So my impressions of Star Trek Discovery season 2 as someone that really liked season 1 despite the issues:
- The slower pacing really does the show wonders.
- Saru remains fantastic
- lost of old Star Trek type episodes that are stand alone but also help move the plot forward. They've found a nice balance between the two. It's like a mixture of DS9 and TNG in that regard.
- far more ethical considerations
- a bit too much fanservice for my liking and that was my main issue with it before and it's a massive complaint but it doesn't take over the show as much as I thought it would, which is good.
- I really like the new smart ass engineering lady.
- So much talking! So little action! Trek!

- Dorky stuff like "the power of math, people!" is kind of lame, but they're nitpicks and fit the characters. Tully, as a socially weird person would totally say that geeky shit despite being a professional. So it's not too much skin off my nose despite not liking it.
- A bit too much comedy.
Overall, it's a considerable improvement on season 1 despite whatever issues it has such as the Red Angel. Still watching and will fully review once I'm done!