Author Topic: Resident Evil 3 Remake - Jill will return to your screens to tell his story.  (Read 28531 times)

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  • Senior Member
I don't know why they had to bring this out already. Even most lower reviews still recommend the game for its gameplay, but mostly cry about missing setpieces from the OG and too little Nemesis. I.e. this could've actually made RE3 one of the top entries if it had an extra year of development. RE2 and MHW still selling, they didn't even need this to please investors.

It is pretty odd that Capcom knew this would sell a lot and were sitting on lots of money from RE2R and MHW and could've easily given this more budget and time and let them remake all the areas.
But maybe it was a test for this new studio to see if they could pull off a moderate budget successful RE game and they didn't want to give them too much rope in case they couldn't.

There's also no way this game was made after RE2R. Even if it's just a mod of RER2 to have 5 hour campaign of new locations, making it in one year would be pretty much impossible. Guessing they greenlight both around the same time and this got at least 2 years of development (but might have needed 3)


  • Senior Member
The original plan was to release both of these games in the same package, if I recall correctly.


  • GunOn™! Apply directly to forehead!
  • Senior Member
The original plan was to release both of these games in the same package, if I recall correctly.

Source? That'd be interesting to read. Because I know 2 had development hell-ish timing. It's why (I feel) 2 had a lot of cut content (in terms of monsters, for the most part areas are still in the game. Unlike 3's which apparently cut the clock tower, which was iconic for the game), and it felt a little "rushed." 3 coming right after is a total asset flip, so it's be funny that they're taking elements of 2's dvelopment and were like "eh we're releasing them at the same time, use the same shit!!!" for a collection.


Who gives a shit about their shitty Dead by Daylight Clone? Nobody is gonna be playing that shit in a week. What a fucking waste of time by Capcom.

Time to see how shitty this is if you download it before the game releases (and pre-loads?) on Friday. :neogaf At delaying it like 2-3 days due to bugs while X-box had it in that meantime. :neogaf Truly inspiring confidence in that shitty time-waste, Capcom.

PS: Add Mercenaries mode and give me the ability to excise this shitty multiplayer from the pre-load, you cowards! :bolo


  • GunOn™! Apply directly to forehead!
  • Senior Member
Hot patch and the matchmaking still can't find players. :neogaf

Should've put that time into Mercenaries mode, Capcom.™


  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
  • Global Moderator
The original plan was to release both of these games in the same package, if I recall correctly.

I thought the RE3 campaign was supposed to be DLC for RE2?


  • GunOn™! Apply directly to forehead!
  • Senior Member
I mean, I could see a case being made there. But that'd be weird to have the third "mainline" entry suddenly fold into the second's and go "Oh you get both under one!" So I can see why they'd pass on it.


  • Administrator
  • Senior Member
No ink ribbons? What the fuck.. :(


  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
  • Global Moderator
Hot patch and the matchmaking still can't find players. :neogaf

Should've put that time into Mercenaries mode, Capcom.™

I would be happy to see the 3DS Mercenaries game ported/enhanced as a downloadable title.  Loved the RE4/RE5 era Mercs game style.


  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
  • Global Moderator

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Hey, I'm Ryan aka Dusk Golem or AestheticGamer. I make games under @YaiGameworks
, horror enthusiast YTber who streams sometimes, ResetEra mod, long tweet walls.

Positive Touch

  • Woo Papa
  • Senior Member
holy shit there's ANOTHER resident evil in development? and it's multi-platform?? absolutely huge if true


  • GunOn™! Apply directly to forehead!
  • Senior Member
I mean, Era mod or not: IIRC, he's leaked a few of the titles (like this coming out sooner than expected) correctly. Or I'm thinking of FluffyQuack (who was a GAF poster and a series modder) that did.


  • GunOn™! Apply directly to forehead!
  • Senior Member
Hot patch and the matchmaking still can't find players. :neogaf

Should've put that time into Mercenaries mode, Capcom.™

Mastermind is: Like, I got an S rank just spamming monsters at the end of the areas and then spawned X GONNA GIVE IT TO YA, to give it to them. MASSIVE time decrease when they're dealing with 5 monsters over the awkward "jump to map to jump cameras" system they have in place.

Survivor is: Shoot the cameras to slow down the mastermind, pray the connection to the Mastermind doesn't suck shit (hahahaha, Capcom and their shit netcode) and the Mastermind is a little braindead. Otherwise rush the items as fast as you can and unlock the areas and hope your team stays together/rushes. Though we got to the ending area only for the MM to spawn Mr. X and SOMEHOW us all standing on the Umbrella logo doesn't let us move to the next area. Complete horseshit.

I'm... not feeling it. I didn't like Dead by Daylight and I don't really like this either.

Waste of development time, that could've gone into implementing the iconic Clock Tower, classic Mercenaries mode (which I guess would be like 4-5's, Bork-man, given this is a third person shooter now. *sigh*), or throwing in the SourceNext port so I could wash the taste of Capcom's rushed development out of my mouth after playing the singleplayer. *sigh*

What a huge disappointment.


  • Senior Member
holy shit there's ANOTHER resident evil in development? and it's multi-platform?? absolutely huge if true

dude needs an easy win after Konami denied his Silent Hill rumours like no rumour was ever denied.

Don Rumata

  • Hard To Be A John
  • Senior Member
I've read about this being rushed from multiple people/reviews, but i don't understand what rush they even had.
RE2 came out just last year, we didn't need another one so soon.  :maf


  • Live Más
  • Senior Member
RE Mercs 2 lezgoooooooooooo :jeb


  • GunOn™! Apply directly to forehead!
  • Senior Member
I've read about this being rushed from multiple people/reviews, but i don't understand what rush they even had.
RE2 came out just last year, we didn't need another one so soon.  :maf

Folks like me that are huge fans of 3 wanted it after 2 (though after playing 2, less so: Classic formula remake or bust, Capcom. #ClassicOrBust) So they didn't want to have folks demanding it for 18 years like folks demanded 2 (and 3) after 1's. It makes sense since they already have the engine and some of Raccoon City's work done [along with the R.P.D. which would need a few changes to be a "day before" the outbreak in the timeline]. So it was just a matter of putting in 80% of the work right after.

But they made a timeline of 1 year to get it out the door and be done with remakes instead of giving it the 2-3 year treatment that 2 got. I guess because of the development hell-esque nature of 2's.

RE Mercs 2 lezgoooooooooooo :jeb

I'd even settle for the boring RAID mode over this shit. Who the fuck at Capcom is greenlighting this shit? I thought they fired Inahack.


  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
  • Global Moderator

Jim liked it a lot.  He noted that it only takes around 4-5 hours to get through, however.  Is OK with me but hope there's some replay value.

Don Rumata

  • Hard To Be A John
  • Senior Member
I like OG 3 more than OG 2, so i was looking forward to this more than the 2's remake, in a certain sense.
I just don't see the rush, but if it's true that they wanted to get it out together with RE2, that would kind of explain it.
Still, it's not like they developed it in a year, they were in parallel development.


  • Senior Member


  • GunOn™! Apply directly to forehead!
  • Senior Member
Aoyama was cute in the 1990's. :o

I'm still angry these remakes are in the style of the first ones. :maf


  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
  • Global Moderator
No pre-load yet on Steam?


  • GunOn™! Apply directly to forehead!
  • Senior Member
No pre-load yet on Steam?

Nope, and it ain't happening. The (deleted) Tweet from the UK Community Manager blames Steam. Which is fucking hilarious as 2 a year ago did pre-load around this time. :neogaf

NuCapcom sucks ass. "Enjoy downloading a 50gig game the day of release, suckers!"

We don't even get half the shit that 2's remake did for pre-ordering (as a deluxe edition).


  • GunOn™! Apply directly to forehead!
  • Senior Member
According to their stats site: There's only 5,000-ish players playing Project: REsistance. :neogaf

BritneyFlop.gif (We'll see if this turns around with the Steam launch/world-wide release date but that's not looking good)

Positive Touch

  • Woo Papa
  • Senior Member
i've gotten a lot of pushback when i've said it before, but it doesn't make it any less true: resident evil has the most aggressively trash-tier spinoffs of any major franchise in gaming. each title feels like it was hand-crafted to spit in your face as it takes your money.


  • GunOn™! Apply directly to forehead!
  • Senior Member
Honestly? I liked Gun Survivor/Survivor, Umbrella/Darkside Chronicles, and Revelations.

Umbrella Corps was an insult. And I haven't tried the VR game but their arcade stuff leaves a lot to be desired.

Positive Touch

  • Woo Papa
  • Senior Member
releasing survivor as a $40 stand alone game was an insult too. at most it should've been a forgotten minigame in a real title. and i did forget about the chronicles games, those are a lot of fun. but survivor, gaiden, umbrella corps, operation raccoon city,

spoiler (click to show/hide)
and outbreak

all sucked balls and were way beneath what capcom is capable of releasing.


  • GunOn™! Apply directly to forehead!
  • Senior Member
I forgot about Outbreak. Outbreak was alright and honestly ahead of it's time, IMO. It came out on the wrong platform. If it came out on X-box/X-box Live it would've been REALLY successful (I feel) but Capcom at the time had a strict "keep things on Playstation" policy for the series.

Survivor 1 for $40 wasn't horrible if you put it in the perspective that other titles in the series and PSX titles were that price at the time. I mean it's not everyones cup of tea, but I had fun with it for $40.

But I'm talking that spin-off as a series in general (there's Gun Survivor 2 which was Arcade only IIRC, and Gun Survivor 3 which was released on PS2 but named... Dead Aim, IIRC).

Operation was a fucking insult to 2/3 and Outbreak in terms of established Lore (too futuristic, Raccoon City looked totally different).


  • GunOn™! Apply directly to forehead!
  • Senior Member

Should've put that work into Mercenaries, Capcom.™

Joe Molotov

  • I'm much more humble than you would understand.
  • Administrator
Should have just called it Operation: Raccoon City 2  :lol


  • GunOn™! Apply directly to forehead!
  • Senior Member
It's up on Steam now. Just started. :rejoice 3 minutes early.

:piss Capcom for no Pre-load :piss2


  • Senior Member
Should have just called it Operation: Raccoon City 2  :lol

But Operation Raccoon City sold several million.  :doge


  • GunOn™! Apply directly to forehead!
  • Senior Member
So will this, on the strength of the campaign.

Actual fucking spoilers for the opening minutes
They fucked up the opening. Don't get me wrong, the set-pieces (and seeing Jill's apartment beyond the explosion) is good. But they REALLY messed up the opening.

Jill's Apartment is first-person perspective until you reach the mirror a second time. Which is jarring when it's a third person shooter right after that. I get what they were going for (style and letting you "be Jill in her apartment") but it's just a really weird choice of doing. Then "I'm coming! Be right there!" when the phone is ringing and then Nemesis just bursts in like "SURPRISE BITCH!" is a ruined introduction (of Jill being warned about him and then having Brad die to him). The set-piece is good, but they could've shifted her apartment and this (if they wanted to keep it, or just change it from her apartment location) around and the set-piece would've been fine.

Brad is killed in the first ten minutes (or looks like it, I dunno if he returns yet for his infamous death). "Oh, I'm just going to look at this gate of zombies. SHIT IT COMES DOWN!. *bar the door, get bitten* FUCK! Jill, escape! I'm done for!" "I'm sorry, Brad!" *leaves*

Me: :| That's not him getting face-fucked by Neme-baby, Capcom.  :trigger

The opening two areas (the explosion of Jill's and then going to the Shipping Warehouse) are kept intact, but made slightly longer.

Bonus: "I'd rather starve to death in here, THAN BE EATEN BY ONE OF THOSE UNDEAD MONSTERS. NOW LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!!" is kept intact (but you have to pester Dario a few times to get it)

Carlos is introduced WAYYYY earlier than the original. At the expense of Brad.

One of the set-pieces at the parking lot (which seems like the original bar a few barred areas) is just "what?" because it's in the opening 30 minutes and so bizarrely out there/paced that it's like "why did Capcom put this in the opening?"

Jill gets holsters/straps right after getting her opening gun (and somehow losing her Samurai Edge in the chaos).



  • GunOn™! Apply directly to forehead!
  • Senior Member
So will this, on the strength of the campaign.

Actual fucking spoilers for the opening minutes
They fucked up the opening. Don't get me wrong, the set-pieces (and seeing Jill's apartment beyond the explosion) is good. But they REALLY messed up the opening.

Jill's Apartment is first-person perspective until you reach the mirror a second time. Which is jarring when it's a third person shooter right after that. I get what they were going for (style and letting you "be Jill in her apartment") but it's just a really weird choice of doing. Then "I'm coming! Be right there!" when the phone is ringing and then Nemesis just bursts in like "SURPRISE BITCH!" is a ruined introduction (of Jill being warned about him and then having Brad die to him). The set-piece is good, but they could've shifted her apartment and this (if they wanted to keep it, or just change it from her apartment location) around and the set-piece would've been fine.

Brad is killed in the first ten minutes (or looks like it, I dunno if he returns yet for his infamous death). "Oh, I'm just going to look at this gate of zombies. SHIT IT COMES DOWN!. *bar the door, get bitten* FUCK! Jill, escape! I'm done for!" "I'm sorry, Brad!" *leaves*

Me: :| That's not him getting face-fucked by Neme-baby, Capcom.  :trigger

The opening two areas (the explosion of Jill's and then going to the Shipping Warehouse) are kept intact, but made slightly longer.

Bonus: "I'd rather starve to death in here, THAN BE EATEN BY ONE OF THOSE UNDEAD MONSTERS. NOW LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!!" is kept intact (but you have to pester Dario a few times to get it)

Carlos is introduced WAYYYY earlier than the original. At the expense of Brad.

One of the set-pieces at the parking lot (which seems like the original bar a few barred areas) is just "what?" because it's in the opening 30 minutes and so bizarrely out there/paced that it's like "why did Capcom put this in the opening?"

Jill gets holsters/straps right after getting her opening gun (and somehow losing her Samurai Edge in the chaos).

(Image removed from quote.)


Some more spoilers
After that opening, it turns out mostly "ok"-ish, but it still has cut/really weird scene pacing.

I do like (and also hate at the same time) that the Drain Deimos gets an infection mechanic. But the part of the game they're in is a little maze-y and makes you eat a few green-herbs (and then vomit, which is kind of funny) the infection/parasites out for the sake of speed. I'm sure Speedrunners will figure out a way to get through that section faster/safer, but it took me like 3 Green herbs + 1 Red-Green mixture (to try to save my herbs) to get through.

I'm up to the new "sewer" area now. Jill said her infamous "You want S.T.A.R.S.? I'll give you S.T.A.R.S." a little before this part. But, TOO SOON CAPCOM!!!!


  • GunOn™! Apply directly to forehead!
  • Senior Member
Item, File, Lockpicking, Mr. Charlie bobblehead locations video


  • Senior Member
Jill in her room = SH4? :thinking


  • cooler than willco
  • Administrator
Got the last copy at Target praise yahweh


  • GunOn™! Apply directly to forehead!
  • Senior Member
Jill in her room = SH4? :thinking

I guess. It's basically 7's perspective/FoV.


  • cooler than willco
  • Administrator
The achievements arent so bad in this one, apparently you can use cheats and it doesnt affect achievements or your rank.


  • GunOn™! Apply directly to forehead!
  • Senior Member
I'm up to the R.P.D.

spoiler (click to show/hide)
The Nemesis battle on the roof was sort-of cool in that he chases you with a flamethrower, but he has a huge weak-spot with the gas tank. Once you shoot that, he basically becomes a bullet sponge and you have to dodge while doing damage. "Oh shit." as a moment.

Kendo shows up in 3, for the first time. Which is nice. What isn't nice is that you don't find out his daughter is infected or anything. That's Leon's role in 2's remake. "Oh shit. Jill... I didn't realize it was you." "Kendo, we're about to leave town on a subway car. Do you want to come with us?" *Kendo looks at the room he is in in 2* "Nah, Jill. I'll find other arrangements (Ghost Survivors hint?)." "Are you sure? ...Well, ok. Just don't do anything stupid, alright?" "Yeah... that's your job, after all, right?"

So after a round-about way of getting to the Subway (which links to the areas you get to in the demo/first part, which is nice) and running from Rocket Launcher Nemesis [which was cool as a set-piece, not gonna lie though it's "abuse the quick-dodge/side-step while running like hell"] you make it back to the Subway.

Mikhail orders Carlos and a new U.B.C.S. person to go to the RPD to find an Umbrella employee and "rescue them."

Carlos is the one to finally kill Zombie Brad, who bites Marven with a surprise "Sor... ry..." from him (which is why Marvin doesn't kill him: "Damn it, Brad. Not you too... *aims at Brad's head* "I'm sorry." "Sor... ry..." *Marvin is surprised, hence the bite*

Carlos takes him down while the new U.B.C.S. gets them into the R.P.D. Carlos then finds out from the new guy that the mission here is to detain the Umbrella employee, not rescue them. Marvin is somewhere else, mysteriously. And new "S.T.A.R.S."/id lockers are found around the R.P.D. which is a new thing for the outing. Interestingly, some areas between 2/3 are shifted/changed like trash piling up on the stairs that Claire takes to the orphanage in 2. Weirdly, it's like "Jill couldn't just shift those around quickly and go that way? :confused "

That's where I stopped for now. I gotta do Friday Night Magic @ Home to get a sleeve code before I continue to finish the game.

The achievements arent so bad in this one, apparently you can use cheats and it doesnt affect achievements or your rank.

Yeah, once you get the infinite weapons, you can get S-ranks pretty easy apparently. Which is a bit of a shame (but I ain't complaining) because there's harder difficulties than Hardcore which means the damage rate will probably be higher, so it makes sense to let people abuse infinite ammo.

I broke my no item box run early, and had to heal on Standard so far (due to the boss fights), so it'll be interesting thinking of a way to do both at the same time (or run the game another 2 times) to get those.

The Hunter Gamma's changed from being a blue hunter into these sort of annoying Sewer monsters, which you can't dodge around. You have to actually take them down which pisses me off as so far I haven't really had to take down most enemies (besides Nemesis for weapon upgrade parts/ammo) so them being huge and not able to get around (despite Jill CLEARLY dodging past their mouth) is annoying. I'll have to see if someone figures out a way to save ammo/dodge them for speed-runs.

Mr Gilhaney

  • Gay and suicidal
  • Senior Member
very thankful i got the deluxe edition, so i can change that fuckers hair.


  • GunOn™! Apply directly to forehead!
  • Senior Member

Results Screen spoilered

Ultimately: It's a mess story-wise. They changed too many things, cut too many things, and overall have some bizarre scenes placed where they probably shouldn't be (the opening notable). There's a moment where Nikolai is looking down on Jill, only for Jill to get in the elevator and suddenly he says something. Shit like that is noticeable and it's hugely fucking disappointing as a fan of the game.

Nemesis' changes were good/bad. I'm a bit triggered they aren't 1:1, but the set-pieces they set-up were good enough to where I'm content with him bar his looks (the fucking nose).

I played Carlos and Jill in classic. So Jill's skirt is fucked up (skort, not a skirt. :|), but Carlos looks like... Scott Bakula from the 80's/Quantum Leap with the classic hair. Which is funny as his "normal"/remake look is totally different in the face. So... *shrug* I should find the Julia Voth mod and see how she looks, but NuJill isn't horrible but she isn't what I wanted. #TriggeredPurist

Ultimately? I can't really recommend it over the original. Especially to new-comers. There's some je nai se quoi to the original that the remake doesn't get. Partially because it's rushed development ("But it got 2 year's like--" *slaps you*) and partially because of the cut content and the replacements not being a strong-replacement (Clock Tower being reworked into a bigger area, but you never explore it. Dead Factory turning into a complete laboratory instead of a garbage dump being a hidden exfil point for Nikolai. The Acid Bath Nemesis Battle turning into "abuse flame rounds instead of slowing him and knifing levers yourself." Carlos taking the R.P.D. instead of Jill revisiting it (which could've been interesting story wise), which isn't HORRIBLE but not what I wanted.

Oh, and it isn't the classic formula. So it's Zoomer trash. (Kidding, sort of)

6-7/10. And that's being generous. If I was going to be totally brutal (this and 2 isn't classic forumla remade like 1 REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE) it'd probably be a 5/10. Completely average, but really needed more love/care done to it than Capcom did.

Speaking of which:

"Reminder: Resident Evil Resistance is included with Resident Evil 3!"

Let me translate that from NuCapcom:

"P-P-Please play our BritneyFlop.gif of a game. :( We wasted development time on this instead of Mercenaries so we could fleece you of further cash. PLEASE PLAY IT! :("

Nearly 24 hours later, the global number went from 5,000 to 100,000

Should've put that time into Mercenaries Mode, Capcom™.


  • cooler than willco
  • Administrator
Nemesis is dogshit compared to Mr X

I am getting juggled by enemies for whatever reason. What the fuck

Mr Gilhaney

  • Gay and suicidal
  • Senior Member
The game looks nice, but man, it can look so much better with even the early re-shades already that removes the ugly ass green hue and vignette. Only played a few hours so far, but I like it. Mr. X was a constant pain for me, while Nemesis seems a lot more scripted. Which I like.


  • GunOn™! Apply directly to forehead!
  • Senior Member
I am getting juggled by enemies for whatever reason. What the fuck

Yeah, that shit is really annoying. Nemesis punches you and then the zombies come in and just chomp you because of the recovery frames. I guess there's a reason they included the "S.T.A.R.S. defense manual" for "Easier perfect dodges" as an unlockable in the in-game "shop"/bonus unlock thing. :doge


  • GunOn™! Apply directly to forehead!
  • Senior Member
2000 more points to the infinite Rocket Launcher. But I have to farm Grenade Launcher or Shotgun kills to get it. :stahp


  • cooler than willco
  • Administrator
what the fuck are these giant fish in the sewers. this isnt my resident evil 3. none of this is. help

Mr Gilhaney

  • Gay and suicidal
  • Senior Member


  • GunOn™! Apply directly to forehead!
  • Senior Member
what the fuck are these giant fish in the sewers. this isnt my resident evil 3. none of this is. help

Hunter Gammas. They're just made huger and less Hunter-clone-y. Use Flame Rounds on them. Or the shotgun to the mouth (while dodging backwards). They're annoying, but probably the easiest enemy to face.

Human Snorenado

  • Stay out of Malibu, Lebowski
  • Icon
lol, you some picky bitches, game is fine

It's not as good as the RE2 remake but spoilers... RE3 OG was NEVER as good as RE2 OG either, so



  • 🙈🙉🙊
  • Senior Member
lol, you some picky bitches, game is fine

It's not as good as the RE2 remake but spoilers... RE3 OG was NEVER as good as RE2 OG either, so

They even recreated that, huh?


  • Senior Member
That means RE4 Remake is going to be the GOAT, again  :aah


  • Senior Member
RE4 is the greatest game of all time. A remake??

Don Rumata

  • Hard To Be A John
  • Senior Member
I'll maintain that RE3 was more fun than RE2.
The only part of that game i hated was the stupid worm boss.


  • GunOn™! Apply directly to forehead!
  • Senior Member
:whew Nightmare Mode's opening scenes. I'm gonna need to rethink how to get past the zombies in those minutes to the first item box. :doge


  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
  • Global Moderator
I'll maintain that RE3 was more fun than RE2.
The only part of that game i hated was the stupid worm boss.

I'm with you- I remember liking RE3 more than RE2.  And then RE4 was 100 times better than both of them and CV.  :P


  • Senior Member
If Capcom attempted an RE4 remake today they'd definitely crib notes from Square and split it up or some shit. Compared to other RE games it has like double the length/single-player content.

RE5make could even follow on its heels RE3make style.

Don Rumata

  • Hard To Be A John
  • Senior Member
I'll maintain that RE3 was more fun than RE2.
The only part of that game i hated was the stupid worm boss.

I'm with you- I remember liking RE3 more than RE2.  And then RE4 was 100 times better than both of them and CV.  :P
I mean of course RE4 was mind blowing at the time, RE2 and 3 were rethreads of RE1's formula at the end of the day.
I still remember watching the RE4 trailer pre-release, and being fukken hyped at the bolt-action-rifle reload animation, and being able to shoot enemies in various body parts.  :lol


  • Senior Member
Resident Evil 4 dosen't need a remake. PS2 Gen based games still hold up well when you clean them up and whatnot. RE4 still plays really well. If you must do more then a remaster one of those "new textures,old bones" type deals like Yakuza Kiwami, MW1/2, and so on would be fine. I just don't think we need a change of gameplay. People who complain about not being able to move and shoot don't get the game.


  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
  • Global Moderator
Resident Evil 4 dosen't need a remake. PS2 Gen based games still hold up well when you clean them up and whatnot. RE4 still plays really well. If you most do more then a remaster one of those new textures,old bones type deals like Yakuza Kiwami, MW1/2, and so on would be fine. I just don't think we need a change of gameplay. People who complain about not being able to move and shoot don't get the game.

Yup.  At least not right now.  Give it another 5-10 years and then maybe, but it feels unnecessary.


  • Senior Member
Resident Evil 4 dosen't need a remake. PS2 Gen based games still hold up well when you clean them up and whatnot. RE4 still plays really well. If you must do more then a remaster one of those "new textures,old bones" type deals like Yakuza Kiwami, MW1/2, and so on would be fine. I just don't think we need a change of gameplay. People who complain about not being able to move and shoot don't get the game.

I agree but we're probably the minority. And there's extra money on the table for Capcom, sooo...

What I'd be most worried about with the remake is the little things that I feel a new team wouldn't pick up on. Like certain sound effects when zooming in, a lot of the specific framing for locations/scenarios, certain odd lines of dialog, certain specific scenario "links" (where A-B-C happen in a particular way to ramp up tension.) RE4 has a solid core but what puts it over the top are the uncountable little touches sprinkled in.