Author Topic: Maybe the real NeoGAF was the friends we made along the way...  (Read 2256841 times)

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  • Defender of Centrist Scum
  • Senior Member

The toxic levels of hyperbole is giving me cancer.

Get on the level of Jon Tron

The end result of what JonTron believes probably resembles this

Seriously, folks: I don't think a lot of you are aware of the gravity of the situation the United States, let alone the world, is in right now.


  • Senior Member
He didn't get perm'd. Well that may have changed after he starting whining on twitter about his ban though. Regardless, he's presumably

"not coming back because people don't want me there  :-\  :'( :brazilcry :crybaby :( :gloomy "

I'm 50/50 on if Bobby has the will power to resist coming back.  My immediate reaction is " :lol He'll be back the minute his ban lifts, no way he can resist"

...but there's something special about this man we call Bobby Roberts, so after thinking about it for a few hours I've concluded that he's so far up his own ass that he could resist GAF.

Maybe I'm overthinking it?  I'll have to check my notes.

once the last jedi is released and he sees people talking about disney the temptation to return will be too high.


  • Senior Member


  • Cereal mispeller
  • Member
Baby Hobbits has “quit” GAF before. At most he’ll stay away for like 3-4 months, just like last time. But the combination of his ego not getting the vitamins and nutrients it needs on Twitter (because no one likes him anywhere except GAF) + a new Star Wars cinematic experience will lure him back to GAF like a fly to shit.

I ga-run-tee it, kiddos.


  • Junior Member
I hate everything about the dumbass phrase "Milkshake Duck". It just feels like one of those try-hard to be clever thing. Makes as much sense as a "Banana Platypus" moment which describes you shoving a cucumber up someone's anus while humming to show tunes.

Never heard anyone in real life use that phrase. Then again, I'm not in the US so english is not as common here.


  • 🙈🙉🙊
  • Senior Member
I hate everything about the dumbass phrase "Milkshake Duck". It just feels like one of those try-hard to be clever thing. Makes as much sense as a "Banana Platypus" moment which describes you shoving a cucumber up someone's anus while humming to show tunes.

Never heard anyone in real life use that phrase. Then again, I'm not in the US so english is not as common here.
It's a very young internet slang thing that started as a joke.

Milkshake duck started off as a funny tweet about the weird internet stars that turned out to be awful people and now apparently means any famous person that has at any point said something I disagree with.


  • stronger ties you have, more power you gain
  • Senior Member
I can't wait to banana platypus someone this weekend


  • Senior Member
filler is a milkshake duck for getting mad about my custom title


  • Cereal mispeller
  • Member
I’m gonna banana platypus every one of you motherfuckers. Pull your fucking pants down and unclench for my thick and creamy milkshake dick.

edit: and when I’m done I’m gonna leave your asses on the side of the road like a cremé brûlée otter.


  • Senior Member
I’m gonna banana platypus every one of you motherfuckers. Pull your fucking pants down and unclench for my thick and creamy milkshake dick.


  • Laugh when you can, it’s cheap medicine -LB
  • Senior Member
I said the very same thing after I paid 120 beans for an NES Classic from a third-party seller on Amazon last December.


  • Defender of Centrist Scum
  • Senior Member
Twitter boycott.

Deactivated my account too. Twitter needs a wake up call.

You... could take the day off too...

It's 24 hours. Go for a run. Live. Do something else.

Yeah, that's gonna happen on GAF.


  • Laugh when you can, it’s cheap medicine -LB
  • Senior Member
Hold up, does anyone have time to write a thinkpiece? I think I have a good one. Maybe. Unless it’s been done.


Guys on GAF boycotting twitter for a day seems slightly less stupid than boycotting part of the inauguration.


  • Senior Member
How will Bobby Roberts hold up boycotting GAF AND Twitter? He will have nowhere to rant.


  • Laugh when you can, it’s cheap medicine -LB
  • Senior Member
How will Bobby Roberts hold up boycotting GAF AND Twitter? He will have nowhere to rant.

Honestly, his twitter output disappoints me. No italics. No bold. No meaty, verbose posts. Diet Robby does not satisfy.


  • Senior Member
But this is the most spoiler-free he's been since 1980

when he watched star wars as a zygote


  • Laugh when you can, it’s cheap medicine -LB
  • Senior Member
Ew, I’m actually imagining a scenario where I, ugghhh, use Twitter in order to bait him into a classic Bobby argument. Can someone drive to Oakland and slap my like a hysterical woman in an old movie?


  • Senior Member

Snap out of it TVC!


  • cultural maoist
  • Senior Member

    Quote from: hipbabboom
    I'm a fan of open world RPG - mainly Bethesda style games that have deep simulation. I've spent hundreds of hours in Skyrim but always had the one gripe that you I was unable to kill someone's partner and then become the lover/spouse of the bereaved character. Call it a quirk but I've always felt that it would add far more depth into the romance these games attempt and put some skin in the game for myself as a compelling emotional component. It makes the love with the character feel like something I've earned with my own hands - a love I was willing to do dirt for. I wouldn't do something like this in real life but within the confines of a game where its acceptable to play a thief etc... I don't get hung up on the any of the real-world moral melodrama.

    Anyways, since its been a while since Skyrim, I was hoping that there's either a full game or modes to an existing game that would let me do this. If it can hit some (if not all) of the following features, it'd be great:
    • Allow relationships to started or be ended with multiple characters
    • Allow dialog options with the spouse you kill so they're aware of what you intend to do with their partner after their death. Extra points if they can show different reactions in the dialog tree
    • Allow partners to go through a grieving period where yo can complete quests to win their affection
    • Have Mass Effect style love scenes where depending on the effort you put into the relationship, they would state if you were better than their previous partner
    • Have a main-character (or loyalty) quest for each bereaved spouse may discover what you did and depending on your previous quest successes and your speech stats, allows you to attempt to save your relationship with them
    • If the couple had children, make side quests where you win their affection

    Just from these few points already, you can already see how much more interesting and meaningful relationships in a game becomes.


    hipbabboom is the last good poster on that website

    team filler

    • filler
    • filler
    there is no debate, disney has complete control of star wars.


    • Laugh when you can, it’s cheap medicine -LB
    • Senior Member
    there is no debate, disney has complete control of star wars.



    • Laugh when you can, it’s cheap medicine -LB
    • Senior Member
    Putting a modicum of thought into this, I don’t think I’m nuanced enough with Star Wars lore to bait him into anything. I’d just come across as an ignorable philistine.


    • Senior Member
    Putting a modicum of thought into this, I don’t think I’m nuanced enough with Star Wars lore to bait him into anything. I’d just come across as an ignorable philistine.

    What you call "lore" is just a fancy dressing for saying BACKSTORY. Basic-ass, not-really-that-important backstory, kiddo.  :bobby


    • Laugh when you can, it’s cheap medicine -LB
    • Senior Member
    Give me time to ponder. I have time. He will be boycotting Twitter tomorrow anyway.


    • Winner of the Baited Award 2018
    • Senior Member
    Twitter boycott.
    (Image removed from quote.)
    Deactivated my account too. Twitter needs a wake up call.

    Twitter: "OMG, shaking rn."


    • Do the moron
    • Senior Member

    Disgusting wealthism. Stop being poor you shitlord.


    • Do the moron
    • Senior Member


    • Member
    How do we know that's really him? He's not even


    • Defender of Centrist Scum
    • Senior Member
    Well, look who's back...

    Quoting slayven.  How far can you fall?

    Slayven is a bot that quotes others and says "So much truth," or it posts a semi-relevant image from the civil rights era.  You can test it by posting a thread with the title "Black water shows up in Georgia swimming pools," and he will post a picture of black kids being denied access to swimming pools in the 60's.

    Bishop is the anal parasite to a remora eel.   :D

    Olivia Wilde Homo

    • Proud Kinkshamer
    • Senior Member

    Mods, plz turn into an emoji thx


    • Nebuchadnezzar
    • Senior Member
    99% of the forum


    • Nebuchadnezzar
    • Senior Member
    I'd get that comic so I can get a sensible chuckle whenever I see it.


    • Member
    There is 0% chance Bobby Roberts doesn't come back. It's the only place where people listen.


    • Senior Member
    I'd be legitimately shocked if Bobby isn't back by the time The Last Jedi hits theaters. Can you imagine him sitting back and not trying to take over the official GAF TLJ and every other subsequent Star Wars thread coming out of TLJ?

    Him returning to GAF just as TLJ hits will  be perfect timing for his return. Just enough time would have passed since his ban and "protest", and he can jump right into a subject (Star Wars) that many on GAF--bizarrely--thinks he's credible on.


    • oops
    • Member
    You know, the fact that you guys keep talking about Robbie means he won:doge


    • We've *all*
    • Senior Member
    You know, the fact that you guys keep talking about Robbie means he won:doge

    he unironically posted in the neogaf thread.


    • Nebuchadnezzar
    • Senior Member



    • oops
    • Member
    You know, the fact that you guys keep talking about Robbie means he won:doge

    he unironically posted in the neogaf thread.

    Yeah, im secretly from Voat. Just blew my cover like etiolate.


    • Member
    I'd be legitimately shocked if Bobby isn't back by the time The Last Jedi hits theaters. Can you imagine him sitting back and not trying to take over the official GAF TLJ and every other subsequent Star Wars thread coming out of TLJ?

    Him returning to GAF just as TLJ hits will  be perfect timing for his return. Just enough time would have passed since his ban and "protest", and he can jump right into a subject (Star Wars) that many on GAF--bizarrely--thinks he's credible on.

    It's like when a big wrestler is out for a long time with an injury and returns for the ROYAL RUMBLE


    • Senior Member
    GAF virtue signaling so hard that they disregard the victims wishes to attack MacFarlane.

    Half of Gaf doesn't have friends or interact with normal people in real life in a normal way on a regular basis.

    That can be further subdivided into the people who make insane threads about normal situations and the people who clog up these threads misunderstanding basic human interaction.



    • The Bore's Like Bot
    • Senior Member


    • If my bones are breaking would you tell me that I'm weak?
    • Senior Member
    NeoGAF users complaining about Twitter selectively enforcing their TOS is just  :delicious


    • Senior Senior Senior Senior Senior Senior Senior Senior Senior Senior Senior Senior
    • Senior Member
    NeoGAF users complaining about Twitter selectively enforcing their TOS is just  :delicious

    When they were banning/suspending people they didn't like for seemingly random reasons they were all "YAH TWITTER, SLAY TWITTER!!"


    • Senior Member strangers.......?



    • Laugh when you can, it’s cheap medicine -LB
    • Senior Member
    You know, the fact that you guys keep talking about Robbie means he won...:doge

    ...our hearts :uguu


    • Banana Grabber
    • Senior Member
    have we discussed this thread yet

    From the OP and his updates, it does sound like she was probably doing something shady

    but good FUCK the responses in that thread.  are people that untrusting?


    • Senior Senior Senior Senior Senior Senior Senior Senior Senior Senior Senior Senior
    • Senior Member
    Talking about relationship issues on GAF, no wonder she's looking elsewhere.

    seagrams hotsauce

    • Senior Member
    have we discussed this thread yet

    From the OP and his updates, it does sound like she was probably doing something shady

    but good FUCK the responses in that thread.  are people that untrusting?

    like 90% of people are just saying 'dump her', what's the issue


    • Junior Member
    Oops she's innocent. Dump her anyway coward. A real girlfriend wouldn't have made you worry.

    Putting a modicum of thought into this, I don’t think I’m nuanced enough with Star Wars lore to bait him into anything. I’d just come across as an ignorable philistine.

    Something something Kyle Katarn.


    • Winner of the Baited Award 2018
    • Senior Member


    • Banana Grabber
    • Senior Member
    have we discussed this thread yet

    From the OP and his updates, it does sound like she was probably doing something shady

    but good FUCK the responses in that thread.  are people that untrusting?

    like 90% of people are just saying 'dump her', what's the issue

    No, that's what I mean.  So many fuck her, dump her ass posts despite it being a more nuanced situation.

    just feels super reactive is all