Author Topic: It's 20XX and people are mad online about Star War!  (Read 570150 times)

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Madrun Badrun

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Re: It's 20XX and people are mad online about Star War!
« Reply #4740 on: December 29, 2019, 12:25:25 AM »
It's kind of funny how people who made fun of TLJ haters on Snoke getting wasted are now complaining about wasting Rose.

The only good tweet in that mess is the dude who said Kelly Marie Tran should look for much better work cause star wars has the trashest fanbase alive and Rose as a character wasn't her fault nor should it define her. Hopefully instead of just tweeting her image with a crown emoji Rian Johnson casts her in one of his good movies next time.

TLJ hater here, who both hates snokie and thinks Rose's treatment was fine: she was too fat to have a story arch. 


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Re: It's 20XX and people are mad online about Star War!
« Reply #4741 on: December 29, 2019, 01:03:21 AM »
Kelly Marie Tran is actually pretty hot in real life, but Roses character design is awful.

She looks dumb, and her bangs are dumb, and her biggest part is to be a major player in the worst sub plot of the new trilogy. It’s really shit.

And of course he mercy sold bad. She’s a dumb looking character with bad hair, and regular ass clothes and a stupid hat that doesn’t do fuck all cool in the entire trilogy.

If Disney expected her to sell well they are fucking nuts.

Finn too really. The Finn action figures sat on the shelf for a long ass time, because he’s just a guy in a jacket.


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Re: It's 20XX and people are mad online about Star War!
« Reply #4742 on: December 29, 2019, 06:48:30 AM »
What the wokies don't understand is that Rose was never about representation but profit.

Disney released TFA and it bombed in Asia even after they removed Boyega from the posters.
So like all movie studios, they figured that if they would have Asians for advertising and signage for the next movie it would increase Box office returns in China and other parts of Asia.
Plus they would get less bad PR from scrubbing Finn from the posters. Someone, probably Rian came up with the idea of two sisters. Disney could get two token Asian characters for the price of one, hurrah!
So they set out to cast a pilot and a mechanic and succeeded in doing so. A big hit in China was all but assured!

But then Rian made the film and it sucked and if 90% of the movie was good, no one would've cared that Rose was underdeveloped as a character.
In the clusterfuck of TLJ however, Rose became an issue and fans were looking for any reason as to why the film sucked.

For the next movie JJ was stuck with this albatross. She's not part of the main cast (and even they, outside of Rey and Kylo have very little to do at this point) and the side characters he needed were mostly 'guides' on other planets.
So what do people like? Bounty Hunters and former storm troopers are cool. Even better if she's the daughter of Lando but the actor that plays him can not pull off such scenes at his age anymore. So let's not dwell on that.
Rose however earned her place on the base, next to Leia, no longer just a mechanic but more of an intelligence officer. She gets to be in the movie, so JJ won't get lynched but he doesn't have to bother writing a plot for her.

Rose is lucky that she isn't dead, because for most of the sub plots they picked the easy way out
spoiler (click to show/hide)
- How to do the reunion between Ben and Leia? -> Just have Leia die before that can happen
- How will Hux be redeemed and his rivalry with Kylo end? -> Just kill him ASAP
- What about the dude that killed Rey's parents? -> Already dead
- How will Leia/Luke cope with the fact that Rey is a palpatine? -> They always knew
- What will Poe do afterwards? -> His love interest just rejects him so he can be leader
- What about Finn/Rose? -> Pat on the back
- Poe's arc is complete, he's now the resistance leader, what about Finn? -> Make him leader also
- Even with Palps destroyed, how to free the rest of the Galaxy from the first order? -> Suddenly the Galaxy rises up and Star Destroyers fall out of the sky



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Re: It's 20XX and people are mad online about Star War!
« Reply #4743 on: December 29, 2019, 10:29:54 AM »
Rose is lucky that she isn't dead, because for most of the sub plots they picked the easy way out

I can easily see Plinkett breaking it down exactly like this.

Oh man he has so much material with TROS. :lol :lol :lol And he gets to do a moratorium on the Sequel Trilogy / Disney era as a whole.


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Re: It's 20XX and people are mad online about Star War!
« Reply #4744 on: December 29, 2019, 10:51:49 AM »
Was Rose in TFA? I don't even remember her


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Re: It's 20XX and people are mad online about Star War!
« Reply #4745 on: December 29, 2019, 12:34:37 PM »
Was Rose in TFA? I don't even remember her

Nope, introduced in The Last Jedi.


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Re: It's 20XX and people are mad online about Star War!
« Reply #4746 on: December 29, 2019, 01:04:04 PM »
Ah ok, so it makes sense Idgaf cause I dont even know her

(Does she have an interesting story or is it just an asian female in star wars lets make something out of this from the fans?)

Coffee Dog

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Re: It's 20XX and people are mad online about Star War!
« Reply #4747 on: December 29, 2019, 01:11:41 PM »
Ah ok, so it makes sense Idgaf cause I dont even know her

(Does she have an interesting story or is it just an asian female in star wars lets make something out of this from the fans?)

Nobody had an interesting story in the last jedi, especially rose. People just like the actress and feel bad she had to deal with so much shit


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Re: It's 20XX and people are mad online about Star War!
« Reply #4748 on: December 29, 2019, 02:40:39 PM »

People complain about Rose being marginalized, but DJ didn't even show up in ROTS.

Man, this was such a shitty character.


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Re: The Star War is dead. Long live the Star War! [pbuh]
« Reply #4749 on: December 29, 2019, 02:49:13 PM »
I think I enjoyed Suicide Squad more tbh.

Like, the writing had so many flaws in it.

  • You mentioned Palpatine is the new/old overlord of the Sith and secretly pushed Kylo to be a bad dude for the past 30 years because mind voices and things, but he was never introduced. They just popped in a two sentence explanation in that intro crawl. Like seriously, I know how petty directors can be about only following their vision, but leaving out like five minutes of exposition to show that you don't approve of the previous ending is a really sloppy look and it removed all impact of reintroducing Palpatine.
  • In the quicksand, JJ revealed in a QA session that Finn wanted to "confess" that he's force sensitive. Not that he's in love with Rey or that he regrets almost being a deserter or anything like that. I think that they focus-tested how an interracial thing would be received and had to change it at after that scene was filmed. Might explain why the other woman who helps with the horseback raid was black. But then like Billy Dee Williams wants to feel like a man again so they hint that he wants to bang her. It's pretty fucking contrived.
  • Why the fuck would she call herself Skywalker when she meets Luke's old ass auntie? That is the peak of entitlement.

At least we got TLJ, Solo, and Rogue One.

I thought that was hinting that Lando was her dad or granddad. Or maybe they were doing doing a tongue in cheek incest joke.


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Re: It's 20XX and people are mad online about Star War!
« Reply #4750 on: December 29, 2019, 03:55:54 PM »
(Image removed from quote.)

People complain about Rose being marginalized, but DJ didn't even show up in ROTS.

Man, this was such a shitty character.

When I saw TLJ in theaters I thought it was a given DJ would be brought back and die horribly in the next one. Like, that seemed to be the obvious setup and character arc. And honestly I'd feel so much more catharsis if he died versus Phasma.

(Who fucking cares if she lives or dies? There were rumors she survived TLJ like she did TFA ("oh she just got better") and it really says something that that was one thing no one cared about when TROS started leaking.)

JJ subverted the expectations Rian Johnson gave me!


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Re: It's 20XX and people are mad online about Star War!
« Reply #4751 on: December 29, 2019, 04:21:09 PM »
Re-Introducing old boy in the scrawl was definitely the dumbest thing in all 3 movies.


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Re: It's 20XX and people are mad online about Star War!
« Reply #4752 on: December 29, 2019, 04:44:45 PM »
Re-Introducing old boy in the scrawl was definitely the dumbest thing in all 3 movies.

Having his announcement exclusively in Fortnight was dumber, but I agree it's close.


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Re: It's 20XX and people are mad online about Star War!
« Reply #4753 on: December 29, 2019, 05:28:58 PM »
If you call palpating old boy you don’t break spoiler law. :doge

I’m not going to fix that autocorrect as with it I’m still not breaking spoiler law.

Trent Dole

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Re: It's 20XX and people are mad online about Star War!
« Reply #4754 on: December 29, 2019, 07:36:39 PM »
Saw it. Wasn't terrible. :yeshrug


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Re: It's 20XX and people are mad online about Star War!
« Reply #4755 on: December 29, 2019, 07:39:57 PM »
Saw it. Wasn't terrible. :yeshrug

This could apply to any of Disney's SW films, you'll have to be more specific. I'm assuming Rise of Skywalker?

Tuckers Law

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Re: It's 20XX and people are mad online about Star War!
« Reply #4756 on: December 29, 2019, 07:53:03 PM »
Watched all of The Mandolorian and enjoyed it a lot.  Give Favreau the Star Wars franchise I say, he understands it more than any of the other executives.


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Re: It's 20XX and people are mad online about Star War!
« Reply #4757 on: December 29, 2019, 07:59:25 PM »

:curious Original ending may have been Ben surviving and him and Rey burying the sabers together. Would also make sense why they didn't have any Ghost footage for him to be next to Luke and Leia (nor test footage I guess since that's what they used for Hayden in ROTJ.) They probably filmed the theatrical scene with only Rey a week before the film released or something.


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Re: It's 20XX and people are mad online about Star War!
« Reply #4758 on: December 29, 2019, 08:03:25 PM »
"JJ, Reylo acceptance in the Star Wars fanbase just decreased from 51% to 49%. So you gotta make Ben die at the end now."

"But the movie comes out next week-"



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Re: It's 20XX and people are mad online about Star War!
« Reply #4759 on: December 29, 2019, 08:35:19 PM »
That would have been a better ending and tied better into the ending.

Rose could have dug the hole! With DJ!


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Re: It's 20XX and people are mad online about Star War!
« Reply #4760 on: December 29, 2019, 10:04:54 PM »
Just no.

Like these movies  are "bad" and have flaws in such a different way then the prequels.

But the prequels are so sterile, boring to watch, poorly acted, also written poorly, horribly paced, somewhat pointless, confusingly structured, and so on.

These movies at least look like actual movies and have actual acting in them. Not preenderd cutscenes with supposed actors thrown into them.

spoiler (click to show/hide)
Also I don't even think the Sequel trilogy is bad. Certainly not great. Poorly thought out. And never as ambitious as anything George did.

Like I was thinking about TROS vs The Last Jedi. TROS is such a typical modern blockbuster. Typical third act battle where heroes have a vague goal that will cleanly destroy all of the enemies, have some complications arise, typical scenes where it looks like they may lose, and then bam help arrives and they destroy the one thing that defeats everyone for whatever reason.
« Last Edit: December 29, 2019, 10:09:18 PM by Rahxephon91 »


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Re: It's 20XX and people are mad online about Star War!
« Reply #4761 on: December 29, 2019, 10:09:05 PM »
The prequels are better than these movies btw

I never watched the prequels ( I might have watched half of ep 2 on TBS when I needed something in the background), but feel like I need to go watch them know just to figure out how Palpatine is an immortal and when his
spoiler (click to show/hide)
son comes from.


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Re: It's 20XX and people are mad online about Star War!
« Reply #4762 on: December 29, 2019, 10:14:34 PM »
I mean I can't disagree with all that....


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Re: It's 20XX and people are mad online about Star War!
« Reply #4763 on: December 29, 2019, 10:16:29 PM »
I never watched the prequels ( I might have watched half of ep 2 on TBS when I needed something in the background), but feel like I need to go watch them know just to figure out how Palpatine is an immortal and when his
spoiler (click to show/hide)
son comes from.
I have some bad news.


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Re: It's 20XX and people are mad online about Star War!
« Reply #4764 on: December 29, 2019, 10:35:44 PM »
You know it's funny that of the year's two big long running Disney franchise "bookend" blockbusters, inverse of how they were received The Star War leaves its universe in a better place than Endgame did. The great thing about JJ's plots is that you can just up and ignore them and nobody will care since he never did, look at how Beyond ignored the fact that JJ destroyed all of Starfleet twice in two films and nearly started two individual wars with the Klingons. Simon Pegg knew he could basically throw all this out from the word go and not have to deal with it because the films never did in the first place.

You can start a new Star War today and have Jedi and Sith all start popping up again because JJ did nothing to stop the balance being brought to The Force that ROTJ was seen as doing. He just kicked the timeline ahead 30 years and had it be Rey instead of Luke. You can start a new Star War trilogy that ENDS with the Jedi and Sith returning even, because Rey can be fucking off like Luke did, only nobody cares enough to track her down. The galactic power balance outside of The Force was also reset to where it was at the end of ROTJ, the First/Final Order is BTFO and now all the "rebel" groups can simply not immediately align into a Republic for Leia to leave to start a PMC. Sure, the movies sucked, but it doesn't really do anything to The Star War universe as a whole. So while Disney is currently semi-scared about flooding the market, all the ideas they were pursuing can still be done by just having people ignore this trilogy or the trilogy of trilogies. The one guys who left were going to do KOTOR themed/timed stuff, no problem. The rumors about Rian wanting to do a series set far away from the main galaxy stuff, no problem again. That Hutt series rumor, again can be done without any problems. Whatever Kevin Feige is doing is likely unaffected especially since he probably knew the ROTS plot from reading it on Reddit. Every "Star War story" film idea works still even if they're scared because they spent literally ten billion dollars on shooting Solo twice.

Disney actually lucked out here because JJ has essentially saved them from their original long term business mistake (as much as making only $5 billion since then can be a mistake) of trashing the EU and wanting to start nearly entirely fresh but now with tie-in works being at the same level as the films and narratively as important. Not from a perspective of how the EU is so valuable to the lore but simply because it's provided years of thousands of hands providing thousands of explanations, plots, scenarios, characters, etc. to mine by those higher tiered up in the canon. Even Lucas admitted to using it for reference in the prequels so he wouldn't have to rewrite or create things from scratch. Had he gone and made his sequel trilogy of Whillis and everything else you would have had all those hands turning it into shit that made sense that somebody else could come along and build off of for the mainstream. IIRC, Lucas again was referencing the EU for his sequels and was trying to avoid decanonizing certain stuff regarding Luke even though the Lucas-tier was always dominant. I think Disney during this "re-evaluation period" for Star Wars is going to realize what Marvel, Paramount, DC, Marvel, and Marvel all did about their same plans and start rolling that back and inserting stuff back into a canon timeline that actually will probably end up with the EU stuff being elevated to a higher tier than it was under Lucas because conglomerates only understand one franchise model at a time apparently. (The fact that they commissioned a new Thrawn trilogy, something that would only appeal to people who read the original, feels like an indication that the original is going to find itself back in the timeline between ROTJ and TFA now that the films are out of the way.)

The MCU is probably never, ever, going to explain or deal with how the world dealt with half the universe returning to life, five years later, and the trauma this should cause. It won't matter one bit from a financial standpoint because the X-Men are coming. The MCU however exists, outside the canon formally but tiered, within a franchise with thousands of hands creating those thousands of scenarios and plots to mine.

Madrun Badrun

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Re: It's 20XX and people are mad online about Star War!
« Reply #4765 on: December 29, 2019, 10:40:03 PM »
Honestly Solo is probably the best of the Disney movies

It really is and sadly I didn't watch it until recently due to how shit 8 was.  I would have taken a Solo trilogy over what we got in a heartbeat. 

The MCU is probably never, ever, going to explain or deal with how the world dealt with half the universe returning to life, five years later, and the trauma this should cause.

This is a pretty silly thing to expect.  It was already a theme in Far from home and we will probably see it in Wandavision (at least the Vision being dead dead), the next ant man and proably hawkeye tv show. 

Trent Dole

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Re: It's 20XX and people are mad online about Star War!
« Reply #4766 on: December 29, 2019, 10:45:04 PM »
Saw it. Wasn't terrible. :yeshrug

This could apply to any of Disney's SW films, you'll have to be more specific. I'm assuming Rise of Skywalker?
Uh, yeah. The new one.


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Re: It's 20XX and people are mad online about Star War!
« Reply #4767 on: December 29, 2019, 11:33:40 PM »



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Re: It's 20XX and people are mad online about Star War!
« Reply #4768 on: December 29, 2019, 11:34:31 PM »
Honestly Solo is probably the best of the Disney movies

It really is and sadly I didn't watch it until recently due to how shit 8 was.  I would have taken a Solo trilogy over what we got in a heartbeat. 

The MCU is probably never, ever, going to explain or deal with how the world dealt with half the universe returning to life, five years later, and the trauma this should cause.

This is a pretty silly thing to expect.  It was already a theme in Far from home and we will probably see it in Wandavision (at least the Vision being dead dead), the next ant man and proably hawkeye tv show. 

They're honestly "dealing with" the 5 year thing more than I expected and more than I wanted. Took me out of Spider-Man several times.


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Re: It's 20XX and people are mad online about Star War!
« Reply #4769 on: December 29, 2019, 11:36:36 PM »
This is a pretty silly thing to expect.  It was already a theme in Far from home and we will probably see it in Wandavision (at least the Vision being dead dead), the next ant man and proably hawkeye tv show. 
Totally do not care about the heroes who know what happened/died in battle/their successors, and probably shouldn't count TV shows either after they done my girl Jessica dirty, but I would look forward to anything that shows the very slowly rebuilding ruins of Earth, emotionally ruined families and collapsed societies. I figured that they would just do a bunch of space/magic movies and then come back to Earth already back to normal without explanation.

What I'm saying is that they should totally adapt the last storyline of Astro City's regular run for a Disney+ show which I would pirate. Also, they should release The Snyder Cut.


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Re: It's 20XX and people are mad online about Star War!
« Reply #4770 on: December 29, 2019, 11:40:55 PM »
This is a pretty silly thing to expect.

That kinda of ruin the emotional  impact of that film, doesn’t it.  :doge

Tony Stark’s death was more traumatic to the universe than half of the people vanishing and coming back 5 years later.

  It was already a theme in Far from home and we will probably see it in Wandavision (at least the Vision being dead dead), the next ant man and proably hawkeye tv show.

Did you... did you just contradicted your own initial statement?


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Re: It's 20XX and people are mad online about Star War!
« Reply #4771 on: December 29, 2019, 11:41:03 PM »
a Disney+ show which I would pirate
FACT CHECK: It's copyright infringement. :ufup


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Re: It's 20XX and people are mad online about Star War!
« Reply #4772 on: December 29, 2019, 11:43:24 PM »
ITT: benji pitches for Marvel's The Leftovers


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Re: It's 20XX and people are mad online about Star War!
« Reply #4773 on: December 29, 2019, 11:46:32 PM »
The Leftovers is not even the first franchise to do it first.


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Re: It's 20XX and people are mad online about Star War!
« Reply #4774 on: December 29, 2019, 11:47:10 PM »
This is a pretty silly thing to expect.

That kinda of ruin the emotional  impact of that film, doesn’t it.  :doge

Tony Stark’s death was more traumatic to the universe than half of the people vanishing and coming back 5 years later.

Eh not following. Most critiques I've seen of Endgame is the dour first third dealing with the ramifications of the snap, and comparing it unfavorably to the pacing of Infinity War.

The heroes at the end got a big boost and thought they were gonna win. Then the hero most central to everything sacrifices himself. I can see why his friends would be bummed out. In relative screentime terms, they did Black Widow dirtier than the snapped people and Tony. But she's getting her prequel movie now so I guess it worked out.

Also, it's not like they showed the "world" mourning Tony like they easily could have done. He had a pretty small funeral all things considered for a billionaire playboy philanthropist superhero. :idont

(Also if you really want a groan, look up the kneeling scene which they mercifully cut from the theatrical cut.)


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Re: It's 20XX and people are mad online about Star War!
« Reply #4775 on: December 29, 2019, 11:50:02 PM »
You da real Snyder Cut, benji. Everybody keeps asking for you to show up but with each passing day I doubt your existence.
And not knowing me allows us to pretend I'm not awful. :jeb


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Re: It's 20XX and people are mad online about Star War!
« Reply #4776 on: December 29, 2019, 11:53:19 PM »
I have not watched Infinity War or Endgame.  :awesome

I’m just saying this because everyone seems to be in love with Infinity War and affected by Endgame even when Trailers from Spider Man far from home act like half of the people returning to live after 5 years is less traumatic than Tony Stark dying.

So I supposed that Marvel did a decent to admirable job with this movies while in the end deciding: “But never mind Scorsese opinions, get Hyped for new merchandise”.

Madrun Badrun

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Re: It's 20XX and people are mad online about Star War!
« Reply #4777 on: December 30, 2019, 12:05:14 AM »
Did you... did you just contradicted your own initial statement?

How so?  Also the world isn't acting like Tony dying is more important than everyone else blipping, its Peter who is, which makes complete sense.


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Re: It's 20XX and people are mad online about Star War!
« Reply #4778 on: December 30, 2019, 12:06:08 AM »
Leia having to bail out and form a PMC and effectively destroy the New Republic as half of it goes over to the First Order because of stupidity like this all because it was revealed she's Darth Vader's daughter is pretty hott political lore though. Shame they didn't include any of it in the movies before Carrie Fisher died.


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Re: It's 20XX and people are mad online about Star War!
« Reply #4779 on: December 30, 2019, 12:09:54 AM »
Did you... did you just contradicted your own initial statement?

How so?

You just said that it was foolish to expect any reaction while mentionining reactions in the Spiderman film and you expecting reactions in the Disney+ stuff.  :doge


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Re: It's 20XX and people are mad online about Star War!
« Reply #4780 on: December 30, 2019, 12:12:07 AM »
Leia having to bail out and form a PMC
because of your participation in certain other threads I keep reading this as "professional managerial class"

Joe Molotov

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Re: It's 20XX and people are mad online about Star War!
« Reply #4781 on: December 30, 2019, 12:12:20 AM »
So did the 7/10 Rogue One end up being the best Disney Wars movie somehow?


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Re: It's 20XX and people are mad online about Star War!
« Reply #4782 on: December 30, 2019, 12:13:10 AM »


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Re: It's 20XX and people are mad online about Star War!
« Reply #4783 on: December 30, 2019, 12:13:47 AM »
So did the 7/10 Rogue One end up being the best Disney Wars movie somehow?

I mean, it introduced a set cast of new characters, decently paced, had a somewhat logical plot, had a scary version of Vader, and killed them all off. Solo movie couldn't even do that.


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Re: It's 20XX and people are mad online about Star War!
« Reply #4784 on: December 30, 2019, 12:17:48 AM »
I mean I guess, I think they all have been decent/ok movies. With Rise being the most questionable one. But at the same time, plenty of people's criticisms have a point. I feel it just up to how tolerable you are of the obvious problems.


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Re: It's 20XX and people are mad online about Star War!
« Reply #4785 on: December 30, 2019, 12:17:49 AM »
つ ◕_◕ ༽つ  Release the Edwards Snyder Cut of Rogue One.  つ ◕_◕ ༽つ


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Re: It's 20XX and people are mad online about Star War!
« Reply #4786 on: December 30, 2019, 12:18:23 AM »
So did the 7/10 Rogue One end up being the best Disney Wars movie somehow?

I mean, it introduced a set cast of new characters,

And everyone is dead.

decently paced

It was boring until people shoot lasers.
a somewhat logical plot,

The dialogue was terrible. The monologue that whatwashername used to convince the Rebels to... ugh... "rebel" was worse than most stuff from the prequels.

a scary version of Vader,

Oh, yeah, Vader was in the movie, just like CG face carrie fisher...

Why the fuck Vader and Carrie Fisher were in the movie?

Madrun Badrun

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Re: It's 20XX and people are mad online about Star War!
« Reply #4787 on: December 30, 2019, 12:19:16 AM »
Did you... did you just contradicted your own initial statement?

How so?

You just said that it was foolish to expect any reaction while mentionining reactions in the Spiderman film and you expecting reactions in the Disney+ stuff.  :doge

No, that was benjipwns position which I was arguing against.  Miss reading posts and not being able to follow simple MCU stories in a single post is a bad look. 


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Re: It's 20XX and people are mad online about Star War!
« Reply #4788 on: December 30, 2019, 12:19:17 AM »
Why the fuck Vader and Carrie Fisher were in the movie?
? This is the like the one thing to not complain about.

Don Rumata

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Re: It's 20XX and people are mad online about Star War!
« Reply #4789 on: December 30, 2019, 12:21:13 AM »

It was boring until people shoot lasers.
Hi, welcome to Star Wars.


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Re: It's 20XX and people are mad online about Star War!
« Reply #4790 on: December 30, 2019, 12:21:48 AM »
In retrospect it's disappointing that Norman Reedus wasn't in Rogue One.


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Re: It's 20XX and people are mad online about Star War!
« Reply #4791 on: December 30, 2019, 12:23:54 AM »
No, that was benjipwns position which I was arguing against. 


Miss reading posts and not being able to follow simple MCU stories in a single post is a bad look.

 :gurl :comeon :juicy

Come on dude, this is not my first dance...


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Re: It's 20XX and people are mad online about Star War!
« Reply #4792 on: December 30, 2019, 12:25:34 AM »
Why the fuck Vader and Carrie Fisher were in the movie?
? This is the like the one thing to not complain about.

What does them being in the film add to the plot or the themes of that film beyond "member star wars?".


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Re: It's 20XX and people are mad online about Star War!
« Reply #4793 on: December 30, 2019, 12:26:22 AM »


They literally stop each others lightsabers from stabbing each other with the force:foodcourt :heh


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Re: It's 20XX and people are mad online about Star War!
« Reply #4794 on: December 30, 2019, 12:27:11 AM »
I admit I have not seen Far From Home and forgot about it and that one is supposed to be in "Phase Four" and also that I thought it was set before Endgame like Homecoming was set before Civil War or whatever it came after. How much Michael Keaton is in it?


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Re: It's 20XX and people are mad online about Star War!
« Reply #4795 on: December 30, 2019, 12:30:20 AM »
Quote from: Benji
The MCU is probably never, ever, going to explain or deal with how the world dealt with half the universe returning to life, five years later, and the trauma this should cause.

Quote from: MarySueIsOffensive
This is a pretty silly thing to expect.  It was already a theme in Far from home and we will probably see it in Wandavision (at least the Vision being dead dead), the next ant man and proably hawkeye tv show.

This is a pretty silly thing to expect.


Dude, you already won the actual argument with Benji (and proving us wrong) just by virtue of you watching the actual film and knowing that stuff is actually deal with it. Why pretend I misread your post and you didnt made a argumentative mistake?


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Re: It's 20XX and people are mad online about Star War!
« Reply #4796 on: December 30, 2019, 12:34:25 AM »
This is a pretty silly thing to expect.

That kinda of ruin the emotional  impact of that film, doesn’t it.  :doge

Tony Stark’s death was more traumatic to the universe than half of the people vanishing and coming back 5 years later.

Being fair: Tony Stark's death is more impactful in that film because we've seen Tony for seven+ movies and years. So watching him "die" hurts more than the 1trillion+ universe(s) "death"/dusting.

I doubt MCU, being a popcorn film series, is going to heavily explain the dusting (they "died," but did they die-die or did they just go off to another universe/realm like after-life????) or the impact of that at the ground-level.

As much as that would be an interesting film (and Far from Home sort of explores it, but not too deeply), it probably isn't an interesting enough film for Marvel and the box office to actually explore beyond comic books/tie-ins to the films.


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Re: It's 20XX and people are mad online about Star War!
« Reply #4797 on: December 30, 2019, 12:35:53 AM »
I admit I have not seen Far From Home and forgot about it and that one is supposed to be in "Phase Four" and also that I thought it was set before Endgame like Homecoming was set before Civil War or whatever it came after. How much Michael Keaton is in it?

From memory: Far from Home is the last Phase 3 movie partly made to set up Phase 4. It is set after Civil War, and after Infinity War, and Endgame. They reference the 'Snap' (Thanos killing off half the universe) and people coming back and it's mostly played for laughs in the first 5 minutes, and don't show the effects while they're actually in Europe. I do not believe Michael Keaton is in it.

Also, I think Martin Starr is a Skrull. Also, Martin Short.


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Re: It's 20XX and people are mad online about Star War!
« Reply #4798 on: December 30, 2019, 12:36:45 AM »
Why the fuck Vader and Carrie Fisher were in the movie?
? This is the like the one thing to not complain about.

What does them being in the film add to the plot or the themes of that film beyond "member star wars?".
The whole movie is "remember star wars". A movie with a slavish attention to recreating the look of the original trilogy and having elements that fit into some unmade puzzle.  Why would adding elements for continuity to establish that this leads right into Episode 4 be a problem. I mean the movies point was "how did they get the Death Star plans".

Its not a story that needed to be told, but might as well show everything since you are doing it.


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Re: It's 20XX and people are mad online about Star War!
« Reply #4799 on: December 30, 2019, 12:40:12 AM »
Why the fuck Vader and Carrie Fisher were in the movie?
? This is the like the one thing to not complain about.

What does them being in the film add to the plot or the themes of that film beyond "member star wars?".
The whole movie is "remember star wars". Why would adding elements for continuity to establish that this leads right into Episode 4 be a problem. I mean the movies point was "how did they get the Death Star plans".

Well, that is probably why I was laughing my ass off when everyone started dying and was mostly irritated with the film not being over and having Vader killing some people.