying reading the books in 2023.

How does knowing outcomes ruin the plot points anways. You got 3 whole books to find out how things came out to be the way they are. People put way too much weight on spoilers. If the only thing keeping you interested in books/movies/games is the surprise of the next plot point I'm going to assume they aren't very good on their own.

Do you ever reread books you like? If spoilers are that important why ever reread anything.

I don't think I've ever re-read a book.

I agree with what you're saying, I'm just iffy on Best Served Cold being a good jump in point since it feels like so much of it needs having read the prior three books.
I mean I'm at the part where there are eaters in Puranti, and if I hadn't read the previous books and known what eaters are, I think it'd be kind of confusing.


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Re: What book(s) are you reading?
« Reply #3952 on: June 19, 2023, 10:10:15 PM »
Best Served Cold

The brothel scene was A+++
Book is like Dark Fantasy x Ocean's Eleven x Tarantino

Though I will nitpick more and say the massive re-use and shoving in your face constantly of stuff from First Law is a bit overkill. Like a small character like Shivers, ok, that works. But like

spoiler (click to show/hide)
Vitari, Cosca, Carlot de Eider, Jezal, etc... everyone yelling THE CRIPPLE, THE CRIPPLE RUNS IT ALL, etc...

It's kind of a bit too much fanservice? Like it feels detrimental to the plot standing on its own with its own characters. It really doesn't need all these connections, not too mention it's kind of a ridiculous coincidence all these characters are just happening to show up again in the same spot.

I think the original characters in Best Served Cold are great. Morveer and Day the poisoners are so, so good. Friendly is uh, interesting lol. Just doesn't need all the connections in your face imo.

But it's very entertainingly written and plot-wise, so it's fine.

It definitely feels like it's written for film/TV, but the biggest hurdle of a film will be truncating what is a pretty long fucking book into a 2 hour medieval Tarantino film.

Because I was unaware of First Law, I started with this book and loved it. What seems like fanservice for you was my introduction to the characters. Maybe it’s better that way?

Did you feel like reading Best Served Cold first spoiled too much of the First Law Trilogy? For something that's standalone it references everything so much I feel like it would kind of ruin a lot of the plot points in that trilogy if someone read it after.

The references to Firsy Law had no context for me, so it was like saying “many Bothans died to bring us this information.” It was world-expanding by hinting at a larger picture, but I didn’t know it was pointing at specific things at that time.


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Re: What book(s) are you reading?
« Reply #3954 on: June 26, 2023, 06:44:27 AM »
Alright, finished Best Served Cold - Great book

I think the first half is 10/10 goofy horrible fucked up fun, and then the second half is considerably less fun but still pretty good. I liked First Law Trilogy a bit better than this because I preferred the PoV characters more and the larger scope story with more magical/world lore stuff, but then I was really underwhelmed by the final in First Law Trilogy whereas Best Served Cold lands the finale. Everything comes together great and satisfyingly.

It's almost ironic in that Best Served Cold which is a more "bad people doing bad shit and this can only end badly" kind of thing, that Best Served Cold's endings are more traditional structure satisfying endings with deus ex machina saves and stuff, whereas First Law Trilogy is like some decent people trying to do good things and it pretty much just ends badly for everyone which I found unsatisfying, but I guess that was also more daring I suppose because it bucked being a crowd pleaser. Especially since basically the ending for First Law Trilogy is that

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the bad guy wins.

I can definitely see how Best Served Cold can work in live-action, especially given the character endings, but yeah it is a big ass book and I don't see how you do that in a single movie and make it work. At minimum I think you'd need to do it Kill Bill style with two films that are like 2-2.5 hours each.

Since that was pretty lengthy, going to take a break from Abercrombie for a bit before I read the next book in the series. Looking forward to it though, but mostly just hoping at some point the books get more into the magi and eaters and stuff. I'm guessing that stuff is probably saved for the main series sets and not the standalones. I think one of the best scenes in First Law Trilogy was in like book 2 where one of the magi runs into two eaters who just wiped out a group of soldiers and the two eaters go after Ferro and the magi with all their super magic abilities and then the magi just fucks them up real fast in messed up ways like turning one's bones into water and the body just flaps down. I want to see more scenes like that later in the series.


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Re: What book(s) are you reading?
« Reply #3955 on: June 26, 2023, 03:19:25 PM »
Are there any scenes in the book where Rebecca Ferguson's character bares her breasts?


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Re: What book(s) are you reading?
« Reply #3956 on: July 06, 2023, 01:56:25 AM »
Finished Dresden Files #2 - Fool's Moon - This is a bad book. Apparently it's the worst in the series, so at least got it out of the way. It somehow manages to be 25% a repeat of the first book (police/Murphy not trusting Harry), 50% overcomplicated mess of a dozens of characters and factions who are all underdeveloped, and 25% filled with Harry being an annoying dickbag white knight and almost dying every other page while getting BS saves. By the finale was very checked out on this and barely paid attention because couldn't really care.

Hopefully book #3 is much better. People seem to like book #3 Grave Peril.


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Re: What book(s) are you reading?
« Reply #3957 on: July 16, 2023, 04:26:30 AM »

I liked this. Basically, when he started out as President Washington didn't have a cabinet. The British Cabinet was hated in the U.S. so the idea of recreating it was a non-starter. Overtime, Washington tried alternatives and he hated them all and decided to recreate the kind of advisory body he had as a general. One of the biggest was he took the "advise and consent" of the Senate literally and went there about a foreign policy issue, and they had nothing to say and decided to refer his questions he had sent weeks before appearing to a committee they'd form after he left. Washington then decided to never physically visit Congress again. So the entire reason that clause of the Constitution means nothing more than "Senate votes yes or no" is because the first Senators were a bunch of lazy idiots. :lol

These two have somewhat of the same premise though they go about it in very different ways, the question is essentially when did Americans start thinking of America as one unified thing rather than a bunch of joined states. The first book offers one choice of answer (World War I more or less), the second book completely ignores the question it posed.

The first book is more of a set of biographies of historians who overlapped and had theories about American's historical purpose. Since I like that kind of thing I liked this well enough, it somewhat helped that the historian who sounded like the biggest jerk (and also the biggest racist) kept having all kinds of problems and failures in his life from his own doings. Although the author didn't seem to notice what I liked about the end is how every historian basically got it wrong. All their theories of what America means to Americans and how they would think about America was completely and utterly off. And I have to give absolute props to the author because unlike almost everyone else ever he notes that Woodrow Wilson's PhD was basically fraudulent and all his academic research was similar. A few errors here and there some which might just be typos, only real serious one was that he spends time talking about how one work was influential to the leaders of Confederacy but it was written years after the Civil War, so while I can't pronounce on how influential it was I can say I don't think it was that influential.

Second book is weird in more ways than just ignoring its own premise and never developing a thesis of any kind. The subtitle purports to be about Daniel Webster but a condensed biography is maybe a third of the book and his "nationalist idea" is never even described other than his own words where he says the Constitution should be paramount. The bulk of the book is just an overview of historical events which is fine enough and I enjoyed reading it but something I could get from Wikipedia. And Wikipedia would be better because it wouldn't try to connect events from two hundred years ago to being exacting parallels of Donald Trump who the author seems to see everywhere. (I've since discovered that he posts about his Trump visions regularly in strange formats to zero likes on Twitter.) Nor would Wikipedia digress by sharing the plots of a bunch of 1850's novels including over two pages about Moby Dick. Wikipedia would also cut down on the weird unsourced claims he makes. Some of them are understandable in that they're obviously from his very parochial knowledge of history and politics such as when he describes someone as "paradoxically" opposing slavery, monopoly and socialism. Others vary from his strange attempts to fit 250 years of American history and politics into two and only two camps, the "constitutional nationalists" (never defined) and the "populists" (also never defined) which basically breaks down to Good Guys (Daniel Webster, Lincoln and Obama) versus Bad Guys (Jefferson, Jackson, Calhoun, Trump and Putin) with the Bad Guys constantly forcing the Good Guys to do bad things. Some of these claims are just strange asides that I think the guy just made up for some reason. Lastly, three times he writes "explicitly" when he meant "implicitly" including once for a quote that didn't even explicitly say the word "slavery" let alone what he said it "explicitly" said about slavery.


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Re: What book(s) are you reading?
« Reply #3958 on: July 22, 2023, 02:28:42 AM »
Murderbot #2 - Artificial Condition was great. Liked it a good amount more than the first novella, which was already enjoyable. Good robo characters.

Started on the audiobook of Between Two Fires that was recommended here. Pretty good so far. The narrator Steve West is excellent.


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Re: What book(s) are you reading?
« Reply #3959 on: July 22, 2023, 03:05:22 AM »

This is a great book and I recommend it if you can read it for free. One caution, you have to want to read a hundred some pages where a really stupid man brags about how much smarter than everyone else he is while he constantly says obviously wrong things. Much of Scott's theory for why he's brilliant is that he makes such accurate predictions, such as his "famous" prediction that Trump would win in a "landslide" in 2016. (Ignore that there was no landslide.) After about fifteen pages of talking about how smart and accurate he is for saying Trump would win to his "100,000 followers and blog visitors" (a "huge" number he says since "almost nobody pays attention to politics") he makes his first new prediction of the book (which is from 2017 btw) that because Donald Trump is such a detail guy he will solve immigration (Scott, not being a detail guy, does not explain how it would be solved) and also that The Wall will go down in history as one of the greatest achievements by any President. About halfway through the book Scott covers some of his many failed predictions about who Trump's VP would be, noting that he did not predict Mike Pence because he had never heard of him. (And may still not have, calling him both a Senator and one of the "most experienced politicians" in American history. He then says that Dan Quayle, an actual Senator from Indiana, was not on the 1992 Republican ticket.)

One of my favorite chapters is about cognitive dissonance where despite copy/pasting paragraphs from Wikipedia (he admits it at least) he then spends the rest of the chapter and book using an entirely different definition. In Scott's world if you like pickles and I say I don't like pickles you'll suffer cognitive dissonance. He also says that multiple explanations for something is a sign of cognitive dissonance because everything has one correct explanation. Also that groupthink is actually a "mass hallucination" that only people like trained hypnotists aka Scott are aware of. There's also a chapter on the science of hypnosis, a "superpower", Scott learned from a ten week course forty years ago* so you know you're getting top notch academic information from a "weapons grade" skeptic who is also a body-language expert. He mentions confirmation bias as another thing people suffer from, not Scott of course, while not realizing how much of his book is based around Scott not recognizing his own confirmation bias because he also defines it differently from everyone else. (A good example is Scott describing how he didn't understand criticism of The Wall because he always pictured it as a "tourist destination" with "special trade zones" for people of both countries, which doesn't sound like very much of a wall to me since my "confirmation bias" of "walls" is a barrier not a mall or bazaar.)

Scott's favorite analogy (something he says using is a sign you've lost a debate, but we'll ignore that too) says that most people live in a 2D world and that he lives in a 3D world because of how much more of reality he sees (this is not me paraphrasing he really says he's aware of more of reality; later he explains that reality may actually just be a simulation, something he tweets about often), if this is true then I at least live in a 4D world like we actually do because a cartoonist saying a bunch of weird nonsense while bragging about being a stupid wrong weirdo isn't very persuasive about how persuasion really works. Another analogy he uses a bunch is how we view reality like movies, three acts and all, and that Scott could predict accurately because in all of his "movies" (visions) Trump always won. (In a similar vein, though he means it seriously, he wrote a few times in 2016 that if people turned to violence to resist Trump he would be a top assassination target.) In another analogy Scott turns to his simulation idea and that events repeat because of "code reuse" in the simulation programming, a hilarious analogy that Scott refuses to drop no matter how many times programmers and others tell him about routines.

He's also got tunnel vision of parochial knowledge, when he's talking about why he thinks Trump's insults were so great he seems unaware that Pocahontas was a popular Disney movie, nobody is looking up the historical person. (He later says nobody thought the Clintons were "crooked" until Trump created the insult.) In another instance he has a very weird secret theory of how guest hosting on SNL works and seems to base it on how his own talking head appearances on TV have worked which he claims is "deep industry knowledge" when you can just find out how SNL works online. At the end, Scott considers if maybe he actually caused Trump to win by writing about Trump winning, while he says he can't be sure he proceeds to outline what he thinks is evidence that he did and though he doesn't mention it in this book I will mention that Scott believes affirmations can change reality and ascribes his success to them. Also, almost all of one of the chapters is indented like it's a blockquote when only one of the paragraphs is a quote from his blog. Worst of all, he never once in the book mentions that he created the Dilberito.

Finally, he seriously posted the newsfeed thing on his blog back in 2016, he quotes it in the book:
Quote from:*/
Have you ever noticed that professional sports teams are great at overcoming racism and getting everyone to play together? That’s because the coach has persuaded the players to see the team as their dominant identity. Trump can do the same with America.

*Scott also relays a story about how when he was going through this "hypnosis school" he gave a woman twenty orgasms just with words and has since done this many times because of the real power of hypnosis. (If hypnosis doesn't work to get you girls, later Scott says negging works with all women. Scott has since got married and divorced again btw.)
« Last Edit: July 22, 2023, 03:11:39 AM by benjipwns »