Author Topic: It's 20XX and people are mad online about Star War!  (Read 569745 times)

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Re: How bout that Star War huh?
« Reply #2160 on: December 16, 2017, 09:02:10 PM »
the Finn/Rose storyline was as bad as anything from Jar Jar.

You've got to be kidding me here.  :lol :rofl

No I am not.

I would respect the opinion of people who like the movie if they would reduce people's problems with it as something to do with expectations or we didn't get _____ out of it. I have said why I think it's shit and I'm tired of people assuming my motives or putting words in my mouth and saying shit about expectations which makes them sound distinguished mentally-challenged shills.

Which is what I said.

You didn't like it; not it was an objectively bad movie. IF you think that then why? Rose and Finn were there to show reasons to fight a war beyond Finn's initial hate and anger. It was also there for the overarching theme of failure and growing from it.

Jar Jar was there for bad comic relief and racism.

Re: How bout that Star War huh?
« Reply #2161 on: December 16, 2017, 09:02:58 PM »
Cindi, remember when we talked about taking a break from the internet earlier?

I think some OT fans need to take a break.

People around the net have been losing their minds over silly shit. I can't take people serious when they try to argue the new trilogy is on par with "Jar Jar" and "MY LOVE FOR YOU IS A WATERFALL" or my favorite "LETS TALK POLITICS IN A FICTIONAL UNIVERSE FOR HOURS"

You are welcome to not like them by all means. But don't try to be disingenuous and seriously argue they are critically equal to the prequels.

I can say what I want. You haven't even asked why I personally think it's on par with the prequels. Because you don't care. Please go back to Reset or whatever hole you came from.

When you compare story beats to anything Jar Jar yes I tend to react negatively. Read the above then and respond why you feel that way?


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Re: How bout that Star War huh?
« Reply #2162 on: December 16, 2017, 09:03:32 PM »
I think we can all agree

spoiler (click to show/hide)
the vacuum of space Leia was cringey as fuck

It was like Mary Poppins in space.


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Re: How bout that Star War huh?
« Reply #2163 on: December 16, 2017, 09:03:38 PM »
the Finn/Rose storyline was as bad as anything from Jar Jar.

You've got to be kidding me here.  :lol :rofl

No I am not.

I would respect the opinion of people who like the movie if they would reduce people's problems with it as something to do with expectations or we didn't get _____ out of it. I have said why I think it's shit and I'm tired of people assuming my motives or putting words in my mouth and saying shit about expectations which makes them sound distinguished mentally-challenged shills.

Which is what I said.

You didn't like it; not it was an objectively bad movie. IF you think that then why? Rose and Finn were there to show reasons to fight a war beyond Finn's initial hate and anger. It was also there for the overarching theme of failure and growing from it.

Jar Jar was there for bad comic relief and racism.

That is clearly a typo you dumbass.

Re: How bout that Star War huh?
« Reply #2164 on: December 16, 2017, 09:07:05 PM »
the Finn/Rose storyline was as bad as anything from Jar Jar.

You've got to be kidding me here.  :lol :rofl

No I am not.

I would respect the opinion of people who like the movie if they would reduce people's problems with it as something to do with expectations or we didn't get _____ out of it. I have said why I think it's shit and I'm tired of people assuming my motives or putting words in my mouth and saying shit about expectations which makes them sound distinguished mentally-challenged shills.

Which is what I said.

You didn't like it; not it was an objectively bad movie. IF you think that then why? Rose and Finn were there to show reasons to fight a war beyond Finn's initial hate and anger. It was also there for the overarching theme of failure and growing from it.

Jar Jar was there for bad comic relief and racism.

That is clearly a typo you dumbass.

Ok, still explain why you feel that way?

I mean continuing to cry and call me names kinda plays into the whole angry fan shit I was talking about.


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Re: How bout that Star War huh?
« Reply #2165 on: December 16, 2017, 09:09:15 PM »
Rogue One and especially Last Jedi were prequel status to me. At least George was passionate about inserting weird world building.

(Image removed from quote.)

Yeah, you're one of those "fans".

Comparing dumpster fires with bad direction, wooden acting and terrible storytelling to movies with actual thought and naunce.

Except Rogue One. That's just a war film; but a damn good one.

It’s a war documentary.


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Re: How bout that Star War huh?
« Reply #2166 on: December 16, 2017, 09:18:50 PM »
Cindi, remember when we talked about taking a break from the internet earlier?

I think some OT fans need to take a break.

People around the net have been losing their minds over silly shit. I can't take people serious when they try to argue the new trilogy is on par with "Jar Jar" and "MY LOVE FOR YOU IS A WATERFALL" or my favorite "LETS TALK POLITICS IN A FICTIONAL UNIVERSE FOR HOURS"

You are welcome to not like them by all means. But don't try to be disingenuous and seriously argue they are critically equal to the prequels.

I can say what I want. You haven't even asked why I personally think it's on par with the prequels. Because you don't care. Please go back to Reset or whatever hole you came from.

When you compare story beats to anything Jar Jar yes I tend to react negatively. Read the above then and respond why you feel that way?

- over emphasis on action, there's very little room to breathe so to speak. TFA I give credit to because it's the first in a trilogy. It reminded me how in the prequel trilogy there's so much action all the time and that they felt that's what audiences wanted. Same thing here. Very few scenes that are sit down and talk. Nah, need to have a mutiiny. Gotta have some over ling casino sequence and escape chase. Gotta have bombers - :lol in space. The amount of action was ridiculous and easily fell into George's vapid mindset he used in the prequels.

- too much emphasis on creating silly humor. The prequels are mired in dumbass fun for the whole family schlock from things like the flying diner dude, Jar Jar stepping the poopie, or R2 becoming a God and always saving the day somehow, some way. It's no different here. You've got unnecessary chases with characters on cat horses and jumping through glass in that Hollywood sort of way, weird scenes like the alien dude putting coins in BB8 that are done just to be quirky and lol mom did you see that, the entire dialogue between Hux and Poe at the beginning has zero place in a Star Wars and felt more in place in a Star Wars parody, there's a joke every 30 seconds, and BB8 is always there to conveniently save the day. The tone is family oriented in a way that doesn't mean to offend, much like the prequels, where there's high stakes and yet everything still feels like a joke.

- shallow characters in Finn, Poe, Rose, Holdo, and arguably Rey. Kylo, Luke and Leia are the standouts and that's partially because we know the history of two of them.

- less emphasis on Rey. It fully fails the "who is the main character" test much like The Phantom Menace, where there's too much emphasis on so many different groups that it loses focus and weight. A big reason TFA worked for me is because it's largely about Rey and her growth and her urge to be a part of something. The fact that Luke, Rey, Snoke, and Kylo - easily the best element of the movie - does not take center stage in lieu of Finn and his stupid Asian girlfriends bullshit was a massive fuck up. It came out like a giant mish mash much like TPM.

I feel ROTS is better and I don't even like ROTS.

I put it on par or slightly better than TPM. The Finn/Rose storyline and the kiss at the end made it feel like the pod racing story on TPM for me. In other words, a giant waste of time.

A post made right when I got from the movies that further highlights my issues:

Let's be real.

spoiler (click to show/hide)
Characters - Every character is a moron except Luke, Leia, and the Vice-Admiral. Even the Vice Admiral barely makes that list because she left the fleet like sitting ducks without so much as a description as to what their plan was. Poe is a fucking idiot and should be executed. That's been covered.Finn and Rose are also fucking idiots. Not only do they not complete their mission but they completely fuck it up and get caught for a pointless reason. Their entire side story was dreadful. The "love you" at the end between them wasn't earned. Before then, they just made jokes and went on some dumb ass overly adventure. Love tho? Really? Snoke is stupid. Rey is stupid. Ben is stupid. Almost every character here does something without thinking first. It doesn't feel like Star Wars. It feels like some Marvel movie in terms of characterization. Luke and BB-8 are literally the only competent fuckers around in this movie.

Themes - The theme of placing hopes and dreams on heroic sacrifice and hero worship could have made for a good movie. Except the film muddles its own ideas because 1. Luke saves the rebellion by acting as a hero to sacrifice himself for the Rebellion, and 2. so does the Vice Admiral. So its themes don't work. So what is it trying to say? Don't rely on legends, don't rely on heroes except...some of the time? This is bat fucking distinguished mentally-challenged. As it is, this makes the story completely incoherent. You could throw in the the theme about light and darkness and how all is one, but the movie doens't really go anywhere with it and it still plays with binary Star Wars, especially since Kylo stays with the First Order and is still very much a bad guy. I was hoping for a hint that the Force - the TRUE Force - blends light and dark together to complete a balanced whole or play with Rey's darkness, and it was just one giant cheeseburger cock tease. As it is, the themes are dog shit and feel rushed.

Story and pacing - I was so fucking bored. Almost every sequence is high thrills. Much like with TFA (which I give credit to for being the first in a trilogy) and Rogue One every scene just HAS to be some modern shitty chase scene or some fight. There's no sit down like in Empire where the Falcon is inside that alien's gut. Finn and Rose's part of the movie is terrible. Poe committing mutiny was distinguished mentally-challenged. Am I supposed to cheer for these characters? I feel absolutely nothing even as the rebellion dies ship by ship, one by one. Despite the high stakes nothing really seems to matter, and didn't matter because a hero would come at the end of the day. And the ending with the little kid looking at the Rebellion ring, gazing at the horizon like Luke did? That was so fucking cheesy and laughable.

Summary: overly action-packed movie that barely understands Star Wars or its appeal with bad characters, little reason for emotional investment in any character (besides Luke). Poor pacing, poor writing, muddled themes, and just fucking boring despite the sheer number of blaster pews.

Rating: D+, another prequel tier Star Wars movie.
« Last Edit: December 16, 2017, 09:36:29 PM by Cindi Mayweather »


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Re: How bout that Star War huh?
« Reply #2167 on: December 16, 2017, 09:21:04 PM »
Rogue One was supreme meh.

Can't name a character from the film. Can barely remember a character besides samurai buddy.

I think the problem or frustrations stemming from how the OT and the new series connect is that it acts like its a cycle of the force with elements repeating, but its not a cycle at all. It's just a reset. A proper cycle would have had some history and change following RoJ that would eventually lead from brief peace into future strife.  The new series decides to just drag out the strife, with a sense of endless war and war profiteering like the entire universe is deep Africa. That doesn't fit any of the strongest influences of Star Wars, be it Jungian/Campbell mythos, eastern new age philosophy or pulpy serial sci-fi adventures. Instead, its heavily inspired by recent comic book movies and temporal politics.


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Re: How bout that Star War huh?
« Reply #2168 on: December 16, 2017, 09:21:16 PM »
the Finn/Rose storyline was as bad as anything from Jar Jar.

You've got to be kidding me here.  :lol :rofl

No I am not.

I would respect the opinion of people who like the movie if they would reduce people's problems with it as something to do with expectations or we didn't get _____ out of it. I have said why I think it's shit and I'm tired of people assuming my motives or putting words in my mouth and saying shit about expectations which makes them sound distinguished mentally-challenged shills.

Which is what I said.

You didn't like it; not it was an objectively bad movie. IF you think that then why? Rose and Finn were there to show reasons to fight a war beyond Finn's initial hate and anger. It was also there for the overarching theme of failure and growing from it.

Jar Jar was there for bad comic relief and racism.

That is clearly a typo you dumbass.

Ok, still explain why you feel that way?

I mean continuing to cry and call me names kinda plays into the whole angry fan shit I was talking about.

The way you're posting about it, feels like you're egging me on and the tone just rubs me the wrong way. Some self congratulatory asshole way that makes me want to punch you.


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Re: How bout that Star War huh?
« Reply #2169 on: December 16, 2017, 09:25:34 PM »
Cindi, remember when we talked about taking a break from the internet earlier?

I think some OT fans need to take a break.

People around the net have been losing their minds over silly shit. I can't take people serious when they try to argue the new trilogy is on par with "Jar Jar" and "MY LOVE FOR YOU IS A WATERFALL" or my favorite "LETS TALK POLITICS IN A FICTIONAL UNIVERSE FOR HOURS"

You are welcome to not like them by all means. But don't try to be disingenuous and seriously argue they are critically equal to the prequels.

I can say what I want. You haven't even asked why I personally think it's on par with the prequels. Because you don't care. Please go back to Reset or whatever hole you came from.

Did you get banned from RE again or something

No. I'm done with Reset. :trash


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Re: How bout that Star War huh?
« Reply #2170 on: December 16, 2017, 09:57:32 PM »
A good example as to how this movie prequel status is the call to Maz.

Can't have a regular ass phone call and ask questions and get normal ass answers. Nah. She's doing all this shit, doing ninja moves, hiiyahhh! And you're supposed to laugh. It's like nothing in the movie is taken seriously. Even gathering information on how they can stop the hyperspace tracker. Nothing is taken seriously, everything is a joke despite the stakes because it's dead pressed on creating great family fun. I actually think the Maz scene was when I thought,"this movie is bad."


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Re: How bout that Star War huh?
« Reply #2171 on: December 16, 2017, 10:08:27 PM »
The most prequel thing to me was the Casino planet scenes and some of the island scenes early on where there’s 20 different cgi monsters or humanoids farting and yelling and roaring and cluttering up the screen with useless bullshit that feels less like world building and more like a Vegas cab ride.

Great Rumbler

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Re: How bout that Star War huh?
« Reply #2172 on: December 16, 2017, 10:29:55 PM »
Now that I've had some time to distance myself from the initial reaction to the movie, I'm ready to go see this again with a slightly modified mindset. TLJ definitely threw a curve ball in a lot of ways, messed with my expectation quite a bit, but individual scenes are starting to come back to me and I'm beginning to appreciate more how they were handled. Not that I expect some revelation where it all falls into place and becomes transcendent or anything, because it's always going to be pretty messy.

Probably go see it again in a couple weeks with my parents once the crowds die down a bit.


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Re: How bout that Star War huh?
« Reply #2173 on: December 16, 2017, 10:36:43 PM »
I think we can all agree

spoiler (click to show/hide)
the vacuum of space Leia was cringey as fuck

It was like Mary Poppins in space.

They should have done rewrites to just make that her final scene. It actually would have been better.

There really wasn’t anything that happpened after that she absolutely had to do.

After 24 hours, I still enjoyed the movie for what it is. Great visuals, costumes and sets, got to see some shit I liked as a kid, played with expectations in various scenes subverting what you expect to happen in a billion dollar blockbuster.... but the “lore” as paper thin and needs to be developed.

However, it’s basically always been this way except in tge prequels and they sucked.... but I really feel like the first order needs to be fleshed out, because as it is they are fucking just space Nazis that more or less just appeared out of the ether because the movies needed a bad guy.


  • Laugh when you can, it’s cheap medicine -LB
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Re: How bout that Star War huh?
« Reply #2174 on: December 16, 2017, 10:48:05 PM »
I think we can all agree

spoiler (click to show/hide)
the vacuum of space Leia was cringey as fuck

It was like Mary Poppins in space.

They should have done rewrites to just make that her final scene. It actually would have been better.

There really wasn’t anything that happpened after that she absolutely had to do.

I was wondering about whether they discussed this. I’m guessing they did, and maybe figured it wouldn’t be so cool in light that it would be limiting her final performance’s screentime.

spoiler (click to show/hide)
also we wouldn’t have gotten the Luke and Leia scene, which I loved. It was nice to see them together one last time.

Re: How bout that Star War huh?
« Reply #2175 on: December 16, 2017, 10:49:17 PM »
From what Ive been readin the movie kind of throws out a bunch of story we were wondering about from the TFA, or just does away with a lot of what people anticipated.

Haven't seen it yet, but it reminds me of Twin Peaks 2017 and how David Lynch just kind of smashed his previously built sand castles and created a new hot mess of WTF by the end.


  • Laugh when you can, it’s cheap medicine -LB
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Re: How bout that Star War huh?
« Reply #2176 on: December 16, 2017, 11:24:31 PM »
So, one important unanswered question:

spoiler (click to show/hide)
Did Luke die a virgin?


  • The Muffin Man
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Re: How bout that Star War huh?
« Reply #2177 on: December 16, 2017, 11:27:14 PM »
So, one important unanswered question:

spoiler (click to show/hide)
Did Luke die a virgin?

spoiler (click to show/hide)
Kylos anger seems a bit far beyond the betrayal of just ones master. I bet there were former midnight visits but with God given lightsabers.

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Re: How bout that Star War huh?
« Reply #2178 on: December 16, 2017, 11:31:36 PM »
Does the tauntaun count?


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Re: How bout that Star War huh?
« Reply #2179 on: December 16, 2017, 11:34:26 PM »
They have a Star Wars movie every year the next four years. :beli George was a slut for merchandising but not the way Disney is. I'm not sure how that's debatable.
You're getting a new Star Wars movie every year for the rest of your life. Not looking forward to all of them myself. 


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Re: How bout that Star War huh?
« Reply #2180 on: December 16, 2017, 11:35:10 PM »
If it does Luke is a murderer rapist
« Last Edit: December 16, 2017, 11:45:50 PM by BlueTsunami »

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Re: How bout that Star War huh?
« Reply #2181 on: December 16, 2017, 11:35:53 PM »
Luke  got deep in dem guts  :smug


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Re: How bout that Star War huh?
« Reply #2182 on: December 16, 2017, 11:39:28 PM »
Can someone please explain what nuance there was in The Last Jedi?

Was is the ha fisted way they injected cute animals in with the sole intent of selling toys for Xmas?

Movie sucked. Almost fell asleep twice. Only other time that happened was during The Hobbit.

So quality wise, TLJ = The Hobbit.
We talking novel or film trilogy based on the short novel? I really don't understand how the film is so devisive. Dude was given free reign to play in the star wars universe and I thought he did a great job.


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Re: How bout that Star War huh?
« Reply #2183 on: December 16, 2017, 11:56:16 PM »
Free reign to play with the Star Wars universe and turn it all back to the status quo in the end. The throne room scene is IMO one of the best scenes in all in the entire series. While watching it and based on what Luke said there was going to be a massive shift in the status quo and rid the Star Wars universe with good guy vs bad guy. Kylo and Rey teaming up was perfect. Kylo says to rid the galaxy of Skywalkers, Jedi, Sith, all that shit. Then...nothing. Hux shows up, Rey is gone, and it's back to where they were before. Then you get fan tards going off about how "risky" the movie was. If Rey joined Kylo I think that would have rocked. The set up for it was certainly there, what with her peering into the dark side with no hesitation as Luke said.

Played with the Star Wars universe how? The ending is the same as when we started except no Luke and no Snoke.

Re: How bout that Star War huh?
« Reply #2184 on: December 17, 2017, 12:05:50 AM »
the Finn/Rose storyline was as bad as anything from Jar Jar.

You've got to be kidding me here.  :lol :rofl

No I am not.

I would respect the opinion of people who like the movie if they would reduce people's problems with it as something to do with expectations or we didn't get _____ out of it. I have said why I think it's shit and I'm tired of people assuming my motives or putting words in my mouth and saying shit about expectations which makes them sound distinguished mentally-challenged shills.

Which is what I said.

You didn't like it; not it was an objectively bad movie. IF you think that then why? Rose and Finn were there to show reasons to fight a war beyond Finn's initial hate and anger. It was also there for the overarching theme of failure and growing from it.

Jar Jar was there for bad comic relief and racism.

That is clearly a typo you dumbass.

Ok, still explain why you feel that way?

I mean continuing to cry and call me names kinda plays into the whole angry fan shit I was talking about.

The way you're posting about it, feels like you're egging me on and the tone just rubs me the wrong way. Some self congratulatory asshole way that makes me want to punch you.

On that I apologies, too many idiots with absolutely no nuance on what they feel other than Comic Book Guy responses. I'll parse my way through your better response.

Sorry for coming off that way.
« Last Edit: December 17, 2017, 12:10:35 AM by thehunter116 »

Re: How bout that Star War huh?
« Reply #2185 on: December 17, 2017, 12:10:10 AM »

Played with the Star Wars universe how? The ending is the same as when we started except no Luke and no Snoke.

Before I tackle the first post on this I can answer.

It's less with the universe at large (we're actually reliving the OT series in a sense, except this time we'll see the Rebellion form from the ground up instead of just being there). and more to do with what they did. We've never had a Sith take his master's place before (Vader never got to that point). We've never had a villain this fleshed out before (Vader was lame until the end of ESB). We've never had the heroes fail and flop like this before nor seen the consequences of failing. This is exciting and I look forward to where we head next.

Re: How bout that Star War huh?
« Reply #2186 on: December 17, 2017, 12:29:06 AM »
I just watched this (tons of spoilers, so don't watch if you don't want to be spoiled)

and man I don't even want to see the film after listening to them. I can see why Mark Hamill was full of WTF when he read the script.

"When I read 8, I told Rian [Johnson, the writer-director], 'I fundamentally disagree with virtually everything you've decided about my character'," Hamill said during an ABC interview.


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Re: How bout that Star War huh?
« Reply #2187 on: December 17, 2017, 12:33:18 AM »
I watched that earlier. They make most of their points sound worse than they actually are.

Re: How bout that Star War huh?
« Reply #2188 on: December 17, 2017, 12:47:27 AM »
I saw it again this morning and liked it a whole lot more. Upgrading my rating to an 8/10.

It makes no sense that using cruisers as hyperspace tactical nukes isn't like the dominant military tactic though. It was an amazing visual, but I'm not sure it was thought through enough.

The same reason we don't see that in real life.

Expensive and impractical after awhile.


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Re: How bout that Star War huh?
« Reply #2189 on: December 17, 2017, 12:48:02 AM »
I ain't gonna spoiler tag because if you're in this thread on day two of this movies release, you're a dumb ass if you get mad you're spoiled. This isn't a safe space.

Things I liked about the movie:

- Luke's death. Luke is favorite character in the series and always has been. I thought his death was beautiful. He dies exactly how we met him: staring into the sunset. Perfect send off to the character.
- The throne room scene.
- About everything on the Jedi world with Luke, Rey, and Kylo.
-The part in the intro where Poe wraps around those two ships and shoots the shit out of them.


  • Laugh when you can, it’s cheap medicine -LB
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Re: How bout that Star War huh?
« Reply #2190 on: December 17, 2017, 01:00:34 AM »
Well, at least we agree on the high points. Add add the Luke and Leia scene, even if just for pure nostalgia feels.


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Re: How bout that Star War huh?
« Reply #2191 on: December 17, 2017, 01:07:45 AM »
There's a lot of people freaking out about what they did with Luke's character, but I absolutely LOVED it. My only problem is that his line "I came here to die" makes no sense giving him putting a map in R2D2 to find him. But the rest of it is classic Luke Skywalker. My favorite part of Luke was always how he fought the dark side and would always win over it. Him thinking of killing Kylo, but realizing his mistake and falling back on it is classic Luke. I love that. Luke not wanting to join the fight but then doing that sacrifice he did in the end was also classic Luke. As a Luke fan, I got all I wanted and more from the movie regarding him. I loved every thing they did for his character and his development.

I forgot to mention the Yoda scene. I loved that too.

I liked everything involving Luke, Kylo, and Rey (although I do feel Rey and Kylo should have joined forces as a third, middle way of the Force), but every thing else....:kobeyuck

Re: How bout that Star War huh?
« Reply #2192 on: December 17, 2017, 01:12:38 AM »
It just seems like they are writing these movies with absolutely no over arching story. I know that's what happened in the OT (Vader wasn't Luke's dad and was retconned, Leia wasnt Luke's sister and was retconned, etc). But it just seems like you shouldn't expect anything to carry over to the next movie now. Whats to stop JJ from just saying fuck it and killing of Kylo or saying no really Luke was Reys dad. I feel like they are making these blind. Like Luke (tlj spoiler)
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was going to kill a sleeping Kylo?
OT Luke wouldn't do that.

Maybe TLJ writers/director were fans of Obsidian Entertainment, but don't have the talent to make the shades o' grey actually work.

« Last Edit: December 17, 2017, 01:22:03 AM by ZombieSupaStar »


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Re: How bout that Star War huh?
« Reply #2193 on: December 17, 2017, 01:16:31 AM »
It just seems like they are writing these movies with absolutely no over arching story. I know that's what happened in the OT (Vader wasn't Luke's dad and was retconned, Leia wasnt Luke's sister and was retconned, etc). But it just seems like you shouldn't expect anything to carry over to the next movie now. Whats to stop JJ from just saying fuck it and killing of Kylo or saying no really Luke was Reys dad. I feel like they are making these blind. Like Luke (tlj spoiler)
spoiler (click to show/hide)
was going to kill a sleeping Kylo?
OT Luke wouldn't do that.

Maybe TLJ writers/director were fans of Obsidian Entertainment, but don't have the talent to make the shades o' grey actually work.

Exactly why I don't give a fuck about Episode 9. Who cares.

Also, OT Luke would do that. Luke tries to kill him, but then goes back on it. OT Luke is also the same Luke who beats the absolute shit out of his own father and even chops off his hand with his lightsaber. The character of Luke is one of conflict: he might be tempted to do things of the dark side, but he never goes all the way. Which is exactly what happened here.

And yeah, you're right about the lack of ability to do shades of gray. I really wonder what Obsidian thinks.

Re: How bout that Star War huh?
« Reply #2194 on: December 17, 2017, 01:22:13 AM »
And also Mark Hamill not agreeing with what Luke does in Episode 8 kind of bias me, where I won't like it ever anyways.

I just have this feeling that TLJ directed by Abrams would have been different, in that Snoke would have been someone, Reys parents would have been someone, Luke would have been different, so its like we had the rug pulled out by a new director that wanted to do his own thing so he invalidates everything in the first movie in the trilogy, and now we have to hope somehow it wraps up coherently in ep 9.

This will only make sense if you have seen Twin Peaks but its like in Twin Peaks season 2 finale David Lynch came back and said "Windham Earle? Annie? Nadine has amnesia? No Laura Palmer?" Nah fuck that shit, and wiped it all out. Except its not a homerun, its the 2nd movie in a trilogy and we are given super nadine, a james story arc, and a lara flynn boyle throws a hissy fit so lets make up shit for her to do, to look forward to in episode 9.


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Re: How bout that Star War huh?
« Reply #2195 on: December 17, 2017, 01:23:52 AM »
And also Mark Hamill not agreeing with what Luke does in Episode 8 kind of bias me, where I won't like it ever anyways.

I just have this feeling that TLJ directed by Abrams would have been different, in that Snoke would have been someone, Reys parents would have been someone, Luke would have been different, so its like we had the rug pulled out by a new director that wanted to do his own thing so he invalidates everything in the first movie in the trilogy, and now we have to hope somehow it wraps up coherently in ep 9.

This will only make sense if you have seen Twin Peaks but its like in Twin Peaks season 2 finale David Lynch came back and said "Windham Earle? Annie? Nadine has amnesia? No Laura Palmer?" Nah fuck that shit, and wiped it all out. Except its not a homerun, its the 2nd movie in a trilogy and we are given super nadine, a james story arc, and a lara flynn boyle throws a hissy fit so lets make up shit for her to do, to look forward to in episode 9.

JJ gets Star Wars. Rian doesn't.

That said, I have no problem with Rey being no one. Anakin was no one as well initially.

Re: How bout that Star War huh?
« Reply #2196 on: December 17, 2017, 01:27:51 AM »
JJ gets Star Wars. Rian doesn't.

That said, I have no problem with Rey being no one. Anakin was no one as well initially.

I 100% believe that is just for Disney to be able to make Star Wars movies from now till the end of time with force users popping up as marketing studies and merchandising forecasts allow. Not that Lucas was a saint in that regard, but Disney is just on another level.


  • Senior Member
Re: How bout that Star War huh?
« Reply #2197 on: December 17, 2017, 01:31:57 AM »
JJ gets Star Wars. Rian doesn't.

That said, I have no problem with Rey being no one. Anakin was no one as well initially.

I 100% believe that is just for Disney to be able to make Star Wars movies from now till the end of time with force users popping up as marketing studies and merchandising forecasts allow. Not that Lucas was a saint in that regard, but Disney is just on another level.

Why do you think they gave Rian a new trilogy? The writing is all on the wall. I was excited for that but now I kinda don't care.

Re: How bout that Star War huh?
« Reply #2198 on: December 17, 2017, 01:33:55 AM »
And also Mark Hamill not agreeing with what Luke does in Episode 8 kind of bias me, where I won't like it ever anyways.

I just have this feeling that TLJ directed by Abrams would have been different, in that Snoke would have been someone, Reys parents would have been someone, Luke would have been different, so its like we had the rug pulled out by a new director that wanted to do his own thing so he invalidates everything in the first movie in the trilogy, and now we have to hope somehow it wraps up coherently in ep 9.

This will only make sense if you have seen Twin Peaks but its like in Twin Peaks season 2 finale David Lynch came back and said "Windham Earle? Annie? Nadine has amnesia? No Laura Palmer?" Nah fuck that shit, and wiped it all out. Except its not a homerun, its the 2nd movie in a trilogy and we are given super nadine, a james story arc, and a lara flynn boyle throws a hissy fit so lets make up shit for her to do, to look forward to in episode 9.

JJ gets Star Wars. Rian doesn't.

That said, I have no problem with Rey being no one. Anakin was no one as well initially.

Well he was actually a force baby made by Plagius the Wise.


  • Junior Member
Re: How bout that Star War huh?
« Reply #2199 on: December 17, 2017, 01:36:00 AM »
And also Mark Hamill not agreeing with what Luke does in Episode 8 kind of bias me, where I won't like it ever anyways.

I just have this feeling that TLJ directed by Abrams would have been different, in that Snoke would have been someone, Reys parents would have been someone, Luke would have been different, so its like we had the rug pulled out by a new director that wanted to do his own thing so he invalidates everything in the first movie in the trilogy, and now we have to hope somehow it wraps up coherently in ep 9.

This will only make sense if you have seen Twin Peaks but its like in Twin Peaks season 2 finale David Lynch came back and said "Windham Earle? Annie? Nadine has amnesia? No Laura Palmer?" Nah fuck that shit, and wiped it all out. Except its not a homerun, its the 2nd movie in a trilogy and we are given super nadine, a james story arc, and a lara flynn boyle throws a hissy fit so lets make up shit for her to do, to look forward to in episode 9.

JJ gets Star Wars. Rian doesn't.

That said, I have no problem with Rey being no one. Anakin was no one as well initially.
I don't get this. What does JJ get so right that Rian gets wrong? I'm pretty sure JJ was on a short leash (deservedly so) to course correct the franchise. The first sequel was a success so Rian got to do what he wanted.

Re: How bout that Star War huh?
« Reply #2200 on: December 17, 2017, 01:37:38 AM »
Why do you think they gave Rian a new trilogy? The writing is all on the wall. I was excited for that but now I kinda don't care.

Just the Luke thing seems so.... anticlimactic, yeah I know its my fanboy fanfic talking but seeing him go nuts, and die as a martyr would have been awesome. And I know its easy for the fans (of this movie) to scream "SUBVERTING EXPECTATIONS!!!" but again its probably just me but as a fan of Twin Peaks, (again this makes no sense if you havent seen it), but after having digested whatever the fuck Twin Peak 2017 was. I've kind of had my fill of the whole subverting expectations things for awhile.

Part of me just wants to register on RE, mass quote all of those fuckers and a say "just go jerk off over KoToR 2 for the 1083th time, I heard the newest fan patch restores a half textured box in one of the hangar bays of the ship!"

I need to lie down lol. I've actually spend 2 hours of my Saturday night being angry about Star Wars.

I wonder what Disney is going to think, TLJ seems a lot more mixed than TFA does. I'm guessing they aren't going to be happy about that.
« Last Edit: December 17, 2017, 01:42:01 AM by ZombieSupaStar »

seagrams hotsauce

  • Senior Member
Re: How bout that Star War huh?
« Reply #2201 on: December 17, 2017, 01:39:45 AM »
This shit has been out for like three days and still no Half in the Bag?  I've dealt with MONTHS of having star wars shit shoved in my face and they had a faster turnover for fuckin' Thor or whatever :maf :maf :maf


  • Junior Member
Re: How bout that Star War huh?
« Reply #2202 on: December 17, 2017, 01:45:57 AM »
This shit has been out for like three days and still no Half in the Bag?  I've dealt with MONTHS of having star wars shit shoved in my face and they had a faster turnover for fuckin' Thor or whatever :maf :maf :maf
They posted on Twitter that their tickets got fucked up ordering through Fandango some how. They didn't get in opening night. They also said they weren't reviewing it but lol.

team filler

  • filler
  • filler
Re: How bout that Star War huh?
« Reply #2203 on: December 17, 2017, 02:01:41 AM »
TFA was mediocre, but I thought it was setting up some cool shit. Now last jedi comes out and all the cool shit got thrown out.


  • Laugh when you can, it’s cheap medicine -LB
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Re: How bout that Star War huh?
« Reply #2204 on: December 17, 2017, 02:25:56 AM »
Watching TFA for the second time, and I take back what I said about TLJ being better. The pacing is so much better, it looks better (though it doesn’t reaches TLJ’s highs), and it has better moment-to-moment editing. The characters have better defined personalities, I think—aside from maybe Kylo, who really shines in TLJ.

Also Han is great. Harrison is having a lot of fun. Han has always been better than Luke anyway.

New ranking:



  • Senior Member
Re: How bout that Star War huh?
« Reply #2205 on: December 17, 2017, 02:28:35 AM »
ESB > ROTJ > TFA > ANH (good Star Wars movies end here) > ROTS > R1 > TLJ > TPM > AOTC

And yeah, TFA >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> TLJ



  • Laugh when you can, it’s cheap medicine -LB
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Re: How bout that Star War huh?
« Reply #2206 on: December 17, 2017, 02:31:51 AM »
I think you’re cray cray for putting R1 ahead of TLJ. For all it’s faults, at least TLJ is a competently made movie. The first half hour of R1 is as narratively coherent as most surreal films.


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Re: How bout that Star War huh?
« Reply #2207 on: December 17, 2017, 02:33:03 AM »
I think you’re cray cray for putting R1 ahead of TLJ. For all it’s faults, at least TLJ is a competently made movie. The first half hour of R1 is as narratively coherent as most surreal films.

I think they're both so it doesn't matter and I can't exactly decide which is worse.


  • Laugh when you can, it’s cheap medicine -LB
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Re: How bout that Star War huh?
« Reply #2208 on: December 17, 2017, 02:38:28 AM »
I’d recommend rewatching R1 to remind yourself of just how bad it is, but I don’t want you to suffer.


  • Senior Member
Re: How bout that Star War huh?
« Reply #2209 on: December 17, 2017, 02:40:34 AM »
Embarrassing movie. That movie was so bad I don't want to see any future Star Wars spin off movies. But TLJ was so bad I don't even give a fuck about Ep 9. So :yeshrug


  • Laugh when you can, it’s cheap medicine -LB
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Re: How bout that Star War huh?
« Reply #2210 on: December 17, 2017, 02:42:33 AM »
Embarrassing movie. That movie was so bad I don't want to see any future Star Wars spin off movies. But TLJ was so bad I don't even give a fuck about Ep 9. So :yeshrug

Eh, at least JJ is doing 9. Even if it’s by the book, he at least seems to get the new characters and Star Wars in general.

Re: How bout that Star War huh?
« Reply #2211 on: December 17, 2017, 02:59:32 AM »
Embarrassing movie. That movie was so bad I don't want to see any future Star Wars spin off movies. But TLJ was so bad I don't even give a fuck about Ep 9. So :yeshrug

Eh, at least JJ is doing 9. Even if it’s by the book, he at least seems to get the new characters and Star Wars in general.

Yeah but those of us wanting epic Luke, the punchbowl has already been shit in, and the party's over. This movie is really making me angry for some reason lol. Twin Peaks 2017 just sapped all my chill, and I just want to rage butthurt at not getting my Luke fanfic sendoff moment now.


  • Senior Member
Re: How bout that Star War huh?
« Reply #2212 on: December 17, 2017, 03:00:36 AM »
You remember the ending of Rogue One. You just forget why you got there.


  • Senior Member
Re: How bout that Star War huh?
« Reply #2213 on: December 17, 2017, 03:33:13 AM »
Rogue One was a stinker by stink man Gareth Edwards. Also I like Gary Whitta as a human being and poster and game writer, but I think his writing level is kinda so-so. Best part of Rogue One is diversity cast team good. Great likeable group of minorities which was nice. Everything else? Stinks, especially the last 30 mins or so which are comically ridiculous and fall flat.


  • Laugh when you can, it’s cheap medicine -LB
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Re: How bout that Star War huh?
« Reply #2214 on: December 17, 2017, 03:37:35 AM »
Embarrassing movie. That movie was so bad I don't want to see any future Star Wars spin off movies. But TLJ was so bad I don't even give a fuck about Ep 9. So :yeshrug

Eh, at least JJ is doing 9. Even if it’s by the book, he at least seems to get the new characters and Star Wars in general.

Yeah but those of us wanting epic Luke, the punchbowl has already been shit in, and the party's over. This movie is really making me angry for some reason lol. Twin Peaks 2017 just sapped all my chill, and I just want to rage butthurt at not getting my Luke fanfic sendoff moment now.

Say what you want about Luke’s portrayal in the movie, but I thought his sendoff was fantastic. There were some great visuals there. And he went out as a hero.


  • Senior Member
Re: How bout that Star War huh?
« Reply #2215 on: December 17, 2017, 04:02:55 AM »
On the other hand I've been thinking about The Last Jedi all night. The more I think about it the more I respect the movie and think it was damn good.

Not sure if we're talking open spoilers here so I'll spoiler text:

spoiler (click to show/hide)
The only part of TLJ that was bad was the Casino Planet and Horses. That section was goofy, added nothing and was tonally out of place with the rest of the film and just hurt the pacing. Cut that part out and the movie is gold. I respect it so damn much for being an entire movie about a single battle. I think that's fucking awesome. It starts with the rebellion about to getting destroyed and their goal is to escape and it ends with them escaping. Everything else is weaved into the act of doing so and when you think about it a shitload of stuff happened in the process of this one almost checkmate battle. The supreme emperor dies, his ship torn in half, Rey gets her jedi shit together more and loses her lightsaber, and Luke Skywalker has his last stand.

The scope of the film is small, a single battle made up of 3 parts (First fight -> Warp out -> Second fight -> Planet fight), and yet with all the events that happen within, it's pretty epic at the same time.

The Kylo Ren/Rey scenes are so.fucking.good, seeing both of these characters who are lost, confused and don't know who they are and what to do with their powers interact in even sort of a sexy push/pull dynamic was probably the most interesting character writing in the entire film series. The build up of all of this to the Snoke's death and dual jedi fight in the red room made that scene one of the most satisfying highs the series has produced in 30+ years since Empire Strikes Back.

The Luke stuff was pretty good too and Hamill does a good job with it. The end fight against Ren was nice and while I don't think they should have gotten rid of Skywalker peacefully right after since it sorta detracts from the cleverness of him having fooled Ren and not actually being there ("see you soon"), it's a fine end. I just think that Luke should've had that scene next movie or something so it didn't detract.

One thing that I find almost accidental possibly is that I am almost convinced the writers, directors and Adam Driver do not know where Kylo Ren's character is going. I feel like this actually creates this unpredictable character who Adam Driver just nails 100% as being a lost and confused fucked up kid full of power with anger management issues who is in pain and wants someone to reach out a hand for him "...Please" to save him, but all he knows how to do is rage and destroy when he doesn't get his way. His character by being kind of all over the place, actually creates the most complex grey area antagonist we've ever had in Star Wars and it's kind of amazing. I'm really interested in where they go with him in the next movie and I hope Abrams doesn't cop out and just make him EVIL BAD GUY and Rey GOOD GAL. Even with Rey, Rian Johnson gives her a lot of dark side elements. She's drawn to the dark, she disobeys Luke and others, she gets ANGRY and is fueled by it.

I kind of wish post the dual jedi teamup scene, the resolution went a different way and I don't mean something simple like Kylo Ren joining up on team good. The film clearly puts both Kylo and Rey in more of a complex grey are that's not light or dark and I would have liked to see what they do next be the product of that. Like the 2 of them going off away and disappearing to do their own thing or something.

I actually thought with what Luke was telling Rey about how there has to be dark and light and it's all about BALANCE, that a cool direction they could have gone as a product of Rey and Kylo Ren being grey area is to have Rey realize that the ultimate jedi power isn't the light side of the force or the dark side, but being able to find a balance, so she could pull from dark side and light side powers (and emotions like peace and anger) and it would explain how she is the strongest. Thought that might've been where they were going with her exploring the dark side as well, but then it didn't go that way.

But even if the film didn't resolve in more complex grey areas in the conclusion, the fact that most of it spends time with the core characters reflecting those grey areas and being more complex developed characters than we've seen in the past makes the movie have a smarter, higher artistic quality than all of the films since Empire imo.

But yeah, Finn should've done some jedi shit in the finale to his arc, because I want Finn as a goddamn Jedi with a lightsaber by movie 3. As it stands he's kinda useless and just another Poe.

When I see people getting butthurt about stuff like Rey's parent's mystery being nothing, I gotta roll my eyes. There was resolution! The resolution is that they were just normal people which is FAR BETTER than any conspiracy where they were someone with special bloodline or something. The universe should just be where certain people are born strong in the force and it can be anyone, as evidenced by the boy in the ending. Rey just wins the luck of the draw by being born extremely strong in the force. Having had it been something with her parents would've been so dumb and so I'm glad the way Rian took it.

Same deal when people complain about killing Snokes so easily and before his backstory is explained. Dude was introduced in Force Awakens as a shitty generic CG super powered EVIL EMPEROR. It was lame as fuck and killing him off and getting him out of this trilogy so real characters can be antagonists was another great decision. Plus the execution of it was fantastic in the scene that it happens.

And then people complaining about Luke's portrayal. This one I can understand. If I were writing Luke's character in this movie I'd have probably done it differently, but it's not bad and so out of character. It's just a different take and I'm ok with it. It helps that Hamill sells it and the Yoda scene is fucking great as is his finale and sendoff.

But yeah, The Last Jedi is the first Star Wars movie in 30 years that actually has me thinking about it and the characters after I've seen it. It actually is making me use my brain and that's nice. I still probably wouldn't give it higher than like a B+/A- and it's not perfect and it's not as good as Empire Strikes Back by far, but I definitely think it's the best since then.
« Last Edit: December 17, 2017, 04:08:07 AM by Bebpo »

Re: How bout that Star War huh?
« Reply #2216 on: December 17, 2017, 04:06:48 AM »
ESB > ROTJ > TFA > ANH (good Star Wars movies end here) > ROTS > R1 > TLJ > TPM > AOTC

And yeah, TFA >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> TLJ


Dem Ewoks and bad acting from Ford and Fisher doe

Re: How bout that Star War huh?
« Reply #2217 on: December 17, 2017, 04:08:43 AM »
Embarrassing movie. That movie was so bad I don't want to see any future Star Wars spin off movies. But TLJ was so bad I don't even give a fuck about Ep 9. So :yeshrug

Eh, at least JJ is doing 9. Even if it’s by the book, he at least seems to get the new characters and Star Wars in general.

Yeah but those of us wanting epic Luke, the punchbowl has already been shit in, and the party's over. This movie is really making me angry for some reason lol. Twin Peaks 2017 just sapped all my chill, and I just want to rage butthurt at not getting my Luke fanfic sendoff moment now.

His ending was amazingly poignant.

But I get where you're coming from. I too wanted to see him dook it out one last time.


  • Laugh when you can, it’s cheap medicine -LB
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Re: How bout that Star War huh?
« Reply #2218 on: December 17, 2017, 04:08:51 AM »
Man, imagine if Trevorrow still had to write and direct a follow-up to this? He probably resigned rather than the assumption he got fired. He’d have to have real human thoughts to bring the situation as-is to a close.


  • Senior Member
Re: How bout that Star War huh?
« Reply #2219 on: December 17, 2017, 04:31:25 AM »
Also, I was talking with my friends after the movie and we all kind felt that the way the movie ends really feels like there needs to be a timeskip now.

spoiler (click to show/hide)
Ren to establish himself with the first order and build up something and Rey and the Rebellion to rebuild the rebellion