Author Topic: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba baaaa  (Read 466334 times)

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Palin shot a moose once annd it doesnt matter if Palin knows what shes doing the people around her will.


  • Used to worship Muckhole. Now worships Robo.
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This just shows how inexperienced he really is. He has very little political experience currently.

This is a bullshit response and you know it.  The same argument can be made towards Palin, but I'm not going to dignify myself to make such an argument.

When have I EVER said on this forum that Palin wasnt inexperienced? Quote me saying this please?

I'll happily agree she is inexperienced as well.

Human Snorenado

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All I'm saying is that a vote for McCain is a vote for deranged, distinguished mentally-challenged jackals that want to continually bankrupt future generations, line the pockets of the uber wealthy, lie to simple people about doing something regarding all of the dumb positions they hold on cultural issues, fight continual wars, ignore the climate crisis, ignore the health care crisis, and piss on the Constitution.  If you're cool with that, why didn't you guys just say so?


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Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba b
« Reply #303 on: September 10, 2008, 12:52:54 PM »
All I'm saying is that a vote for McCain is a vote for deranged, distinguished mentally-challenged jackals that want to continually bankrupt future generations, line the pockets of the uber wealthy, lie to simple people about doing something regarding all of the dumb positions they hold on cultural issues, fight continual wars, ignore the climate crisis, ignore the health care crisis, and piss on the Constitution.  If you're cool with that, why didn't you guys just say so?

It's so easy!!! Stop the presses the election has been solved.

Human Snorenado

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Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba b
« Reply #304 on: September 10, 2008, 12:55:28 PM »
All I'm saying is that a vote for McCain is a vote for deranged, distinguished mentally-challenged jackals that want to continually bankrupt future generations, line the pockets of the uber wealthy, lie to simple people about doing something regarding all of the dumb positions they hold on cultural issues, fight continual wars, ignore the climate crisis, ignore the health care crisis, and piss on the Constitution.  If you're cool with that, why didn't you guys just say so?

It's so easy!!! Stop the presses the election has been solved.

I kno rite?

But srsly, people who give a shit about, you know, THE FUTURE AND WANTING TO LIVE IN IT, might not want to vote for McCain.  Or any other Republican.  EVER.

Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba b
« Reply #305 on: September 10, 2008, 01:00:03 PM »
All I'm saying is that a vote for McCain is a vote for deranged, distinguished mentally-challenged jackals that want to continually bankrupt future generations, line the pockets of the uber wealthy, lie to simple people about doing something regarding all of the dumb positions they hold on cultural issues, fight continual wars, ignore the climate crisis, ignore the health care crisis, and piss on the Constitution.  If you're cool with that, why didn't you guys just say so?
Like wealth redistribution?  "Give me that Theodore you're too successful."

Never said I was voting for McCain (undecided), I'm just not voting for Obama man.  Nothing against him personally I just think some of his policies will move us one step closer to socialism .

Human Snorenado

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Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba b
« Reply #306 on: September 10, 2008, 01:03:21 PM »
All I'm saying is that a vote for McCain is a vote for deranged, distinguished mentally-challenged jackals that want to continually bankrupt future generations, line the pockets of the uber wealthy, lie to simple people about doing something regarding all of the dumb positions they hold on cultural issues, fight continual wars, ignore the climate crisis, ignore the health care crisis, and piss on the Constitution.  If you're cool with that, why didn't you guys just say so?
Like wealth redistribution?  "Give me that Theodore you're too successful."

Never said I was voting for McCain (undecided), I'm just not voting for Obama man.  Nothing against him personally I just think some of his policies will move us one step closer to socialism .

Regardless of what I think on the issue, the fact is that since Reaganism the gap between the richest and the middle class has grown at an astronomical rate.  Now, this can keep happening.  One day though, people WILL catch on and the question you really ought to be asking yourself is:  would you like to have tax rates similar to the Clinton years or similar to the FDR years?  The longer this keeps going on, the longer the likelihood of the latter happening.  Enjoy.

Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba b
« Reply #307 on: September 10, 2008, 01:08:32 PM »
Like in socialist Europe?  There's a class gap in some of those European countries too you know and people there are complaining too, but no need to bring up European politics in a US political thread.  Just saying, socialism has its downs and has failures as well.  Times were good in the Clinton years, but keep in mind there was a republican congress to keep his spending in check.  Part of our problem the last 8 years was having one party with all the power IMO.

Eric P

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Simmer down, my head is too hot so. Simmer down,
he's gonna get dropped so. Simmer down, man,
here's what I say. Simmer down, now I've got to
got to simmer down. A long time ago we used to be
friends. Picked my bones in my pockets that's
where it ends so. Simmer down, control my temper.
Simmer down, the battle will be hotter. Simmer
down, ok here's what I say. Simmer down, oh, I'm
leavin' in a day. Simmer down, here's what I say.
Simmer down, oh, I'm leavin' in a day. Simmer
down, okay here's what I'm sayin'. Simmer down,
it's got to be this way. Where's the love? Where
is the loyalty? We did our part now where is the
love? Simmer down, control my temper. Simmer down,
the battle will be hotter. Simmer down, it's hard
cause it hurts so. Simmer down, kick me off.
Simmer down, but the pain still exists. Simmer
down, and hey I'm sure he'll be missed. Simmer
down, it'll make us stronger. Simmer down, and
we'll live alot longer so. Simmer down, what goes
around. Simmer down, will come around. Simmer
down, I know I've got to simmer down. Simmer down,
I'm tryin' to simmer down. Simmer down, I've got
to got to Simmer Down ohh. Simmer Down, it's hard
cause it hurts. Simmer Down.


  • Used to worship Muckhole. Now worships Robo.
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Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba b
« Reply #309 on: September 10, 2008, 01:13:05 PM »
All I'm saying is that a vote for McCain is a vote for deranged, distinguished mentally-challenged jackals that want to continually bankrupt future generations, line the pockets of the uber wealthy, lie to simple people about doing something regarding all of the dumb positions they hold on cultural issues, fight continual wars, ignore the climate crisis, ignore the health care crisis, and piss on the Constitution.  If you're cool with that, why didn't you guys just say so?

It's so easy!!! Stop the presses the election has been solved.

I kno rite?

But srsly, people who give a shit about, you know, THE FUTURE AND WANTING TO LIVE IN IT, might not want to vote for McCain.  Or any other Republican.  EVER.

wow, man.. just wow...

So since I lean conservative in my views and post on the matter, you lash out at me. I respond and you lash out again. Your views on Conservatives or Republicans, because they are different believe it or not, make me feel for you.

Just because someone has a different political view than you, they are idiots. Or they are fearmongers. Or now they piss on the Constitution and have no desire to live or have a future.

So I guess we both know what the solution to this dont we?



OMG OBAMA is awesome everyone else is either racist/fearmonger/has no desire to have a future/ or a fucking distinguished mentally-challenged fellow, as so eloquently put by another Democrat earlier in the thread.

No thanks.

I'll pass.

I like to think for myself.


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Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba b
« Reply #310 on: September 10, 2008, 01:15:39 PM »
Dont forget class warfare. The staple of the left.

Human Snorenado

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Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba b
« Reply #311 on: September 10, 2008, 01:17:50 PM »
Dont forget class warfare. The staple of the left.

It's not warfare on the left's part to point out that the Right has been systematically declaring war and fucking over the middle class and poor for like, ever.


  • Used to worship Muckhole. Now worships Robo.
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Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba b
« Reply #312 on: September 10, 2008, 01:22:37 PM »
Dont forget class warfare. The staple of the left.

It's not warfare on the left's part to point out that the Right has been systematically declaring war and fucking over the middle class and poor for like, ever.

This statement cant be just held to one party.

Reality is that the middle class is fucked over no matter who is in office.


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I don't know much about futures, but in essence they seem similar to bonds except they deal with commodities.

Bonds are a tool used to raise capital for companies/governments. Futures are nothing like that.

Futures are similar to forwards. But, there are very distinct differences - forwards are essentially contracts between two parties that are legally enforcable. There isn't an organized market for them. Futures markets use margin trading and are heavily structured.

Its really complicated and honestly all the finance classes I've taken over the past year and half haven't scratched the surface. I'm not even sure my professor who has two different degrees from Wharton truly understands it all either. But, he's one smart dude and I'm thankful to be one of his students.


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Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba b
« Reply #314 on: September 10, 2008, 01:44:27 PM »

Hyuck Hyuck


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My favorite headline is 'McCain pushes woman in a wheelchair' cause I always think 'isnt that what you do for people in wheelchairs?'

Human Snorenado

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Fuck it, the Republicans are probably going to win.  They've successfully lied themselves into the upper hand now.  The only hope the Dems have is in all of these new voters showing up and not being idiots this November.

So, looking ahead to the charred hellscape that the country will be in 2012, I'm betting on a healthy dose of Western Populism beating Mayor McMooseburger.  That's right, meet Montana Gov. Brian Schweitzer, the 45th President of the United States!  Known for his sense of humor and also threatening pussy ass GOP lawmakers with a gun in his office, this is the man the Dems need to grow them a set of balls.


  • I have the most sensible car on The Bore
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Like ive said before, im glad bulk of the west coast feels like home to me, cause the rest of the country feels like a lost cause these days.


  • Banana Grabber
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This country makes me sad.

Fuck Andrea Mitchell, stop talking about this shit.


  • I have the most sensible car on The Bore
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I hope we all get drafted, so I can beat people up who voted for mccain while im in boot camp


  • Used to worship Muckhole. Now worships Robo.
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Considering when I was in bootcamp they beat up people who voted for Kerry? lol. It might not work the way you want.

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you might get a lock -n- sock party!

But I dont see a draft coming unless we are attacked again ala Pearl Harbor/September 11th style.



  • I have the most sensible car on The Bore
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Fuck it, the Republicans are probably going to win.  They've successfully lied themselves into the upper hand now.  The only hope the Dems have is in all of these new voters showing up and not being idiots this November.

So, looking ahead to the charred hellscape that the country will be in 2012, I'm betting on a healthy dose of Western Populism beating Mayor McMooseburger.  That's right, meet Montana Gov. Brian Schweitzer, the 45th President of the United States!  Known for his sense of humor and also threatening pussy ass GOP lawmakers with a gun in his office, this is the man the Dems need to grow them a set of balls.

oh jeez don't turn into a loser liberal whinefag-you're too good for this. We got this shit, McCain could barely bounce above dead even with Obama in most polls, and we have all of the structural advantages this election.

Keep your eyes on the prize-we'll win, and once we do we'll never let this country fall to fools and fundies ever again.  :gun


  • Used to worship Muckhole. Now worships Robo.
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I wouldn't be in boot camp with you man, lol.

Fuck it, the Republicans are probably going to win.  They've successfully lied themselves into the upper hand now.  The only hope the Dems have is in all of these new voters showing up and not being idiots this November.

So, looking ahead to the charred hellscape that the country will be in 2012, I'm betting on a healthy dose of Western Populism beating Mayor McMooseburger.  That's right, meet Montana Gov. Brian Schweitzer, the 45th President of the United States!  Known for his sense of humor and also threatening pussy ass GOP lawmakers with a gun in his office, this is the man the Dems need to grow them a set of balls.

oh jeez don't turn into a loser liberal whinefag-you're too good for this. We got this shit, McCain could barely bounce above dead even with Obama in most polls, and we have all of the structural advantages this election.

Keep your eyes on the prize-we'll win, and once we do we'll never let this country fall to fools and fundies ever again.  :gun

Preach it!
Yes  :american can!

Human Snorenado

  • Stay out of Malibu, Lebowski
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But I dont see a draft coming unless we are attacked again ala Pearl Harbor/September 11th style.

A good way to ensure that happening is to vote for someone whose foreign policy is the equivalent of hanging out at a honey bee colony and throwing rocks at the hives, then acting surprised when we get stung.

Human Snorenado

  • Stay out of Malibu, Lebowski
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Fuck it, the Republicans are probably going to win.  They've successfully lied themselves into the upper hand now.  The only hope the Dems have is in all of these new voters showing up and not being idiots this November.

So, looking ahead to the charred hellscape that the country will be in 2012, I'm betting on a healthy dose of Western Populism beating Mayor McMooseburger.  That's right, meet Montana Gov. Brian Schweitzer, the 45th President of the United States!  Known for his sense of humor and also threatening pussy ass GOP lawmakers with a gun in his office, this is the man the Dems need to grow them a set of balls.

oh jeez don't turn into a loser liberal whinefag-you're too good for this. We got this shit, McCain could barely bounce above dead even with Obama in most polls, and we have all of the structural advantages this election.

Keep your eyes on the prize-we'll win, and once we do we'll never let this country fall to fools and fundies ever again.  :gun

Thanks, I needed that.  I just wish that there was a left version of Karl Rove to sink these vengeful, stupid dingbats.  They deserve it.


  • I have the most sensible car on The Bore
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I wouldn't be in boot camp with you man, lol.

Won't even visit?


  • Used to worship Muckhole. Now worships Robo.
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But I dont see a draft coming unless we are attacked again ala Pearl Harbor/September 11th style.

A good way to ensure that happening is to vote for someone whose foreign policy is the equivalent of hanging out at a honey bee colony and throwing rocks at the hives, then acting surprised when we get stung.

Still wont let it go will you? lol.


  • Used to worship Muckhole. Now worships Robo.
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I wouldn't be in boot camp with you man, lol.

Won't even visit?

I think I could stop by and visit. Give you all a good 30 mile run...err pep talk..



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Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba b
« Reply #332 on: September 10, 2008, 02:19:46 PM » -- bwahahaha oh McCain, turnin the facts around into crazy talk. That pic of Obama makes me lol tho

Iraq may be a lost cause but McCain is leading the way in the war on satire.

Lost cause? Umm, sorry to break it to you man, but that troop surge and the forced cooperation of all Iraqi parties in power has helped over there. You hear less about suicide bombers and such every day. Yea, there are still attacks, but less because the plan is working, just slower than people wanted (plus Democrats in power wanted it to fail anyway to promote their party IMO).

Oh, fucking really?!?


  • I have the most sensible car on The Bore
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Phoenix Dark

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Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba b
« Reply #334 on: September 10, 2008, 02:31:58 PM »
Fuck it, the Republicans are probably going to win.  They've successfully lied themselves into the upper hand now.  The only hope the Dems have is in all of these new voters showing up and not being idiots this November.

So, looking ahead to the charred hellscape that the country will be in 2012, I'm betting on a healthy dose of Western Populism beating Mayor McMooseburger.  That's right, meet Montana Gov. Brian Schweitzer, the 45th President of the United States!  Known for his sense of humor and also threatening pussy ass GOP lawmakers with a gun in his office, this is the man the Dems need to grow them a set of balls.

Seems like the early primary schedule is going to greatly benefit someone like him, assuming Obama loses this year of course. I still think Hillary will be president in 2013 though


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Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba b
« Reply #335 on: September 10, 2008, 02:32:21 PM » -- bwahahaha oh McCain, turnin the facts around into crazy talk. That pic of Obama makes me lol tho

Iraq may be a lost cause but McCain is leading the way in the war on satire.

Lost cause? Umm, sorry to break it to you man, but that troop surge and the forced cooperation of all Iraqi parties in power has helped over there. You hear less about suicide bombers and such every day. Yea, there are still attacks, but less because the plan is working, just slower than people wanted (plus Democrats in power wanted it to fail anyway to promote their party IMO).

Oh, fucking really?!?


So to refute me and try and burn me you point to an old thread that I never posted in or looked at? LOL.

Seriously, how can you say the surge hasn't done the job it was setup to do: lower the number of U.S. troop deaths in Iraq (it has lowered).



  • I have the most sensible car on The Bore
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Fuck it, the Republicans are probably going to win.  They've successfully lied themselves into the upper hand now.  The only hope the Dems have is in all of these new voters showing up and not being idiots this November.

So, looking ahead to the charred hellscape that the country will be in 2012, I'm betting on a healthy dose of Western Populism beating Mayor McMooseburger.  That's right, meet Montana Gov. Brian Schweitzer, the 45th President of the United States!  Known for his sense of humor and also threatening pussy ass GOP lawmakers with a gun in his office, this is the man the Dems need to grow them a set of balls.

Seems like the early primary schedule is going to greatly benefit someone like him, assuming Obama loses this year of course. I still think Hillary will be president in 2013 though



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Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba b
« Reply #337 on: September 10, 2008, 02:38:36 PM »

So to refute me and try and burn me you point to an old thread that I never posted in or looked at? LOL.

Seriously, how can you say the surge hasn't done the job it was setup to do: lower the number of U.S. troop deaths in Iraq (it has lowered).

It's a fortnight old thread in which I explain why the surge didn't "work".  Do yourself a favor and read it because you obviously haven't been keeping up with the details of the situation there.

Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba b
« Reply #338 on: September 10, 2008, 02:41:09 PM »
Meanwhile Ron Paul says don't vote for either candidate. 

FROM CNN :  "Paul will give his seal of approval to four candidates: Green Party nominee Cynthia McKinney, Libertarian Party nominee Bob Barr, independent candidate Ralph Nader and Constitution Party candidate Chuck Baldwin."

Cynthia McKinney  :lol  LOL Are you fucking kidding me?  Ron buddy I like you and all, but just no.


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Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba b
« Reply #339 on: September 10, 2008, 02:41:50 PM »
Seriously, how can you say the surge hasn't done the job it was setup to do: lower the number of U.S. troop deaths in Iraq (it has lowered).

Its called "moving the goal posts".

Phoenix Dark

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Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba b
« Reply #340 on: September 10, 2008, 02:42:57 PM »


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Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba b
« Reply #341 on: September 10, 2008, 02:43:09 PM »
Is that one of the Baldwins?


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At least Ron Paul is here to cheer me up.


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Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba b
« Reply #344 on: September 10, 2008, 02:45:34 PM »
Seriously, how can you say the surge hasn't done the job it was setup to do: lower the number of U.S. troop deaths in Iraq (it has lowered).

Its called "moving the goal posts".

Are you trying to break my irony meter?


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I don't care about your irony meter or anything else that belongs to you.

Like I said in the thread you linked - Your boy was wrong. Deal with it.


  • I have the most sensible car on The Bore
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PUBLICANS! Cant live with em!


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Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba b
« Reply #347 on: September 10, 2008, 02:52:18 PM »
eh, sd's just trolling.  He knows he can rile up people by confidently making dumb pronouncements.

Ganhyun I don't know about.  Does anyone seriously believe that the aim of the surge was to lower American casualties?


  • Banana Grabber
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Well I mean that was one of the goals.  But since the violence dropped, they're proclaiming it a success without mentioning, you know, the other "goals" that went along with it.

When can Iraq man up and take control?

Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba b
« Reply #349 on: September 10, 2008, 02:58:58 PM »
I don't care about your irony meter or anything else that belongs to you.

Like I said in the thread you linked - Your boy was wrong. Deal with it.

Silly boy god is never wrong.  Don't you know that after he wins in November, Jesus is gonna return to the middle east part the sea, bring peace to Iraq, save terrorists from the damned path they walk, merge Israel and Palestine into the garden of eden, The French and Germans will love one another, Scotland will again be independent, save the planet, we'll all get free candy, and oh don't forget free healthcare for all.

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I'm kidding btw.

Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba b
« Reply #350 on: September 10, 2008, 03:00:18 PM »
When can Iraq man up and take control?

Hopefully very soon and also when can they man up and foot part of the bill.


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Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba b
« Reply #351 on: September 10, 2008, 03:00:26 PM »
(Image removed from quote.)

the gold border makes the card.

PUBLICANS! Cant live with em!

That's the spirit! The obvious solution is to get rid of them.

Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba b
« Reply #352 on: September 10, 2008, 03:01:46 PM »
Fascist  :D


  • Banana Grabber
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no u

Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba b
« Reply #354 on: September 10, 2008, 03:06:31 PM »
 :lol  Where's that spiderman 3 gif when you need it?


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Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba b
« Reply #355 on: September 10, 2008, 03:11:09 PM »
That was the only goal of the surge?  Abandoning the country would have accomplished the same thing.  You're not that stupid.

That was a big part of it, yeah.

Now that there's relative peace, maybe something can happen politically. I remain hopeful, but I'm not holding my breath.

And abandoning the country at that time would have led to a catastrofuck of epic proportions. You're not that stoopit. I guess I'll have to post the Michael Ware vid again:



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Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba b
« Reply #357 on: September 10, 2008, 03:25:06 PM »

So to refute me and try and burn me you point to an old thread that I never posted in or looked at? LOL.

Seriously, how can you say the surge hasn't done the job it was setup to do: lower the number of U.S. troop deaths in Iraq (it has lowered).

It's a fortnight old thread in which I explain why the surge didn't "work".  Do yourself a favor and read it because you obviously haven't been keeping up with the details of the situation there.

Ok, I look in that thread and see you whining and bitching, and posting a map that seems to show people congregating into neighborhoods together, kind of like how we have in our major cities. The only thing posted that seems to indicate why you think it didnt work is that map and your thoughts on the power struggle, with no links I might add :)

Not saying your wrong on the power struggle, thats been obvious since before the surge.

Phoenix Dark

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