Author Topic: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba baaaa  (Read 466430 times)

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Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba b
« Reply #3780 on: October 29, 2008, 12:42:59 AM »
And they won't win the Hispanic vote until they stop fanning the flames of racism and nationalism over immigration. It's a catch 22 though: the more they move to the center on immigration, the more Hispanics they reach BUT they wind up losing the southern base

Since anti-immigration sentiment has gained such traction I think it'll be too tempting for the Repubs to exploit it. As I said, they might just move further to the right and become something of a fringe party, but the last bit is a bold claim.


  • HastilyChosenUsername
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I saw this video on the front page of yahoo a little while ago, and it's the first thing in recent memory that has made me genuinely pissed off while watching it. I think Bill Burton is kind of a schmuck to be honest, but the fox bitch just really personifies everything that I hate about fox news. I'm a pretty chill guy, but the vid made me SEETHE. It made me go grab a beer.

When I checked back and found that it wasn't on the yahoo FP anymore, I googled it and found it again on huffpost.

FAIR AND BALANCED  ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::)
Oh yeah, I saw her on the O'Reily Factor, just beaming over her hard-hitting journalism skill, her and Bill were just so frigging confident in their rightness and in their percieved fairness.  Gawsh, it was terrible.

Why is it, the people on Fox can only seem to make their arguments by yelling over the other guy.  Fuck facts, logic, we've got better pipes then those other guys.


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It worked during the Red Scare! Wait what?!

It will be fascinating to me to see how teh Reps will reform themselves int eh coming years.  And they WILL reform, and when they do, they'll kick butt again.  But major trends are fucking trends, and hispanic sector are the fastest growing group, and they are the reason why US is teh only major developed country with a growing population in this degree.

On a side note, I wonder why blacks population are not slated to grow  as quickly as I initiallly thought. 

jesus why so many german descents

you would think irish-descents would be most prominent

Phoenix Dark

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Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba b
« Reply #3785 on: October 29, 2008, 12:58:25 AM »
They will reform and get their true Reagan style politician to lead them to the promised land...but that won't be for awhile.

2012 is gonna be all about feeding the base red meat from the top of the ticket - ie an extremist candidate from one of the many factions of the GOP. 2016 will probably see the nomination of a member of the faction that lost out in the 2012 primaries - so that means another extremist loses most likely. Dems could be in power for 16 years (Obama for 8, Mark Warner for another 8) but who knows, anything can happen.

One thing is for sure: the GOP will be back with the vengeance eventually


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Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba b
« Reply #3786 on: October 29, 2008, 01:48:17 AM »
PD: Mark Warner?  No thanks.

The right isn't going to produce another Reagan (who failed to deliver on their ambitions anyway, same as Newt).  They might produce another Goldwater, a true believer movement conservative who takes a cathartic thumping in the general.

There are two big trends acting as millstones on the GOP.  Demographics are shifting towards the Democrats inside the country and the world is becoming safer and more stable outside the country.

The modern Republican party has been built on two pillars: resentment towards domestic bogeymen and fear of foreign ones.  When people aren't viscerally afraid of Arabs or angry at the homos, it's over.

Republicans might win elections.  There are always scandals, economic downturns, good and bad candidates.  But the Republicans who win in the future are going to have to at least pay lip service to moderation and the new consensus.  I think Bush's "compassionate conservatism" was a step in that direction, before his party leeched a few years of life out of the residual fear of 9/11.

You know, I'm looking forward to this.  As much as I don't think the right wing Republican party can't win in the next few decades, I also think their hardcore base is pretty large and intractable.  It's going to be a really painful process for them and the upcoming Palin vs. Romney civil war will be a delicious first act.


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Yeah, anti-immigrant movements in other countries are like totally not racist at all.


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And they won't win the Hispanic vote until they stop fanning the flames of racism and nationalism over immigration. It's a catch 22 though: the more they move to the center on immigration, the more Hispanics they reach BUT they wind up losing the southern base

Or until they run with George P. Bush.  That will take a decade or more, though.

I don't think it's racist to want to deport illegal immigrants. Pretty much every other country deports illegals. Why is it racist if we do it?
The point is that many things in life do not occur in a vacuum, and while therea re many people who are well-intentioned and believe firmly in preventing porous borders, the issue cannot be NOT RACIALIZED because 1] many victims/perpetrators are of brown skin and different language, 2] their American opponents/critics are of another race/language, and 3] really, both sides put on their race-tinted goggles on looking at the matter, no matter how much certain people who are honest try to be objective and practical.

Furthermore, while I agree that the US has a right in securing what it thinks are too porous, unsafe borders, I would point out that 1] this mass illegal immigration is not an aberration but an unstoppable major long term trend, 2] it is not only the consequences of Mexico and its shit situation with shitty economics and shitty narcotraffic murders, but also the consequence of NAFTA's enormous effects, and illicit drug use, both of which US is highly culpable/responsible, 3] blocking them from coming in via barricades or guards along the huge border is a fucking waste of taxpayer money and will not only NOT work, it will BACKFIRE, and 4] 'shipping them out' is undeniably racist.  You don't say SHIP EM OUT with a clean nose.

and FYI, western europe and britain are also grappling with this.  I'm not saying LETS DO JACK SHIT AND LET EM COME IN but displeasure at mass immigration is almost never free from being  strongly racial/ethnic in tone.
« Last Edit: October 29, 2008, 03:53:40 AM by laesperanzapaz »


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I don't think it's racist to want to deport illegal immigrants. Pretty much every other country deports illegals. Why is it racist if we do it?

It's not racist at all.  Don't listen to anyone who says it is.


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I don't think it's racist to want to deport illegal immigrants. Pretty much every other country deports illegals. Why is it racist if we do it?
The point is that many things in life do not occur in a vacuum, and while therea re many people who are well-intentioned and believe firmly in preventing porous borders, the issue cannot be NOT RACIALIZED because 1] many victims/perpetrators are of brown skin and different language, 2] their American opponents/critics are of another race/language, and 3] really, both sides put on their race-tinted goggles on looking at the matter, no matter how much certain people who are honest try to be objective and practical.

Furthermore, while I agree that the US has a right in securing what it thinks are too porous, unsafe borders, I would point out that 1] this mass illegal immigration is not an aberration but an unstoppable major long term trend, 2] it is not only the consequences of Mexico and its shit situation with shitty economics and shitty narcotraffic murders, but also the consequence of NAFTA's enormous effects, and illicit drug use, both of which US is highly culpable/responsible, 3] blocking them from coming in via barricades or guards along the huge border is a fucking waste of taxpayer money and will not only NOT work, it will BACKFIRE, and 4] 'shipping them out' is undeniably racist.  You don't say SHIP EM OUT with a clean nose.

and FYI, western europe and britain are also grappling with this.  I'm not saying LETS DO JACK SHIT AND LET EM COME IN but displeasure at mass immigration is almost never free from being  strongly racial/ethnic in tone.

Yeah, a lot of this is pretty much bullshit, sorry.  Real talk.
« Last Edit: October 29, 2008, 04:17:46 AM by Loki »


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Nobody said it's racist to want to deport undocumented immigrants.  Green Shinobi framed it that way.

Here's the thing.  Holding that opinion does not make you a racist.  But the anti-immigration movement as it actually exists owes a ton to xenophobia and racism.

There were perfectly race-neutral critiques of the fair housing act from libertarian and federalist perspectives, but how many white Americans in the 60's suddenly developed a love for states' rights and how many didn't want black people moving in next to them?

Fresh Prince

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It's often the way you go about deporting them is the problem. 


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the issue cannot be NOT RACIALIZED because 1] many victims/perpetrators are of brown skin and different language, 2] their American opponents/critics are of another race/language

This is what we call an assertion; it requires proof.  You're using the facts about an issue (i.e., which demographic it affects) to make a determination about people's intentions.  This is illogical.  One has nothing to do with the other.

and 3] really, both sides put on their race-tinted goggles on looking at the matter, no matter how much certain people who are honest try to be objective and practical.

I can only speak for myself, but if it were Swedes or Italians immigrating illegally in the tens of millions, I'd say the same thing.  If there were a mass influx of Canadian illegals across our northern border, I'd say the same thing.

Furthermore, while I agree that the US has a right in securing what it thinks are too porous, unsafe borders

It's not that the US thinks the borders are porous and unsafe -- this is the fact of the matter.

I would point out that 1] this mass illegal immigration is not an aberration but an unstoppable major long term trend

Unstoppable in the sense that people will always try to illegally immigrate, and some will succeed at doing so, yes.  It is not unmitigable, however, and given the costs and risks, it behooves us to try to take action to stem the tide.

2] it is not only the consequences of Mexico and its shit situation with shitty economics and shitty narcotraffic murders, but also the consequence of NAFTA's enormous effects, and illicit drug use, both of which US is highly culpable/responsible,

Valid points.  We can debate the reasons for illegal immigration all day, and I'd probably agree with you on most of it.  We're certainly complicit in a lot of it (especially our corporations).  That doesn't change the fact that it's wrong, costly, and something that should have been addressed 20 years ago.

3] blocking them from coming in via barricades or guards along the huge border is a fucking waste of taxpayer money and will not only NOT work, it will BACKFIRE,

Not if it's done properly.  This is another unsupportable assertion on your part.  We've never even tried to secure the border in a sensible, uniform way, so how can you assert that it wouldn't work?  Also, it would certainly cost less than the expenses we're incurring due to illegals, to say nothing of our national security.

and 4] 'shipping them out' is undeniably racist.  You don't say SHIP EM OUT with a clean nose.

This is more nonsense.  LOL @ "undeniably racist." :lol

Personally, I'd be willing to grant amnesty right now if, going forward, we could SHIP NEWCOMERS OUT.  Because the issue has nothing to do with race (I could care less if the 10-30 million Mexican illegals were allowed to stay provided that they became legalized), it has to do with preservation of the rule of law, social costs, and national security.

and FYI, western europe and britain are also grappling with this.  I'm not saying LETS DO JACK SHIT AND LET EM COME IN but displeasure at mass immigration is almost never free from being  strongly racial/ethnic in tone.

Just because some percentage of anti-illegal immigrant advocates are in fact racist doesn't make it a racist cause.
« Last Edit: October 29, 2008, 05:01:18 AM by Loki »


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Nobody said it's racist to want to deport undocumented immigrants.  Green Shinobi framed it that way.

Here's the thing.  Holding that opinion does not make you a racist.  But the anti-immigration movement as it actually exists owes a ton to xenophobia and racism.

There were perfectly race-neutral critiques of the fair housing act from libertarian and federalist perspectives, but how many white Americans in the 60's suddenly developed a love for states' rights and how many didn't want black people moving in next to them?

That's all well and good (and true), but if someone wants to argue against those opposed to illegal immigration, they'll have to do so based on the actual issues (e.g., by preparing a cost/benefit analysis, examining the ramifications of border enforcement, or appealing to America's immigrant tradition etc.), not by characterizing the entire viewpoint as racist.  That's just ridiculous.

I'm firmly - firmly - anti-illegal immigration.  I'd love for someone to call me racist, because it'd be hysterical given the circumstances of my life.   


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Yes, yes.  I'm sure you have impeccable personal credentials.  I've heard several white people say they actually hope someone calls them racist, just so they'll be able to prove how unracist they are.  It's a bit weird.

I don't buy the underlying impetus for a political platform being irrelevant.  Especially when elections are more about empowering leaders and coalitions rather than direct referendums on the law.  If there were a populist movement for a higher capital gains tax stemming in large part from people's beliefs that a moneyed Jewry was profiting off the backs of the nation's gentiles I'd be veeeeeeeery leery about jumping on that bandwagon, no matter what I think about the policy.


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But sure, the cost/benefit stuff.

Economically immigrants are a very small net plus.  There are certain negatives which mostly have to do with them not being integrated into the system.  Things like using ER care rather than seeing a physician because they're not insured.  Legalize them, make them pay taxes, etc.  Works just as well as kicking them out and is cheaper to boot.

Rule of law?  Eh.  I can't get worked up over victimless laws that are honored in the breach.  A lot of people besides the immigrants contributed to the norms of lax enforcement.

On the national security side, sealing off a giant contiguous border with the largest wealth gap between two adjacent countries in the world would mean a lot of resources.  A lot of money and a lot of police authority doled out.  I'm not sure I want to spend all that much to prevent a threat that's more hypothetical than anything.  How many terrorists have come through Mexico?

I'd just as soon abolish or drastically raise the quotas and streamline the process.  The vast majority of undocumented immigrants would rather make their new lives as part of society, rather than insecure second-class humans.

It's worth asking why they're not allowed to live here in the first place.  I sure as hell didn't do anything to earn my spot.


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Mandark, I wouldn't personally empower anyone who advocated a certain cause on some noxious basis.  But since there's no way to disentangle the loonies from those who logically hold a certain viewpoint (though they should certainly be marginalized in the public discourse), all one can do is remain vigilant during the application of one's preferred policies.

I'd also disagree with the assumption (you didn't make this assumption; I'm just saying) that a majority of those who oppose illegal immigration do so because of racism.  Most of the opposition is practical and philosophical.  I wouldn't be surprised if a sizeable minority (10-25%) was racist, however.  


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Oh, I have a whole rant about how the way we talk about racism in the US (a binary division of Racists and Not Racists) frames it so badly it's almost impossible to have a good discussion.  But that's a different tangent.

I'll just say that I don't think any large political movement is based mostly on logic and philosophy.

Olivia Wilde Homo

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Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba b
« Reply #3800 on: October 29, 2008, 10:24:11 AM »
They will reform and get their true Reagan style politician to lead them to the promised land...but that won't be for awhile.

2012 is gonna be all about feeding the base red meat from the top of the ticket - ie an extremist candidate from one of the many factions of the GOP. 2016 will probably see the nomination of a member of the faction that lost out in the 2012 primaries - so that means another extremist loses most likely. Dems could be in power for 16 years (Obama for 8, Mark Warner for another 8) but who knows, anything can happen.

One thing is for sure: the GOP will be back with the vengeance eventually

I don't think it will take much to bring the GOP back to relevance.  They will take a big hit in 2008 and I believe they will take another hit in 2010.  The few Republicans who survived these two terms will probably begin to change their priorities (unless they represent far right wing areas) and begin moving towards the center.  2012's GOP candidate for President will probably get demolished but there will be considerable GOP gains in the House and Senate.

Once the GOP has a voter driven purge of the far right, the new theme will be that Obama didn't do enough to revive the economy and how he handled Iraq (we should be out by 2012 or at least almost all the troops have returned home)  That and bring up family values discussion and still try to take advantage that Obama is black and no matter how well run his term may be, there are still people who are uneasy at that fact.

2014 will see more GOP gains but still far from a majority.  2016's Presidential run will try to be someone who pretends to be nothing like McCain and the 2012 candidate.  I think that Romney here would work best (2012 candidate will be based on religion, the only somewhat healthy faction of the GOP) because people no longer give a shit about the fact that he is Mormon, they just want him to win.  I still think that the Democrats will win again but the GOP will get powerful again in a decade, maybe a little more.


  • Banana Grabber
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There a girl on my facebook who's status says she HATES liberal media.



  • Until at last, I threw down my enemy and smote his ruin upon the mountainside.
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So she prefers opinion and conjecture over facts?


  • Banana Grabber
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So she prefers opinion and conjecture over facts?

She prefers whatever her parents fed her all her life and can't think for herself.

Human Snorenado

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So she prefers opinion and conjecture over facts?

She prefers whatever her parents fed her all her life and can't think for herself.

I've got something to feed her.


  • Legend in his own mind
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So she prefers opinion and conjecture over facts?

She prefers whatever her parents fed her all her life and can't think for herself.

This is the problem with young Kentucky voters outside of Berea.


  • Banana Grabber
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That's the problem pretty much anywhere there is wealth.


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Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba b
« Reply #3807 on: October 29, 2008, 12:33:00 PM »
So she prefers opinion and conjecture over facts?

She prefers whatever her parents fed her all her life and can't think for herself.

This is the problem with young Kentucky voters outside of Berea.

Olivia Wilde Homo

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Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba b
« Reply #3808 on: October 29, 2008, 12:33:45 PM »
Fucking Republican girls are amazing, because you always got the hate fuck factor.

Human Snorenado

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Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba b
« Reply #3809 on: October 29, 2008, 12:34:56 PM »
Fucking Republican girls are amazing, because you always got the hate fuck factor.

Indeed, and as most of them are good Christian girls, they're paradoxically more likely to let you put it in their pooper, as that's not "real" sex.

Olivia Wilde Homo

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Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba b
« Reply #3810 on: October 29, 2008, 12:36:32 PM »
A catholic school nearby mine was notorious for girls taking it in the ass to maintain their virginity.

Blowjobs too.  Lots and lots of them.


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Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba b
« Reply #3811 on: October 29, 2008, 12:37:52 PM »
Where do you live again?


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Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba b
« Reply #3812 on: October 29, 2008, 12:42:07 PM »
Fucking Republican girls are amazing, because you always got the hate fuck factor.

Indeed, and as most of them are good Christian girls, they're paradoxically more likely to let you put it in their pooper, as that's not "real" sex.

100% truth. Amazing how people lie to themselves.

Olivia Wilde Homo

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Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba b
« Reply #3813 on: October 29, 2008, 12:45:09 PM »
Where do you live again?


Funny thing is that no matter how the GOP tries to play up small town America, all the small towns nearby mine are all fucked up.  A lot of them have various drug problems, teenage sex is rampant, poverty exists (some small towns are total shitholes due to the corporatist farming environment) and everyone is in denial about how the reality clashes with the Norman Rockwell-GOP fantasy.


  • Canadian Legal Expert and Hillballer
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Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba b
« Reply #3814 on: October 29, 2008, 12:47:48 PM »
Where do you live again?


Funny thing is that no matter how the GOP tries to play up small town America, all the small towns nearby mine are all fucked up.  A lot of them have various drug problems, teenage sex is rampant, poverty exists (some small towns are total shitholes due to the corporatist farming environment) and everyone is in denial about how the reality clashes with the Norman Rockwell-GOP fantasy.
Same here only replace meth with oxycontin, and remove the tornado season.


  • Legend in his own mind
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Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba b
« Reply #3815 on: October 29, 2008, 12:55:09 PM »
Where do you live again?


Funny thing is that no matter how the GOP tries to play up small town America, all the small towns nearby mine are all fucked up.  A lot of them have various drug problems, teenage sex is rampant, poverty exists (some small towns are total shitholes due to the corporatist farming environment) and everyone is in denial about how the reality clashes with the Norman Rockwell-GOP fantasy.
Same here only replace meth with oxycontin, and remove the tornado season.

Well, here in southeast KY we have meth, oxycontin, and tornadoes, although the tornadoes are calming down. We used to have at least one tornado touchdown in the city limits of London per year for about a decade.

But yeah, a lot of the problems small towns have are BECAUSE of Republicans. Small towns have abstinence only sex education that tells kids that condoms aren't effective, so they go fuck, and there's your teen pregnancy problem. Plus, anyone who even thinks about having an abortion is demonized immediately to the point where they become a total outcast in the community. The poverty rate is extremely high, but there's rich assholes too to prove that trickle down economies don't work for everyone. But, that's okay, because the towns are all Jesus-centric places that concentrate way more on the problem of evangelism than actual real life problems in the community they can easily sweep under the rug.


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Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba b
« Reply #3816 on: October 29, 2008, 12:58:33 PM »
The oxycontin problem is even worse in the far eastern part of the state.

Johnson County has more people addicted to oxcontin than NEW YORK CITY does ffs.

Eric P

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that's because new yorkers have class when it comes to drug consumption


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Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba b
« Reply #3818 on: October 29, 2008, 01:00:46 PM »
The oxycontin problem is even worse in the far eastern part of the state.

Johnson County has more people addicted to oxcontin than NEW YORK CITY does ffs.

The funny thing is that the local hospital pharmacy will give it out to college students like Princeton Plainsboro hands out Vicodin to House.


  • Canadian Legal Expert and Hillballer
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Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba b
« Reply #3819 on: October 29, 2008, 01:02:44 PM »
They should just sell these people people heroin and call it a day.

Olivia Wilde Homo

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Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba b
« Reply #3820 on: October 29, 2008, 01:07:55 PM »
Oxycontin has not hit my area yet.  Dirty bathtub meth still is the drug of choice.

There is a town nearby where I grew up that was absolutely ravaged by meth.  The population decreased by almost half and businesses started shutting down.  It looks like a ghetto now.


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Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba b
« Reply #3821 on: October 29, 2008, 01:15:25 PM »
There is a movement in the drug community here to keep meth the fuck out of here, even going so far as to blow up meth labs with grenades in Menifee county.


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Lets stay on topic :/


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Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba b
« Reply #3823 on: October 29, 2008, 01:19:22 PM »


And I'm out.

Howard Alan Treesong

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Wasilla is the meth capital of Alaska!


  • Banana Grabber
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Just want to throw in that my home town, North Canton, ranked like 33rd in the country in terms of drug dealing.  Yikes.

Okay, I'm done MAF

Phoenix Dark

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Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba b
« Reply #3826 on: October 29, 2008, 01:22:59 PM »
I don't think it's racist to want to deport illegal immigrants. Pretty much every other country deports illegals. Why is it racist if we do it?

No one even suggested it was illegal to deport illegal immigrants. What's racist is the demonization of immigrants, and the use of them to scare up votes. I heard a radio ad this morning about how a local democratic candidate wants to give free health care to illegal immigrants (which isn't even true), and the tone was so outrageous it sounded almost like a parody. I'm no fan of illegal immigration and think it's a problem that should be addressed asap, but to me...if people want to get in this country, they should be given that chance legally in a manner that's clear, concise, fast, etc. We need to fix our system and make it easier for people to become citizens. This is a nation of immigrants afterall dammit

I think Mandark is right: once those boogeymen are either taken away or become major players in the democratic process (Hispanics) the GOP is in for trouble. Just look at the EC: as CO/NV/NM move into the blue thanks to young voters and Hispanics the electoral math becomes quite worrisome for republicans.



  • Banana Grabber
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And when that happens, Lou Dobbs will be found in an ally sucking his thumb


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Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba b
« Reply #3828 on: October 29, 2008, 01:29:19 PM »
The Real Problem With Obama's Tax Plan

More honest than most conservative efforts in this area but still pretty disingenuous.  Apparently if we raise the top rate from 35% to 39% then the rich people of the country (to whom us plebes owe everything) they'll start cheating on their taxes and stop creating jobs.

Phoenix Dark

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Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba b
« Reply #3829 on: October 29, 2008, 01:30:12 PM »
Rich people, cheat on their taxes? What madness is this?


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Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba b
« Reply #3830 on: October 29, 2008, 01:34:42 PM »
The phrase they use is "tax avoidance".  Which apparently will only happen if the top marginal rate is raised by four percent.

Otherwise the John Galts of our society will deign to keep paying into the kitty.  Or so I'm led to believe.

Van Cruncheon

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man, i had a conversation with my mom lat night, who has switched to obama just BECAUSE of this wealth distribution nonsense.

according to her, the democrat critics have it wrong: lower middle-class republicans don't care that the wealthy get taxed, they just don't want more money going to the poor people. apparently, her lower middle-class neighbors have completely annoyed her with their belief that all people making less than them should live like monks, in tiny trailers with no amenities, proving that they slave every day -- otherwise, the moment they get ANYTHING nice, they did it because "it was a government handout" and not that they might have, y'know, SAVED or come into some money through legitimate means. this petty envy pushed her into the obama camp because she's really, really sick of their jealousy, finger-pointing, and whining. if ANYONE does better than them in some shallow, wholly perceived fashion -- like get a newer car, or a new couch, or go on a little trip -- it's because they're on the government dole, and because apparently the difference between $24K/yr and and $22K/yr is the difference between a humble within-their-means lower middle-class type and a dirty poor who ought to live an ascetic's life. this DOES kinda explain the creepy finger pointing you see on conservative forums about AH WORK FOR MAH MONEY AND DON'T NEED NO HANDOUT -- it's a really deep-seated fear that if they wanna keep up with the po'bucker joneses, they too might hafta go on the dole -- even though nobody actually is -- and they wanna keep that (ironically insignificant) welfare pool as small as possible, because they somehow think all taxes get sent to their poor neighbors. what. the. fuck!

thoughts? she's voting obama so they'll "get over it" which ain't a great reason, but at least she's put her ayers/wright/rezko fears aside, which i thought would never happen.
« Last Edit: October 29, 2008, 01:43:42 PM by Professor Prole »

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba b
« Reply #3832 on: October 29, 2008, 01:43:01 PM »
Elizabeth Dole shows McCain how it's done

Dole's 30-second ad, which is running on television in North Carolina but has not (understandably) been promoted by the GOP, uses a September fundraiser co-hosted by 40 people, including a representative of the Godless America PAC, to falsely accuse Democrat Kay Hagan of being an atheist herself.

The end of the ad features a picture of Hagan with a female voice yelling "there is no God!" -- the clear implication is that the voice is Hagan's. In fact, the Democratic candidate is a Sunday School teacher and an elder at her Presbyterian church.


  • Banana Grabber
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fuck bitches prole

Human Snorenado

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You stay classy, Liddy Dole.

Also, Kentucky is now officially on notice:

LEXINGTON — An effigy of U.S. Sen. Barack Obama, the Democratic presidential nominee and an African American, was found hanging from a tree on the University of Kentucky campus this morning, according to university officials.


  • Banana Grabber
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edit: some idiot in my writing class just said the wall street journal is unbiased  :-\
« Last Edit: October 29, 2008, 02:49:31 PM by Senator Government »

Human Snorenado

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Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba b
« Reply #3836 on: October 29, 2008, 02:57:07 PM »
I think Mandark is right: once those boogeymen are either taken away or become major players in the democratic process (Hispanics) the GOP is in for trouble. Just look at the EC: as CO/NV/NM move into the blue thanks to young voters and Hispanics the electoral math becomes quite worrisome for republicans.

Add AZ into that column; if McCain wasn't running the Dems would likely win AZ, and still may if recent polls are any indication.

Van Cruncheon

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how do i join this GODLESS AMERICANS PAC? :hyper


  • Banana Grabber
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Really, this guy is pathetic.  He's apart of college republicans and he said everything expect WSJ and Fox is horrible biased media, calls me out for saying WSJ isn't a good source to site in a campaign ad, and challened me what I thought was reliable.  I told him I just hated campaign ads in general, and he just sort of grimaced and continued reading whatever free-market trash holding his attention before.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba b
« Reply #3839 on: October 29, 2008, 03:09:15 PM »
I wouldn't call the WSJ unreliable. Biased? For the most part yea, but the same can be said of the NY Times