Author Topic: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread  (Read 3207950 times)

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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #40020 on: March 23, 2021, 02:42:26 PM »


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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #40021 on: March 23, 2021, 02:43:44 PM »
yts real upset in this thread I see over facts being said

meanwhile, THIS:
What's the bet they're not releasing the name of the shooter so they can have every piece of his social media of him scrubbed before they do so?


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #40022 on: March 23, 2021, 02:44:27 PM »
Fucking posturing. Joe, you’re the fucking President. You’re the one who gets that fucking process moving. Get off Twitter and fucking work.

Cauliflower Of Love

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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #40023 on: March 23, 2021, 02:44:47 PM »
Fucking posturing.
spoiler (click to show/hide)
you’re the fucking President. You’re the one who gets that fucking process moving. Get off Twitter and fucking work.

While we’re at it, someone go kick Ted Cruz in the fucking ass too. That’s a job that really needs doing.



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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #40024 on: March 23, 2021, 02:44:48 PM »
yts real upset in this thread I see over facts being said

meanwhile, THIS:
What's the bet they're not releasing the name of the shooter so they can have every piece of his social media of him scrubbed before they do so?

You should ask him if he'll still take that bet

Joe Molotov

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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #40025 on: March 23, 2021, 02:51:16 PM »
Fucking posturing. Joe, you’re the fucking President. You’re the one who gets that fucking process moving. Get off Twitter and fucking work.

Look at all the whites rushing in to defend Biden in that thread. Whites gonna protect their own.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #40026 on: March 23, 2021, 02:59:57 PM »
Ah, the middle age white male shooter.
         User Banned (1 Week): Spreading Misinformation in a Pandemic?


  • Dumbass Monkey
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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #40027 on: March 23, 2021, 03:11:33 PM »
like you said, “I shouldn’t really have to point out” the nuance present within a phrase like “fuck white people”



  • Dumbass Monkey
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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #40028 on: March 23, 2021, 03:14:28 PM »
White fragility out in full force ITT, hate to see it.

Useless, vitriolic crap like that becomes especially egregious when you consider every single victim in this shooting is white.



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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #40029 on: March 23, 2021, 03:16:17 PM »
American gun culture is disgusting and pathetic. it's a collection of toddlers afraid that mommy and daddy are going to come take their favorite toys away. Only I have more respect for petulant toddlers because at least their toys weren't designed specifically to rip holes through fellow human beings.

Deep af


  • Dumbass Monkey
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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #40030 on: March 23, 2021, 03:19:57 PM »
American gun culture is disgusting and pathetic. it's a collection of toddlers afraid that mommy and daddy are going to come take their favorite toys away. Only I have more respect for petulant toddlers because at least their toys weren't designed specifically to rip holes through fellow human beings.

Deep af

whoever wrote that has never trod on a lego barefoot


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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #40031 on: March 23, 2021, 03:25:48 PM »
American gun culture ?  it like poopoo and peepee.  When the peepee has to come out of the weiner you like oh noo i gotta pee pee so bad but then i want to poopoo too! and maybe i will poopoo (not sure) but my weiener really want to peepee right now.  when will the politicians do something about guns in this disgusting zeitgeist culture


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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #40032 on: March 23, 2021, 03:29:58 PM »
Remember on ree racism against white people doesn't exist
Fixed that for you

 :rage :shaking :rage


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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #40033 on: March 23, 2021, 03:32:24 PM »

Straight Edge

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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #40034 on: March 23, 2021, 03:32:58 PM »
White supremacy is more than willing to let white people die in service of its goals. See for example the experiences of poor white folks who get too close to Blackness to be protected by their own


So white supremacy protects whites except when it doesn't because they're basically black?

Schrodinger's Distinguished Gentleman?
« Last Edit: March 23, 2021, 03:40:41 PM by Straight Edge »
Oi Oi


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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #40035 on: March 23, 2021, 03:34:24 PM »


  • Haughty and a little naughty
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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #40036 on: March 23, 2021, 03:35:19 PM »
like you said, “I shouldn’t really have to point out” the nuance present within a phrase like “fuck white people” because if it doesn’t apply, it doesn’t apply.

The dumbest logic. Just go ahead and try that with a generalization about any minority.

Edit: And all of this in a thread where the shooter wasn't white but every victim was. Like what are they even going on about?


  • Finish the Fight
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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #40037 on: March 23, 2021, 03:35:33 PM »

Edit: And all of this in a thread where the shooter wasn't white but every victim was. Like what are they even going on about?
Thank god no innocent people were hurt
« Last Edit: March 23, 2021, 03:40:40 PM by Nintex »


  • Haughty and a little naughty
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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #40038 on: March 23, 2021, 03:53:33 PM »
We gonna start calling these people terrorists or no?
Tell me more about what groups of people should be called terrorists.
Far right white dudes; which is what was assumed yesterday with what 50 mile away pictures we had.

"Lay off, I only called him a terrorist because we didn't know anything about him or his motive"


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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #40039 on: March 23, 2021, 03:54:21 PM »

The Rami just isn’t giving this up is he?


  • Dumbass Monkey
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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #40040 on: March 23, 2021, 04:05:16 PM »
The Rami just isn’t giving this up is he?

I mean... his argument is a lot more persuasive than the cast of Smash Bros or an Animal Crossing Space Puffs haircut is, which all got dollars per word coverage


  • Dumbass Monkey
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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #40041 on: March 23, 2021, 04:06:50 PM »
Far right white dudes; which is what was assumed yesterday with what 50 mile away pictures we had.
And the mere mention of his name being "foreign" was enough for racist ghouls to celebrate he wasn't "American".


no, no, the other racist ghouls jumping to conclusions to push a narrative are the bad guys


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #40042 on: March 23, 2021, 04:11:13 PM »
I think if you banned bullshit news, like FOX, we'd have a lot less people terrified of their own shadows. It sows division and leans into fear/conflict.
Weird how every problem always has the same solution on


  • Dumbass Monkey
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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #40043 on: March 23, 2021, 04:26:07 PM »

Looking forward to hearing how sony are the real heroes for stopping their precious achievements from being tainted


  • Haughty and a little naughty
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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #40044 on: March 23, 2021, 04:49:47 PM »
Now we see how the media covers this compared to last week.

Don't they know that the right has the exact same reaction? Those guys think that the story will now disappear because the guy has a muslim name

This is all



  • Finish the Fight
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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #40045 on: March 23, 2021, 04:56:36 PM »
But who will think about the feelings of the children guns  :fbm


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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #40046 on: March 23, 2021, 04:59:37 PM »
Fucking this. People can’t get shot without a gun. For fucks sake.
Since when are you required to only shoot people who have a gun? :doge


  • Finish the Fight
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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #40047 on: March 23, 2021, 05:02:23 PM »
Fun new thread

We've seen all the talk about six days in Fallujah being the most accurate depiction of war and what the innocent marines have to go through. Looks good right? Then why the hell are some 'WOKE' people trying to cancel the game. Why are they attacking our right to free speech? Well, enter this house gingerbread, cake, and pastries and you'll know the person feeding you cookies is the real witch.

A Brief History
To understand the problem with the game it is paramount to understand the real life events. In 2002, the Bush administration along with UK and other allies decided to launch an operation on Iraq. The premise of the attack was simple, Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction (coming from two nuclear powers) and that the government was supporting Al-Qaeda. In March of 2003 an operation was launched and by 1st of May "major combat operations" ended. One of the mightiest military in the history of mankind was assembled to complete the task. Over 177,000 American led coalition troops were sent to neutralize the government and give back power to Iraqis. The coalition would later form a transitional government to restore order in the country.

The Problem
The problem starts with the premise. The coalition spread lies about Iraq's access to WMDs. The claims were later debunked as the coalition failed to find any evidence of WMDs. Coalition's claim of Iraq sponsoring Al-Qaeda were also debunked by various reports. The 9/11 Commission concluded that "to date we have seen no evidence that these or the earlier contacts ever developed into a collaborative operational relationship. To make matters worse, the transitional government failed to restore order which would later result in the creation of ISIS. The war also gave birth to sectarian violence in the region.
While it is very hard to get an accurate estimate of civilian casualties, some efforts have been made. As per Iraq Body Count around 185,593 – 208,667 have lost their lives due to this invasion. Other reports suggest that over 600,000 people died due to the war.
The war has been categorically declared illegal.

What happened in Fallujah?
A lot of things happened but I'll try to share some. On 28th of April, 2003, Americans opened fire on some 200 civilians who had violated a curfew they had imposed. This resulted in the death of some 17 civilians and wounded more than 70 others. Human rights watch has confirmed the event. US would later reestablish their control over the city and for that they would use white phosphorus. Now the use of white phosphorus based incendiaries on people is considered illegal. Surprisingly, they had called out the Iraqi government in 1991 over the use of white phosphorus. The US forces would also kill 100s of innocent civilians and children which they defended by saying that civilians were given enough time to evacuate the city (men of fighting age were stopped). In the two battles of Fallujah around 1200 civilians were killed. Overall since the start of war on terror, over 7000 civilians have lost their lives.

So what's the Problem with six days in Fallujah?
The problem in game stems from its chosen narrative perspective. The game promises to deliver an authentic account of the events in Fallujah, however, it portrays the marines (the murderers, war criminals) as the innocents who had to endure such a hard time. The game trailers use these real life america's got talent style interviews to give you a very personal perspective. The interviewees have these watery eyes to make us sympathize with them. Mate, these are the killers. Why do you want us to feel sorry for them?? The game trailers actively portray the americans as the liberators when we know that's not the case. The entire damn war was illegal to begin with. As stated by Peter Tamte, founder and CEO, defended the studio saying "this generation showed great sacrifice and courage in Iraq as remarkable as any in history" Aaaa no? The US forces killed civilians in Fallujah, there is nothing remarkable in that.

The game actively claims that it's trying to tell you what it feels to be in Fallujah, but it puts a veil on the monstrosities that were committed by the military. As Tamte said, "Six Days in Fallujah is not about whether the US and its allies should have invaded Iraq." How can you not discuss something so critical? But it gets worse,
“Just as that [Marine] cannot second-guess the choices by the policymakers, we’re not trying to make a political commentary about whether or not the war itself was a good or a bad idea.” The entire war was wrong, its premise, its execution, post war everything. How can you not think about the REAL victims of the war before you ask us to sympathize with war criminals? But wait they want us to think about people, but in a way that keeps the image of the marines upright, “There are things that divide us, and including those really divisive things, I think, distracts people from the human stories that we can all identify with,” Tamte said. It gets worse. White phosphorus, that illegal thing, ya, its not in the game and his reason for not including in the game is because the marines didn't confess using them. LIKE WTF? Use google goddamnit.

Why the hate?
This game isn't about an accurate depiction. This game isn't about telling you the real events of Fallujah. The sole purpose of the game is to alter the mainstream perception of the events. Many people who play this game might not know what happened in Fallujah, they might not have researched it or they might have not been born when everything was going down. This will be their history book. For the longest time games like COD have used references to mask history. It is perfectly possible that when you mention highway of death people think about that COD mission where "evil Russians" wreak havoc and not the highway that was bombed to shit by the coalition forces. However, 6 days in fallujah takes things a step further. By choosing what to tell and what not to tell, and how to tell, they mask the war crimes committed by the marines. It is an attempt to change history. The plan is simple, repeat the lie so many times that everyone believes it's the truth. This isn't free speech, this is injustice to the victims of the war. The developers have a responsibility to accurately depict the events and if they can't for any reason then they should just quite the development.

The worst thing is that there are more sympathizers of marines then there are people who would make the effort to understand everything. The idea of this game doing good in sales (perfectly plausible) makes me sick. Who knows this game becomes such a massive hit that it starts getting yearly installments with each trying to mask another massacre.

Take a moment and try to put yourself in the shoes of the poor souls of Fallujah. Think about it. First you are invaded, kicked out and killed, and then movies and games are made showing how difficult it was for the invaders. Take a moment, think about their pain. First they suffered physically, and now they'll suffer mentally. I end this piece with a quote from a Tamte's GIbiz interview,

“Very few people are curious what it's like to be an Iraqi civilian. Nobody's going to play that game. But people are curious what it's like to be in combat.”

Saudi Arabia did 9/11 while the CIA sat back and watched.
Thank you baby Yoda

This fucking brown people murder simulator should be straight banned. ANY cover on this aberration is normalizing it.


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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #40048 on: March 23, 2021, 05:04:58 PM »
It's terrifying man. When I am out, I always examine the store to know where the exits are. Before the pandemic hit, when at a restaurant, I always ask for a seat next to an exit. It feels horrible going out and this is why we didn't go out much, and we will not go out so eagerly when things open up.


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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #40049 on: March 23, 2021, 05:08:27 PM »
Damn History be omitting so much shit.
Just this. I would have been a very, very different person at 20 if my school teachers had explained even a small percentage of the context for what I was reading in history texts.

History never felt like it was real to me, because it typically makes no goddamned sense when stripped of contextual events and minority viewpoints.
This should be taught in schools. Why am I just learning about this now?
Like how most people (myself included) didn't know the 1921 Tulsa Massacre was a thing until Watchmen came out a couple years back.
Unfortunately, that’s by design. We never really approach history in a “lessons for the future” type of way.
Yeah, me too. Although my American history classes usually amounted to memorizing a bunch of dates about the revolutionary war and seldom much else, so I'm not really surprised how much I have no clue about
Here's my history education up to 1999 in a nutshell, dunno if it missed anything important:
You could have learned about these things at any time if you simply chose to read about them. Stop being passive in your educations. :bolo


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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #40050 on: March 23, 2021, 05:11:09 PM »
It's terrifying man. When I am out, I always examine the store to know where the exits are. Before the pandemic hit, when at a restaurant, I always ask for a seat next to an exit. It feels horrible going out and this is why we didn't go out much, and we will not go out so eagerly when things open up.

that just means you're the most visible to a gunman entering and the most likely to get shot as you jump up and run for the exit he's standing in :doge

ask for a seat next to the kitchen and you can run inside and out the back door they use for deliveries and smoke breaks


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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #40051 on: March 23, 2021, 05:13:14 PM »
like you said, “I shouldn’t really have to point out” the nuance present within a phrase like “fuck white people” because if it doesn’t apply, it doesn’t apply.

The dumbest logic. Just go ahead and try that with a generalization about any minority.

Edit: And all of this in a thread where the shooter wasn't white but every victim was. Like what are they even going on about?

Extreme mental gymnastics to blame this shooting on whitey.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #40052 on: March 23, 2021, 05:13:54 PM »
It's terrifying man. When I am out, I always examine the store to know where the exits are. Before the pandemic hit, when at a restaurant, I always ask for a seat next to an exit. It feels horrible going out and this is why we didn't go out much, and we will not go out so eagerly when things open up.

that just means you're the most visible to a gunman entering and the most likely to get shot as you jump up and run for the exit he's standing in :doge

ask for a seat next to the kitchen and you can run inside and out the back door they use for deliveries and smoke breaks
Always make sure to express your displeasure at being sat by any minorities: "BUT I DON'T WANT TO GET SHOT"


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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #40053 on: March 23, 2021, 05:16:07 PM »
like you said, “I shouldn’t really have to point out” the nuance present within a phrase like “fuck white people” because if it doesn’t apply, it doesn’t apply.

The dumbest logic. Just go ahead and try that with a generalization about any minority.

Edit: And all of this in a thread where the shooter wasn't white but every victim was. Like what are they even going on about?

Extreme mental gymnastics to blame this shooting on whitey.

if those white people didn't want to get shot, they should've tried living in a country that doesn't have a gun control problem


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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #40054 on: March 23, 2021, 05:18:36 PM »
What a racist ass website. Like, look at the early replies, blaming middle aged white guys for this without knowing who the shooter was and now that it wasn't a white guy...its still a white persons fault?

The entirety of the thread would be banned into the shadow realm by now if this was about any other race. Just a dumpster fire of a site full of people close to going on shooting rampages themselves.

And the mods do nothing because they are scared.


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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #40055 on: March 23, 2021, 05:19:32 PM »
wish we could treat actual people dying, families forever changed, as the tragedy it is instead of points in a huge social game

like what the fuck

I guess I don't personally know anyone who is suffering so I'm not supposed to care and should just look at it in the abstract as a way to increase my twitter likes and followers, if I play my cards right


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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #40056 on: March 23, 2021, 05:21:54 PM »
Our shit government is too afraid to force white people to wear a fucking mask, y'all think they'll really take white people's guns away.

I'm sorry but not sorry if this bothers you, but fuck white people to hell and back. I'm so fucking sick of their shit.

Wonder how the mod captains, lieutenants etc  will handle this :hmm

Nice racist site ya got there b-dubs.


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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #40057 on: March 23, 2021, 05:30:07 PM »
Just a dumpster fire of a site full of people close to going on shooting rampages themselves.


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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #40058 on: March 23, 2021, 05:34:28 PM »
User Banned (2 Weeks): Homophobic Rhetoric

Houston sucks dick. Obviously choose Austin.
:dead :dead :dead :dead


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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #40059 on: March 23, 2021, 05:36:53 PM »
Convincing women that sucking dick was gay is the greatest lie the devil ever told.


  • Finish the Fight
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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #40060 on: March 23, 2021, 05:41:16 PM »
Give LGBTQAI+ era a break, they're being overshadowed by all these mass shootings and the Cyberpunk 2077 patch still hasn't dropped.


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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #40061 on: March 23, 2021, 05:57:11 PM »
voyeour era has been activated

Another useless presser here, unfortunately. Still no real answers, still no motive.
It's like they think every crime can be investigated and prosecuted in nice 45 minute chunks, just like on whatever Disney-approved ACAB(EDC) TV show they're currently obsessing over.


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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #40062 on: March 23, 2021, 06:01:17 PM »
Well, good to know The Daily Beast takes an inclusive approach to this sort of reporting:

"How could this nice boy who lived in this idyllic suburban community with bird feeders and solar panels ever do this because he was so nice and quiet?" is for all colors and creeds of mass shooters now!


Shouldn't this be a hint that there's actually no sinister intention behind those "he was a quiet boy" statements? Kelly Rowland's made a song about a quiet kid that shoots up a school 20 years ago, goddammit.

It's like he's mad that the Daily Beast isn't racist


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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #40063 on: March 23, 2021, 06:02:33 PM »
voyeour era has been activated

Another useless presser here, unfortunately. Still no real answers, still no motive.
It's like they think every crime can be investigated and prosecuted in nice 45 minute chunks, just like on whatever Disney-approved ACAB(EDC) TV show they're currently obsessing over.
They are used to Chinese policing, where you will end up in a sterilization program before you can say Winnie the Pooh :trumps


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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #40064 on: March 23, 2021, 06:03:51 PM »
Looks like I'm probably getting banned again. I called white people shitty. Oh well, see y'all in a couple of weeks.

Yeah, chief. That’s why you MIGHT catch a ban.

Wearing that permaban armour with pride.


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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #40065 on: March 23, 2021, 06:10:05 PM »


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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #40066 on: March 23, 2021, 06:11:00 PM »
It's like they think every crime can be investigated and prosecuted in nice 45 minute chunks, just like on whatever Disney-approved ACAB(EDC) TV show they're currently obsessing over.
Only a problem if you think we're in the last five minutes of the episode. Unless this is a two-parter?


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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #40067 on: March 23, 2021, 06:11:59 PM »
doubt we will ever see an era thread about this issue but reddit is currently having a normal one

Reddit hires Aimee Challenor, formerly of the UK Green party, who resigned when it was revealed she kept her father on the payroll in spite of his arrest for raping a 10 year old girl. She immediately used her new position to censor a post about herself.

I will post an announcement and reopen the sub later. Until then any comments will be hidden unless I approve them manually.

I would advise you not to mention the person, the person's relatives, the person that wrote about those people, link to that blog, or link to the weekly politics magazine. Or previous news stories that mention the person in the Guardian, Indy, Times, Mirror, Order-order, Huffpost, etc.

If you do so,

reddit admins may remove your comments (they removed some comments yesterday which our mods can not restore).

They may also close your account (it appears at least 2 3 accounts have been permanently suspended for this - one is confirmed as being due to this)

you may endanger the future of this sub.

This warning applies even before I reopen the sub, as admin can read all your comments. Also they can read your DMs.

If you do not know who the person is, it is a British political figure that most of you will not have heard of and does not currently hold elected office.


You are strongly advised not to mention the name of the sitcom or its author.

Update 2:

You are strongly advised not to mention the old BBC news article about the person either.

Update 3:

Somebody's account was banned from reddit less than 2 hours ago on another sub for posting a link to the weekly magazine. Somebody else on another sub posted a screenshot of their post being removed by reddit legal team. And posts have been removed by reddit admins in last hour or two. Do NOT post a link to the weekly magazine, or any news article mentioning the person (bbc, guardian, indy, mirror, huffpost etc.) if you want to keep your reddit account.

Update 4:

Reddit admins appear to have edited a user's comment on another sub. Also the USA is awake now, so I can only assume reddit corporate is okay with the admin actions. I do not think this will be over soon.

thing is, she's trans, so some of the usual shitty suspects are trying to use this story as an anti-trans thing

when it has nothing at all to do with that and should be more about how reddit apparently set up some kind of filter for their newest employee's name that gets you insta-banned for any mention of her and her pedophilia-defending past (first her dad, then her husband)


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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #40068 on: March 23, 2021, 06:15:43 PM »
Just wanted to start a general thread on certain beliefs and opinions that have been put out as facts that have been debunked with new information. Era is pretty good at pointing these out but there are some statements floating around in threads that are factually incorrect.


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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #40069 on: March 23, 2021, 06:21:39 PM »
We gonna start calling these people terrorists or no?
Tell me more about what groups of people should be called terrorists.
Far right white dudes; which is what was assumed yesterday with what 50 mile away pictures we had.

"Lay off, I only called him a terrorist because we didn't know anything about him or his motive"
Imagine the cognitive dissonance going on in that fucking REEEE's head right now...


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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #40070 on: March 23, 2021, 06:27:29 PM »
Damn History be omitting so much shit.
Just this. I would have been a very, very different person at 20 if my school teachers had explained even a small percentage of the context for what I was reading in history texts.

History never felt like it was real to me, because it typically makes no goddamned sense when stripped of contextual events and minority viewpoints.
This should be taught in schools. Why am I just learning about this now?
Like how most people (myself included) didn't know the 1921 Tulsa Massacre was a thing until Watchmen came out a couple years back.
Unfortunately, that’s by design. We never really approach history in a “lessons for the future” type of way.
Yeah, me too. Although my American history classes usually amounted to memorizing a bunch of dates about the revolutionary war and seldom much else, so I'm not really surprised how much I have no clue about
Here's my history education up to 1999 in a nutshell, dunno if it missed anything important:
You could have learned about these things at any time if you simply chose to read about them. Stop being passive in your educations. :bolo
If African Americans don't know about this type of history, why do they expect some poor schmuck from The Netherlands to have a detailed knowledge of race relations in the United States?


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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #40071 on: March 23, 2021, 06:30:26 PM »
What a racist ass website. Like, look at the early replies, blaming middle aged white guys for this without knowing who the shooter was and now that it wasn't a white guy...its still a white persons fault?

The entirety of the thread would be banned into the shadow realm by now if this was about any other race. Just a dumpster fire of a site full of people close to going on shooting rampages themselves.

And the mods do nothing because they are scared complicit.


  • Finish the Fight
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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #40072 on: March 23, 2021, 06:30:57 PM »
Considering Ree's understanding of history spans the MCU it explains a lot about them.


  • Dumbass Monkey
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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #40073 on: March 23, 2021, 06:32:44 PM »
doubt we will ever see an era thread about this issue but reddit is currently having a normal one

bUt FReE sPeEch oNLy aPpLiES tO gOVerNMeNt, cORpoRAtIonS dOn'T HaVE Any REsPoNsIBiLitIEs


  • Finish the Fight
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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #40074 on: March 23, 2021, 06:44:53 PM »
I always thought the people behind Reddit were a bunch of freaks and weirdo's anyway this is proven time and time again.
There was some shady shit going on with Ghislaine Maxwell and the Epstein case that was never cleared up and there's more examples of Reddit seemingly being on the wrong side of history.

Those internet communities always operate somewhere between the city council of Chernobyl and the Libertarian convention.


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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #40075 on: March 23, 2021, 06:58:19 PM »

Flipped on Fox and yup the narrative went from white man with unknown issues to possible Muslim terrorist.

Flipped on era and yup the narrative went from "fuck all white people" to "I couldn't tell he was Muslim. Fuck white gun culture tho".


  • Dumbass Monkey
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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #40076 on: March 23, 2021, 07:00:44 PM »
Spoke with my family, who live 3 blocks from that supermarket. Today's my sister's birthday. They all seem like they're doing relatively ok, but I live alone and I'm honestly just so depressed right now.

spare a moment for the real victims

Straight Edge

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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #40077 on: March 23, 2021, 07:07:11 PM »
doubt we will ever see an era thread about this issue but reddit is currently having a normal one

Reddit hires Aimee Challenor, formerly of the UK Green party, who resigned when it was revealed she kept her father on the payroll in spite of his arrest for raping a 10 year old girl. She immediately used her new position to censor a post about herself.

(Image removed from quote.)

(Image removed from quote.)

I will post an announcement and reopen the sub later. Until then any comments will be hidden unless I approve them manually.

I would advise you not to mention the person, the person's relatives, the person that wrote about those people, link to that blog, or link to the weekly politics magazine. Or previous news stories that mention the person in the Guardian, Indy, Times, Mirror, Order-order, Huffpost, etc.

If you do so,

reddit admins may remove your comments (they removed some comments yesterday which our mods can not restore).

They may also close your account (it appears at least 2 3 accounts have been permanently suspended for this - one is confirmed as being due to this)

you may endanger the future of this sub.

This warning applies even before I reopen the sub, as admin can read all your comments. Also they can read your DMs.

If you do not know who the person is, it is a British political figure that most of you will not have heard of and does not currently hold elected office.


You are strongly advised not to mention the name of the sitcom or its author.

Update 2:

You are strongly advised not to mention the old BBC news article about the person either.

Update 3:

Somebody's account was banned from reddit less than 2 hours ago on another sub for posting a link to the weekly magazine. Somebody else on another sub posted a screenshot of their post being removed by reddit legal team. And posts have been removed by reddit admins in last hour or two. Do NOT post a link to the weekly magazine, or any news article mentioning the person (bbc, guardian, indy, mirror, huffpost etc.) if you want to keep your reddit account.

Update 4:

Reddit admins appear to have edited a user's comment on another sub. Also the USA is awake now, so I can only assume reddit corporate is okay with the admin actions. I do not think this will be over soon.

thing is, she's trans, so some of the usual shitty suspects are trying to use this story as an anti-trans thing

when it has nothing at all to do with that and should be more about how reddit apparently set up some kind of filter for their newest employee's name that gets you insta-banned for any mention of her and her pedophilia-defending past (first her dad, then her husband)

There's no way she coincidentally has 2 pedophiles in her life without her being involved in it also.
« Last Edit: March 23, 2021, 07:17:43 PM by Straight Edge »
Oi Oi


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #40078 on: March 23, 2021, 07:14:20 PM »



  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #40079 on: March 23, 2021, 07:24:08 PM »
