Author Topic: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo  (Read 619703 times)

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  • Nebuchadnezzar
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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #2100 on: August 01, 2019, 04:32:16 AM »
I got autocracy  :lol

did it again and got Leftwing Populism this time, just shifted a few answers that I'm iffy on

so I'm between autocracy and leftwing populism
So how is that green new deal going for you?
spoiler (click to show/hide)


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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #2101 on: August 01, 2019, 08:34:28 AM »


  • someday you feed on a tree frog
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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #2102 on: August 01, 2019, 08:40:24 AM »


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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #2103 on: August 01, 2019, 08:42:08 AM »
You're all going to have to google Murray Bookchin.


  • Nebuchadnezzar
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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #2104 on: August 01, 2019, 09:18:13 AM »
book, chin. choose one.


  • 🙈🙉🙊
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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #2105 on: August 01, 2019, 01:07:43 PM »
I have no issue with gay rights. I am pro choice.

Where on the spectrum do I fit?  :thinking

My views don't just fit neatly into a box. That isn't so uncommon.

damn bro you're blowing my fucking mind



Libertarian Socialism. Is there one of these that's so surrepticiously worded that you can actually be surprised by the results (and don't subconciously manipulate them)?
« Last Edit: August 01, 2019, 01:15:45 PM by Rufus »


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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #2106 on: August 01, 2019, 01:24:37 PM »
Also the idea that you're not all reactionary fucktards is the funniest part. What is the dogpiling if not reactionary? The mind boggles.

"reactionary" is when someone reacts to something, and they more they react the more they're being reactionary



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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #2107 on: August 01, 2019, 02:01:39 PM »
"MLK had shifted away from black liberation. When he was assassinated, he was in Memphis to support a sanitation workers' strike!"

I've seen several people float variations of this idea over the last few years, and I have to assume they never looked up pictures of that strike.


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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #2108 on: August 01, 2019, 02:04:39 PM »


  • <<SALVATION!>>
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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #2109 on: August 01, 2019, 02:22:44 PM »
I got autocracy  :lol

did it again and got Leftwing Populism this time, just shifted a few answers that I'm iffy on

so I'm between autocracy and leftwing populism
So how is that green new deal going for you?
spoiler (click to show/hide)

clearly needs moar autocracy


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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #2110 on: August 01, 2019, 02:52:46 PM »
you know, i don't like to do this. i know it's poor internet etiquette to continue criticizing someone in a thread after they said they would stop posting...


for the sake of prosperity, i would like to declare that literally every single assumption i made about leadbelly was 100% accurate. that he was someone who was pathologically obsessed with identity politics from the Left. somebody who unironically thinks the greatest threats to society are sinister corporate diversity initiatives and tyrannical HR managers.  he's someone who is insanely paranoid of pink haired college kids hiding under his bed.

he got SO damn hung up on the idea that i was claiming he was a conservative and so tried to repeatedly insist that he also occasionally has GOOD opinions as well, when that was never what my complaint was. i can totally believe that he is not a literal card carrying member of the republican party, and may have some deeply held leftist views on the economy. it's more than possible to leftist on the economic front and be a chud on the social front, as our very own Optimus demonstrated in the past. my complaint however, was, what good is being a leftist on the economy if you rarely, IF EVER, fucking talk about it. in which case, he's asking me to ignore his actions, but listen to his heart.

i mean, say what you will about Optimus, but at least he had the decency to mention more than once that he would line up CEOs against the wall along with anita sarkeesian, in this sense, leadbelly is basically just a more polite version of assimilate.
« Last Edit: August 01, 2019, 02:58:57 PM by Oblivion »


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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #2111 on: August 01, 2019, 02:55:47 PM »
Assimilate wasn't even on the left economically. His one claim to liberalism was that he voted for Obama that one time.

edit: fuck, he also claimed that he voted for Clinton, but I don't believe him


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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #2112 on: August 01, 2019, 02:55:55 PM »
I was using it in the french revolution era sense, so I didn't bother to unpack that one

dogpiling is the tool of the masses

People need to drop their victim mentality and expose themselves to other viewpoints with an open mind.

*multiple people make fun of me on a homoerotic splinter gaming forum

This is the real fascism.


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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #2113 on: August 01, 2019, 02:58:16 PM »
also, too. i was reading the previous wank dad thread and saw that leadbelly was arguing with mandark about the mlk thing more than a year ago lol.

oh and very briefly, i was almost thrown for a loop when i saw leadbelly post a video of contrapoints, only to find out that it was a video of contrapoints where she's debating roaming millenial, because of course. :rofl


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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #2114 on: August 01, 2019, 03:07:15 PM »
Assimilate wasn't even on the left economically. His one claim to liberalism was that he voted for Obama that one time.

edit: fuck, he also claimed that he voted for Clinton, but I don't believe him

yeah, i doubt that clown was. i was trying to say that functionally speaking, assy and leadbelly are pretty much the same


  • Senior Member
Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #2115 on: August 01, 2019, 03:52:52 PM »
he's someone who is insanely paranoid of pink haired college kids hiding under his bed.

Translation: leadbelly is someone who does not like identity politics and speaks about it.

As I said before for some reason people seem to want to exaggerate shit way out of proportion. which is human nature. I actually think it has something to do with why Trump got elected, for instance. And I find that reasonable reason to be critical of it. I don't think it is literally the end of world however. This isn't my topic of conversation in the real world. I don't go to the bar and rant about 'those damn liberals' or anything. The irony is, you almost come across as insanely pathological about me.Like your obsession lies with me. This constant push to figure me out. Asking purity test questions. Constant dogpiling. What is that exactly? lol

I have written about or posted videos about subjects that are critical of those things, in a thread where that, originally wason topic. And that is an important point to make. Sure, it would a bit weird if it was an Anime thread and suddenly ranted about liberals. Yeah, that would be weird... but no.

Strangely, I am kind of okay with this, mainly because you ackowledge I am on the left(lol). And I just think that's progress. And I have interacted with you people enough now to know, it kind isn't worth it. The debate is unsatisfactory. I get nothing out of it. And it is bordering on the ridiculous half the time. Why would I be offended by you guys?

Another thing: if we were to take what we post about often seriously and call it a pathological obsession, then surely you're all pathologically obsessed with Jordan Peterson and the IDW? No? I'm not saying you are, that's not my point. It is simply doing what you do. This si what you speak about ALL THE TIME. Get it?
« Last Edit: August 01, 2019, 04:03:32 PM by Leadbelly »


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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #2116 on: August 01, 2019, 04:06:03 PM »


  • Senior Member
Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #2117 on: August 01, 2019, 04:13:35 PM »
he's someone who is insanely paranoid of pink haired college kids hiding under his bed.

Translation: leadbelly is someone who does not like identity politics and speaks about it.

As I said before for some reason people seem to want to exaggerate shit way out of proportion. which is human nature. I actually think it has something to do with why Trump got elected, for instance. And I find that reasonable reason to be critical of it. I don't think it is literally the end of world however. This isn't my topic of conversation in the real world. I don't go to the bar and rant about 'those damn liberals' or anything.

you posted this on the LAST fucking page, my dude:

I simply said some speculate, which they do.

That said, the point I was making is that older lefties understand the importance of class solidarity. That was the argument I was making. That real change is mroe likely through organising under class than race.
Who is telling you to choose?

And I never said identity politics is a trick by the establishment. I never suggested this at all.
Looking back, I misread something. My bad. Your actual position is that identity issues are not inclusive enough to get people who are not part of that identity on board so they fracture and divide. But genosse, this is still a false choice. Look at gay rights. Straight people made the choice to stand up for gay rights because they made a moral calculation to do so. Also, gay people organized together, along with their allies, for those rights, to solve that issue specific to their collective experience. An identity issue can only divide a class if people within that class choose to become enemies to the group in question whether than allies. So it reduces, again, to the simple question of whether you are an ally (on that issue) or not.

There is good news: we live in democracies (modulo the factor of corporate influence). When you disagree with some issue, you vote against it. When you agree, you vote for it. If this hypothetical working class bloke you are thinking of was just about to reign in the finance sector, the tax evaders, and the rentiers, but the issue of, say, legitimizing sodomy turned him off, that says infinitely more about him and his alleged commitment to class issues than it does those who would put forth the identity issue in question.

I will grant you that this does apply in reverse, too. There are many times where people have had to choose whether to put aside their identity issues to advocate class ones when voting for social fascists less than agreeable people. That's a choice that everyone has to make for themselves. For latinos wondering whether ICE will bust their door down and drag their abuela out of the house, their existential issue is more important than voting for Richard Spencer who wants universal healthcare and free college. For my gay Republican roommate who interned at the state capitol, he understood that his party wasn't really with him on LGBT issues, but it was ultimately more important to him to keep the debt down :beli, keep taxes low :beli, and "lead from the front" :beli. Anyway I just don't think this happens as often as you think and you're too stuck on a pink-haired straw-nonbinary-person (they/them) screaming at you about spreading your legs on the subway. This is a concrete thing so give concrete examples, it can never be solved in the abstract.

I agree with gay rights point. There was a time when there was a clear reason to mobilise. Homosexuality at one point was illegal in the law. When there are tangible causes to fight for, then yes, people will organise in solidarity. It is not so clear now, and fights not so obvious. And that's part of the problem but not the entire problem. And I do think the issue is fringe, always has been. The problem is, I think the fringe element is the one most vocal, and also the one more likely to seek certain positions within the institutions. You talk about the obvious pink-haired nutcase that shrieks nonsense. It is not one case though is it? It is more than one case. The whole 'straight white male' thing is not one person though right? It is actually thing. If I were to go to an intersectionality meeting, if I were white, which I am not, I would be expected to keep quiet to make space for minority voices to speak. This is a thing. It is divisive ultimately. And that is why we talk about it. You can say that it is overstated, but it can be understated. Google's diversity unit, it didn't happen in a vacuum right? There has to be a push for it to begin with. Which there was in the universities. It is a thing.

You DO think this type of shit is a problem. Otherwise you wouldn't focus so much energy on it.

The irony is, you almost come across as insanely pathological about me.Like your obsession lies with me. This constant push to figure me out. Asking purity test questions. Constant dogpiling. What is that exactly? lol

Obsessed with you? This is the first prolonged interaction I've had with you. I've seen you post in this and other threads (usually the same shit), but I generally went about my way. You on the other hand, have been posting that sort of shit for god knows how long.

I have written about or posted videos about subjects that are critical of those things, in a thread where that, originally on topic. Sure, it would a bit weird if it was an Anime thread and suddenly ranted about liberals. Yeah, that would be weird... but no.

For all the complaints you have about me supposedly strawmanning you, you yourself sure do it a lot. I have (repeatedly) told you that I don't take issue with you posting shit that people in this thread may disagree with. That's not the issue. That was NEVER the issue!


  • Senior Member
Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #2118 on: August 01, 2019, 04:18:27 PM »
Most of the time I only post videos in this thread. Without comment.

The reason I have been speaking about it at length of late is because you engaged me. Don't get it twisted. I didn't write those posts without being prompted.


  • Senior Member
Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #2119 on: August 01, 2019, 04:19:36 PM »
Counterpoint: you are free to post whatever garbage you want, and other people are also free to mock you for it. No one is taking away leadbelly's freedom of expression lol


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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #2120 on: August 01, 2019, 04:22:27 PM »
If I were to go to an intersectionality meeting, if I were white, which I am not, I would be expected to keep quiet to make space for minority voices to speak.

literal lol at "intersectionality meeting"

also, for someone who places such high value on keeping an open mind and exposing oneself to differing viewpoints, it's weird that a situation where you're expected to listen to "minority voices" would be such a self-evidently awful thing


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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #2121 on: August 01, 2019, 04:24:08 PM »
Counterpoint: you are free to post whatever garbage you want, and other people are also free to mock you for it. No one is taking away leadbelly's freedom of expression lol

I'm not saying you are. Just don't give me the crap that it has nothing to do with heterodox opinions.


  • Senior Member
Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #2122 on: August 01, 2019, 04:25:53 PM »
Most of the time I only post videos in this thread. Without comment.

I...didn't say you did otherwise?

The reason I have been speaking about it at length of late is because you engaged me. Don't get it twisted. I didn't write those posts without being prompted.

and that's...also fine? what are you even addressing here? lol


  • Senior Member
Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #2123 on: August 01, 2019, 04:26:40 PM »
You're confusing me Oblivion. Lets end this.


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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #2124 on: August 01, 2019, 04:27:27 PM »
I'm not saying you are. Just don't give me the crap that it has nothing to do with heterodox opinions.

"lots of people make posts about how I'm wrong, but it's only because I'm expressing ideas they believe are wrong!"

really makes u think


  • Senior Member
Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #2125 on: August 01, 2019, 04:29:14 PM »
Counterpoint: you are free to post whatever garbage you want, and other people are also free to mock you for it. No one is taking away leadbelly's freedom of expression lol

I'm not saying you are. Just don't give me the crap that it has nothing to do with heterodox opinions.

leadbelly, i know you're not going to like this, but this is another checkmark, lol.


  • Senior Member
Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #2126 on: August 01, 2019, 04:30:19 PM »
Again, I only post videos without comment in here most of time. So that is not it.

Look, I have a problem with just ignoring people. I have to respond. I am not going to now though. This has gone on for way too long.


  • cultural maoist
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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #2127 on: August 01, 2019, 04:36:29 PM »
This came up with etiolate and the dislike of intersectionality specifically is baffling to me because the idea at its core seems simple and self-evident: oppression works on multiple axes, and we must be aware of this. There's so many social movements that provide examples of the need for this sort of awareness—the sexism rampant in the black power movement, or the overt and covert racism that's appeared in feminism past and present. If you want a really obvious example of this, go to r/aznidentity and look up WMAF.

This is just a general observation so you don't need to feel obligated to reply leadbelly.


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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #2128 on: August 01, 2019, 04:37:03 PM »
I will respond to you jake later.

I can't believe you scammed a like from jake by lying like that.

You should be ashamed of yourself. This is like fraud.


  • Senior Member
Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #2129 on: August 01, 2019, 04:38:43 PM »
yeah okay, i'm fine dropping this now. i didn't want to bring the issue up again, but i just felt the need to go on the record and clarify what my central complaint was.


  • Icon
Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #2130 on: August 01, 2019, 04:41:40 PM »
This came up with etiolate and the dislike of intersectionality specifically is baffling to me because the idea at its core seems simple and self-evident: oppression works on multiple axes, and we must be aware of this. There's so many social movements that provide examples of the need for this sort of awareness—the sexism rampant in the black power movement, or the overt and covert racism that's appeared in feminism past and present. If you want a really obvious example of this, go to r/aznidentity and look up WMAF.

Even if you don't buy in the moral imperative for empathy and for understanding injustices that don't directly affect you, the realities of coalition politics in a pluralist society lead you to a similar place. If your potential allies care about something, realpolitik demands that you help them address it even if you don't actually give a shit.


  • Senior Member
Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #2131 on: August 01, 2019, 05:03:48 PM »
wait leadbelly do you seriously think that complaining about white males being excluded from "intersectionality meetings " is not idpol victimization of the white male, the very same idpol victimization that you accuse the SJW's of engaging in?

That's what I dont get about reactionary chuds like Etoilet or Brett Weinstein. Idpol is bad, unless it's our idpol. Such as feeling empathetic for the plight of the incels or by the diminishing role of the straight white male in the society driving young white males to seek a sense of belonging in radical far right groups.

Because I have news for you buddy, even if they do have a point about those things, that's identity politics.

Great Rumbler

  • Dab on the sinners
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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #2132 on: August 01, 2019, 05:08:00 PM »


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  • Senior Member
Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #2133 on: August 01, 2019, 05:14:57 PM »


  • <<SALVATION!>>
  • Senior Member
Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #2134 on: August 01, 2019, 08:34:55 PM »
you seem malleable as fuck, I hope you never get approached by some cult

Excellent, something to compare and contrast to with three months down the line.


  • Senior Member
Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #2135 on: August 01, 2019, 08:41:15 PM »
wait leadbelly do you seriously think that complaining about white males being excluded from "intersectionality meetings " is not idpol victimization of the white male, the very same idpol victimization that you accuse the SJW's of engaging in?

That's what I dont get about reactionary chuds like Etoilet or Brett Weinstein. Idpol is bad, unless it's our idpol. Such as feeling empathetic for the plight of the incels or by the diminishing role of the straight white male in the society driving young white males to seek a sense of belonging in radical far right groups.

Because I have news for you buddy, even if they do have a point about those things, that's identity politics.

This discussion has run its course. Lets not keep reviving it.


  • Senior Member
Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #2136 on: August 01, 2019, 08:43:07 PM »
I will respond to you jake later.

I can't believe you scammed a like from jake by lying like that.

You should be ashamed of yourself. This is like fraud.

You people tempt me so much... Jakes pst was utterly irrelevant. I would have only been responding out of politeness.


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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #2137 on: August 01, 2019, 08:53:55 PM »


  • cultural maoist
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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #2138 on: August 01, 2019, 08:54:59 PM »
I will respond to you jake later.

I can't believe you scammed a like from jake by lying like that.

You should be ashamed of yourself. This is like fraud.

You people tempt me so much... Jakes pst was utterly irrelevant. I would have only been responding out of politeness.



  • Laugh when you can, it’s cheap medicine -LB
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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #2139 on: August 01, 2019, 09:08:58 PM »
Ah come on, this was fun. Watching someone go "Well you're not actually arguing against my arguments you're painting me as a strawman" while painting everybody else as strawmen is pretty hilarious.

I haven’t had this much fun seeing someone get smacked since Assi was around.

Heres my daddy wanky score:



  • Senior Member
Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #2140 on: August 01, 2019, 09:39:36 PM »
okay fine, i'll do the dumb test too:

Closest Match: Libertarian Communism

Huh. Interesting.


  • Senior Member
Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #2141 on: August 01, 2019, 09:43:27 PM » libertarian communist like more leftist than libertarian socialism? and where does marxism lie?


  • Senior Member
Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #2142 on: August 01, 2019, 09:43:32 PM »
I will respond to you jake later.

I can't believe you scammed a like from jake by lying like that.

You should be ashamed of yourself. This is like fraud.

You people tempt me so much... Jakes pst was utterly irrelevant. I would have only been responding out of politeness.


You knw curly, I do remember your post, and was going to let it lie, again, out of politeness, but you have brought it on yourself I guess.

I don't think you're a covert agent I just think your ideas are confused and your fetishism of rational debate is as much about staking out an identity as anyone (God I hate how the other side has no interest in logic, how they never engage in good faith). You have a child's understanding of ideas like liberalism and want us to engage with your childish caricatures of them which is tiresome as fuck.

My original post was about Noam Chomsky. I think it was Shosta who couldn't understand how I could use the term 'classical liberal' and Noam Chomsky in the same breath. So I explained it in simple language so that it could be easily understood and so not to dwell on it. The topic was not about liberalism.

I stated, 'to sum up in one sentence' essentially the essence of classical liberalism is individual freedom. From that develops a series of questions which in turn form a body of work on the subject. For instance questions surrounding state power and the role of the state in protecting individual freedom. Whether state coercion is ever justified. More to the point whether there should be a state altogther. In other words from that foundational principle we get a train of thought that ultimately leads to anarchism, or limited government. If individual freedom is a state of being which is in some sense the right of every man, then the state's power over the individual becomes suspect. This is actually more detailed than my original post, but just to make this clear.

Here's the thing: When someone says 'to sum up in one sentence' anyone with half a brain cell, you would think, could understand that they are intentionally simplifying it. The clue is, you know... 'to sum up in one sentence'. Summing anything up in one sentence can only ever be a simplification. Yet for some unknown reason, people like you seem to interpret that as, this one sentence is literally the entire breadth of liberal thought. As if when I open a text book, I am expecting that one sentence and then, 'the end' (lol). You can't be this dense surely? You seem not to understand basic words, like: to sum up; the essence of; the root of. Words that necessary qualifies a statement a certain way. We were not having a discussion on liberalism. And so when someone like Jake comes along and states shit like, 'you know there is a whole school of thought in liberalism' or 'liberalism is more nuanced than that', well... Yes. It. Is. It is utterly irrelevant and would have turned the discussion on a tangent. We were discussing Noam Chomsky for goodness sake.

What's worse though is what is implied by your post. If I only have a childlike understanding of liberalism and that it is not worth engaging, what is that suggesting about you? It is suggesting you have an expert understanding of liberalism and so engaging with me is beneath you. Yet, for some reason unbeknowest to me, you are contesting the fact that classical in essence IS about individual freedom. It is the 'root' of it. The foundational principle where all thought stems outward from. I can't for the life of me see why you would if you knew anything.

I mean... read this first sentence curly.

This demonstrates something to me. You are reading my posts at a distance. You're not trying to get the point I am making you are looking for something to get me on. I don't actually think you're as dense as you seem. What I actually think is you were looking for something as a point of contest. It was a short post of me explaining why I associated Noam with Classical liberalism. WHat it was not was an indepth conversation on liberalism. I was not writing an essay on liberalism. So why then do you make it such? Well, I think I know...
« Last Edit: August 01, 2019, 09:54:28 PM by Leadbelly »


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  • Senior Member
Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #2143 on: August 01, 2019, 09:43:50 PM » libertarian communist like more leftist than libertarian socialism? and where does marxism lie?


  • Senior Member
Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #2144 on: August 01, 2019, 09:48:17 PM » libertarian communist like more leftist than libertarian socialism? and where does marxism lie?

that just leads me to code


  • Y = λ𝑓. (λ𝑥. 𝑓 (𝑥 𝑥)) (λ𝑥. 𝑓 (𝑥 𝑥))
  • Senior Member
Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #2145 on: August 01, 2019, 09:50:22 PM »
        "name": "Libertarian Socialism",
        "stats": {
            "econ": 80,
            "dipl": 80,
            "govt": 80,
            "scty": 80

        "name": "Libertarian Communism",
        "stats": {
            "econ": 100,
            "dipl": 70,
            "govt": 80,
            "scty": 80

        "name": "Marxism",
        "stats": {
            "econ": 100,
            "dipl": 70,
            "govt": 40,
            "scty": 80


  • Icon


  • Senior Member
Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #2147 on: August 01, 2019, 09:59:07 PM »
I am gong to stop... lol

That is the end.


  • Icon
Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #2148 on: August 01, 2019, 10:01:31 PM »
at first he seemed mad but then he wrote lol

he's not angry, in fact it is funny to him


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #2149 on: August 01, 2019, 10:03:49 PM »
do you think it's possible for one of these tests to ever not have at least one question that you wonder what it's even supposed to mean or what it has to do with the eventual measures?


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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #2150 on: August 01, 2019, 10:05:43 PM »
i liked how one question was almost literally "should we even have the state?"

it should have skipped a bunch of questions if you answered no to that one


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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #2151 on: August 01, 2019, 10:06:34 PM »
If I made one of those, it would have a question about college basketball. If you say it's better than the NBA you're racist.


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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #2152 on: August 01, 2019, 10:06:38 PM »
You knw curly, I do remember your post, and was going to let it lie, again, out of politeness, but you have brought it on yourself I guess.

You can't be this dense surely? You seem not to understand basic words, like: to sum up; the essence of; the root of. Words that necessary qualifies a statement a certain way. We were not having a discussion on liberalism. And so when someone like Jake comes along and states shit like, 'you know there is a whole school of thought in liberalism' or 'liberalism is more nuanced than that', well... Yes. It. Is. It is utterly irrelevant and would have turned the discussion on a tangent. We were discussing Noam Chomsky for goodness sake.

If I only have a childlike understanding of liberalism and that it is not worth engaging, what is that suggesting about you? It is suggesting you have an expert understanding of liberalism and so engaging with me is beneath you. Yet, for some reason unbeknowest to me, you are contesting the fact that classical in essence IS about individual freedom. It is the 'root' of it. The foundational principle where all thought stems outward from. I can't for the life of me see why you would if you knew anything.

This demonstrates something to me. You are reading my posts at a distance. You're not trying to get the point I am making you are looking for something to get me on.


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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #2153 on: August 01, 2019, 10:08:34 PM »
so what are all these posts about? should i read them to assign likes?


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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #2154 on: August 01, 2019, 10:12:02 PM »
so what are all these posts about? should i read them to assign likes?

just skip the state imposed beauracratic boondoggles and give all the likes to me


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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #2155 on: August 01, 2019, 10:14:15 PM »
I read that Starbucks paid $10 million to receive 5 million Facebook Likes, so a Facebook Like is worth fifty cents... Facebook Likes are probably cheap, all things considered since it has a billion users, whereas The Bire has exactly thirty users.

I will live to see a market exchange of Likes :jeb


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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #2156 on: August 01, 2019, 10:24:58 PM »
I probably have to stop looking at this thread so that I don't get sucked in again.


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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #2157 on: August 01, 2019, 10:25:48 PM »
so what are all these posts about? should i read them to assign likes?

No. Ignorance is bliss.


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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #2158 on: August 01, 2019, 10:29:15 PM »
do you think it's possible for one of these tests to ever not have at least one question that you wonder what it's even supposed to mean or what it has to do with the eventual measures?

(Image removed from quote.)

the market rate is set by perceived value of likes due to thriftiness
the stingier the more the value, rock bottom is filler, highest is-I have no clue


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Re: Wank Dad 2: Electric Wankaloo
« Reply #2159 on: August 01, 2019, 10:31:49 PM »