Author Topic: Movie News, Reviews, and Discussion Super-Thread  (Read 4255822 times)

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Re: The new and improved "Movies you've seen recently" thread
« Reply #23400 on: October 29, 2015, 03:52:16 AM »
Vin Diesel's The Last Witchhunter - Pretty ok popcorn movie.  About as good as your standard Blade movie except surprisingly Vin Diesel is lacking charisma compared to Wesley Snipes and doesn't get any "Some motherfucker's always trying to ice skate uphill" lines.  But he does get a flaming sword, which is worth something for sure.  For some reason everyone gives really, really bad delivery on all their lines outside Michael Caine whose acting is too good for the movie (Elijah Wood is usually good, but he's pretty off here).  I kind of blame Diesel's lesser acting skills here compared to his usual stuff on him trying to figure out how to act as an 800 year old+ guy.  I think he's trying to act old and wise and cool while at the same time standard badass Diesel and it just comes off as awkwardly stiff.  But yeah, it was fine for a movie where you see Vin Diesel hunt a witch with a flaming sword together with the "you know nothing Jon Snow" actress from Game of Thrones.

Cerveza mas fina

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Re: The new and improved "Movies you've seen recently" thread
« Reply #23401 on: October 29, 2015, 06:03:43 AM »
Watched Spy, which was just a silly comedy with some funny jokes.

Jason straham is making fun of his bad as image so thats cool.


It Follows is the best horror movie I've seen since The Babadook and probably has made my top 5 list. I recommend it if you liked The Ring/The Grudge but thought they had a little too many cheap scares and you also wanted a Drive-like score.

Man the trailer seemed pretty bad but everyone on the bore seems to like it.

Maybe i can watch it friday,  if im not too scaref


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Re: The Movie News Topic
« Reply #23402 on: October 29, 2015, 04:22:58 PM »

Robert Englund :leon

Looks fun. But who was the idiot that decided to release it two weeks after Halloween? :lol


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Re: The new and improved "Movies you've seen recently" thread
« Reply #23403 on: October 29, 2015, 07:06:22 PM »
Dramatically, there’s actually not much that separates Crimson Peak from the kind of tasteful, gothic melodrama of the kind that so often appears on PBS, except, of course, you know, the graphic stabbings and such. The marketing and pedigree of the film really did a great job of misrepresenting the classical, capital ‘M’ melodrama that this film actually is, but those PBS productions don’t ever have production design this good, or Jessica Chastain being this much barely-hinged fun, or of course, the preponderance of red stained grounds and Victorian dress. Its the rare film that pleases a Fangoria subscribing theatergoer of 1800’s written theatrics. I guess you could say I really liked it.


  • HastilyChosenUsername
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Re: The new and improved "Movies you've seen recently" thread
« Reply #23404 on: October 29, 2015, 07:31:08 PM »
and to kick in on Ghost Rider 2 from a few posts up, its a far, far better film then its predecessor, and I enjoyed it more then most of the Marvel-produced films. It also feels like its about the best PG-13 film that Neveldine/Taylor could have snuck through the Hollywood system. Damn shame those guys broke up, I woulda happily plunked down for another one of their collective efforts every two years for decades.


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Re: The new and improved "Movies you've seen recently" thread
« Reply #23405 on: October 29, 2015, 09:11:04 PM »
and to kick in on Ghost Rider 2 from a few posts up, its a far, far better film then its predecessor, and I enjoyed it more then most of the Marvel-produced films. It also feels like its about the best PG-13 film that Neveldine/Taylor could have snuck through the Hollywood system. Damn shame those guys broke up, I woulda happily plunked down for another one of their collective efforts every two years for decades.

I don't agree.  I wanted to like the movie as a PG-13 version of Crank, and would have accepted a PG-13 Crank, but it wasn't.  It was a pretty generic cookie cutter superhero movie with a few good parts (like everything Idris Elba).  The movie is ok, but it just lacks the energy and excitement of the Crank movies.  It's either too dumbed down or they just stopped caring at some point and phoned the rest in.

Still better than the first though, I agree.


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Re: The new and improved "Movies you've seen recently" thread
« Reply #23406 on: October 30, 2015, 04:09:00 PM »
Time it took me to turn off Human Centipede 3: 3 minutes, 10 seconds.


  • Laugh when you can, it’s cheap medicine -LB
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Re: The new and improved "Movies you've seen recently" thread
« Reply #23407 on: October 30, 2015, 04:10:58 PM »
Ok, I didn't turn it off, but I considered it.

Joe Molotov

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Re: The new and improved "Movies you've seen recently" thread
« Reply #23408 on: October 30, 2015, 05:04:41 PM »
I figured that shit would be right in your wheelhouse.


  • Laugh when you can, it’s cheap medicine -LB
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Re: The new and improved "Movies you've seen recently" thread
« Reply #23409 on: October 30, 2015, 05:14:55 PM »
Dieter Laser should be in everything. At least he gets to say "anus" a lot.

Stoney Mason

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Re: The new and improved "Movies you've seen recently" thread
« Reply #23410 on: October 31, 2015, 07:56:25 AM »
Watched The Man From Uncle movie.

A friend suggested we watch this. I hadn't heard much about this movie at all buzz wise so I assumed it was going to be a very typical by the books "blockbuster".

Man I was completely charmed and in love with this movie. I thought it was really funny and stylish and slick all in very good ways. Looking at its score on review sites, I feel its completely under-rated. I was really nicely surprised. I'd rather watch this movie than mission impossible and bond films. 

Also great soundtrack.

Cerveza mas fina

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Re: The new and improved "Movies you've seen recently" thread
« Reply #23411 on: October 31, 2015, 04:07:52 PM »
Saw It Follows with my wife, it was alright but not that amazing


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Re: The new and improved "Movies you've seen recently" thread
« Reply #23412 on: October 31, 2015, 11:08:39 PM »
So I have a confession. I just don't get the Star Wars love. I mean, I can understand why it was so big and I see how it influenced pop culture on a massive level. But I just don't find the movies enjoyable on any level. Lord knows I have tried bros. I watched the entire OT today and I just got distracted half way through each movie.

I'm still going to hit the prequels tomorrow. Maybe I'll like the phantom menace. That pod racing game on the n64 was pretty cool.

Great Rumbler

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Re: The new and improved "Movies you've seen recently" thread
« Reply #23413 on: October 31, 2015, 11:10:00 PM »
Maybe I'll like the phantom menace.

God help you if you do.

Barry Egan

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Re: The new and improved "Movies you've seen recently" thread
« Reply #23414 on: October 31, 2015, 11:18:42 PM »
So I have a confession. I just don't get the Star Wars love. I mean, I can understand why it was so big and I see how it influenced pop culture on a massive level. But I just don't find the movies enjoyable on any level. Lord knows I have tried bros. I watched the entire OT today and I just got distracted half way through each movie.

I'm still going to hit the prequels tomorrow. Maybe I'll like the phantom menace. That pod racing game on the n64 was pretty cool.

Agreed pretty much.  It never hooked me.  Part of it is that Luke is a really boring character.  I actually always found the Joseph Campbell/Jungian theory behind the movie alot more interesting than the movies themselves.

Good luck with the prequels though.  I don't love the original trilogy but at least it doesn't insult my intelligence aside from the Ewok bullshit in ROTJ.  Imagine three films of Ewok bullshit and you have the prequels.


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Re: The new and improved "Movies you've seen recently" thread
« Reply #23415 on: October 31, 2015, 11:31:15 PM »
Huh. I googled Joseph Campbell and Star Wars and you're right. It is more interesting than the actual movies...

And you nailed it. Luke is such a bland protagonist.  Apathetic at best describes my investment in his journey.

Vader is compelling but actually has such little screen time. I can see why everyone was hyped for the prequels because his story seemed much more interesting. But that ties into the most well done part of the series. There are lots of hints of a rich universe with stories but they don't feel the need to explain everything.

I watched TPM when it came out but I remember nothing of it outside of JarJar. And I remember falling asleep in the 2nd one. I never bothered with 3.


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Re: The new and improved "Movies you've seen recently" thread
« Reply #23416 on: November 01, 2015, 01:04:27 AM »
Watched Spy, which was just a silly comedy with some funny jokes.

Jason straham is making fun of his bad as image so thats cool.


It Follows is the best horror movie I've seen since The Babadook and probably has made my top 5 list. I recommend it if you liked The Ring/The Grudge but thought they had a little too many cheap scares and you also wanted a Drive-like score.

Man the trailer seemed pretty bad but everyone on the bore seems to like it.

Maybe i can watch it friday,  if im not too scaref
I watched Spy on the plane. Jason Statham mocking his typical roles was great. I enjoyed the casting very much; everyone was perfect in their role. It was fun to see the movie mock the Bond formula at the same time as being faithful to it. I'm looking forward to a sequel.

Started Terminator Genesys Genesis Genysis Geniuses on the plane. It is pretty, and Emilia Clarke makes a better Sarah Connor than I'd expected, but it feels like an inside-joke/fan-wank over the first three movies' characters. If I were running an RPG in the Terminator world, this would be it.


  • Do the moron
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Re: The new and improved "Movies you've seen recently" thread
« Reply #23417 on: November 01, 2015, 03:45:21 AM »
Huh. I googled Joseph Campbell and Star Wars and you're right. It is more interesting than the actual movies...

Campbell's work is interesting but due to Star Wars status it has smeared all over big budget cinema and shitty formulaic writers to the point that some fans are convinced that actively copy printing the same story structure is the pinnacle of artistic achievement if not of human enlightenment. I grew in awe of the original movies like a lot of people my age, but honestly Star Wars is not that definitive of a work in itself. Neither is Campbell's work in his field (My understanding is that in fact it is outdated and never made unanimity among scholars, who thought little of it even back then). Star Wars mythology is a bit of a tacky pot pourri, no surprise it all came down when Lucas started to fill in the details.

I find the geekdom demand for fac similes of EPIC TRILOGIES OF EPICNESS to be rather morbid and soulless.
« Last Edit: November 01, 2015, 03:51:29 AM by VomKriege »


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Re: The new and improved "Movies you've seen recently" thread
« Reply #23418 on: November 01, 2015, 04:10:07 AM »
The Star Wars OT are just really good pulpy sci fi fantasy blockbusters. I understand loving them and I understand not getting them. Nerds might think it's the height of storytelling but who cares what nerds think? At the end of the day it was well done for what it was.

To be fair, there is some excellent writing in Star Wars, but it might be more in the mechanics than the story itself. If you take the first scene(s) on Tatooine in the first movie, it lays out perfectly and clearly all you need to know about the protagonist, for instance. Won't deny there's also some real "magic" happening here (and in Indiana Jones). Most modern movies seem to believe that you can catch the same lightning in a bottle by a blanket use of the Hero's Journey. Pretty bad offenders in this regard are the Matrix films.
« Last Edit: November 01, 2015, 04:18:12 AM by VomKriege »


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Re: The new and improved "Movies you've seen recently" thread
« Reply #23419 on: November 01, 2015, 06:09:44 AM »
For anyone interested in the criticism directed at Campbell's work, this discussion is rather good (some good stuff before and after this post).

Stoney Mason

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Re: The new and improved "Movies you've seen recently" thread
« Reply #23420 on: November 01, 2015, 09:19:02 AM »
Just like anything there is nothing wrong with not liking Star Wars. It doesn't appeal to some people. For me the shit-load of comic book movies out there don't appeal to me either even though I can recognize some of them are well made.

I mean I really like Star Wars but I don't like the concept of things becoming sort of defacto standard of what a nerd/geek must like or they are banned from the tribe.


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Re: The new and improved "Movies you've seen recently" thread
« Reply #23421 on: November 01, 2015, 09:47:27 AM »
I knew there was a reason I confessed that here rather than GAF.

My god. I'm like an hour into TPM. It's so awful. Every non human character is a racial stereotype. I don't understand why obi wan and Liam neeson don't just fight the trade federation since it seems like jedis are goddamn invincible. I rolled my eyes when I saw that anakin was building c3po. And anakin is like the worst child actor of all time.

Oh and jar jar looks like an Xbox 360 cutscene. The CG aged so poorly

Stoney Mason

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Re: The new and improved "Movies you've seen recently" thread
« Reply #23422 on: November 01, 2015, 09:55:02 AM »
Nobody likes those prequels. They are all terrible and imo The Phantom Menace is the worst of them. It's fundamentally awful.


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Re: The new and improved "Movies you've seen recently" thread
« Reply #23423 on: November 01, 2015, 10:07:42 AM »
That's fair. I think everyone should have known it was bad when the scroll told you about a trade/tax dispute.


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Re: The new and improved "Movies you've seen recently" thread
« Reply #23424 on: November 01, 2015, 10:18:48 AM »
I don't know man. I'm expected to believe that these people have mastered faster than light travel but they don't have intergalactic news channels? How do they not have proof of the invasion?!

Cerveza mas fina

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Re: The new and improved "Movies you've seen recently" thread
« Reply #23425 on: November 01, 2015, 10:27:36 AM »
I think you need to have been a kid when watching them to looooveeee them.


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Re: The new and improved "Movies you've seen recently" thread
« Reply #23426 on: November 01, 2015, 12:32:40 PM »
Don't get me wrong Phantom Menace is terrible. AotC is just that much worse.
So far this love story makes it a close call. Little Boba is so fucking angry! He's mastered the stink eye at a ridiculously young age

Barry Egan

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Re: The new and improved "Movies you've seen recently" thread
« Reply #23427 on: November 01, 2015, 02:06:37 PM »
Won't deny there's also some real "magic" happening here (and in Indiana Jones). Most modern movies seem to believe that you can catch the same lightning in a bottle by a blanket use of the Hero's Journey. Pretty bad offenders in this regard are the Matrix films.

The original Matrix did capture that lightning imo.  Sequels went completely off the rails, and yea, the perennial philosophy/Ken Wilbur outgrowths of Joseph Campbell's work is what they were leaning on for those.  I think the Hero's Journey blueprint is not a terrible formula for a blockbuster screenplay but it's so familiar at this point that you can't follow it to rigidly and you need to find ways of subverting the structure along the way. 


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Re: The new and improved "Movies you've seen recently" thread
« Reply #23428 on: November 01, 2015, 02:10:11 PM »
Yeah, original Matrix is good stuff.


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Re: The new and improved "Movies you've seen recently" thread
« Reply #23429 on: November 01, 2015, 02:41:05 PM »
Yeah Matrix was alright and it legit caught the attention of the public, not because of the Hero's Journey but because of the imagery. Stretching it into a trilogy really didn't do it any favor. To be honest, I have much less sympathy for Avatar, as far as "monomyth is the way for geeks to help the world reconcile with the forgotten matriarchy".
« Last Edit: November 01, 2015, 03:00:59 PM by VomKriege »

Cerveza mas fina

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Re: The new and improved "Movies you've seen recently" thread
« Reply #23430 on: November 01, 2015, 02:43:22 PM »
Avatar is garbage


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Re: The new and improved "Movies you've seen recently" thread
« Reply #23431 on: November 01, 2015, 08:52:19 PM »
So I finished ROTS. I don't know if its because I and II were so bad but it was actually okay. The worst part was the whole arrest of the Chancellor. Time to take down the sith lord. Let's take 3 losers and Mace Windu. Makes sense. The scene where all the jedis were assassinated was pretty effective.

Purrp Skirrp

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Re: The new and improved "Movies you've seen recently" thread
« Reply #23432 on: November 01, 2015, 09:20:35 PM »
The Empire Strikes Back was so good, better than the first. Watched half of ROTJ and it already feels weaker. Boba Fett went out like a bitch.


Olivia Wilde Homo

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Re: The new and improved "Movies you've seen recently" thread
« Reply #23433 on: November 01, 2015, 09:30:38 PM »
I've never seen a Star Wars (or Star Trek for that matter) movie in my life.  Never appealed to me.


  • relapsed dev
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Re: The new and improved "Movies you've seen recently" thread
« Reply #23434 on: November 01, 2015, 11:49:47 PM »
I knew there was a reason I confessed that here rather than GAF.

My god. I'm like an hour into TPM. It's so awful. Every non human character is a racial stereotype. I don't understand why obi wan and Liam neeson don't just fight the trade federation since it seems like jedis are goddamn invincible. I rolled my eyes when I saw that anakin was building c3po. And anakin is like the worst child actor of all time.

Oh and jar jar looks like an Xbox 360 cutscene. The CG aged so poorly

As said, no-one likes the Prequels. It's probably why GL decided he could bow out, after these were derided and Red Tails flopped.

In the Prequels, the Jedi were shown to be kung-fu blade masters instead of the more staid duelists of Star Wars. We got two-handed dueling action in the original trilogy, and then GL decided he liked wuxia bullshit instead of what he'd established. I still remember him talking about it as though it made sense: "When you watched Star Wars, you had an old man and a half-machine cyborg, and untrained Luke. You're going to see some new stuff with the Jedi in the Prequels" -- I paraphrase. But showing Yoda as a whirligig less than three decades before he finally kicks it from old age, that doesn't hold up. And Qui-Gon and Alec Guinness' Obi-Wan are not that substantially different in age when they die. It's just more of GL rationalizing whimsical, ill-considered decisions.

But I really wanted to speak to the problem of Jake Lloyd being a bad actor. He's probably not. GL hates actors. Look at the performances he gets out of Liam Neeson. It's so wooden and unnatural. And Hayden Christiansen has been good in just about everything else he's done. This is evidence that GL just doesn't direct actors well.


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Re: The new and improved "Movies you've seen recently" thread
« Reply #23435 on: November 02, 2015, 02:41:23 AM »
Beasts of No Nation was good.  I agree with the reviews that said nothing really sticks out, and it's not all that much of a movie, but it's a glimpse of one child soldier's experience through an absolutely gorgeous film that's accompanied by an incredible track and fantastic performances.  Rogers Moore's review tagline is the most spot on description I've seen, "The most chilling thing about this child soldiers' eye view of Africa's endless civil wars is how unsurprising it all is, how it fails to shock".  It's a story that's been done before, and doesn't bring anything new to the table, but how we're just so used to "this is how it is" hits hard and makes it a movie worth watching.  Some parts of it remind me of Apocalypse Now, some parts remind me of The Thin Red Line.  I feel like the movie is missing something to really make it its own film.  But regardless it's good. 


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Re: The new and improved "Movies you've seen recently" thread
« Reply #23436 on: November 02, 2015, 08:38:32 AM »
I finished Terminator Genisys and kinda wish I hadn't. I'm not sure if it's worse than Terminator 4, but it's not as good even as 3. Once the initial character get-together is over, it stops making much sense:
spoiler (click to show/hide)
The big reveal that Genisys (djinni sys?) is going to become active at a certain time, it is tremendously unclear why not go back further than, say, two days before it rolls out, and develop a better plan for destroying it?

The movie plays fast and loose with time streams, where I had hoped they were going to make the time stuff make sense. Who sent back the Guardian for Sarah, particularly since it knows about the infiltrator technology used to convert John Connor?

Soldier Kyle remembers things from Peaceful Childhood Kyle's timeline, but the implementation is pretty much like Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure's jail rescue scene.

The weird thing is how the series started with non-malleable time, but then asserted /SOME/ flexibility, but now it's basically Back to the Future 3: Do Whatever the Fuck You Want, Marty.

Cerveza mas fina

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Re: The new and improved "Movies you've seen recently" thread
« Reply #23437 on: November 02, 2015, 01:49:57 PM »
Pff I started watching it and it was interesting, but Id be perfectly fine with a world where there is only T2

Olivia Wilde Homo

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Re: The new and improved "Movies you've seen recently" thread
« Reply #23438 on: November 02, 2015, 09:49:44 PM »
I have a question about Beasts of No Nation.  This movie is pretty in your face and obvious about almost everything except:

spoiler (click to show/hide)
Did the commandant rape Agu?  It happened somewhere around the middle of the movie where it was him and the commandant in the room alone together.

Very good movie.

Stoney Mason

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Re: The new and improved "Movies you've seen recently" thread
« Reply #23439 on: November 02, 2015, 09:57:47 PM »
I haven't seen the last two Terminators so I'm speaking a bit from ignorance here but

A.) I never thought the Terminator universe was some deep franchise that needed lots of movies to explain itself. After 3, I thought it should have been done. I know in the modern world where you milk every drop of blood you can from a stone that isn't going to happen but just saying.
B.) I never understood why they kept going back to John Connor, Sarah Connor stuff. Get over it. Move on to other people in the world. (Maybe the last two movies do that. Haven't seen em.)
« Last Edit: November 02, 2015, 10:02:45 PM by Stoney Mason »


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Re: The new and improved "Movies you've seen recently" thread
« Reply #23440 on: November 02, 2015, 10:00:25 PM »
I knew there was a reason I confessed that here rather than GAF.

My god. I'm like an hour into TPM. It's so awful. Every non human character is a racial stereotype. I don't understand why obi wan and Liam neeson don't just fight the trade federation since it seems like jedis are goddamn invincible. I rolled my eyes when I saw that anakin was building c3po. And anakin is like the worst child actor of all time.

Oh and jar jar looks like an Xbox 360 cutscene. The CG aged so poorly

As said, no-one likes the Prequels. It's probably why GL decided he could bow out, after these were derided and Red Tails flopped.

In the Prequels, the Jedi were shown to be kung-fu blade masters instead of the more staid duelists of Star Wars. We got two-handed dueling action in the original trilogy, and then GL decided he liked wuxia bullshit instead of what he'd established. I still remember him talking about it as though it made sense: "When you watched Star Wars, you had an old man and a half-machine cyborg, and untrained Luke. You're going to see some new stuff with the Jedi in the Prequels" -- I paraphrase. But showing Yoda as a whirligig less than three decades before he finally kicks it from old age, that doesn't hold up. And Qui-Gon and Alec Guinness' Obi-Wan are not that substantially different in age when they die. It's just more of GL rationalizing whimsical, ill-considered decisions.

But I really wanted to speak to the problem of Jake Lloyd being a bad actor. He's probably not. GL hates actors. Look at the performances he gets out of Liam Neeson. It's so wooden and unnatural. And Hayden Christiansen has been good in just about everything else he's done. This is evidence that GL just doesn't direct actors well.
I think you nailed it in every aspect.

I did some reading about the kid that played Anakin in TPM. He said Star Wars ruined his life. These have literally ruined lives!


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Re: The new and improved "Movies you've seen recently" thread
« Reply #23441 on: November 02, 2015, 10:10:12 PM »
T4 had potential, it actually showed the future war and advanced shit beyond the fucking present. It had new characters that weren't fucking John Connor or Kyle Reese recycled to the Nth degree. It showed the potential was still there even without Arnold as the T-800 for the 800th time.

Shame it was so disappointing, but it at least tried something new and made sense.


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Re: The new and improved "Movies you've seen recently" thread
« Reply #23442 on: November 02, 2015, 10:29:15 PM »
I have a question about Beasts of No Nation.  This movie is pretty in your face and obvious about almost everything except:

spoiler (click to show/hide)
Did the commandant rape Agu?  It happened somewhere around the middle of the movie where it was him and the commandant in the room alone together.

Very good movie.

I thought that was pretty straight forward.  Yes, he did.  Notice how he had trouble walking after and I think someone says something about giving him something to help with the pain.


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Re: The new and improved "Movies you've seen recently" thread
« Reply #23443 on: November 03, 2015, 12:35:34 AM »
Yeah, original Matrix is good stuff.

It was a mediocre attempt at filming a William Gibson novel.


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Re: The new and improved "Movies you've seen recently" thread
« Reply #23444 on: November 03, 2015, 01:03:13 AM »
25. Hatchet II

Better than the first mostly because Candyman aka Tony Todd played a much larger role, though in the transition Marybeth was recast as Danielle Harris which I feel was a downgrade. The movie takes a hit early on to the pacing with a padded, mostly-unnecessary recap of Crowley's origins, and then a meandering middle. In fact, while watching it I was looking at the time left, and the bloodbath doesn't really start until the movie has 25 minutes left. To the film's credit, it felt fairly natural to not start the killings earlier, but come on, even the first movie killed off a couple goobers with gators before Hatchet himself showed up.

This is a better made film than its predecessor but watching them back to back left me a little more cynical about the series. Once the shine of "retro slasher camp" wears off there's not much to this uninspired franchise, which is unfortunate because the potential is there. My recommendation would be to only watch one of these movies a year if you're interested.

2 / 5

26. The Host (2006)

A pretty good Korean monster flick, though the monster was a little on the smaller side. Still, in the early scenes it still creates some good tension. The character roster was big, but thankfully not too big.

If not for the monster movie aspect, I'd almost call this a black comedy or satire. It touches on a lot of things, from America to activism, and while it sticks out a little it's usually used to the film's benefit. The story is good, but has weird pacing (reminded me of Snowpiercer in that regard), and the characters are memorable and likable overall. One particular sequence absolutely thrilled me from sheer direction alone (guy running and grabbing the little girl's arm.) The music, the camera angles, the cuts, all fantastic stuff for any movie let alone a foreign indie flick.

3 / 5

27. Tales of Halloween

Heralded as "the best horror anthology since Trick 'r Treat," I knew I had to give this a watch - and it mostly delivered. It's not as polished or interconnected as TrT (hence my middling score), but it's still definitely worth watching and captures the "spirit of Halloween" every bit as well as its forebear.

From the get-go, this movie introduces something like ten shorts with their directors, so I knew the movie was going to be packed with smaller shorts compared to TrT's four meaty interwoven ones, and I was right. I don't think most of the shorts were all that great, but almost any one of them could easily go toe-to-toe with, say, the V/H/S series' bests.

The highlight short for me was "Friday the 31st," an obvious Friday the 13th homage that asks "what if Jason was the one being hunted?" Some of the shorts, like "The Night Billy Raised Hell" and "Trick" seemed interesting but lost me as they played out, some were pretty insubstantial ("Grim Grinning Ghost," though a cameo by Lyn Shaye made it worthwhile), and some were entertaining and well-suited to a short format ("This Means War" and "Bad Seed.") The whole thing was pretty scattershot compared to Trick 'r Treat's quality, but that's what happens when you cram in ten whole shorts.

Considering it does have ten shorts and all of them are entertaining on some level, I'd definitely say give this a watch next Halloween.

3 / 5


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Re: The new and improved "Movies you've seen recently" thread
« Reply #23445 on: November 03, 2015, 05:02:11 PM »
Yeah, original Matrix is good stuff.

It was a mediocre attempt at filming a William Gibson novel.

eh, i didn't like neuromancer that much



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Re: The Movie News Topic
« Reply #23446 on: November 05, 2015, 03:00:32 PM »

I hate when movies are made solely because the first one grossed XX amount of dollars. No one asked for this.

Joe Molotov

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Re: The Movie News Topic
« Reply #23447 on: November 05, 2015, 03:07:00 PM »
Spectre sounds like a big ol' meh. RIP Craig-Bond.


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Re: The new and improved "Movies you've seen recently" thread
« Reply #23448 on: November 05, 2015, 10:19:38 PM »
Neuromancer is overrated. And I say this as a huge feg for Cyber Punk.

I'd like to think of The Matrix as more of a great western version of Ghost In The Shell with awesome action scenes.

It was written in 1984. Even subscribing to the 100 monkeys theory to explain Blade Runner (1982) and Neuromancer's near synchronicity (Gibson claimed he felt like giving up on the novel, because visually BR was everything he was trying to describe in Neuromancer), they are both groundbreaking works which defined a genre which followed in their wake.


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Re: The Movie News Topic
« Reply #23450 on: November 06, 2015, 07:10:24 PM »
Her memoir, which will be distributed by Touchstone (a division of Simon & Schuster)

Jews are at it again !


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Re: The new and improved "Movies you've seen recently" thread
« Reply #23451 on: November 07, 2015, 12:23:46 AM »
Spectre is a film in which the film making craft is far superior to the story being told (so like Skyfall, or most De Palma movies for that matter). Its not really bad, at times its actually pretty good, but I'm really gol-dern tired of Bond films being either too referential to their own franchise history or telling yet another gawd-dang origin story. This one does both, that the Daniel Craig Bonds have now had multiple installments of each is actually sort of impressive. This one, eh, its not bad, but its no champ. Behind CR and Skyfall, well ahead of Quantum of Solace.

For the next round of films I'd be delighted if they keep the stripped down approach to action, the less goofy tone, and especially keep Bond as a cinematography showcase (images here, so purty), and I dunno, tell a story that doesn't necessarily resolve around unshrouding layers of Bond's psyche (yeah, I know the last time they did that was Quantum of Solace, but hear me out). I'm just saying that that particular well has now been tapped dry. We don't need a reinvented Bond, we just need a suave/murderous guy in a tux fucking shit up/ladies.


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Re: The Movie News Topic
« Reply #23452 on: November 07, 2015, 04:54:05 AM »

I hate when movies are made solely because the first one grossed XX amount of dollars. No one asked for this.

Enh. James Bobin is directing this time, not Burton, so it may be coherent, funny, and well-paced.


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Re: The new and improved "Movies you've seen recently" thread
« Reply #23453 on: November 07, 2015, 04:59:14 AM »
Glad to hear that it's ahead of Quantum; I'm a huge fan of CR and Skyfall, but I don't need to see Quantum again. As long as Spectre is better, I'm good to go.


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Re: The new and improved "Movies you've seen recently" thread
« Reply #23454 on: November 07, 2015, 06:25:46 AM »
Quantum is not as poor as ppl make it out to be or remember it.


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Re: The new and improved "Movies you've seen recently" thread
« Reply #23455 on: November 07, 2015, 08:44:52 AM »
Quantum is not as poor as ppl make it out to be or remember it.
You are correct; I watched it twice, and it was not as bad the 2nd time around. But it still wasn't good.


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Re: The new and improved "Movies you've seen recently" thread
« Reply #23456 on: November 07, 2015, 04:47:26 PM »
Watching CR and QoS back to back really makes QoS a lot more enjoyable. But it's terrible by itself.

Something I'm scared is unavoidable with Spectre


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Re: The new and improved "Movies you've seen recently" thread
« Reply #23457 on: November 07, 2015, 07:39:13 PM »
Quantum's villain and his desire/plot are fucking stupid, but it's pretty enjoyable outside that.

Alternate answer:


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Re: The new and improved "Movies you've seen recently" thread
« Reply #23458 on: November 07, 2015, 08:37:42 PM »
maddox still maintains that edgelord blog?  :kobeyuck


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Re: The new and improved "Movies you've seen recently" thread
« Reply #23459 on: November 07, 2015, 08:47:53 PM »
maddox still maintains that edgelord blog?  :kobeyuck

He mostly does lame videos now though there are some highlights sometimes.