Author Topic: Corona Thread |OT| Nu variant, who dis?  (Read 1088038 times)

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  • <<SALVATION!>>
  • Senior Member
It happens because people either:

A) Aren't getting that sick so they think it's just a cold and don't go see a doctor
B) Don't go see a doctor because can't afford it, or are just dumb
C) The doctors seeing these patients aren't testing them
D) The tests the doctors are using aren't accurate

Symptoms aren't guaranteed to manifest in all exposed, don't know if there is terminology pertaining to that in the field of epidemiology. That and if mild cases have very mild symptoms that raise no alarms like a bit of cough or slight fever that go ignored, then you've got the potential for a massive cases underestimation.

Which is good in terms of its effect on mortality % but godawful for any pretense of containment.


  • Senior Member
We have the Houston rodeo this month. Fuuuuuuuck.

It's likely everywhere at this point, I don't know how effective canceling things and shutting things down will be.


  • Senior Member
It's likely everywhere at this point, I don't know how effective canceling things and shutting things down will be.

The livestock show and rodeo is a massive event that tons of people in one area for several days. This will be bad.


  • <<SALVATION!>>
  • Senior Member
It's likely everywhere at this point, I don't know how effective canceling things and shutting things down will be.

Hard to say how widespread it is without a remote clue of undiagnosed or asymptotics.
Cases popping up with no immediate link to an infected are popping up which means transmitting is beyond a returning infected and their immediate exposed. At which point containment can be interpreted as failed.


  • Senior's Member
  • Senior Member
I just remembered I'm seeing iron maiden in May. Fucking shit better be over by then because if that gets cancelled I'll be very fucking cranky.


  • Senior Member
I just remembered I'm seeing iron maiden in May. Fucking shit better be over by then because if that gets cancelled I'll be very fucking cranky.

I'm seeing Megadeth and Lamb of God :tocry


  • Laugh when you can, it’s cheap medicine -LB
  • Senior Member
It's likely everywhere at this point, I don't know how effective canceling things and shutting things down will be.

Yeah, there are asymptomatic carriers and it’s been in the US everywhere for weeks. It’s not really worth getting that worked up about not because it isn’t a big deal, but because it’s already worse case scenario and all we can really do is wash our hands and sneeze into our elbows :shrug

It's likely everywhere at this point, I don't know how effective canceling things and shutting things down will be.

Yeah, there are asymptomatic carriers and it’s been in the US everywhere for weeks. It’s not really worth getting that worked up about not because it isn’t a big deal, but because it’s already worse case scenario and all we can really do is wash our hands and sneeze into our elbows :shrug

Agreed. I'm sure there are way more cases here than we're aware of. That elder care facility over in Kirkland is probably teeming with it and who knows where else. I don't think we shouldn't care, but we also shouldn't lose our minds and destroy society. Best course of action is just wash hands, be aware and be as safe as possible.

Joe Molotov

  • I'm much more humble than you would understand.
  • Administrator
It's likely everywhere at this point, I don't know how effective canceling things and shutting things down will be.

Yeah, there are asymptomatic carriers and it’s been in the US everywhere for weeks. It’s not really worth getting that worked up about not because it isn’t a big deal, but because it’s already worse case scenario and all we can really do is wash our hands and sneeze into our elbows :shrug

Or Plan #3: South Korean death cult orgy


  • Senior Member
It's likely everywhere at this point, I don't know how effective canceling things and shutting things down will be.

Yeah, there are asymptomatic carriers and it’s been in the US everywhere for weeks. It’s not really worth getting that worked up about not because it isn’t a big deal, but because it’s already worse case scenario and all we can really do is wash our hands and sneeze into our elbows :shrug

Agreed. I'm sure there are way more cases here than we're aware of. That elder care facility over in Kirkland is probably teeming with it and who knows where else. I don't think we shouldn't care, but we also shouldn't lose our minds and destroy society. Best course of action is just wash hands, be aware and be as safe as possible.

It's likely everywhere at this point, I don't know how effective canceling things and shutting things down will be.

Yeah, there are asymptomatic carriers and it’s been in the US everywhere for weeks. It’s not really worth getting that worked up about not because it isn’t a big deal, but because it’s already worse case scenario and all we can really do is wash our hands and sneeze into our elbows :shrug

What about going places? Are you guys staying inside in the meanwhile?

It would be nice if this would lead to an actual conversation about the need for universal health care, but you know it won't.

It's likely everywhere at this point, I don't know how effective canceling things and shutting things down will be.

Yeah, there are asymptomatic carriers and it’s been in the US everywhere for weeks. It’s not really worth getting that worked up about not because it isn’t a big deal, but because it’s already worse case scenario and all we can really do is wash our hands and sneeze into our elbows :shrug

Agreed. I'm sure there are way more cases here than we're aware of. That elder care facility over in Kirkland is probably teeming with it and who knows where else. I don't think we shouldn't care, but we also shouldn't lose our minds and destroy society. Best course of action is just wash hands, be aware and be as safe as possible.

It's likely everywhere at this point, I don't know how effective canceling things and shutting things down will be.

Yeah, there are asymptomatic carriers and it’s been in the US everywhere for weeks. It’s not really worth getting that worked up about not because it isn’t a big deal, but because it’s already worse case scenario and all we can really do is wash our hands and sneeze into our elbows :shrug

What about going places? Are you guys staying inside in the meanwhile?

I'm not putting my life on hold but I'm feeling really lucky that I don't have to get on a bus or work in an office and spend the majority of time at home in my office space. I've got a Guys Night dinner with buddies on Wednesday that I'm still planning on going to, I'll go to the grocery store as needed and we're heading to our family cabin by Mt. Rainier this weekend.

My daughter does attend public school and I walk her every morning and then pick her up from her after school care place, and she has ballet and hop hip dance class Monday and Tuesday. Just gotta be as safe as possible.


  • Senior Member
It would be nice if this would lead to an actual conversation about the need for universal health care, but you know it won't.

I think it will. The costs of getting tested is over 3000 dollars. Combined with people not staying home because of sick leave and you've got a cocktail of societal failure. And since it's on the minds of Americans and M4A is popular I think it'll only gain in popularity.


  • Laugh when you can, it’s cheap medicine -LB
  • Senior Member
It's likely everywhere at this point, I don't know how effective canceling things and shutting things down will be.

Yeah, there are asymptomatic carriers and it’s been in the US everywhere for weeks. It’s not really worth getting that worked up about not because it isn’t a big deal, but because it’s already worse case scenario and all we can really do is wash our hands and sneeze into our elbows :shrug

Agreed. I'm sure there are way more cases here than we're aware of. That elder care facility over in Kirkland is probably teeming with it and who knows where else. I don't think we shouldn't care, but we also shouldn't lose our minds and destroy society. Best course of action is just wash hands, be aware and be as safe as possible.

It's likely everywhere at this point, I don't know how effective canceling things and shutting things down will be.

Yeah, there are asymptomatic carriers and it’s been in the US everywhere for weeks. It’s not really worth getting that worked up about not because it isn’t a big deal, but because it’s already worse case scenario and all we can really do is wash our hands and sneeze into our elbows :shrug

What about going places? Are you guys staying inside in the meanwhile?

I’ve been living as normal, but I haven’t been booking concerts or anything like that. Avoiding big, compressed crowds. I can get to work using commuter shuttles so I can avoid trains and stations. If I had to use Bart or Muni or city buses during this, I would have probably asked about working from home more about two weeks ago.

I have been more mindful of extremely thorough hand washing and not touching door handles and stuff. I don’t care if I get sick but I’d be completely mortified if I got somebody else sick.

G The Resurrected

  • Senior Member
What about going places? Are you guys staying inside in the meanwhile?

I’ve been living as normal, but I haven’t been booking concerts or anything like that. Avoiding big, compressed crowds. I can get to work using commuter shuttles so I can avoid trains and stations. If I had to use Bart or Muni or city buses during this, I would have probably asked about working from home more about two weeks ago.

I have been more mindful of extremely thorough hand washing and not touching door handles and stuff. I don’t care if I get sick but I’d be completely mortified if I got somebody else sick.

Personally I'm taking a week by week approach over here. I think especially given my health, I have to be more cautious than most. Add to that I've been in and around the hospital that one of the infected went to I'm locking myself down for others safety as well in the off chance I did get infected. Also note those who are or have most likely the ability to travel through major transit hubs, they are your employees at big tech companies who use the commuter shuttles. Think about that next time you ride them, and with whom you are close to at work.

Action needs to be happening in a swift manner to protect healthcare workers and we aren't doing that at all. That's where the real problems start, there just isn't enough staff to be able to dismiss staff because they pose a potential risk for 14 days. That would be a huge freaking nightmare on the system and It's ability to contain and protect the public.

At this point we've seen very little action taken and speed is a key thing in containing this thing.

team filler

  • filler
  • filler

 :bow :bow :bow :bow :bow :bow :bow :bow2 :bow2 :bow2 :bow2 :bow2 :bow2 :bow2


  • Senior Member
Digging around for attack rate and related articles, found this.

Yeah, would be nice if they can figure out how to make the flu vaccine more effective. I think it's been like 30-70% range last few years and usually closer to 30% which really isn't great.

I'm definitely concerned with the various strains of COVID19 so far that even if they have a vaccine ready asap, like in the fall, that it'll be like the flu vaccine and only 30-70% effective. That would help, but wouldn't really give a great peace of a mind...


  • Teach by day, Sleep by night
  • Senior Member


  • Senior Member
Texas is a big state thankfully but RIP.


  • Y = λ𝑓. (λ𝑥. 𝑓 (𝑥 𝑥)) (λ𝑥. 𝑓 (𝑥 𝑥))
  • Senior Member


  • Nebuchadnezzar
  • Senior Member
gonna bail out of this thread now, figures as soon as it hits the usa you guys are gonna make it about politics  :engel


  • Y = λ𝑓. (λ𝑥. 𝑓 (𝑥 𝑥)) (λ𝑥. 𝑓 (𝑥 𝑥))
  • Senior Member
lol c'mon momo


  • Nebuchadnezzar
  • Senior Member
No lie though, I understand why it happens and you guys are free to do whatever, I just dont have to participate. I'm really not interested in discussing anything but dumb tweets in the wank thread through the lens of US poolitics  :ltg 


  • <<SALVATION!>>
  • Senior Member
No lie though, I understand why it happens and you guys are free to do whatever, I just dont have to participate. I'm really not interested in discussing anything but dumb tweets in the wank thread through the lens of US poolitics  :ltg

It's okay, I don't know what people are talking about most of the time either and still elbow my way in to participate in nonsense.
But to be fair, a large medical crisis in the States during election year with the state of medical care being a long running topic means it's literally impossible for no political discourse cascade.


  • Senior Member

This virus has been political from the start given it started with China cracking its authoritarian jaws on a whistleblower trying to warn people of a SARS like virus. It got to the point where there was murmurings within China of rebellion, including high officials, as a wake up call against their authoritarian state. It's now being said that this could potentially end Xi Jinping's "China dream".

Have you been paying attention to the news on coronavirus, like, at all, in the past two months? Complaining it's about politics "now" is ridiculous.


  • Nebuchadnezzar
  • Senior Member

This virus has been political from the start given it started with China cracking its authoritarian jaws on a whistleblower trying to warning people of a SARS like virus. It got to the point where there was murmurings within China of rebellion, including high officials, as a wake up call against their authoritarian state. It's now being said that this could potentially end Xi Jinping's "China dream".

Have you been paying attention to the news on coronavirus, like, at all, in the past two months? Complaining it's about politics "now" is ridiculous.
No, I'm complaining about US politics not politics in general, as a rule every thread on this forum becomes about US politics eventually, I just felt like saying something this one time out of infinity instead of just bailing as usual (which im still doing).


  • Senior Member
It's a US centric site and the US has a problem of under insured or uninsured people where the bill for corona virus treatment is over 3000 dollars. The President assembled a team where the lead wiped his nose before shaking the hands of leading physicians to treat and study the virus who also happened to attempt to pray it all away during his tenure as governor amidst an HIV outbreak. The CDC released a man with corona virus in Texas into the public. Trump repatriated people under quarantine against the CDC's wishes.

I'm not sure what you're expecting nor why discussing American politics in relation to the virus should surprise you.


  • Y = λ𝑓. (λ𝑥. 𝑓 (𝑥 𝑥)) (λ𝑥. 𝑓 (𝑥 𝑥))
  • Senior Member
I was just sharing some dumb shit trump did re: corona, not tryna be so serious about it


  • Nebuchadnezzar
  • Senior Member
I'm not mad bby, just going to go watch some cricket  :snob :engel


  • Nylonhilist
  • Senior Member
So California has something like 200 coronavirus test kits for a population of almost 40 million. Apparently this is because test kit production is hampered by issues in the QC method and so FDA/CDC had to go back-and-forth figuring out how to solve it.

We are woefully unprepared for a fucking bat poop virus.


  • Senior Member
Yeah, that’s fucking bad.

For you single folks out there, how do you feel about dating now? I’m worried about adding a person to my life that I’ll be making close contact with and who is in completely different social/school/work circles and who knows where they go and what precautions they take to try to minimize getting this.

On the other hand if I just give up dating completely until this dies down it could be a year or something.


  • Nylonhilist
  • Senior Member
I wouldn't worry but I don't really bang multiple people in a two week period. I'm super vanilla tho.


  • Y = λ𝑓. (λ𝑥. 𝑓 (𝑥 𝑥)) (λ𝑥. 𝑓 (𝑥 𝑥))
  • Senior Member
For someone like you, how bad is the flu? Could that kill you?


  • <<SALVATION!>>
  • Senior Member
Biggest concern is for the immunocompromised, so if you are in that group or regularly interact with a member, then yeah you should be cautious.


  • Senior Member
For someone like you, how bad is the flu? Could that kill you?

Yeah, as I just found out last month going through H1N1 flu. Definitely not ready to get that sick again so soon after. My lungs still haven't recovered, I'm good but when I exercise I'm getting winded a lot quicker than before I got that flu, so feels like when you haven't run for a long time and have to build your lungs back up again. Or they're still healing idk. But yeah would be a very bad time to get this.

And the problem is less banging different people every week, and more just going on dates with tons of different people. Not sure what I'll do.


  • Junior Member
For someone like you, how bad is the flu? Could that kill you?

Yeah, as I just found out last month going through H1N1 flu. Definitely not ready to get that sick again so soon after. My lungs still haven't recovered, I'm good but when I exercise I'm getting winded a lot quicker than before I got that flu, so feels like when you haven't run for a long time and have to build your lungs back up again. Or they're still healing idk. But yeah would be a very bad time to get this.

And the problem is less banging different people every week, and more just going on dates with tons of different people. Not sure what I'll do.

I'm holing myself up in home and not meeting people cos I live with my parents and don't want them to get infected, but most people here are still living their lives albeit being a bit more careful in regards to hygiene. As long as you're cautious about it, I don't think you necessarily have to stop dating completely.


  • Senior Member
Yeah, that’s fucking bad.

For you single folks out there, how do you feel about dating now? I’m worried about adding a person to my life that I’ll be making close contact with and who is in completely different social/school/work circles and who knows where they go and what precautions they take to try to minimize getting this.

On the other hand if I just give up dating completely until this dies down it could be a year or something.

I don't care about dating. I care about family. I want to see my grandma and I see her regularly but how do I know if I'm infected or not if I display no symptoms? I don't want to give her this unknowingly. She's over 80 years old. She could very well die. So I'm not visiting her despite wanting to see her.


  • Donate to the JAMES FUND
  • Senior Member
I decided against a southern food buffet yesterday.

The sacrifices we make because of corona



  • Virgo. Live Music. The Office. Tacos. Fur mom. True crime junkie. INTJ.
  • Senior Member
I decided against a southern food buffet yesterday.

The sacrifices we make because of corona


James the giant slut thinks that all the goodnight hugs he’s been getting are safe :pacspit


  • Senior's Member
  • Senior Member
Did my regular grocery shopping tonight. Either the supply chain has already been severely affected, or people are really starting to panic buy stuff. Apparently toilet paper is already scarce.

I grabbed a couple of extra tins of tuna and beans and an extra bag of frozen vegetables. Will grab another couple extra things next time, but I don't see the need to grab 20kg bags of rice and shit that I don't normally eat. That's just a good way to end up with stuff that you will never eat.


  • Member
You can't catch Corona from a Christian Side Hug
One of the first who got it here, got it from his daughter after hugging her and having dinnner with her.  :trumps


  • Winner of the Baited Award 2018
  • Senior Member

Brits: :shaking


  • Senior Member
In the long run, the likelihood of contracting it is probably 1. The virus will most likely sweep the globe long before a vaccine is ready, which will take several more months. Some carriers have been unknowingly walking around with it for weeks, infecting many more (because for some there are no symptoms and for those who experience symptoms, the disease becomes infectious before they do).

China fucked it up when they kept quiet about it in December and instead punished the messenger.


  • Senior Member
Probability is a numerical description of how likely an event is to occur or how likely it is that a proposition is true. Probability is a number between 0 and 1, where, roughly speaking, 0 indicates impossibility and 1 indicates certainty.


  • Member
Did my regular grocery shopping tonight. Either the supply chain has already been severely affected, or people are really starting to panic buy stuff. Apparently toilet paper is already scarce.

I grabbed a couple of extra tins of tuna and beans and an extra bag of frozen vegetables. Will grab another couple extra things next time, but I don't see the need to grab 20kg bags of rice and shit that I don't normally eat. That's just a good way to end up with stuff that you will never eat.

Yeah I can't find my favorite toilet paper at all anymore  >:( There are other brands still that look like they won't be sold out too soon but I hate having to now guess which tp will be acceptable for my very demanding butt :stahp

Also the soap I usually buy in refill bags was also sold out, among some other brands. I stocked up on coffee and some meat to put in the freezer but now I'm thinking other people will start mass buying even more stuff so the shelves will be emptier every time I go to the shop so I better go again tomorrow and contribute to the problem  :doge

There haven't been any cases in my city yet but I guess it's just a matter of time. Then the shops will really start getting empty.

Great Rumbler

  • Dab on the sinners
  • Global Moderator

Yeah, it's crazy how in other countries when you get sick you can just go to the hospital and they treat you and there's not a massive bill.


  • Senior Member

Yeah, it's crazy how in other countries when you get sick you can just go to the hospital and they treat you and there's not a massive bill.

Well, I pay hundreds every month for absolutely nothing if I don't get sick  :maf


  • Donate to the JAMES FUND
  • Senior Member

Yeah, it's crazy how in other countries when you get sick you can just go to the hospital and they treat you and there's not a massive bill.

Welcome to our revolution


  • Laugh when you can, it’s cheap medicine -LB
  • Senior Member
No more visitors allowed in our buildings for the time being :(

Joe Molotov

  • I'm much more humble than you would understand.
  • Administrator
No more visitors allowed in our buildings for the time being :(

The Bore was ahead of the curve once again. Bork was just trying to save us from coronavirus and you laughed?


  • Donate to the JAMES FUND
  • Senior Member
No more visitors allowed in our buildings for the time being :(

The Bore was ahead of the curve once again. Bork was just trying to save us from coronavirus and you laughed?


DJ Bedroom was allowed in on 2/10/2020, well after the outbreak had started spreading.

Was he vetted? of course not.


  • Donate to the JAMES FUND
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4 more dead in Washington State



  • <<SALVATION!>>
  • Senior Member
Diamond Princess update

Of 705 cases total, current breakdown:
598 active cases of which 36 classified serious
100 recovered
7 deaths