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Human Snorenado

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Himu you should call Blizzard/contact support, you might have been hacked.

Even if you weren't just say you were.  It beats letting them know you live in the park and wear a tinfoil helmet.

Human Snorenado

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> can't remember his own name
> blames his problems on corporations

Don't give me that crap.

I signed up on over 5 years ago. People with suffixes often leave out their suffix because a lot of forms don't have a box for suffixes. Sometimes we use commas, sometimes we don't use commas in our names. The result is three ways to spell your name. I typed in all three.

Why is a name necessary for a password reset in the first place? Does it account for caps?

Phoenix: that is why I make each pw unique and sometimes overly long, like by 16-20 words. Because of that, sometimes I forget my passwords, so I'm going to chalk it up to me just forgetting my password before I blame this on being hacked.
« Last Edit: April 21, 2012, 12:32:25 AM by Stringer Bell »

Great Rumbler

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Okay, I finally got this thing downloaded [was going pretty slow for a while], and I've got a characters picked and I'm playing it now and ZOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMG

Sorry, Himu. :(


  • The Muffin Man
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Add me bizznitches


  • I love you just the way I am
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Phoenix: that is why I make each pw unique and sometimes overly long, like by 16-20 words. Because of that, sometimes I forget my passwords, so I'm going to chalk it up to me just forgetting my password before I blame this on being hacked.

Great Rumbler

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Human Snorenado

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Caulklord#1736 (I think the numbers are correct, if they're not I'll correct it tomorrow)

I'll be on tomorrow night from 8 on.  LET'S KILL US SOME ZOMBIES, BITCHES.

Howard Alan Treesong

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Great Rumbler

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Aside from the totally lame skill "trees" and the new Tristram theme not being as good as the original, D3 is TIGHT. Gonna give Blizzard my monies soon.


  • Senior Member
Rumbler, Blue, and I beasted through the demo with a dude from gaf. Game owns. I hate the lack of challenge in the open beta, and the new skill system is horrendous, but other than? :bow down

Also, I mentioned it during our game, but I'm really - like, REALLY - amazed at how fast the thing was. I'm not sure if it's because it was the beta or what, but each location required zero loading. It was a dream. I was expecting loading here and there, for admittedly short timespans, but nope! Very, very tight product performance wise. It gave me a warning prompt that my gfx card was outdated (:wtf ???) and it played perfectly.

Also, Blizz NAILED the art and sense of atmosphere.

« Last Edit: April 21, 2012, 03:16:38 AM by Stringer Bell »

Cerveza mas fina

  • I don't care for Islam tbqh
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New skill system is the best thing since sliced bread.

No more bullshit builds and running around with one skill, hoarding points, or getting to Hell and discovering that your build is shit and you have to start all over with  build you find on the internet.

You feckers will come around, after playing enough!


  • レーダーマン
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I'm trying to play through the beta with my friend but the server is terrible and randomly disconnects. It's fun though, way more fun than Torchlight at least (probably because of co-op). Might wind up buying it after all.


  • Nebuchadnezzar
  • Senior Member
havent been able to log in yet lol

Human Snorenado

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I had a bitch of a time logging in yesterday, but when I finally did I played the entire demo without a problem. 

Positive Touch

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  • Nebuchadnezzar
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Set the compatibility to XP SP3 to get around that

Joe Molotov

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Great Rumbler

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  • Nebuchadnezzar
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Still asking me for a Battletag even though i created one yesterday

Positive Touch

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Human Snorenado

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Played some co-op with JoeMolotov and then another game with Himumu just now... that we had to exit out of because the servers were gonna shut down.  COME ON BLIZZARD.

Co-op is kinda fun.  Joe and I beat the demo.


  • Senior Member
The servers went belly up. That's why. After you left, I tried to start a new game so I could continue my game as my demon hunter to get to level 10, and all servers were full.

Human Snorenado

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That's some crap!  I'll probably try logging back in in about an hour or so. 

I think the Monk is kinda overpowered.  You get a lot of really useful aoe attacks if you're a monk, so you never are really in danger of getting swarmed.  The mage is pretty weak in comparison- if I hadn't put some really good armor in my stash with my monk for my mage, I don't know if I would have been able to survive as well.  When I got to level 6 and was able to use my forged wand life became a whole lot easier.  Also, whenever I'd kill something annoying as my mage I'd yell "10 points to Gryffindor!"


  • Senior Member
On the breaking news feed, they said they're taking down beta servers temporarily, probably for some maintenance.

Stoney Mason

  • So Long and thanks for all the fish
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I played this today and oddly enough the performance wasn't as good as it should have been for such a simple game. I can run games like Crysis 2 and Battlefield and Witcher effortlessly. I'm hoping its just a case of AMD drivers not being fully optimized.

Eel O'Brian

  • Southern Permasexual
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what does error 315300 mean? it says my login information is incorrect, but it is totally correct, as i just logged in with it yesterday to download the beta

Howard Alan Treesong

  • キング・メタル・ドラゴン
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what does error 315300 mean? it says my login information is incorrect, but it is totally correct, as i just logged in with it yesterday to download the beta

it means you are participating in a stress test

Eel O'Brian

  • Southern Permasexual
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apparently one of my key presses just wasn't registering when i was entering the password


  • The Muffin Man
  • Senior Member
Had to stop playing. Its a bit tortuous constantly playing the first 1/4th of act 1 over and over and hitting the level ceiling. Will wait for the full game to really unload.

The two classes I've played so far are fun. I really like the Demon Hunters ability to maneuver out of bad situations quickly. Setting traps and moving out.

Joe Molotov

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I played a round with each class. Jumped in a few games with BluTsu and Kosma and COG. Game is awesome.

Human Snorenado

  • Stay out of Malibu, Lebowski
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Game is definitely awesome, but I think it's stupid that you have to log into even if you want to play single-player.  I understand some of the reasons behind it... I just don't think the pros outweigh the cons.  I foresee lots of server overloads and bitching in the first couple of weeks after release that almost certainly could have been mitigated.

Cerveza mas fina

  • I don't care for Islam tbqh
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I doubt there will be server issues after launch.

Human Snorenado

  • Stay out of Malibu, Lebowski
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So tempted to bookmark that you don't even know

Cerveza mas fina

  • I don't care for Islam tbqh
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I mean at launch night there might be shit, 2 days later it will be smooth :P

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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Game is definitely awesome, but I think it's stupid that you have to log into even if you want to play single-player.  I understand some of the reasons behind it... I just don't think the pros outweigh the cons.  I foresee lots of server overloads and bitching in the first couple of weeks after release that almost certainly could have been mitigated.

My problem is that they use the piracy excuse when in reality this is all about control. SC2 requires you to be online constantly mainly so Blizzard can monitor and control how the game is played, and avoid being ignored (which is what happened with Brood War/Kespa). Not everyone wants to play online, especially with a game like Diablo.

BNet 2.0 is extremely disappointing, and while the support for Diablo 3 seems fine this is still a big problem for SC2. I'm not a fan of putting basic features behind pay walls either; SC2 has been out for two years and still lacks shit WarCraft 3 had a decade ago - much of which will magically appear in the next expansion I'm sure. I'd imagine the same will happen with D3

Human Snorenado

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I can understand wanting SC2 to be always online when you play more- it's a pretty serious game with cash tournaments, etc.  Having access to as much data as possible is only a good thing. 

Diablo 3 is a fucking lootfest, though.  No real defensible reason to not have an offline single player option imo.

Also, is it just me or is the witch doctor in D3 kinda racist?

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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The issue I have with online SC2 is Blizzard's refusal to address the lag between regional play, and of course disconnects during tournament play. In BW you had the option to play on any server, be it west coast US or Korea and the lag wasn't horrendous. It's not like that technology magically disappeared between then and now.

no excuse for this

Also, someone recently created a mod that can rebuild DC'd games and start them up right where they last were. I hope Blizzard adopts something like that, if they have no plan on introducing a tournament only LAN version of the game
« Last Edit: April 22, 2012, 10:41:24 PM by Phoenix Dark »


  • Senior Member
Having played the demo with the monk and demon hunter, I can see some strong points. The game progression flows better. On the flipside, the starter area seems much smaller and less open. In D2, I got a little lost on my first time playing, but I kind of miss that here. It's pretty obvious where the game is funneling you towards.

I think the reason that as of now I'm not buying it is that there's nothing at this point in time that Diablo 3 is doing that other games I already have do or other games already do better. I am not sure what purpose D3 serves. Co-op RPG play? MMOs sort of got that down. Actiony Gauntlet play? Vindictus is more fun and advanced. Even new MMOs are giving off that feel.

Stoney Mason

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Didn't finish but what i played of it, i thought it was great. Those guys simply know how to make a loot game simple yet addictive in a way that other guys can't.

I think I'll play as a witch doctor.


  • Nebuchadnezzar
  • Senior Member
I felt funneled as well, I was trying my best to go off the beaten path, but there wasnt anything much to find.


  • The Muffin Man
  • Senior Member
One of my complaints, but maybe its not indicative of the final game, are the random dungeons. I ran into a cool one when I was solo'ing that went down two levels then back out. Had a regular chest and an upgraded one. Hopefully these appear more often in the retail game. As it is now, the dungeons you do run into are too small to even bother with.


  • Senior Member
I've played as every class so far and I'm going with monk when the game drops.

Things I like:

- dark, brooding atmosphere
- beautiful art, they nailed it
- fun and addictive yet simplistic
- I liked the stories and questing
- loot, loot, loot
- co-op is so fucking fun even if it felt like beast mode

on the flip side:

- I really don't like the difficulty. It's so...easy. I died, and I still had all my crap. This makes the game lose a lot of its edge, because when I played D2 solo, I'd think twice sometimes if I entered a cave thinking I may get massacred, and journeying to my grave to grab my stuff and fight them all over again gave me a lot of pressure. D3 has no pressure, at least based off the beta. I remember when I first played D2. I went into a dark cave in the middle of the first area, I was slaughtered. When I went back for my stuff, I was real nervous about my approach, complimented by the dark, menacing atmosphere. D3 has no hint of this.
- distinct lack of customization and number fiddling

things I'm neutral on:

- the skill system. I started out not liking it because it's not a skill tree - my preference - but the more I played the beta, the more I realized that while you get every single ability throughout the game, you - the player - have the choice of what you want to use base solely on your preference. Sometimes I'd like an attack only to detest it when I leveled it up, and the opposite would happen with attacks I previously DIDN'T like. I like that aspect of the skill system. What I don't like is that there is no longer any sense of risk in developing a character and I think that's real important in making an rpg. Don't make the game impossible with certain builds, making certain builds harder/easier to get through the game is a far better alternative.
« Last Edit: April 23, 2012, 01:31:43 AM by Stringer Bell »


  • Nebuchadnezzar
  • Senior Member
Well SHIT I just found out about Elective mode now that the beta is done.


  • Senior Member
I tried out hardcore mode, and it was absolutely boring on my solo run :(

Howard Alan Treesong

  • キング・メタル・ドラゴン
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> plays 20% of Act 1 Normal
> complains game is too easy


  • Senior Member
Get over yourself.


  • I love you just the way I am
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Go and play the first few hours of Titan Quest or Torchlight, they're pretty basic too. It's a beta ffs

Cerveza mas fina

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You died on normal and you complain its too easy?  :P

I think it's a bit easy too, but the difficulty has been ramped up in patch 14 or so, before that it was almost impossible to die. Think the real challenge will start on Nightmare/Hell/Inferno. For a starting area its fine though. People should stop explaining this game to be made according to 2001 gameplay standards, its 2012 (not talking bout posters here).
« Last Edit: April 23, 2012, 02:59:39 AM by Premium Lager »


  • Senior Member
I know it's a beta. That doesn't mean I can't comment on how I perceive the difficulty level to be on normal mode in the beta. I'm not saying it's indicative of the final product at all. Just expressing what I played.


  • Senior Member
You died on normal and you complain its too easy?  :P

I joined a pub game and I was level 1 and we went straight for the skeleton king :lol

Cerveza mas fina

  • I don't care for Islam tbqh
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 :) Joining games is still bugged it seems. A patch ago you almost couldn't join in for a King run after you killed him, cause joining games was greyed out then.

Have you seen the video where they say what higher dif levels have to offer?
-New harder suffixes on mobs
-Different armor tiers


  • Senior Member
Since the open beta is closing later this morning let's do a Titan Quest Bore co-op run. :hyper Or if you prefer, Diablo 2?

Cerveza mas fina

  • I don't care for Islam tbqh
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I tried playing D2 the other day and... I can't anymore  :'(

Plus I'm still in the closed beta brother!

Human Snorenado

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Wish I had bothered to try and get a beta code, gonna be a shame to have to give this up for a couple of weeks.

I've played around with all of the character classes now, and the only one I don't like is the Witch Doctor.  I think that's just because it doesn't suit the way I enjoy playing- not really into debuffing enemies, siccing my followers on them, etc.  As far as the patented "Triumph's Awesome Scale of Awesomeness" I'd rate them Barbarian, Monk/Demon Hunter, Wizard, and Witch Doctor.  Barbarian is the most fun to play because it never gets old seeing enemies fly around after you hit them, or better yet 'asplode.

Definitely can't wait to play in new areas of the game, it looks and plays fucking awesome.  AAA, 11 boners out of 10, would play again, etc etc.


  • Junior Member
The game is great, I can't complain the gameplay... but the always-online aspect is killing me.
I was disconnected like 10 times in 3 hours of play. I was wondering how mad I would be if I got a crazy rare item and I can't pick it up because my internet connection crapped out. I though I would have no worries about it, but guess not :(

Since this game is un-piratable, either I try to have fun with this kind of shit or don't play at all...

Stoney Mason

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I think I'll try to beat Dungeon Siege 3 before this comes out.


  • Until at last, I threw down my enemy and smote his ruin upon the mountainside.
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Played straight through last night as a monk and felt like a badass. It ran great on my PC. I can't wait to play more. I'm glad I played this because it wasn't even on my radar and now it's day 1.

Joe Molotov

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I wonder if beta characters will be able to transfer into the main game. If not, I'm going to miss those guys. Monkicus, Wizardia, Witchypoo, Demonia, and Barbarus, goodbye old friends. :(