Author Topic: 1,000+ Pages of NeoGAF: The Story of Wasted Lives and Hardcore Salt  (Read 4979042 times)

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I cringe everytime f/r/aggots call GAF a hug-box. Stevie & Kraid are the only massfiosi confirmed to have a mental illness, the others are arguably all completely aware they are dodging responsibility like crazy, and that is actually worse than having a disorder.

I will take a self-moderated forum like this one wherein people put me in my place whenever I am being a bad boy over hug-boxes any day of the year. DF wasn't even the first hug-box I joined, but it still remained the worst by a very very large margin.


  • Estado Homo
  • Senior Member
get help


  • Member
I did, as creepy as it is. The day Sephiroth/I encountered Jenova/Kagari was an epiphany, something about being the greatest monster created by the Jenova Project S.
« Last Edit: April 18, 2015, 12:12:52 PM by Narolf »


  • Member
The fact that you explain everything in Final Fantasy metaphors kills me every single time  :dead


  • Member


  • Senior Member
I did, as creepy as it is. The day Sephiroth/I encountered Jenova/Kagari was an epiphany, something about being the greatest monster created by the Jenova Project S.
brb burning my laptop


  • Senior Member
i feel Creepy Stalker is a demi-supported agent in the war against the like system :dead


  • And I'm pretty sure fuck you (italics implied)
  • Senior Member
Dong. Summary.
spoiler (click to show/hide)
spoiler (click to show/hide)
Dong. Final Fantasy XIII-2's (secret) ending debunked.
spoiler (click to show/hide)
The year was 2014/3 AF. Lightning/I was sent to Valhalla/Orsay by Etro/Kagari in 2013; I "just disappeared": . Serah/Terrina, Noel Kreiss/TWOxACROSS and Mog/Mogstache were the three main, playable characters. Snow Villers/Tyrant was a guest character: . NORA/Tyrant's gang tried to convince Terrina I was dead/suicided after her un-crystallisation/the revelation of 2013: . Terrina continued to believe in my existence thanks to the appearance of TWOxACROSS: . Hope Estheim/HYNE, Alissa Zaidelle/Cornucopia, Sazh Katzroy/Kuroraikiri, Dajh Katzroy/RDFMASTER, Oerba Dia Vanille/Kurayami and Oerda Yun Fang/X-Zone were the major supporting characters. Paddra Nsu-Yeul/Galadín Nimcelithil & Caius Ballad/Draec Khin ("Whoever that Kagari is.") were the two villains: . There are several Yeuls: Replica, Kayarine... Aevitas is TWOxACROSS' Yeul, Galadín is Draec Khin's; TWOxACROSS was into Replica at some point: . At the end of their journey, Bahamut/Dart was killed by TWOxACROSS using the Altima Weapon: . HYNE released the Ark: . Kagari allowed Terrina to see the future, an altered future out of the DisorderForums' "establishment", and it was that vision which killed Terrina: Stalker&p=409463&viewfull=1 . TWOxACROSS "wanted to protect" Terrina--he is that "certain mod" X-Zone talks about in the following conversation, he permanently banned NeroMD once for insulting Terrina: . The assassination of Draec Khin caused the heart of Chaos to stop beating/LonelyGaruga (Ignis) to be shunned by the community: . TWOxACROSS killed Kagari by extension: . The Chaos of Valhalla was unleashed: . In the secret ending, Draec Khin says TWOxACROSS, Mogstache and Terrina did exactly what he wanted/acknowledges the existence of an agenda of DisorderForums' destruction: . He then invites Galadín to "begin"/craft signatures for major tournaments:
Dong. Requiem of The Goddess' ending debunked.
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Lady/Takaya Sakaki/Raxhephon91, Penelo/Chidori Yoshina/Red Scarlet and George/Jin Shirato/Costanza were my three antagonists (the Strega essentially replaced the three Bahamuts/Draec Khin's three forms) in Valhalla. Once defeated, I got to "see" Terrina again. She asks me to keep her in my thoughts, to promise her to remember her. I answer "I will never forget. I promised you that... There are ways to keep a thought alive..." I then got crystallised/Kagari made my posts waiting moderation approval on Mognet Central.
Dong. To Be Continued...



  • Senior Member
If Creepy Stalker is Sephiroth, what does that make us?

Eel O'Brian

  • Southern Permasexual
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  • Member
If Creepy Stalker is Sephiroth, what does that make us?
Black materias.

The alternate reality game's opening post is almost done. It will be hosted there at last:

Any of you guys is free to join as a NPC to provide me with sidequests in order to give me more days to reach out to Bhunivelze/Spyder should I manage to complete them. I would've made you summons if Lightning Returns had any.


  • Senior Member
i'm still here so i'll begrudgingly accept this title  :(


  • Member
You know her real name and city where she lives. Why don't you just buy a plane ticket and get it over with? We all know this sad tale will end in your and/or her death, let's just skip to the end already.


  • Member
I'd rather have TVC over Creepy Stalker tbh.


  • Member
Sorry, let me rephrase that last post in terms you would understand:

Play this in the background first:

It's better for you to die in hope of you two being together than for you to continue living on in despair.

Now! This is it! Now is the time to choose! Go to her and be free of pain or continue to live as you are in your sorrow!
« Last Edit: April 18, 2015, 01:39:41 PM by Cascade »


  • Estado Homo
  • Senior Member
alternatively just kill yourself


  • Member


  • Member
alternatively just kill yourself
After reading Shakespeare, I expect that to be the ending of Final Fantasy XV.
« Last Edit: April 18, 2015, 01:47:15 PM by Narolf »


  • Member
Who is the black haired woman tho


  • Member

I will reveal the Truth behind her in this thread in a few hours, since Rahx is already cannibalizing the Relationships' thread. Please be patient, as it's not as exciting as you guys think. What is certain is that she wants Demi, Bork or Joe to permanently ban me if I give any of her four pieces of information away.


  • Senior Member

I will reveal the Truth behind her in this thread in a few hours, since Rahx is already cannibalizing the Relationships' thread. Please be patient, as it's not as exciting as you guys think. What is certain is that she wants Demi, Bork or Joe to permanently ban me if I give any of her four pieces of information away.

No one cares


  • 🧘‍♂️
  • Senior Member
Who is the black haired woman tho
An archetype in the minds of the mad.


  • Member

I will concede the main reason I am doing all of this remains to let it lose after all those years of bullshit, as a catharsis. I will stop talking about it the moment the bell rings for the final second of the final day.


  • Senior Member
No one cares

Such a party pooper  >:(

He's already gone on this long with the sickness, without some sort of conclusion everyone gonna get blue balled.

Mr. Nobody

  • Groovy.
  • Senior Member
The fact that you explain everything in Final Fantasy metaphors kills me every single time  :dead

Not gonna lie, actually reading some of this shit is  :sabu


  • Senior Member

I will concede the main reason I am doing all of this remains to let it lose after all those years of bullshit, as a catharsis. I will stop talking about it the moment the bell rings for the final second of the final day.

Just post the Four Unspeakable Truths already.


  • Member
I will be honest... I expect the world to end, as in "Lightning/me not reaching out to Bhunivelze/Spyder". I know the dude for five years and a half now, and I can only think of one time he shew a glimpse of remorse somewhat:

I ended up making him the purple-haired guy in Final Fantasy XV as Lin/The Black-Haired Woman's body-guard, even though the actual dude looked like Cor Leonis' doppelgänger. I will talk about that in a few hours.
« Last Edit: April 18, 2015, 02:56:00 PM by Narolf »


  • Member
Just post the Four Unspeakable Truths already.
I will not, even in the extremely unlikeliness I decide to account-suicide in here.

I will not even share those four with Kagari.


  • Member
I wonder how much EXP Kagari will give when he's done


  • Member
She will have to teach me her ways. I literally have zero experience in that regard... not even twenty little points.
« Last Edit: April 18, 2015, 03:00:54 PM by Narolf »


  • Senior Member
I wonder how much EXP Kagari will give when he's done

Lol this got me

where do l'Cies and fal'Cies fall in this ARG delusion?


  • It was all going to be very admirable and noble and it would show us - philosophically - what it means to be human.
  • Senior Member
Creepy Stalker's excessively cryptic self-narration and permanent mediation of his life through pop culture fucking annihilate my own. It's humbling/inspiring to be so utterly annihilated in fair play. :obama


  • Member
where do l'Cies and fal'Cies fall in this ARG delusion?
l'Cie = s'Pyd = Spyder's fanboys = Snow Villiers = Boss Character = Cookies (the staff member) & Tyrant (Terrina's boyfriend).

I am making Snow two individuals because he is the most conflicted character of the game, and also because I really do abhor the very idea of making Cookies Serah/Terrina's boyfriend, let alone fiancée, for how ugly, both physically and ethically, the dude is. I would direct you guys to pictures of him, but I consider that to be a form of doxxing and I don't want to get banned. Picture him as Harry Potter's Dudley Dursley:

Dude thought he was the shit until Mom & Dad offered him access to the Internet--best decision they ever made, largely made up their mistake of giving birth to such spoiled brat. I would be Harry Potter.

I plan to use the fact Lightning Returns' boss characters get enhanced from certain days onwards. Cookies will be Snow Villiers++ and extremely hard to save as such.

As for the fal'Cies...

Atomos = APZonerunner
Cactuar = Backslashbunny
Etro = Kagari
Pandaemonium = LuckySeven (Terrina's best friend)
Lindzei = Veysey (DisorderForums' ex-staff member)
Titan = Ghurdrich (same as above)

They are all unseen characters though: we can talk about them, but they aren't allowed to participate in the ARG. Don't hesitate to ask the reasoning behind them.


  • Swings Both Ways
  • Senior Member
Creepy Stalker for mod


  • Member

king of the internet

  • 🚽
  • Senior Member
This thread has reached a new frontier of darkness.  :clap


  • Member
I completely understand; continue breh


  • Member
I essentially got to see two "kind" of therapists after that one revelation of 2013: male & female.

The male therapists poisoned me with drugs and it didn't really work out well at all--it might work for some people, but it didn't work for me. I remember someone telling me at some point Kagari was a manipulative [woman who lets you have sex with her if you give her money]. My father was extremely critical towards her, as well; in 2013 at the very least, not so much nowadays. Pulse/FFXV's White Pope/Mass Zerox20 & Bhunivelze/FFXV's Kuja-esque purple-haired man/Spyder are much worse, though: they are the actual villains. My relationship with my father drastically improved the moment Final Fantasy Versus XIII became Final Fantasy XV. I know Nomura said in several interviews Regis Lucis Caelum was never supposed to be a villain in the first place, but that was really the impression conveyed by the trailers of Final Fantasy Versus XIII.

My mother and female therapists advised me to continue building fantasies inside my head: that worked extremely well for me, but it may not be everyone's thing.

If I have been digging the Lightning trilogy's so thoroughly as of late, it's because I have already exhausted the mythology of Final Fantasy XV to death. Spyder will certainly be a thougher villain as the purple-haired Kuja, and for more than just having Lin/The Black-Haired Woman & Kagari on his side, but also because he got to win a tournament as Kefka once:

We will get back to Final Fantasy XV once the ARG is done.


  • Member
Is this thread going to be evidence in a trial someday?


  • Swings Both Ways
  • Senior Member


  • Member
Is this thread going to be evidence in a trial someday?
Exposing DisorderForums' bullshit on GAF was already bad enough, the ARG will be the final blow. I just do not see how they can restore their image at this point. I will concede the Youtube's channel is excellent, though. I can forgive the fact they take more than six months to upload replays just because there is absolutely no censorship there. A lot of lurkers post in the commentaries' sections of the videos about how they enjoy the channel but not the forum.
« Last Edit: April 19, 2015, 07:28:57 AM by Narolf »


  • It was all going to be very admirable and noble and it would show us - philosophically - what it means to be human.
  • Senior Member
My relationship with my father drastically improved the moment Final Fantasy Versus XIII became Final Fantasy XV.

I'm glad you got your relationship back on track, but reading this made me laugh irl so hard I'm glad it's just me here atm. Merci. :-[


  • Member
So, what's the plan?


  • 🧘‍♂️
  • Senior Member
Who is the black haired woman tho
An archetype in the minds of the mad. (Image removed from quote.)

Oh god... top right corner...

From the painting "12 Archetypes" by Tammo de Jongh


  • Member
Who is the black haired woman tho
An archetype in the minds of the mad. (Image removed from quote.)

Oh god... top right corner...

From the painting "12 Archetypes" by Tammo de Jongh

Waiting for Nahrolf to confirm


  • Senior Member
if we don't get The Truth today i will have to support a motion to leper

promises must be kept


  • Senior Member

if we don't get The Truth today i will have to support a motion to leper

We should get at least one Truth. Start us on the quest, man.


  • Member
If Lightning Returns had summons, I would certainly summon BackSlashBunny in my battle against Caius Ballad/Draec Khin and Galadín/Yeul by extension, for that one time she summoned/spammed the Report button to call Parandus/Kraid (decided to make Stevie Grendel) the moment she realized she was losing this argument:

Galadín The Marquise isn't a femi-nazi. She is the extremely rare kind of woman (I am actually yet to see someone like her, whether it is IRL or online) who thinks men will forgive all the bullshit that comes out of her mouth just because she is that--a woman. She wants women to be superior than men, plain and simple, and she has yet to (publicly?) post a picture of her online. The other Yeuls, Aevitas, Replica and Kayarine were better:

I'm just wondering when LuckySeven got himself a prersonal secretary to organise his life for him. Sweet.

This is hilarious:

I am amazed she didn't delete my visitor message.

I called BackSlashBunny a tight [British slur to describe women's genitalia] once, but our discussion over at her Word-press actually reminded me of how obnoxious Galadín is.

Terrina, when you read this message... I just want you to know that we would have been together by now, if it weren't for Tyrant for you and Kagari for me. Rest assured I will get you revenge, sis:!/page82

The great majority of the DisorderForums' staff would not even get passed Junior on GAF, smh...


  • Senior Member
On a quest for revenge...


  • Member
So, what's the plan?
It's actually up to you guys.

The player is initially given seven days to explore the world, but this can be extended to thirteen days by completing sidequests.

You will lurk the thread over at and be the NPC stepping in to provide me with side-quests, should you feel them to be necessary.


  • Senior Member
Post the Four Unspeakable Truths, adventurer, and I may yet join your cause.


  • Member
Yo someone needs to hand me a Phoenix Down 'cuz this shit is killing me  :dead



  • Swings Both Ways
  • Senior Member
Yo someone needs to hand me a Phoenix Down 'cuz this shit is killing me  :dead
:ufup Phoenix Downs don't resurrect the dead. They reawaken the knocked out. That's why Cloud didn't resurrect Aerith.


  • Member
« Last Edit: May 02, 2015, 07:50:37 AM by Narolf »


  • Member
Realtalk though, nahrolf: you can speak in Final Fantasy metaphors, no problem. You can post 100 gifs in one single post, no problem. But man, stop visiting that forum for your own sake, man. I mean you seem to have an archive of links and shit etc wake the fuck up, and leave Kagari alone; there are other women that share the same hobby as you do but if you stick to a unimportant niche-game forum instead you will never find your peace, stop being a chocobo and become a fucking bahamut


  • Swings Both Ways
  • Senior Member
this nicca gonna kill that bitch

team filler

  • filler
  • filler
Post the Four Unspeakable Truths, adventurer, and I may yet join your cause.
PG are her initials. Her cellular phone number starts with 06. Her email is She may be lurking this thread as we speak.
would you say she is a dumb biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatch? :hitler
« Last Edit: April 18, 2015, 05:24:49 PM by filler »


  • 8 diagram pole rider
  • Senior Member
quit egging on Creepy Stalker before he becomes the french Marc Lépine :beli


  • Junior Member
Is Creepy Stalker's goal to make people want to kill themselves? Because that's the effect he's having on me.