Author Topic: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible  (Read 3904391 times)

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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #32580 on: July 22, 2019, 04:56:55 PM »
Man, they shut that screnjunkies thread down quick.

The screen junkies guy sounds like a scumbag even when having screenshots.

I mean, he is. Doesn't change the fact that she seemingly lied out of her ass.

Definitely, just that how he framed the video makes me want to dismiss him instantly.  :lol


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #32581 on: July 22, 2019, 04:58:33 PM »
yeah the receipts are pretty convincing

Joe Molotov

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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #32582 on: July 22, 2019, 05:03:29 PM »
Quote from: Finale Fireworker
I figured I'd post my personal experience with RLM content here. I've never talked about it before, but I used to love the Harry S. Plinkett reviews. Like, a lot. I guess it's going to read kind of bloggy. Sorry about that. It's probably not that interesting.

I was in my mid-to-late teens when the original Plinkett reviews of the prequel trilogy came out. They were unlike anything else on the internet at the time and I thought they were truly sensational. I came across the Phantom Menace review shortly after its first release and was part of the crowd that clamored for them to "do the other movies" in between each review. I rewatched them pretty regularly. Every time I met someone who liked Star Wars but hadn't seen them we would make an evening out of watching them. I've seen the Plinkett prequel reviews more times each than I have seen any of the actual Star Wars films. Although I am part of the group that have "revisited the prequels" with some positivity my experience with them is still very largely defined by the RLM Plinkett videos.

As the Plinkett series went on and started to have an actual narrative behind the reviews I thought it was amazing experimental film-making and a seminal internet experience. I watched the Baby's Day Out and the Avatar reviews like once a month. I thought they were really funny, but more importantly, I found them extremely validating. Having a multi-hour analysis dedicated to something you largely agree with was a thrilling self-indulgent exercise. I didn't love these videos just because I thought they were funny and unique. I loved them because I thought they were right. I agreed with them. They weren't just funny to me, they were validating.

I never really got in to the actual personalities behind the show. I never watched the "real" reviews like the Half in the Bag. I was only in it for the Plinkett stuff. In a weird way those Plinkett reviews are part of why I loved Star Wars. Even though they were exceedingly negative and comedic, relating to the brand over how much I hated parts of it was really cathartic. That negativity was how I expressed my enthusiasm. While I definitely do not hold those videos in the same reverence that I did as a teenager, they definitely got me started on approaching things critically and trying to explain why I liked (or didn't like) something instead of just treating my opinion like its own absolute. They are juvenile, but so was I, and they were a great place to start at my age.

What changed how I felt about all of it was the Plinkett review of The Force Awakens, which prompted a great deal of self-reflection on my part. I still very vividly remember what got me reflecting on things. It was from an AV Club article linking the review. I was able to find it.

For those not in the know, Harry S. Plinkett is a movie-reviewing character created by RLM’s Mike Stoklasa. The character is often described as ”psychotic” and simultaneously embodies the best and worst qualities of online film reviewers. He’s able to offer thoughtful insights into the inherent flaws of mass-marketed genre pictures, while still maintaining his image as a hateful pizza-roll eating slob— albeit a self-aware one. Plinkett’s reviews of the Star Wars prequels became wildly popular a few years back, so people have eagerly awaited his take on Force Awakens.
When I read this, I thought it was spot-on. Harry S. Plinkett was always a post-modern Comic Book Guy to me. The Comic Book Guy in The Simpsons was an obvious archetype for the super-nerd who felt they were the authority on everything they loved. They spoke about their interests with pretentious exactitude and the audience was never meant to relate to this parody archetype. Comic Book Guy was funny, familiar, and common, but he was not portrayed as right.

Harry S. Plinkett was interesting to me because it cranked up the intensity to an almost Troma-level absurdity but he was also often right. What made him so captivating wasn't just the character, it's that you were meant to find what he was saying interesting, insightful, and even correct. You were supposed to relate to his criticism and beliefs even though you laughed at his character. I loved Harry S. Plinkett because I agreed with him. He said what I felt. The satire element wasn't only that he was extreme and perverse - it's that he gave good criticism too.

This meant Harry S. Plinkett wasn't just a satirical construct, he was a reflection of the viewer. Of me, even, which I was perfectly fine with. I thought it was good to portray such intense fan criticism with a self-deprecating tilt. Like, maybe we're all super in to what we love and have a lot to say about it, but what makes us different from that guy? Besides bestiality and murder, of course.

Then I watched the new video.

I haven't rewatched it since, so my memory is fuzzy, but there were several instances I remember as really uncomfortable. I remember him referring to the Star Trek movies and dropping a trans slur. I remember a diversion where he says he is "triggered" by the use of the phrase "mumbo-jumbo" and then goes on a fake tirade about how racist it is. This stuff sucked but I put off my response until the end of the video. And then it ended with a diversity rant... a long diversity rant. And this was really hard for me to parse. Because Plinkett was supposed to be a gross old murderer who said and did suspect things but ultimately said things I agreed with. His criticism was the selling point of the series. But this wasn't Plinkett saying what I was thinking. This was Plinkett making fun of me. This wasn't me relating to the Plinkett character in a tongue-in-cheek way, this was the Plinkett character making me the enemy.

And that was tough.

I thought back to the AV Club description of the Plinkett character from before I watched the video:

The character is often described as ”psychotic” and simultaneously embodies the best and worst qualities of online film reviewers. He’s able to offer thoughtful insights into the inherent flaws of mass-marketed genre pictures, while still maintaining his image as a hateful pizza-roll eating slob— albeit a self-aware one.
After watching the Force Awakens review, I didn't think this was true anymore. Instead of being a subversive construct that peddled legitimate and insightful film criticism under the veneer of a cranked-up Comic Book Guy, he'd become something totally different. The Plinkett character was definitely a hateful slob, but he wasn't self-aware anymore. He was, unironically, the kind of character he was supposed to be parodying. I liked the Plinkett character because it took my grievances with fandom and Star Wars movies and it put them in to words. It made them funny and far-reaching and somewhat smart. But Plinkett wasn't legitimizing my armchair criticism of Star Wars movies anymore. Now he was legitimizing ideas that hurt me. That part wasn't about Star Wars. That part was about me.

I just stopped watching after that and left any interest I had in their stuff behind. I was never really in to the RLM brand itself. I'm not on a first name basis with anybody. I don't know who anybody is or what they actually believe. But I know that I used to be really in to some of their content and felt really let down and targeted by that inclusivity rant. It made me rethink the whole series of reviews, and the entire character, and I felt completely alienated by something I used to really like. There have always been people who hated the Plinkett reviews and thought they were damaging to Star Wars discourse. I never gave any credence to that and still don't. I don't think saying "Phantom Menace doesn't have a main character" is damaging to Star Wars discourse. I don't think the super-flawed "how many things can you say about this character?" sequence hurts anybody. You can disagree with the method or the meaning but it's not damaging, I don't think.

But ranting about inclusivity and downplaying the significance it has, especially on young people, does hurt the discourse. It does hurt people. Because, just like I used to, there are people who watch the Plinkett reviews and laugh their ass off and think "this guy gets it!" I feel like the review for The Force Awakens validates the wrong kind of people and the wrong kind of criticism. That comes at my expense.

People can take what they want from this sort of content and maybe they can more easily separate out what they agree with and what they don't. But I really hate when people respond to these criticisms with claims of satire. Satire is not a shield. It's not a magic word that means you can say whatever you want without scrutiny. The whole point of satire, the very crux of its use, is to impart a political message. Including this section as a bullet point in a long review of Star Wars and the state of the brand isn't satirizing anything. It's airing a grievance. There is no way to delegitimize this part of the critique because the review presents it as legitimate.

I think continuing the Plinkett character in 2016 was a mistake. Star Wars discourse was extremely different after The Force Awakens and a character like Plinkett ceases to be subversive in an era where racists and misogynists reign social media with transparent fervor. Plinkett does not embody "the best and worst" qualities of anything anymore. It's just the worst.

And that makes me think back on how much I used to enjoy the content and how many people I initiated in to the character. I still can't think of pizza rolls without thinking of Plinkett. I still sometimes say "if you want to tell jokes, go to the circus." I still sometimes say "you might not have noticed, but your brain did." Stuff from Plinkett content that has been hard-coded in to my brain from all the times I watched the videos and shared them with others.

I wonder: did I change or did the content change? Did the Plinkett character become different or simply more of what it always was?

Anyway, I've never watched anything else from the site and am not very familiar with any of their modern or non-character content. I don't have any personal grievance with the site or the content beyond condemning the above and being disappointed by something I used to really like. From what one of my friends told me, their contemporary content is still very largely based on validating the existing feelings of their audience. So it probably isn't for me.

That's my sad story about how I used to like some funny internet videos and now I don't. Much ado about nothing, I suppose. But nice to talk about at least once.

Edit: Fixed some early-morning typos.

:mike :crazy



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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #32583 on: July 22, 2019, 05:11:00 PM »
I read that whole thing. Christ was that insufferable.

And yes, I hate myself.


  • The Bore's Like Bot
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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #32584 on: July 22, 2019, 05:11:11 PM »
Quote from: Finale Fireworker
I figured I'd post my personal experience with RLM content here. I've never talked about it before, but I used to love the Harry S. Plinkett reviews. Like, a lot. I guess it's going to read kind of bloggy. Sorry about that. It's probably not that interesting.

I was in my mid-to-late teens when the original Plinkett reviews of the prequel trilogy came out. They were unlike anything else on the internet at the time and I thought they were truly sensational. I came across the Phantom Menace review shortly after its first release and was part of the crowd that clamored for them to "do the other movies" in between each review. I rewatched them pretty regularly. Every time I met someone who liked Star Wars but hadn't seen them we would make an evening out of watching them. I've seen the Plinkett prequel reviews more times each than I have seen any of the actual Star Wars films. Although I am part of the group that have "revisited the prequels" with some positivity my experience with them is still very largely defined by the RLM Plinkett videos.

As the Plinkett series went on and started to have an actual narrative behind the reviews I thought it was amazing experimental film-making and a seminal internet experience. I watched the Baby's Day Out and the Avatar reviews like once a month. I thought they were really funny, but more importantly, I found them extremely validating. Having a multi-hour analysis dedicated to something you largely agree with was a thrilling self-indulgent exercise. I didn't love these videos just because I thought they were funny and unique. I loved them because I thought they were right. I agreed with them. They weren't just funny to me, they were validating.

I never really got in to the actual personalities behind the show. I never watched the "real" reviews like the Half in the Bag. I was only in it for the Plinkett stuff. In a weird way those Plinkett reviews are part of why I loved Star Wars. Even though they were exceedingly negative and comedic, relating to the brand over how much I hated parts of it was really cathartic. That negativity was how I expressed my enthusiasm. While I definitely do not hold those videos in the same reverence that I did as a teenager, they definitely got me started on approaching things critically and trying to explain why I liked (or didn't like) something instead of just treating my opinion like its own absolute. They are juvenile, but so was I, and they were a great place to start at my age.

What changed how I felt about all of it was the Plinkett review of The Force Awakens, which prompted a great deal of self-reflection on my part. I still very vividly remember what got me reflecting on things. It was from an AV Club article linking the review. I was able to find it.

For those not in the know, Harry S. Plinkett is a movie-reviewing character created by RLM’s Mike Stoklasa. The character is often described as ”psychotic” and simultaneously embodies the best and worst qualities of online film reviewers. He’s able to offer thoughtful insights into the inherent flaws of mass-marketed genre pictures, while still maintaining his image as a hateful pizza-roll eating slob— albeit a self-aware one. Plinkett’s reviews of the Star Wars prequels became wildly popular a few years back, so people have eagerly awaited his take on Force Awakens.
When I read this, I thought it was spot-on. Harry S. Plinkett was always a post-modern Comic Book Guy to me. The Comic Book Guy in The Simpsons was an obvious archetype for the super-nerd who felt they were the authority on everything they loved. They spoke about their interests with pretentious exactitude and the audience was never meant to relate to this parody archetype. Comic Book Guy was funny, familiar, and common, but he was not portrayed as right.

Harry S. Plinkett was interesting to me because it cranked up the intensity to an almost Troma-level absurdity but he was also often right. What made him so captivating wasn't just the character, it's that you were meant to find what he was saying interesting, insightful, and even correct. You were supposed to relate to his criticism and beliefs even though you laughed at his character. I loved Harry S. Plinkett because I agreed with him. He said what I felt. The satire element wasn't only that he was extreme and perverse - it's that he gave good criticism too.

This meant Harry S. Plinkett wasn't just a satirical construct, he was a reflection of the viewer. Of me, even, which I was perfectly fine with. I thought it was good to portray such intense fan criticism with a self-deprecating tilt. Like, maybe we're all super in to what we love and have a lot to say about it, but what makes us different from that guy? Besides bestiality and murder, of course.

Then I watched the new video.

I haven't rewatched it since, so my memory is fuzzy, but there were several instances I remember as really uncomfortable. I remember him referring to the Star Trek movies and dropping a trans slur. I remember a diversion where he says he is "triggered" by the use of the phrase "mumbo-jumbo" and then goes on a fake tirade about how racist it is. This stuff sucked but I put off my response until the end of the video. And then it ended with a diversity rant... a long diversity rant. And this was really hard for me to parse. Because Plinkett was supposed to be a gross old murderer who said and did suspect things but ultimately said things I agreed with. His criticism was the selling point of the series. But this wasn't Plinkett saying what I was thinking. This was Plinkett making fun of me. This wasn't me relating to the Plinkett character in a tongue-in-cheek way, this was the Plinkett character making me the enemy.

And that was tough.

I thought back to the AV Club description of the Plinkett character from before I watched the video:

The character is often described as ”psychotic” and simultaneously embodies the best and worst qualities of online film reviewers. He’s able to offer thoughtful insights into the inherent flaws of mass-marketed genre pictures, while still maintaining his image as a hateful pizza-roll eating slob— albeit a self-aware one.
After watching the Force Awakens review, I didn't think this was true anymore. Instead of being a subversive construct that peddled legitimate and insightful film criticism under the veneer of a cranked-up Comic Book Guy, he'd become something totally different. The Plinkett character was definitely a hateful slob, but he wasn't self-aware anymore. He was, unironically, the kind of character he was supposed to be parodying. I liked the Plinkett character because it took my grievances with fandom and Star Wars movies and it put them in to words. It made them funny and far-reaching and somewhat smart. But Plinkett wasn't legitimizing my armchair criticism of Star Wars movies anymore. Now he was legitimizing ideas that hurt me. That part wasn't about Star Wars. That part was about me.

I just stopped watching after that and left any interest I had in their stuff behind. I was never really in to the RLM brand itself. I'm not on a first name basis with anybody. I don't know who anybody is or what they actually believe. But I know that I used to be really in to some of their content and felt really let down and targeted by that inclusivity rant. It made me rethink the whole series of reviews, and the entire character, and I felt completely alienated by something I used to really like. There have always been people who hated the Plinkett reviews and thought they were damaging to Star Wars discourse. I never gave any credence to that and still don't. I don't think saying "Phantom Menace doesn't have a main character" is damaging to Star Wars discourse. I don't think the super-flawed "how many things can you say about this character?" sequence hurts anybody. You can disagree with the method or the meaning but it's not damaging, I don't think.

But ranting about inclusivity and downplaying the significance it has, especially on young people, does hurt the discourse. It does hurt people. Because, just like I used to, there are people who watch the Plinkett reviews and laugh their ass off and think "this guy gets it!" I feel like the review for The Force Awakens validates the wrong kind of people and the wrong kind of criticism. That comes at my expense.

People can take what they want from this sort of content and maybe they can more easily separate out what they agree with and what they don't. But I really hate when people respond to these criticisms with claims of satire. Satire is not a shield. It's not a magic word that means you can say whatever you want without scrutiny. The whole point of satire, the very crux of its use, is to impart a political message. Including this section as a bullet point in a long review of Star Wars and the state of the brand isn't satirizing anything. It's airing a grievance. There is no way to delegitimize this part of the critique because the review presents it as legitimate.

I think continuing the Plinkett character in 2016 was a mistake. Star Wars discourse was extremely different after The Force Awakens and a character like Plinkett ceases to be subversive in an era where racists and misogynists reign social media with transparent fervor. Plinkett does not embody "the best and worst" qualities of anything anymore. It's just the worst.

And that makes me think back on how much I used to enjoy the content and how many people I initiated in to the character. I still can't think of pizza rolls without thinking of Plinkett. I still sometimes say "if you want to tell jokes, go to the circus." I still sometimes say "you might not have noticed, but your brain did." Stuff from Plinkett content that has been hard-coded in to my brain from all the times I watched the videos and shared them with others.

I wonder: did I change or did the content change? Did the Plinkett character become different or simply more of what it always was?

Anyway, I've never watched anything else from the site and am not very familiar with any of their modern or non-character content. I don't have any personal grievance with the site or the content beyond condemning the above and being disappointed by something I used to really like. From what one of my friends told me, their contemporary content is still very largely based on validating the existing feelings of their audience. So it probably isn't for me.

That's my sad story about how I used to like some funny internet videos and now I don't. Much ado about nothing, I suppose. But nice to talk about at least once.

Edit: Fixed some early-morning typos.

:mike :crazy

Joe Molotov

  • I'm much more humble than you would understand.
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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #32585 on: July 22, 2019, 05:14:27 PM »
TL;DR Version:


Great Rumbler

  • Dab on the sinners
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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #32586 on: July 22, 2019, 05:19:46 PM »
The Mockingbird miniseries was pretty good. Better than most of the MCU garbage.




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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #32587 on: July 22, 2019, 05:20:28 PM »
What kind of person has the kind of time it takes to write this long ass post about RLM. Who has this kind of fucking time as an adult?

he said in a 600 page thread about a specific forum  :smug

I would wager that most of my posts from the last month don't add up to even half the content of that one post.  :doge

And yet you society



  • Defender of Centrist Scum
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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #32588 on: July 22, 2019, 05:23:19 PM »

I run into this scenario often and, outside of purely moral reasoning, I'm at a loss about how to answer.


That person they describe in the op is the nightmare of Era.

Here was the Era thread on that comedy sketch.

Great Rumbler

  • Dab on the sinners
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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #32589 on: July 22, 2019, 05:23:45 PM »
I noticed this picture... which I found quite haunting.

The girl standing up is dead. You can tell by her hands.

(Image removed from quote.)

Edit: Actually not true. The girl is alive. It's a myth.

"Wow, look at this amazing picture!"

*five minutes later*

"Okay, actually it was fake."


  • Senior Member
Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #32591 on: July 22, 2019, 05:30:55 PM »

I run into this scenario often and, outside of purely moral reasoning, I'm at a loss about how to answer.


That person they describe in the op is the nightmare of Era.

He makes an average $45,000-$55,000/year salary as a rookie professional.
He is single, and lives alone in a studio apartment. Rent is roughly $2,000/month.

He will not vote for a candidate who is promising to ease the lives of the underprivileged if that person will also make his life more difficult.

Okay, seems reasonab...

"You're a selfish douche, go fuck yourself."
Sounds like he's selfish beyond salvation
Cutting away the rest of the fat, this just boils down to "how do I convince a selfish person that they should care about others?"
So pure selfishness.



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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #32592 on: July 22, 2019, 05:31:52 PM »
I noticed this picture... which I found quite haunting.

The girl standing up is dead. You can tell by her hands.

(Image removed from quote.)

Edit: Actually not true. The girl is alive. It's a myth.

the photo was taken almost 200 years ago what do you mean she's alive


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Joe Molotov

  • I'm much more humble than you would understand.
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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #32594 on: July 22, 2019, 05:40:25 PM »

I run into this scenario often and, outside of purely moral reasoning, I'm at a loss about how to answer.


That person they describe in the op is the nightmare of Era.

He makes an average $45,000-$55,000/year salary as a rookie professional.
He is single, and lives alone in a studio apartment. Rent is roughly $2,000/month.

He will not vote for a candidate who is promising to ease the lives of the underprivileged if that person will also make his life more difficult.

Okay, seems reasonab...

"You're a selfish douche, go fuck yourself."
Sounds like he's selfish beyond salvation
Cutting away the rest of the fat, this just boils down to "how do I convince a selfish person that they should care about others?"
So pure selfishness.


"How do we change people's minds?"

"Screw 'em, they're beyond being saved."

Having the hottest takes and also the ones that require zero work or effort on my part. :rollsafe


  • Finish the Fight
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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #32595 on: July 22, 2019, 05:46:47 PM »

I run into this scenario often and, outside of purely moral reasoning, I'm at a loss about how to answer.


That person they describe in the op is the nightmare of Era.

He makes an average $45,000-$55,000/year salary as a rookie professional.
He is single, and lives alone in a studio apartment. Rent is roughly $2,000/month.

He will not vote for a candidate who is promising to ease the lives of the underprivileged if that person will also make his life more difficult.

Okay, seems reasonab...

"You're a selfish douche, go fuck yourself."
Sounds like he's selfish beyond salvation
Cutting away the rest of the fat, this just boils down to "how do I convince a selfish person that they should care about others?"
So pure selfishness.


"How do we change people's minds?"

"Screw 'em, they're beyond being saved."

Having the hottest takes and also the ones that require zero work or effort on my part. :rollsafe

"Hi guys, can you explain how progressive policies would work for me" :awesome

"You're a selfish douche, go fuck yourself."  :gamergate


:trumps Low taxes  :trumps  walls  :trumps don't you just love the flag :trumps jobs jobs jobs :trumps we're going to mars bitches :trumps the best economy in the world :trumps I could nuke millions :trumps  this shit's easy bring me more things to fix  :trumps  watch that fucker go [with the steam]  :trumps  your gas prices are like tax breaks  :trumps  wanna grab a burger :trumps



  • Defender of Centrist Scum
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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #32596 on: July 22, 2019, 05:51:24 PM »

"How do we change people's minds?"

"Screw 'em, they're beyond being saved."

Having the hottest takes and also the ones that require zero work or effort on my part. :rollsafe

It's not even changing minds.  It's getting a person to try a strawberry iced tea instead of their normal iced tea.  But even then if you vote Biden in the primaries instead of writing in AOC you are a bigot who can't be saved.

spoiler (click to show/hide)


  • Senior Member
Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #32597 on: July 22, 2019, 05:51:57 PM »
What policies would make that hypothetical guy's life worse?  He's making 45k a year in his 30s, and spending over half of it living alone in some studio.  What kind of progressive policy are they looking at here?  And why would it preclude him from being uplifted, too?

Who am I talking to?


  • Defender of Centrist Scum
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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #32598 on: July 22, 2019, 05:54:30 PM »
What policies would make that hypothetical guy's life worse?  He's making 45k a year in his 30s, and spending over half of it living alone in some studio.  What kind of progressive policy are they looking at here?  And why would it preclude him from being uplifted, too?

Who am I talking to?

They are going to make black people's lives better.  Nothing steams a moderate more than that.


  • Have You Ever
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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #32599 on: July 22, 2019, 05:55:27 PM »


  • Senior Member
Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #32600 on: July 22, 2019, 05:55:34 PM »
What policies would make that hypothetical guy's life worse?  He's making 45k a year in his 30s, and spending over half of it living alone in some studio.  What kind of progressive policy are they looking at here?  And why would it preclude him from being uplifted, too?

Who am I talking to?

They are going to make black people's lives better.  Nothing steams a moderate more than that.

But why would that make his life 'more difficult'?


  • Defender of Centrist Scum
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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #32601 on: July 22, 2019, 05:57:20 PM »
What policies would make that hypothetical guy's life worse?  He's making 45k a year in his 30s, and spending over half of it living alone in some studio.  What kind of progressive policy are they looking at here?  And why would it preclude him from being uplifted, too?

Who am I talking to?

They are going to make black people's lives better.  Nothing steams a moderate more than that.

But why would that make his life 'more difficult'?

I just said, a black person's life improves. 



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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #32602 on: July 22, 2019, 05:59:14 PM »


  • Do the moron
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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #32604 on: July 22, 2019, 06:06:33 PM »
Daaaaamn, Andy Signore does lay out a fantastic defense in that video, no wonder REE wanted that thread shut.


  • Senior Member
Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #32605 on: July 22, 2019, 06:12:37 PM »
Daaaaamn, Andy Signore does lay out a fantastic defense in that video, no wonder REE wanted that thread shut.

I can't trust a guy who can't pronounce his own last name correctly. 


  • Senior Member
Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #32606 on: July 22, 2019, 06:18:48 PM »
What kind of person has the kind of time it takes to write this long ass post about RLM. Who has this kind of fucking time as an adult?

The same kind of desperate white knight that gets triggered into making pretentious comics about problematic RLM Aquaman jokes

(Image removed from quote.)

Whomever made this monstrosity deserves asscancer


  • It was all going to be very admirable and noble and it would show us - philosophically - what it means to be human.
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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #32607 on: July 22, 2019, 06:20:46 PM »
Everyone over the age of 12 who is into Sonic should be on a watchlist tbh.

Good news, I'm Arab so I'm already on a watchlist!



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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #32608 on: July 22, 2019, 06:26:32 PM »

Quote from: Hobbes, post: 22979483, member: 18944
Boris Johnson is actually littlefinger IRL.


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #32609 on: July 22, 2019, 06:27:21 PM »
Daaaaamn, Andy Signore does lay out a fantastic defense in that video, no wonder REE wanted that thread shut.

They closed it because of a low effort OP. Which is kind of bogus but also means anyone is free to make a more detailed one


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #32610 on: July 22, 2019, 06:28:34 PM »
What kind of person has the kind of time it takes to write this long ass post about RLM. Who has this kind of fucking time as an adult?

The same kind of desperate white knight that gets triggered into making pretentious comics about problematic RLM Aquaman jokes

(Image removed from quote.)

Whomever made this monstrosity deserves asscancer

What the hell is that anyway?  Is there more of it that which is even worse?
« Last Edit: July 22, 2019, 06:37:33 PM by clothedmacuser »


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #32611 on: July 22, 2019, 06:53:44 PM »
Daaaaamn, Andy Signore does lay out a fantastic defense in that video, no wonder REE wanted that thread shut.

They closed it because of a low effort OP. Which is kind of bogus but also means anyone is free to make a more detailed one

I mean sure, but we all know how consistent they are...


  • It was all going to be very admirable and noble and it would show us - philosophically - what it means to be human.
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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #32612 on: July 22, 2019, 06:58:37 PM »
(Image removed from quote.)

Excellent emote candidate...

spoiler (click to show/hide)
Klanidate? :hitler


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #32613 on: July 22, 2019, 06:59:50 PM »
He has excellent, wide-reaching health insurance with a minimal co-pay through his employer.
-He has a bachelors and masters degree, and zero student loan debt because his parents paid for his schooling.

this doesn't sound like the average white man to me


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #32614 on: July 22, 2019, 07:05:22 PM »
(Image removed from quote.)

Excellent emote candidate...

spoiler (click to show/hide)
Klanidate? :hitler

Agreed, it’s not mine someone used it a few pages ago and I saved it hopefully it’ll make it into the actual emotes


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #32615 on: July 22, 2019, 07:07:22 PM »
We'd have to pay Neogaf user Texas Pride royalties


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #32616 on: July 22, 2019, 07:08:21 PM »
Daaaaamn, Andy Signore does lay out a fantastic defense in that video, no wonder REE wanted that thread shut.

They closed it because of a low effort OP. Which is kind of bogus but also means anyone is free to make a more detailed one

I mean sure, but we all know how consistent they are...

 :lol that OP

it's definitely a convenient excuse


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #32617 on: July 22, 2019, 07:22:08 PM »
He has excellent, wide-reaching health insurance with a minimal co-pay through his employer.
-He has a bachelors and masters degree, and zero student loan debt because his parents paid for his schooling.

this doesn't sound like the average white man to me

White fragility much?


Centrist, moderate, Biden or Bernie voter.



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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #32618 on: July 22, 2019, 07:27:35 PM »
Here's the brain, with a transparent bg


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #32619 on: July 22, 2019, 07:35:48 PM »
Look my point is there is no point to keep posting SF house articles.  SF is completely divorse from the rest of US, dystopia hellscape.

ResetEra or NaziGaf?  :hmm


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #32620 on: July 22, 2019, 07:39:10 PM »
Here's the brain, with a transparent bg

(Image removed from quote.)

But for some reason it's so much funnier when JordanN's name is attached to it


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #32621 on: July 22, 2019, 07:41:36 PM »
An entire new level of distinguished mentally-challenged has been achieved on Ree.

"We’re going to make sure Amazon pays their fucking taxes."

Your move JordanN



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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #32622 on: July 22, 2019, 07:51:31 PM »

What they need to do is elect some Democrats. Remember to vote everyone!


spoiler (click to show/hide)
• Mayor   
London Breed (D)
 • Supervisors
Sandra Lee Fewer (D)
Catherine Stefani (D)
Aaron Peskin (D)
Gordon Mar (D)
Vallie Brown (D)
Matt Haney (D)
Norman Yee (D)
Rafael Mandelman (D)
Hillary Ronen (D)
Shamann Walton (D)
Ahsha Safaí (D)
• Assembly members
David Chiu (D)
Phil Ting (D)
 • State senator
Scott Wiener (D)
 • United States Representatives
Nancy Pelosi (D)
Jackie Speier (D)


  • If my bones are breaking would you tell me that I'm weak?
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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #32623 on: July 22, 2019, 07:53:05 PM »
An entire new level of distinguished mentally-challenged fellowation has been achieved on Ree.

"We’re going to make sure Amazon pays their fucking taxes."

Your move JordanN

You in?


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #32624 on: July 22, 2019, 08:08:08 PM »
Here's the brain, with a transparent bg

(Image removed from quote.)
There's no point without the name attached.


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #32625 on: July 22, 2019, 08:10:47 PM »

You in?

It makes no difference to me. I'm poor as fuck.


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #32627 on: July 22, 2019, 08:33:02 PM »
imagine being the kind of person who would unironically say "it's surprise mechanics, not lootboxes"


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #32628 on: July 22, 2019, 08:35:08 PM »
Found the thread:

Quote from: Canas Renvall, post: 22967216, member: 40647
Quote from: MysticGon, post: 22956425, member: 29047
Wake me up when this "sex sells" attitude is dead and buried.
What you just described is death. You are dead right now.


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #32629 on: July 22, 2019, 08:37:13 PM »
pretty good reply from the twit thread


Joe Molotov

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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #32631 on: July 22, 2019, 08:46:05 PM »
Found the thread:

Quote from: Canas Renvall, post: 22967216, member: 40647
Quote from: MysticGon, post: 22956425, member: 29047
Wake me up when this "sex sells" attitude is dead and buried.
What you just described is death. You are dead right now.
(Image removed from quote.)

The funny thing is that RE contributed to her harassment by creating that thread:

Then again she doesn’t seem to be a smart person:


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #32632 on: July 22, 2019, 08:46:18 PM »

reading this I couldn't tell which Samus was from which game and the text could've easily been a resetter complaining about the exact opposite, there's no way to tell  :lol

the Samus on the left is shinier so I assumed that's the better Switch version meaning she would've got a cupgrade


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #32633 on: July 22, 2019, 08:46:21 PM »
Found the thread:

Quote from: Canas Renvall, post: 22967216, member: 40647
Quote from: MysticGon, post: 22956425, member: 29047
Wake me up when this "sex sells" attitude is dead and buried.
What you just described is death. You are dead right now.
(Image removed from quote.)

And this is the "dev" whose tweets are in the OP:


“She’s the light in the darkness. The chosen one. She will be one against the night, waging war eternal to vanquish the forces of evil.”

Lana's not the Chosen One. She's just a millennial trying to make ends meet. She makes ends meet by hunting monsters through an app called #iHunt. It's like Uber, but for hunting the killers that stalk the night. When she meets the real Chosen One, Veronica Vanderbilt, things get complicated. Veronica doesn't understand why Lana would charge money for doing good work. Lana doesn't understand why Veronica manages to survive despite being insufferable.

Meanwhile, Lana's trying to work out her issues with her girlfriend, a vampire named Natalie who struggles with Lana's job killing people like her.

#iHunt: The Chosen One is a darkly humorous take on the gender and social politics of our favorite 1990s TV vampire slayer, through the eyes of a millennial in 2019.


Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #32634 on: July 22, 2019, 08:49:59 PM »
Hey riotous,  I just tried more GeForce Now. My connection to their data center was 18ms, >50 Mbps, and 0 Frame loss over 5 ghz wifi (ethernet would be best, I know). I was playing GTA 5 with my steam account credentials. The cloud pc had 24 gigs of video ram, and ran the game maxed out at 60 fps while my current rig which is an i5 2500k 16 gigs of ram and a 970 gtx would choke at those settings...  It had no discernible input lag using my xbone pad on PC. However, I did feel sluggishness/ input lag playing Team Fortress 2 though with mouse & kb. It was like I was controlling a laggy wireless mouse / analog stick, but I bet it would play fine for single player fps games like Fallout 4 / Cyberpunk 2077.

I must say it does give me pause when about to drop $2500 building a new pc later this year, but I still will. Modding is what will make me stay with local gaming until its a gold standard with streaming platforms. That and my ISP wanting 35 bucks for "Unlimited*", on top of the $100 I already pay for 100Mbps down 6 up.

I did try XCOM 2 and Rimworld and it did download all my subscribed steam workshop mods on the cloud pc, which was nice!

*Meaning they reserve the right to throttle your bandwidth when you use too much of your "unlimited" bandwidth for the month.
« Last Edit: July 22, 2019, 09:02:19 PM by ZombieSupaStar »


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #32635 on: July 22, 2019, 08:55:49 PM »
She seems to be ProCensorship... I mean, deplatforming:


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #32636 on: July 22, 2019, 08:58:05 PM »


 :brain "100 bodily modifications"  :brain
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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #32637 on: July 22, 2019, 09:00:20 PM »
Found the thread:

Quote from: Canas Renvall, post: 22967216, member: 40647
Quote from: MysticGon, post: 22956425, member: 29047
Wake me up when this "sex sells" attitude is dead and buried.
What you just described is death. You are dead right now.
(Image removed from quote.)

As memory serves, one of Crossing Eden's most bloated and defensive threads was about this issue


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #32638 on: July 22, 2019, 09:01:16 PM »
does biting your nails count as body modification


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #32639 on: July 22, 2019, 09:01:56 PM »
does biting your nails count as body modification

100 times trying to get that piercing just right.