Author Topic: US Politics Thread |OT| SAD TRUMP  (Read 5529184 times)

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  • Finish the Fight
  • Senior Member
It seems like North Korea got mad over an interview with Mike Pence on Fox News
Choe Son Hui, the vice minister of foreign affairs, was quoted Thursday by the North's state-run news agency slamming as "ignorant'' comments Pence made in an interview with Fox News that compared North Korea to Libya, saying they showed he does not understand North Korea's situation.
Again Pence raised the Libya model which ended with Gadaffi being anally raped in a ditch and left for dead after a Jihadi uprising.
So one of their ministers responded with a threat of her own:
"We will neither beg the US for dialogue nor take the trouble to persuade them if they do not want to sit together with us,'' KCNA quoted her as saying. "Whether the US will meet us at a meeting room or encounter us at nuclear-to-nuclear showdown is entirely dependent upon the decision and behaviour of the United States.''

And then Trump decided to cancel the summit because of their threat and boasted that his nukes were better than theirs.  :doge


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you do know that he's mad at the media because of reports about horrible work safety conditions at tesla right

Real socialism is protecting billionaire capitalists from the treacherous lügenpresse.


  • It was all going to be very admirable and noble and it would show us - philosophically - what it means to be human.
  • Senior Member
Peace in Korea will necessarily require the removal of U.S. troops / weapons from the ROK, which is to say it is quite unlikely it will ever happen.


  • Finish the Fight
  • Senior Member

Trump has freed himself from his babysitters CHAINS


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Trump’s letter may as well have been written in crayon. JFC


  • Finish the Fight
  • Senior Member

Trump made it look like he pulled the plug but the North Koreans just didn't show.



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Ayatollah Khamenei reminded his audience: “The first lesson is that the Islamic Republic government cannot interact with the US. This is the first experience. Why? Because the US does not perform its commitments. Don’t say this is only true for the administration of Trump. No! The previous administration in the US, with whom we had meetings and talks, behaved in the same manner, but they rejected the agreement in a different manner. They also threatened [us] and went against their commitments. This is an answer to all those who, repeatedly, over time asked me, “why don’t we negotiate with the US, or why don’t we develop relations with the US?”

Mentioning that the second experience is related to the depth of the US’s animosity towards Iran, the Leader of the Revolution added: “The animosity of the US is not based on an issue like the nuclear issue, but it goes beyond such matters: the Islamic Republic is a government that has grown powerful, it, in no way, compromises with the US, and has risen the flag of Islam. The US is strongly opposed to such a government. The US seeks to obliterate the factors of power in the Islamic Republic.”

He went on to say: “The third experience is that flexibility with regard to this enemy will not make it less aggressive, but it makes him more aggressive. When the Iranian government at the time of George W. Bush Senior showed some flexibility, the US named it the Axis of Evil. If you want to do something to reduce the animosity, do it; but it is not realized through flexibility and compromise.”

The relationship between American and Iranian hawks is symbiotic.


  • Senior Member

 "John Bolton is going to bomb North Korea and Japan will pay for it"  :doge

We're living in upside down world now

Last week:
Left: "Trump should not negotiate with a dictator"
Right: "Trump nobel peace prize!"

This week:
Left: "We should handle this peacefully and talk"
Right: "Ah well time to drop the bombs"

Who on the left is actually saying that Trump is dumb for cancelling the talks? I have not seen such talk.

I really have only seen statements to the effect of “this is an example of Trump getting cucked just like I said he would 2 months ago.”

And this frankly just facts.

If you go back far enough, I guarantee that there are posts in this topic from people that say “the chance of Trump negotiating anything worthwhile from this are near 0%. The best possible outcome is that we emerge with the atatu quo in place, and worst possible outcome is that Trump gets rolled in a deal that is actually awful but he can try to pitch as a win”.


  • Finish the Fight
  • Senior Member
I dunno man I'm just here to collect Kompromat and spread Dezinformatsiya  :putin


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Time to polish up those Nobel peace prizes. NK and SK just announced an end to war and hostilities.

They both vow to strive for complete denuclearization.

The madman did it.

Donald Trump is going to make a deal with North Korea.

This can't be happen. It just can't.

The North Koreans have figured out that giving Trump 'another win' and proving his Art of the Deal bullshit, will allow him to stay on as a president for 3 terms. And that serves them better than nukes ever will.

They will make a movie and he will 'write' another book about this

"The greatest deal in history"

All he needs to do is not mess up this deal with North Korea and he'll be re-elected by default.  :doge

Nobel prizes are all about optics.

After the meeting or perhaps at the meeting. Trump will invite Un and Moon to come golf at the Mar-a-lago.
They will laugh on camera and enjoy themselves over a luxurious dinner at this TRUMP(TM) property.
Trump will make some speech about having achieved world peace, makes a joke about North Korean labor camps, "Maybe we need them too, it's kinda wonderful that in your country everyone has a job" and shouts at reporters.
But even CNN has to admit that this is one great feat that President Trump has pulled off. If anyone doubts it, Moon of South Korea will once again thank Donald for his peace-making efforts and offers him a gift.

Trump will likely make Un so comfortable at the Mar-a-lago that he will plan regular visits to hang out with Trump, Kanye and playboy models of his choice.
Some sort of deal between Trump and Kim for economic aid will end with a shitty Trump hotel in the middle of Pyongyang that none of the starving citizens can afford.

On ResetEra a lost soul opens a new thread: "I will jump in front of a train if Donald Trump receives a Nobel Peace Prize tomorrow"

Let's be real here. The deal has already been made. It just needs to become official. Whatever offer was on the table has likely been discussed already between Kim and Pompeo.
There's no reason for Kim to suddenly cooperate with this adversaries and then walk away again because some expert on TV can't believe this is happening.

None of us are perfect, but I think this is a lesson about throwing hot takes in glass houses.


  • Finish the Fight
  • Senior Member
You can now see what people much dumber than us see when they open Facebook

Steve Contra

  • Bought a lemon tree straight cash
  • Senior Member
Time to polish up those Nobel peace prizes. NK and SK just announced an end to war and hostilities.

They both vow to strive for complete denuclearization.

The madman did it.

Donald Trump is going to make a deal with North Korea.

This can't be happen. It just can't.

The North Koreans have figured out that giving Trump 'another win' and proving his Art of the Deal bullshit, will allow him to stay on as a president for 3 terms. And that serves them better than nukes ever will.

They will make a movie and he will 'write' another book about this

"The greatest deal in history"

All he needs to do is not mess up this deal with North Korea and he'll be re-elected by default.  :doge

Nobel prizes are all about optics.

After the meeting or perhaps at the meeting. Trump will invite Un and Moon to come golf at the Mar-a-lago.
They will laugh on camera and enjoy themselves over a luxurious dinner at this TRUMP(TM) property.
Trump will make some speech about having achieved world peace, makes a joke about North Korean labor camps, "Maybe we need them too, it's kinda wonderful that in your country everyone has a job" and shouts at reporters.
But even CNN has to admit that this is one great feat that President Trump has pulled off. If anyone doubts it, Moon of South Korea will once again thank Donald for his peace-making efforts and offers him a gift.

Trump will likely make Un so comfortable at the Mar-a-lago that he will plan regular visits to hang out with Trump, Kanye and playboy models of his choice.
Some sort of deal between Trump and Kim for economic aid will end with a shitty Trump hotel in the middle of Pyongyang that none of the starving citizens can afford.

On ResetEra a lost soul opens a new thread: "I will jump in front of a train if Donald Trump receives a Nobel Peace Prize tomorrow"

Let's be real here. The deal has already been made. It just needs to become official. Whatever offer was on the table has likely been discussed already between Kim and Pompeo.
There's no reason for Kim to suddenly cooperate with this adversaries and then walk away again because some expert on TV can't believe this is happening.

None of us are perfect, but I think this is a lesson about throwing hot takes in glass houses.


  • Finish the Fight
  • Senior Member

“Our goal and will to do everything for peace and stability of the Korean peninsula and mankind remains unchanged, and we are always willing to give time and opportunity to the US side with a big and open mind,” according to the statement. “We express our intent that there is a willingness to sit at any time, in any way to resolve issues.”

Here we go again  :heh

Joe Molotov

  • I'm much more humble than you would understand.
  • Administrator

Instead, speaking to reporters in a background briefing, the official aired a range of grievances about the Trump administration’s dealings with North Korea in the lead-up to the June 12 meeting—only some of which had been previously disclosed. They amounted to evidence of “a profound lack of good faith.”

team filler

  • filler
  • filler

“Our goal and will to do everything for peace and stability of the Korean peninsula and mankind remains unchanged, and we are always willing to give time and opportunity to the US side with a big and open mind,” according to the statement. “We express our intent that there is a willingness to sit at any time, in any way to resolve issues.”

Here we go again  :heh
playing 10D mahjong  8)


  • 🧘‍♂️
  • Senior Member
I’ve basically stopped following the news at this point. What the fuck is going on anymore? :mindblown


  • Senior Member
This Nintex's prolonged North Korean L plotline is the highlight of this season so far.


  • Estado Homo
  • Senior Member
This Nintex's prolonged North Korean L plotline is the highlight of this season so far.

Then what was etoilet's meltdown?


  • Senior Member
This Nintex's prolonged North Korean L plotline is the highlight of this season so far.

Then what was etoilet's meltdown?

Separate show, that was on Wank Dad.


  • Now bringing you *Zen*
  • Senior Member
I’ve basically stopped following the news at this point. What the fuck is going on anymore? :mindblown
So far? nothing. Everyone just making money off chaos.

Trent Dole

  • the sharpest tool in the shed
  • Senior Member
I’ve basically stopped following the news at this point. What the fuck is going on anymore? :mindblown
So far? nothing. Everyone just making money off chaos.
That's basically this entire presidency isn't it. :trumps :money


  • Finish the Fight
  • Senior Member


  • Senior Member
For Benji:

Vox’s Netflix show “Explained,” explained

On Wednesday, Vox is launching Explained, a new show on Netflix. Every episode is a roughly 15-minute dive into a topic that drives our lives or our world. The first three, which cover DNA editing, monogamy, and the racial wealth gap, are available now. You can watch the show — or add it to your Netflix queue for later — here. I hope you will.

From now through the rest of the season, we will release a new episode every Wednesday. This is also Vox’s first truly global product: Each episode will be in 191 countries, dubbed into four languages and subtitled in 23 more.

Global reach Voxsplainers  :rejoice

spoiler (click to show/hide)
I don't actually mind Vox. Just that their content is wildly inconsistent.
« Last Edit: May 25, 2018, 04:26:34 PM by Nola »


  • Lieutenant colonel, 26th Hate Machine battalion
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  • Senior Member
 ::)  :lol

Weekly reminder that you passed off Lavrov press releases and Russian disinformation sites as credible sources Optimus.   :gurl
« Last Edit: May 25, 2018, 06:32:11 PM by Nola »

Great Rumbler

  • Dab on the sinners
  • Global Moderator
Imma watch that Vox show now just because of how much it triggers Optimus.  :doge


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The night before Trump delivered his first speech to Congress in February 2017, he huddled with senior adviser Jared Kushner and Miller in the Oval Office to talk immigration. The president reluctantly agreed with suggestions that he strike a gentler tone on immigration in the speech.

Trump reminded them the crowds loved his rhetoric on immigrants along the campaign trail. Acting as if he were at a rally, he recited a few made-up Hispanic names and described potential crimes they could have committed, such as rape or murder. Then, he said, the crowds would roar when the criminals were thrown out of the country — as they did when he highlighted crimes by illegal immigrants at his rallies, according to a person present for the exchange and another briefed on it later. Miller and Kushner laughed.


  • Finish the Fight
  • Senior Member

The night before Trump delivered his first speech to Congress in February 2017, he huddled with senior adviser Jared Kushner and Miller in the Oval Office to talk immigration. The president reluctantly agreed with suggestions that he strike a gentler tone on immigration in the speech.

Trump reminded them the crowds loved his rhetoric on immigrants along the campaign trail. Acting as if he were at a rally, he recited a few made-up Hispanic names and described potential crimes they could have committed, such as rape or murder. Then, he said, the crowds would roar when the criminals were thrown out of the country — as they did when he highlighted crimes by illegal immigrants at his rallies, according to a person present for the exchange and another briefed on it later. Miller and Kushner laughed.

Mark Krikorian, head of the Center for Immigration Studies, a Washington think tank whose ideas about the benefits of restricting immigration have broad influence in the administration, said Trump wants Nielsen to deliver a crackdown that looks like “the Iraq War.”

“He wants to do shock and awe,” Krikorian said. “He doesn’t realize this is World War I. It’s trench warfare.”

As Trump harangued Nielsen for more than 30 minutes in front of the Cabinet this month, other aides grimaced and fidgeted. Nothing she said seemed to calm the president, according to people familiar with the meeting.

“We’re closed!” Trump yelled at one point, referring to the border.

I'm sort of worried Trump will appoint Miller as DHS and he will start machine gunning everyone within a 100 mile radius on both sides of the border.


  • Lieutenant colonel, 26th Hate Machine battalion
  • Senior Member
Imma watch that Vox show now just because of how much it triggers Optimus.  :doge

Imma watch it too now just because you assumed it triggered me. You think you're the only one that can be petty? I can be double petty. In fact I'm completely adopting SJW politics just to prove you wrong. Check. Mate.

My pronouns are xenu and xena fyi.


  • cultural maoist
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Last month there was the story that DHS had basically lost about 1,500 minors who had immigrated unaccompanied by adults. Which is maybe something to keep in mind when John Kelly talks about taking immigrant children away from their parents and putting them in "foster care - or wherever."

I suppose a silver lining is that Trump's sheer loudness on immigration issues has prompted a lot more coverage and awareness of this sort of shit, which has basically been accepted as the mainstream status quo.


  • cultural maoist
  • Senior Member
yeah the missing kids story is super fucked

WASHINGTON — A top official with the Department of Health and Human Services told members of Congress on Thursday that the agency had lost track of nearly 1,500 migrant children it placed with sponsors in the United States, raising concerns they could end up in the hands of human traffickers or be used as laborers by people posing as relatives.

The official, Steven Wagner, the acting assistant secretary of the agency’s Administration for Children and Families, disclosed during testimony before a Senate homeland security subcommittee that the agency had learned of the missing children after placing calls to the people who took responsibility for them when they were released from government custody.


  • cultural maoist
  • Senior Member
also remember when I said republicans were basically the party of white supremacy and cindi thought it was ridiculous

that story about trump talking throwing out random hispanic names to whip up his crowds seems relevant


  • Y = λ𝑓. (λ𝑥. 𝑓 (𝑥 𝑥)) (λ𝑥. 𝑓 (𝑥 𝑥))
  • Senior Member
Dunno what to call that except for state sponsored terrorism against the migrant community. "Come here and we'll make your kids disappear."


  • Icon
There are humanitarian groups that leave water out in places like the Arizona desert where migrants could potentially die of dehydration.

Border Patrol regularly empties out that water.


  • Senior Member
Imma watch that Vox show now just because of how much it triggers Optimus.  :doge

Imma watch it too now just because you assumed it triggered me. You think you're the only one that can be petty? I can be double petty. In fact I'm completely adopting SJW politics just to prove you wrong. Check. Mate.

My pronouns are xenu and xena fyi.

Stop being so sexy, bitch.

Great Rumbler

  • Dab on the sinners
  • Global Moderator
Imma watch that Vox show now just because of how much it triggers Optimus.  :doge

Imma watch it too now just because you assumed it triggered me. You think you're the only one that can be petty? I can be double petty. In fact I'm completely adopting SJW politics just to prove you wrong. Check. Mate.

My pronouns are xenu and xena fyi.



  • Lieutenant colonel, 26th Hate Machine battalion
  • Senior Member
Imma watch that Vox show now just because of how much it triggers Optimus.  :doge

Imma watch it too now just because you assumed it triggered me. You think you're the only one that can be petty? I can be double petty. In fact I'm completely adopting SJW politics just to prove you wrong. Check. Mate.

My pronouns are xenu and xena fyi.


Are you a POC? What gives you the right to use an African-American person's face?


  • Y = λ𝑓. (λ𝑥. 𝑓 (𝑥 𝑥)) (λ𝑥. 𝑓 (𝑥 𝑥))
  • Senior Member
I liked it better when I thought you were in a ditch somewhere.


  • Lieutenant colonel, 26th Hate Machine battalion
  • Senior Member
I liked it better when I thought you were in a ditch somewhere.

Please stop this harassment campaign against me. There won't be a second warning, you will be reported.


  • Senior Member
Is every member of the Bore's InTrollectual Dark Web having a breakdown one after another?


  • We've *all*
  • Senior Member
also remember when I said republicans were basically the party of white supremacy and cindi thought it was ridiculous

that story about trump talking throwing out random hispanic names to whip up his crowds seems relevant

Republicans love kids, but just the unborn ones.


  • Y = λ𝑓. (λ𝑥. 𝑓 (𝑥 𝑥)) (λ𝑥. 𝑓 (𝑥 𝑥))
  • Senior Member
Republicans love kids, but just the unborn ones.
nothing is more loving of children than trying to prevent a full stomach, empty soul situation.


  • Until at last, I threw down my enemy and smote his ruin upon the mountainside.
  • Senior Member
Last month there was the story that DHS had basically lost about 1,500 minors who had immigrated unaccompanied by adults. Which is maybe something to keep in mind when John Kelly talks about taking immigrant children away from their parents and putting them in "foster care - or wherever."

I suppose a silver lining is that Trump's sheer loudness on immigration issues has prompted a lot more coverage and awareness of this sort of shit, which has basically been accepted as the mainstream status quo.

20th trimester abortion.

Trent Dole

  • the sharpest tool in the shed
  • Senior Member
also remember when I said republicans were basically the party of white supremacy and cindi thought it was ridiculous

that story about trump talking throwing out random hispanic names to whip up his crowds seems relevant
Oh there's this now too 'President Donald Drumpf said at a Naval Academy commencement address Friday that “our ancestors tamed a continent,” adding that “we are not going to apologize for America.”
He's pretty undeniably a white supremacist at this point. :doge


  • Icon
He called for banning every single follower of a particular religion from being able to enter the country, in front of a cheering crowd who went on to vote for him.

However bad his new quotes get, I feel like there isn't much "at this point" and anyone who hasn't acknowledged what he represents is more or less permanently committed to that position.

spoiler (click to show/hide)
"THAT CAN'T BE RACISM BECAUSE ISLAM IS NOT A RACE!" yells popular Youtube personality HumanistFreeThinker1488, crashing through the wall like the Kool Aid Man.

Trent Dole

  • the sharpest tool in the shed
  • Senior Member

spoiler (click to show/hide)
Yes, hating Muslims isn't racists cause it's a religion not a race, but it's ok for white supremacists to hate Jews cause Jews aren't white, they're Jews. :doge

Cauliflower Of Love

  • I found my bearings, they were in the race
  • Senior Member
remember when trump said he loved daca?

Joe Molotov

  • I'm much more humble than you would understand.
  • Administrator
Around and around we go.

*beep* *beep*
You guys hear that? That's a dump truck full of L's backing up to Mandark's house, ready to drop them off as soon as Nintex is vindicated and Trump wins 3 consecutive Nobel Peace Prizes for making America, Korea, and the Middle East great again. :rejoice


  • Senior Member

Looks like Spain has wiretaps on every conversation Torshin had during the election, including convos with Don he, NRA, and other RNC and campaign officials... provided to the fbi months ago (probably mueller)

Chief prosecutor in Spain says Don jr should be worried.

Too bad etoilet is not around to hand out Ls
« Last Edit: May 26, 2018, 01:29:35 PM by kingv »


  • Lieutenant colonel, 26th Hate Machine battalion
  • Senior Member
Surely, this will be the end of Don Jr.


  • Senior Member
Surely, this will be the end of Don Jr.

Why do keep pretending you are not a Trumpkin?


  • Lieutenant colonel, 26th Hate Machine battalion
  • Senior Member
Surely, this will be the end of Don Jr.

Why do keep pretending you are not a Trumpkin?

What are you talking about, I agree with you guys. Any time now, any time now!


  • Senior Member
Surely, this will be the end of Don Jr.

Why do keep pretending you are not a Trumpkin?

What are you talking about, I agree with you guys. Any time now, any time now!

Nobody said that, thought.


  • Lieutenant colonel, 26th Hate Machine battalion
  • Senior Member
Surely, this will be the end of Don Jr.

Why do keep pretending you are not a Trumpkin?

What are you talking about, I agree with you guys. Any time now, any time now!

Nobody said that, thought.

But he should be worried, reeeeeaaaally worried. Shitting his pants worried. Fleeing and country and changing him name to Gustavo worried. Putting a bullet in his head worried. Taking control of the nuclear weapons and bombing himself worried. Aaaaaaaany time now.


  • Senior Member
He just hates the establishment left so much that he advocates non-participation and openly wishes for an even worse party/president to take/keep power to teach them a lesson about how they should magically learn the lessons he wants them to and abandon appealing to regular voters to chase these moody idealists like himself in every part of the country for reasons, because that has always worked.


  • Senior Member
Surely, this will be the end of Don Jr.

Why do keep pretending you are not a Trumpkin?


  • Lieutenant colonel, 26th Hate Machine battalion
  • Senior Member
He just hates the establishment left so much that he advocates non-participation and openly wishes for an even worse party/president to take/keep power to teach them a lesson about how they should magically learn the lessons he wants them to and abandon appealing to regular voters to chase these moody idealists like himself in every part of the country for reasons, because that has always worked.

lol what establishment left?


  • Senior Member
Surely, this will be the end of Don Jr.

Why do keep pretending you are not a Trumpkin?

What are you talking about, I agree with you guys. Any time now, any time now!

Nobody said that, thought.

But he should be worried, reeeeeaaaally worried. Shitting his pants worried. Fleeing and country and changing him name to Gustavo worried. Putting a bullet in his head worried. Taking control of the nuclear weapons and bombing himself worried. Aaaaaaaany time now.

Chief prosecutor in Spain says Don jr should be worried.

Is the Chief prosecutor a user from The Bore?