Author Topic: Bore Comics Thread: Crisis On Infinite Megathreads  (Read 856269 times)

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  • Hail Hydra
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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #3120 on: November 06, 2014, 11:17:31 PM »
I feel like the Ultimate universe has "ended" five or six times by now.


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #3121 on: November 06, 2014, 11:38:35 PM »
I feel like the Ultimate universe has "ended" five or six times by now.

theyve tried to take it down, but it keeps coming back

releasing the loeb critically wounded it, but it came back

616 galactus? took out many heroes, but still somehow rocking

this will probably leave it so the only hero on the planet will be miles if it survives


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #3122 on: November 10, 2014, 12:41:47 AM »
Ok, been reading and still reading 2010-2012 era mutant universe for the last month or two. 


Age of Apocalypse (2011) - Whatever spinoff that was ok, just totally forgettable.

Wolverine & The X-Men: Alpha & Omega - Nice little Quentin Quire/Wolverine story.  In retrospect I'm gaining a lot more respect for the Morrison New X-men run because the characters he introduced are being made so much better by other people down the line (Fantomex, Quire, etc...)

Wolverine & The X-men (2010-2012 run) - Somewhere around issue 15-20 now in the run.  Just past the Avengers v X-men event.  Now I see the problem with "events" as if you're only reading one series like this, the story makes little sense and every issue it's like 3 months and tons of events have passed and people are referencing all kinds of shit you have no idea about.  Doesn't help that from what I can tell this A v X event was pretty freaking stupid.  The PHOENIX X-MEN was the dumbest thing I've seen in a while.  Brain is kind of melted at this point; thinking of taking a break from comics and going back to real books.

Uncanny X-Force - Around issue 25 or so now.  Still excellent and will probably finish this up soon.  Then finish up Wolverine & The X-men.

It's a little weird reading all the Wolverine & The X-men, X-Force side of things but not reading Uncanny X-men or having read anything post Whedon run until 2010.  It's like between where Morrison/Whedon leaves off with Scott & Emma running the school and where I jump back in in 2012, Scott's gone off with half the X-men to form Utopia with Magneto and somehow Wolverine and Scott got really mad at each other and Wolverine and the other half of the X-men open the Jean Grey school.  And Xavier is somewhere and when he shows back up in Wolverine & the X-men he's now back to walking again...ok. 

Part of me wants to read the whole 2004-2010 era X-men to see this unfold (even though everyone says it sucks) and fill in the gap after I finish Wolverine & The X-men/X-force.  But the other part of me goes "oh fuck it takes FOREVER to parse through all these issues with multiple series running at the same time with dozens of issues each and everything is somewhat related" as I'm seeing with the Wolverine/X-force stuff.  So it'll probably be a backlog thing to read someday when I run out of other stuff.

Oh and I also read Planet Hulk - Which was satisfying and the ending was nice until the final twist which was fucked up bs just to trigger World War Hulk; super lame.  Down to read WWK though now because I like this Hulk and his intergalactic companions.

So yeah, plan is still to finish the Wolverine/X-force stuff (probably take another month at this rate) then read all the Marvel events from 2004 to present so that I have a good grip on the Marvel timeline when I read separate series that take place during or between these events.  Then read some new characters like Daredevil, Captain America, Black Panther and then maybe fill in the X-men gap.  I'd like to read the whole run of Amazing Spiderman but I don't have the time, so I'll try to find some short and good Spiderman arcs and read those.

Between X-force and all the various X-men stuff, I really like what they've done with Wolverine.  Probably the best character in Marvel Universe from what I'm reading.


  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #3123 on: November 10, 2014, 08:42:03 AM »
Bebpo, follow-up Uncanny X-Force with Uncanny Avengers-- it's the "sequel" series!

Speaking of Wolverine, let's talk about Death of Wolverine: The Weapon X Program, another of the multiple spin-off books following Logan's death.  This one is a direct follow-up to Death Of Wolverine #4, taking place in the same Weapon X facility that Logan destroyed.  The plot revolves around several test subjects regaining consciousness and taking out the clean-up squad that comes in following DOW #4.  The big reveal that's already pissing off people has to do with the main character, Sharp:
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Sharp wears a gas mask throughout the entire comic and keeps having flashbacks to various old wars, like WWI, WWII, and 'NAM.  I would describe his appearance as "Star Lord with brown hair," yet at the end of the book, he removes the mask and has Logan's face/hair


Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #3124 on: November 10, 2014, 12:59:43 PM »
You should read the Age of X mini-event. It's one of my favourite recent X-Men events.

Mr. Nobody

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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #3125 on: November 13, 2014, 01:30:29 AM »
Superior Iron Man
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Asshole Tony Stark giving people a taste of physical and mental perfection via a smartphone app only to take it away as part of a limited trial to renew for $99.99?

Sign me up  :heh


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #3126 on: November 13, 2014, 02:28:37 AM »
Batman #36, this whole arc is gonna be some cool shit.


  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #3127 on: November 13, 2014, 09:20:28 AM »
Superior Iron Man
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Asshole Tony Stark giving people a taste of physical and mental perfection via a smartphone app only to take it away as part of a limited trial to renew for $99.99?

Sign me up  :heh

It's too bad they couldn't call the book "Asshole Iron Man."   :lol

This and All-New Captain America came out this week.  I don't like how Marvel handled the backstories for these new books.  The Captain America stuff with what happened to Steve Rogers is a complicated mess, as is the new Nomad, and Tony Stark staying as a 'villain' from what happened in Axis is weird...since that storyline isn't over yet and in fact has really just started.   

I'm finally all caught up on Uncanny Avengers, which is where Axis started. 
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Basically the event centers around the revived-Nazi-era-Red Skull-who-stole-Prof. X's brain-and-now-has-his-powers getting killed by Magneto after it is discovered that the Skull has created camps in Genosha to herd (and presumably kill) mutants into.  This reminds Magneto of WWII and he loses it, only after the Skull is killed, he is revived as Onslaught.  Red Onslaught uses his mental powers to fuck with the entire world, making good people bad, but something sort of fucks up and bad people suddenly turn good.

While the story has been pretty stupid, I like the hero/villain reversal that has been going on.  Could make for some interesting stories as Superior Iron Man is showing.
« Last Edit: November 13, 2014, 09:25:41 AM by bork laser »


  • Hail Hydra
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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #3128 on: November 13, 2014, 01:29:50 PM »
Superior Iron Man
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Asshole Tony Stark giving people a taste of physical and mental perfection via a smartphone app only to take it away as part of a limited trial to renew for $99.99?

Sign me up  :heh

It's too bad they couldn't call the book "Asshole Iron Man."   :lol

This and All-New Captain America came out this week.  I don't like how Marvel handled the backstories for these new books.  The Captain America stuff with what happened to Steve Rogers is a complicated mess, as is the new Nomad, and Tony Stark staying as a 'villain' from what happened in Axis is weird...since that storyline isn't over yet and in fact has really just started.   

I'm finally all caught up on Uncanny Avengers, which is where Axis started. 
spoiler (click to show/hide)
Basically the event centers around the revived-Nazi-era-Red Skull-who-stole-Prof. X's brain-and-now-has-his-powers getting killed by Magneto after it is discovered that the Skull has created camps in Genosha to herd (and presumably kill) mutants into.  This reminds Magneto of WWII and he loses it, only after the Skull is killed, he is revived as Onslaught.  Red Onslaught uses his mental powers to fuck with the entire world, making good people bad, but something sort of fucks up and bad people suddenly turn good.

While the story has been pretty stupid, I like the hero/villain reversal that has been going on.  Could make for some interesting stories as Superior Iron Man is showing.

Who else has gotten polarities reversed? I've only heard about

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Iron Man being a capitalistic dick, and Carnage becoming a murderous anti-hero (kind of like a psychotic Punisher?)


  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #3129 on: November 13, 2014, 03:22:26 PM »
Superior Iron Man
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Asshole Tony Stark giving people a taste of physical and mental perfection via a smartphone app only to take it away as part of a limited trial to renew for $99.99?

Sign me up  :heh

It's too bad they couldn't call the book "Asshole Iron Man."   :lol

This and All-New Captain America came out this week.  I don't like how Marvel handled the backstories for these new books.  The Captain America stuff with what happened to Steve Rogers is a complicated mess, as is the new Nomad, and Tony Stark staying as a 'villain' from what happened in Axis is weird...since that storyline isn't over yet and in fact has really just started.   

I'm finally all caught up on Uncanny Avengers, which is where Axis started. 
spoiler (click to show/hide)
Basically the event centers around the revived-Nazi-era-Red Skull-who-stole-Prof. X's brain-and-now-has-his-powers getting killed by Magneto after it is discovered that the Skull has created camps in Genosha to herd (and presumably kill) mutants into.  This reminds Magneto of WWII and he loses it, only after the Skull is killed, he is revived as Onslaught.  Red Onslaught uses his mental powers to fuck with the entire world, making good people bad, but something sort of fucks up and bad people suddenly turn good.

While the story has been pretty stupid, I like the hero/villain reversal that has been going on.  Could make for some interesting stories as Superior Iron Man is showing.

Who else has gotten polarities reversed? I've only heard about

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Iron Man being a capitalistic dick, and Carnage becoming a murderous anti-hero (kind of like a psychotic Punisher?)

The problem is that we don't entirely know.   :lol  Carnage and Hobgoblin have books about being "good guys" (debatable in Carnage's case!) and then you have dickhead Iron Man and Falcon Captain America somewhat affected.  But their solo books are ahead of the Axis mini series.  #4 does show that a number of Avengers are affected, notably Thor, and most of the X-Men, too.  The Hulk has also gotten sad, which turned him into...Kulh

The two superheroes unaffected by all this are Spider-Man and Nova.  In the X-Men's case, Axis #4 has
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the Uncanny Avengers breaking up and Havok and crew going back to the X-Men, who join with Cyclops and co. to stand side by side with Genesis, who now looks like an adult Apocalypse.  The only one who seems to be opposed is Magneto.
« Last Edit: November 13, 2014, 03:28:04 PM by bork laser »


  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #3130 on: November 13, 2014, 04:53:20 PM »
Well scratch that- Axis 5 is out and makes things more clear.  Falcon-Captain America is a huge dick and uses pym particles to shrink down a huge number of Avengers who weren't affected by Red Onslaught.  Spidey and Nova escape. 

Joe Molotov

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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #3131 on: November 13, 2014, 05:06:24 PM »


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #3132 on: November 13, 2014, 05:39:38 PM »
Good: DC's "band aid" project for their spring move from NY to LA, Convergence, goes back to the beloved re-New 52 versions of characters with some of the original great teams that wrote them.

Bad: It's being run and plotted by the infamous hack Scott Lobdell, who ruined Teen Titans so bad they had to reboot it AGAIN after his New 52 run ended as a colossal failure. (Seriously, it went back to #1 again. For the second time in three years.)


  • Senior Member
Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #3133 on: November 13, 2014, 06:06:36 PM »
It's too bad they couldn't call the book "Asshole Iron Man."   :lol

This and All-New Captain America came out this week.  I don't like how Marvel handled the backstories for these new books.  The Captain America stuff with what happened to Steve Rogers is a complicated mess, as is the new Nomad, and Tony Stark staying as a 'villain' from what happened in Axis is weird...since that storyline isn't over yet and in fact has really just started.   

I'm finally all caught up on Uncanny Avengers, which is where Axis started. 
spoiler (click to show/hide)
Basically the event centers around the revived-Nazi-era-Red Skull-who-stole-Prof. X's brain-and-now-has-his-powers getting killed by Magneto after it is discovered that the Skull has created camps in Genosha to herd (and presumably kill) mutants into.  This reminds Magneto of WWII and he loses it, only after the Skull is killed, he is revived as Onslaught.  Red Onslaught uses his mental powers to fuck with the entire world, making good people bad, but something sort of fucks up and bad people suddenly turn good.

While the story has been pretty stupid, I like the hero/villain reversal that has been going on.  Could make for some interesting stories as Superior Iron Man is showing.

tony starks default form is douchebag though. it was kind of a mistake to turn falcon into cap around this time, hes being made to look like a real idiot.

The problem is that we don't entirely know.   :lol  Carnage and Hobgoblin have books about being "good guys" (debatable in Carnage's case!) and then you have dickhead Iron Man and Falcon Captain America somewhat affected.  But their solo books are ahead of the Axis mini series.  #4 does show that a number of Avengers are affected, notably Thor, and most of the X-Men, too.  The Hulk has also gotten sad, which turned him into...Kulh

The two superheroes unaffected by all this are Spider-Man and Nova.  In the X-Men's case, Axis #4 has
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the Uncanny Avengers breaking up and Havok and crew going back to the X-Men, who join with Cyclops and co. to stand side by side with Genesis, who now looks like an adult Apocalypse.  The only one who seems to be opposed is Magneto.

im curious why spidey, nova, and those with rogers dont seem to be flipped. was it a close point thing? because i dont see why so many mutants would be going through with evans bs if not flipped
« Last Edit: November 13, 2014, 06:23:20 PM by parallax »

Great Rumbler

  • Dab on the sinners
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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #3134 on: November 13, 2014, 10:11:32 PM »


  • Senior Member
Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #3135 on: November 14, 2014, 12:10:16 AM »
the new cap variant is awful and offensive


  • Senior Member
Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #3136 on: November 14, 2014, 12:29:00 AM »
the new cap variant is awful and offensive

marvels doing a bang up job at making cap falcon look ineffective as steves successor. this axis event has him getting shit on pretty damn hard.


  • 𝕩𝕩𝕩
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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #3137 on: November 14, 2014, 12:46:24 AM »
the new cap variant is awful and offensive

Guess the bore ain't a no flex zone =/

Mr. Nobody

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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #3138 on: November 14, 2014, 02:59:01 AM »
the new cap variant is awful and offensive

marvels doing a bang up job at making cap falcon look ineffective as steves successor. this axis event has him getting shit on pretty damn hard.

I give his run 10-12 issues before Steve returns but not before Sam is vilified for this Axis fuckery after being on the job for a grand total 5 minutes


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #3139 on: November 14, 2014, 03:42:17 AM »
the new cap variant is awful and offensive

marvels doing a bang up job at making cap falcon look ineffective as steves successor. this axis event has him getting shit on pretty damn hard.

I give his run 10-12 issues before Steve returns but not before Sam is vilified for this Axis fuckery after being on the job for a grand total 5 minutes

its kinda funny that the inverted x-men are united, but the inverted avengers are all out for themselves. then again, sam has no clout, or skill to try to establish any sort of dominance over the other avengers.


  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #3140 on: November 14, 2014, 08:30:08 AM »
tony starks default form is douchebag though. it was kind of a mistake to turn falcon into cap around this time, hes being made to look like a real idiot.

How so?  He comes off as pretty confident/strong in Axis and Mighty Avengers #1.  I haven't read All-New Cap yet though. 

im curious why spidey, nova, and those with rogers dont seem to be flipped. was it a close point thing? because i dont see why so many mutants would be going through with evans bs if not flipped

Yes; the ones fighting Red Onslaught got their moral axises flipped (hence the name, I guess), as did a lot of others in the world after Red Onslaught telepathically broadcast a "hate wave."  There is no real explanation as to why a select few were not affected.

Looking at this, Axis almost seems like it's Marvel's take on what DC did with Forever Evil, in a sense.

(Image removed from quote.)

Another Joe Madureira late 90s rip-off artist!


  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #3141 on: November 14, 2014, 08:30:34 AM »
Good: DC's "band aid" project for their spring move from NY to LA, Convergence, goes back to the beloved re-New 52 versions of characters with some of the original great teams that wrote them.

Bad: It's being run and plotted by the infamous hack Scott Lobdell, who ruined Teen Titans so bad they had to reboot it AGAIN after his New 52 run ended as a colossal failure. (Seriously, it went back to #1 again. For the second time in three years.)

Uh-oh.   :-\



  • Senior Member
Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #3142 on: November 14, 2014, 11:27:11 AM »

How so?  He comes off as pretty confident/strong in Axis and Mighty Avengers #1.  I haven't read All-New Cap yet though. 

axis was the wrong time to make him captain america. if they had given some breathing room prior to, to do things he wouldnt look so ineffective as leader of the avengers.

Mr. Nobody

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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #3143 on: November 14, 2014, 11:31:43 AM »

How so?  He comes off as pretty confident/strong in Axis and Mighty Avengers #1.  I haven't read All-New Cap yet though. 

axis was the wrong time to make him captain america. if they had given some breathing room prior to, to do things he wouldnt look so ineffective as leader of the avengers.

They know exactly what they're doing, truth be told  :hitler

Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #3144 on: November 15, 2014, 05:08:43 PM »
well he's the falcon so he's going to look pretty ineffective doing anything  :hitler


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #3146 on: November 17, 2014, 01:58:17 PM »
Good: DC's "band aid" project for their spring move from NY to LA, Convergence, goes back to the beloved re-New 52 versions of characters with some of the original great teams that wrote them.

Bad: It's being run and plotted by the infamous hack Scott Lobdell, who ruined Teen Titans so bad they had to reboot it AGAIN after his New 52 run ended as a colossal failure. (Seriously, it went back to #1 again. For the second time in three years.)

Uh-oh.   :-\


Maybe... maybe it'll be good? I mean they're bringing back the best version of Tim Drake...

Unfortunately it's focused on Stephanie Brown. :-\

I just want a new Red Robin solo series with Marcus To art. IS THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK

« Last Edit: November 17, 2014, 02:03:06 PM by Tasty Meat »

Mr. Nobody

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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #3147 on: November 17, 2014, 05:12:17 PM »
well he's the falcon so he's going to look pretty ineffective doing anything  :hitler

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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #3148 on: November 17, 2014, 11:53:38 PM »
I liked Falcon in The Winter Soldier. You guys are saying the comic version of him sucks?



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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #3149 on: November 23, 2014, 02:05:31 AM »
I'm reading Ultimatum for shits and giggles, and lordy lordy lord.

At least it has Boss Cyke.


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #3150 on: November 23, 2014, 06:19:10 AM »
I'm reading Ultimatum for shits and giggles, and lordy lordy lord.

(Image removed from quote.)

At least it has Boss Cyke.

i could have saved you the time and told you it was garbage dude


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #3151 on: November 23, 2014, 06:25:24 AM »
Oh I'm only reading it because I know it's garbage. Like watching an Uwe Boll flick. I want to see how badly Loeb fucked this up.


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #3152 on: November 23, 2014, 02:00:56 PM »
Wait, is that Magneto getting his head blown off by Cyclops? Fucking Magneto? Killed by Cyclops? Say it ain't so.

the ultimate universe is a clusterfuck. and thats the event where the whole universe fell off a cliff and has been rotting in the sun ever since


  • Hail Hydra
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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #3153 on: November 23, 2014, 02:50:34 PM »
I'm reading Ultimatum for shits and giggles, and lordy lordy lord.

(Image removed from quote.)

At least it has Boss Cyke.

i could have saved you the time and told you it was garbage dude

At least it's coherent garbage, unlike Ultimates 3.


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #3154 on: November 25, 2014, 11:14:22 PM »
You should read the Age of X mini-event. It's one of my favourite recent X-Men events.

(Image removed from quote.)

Read this.  Was enjoyable but the ending where it tries to fit into the main franchise was kind of eh.  Would've liked it to just be a spin-off with no connection.  Enjoyed this version of Magneto and Cyclops was very cool.

Alright, now I'm back to just maining the goofiness of Wolverine & The X-men until the run is over and then on to Marvel Events.  Just read the Doop issue and not knowing anything about Doop, that was pretty great!  The part where he has a rock off against Satan for the souls of the X-men students in like 2 panels covering a montage was  :lol


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #3155 on: December 01, 2014, 11:46:42 AM »
Ok, so I finished Wolverine and the X-men (2011-2014) and it definitely had some ups and downs in arc quality, and the issues wasted on crossover shit made no sense at all since I wasn't reading Uncanny X-men to understand what was going on (A v X, Battle of the Atom), but darn it, by the end of this series I really enjoyed the X-kids.  Quentin Quire who was lame when introduced in Morrison's run, is now a great character, Broo is awesome, Genesis, Kid Gladiator, Idie all good stuff.  I like this crew more than the Young Avengers or Runaways.  Even the Hellfire Club kids who were super annoying, a couple of them not named Kade were all right.   

So now I'm ready to move on to non-Mutant Marvel, but a part of me feels like there's so much X-men that I've missed out on.  Jumping from Morrison -> Whedon -> 6 years later Uncanny X-Force & Wolverine & the X-men, I feel like I've only been reading half the story since I've just been seeing Wolverine & crews side and there's this whole other Cyclops/Utopia side I haven't read anything from.  Hell I don't even know why Wolverine hates Cyclops' guts in Wolverine & the X-men or what caused the split between the two schools.  I know people say Uncanny X-men/X-men is pretty terrible post 2004, and that's a looot of issues between 2004-2014, but kind of feel compelled to see the whole story and what happened to Cyclops.

Or maybe I won't since that's a big commitment.  Now onto some new stuff.  I'm really, really enjoying the Marvel Unlimited sub; probably best $60 I ever spent.  My cardinal rule is that I'm not willing to read anything that hasn't finished because I got enough of that with manga back in the day and hate the pacing of waiting months for a drip of story.  Only exception I made was Thor God of Thunder 1-12 because it's pretty much an entirely self-contained story.  There's some stuff I'm looking forward to reading when it finishes like Hawkeye 2012 by Iron Fist team and Uncanny Avengers by Remender and the Hickman's New Avengers everyone is talking about, but yeah I'll wait until that's all done + 6 months to read on Marvel Unlimited.

If I ever run out of completed stuff, maybe I'll do that Amazing Spiderman run.  Really want to check out Spiderman comics, but there's just so much >_<


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #3156 on: December 01, 2014, 12:24:49 PM »
I wanna get into Miles Spidey, has his Ultimate stuff been good? Gonna check out his new series when that hits next month.


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #3157 on: December 01, 2014, 01:32:24 PM »
Beps: do you have the problem of certain comics not loading many times in a row? No joke, last night I was going through some Avengers stuff, and multiple comics in a row failed to load like 9 times in a row. Then I'd get them on the 10th try.

What device are you viewing them on?  Seems to make a big difference.  I've found a few issues (maybe like 3 out of 100) where pages were missing on the iOS version but were there on the web version.


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #3158 on: December 01, 2014, 02:34:56 PM »
I wanna get into Miles Spidey, has his Ultimate stuff been good? Gonna check out his new series when that hits next month.

Personally, it took miles a while for him to stand out for me. His cast
and the people he interacts with  really help him as a character. With recent events however, i say theres a chance he could really grow into something.


  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #3159 on: December 03, 2014, 08:28:56 AM »
I wanna get into Miles Spidey, has his Ultimate stuff been good? Gonna check out his new series when that hits next month.

It's Bendis, so expect tons and tons of dialogue and an extremely slow pace, but it's a good read.  Only Ultimate line comic worth a damn.  The original series ended with the Ultimate Cataclysm event, but then picked up right where it left off with Miles Morales: Ultimate Spider-Man and Miles is also in the new Ultimates book, which is a spin-off from USM since most of the team are his buddies.  I got bored with it pretty quickly though, then the art went to shit.   :-\


  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #3160 on: December 03, 2014, 08:47:40 AM »
So now I'm ready to move on to non-Mutant Marvel, but a part of me feels like there's so much X-men that I've missed out on.  Jumping from Morrison -> Whedon -> 6 years later Uncanny X-Force & Wolverine & the X-men, I feel like I've only been reading half the story since I've just been seeing Wolverine & crews side and there's this whole other Cyclops/Utopia side I haven't read anything from.  Hell I don't even know why Wolverine hates Cyclops' guts in Wolverine & the X-men or what caused the split between the two schools.  I know people say Uncanny X-men/X-men is pretty terrible post 2004, and that's a looot of issues between 2004-2014, but kind of feel compelled to see the whole story and what happened to Cyclops.

You don't need to go back that far to find out what happened.  I jumped back into comics in 2009 and that's when the X-Men had moved to San Francisco to start the "Nation X" storyline where you had all the mutants, including some former bad guys, all living together on a fallen Asteroid M in the bay. 

You get a couple of crossover storylines, with the most notable being three major arcs revolving around Hope Summers.  (This is where you have the storyline going all Terminator, with Cable taking baby Hope and running away from crazy-ass Bishop, who thinks she's going to be the reason why the future he comes from is so messed up.) 

I'd start from around that point and read that stuff.  Everything else can pretty much be skipped.  The Cyclops/Wolverine falling out happens in another event called "Schism," which leads right into AvX. 

Would also recommend trying X-Force and Uncanny X-Force.  With the exception of some crossover event stories, X-Force is self-contained and leads right into Uncanny X-Force, which in turn leads into Uncanny Avengers.

If I ever run out of completed stuff, maybe I'll do that Amazing Spiderman run.  Really want to check out Spiderman comics, but there's just so much >_<

Spider-Man is much easier to jump into compared to X-Men and Avengers.   :)


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #3161 on: December 03, 2014, 09:52:06 AM »
I wanna get into Miles Spidey, has his Ultimate stuff been good? Gonna check out his new series when that hits next month.

Personally, it took miles a while for him to stand out for me. His cast
and the people he interacts with  really help him as a character. With recent events however, i say theres a chance he could really grow into something.

I wanna get into Miles Spidey, has his Ultimate stuff been good? Gonna check out his new series when that hits next month.

It's Bendis, so expect tons and tons of dialogue and an extremely slow pace, but it's a good read.  Only Ultimate line comic worth a damn.  The original series ended with the Ultimate Cataclysm event, but then picked up right where it left off with Miles Morales: Ultimate Spider-Man and Miles is also in the new Ultimates book, which is a spin-off from USM since most of the team are his buddies.  I got bored with it pretty quickly though, then the art went to shit.   :-\

Coolio, thanks guys.

Also I think Miles has the coolest Spidey outfit possibly of all time. It looks soooooo cool.


  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #3162 on: December 03, 2014, 04:15:16 PM »
Also I think Miles has the coolest Spidey outfit possibly of all time. It looks soooooo cool.

Alien symbiote costume Spidey is the coolest one.  They initially even gave him a more alien-like appearance...sleeker frame and different looking joints.


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #3163 on: December 03, 2014, 04:18:52 PM »
Symbiote costume looked too much like a gimpsuit the way they drew it. But it's OK.

Dat V pattern, dat red, DAT HYPE


  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #3164 on: December 03, 2014, 04:22:26 PM »
Symbiote costume looked too much like a gimpsuit the way they drew it. But it's OK.



Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #3165 on: December 03, 2014, 04:34:52 PM »
ultimatum was fun


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #3166 on: December 03, 2014, 04:42:50 PM »
Symbiote costume looked too much like a gimpsuit the way they drew it. But it's OK.


(Image removed from quote.)

Literally a gimpsuit.

Mr. Nobody

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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #3167 on: December 03, 2014, 04:53:45 PM »
Gail's return to Secret Six was....weird to say the least.

I'll give it 3-4 more issues or however long this arc will last.

Joe Molotov

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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #3168 on: December 03, 2014, 04:56:43 PM »
Gail's return to Secret Six was....weird to say the least.

I'll give it 3-4 more issues or however long this arc will last.

Is that out today? Who's even on the current roster now?

Mr. Nobody

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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #3169 on: December 03, 2014, 06:19:11 PM »
Gail's return to Secret Six was....weird to say the least.

I'll give it 3-4 more issues or however long this arc will last.

Is that out today? Who's even on the current roster now?

No "real" roster yet but Catman, Ventriloquist, and Black Alice showed up

Joe Molotov

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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #3170 on: December 03, 2014, 11:50:09 PM »
Gail's return to Secret Six was....weird to say the least.

I'll give it 3-4 more issues or however long this arc will last.

Is that out today? Who's even on the current roster now?

No "real" roster yet but Catman, Ventriloquist, and Black Alice showed up

Hopefully she'll bring Scandal back at some point.


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #3171 on: December 04, 2014, 12:15:13 AM »
Also I think Miles has the coolest Spidey outfit possibly of all time. It looks soooooo cool.

2099, breh.

To me, Spidey is the mostly the eyes. It's not a bad costume to me, but it's also not Spidey enough.

Miles is the perfect blend of classicness and fresh style.


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #3172 on: December 04, 2014, 01:16:25 AM »
Btw guys just holy fucking FUCKING FUCKING SHIT


It's so good that even my standard Andrex™ hyperbole isn't sufficient to describe it. It's literally as good as a comic can be, especially the Future's End issue and the latest one (#5.)


But the writing, my fucking god. GOD




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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #3173 on: December 04, 2014, 05:30:42 AM »
Beps: do you have the problem of certain comics not loading many times in a row? No joke, last night I was going through some Avengers stuff, and multiple comics in a row failed to load like 9 times in a row. Then I'd get them on the 10th try.

What device are you viewing them on?  Seems to make a big difference.  I've found a few issues (maybe like 3 out of 100) where pages were missing on the iOS version but were there on the web version.

Windows 7 PC, Chrome as the browser. I tried Firefox, but got the same problem.

Hmmm, can't help you there.  The couple of times I've used it in Chrome it's worked.  I think I had to turn off ad-block/script-block stuff.  Maybe even use Firefox.  The web browser is really, really terrible.  I only enjoy Marvel Unlimited since I can use the iOS tablet app.

Eric P

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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #3174 on: December 04, 2014, 07:50:22 AM »
Btw guys just holy fucking FUCKING FUCKING SHIT


It's so good that even my standard Andrex™ hyperbole isn't sufficient to describe it. It's literally as good as a comic can be, especially the Future's End issue and the latest one (#5.)


But the writing, my fucking god. GOD



a few months ago i was reading 0 DC comics because they're mostly garbage NuMetal Nu52 grim n gritty w/ the horrid house style art

now i'm reading Arkham Manor, Grayson, Gotham Academy, Multiversity and Secret Six (I miss this Gail Simone)

Grayson is that good.


  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #3175 on: December 04, 2014, 07:59:11 AM »
Symbiote costume looked too much like a gimpsuit the way they drew it. But it's OK.


(Image removed from quote.)

Literally a gimpsuit.

If that's a "gimpsuit," then so is Miles' costume, being that it's also mostly black. 



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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #3176 on: December 04, 2014, 10:28:55 AM »
If that's a "gimpsuit," then so is Miles' costume, being that it's also mostly black. 


I dunno. Miles suit looks like cloth, the symbiote suit looks like cheap pleather or something. Too shiny.

The Spider-man 3 version is far superior IMO. Uses the same idea of a black suit but actually makes it look cool. The comics version is too basic.


  • Senior Member
Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #3177 on: December 04, 2014, 10:32:37 AM »
Btw guys just holy fucking FUCKING FUCKING SHIT


It's so good that even my standard Andrex™ hyperbole isn't sufficient to describe it. It's literally as good as a comic can be, especially the Future's End issue and the latest one (#5.)


But the writing, my fucking god. GOD



a few months ago i was reading 0 DC comics because they're mostly garbage NuMetal Nu52 grim n gritty w/ the horrid house style art

now i'm reading Arkham Manor, Grayson, Gotham Academy, Multiversity and Secret Six (I miss this Gail Simone)

Grayson is that good.

It really is. Multiversity sounds amazing too, I'd pick it up if I didn't have so many comics I'm trying (and failing) to keep up with.

Hipster Batgirl also looked great.

Eric P

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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #3178 on: December 04, 2014, 02:20:39 PM »
oh yeah, forgot i'm reading that too
she's not really a hipster so much as "young"
she reminds me more of NYU students i see instead of actual scene kids


  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #3179 on: December 04, 2014, 02:34:36 PM »
If that's a "gimpsuit," then so is Miles' costume, being that it's also mostly black. 


I dunno. Miles suit looks like cloth, the symbiote suit looks like cheap pleather or something. Too shiny.

The Spider-man 3 version is far superior IMO. Uses the same idea of a black suit but actually makes it look cool. The comics version is too basic.

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