Author Topic: 1,000+ Pages of NeoGAF: The Story of Wasted Lives and Hardcore Salt  (Read 4947460 times)

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  • Senior Member
The problem with the "progressive" posters on Gaf is they come across as completely unlikable assholes that don't realize that diplomacy, word play, and not snapping someone's dick off instantly could lead to more people empathizing with their viewpoints. Passive aggressiveness, outright hate, and snark can only get you so far.


  • captain of my capsized ship
  • Senior Member
I think Paltrow transcends race and class and needs to be mocked regardless.


  • Senior Member
She named her kid apple, right?

If you name your kid after a fruit, choose a better fruit.


  • Senior Member
If those "progressive" posters weren't complete, and I mean completely, protected by the mods they would get their shit pushed in.


  • Senior Member
um wut

pink lady, cameo, and fuji > u


  • Senior Member
Watermelon, oranges, strawberries, cherries > apples >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>pears


  • We've *all*
  • Senior Member
I've only partaken of Harry's nuts

Joe Molotov

  • I'm much more humble than you would understand.
  • Administrator
narloff could you give us your FF list, from best to worst?
FFXV: Episode Duscae > Everything else.

Checks out.


  • Senior Member
normal cherries :larry :yeshrug

Rainer cherries :lawd :mouf :noah :bow


  • Member
final fantasy discussion

sj thread

Watching Labor get eviscerated in the social justice bullies thread is hilarious. He genuinely has no idea how much of a douchenozzle he is.
those threads are just awful now. it's all just bitter sarcasm/cynicism being tossed in every direction in the hope that something sticks and and that a 'wrong poster' catches a ban. it's weird that the stated purpose of gaf is to uphold discourse and all you get from OT is just diarrhea being spilled from certain corners. and you can't even say this is an assumption, as there is written proof that mods will specifically favor posters on certain teams and hunt down reasons to perm people they disagree with.  :lol

mhwilliams is GOAT social issues poster tho

posts the only text walls i'm willing to read.  :rejoice


  • Senior Member
Watching Labor get eviscerated in the social justice bullies thread is hilarious. He genuinely has no idea how much of a douchenozzle he is.

lol i like how he retreats from discussion claiming he just wants to engage one user and no one else

like use private messages then dumbass

Happy b-day Esch


  • Senior Member
i can't disagree, as I can't really will myself to read tldr posts on gaf anymore, so I'll take your word for it.

but i will give him props for not dropping reading lists :hitler

nah regular cherries are still lit. puree them shits and add them to the bbq sauce you brush on your ribs :noah
:ohhh will investigate

The funny thing is that a year ago I would have been called one of GAF's SJW posters, but then the hardcore progressives got even harder core and continued to until they were unrecognizable because of the froth coming out of their mouths. It's like GamerGate was their version of 9/11 and they're all leftist Frank Millers.

It broke their brains. They're in a negative feedback loop of anger and accusation. One day I think there will be clinics with large groups of them in linen robes yelling at each other about the inflections in each others' voices or quirks of their eyebrows when they ask for seconds of dessert.


  • Senior Member
The funny thing is that a year ago I would have been called one of GAF's SJW posters, but then the hardcore progressives got even harder core and continued to until they were unrecognizable because of the froth coming out of their mouths. It's like GamerGate was their version of 9/11 and they're all leftist Frank Millers.

It broke their brains. They're in a negative feedback loop of anger and accusation. One day I think there will be clinics with large groups of them in linen robes yelling at each other about the inflections in each others' voices or quirks of their eyebrows when they ask for seconds of dessert.

Hah. That's pretty accurate.  Criticize Sarkeesian and you're some disgusting gamergater. 


  • Senior Member
:ohhh will investigate

Cherry chipotle ribs, playboi. :noah

You're grilling them, Esch?


  • Senior Member
Watching Labor get eviscerated in the social justice bullies thread is hilarious. He genuinely has no idea how much of a douchenozzle he is.
those threads are just awful now. it's all just bitter sarcasm/cynicism being tossed in every direction in the hope that something sticks and and that a 'wrong poster' catches a ban. it's weird that the stated purpose of gaf is to uphold discourse and all you get from OT is just diarrhea being spilled from certain corners. and you can't even say this is an assumption, as there is written proof that mods will specifically favor posters on certain teams and hunt down reasons to perm people they disagree with.  :lol

mhwilliams is GOAT social issues poster tho

posts the only text walls i'm willing to read.  :rejoice

I actually agree with this. I don't agree with everything he posts but I do actually read his all the way through without my eyes involuntarily rolling back.

Cant Creepy Stalker just make a new gaf account ?

No. Our registration process is foolproof. Nobody who has ever been banned has successfully reregistered for another account.
speaking of where is eggman. i miss the guy.  :(

Couldn't tell you where he is now. All I can tell you is that he certainly never registered another GAF account.


  • Senior Member
She named her kid apple, right?

If you name your kid after a fruit, choose a better fruit.


  • Senior Member
I'm still not sure what a social justice warrior is.

I think I'm better off that way.


  • Senior Member
The funny thing is that a year ago I would have been called one of GAF's SJW posters, but then the hardcore progressives got even harder core and continued to until they were unrecognizable because of the froth coming out of their mouths. It's like GamerGate was their version of 9/11 and they're all leftist Frank Millers.

It broke their brains. They're in a negative feedback loop of anger and accusation. One day I think there will be clinics with large groups of them in linen robes yelling at each other about the inflections in each others' voices or quirks of their eyebrows when they ask for seconds of dessert.

If that's the price to pay for another GooberGate never happening/gaining as much steam, I'd say it's worth it. :yeshrug


  • Senior Member
Watermelon, oranges, strawberries, cherries > apples >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>pears

Pineapple :mouf

Pomegranate :leon

The two GOAT fruits. :lawd

El Babua

  • Senior Member
It's Esch's birthday? HBD pleighboi :rejoice


  • Senior Member
The post with a track from SH: Covenant was better than Creepy Stalker's endless music links from the FF13 saga.

Zephyr you can't say that without linking to Ladder to Heaven.  :rejoice

Such a great track. Shame that Yoshitaka Hirota hasn't landed any notable work since.


  • Swings Both Ways
  • Senior Member
Fuck Esch for removing me from his Facebook :bolo


  • Live Más
  • Senior Member
The funny thing is that a year ago I would have been called one of GAF's SJW posters, but then the hardcore progressives got even harder core and continued to until they were unrecognizable because of the froth coming out of their mouths. It's like GamerGate was their version of 9/11 and they're all leftist Frank Millers.

It broke their brains. They're in a negative feedback loop of anger and accusation. One day I think there will be clinics with large groups of them in linen robes yelling at each other about the inflections in each others' voices or quirks of their eyebrows when they ask for seconds of dessert.
you need money to go to a clinic. they're gonna be hobos on the street that call you hobophobic for not giving them a quarter or respecting xir pronouns.


  • Senior Member
I'm still not sure what a social justice warrior is.

I think I'm better off that way.
A disparaging term that only complete dumbfucks use in any serious manner.


  • Senior Member
Watching Labor get eviscerated in the social justice bullies thread is hilarious. He genuinely has no idea how much of a douchenozzle he is.

That thread is hilarious in how it proves exactly what the article talks about.  It's a live case study.

The hunting thread was a better example.  "Cunt" "let's slit her throat" "people who smile in photos with dead animals should be shot" "she has 8 children she is evil"

Pretty much a permissible gamer gate thread.

Joe Molotov

  • I'm much more humble than you would understand.
  • Administrator
Watermelon, oranges, strawberries, cherries > apples >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>pears

Fresh, crispy pears tho. :lawd

Olivia Wilde Homo

  • Proud Kinkshamer
  • Senior Member
Most of the progressive/social justice gaffers (and tumblrites, etc.) are angry and bitter assholes who latched onto social justice as a way of making their assholery seem righteous.  500 years ago, they'd be the same people who would be cheering on a public execution of a heretic.  Anything to make their shitty lives just a little more palatable.


  • Live Más
  • Senior Member
Damn Labor is a real cunt in that thread, more than usual. Not used to getting owned so hard I guess.


  • Senior Member
Most of the progressive/social justice gaffers (and tumblrites, etc.) are angry and bitter assholes who latched onto social justice as a way of making their assholery seem righteous.  500 years ago, they'd be the same people who would be cheering on a public execution of a heretic.  Anything to make their shitty lives just a little more palatable.

I'm amazed how unlikeable that set is on GAF.  I basically agree with them, but man, talk about having to swallow a shit sandwich before getting to the desserts.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
Uhh, calling your publicly-displayed mental issues an "alternate reality game" doesn't really fool anyone, man... :(
I like this angle. I'll tell my therapist and psychiatrist they're actually trapped in an ARG.

The problem with the "progressive" posters on Gaf is they come across as completely unlikable assholes that don't realize that diplomacy, word play, and not snapping someone's dick off instantly could lead to more people empathizing with their viewpoints. Passive aggressiveness, outright hate, and snark can only get you so far.
Now you tell me.


  • GunOn™! Apply directly to forehead!
  • Senior Member
Rahx, everyone knows Crystal Chronicles is the best FF game. Sorry you're one of the weirdos that can't see that. :yeshrug

(Image removed from quote.)

Do you like feggy half hour long animu cutscenes with skinny effeminate boys jumping around with phallic swords in between boring turn-based battles, or some plot-bare pure old-fashioned fun-as-hell co-op action-RPG gameplay?

Wait, I think I have my answer... ;)

Now :ufup , right?

FFXII:I:ZJS isn't turn-based battles. It's MMO action-RPG ish with a "turn-based" like system but not exact.

Now if you're talking FFVIII, maybe.

Cant Creepy Stalker just make a new gaf account ?

No. Our registration process is foolproof. Nobody who has ever been banned has successfully reregistered for another account.
speaking of where is eggman. i miss the guy.  :(

I missed seeing his dick, which is how I got him banned by demi here.  :'( Go to sleep when people post dick pics, brehs.


  • Senior Member
Eggman is probably on GAF, under some alt.

He's probably under the radar, tho.


  • GunOn™! Apply directly to forehead!
  • Senior Member
Nah, I haven't seen any alts that pull a Stealthfan on how much they want to shoot their load on some women there.


  • Swings Both Ways
  • Senior Member
what's pull a stealthfan


  • GunOn™! Apply directly to forehead!
  • Senior Member
what's pull a stealthfan

:comeon You know exactly what I'm talking about.


  • Swings Both Ways
  • Senior Member


  • GunOn™! Apply directly to forehead!
  • Senior Member

:comeon These style of posts. Though Eggman was worse on GAF.


  • Swings Both Ways
  • Senior Member
That shit is tame, nicca.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
  • Senior Member


  • Senior Member
Whose pus we talking about


  • It was all going to be very admirable and noble and it would show us - philosophically - what it means to be human.
  • Senior Member
The post with a track from SH: Covenant was better than Creepy Stalker's endless music links from the FF13 saga.

Zephyr you can't say that without linking to Ladder to Heaven.  :rejoice

:bow Shadow Hearts :bow2


  • GunOn™! Apply directly to forehead!
  • Senior Member
That shit is tame, nicca.

Yes, but those outbursts are what I'm talking about "you"-ing. Eggman pulled similar stuff but in every thread on GAF with a woman's picture in it. Shit got disgusting and annoying really fast.


  • 🧘‍♂️
  • Senior Member
You should see his Facebook statuses.  :whew

Stealthfan is still young and virile. Stop hating, fuccboi.


  • Senior Member

Let's suck ourselves off for a while because <industry person> is in a commercial.  /BANDERASFTWAMIRITEKAZGABEN


  • Member

Let's suck ourselves off for a while because <industry person> is in a commercial.  /BANDERASFTWAMIRITEKAZGABEN

Love Adam.

Great guy, gave us a great E3 last year and a ton of great PS4 games last year. Also, glad that features that have been announced at the PS4 reveal like suspend/resume are now part of the PS4 feature list after 2 years. Currently playing Driveclub PS+ Edition and having a blast. Love men who love their customers

Great guy, did a lot of great things for us. Hope to see him in the new Star Wars movie. Imagine spaceships that are shaped like the PS4 - that'd be rad tbh #ForceThePlayers. Love the PS family, more than my own at times tbh. Rad group of people. When masturbating to Iwata pictures did nothing for me anymore I discovered Adam and now everything is fine

Gotta head off to the church right now and pray that the PS4 will sell 20 milli more units, bless bless


  • And I'm pretty sure fuck you (italics implied)
  • Senior Member
All these Creepy Stalker likes are really freaking me out, man. :-\

If you link this stupid ass forum one more time I'm going to figure out where you live, fly over, and throw your fucking PC out the window. Doubt me I dare you.


  • brutal deluxe
  • Senior Member
just got to the sjw thread. i dunno. there's something about the unavoidably academic sneer of a college paper that i can't abide. ironically is the sort of tone that some of the more socially conscious rabble rousers tend to employ to wrap their vicariously hurt feelings and desire to make their mark as ultimo rights commando in a bow of intellectualism. it's like when you get an internal work email from a mate and they suddenly start talking to you like they're writing a letter to the bank.

the problem isn't that they're necessarily wrong, or being bellends, it's that they're being bellends but have all the peer approved tools they need to deflect any accusations of bellendery.


  • Member
The problem with social justice threads is that they fucking suck and everybody knows it.

People invested in that stuff act as if you killed their parents when you say something that isn't 100% compatible with their opinions. My favorite sentences are "Are you FUCKING serious right now?!" and "Jesus Christ, this can't be real". Those people do not understand that the majority of people are probably more decent than they can articulate that decency in a way that won't offend any thin-skinned passive-aggressive moron. One of the major problems I see with the whole SJ movement is that they act as if every person grows up with the same set of values and understandings of all kinds of things which is insane. Like, you can't expect everybody to know the 'right' thing and then attack them for it.

Be a fucking decent person, treat others like you want to be treated, all humans are equal no matter what they believe in, no matter what they have between their legs and no matter what they prefer to fuck as long as it's legal. There, did I just solve this super-complex riddle that is social justice?

I mean we have to get to fucking space at some point, for fucks sake - the clock is ticking


  • Member
Haha. I don't want DF to get traffic, but I also want you guys to understand where I am coming from. My next post in this thread will be the last time I link to DF.


  • Member
Haha. I don't want DF to get traffic, but I also want you guys to understand where I am coming from. My next post in this thread will be the last time I link to DF.



  • Member
« Last Edit: April 21, 2015, 03:23:46 AM by Narolf »

Take My Breh Away

  • Senior Member
The problem with social justice threads is that they fucking suck and everybody knows it.

People invested in that stuff act as if you killed their parents when you say something that isn't 100% compatible with their opinions. My favorite sentences are "Are you FUCKING serious right now?!" and "Jesus Christ, this can't be real". Those people do not understand that the majority of people are probably more decent than they can articulate that decency in a way that won't offend any thin-skinned passive-aggressive moron. One of the major problems I see with the whole SJ movement is that they act as if every person grows up with the same set of values and understandings of all kinds of things which is insane. Like, you can't expect everybody to know the 'right' thing and then attack them for it.

Be a fucking decent person, treat others like you want to be treated, all humans are equal no matter what they believe in, no matter what they have between their legs and no matter what they prefer to fuck as long as it's legal. There, did I just solve this super-complex riddle that is social justice?

I mean we have to get to fucking space at some point, for fucks sake - the clock is ticking

Don't forget that awful appropriation of PTSD and other mental illnesses people struggle with. Hell, I nearly was killed when I was a kid and have specific PTSD that still won't shake. It's awful, life crippling stuff I wouldn't wish on anyone and can only imagine what it's like for ex-military dealing with it. The panic attacks alone will fuck your shit up and are utterly horrible to go through. I have no sympathy for the SJW movement at all simply because they make lives harder with their "best intentions" (The road to hell, etc). But y'know, scream "trigger warning" and get "Triggered" at discussions on-line and pretend to be affected by a genuinely crippling illness.   

Drive down the discourse of mental illness in the mainstream by appropriating it to fuel your special snowflake complex, brehs. 

Mr. Nobody

  • Groovy.
  • Senior Member
Get negged then repped less than 24 hours later

The ups and downs of real talk on the Coli  :aah


  • Senior Member
The problem with social justice threads is that they fucking suck and everybody knows it.

People invested in that stuff act as if you killed their parents when you say something that isn't 100% compatible with their opinions. My favorite sentences are "Are you FUCKING serious right now?!" and "Jesus Christ, this can't be real". Those people do not understand that the majority of people are probably more decent than they can articulate that decency in a way that won't offend any thin-skinned passive-aggressive moron. One of the major problems I see with the whole SJ movement is that they act as if every person grows up with the same set of values and understandings of all kinds of things which is insane. Like, you can't expect everybody to know the 'right' thing and then attack them for it.

Be a fucking decent person, treat others like you want to be treated, all humans are equal no matter what they believe in, no matter what they have between their legs and no matter what they prefer to fuck as long as it's legal. There, did I just solve this super-complex riddle that is social justice?

I mean we have to get to fucking space at some point, for fucks sake - the clock is ticking

Don't forget that awful appropriation of PTSD and other mental illnesses people struggle with. Hell, I nearly was killed when I was a kid and have specific PTSD that still won't shake. It's awful, life crippling stuff I wouldn't wish on anyone and can only imagine what it's like for ex-military dealing with it. The panic attacks alone will fuck your shit up and are utterly horrible to go through. I have no sympathy for the SJW movement at all simply because they make lives harder with their "best intentions" (The road to hell, etc). But y'know, scream "trigger warning" and get "Triggered" at discussions on-line and pretend to be affected by a genuinely crippling illness.   

Drive down the discourse of mental illness in the mainstream by appropriating it to fuel your special snowflake complex, brehs.

Trigger warnings are just spoilers.

Joe Molotov

  • I'm much more humble than you would understand.
  • Administrator
All these Creepy Stalker likes are really freaking me out, man. :-\

If you link this stupid ass forum one more time I'm going to figure out where you live, fly over, and throw your fucking PC out the window. Doubt me I dare you.

Jokes on you, the padded cell doesn't have windows.