Nightmare Before Christmas - Saw this in Hollywood at the El Capitan before Halloween, in 3D. Hadn't seen it before. It had it's ups and downs. A few of the songs just weren't all that interesting or memorable, and I wanted the movie to go on, so it all felt a bit longer than it needed to be... probably something that can happen easily in a musical. The 3D was good though I dunno if it really seemed like a big deal. Maybe Avatar will seal the deal
Confessions of a Dangerous Mind - Pretty good, definitely interesting. I don't remember all that much in particular to say about it.
Lost Boys - Pretty wank until the end, which was fantastic. Pretty weird movie.
Hellboy II - I really liked it aside from the CG robo battling near the end and the drunk Hellboy/Abe diversion. A bit long though, as are most movie's these days. Some of the art was really wonderful, Del Toro does some maybe the best fantasy stuff these days. It's not a very crowded arena though.
Star Trek II: Wrath of Khan - I actually hadn't seen this yet! It was good but maybe not as great as I was expecting after all the hype around it.
The Warriors - Awesome. Simple but damn good. Really cool flick.
Sweeney Todd - OK movie. A bit long for the content presented, and I got pretty tired of the grey. I liked the Burton Willy Wonka more, aside from some of the inserted daddy issues.
300 - Worse than the comic, and more offensive as well. Has some neat aspects but pretty much terrible. If it weren't for the alterations from the comics I wouldn't really blame the film itself for being lame, but the sloooooow moooootion all the time was a disastrous choice. At least in the comic you get to enjoy the nifty art. I guess if you like nearly-naked hairless muscle men you could enjoy the nifty men in the film.
Speed Racer - Great. I was able to get on board with the movie right away, unlike some people who seem to have to get halfway through before it clicks. Wachowskis redeemed IMO. I