Okay. I have a plan for the mid-terms, to the point where I may make a thread and gauge interest/ideas on it. It's related to what Shinra said above.
There's lots of reasons why the Republican base came out - NeverHillary, DraintheSwamp, implicit or explicit sexism against Hillary, coupled with people liking what he was saying about groping women and the Hispanics. All that, and then the issues of jobs, economy, and WWC feeling left out. And the protest vote.
So. Idea:
Explicitly non-partisan GOTV company in rural and Rust Belt areas, based around holding the government to account. Trump said he was going to #draintheswamp - yet Wall Street banker as Treasury. Trump said he'd got jobs back to the US, yet he hasn't done it (*assumption that he won't*).
Co-opt every single message and hashtag the Trump campaign used, and flip it against him. But don't argue for voting for Democrats. Run on a #NeverRepublican message, because (by the time mid-terms hit) it'll be two years of corruption, and lobbying, with continued unemployment in the heartland, and no retraining.
Done right (in my head) it could enthuse a large majority of people, from all walks of life - the Bernie Supporters, the WWC, the abortion-rights people, everyone. Because - done right - it would be entirely non-partisan. Literally say to the voter, "We don't care who you vote for, as long as it is against the Republican's who lied to you and are taking Wall Street money. Trump said he'd Drain the Swamp, and he hasn't. Hold his government accountable."
It'd have to be a very flexible message depending upon voter - point-up stop-and-frisk if you come across an AA Trump supporter, but don't mention race if you're in the Panhandle, for instance. And co-opt Trump's core message - because in two years, if nothing is better, people will want to "Make America Great Again". And that message could be spread to the LGBTQ voters, the environment campaigners, the anti-corruption campaigners.
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yeah it's from gaf