Author Topic: USA Politics Thread |OT| Son of a bitch!  (Read 333279 times)

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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Resist Australian-style Fascism
« Reply #4740 on: January 02, 2022, 07:45:50 PM »
I haven't heard a single argument against mandates for mask or vaccines that haven't been diluted into "because me".

I've communicated multiple times I am triple vaxxed, believe in vaccines heavily. I pushed my entire family to get vaccinated including my vaccine skeptical mother and aunts. Despite this it's still against my values to mandate a medical procedure, especially in the case of firing. A mask isn't a medical procedure and the fact they became politicized to begin with was completely uncouth. A private business absolutely has the right to fire anyone for not following their procedures on a contractual basis. However, when it's the government telling companies they must comply to forcing their employees to take a medical procedure they don't want to is when I have a problem on moralistic grounds. 9/11 was also a not very small thing and they used it as an excuse to take away our personal freedoms and privacy in the name of safety. In what way do I benefit for fighting for people whom I disagree with? I think being LGBT is a sin but I still think they have the right to be married and transition and live their lives. No one told me to feel this way at all, it is pure instinct.

After that, it's pretty easy to start spotting other areas in which Democrats use coercion as a political tactic, especially in NYC, one of the most liberal cities. A private business requiring me to show my vaxx card is A-okay, but it's the New York City government forcing them to do it. Going with this, what else can the government force businesses to do?

This was all done to:

1. Limit cases
2. Stop the spread
3. Increase vaccination numbers

But despite that, we have a situation where Covid cases are spreading despite these mandates which brings up the question if they're even necessary. Also, remember, this past summer in NYC, vaccinated people like myself could walk all over this city without a mask without a vaccination ID and we had low, low cases.

Given all of this...


1. Does the Government know what it's doing regarding the Pandemic? Is it just reacting? The vaccine mandate for health workers was first announced in August amid low cases.
2. Does the Governments policies even work as intended ?
3. Do the policies have anything to do with results or is it about control?
4. When do mandates end and what would be considered a bridge too far considering this is being sold under the guise of public health?

If the past summer with Vaccine Boy Summer resulted in low, low cases and vibrant life and this winter resulted in high cases despite high vaccination rate what is the point of mandates if it's based around a virus - something that we cannot control?

No one. Not one Democrat or left wing person I've talked to has been able to satisfactorily consider these viewpoints and answer my questions.
« Last Edit: January 02, 2022, 08:02:16 PM by Himu »

Cauliflower Of Love

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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Resist Australian-style Fascism
« Reply #4741 on: January 02, 2022, 07:52:11 PM »
A private business absolutely has the right to fire anyone for not following their procedures on a contractual basis. However, when it's the government telling companies they must comply to forcing their employees to take a medical procedure they don't want to is when I have a problem on moralistic grounds.

Why does the idea break down? Just because it's mandated? You might as well get rid of city codes for abestos.

In what way do I benefit for fighting for people whom I disagree with?

Fighting for people who can't fight for themselves doesn't require a benefit.

I think being LGBT is a sin but I still think they have the right to be married and transition and live their lives. No one told me to feel this way at all, it is pure instinct.

A sin? Didn't' realize you were religious turnt.

You feel that way because you're a bigot.

I think being LGBT is a sin

I'm done with you. You're a garbage person. You can't convince ignorant people who want to be ignorant.


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Resist Australian-style Fascism
« Reply #4742 on: January 02, 2022, 08:05:59 PM »

I am not a bigot and think lgbt people deserve to be treated with love, respect, and the same dignity as any other human being but I will not attempt to change your mind.
« Last Edit: January 02, 2022, 08:13:22 PM by Himu »

Cauliflower Of Love

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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Resist Australian-style Fascism
« Reply #4743 on: January 02, 2022, 08:29:40 PM »
the siners


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Resist Australian-style Fascism
« Reply #4744 on: January 02, 2022, 08:54:20 PM »
the siners

You know I'm including myself in that right? I'm bi and sometimes I'm attracted to men. But I cannot marry a man and therefore cannot be with a man in that way even if I'd want to. It's not the people but the act.

Cauliflower Of Love

  • I found my bearings, they were in the race
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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Resist Australian-style Fascism
« Reply #4745 on: January 02, 2022, 09:12:05 PM »
Self hatred doesn't opt you out of being a bigot.


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Resist Australian-style Fascism
« Reply #4747 on: January 02, 2022, 11:53:51 PM »
They're considering making boosters a required shot :stop

At this point when the next wave hits they'll require four shots. I've had my third shot. I REFUSE ANY MORE. The liberals with more, more, more!  :-X :yuck

Self hatred doesn't opt you out of being a bigot.

« Last Edit: January 03, 2022, 12:38:23 AM by Himu »


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Resist Australian-style Fascism
« Reply #4748 on: January 03, 2022, 04:49:07 AM »
I'll just throw out that many of the childhood vaccine series that we all took as kids have 3-4 shots. 4 shots is not unusual or crazy in any way.

It's likely, IMO, that we will have annual COVID boosters with different strains, for at least 5-10 years, and maybe longer, similar to the flu vaccine.


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Resist Australian-style Fascism
« Reply #4749 on: January 03, 2022, 06:39:56 AM »
I'll just throw out that many of the childhood vaccine series that we all took as kids have 3-4 shots. 4 shots is not unusual or crazy in any way.

It's likely, IMO, that we will have annual COVID boosters with different strains, for at least 5-10 years, and maybe longer, similar to the flu vaccine.

Great! But flu shot isn't REQUIRED  or requires proof to eat my lunch. Given my phone battery I'm glad I have a paper vax card at least.

I need my flu shot BTW


  • Dumbass Monkey
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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Resist Australian-style Fascism
« Reply #4750 on: January 03, 2022, 08:25:13 AM »
A mask isn't a medical procedure and the fact they became politicized to begin with was completely uncouth.

3. Do the policies have anything to do with results or is it about control?
4. When do mandates end and what would be considered a bridge too far considering this is being sold under the guise of public health?

I think it is worth considering these two statements together as to the reasons behind the mandate.

The fact that one political party has tacitly and not-so-fucking-tacitly pushed anti-vaxxing / no-masks as a legitimate political viewpoint, instead of leaving it as what it is, fringe black helicopter / new world order / sovereign citizen conspiracy idiocy means that there are significantly more idiots buying into this than there should be. (And thanks from the rest of the world for exporting this horseshit too, btw.)

So I would suggest to you that turning this into a mandate rather than relying on the 'honour system' is a response to that.
And that it's not about control - it's about business owners and employees having to deal with these chucklefucks on a daily basis, people who are inherently completely unreasonable in their manners and behaviour.

This isn't about local mom and pop diners letting regulars in on the downlow sans masks getting raided by the cops for a city fine shakedown.
It's about organised groups of obnoxious, self righteous, and in many cases violent 'protesters' shitting up peoples businesses, and the businesses being left to handle it on their own with no real authority to deal with things, which is where you see the stories of minimum wage staff being assaulted, spat on, and abused.

Making it a legally enforced mandate means some of that pressure is off of the businesses and employees that also want some semblance of normal; they can now call the cops on these dickheads.

FWIW I think there is a really fine line between jumping into legal remedies for expediency and accidentally over reaching with bigger implications, and there is discussion to be had there, and I also don't think vax-checks / passports are actually as preventative as things like track and trace or tests at entry would be.
« Last Edit: January 03, 2022, 08:30:48 AM by GreatSageEqualOfHeaven »


  • ルカルカ★ナイトフィーバー
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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Resist Australian-style Fascism
« Reply #4751 on: January 03, 2022, 10:46:04 AM »

Yea, my friend owns a very successful vintage clothing store (Michael Kors is a regular) and yesterday she received an anonymous letter from someone scolding her for her mask requirement to enter, threatening legal action. Apparently a bunch of other nearby businesses have gotten the same letter. It's such bullshit that she and her fellow business ownere have to put up with this. And I don't think the cops are much help, half of the cops I see around here don't wear their masks and are against any kind of mask/vaxx mandate.


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Resist Australian-style Fascism
« Reply #4754 on: January 03, 2022, 01:51:24 PM »
A mask isn't a medical procedure and the fact they became politicized to begin with was completely uncouth.

3. Do the policies have anything to do with results or is it about control?
4. When do mandates end and what would be considered a bridge too far considering this is being sold under the guise of public health?

I think it is worth considering these two statements together as to the reasons behind the mandate.

The fact that one political party has tacitly and not-so-fucking-tacitly pushed anti-vaxxing / no-masks as a legitimate political viewpoint, instead of leaving it as what it is, fringe black helicopter / new world order / sovereign citizen conspiracy idiocy means that there are significantly more idiots buying into this than there should be. (And thanks from the rest of the world for exporting this horseshit too, btw.)

So I would suggest to you that turning this into a mandate rather than relying on the 'honour system' is a response to that.
And that it's not about control - it's about business owners and employees having to deal with these chucklefucks on a daily basis, people who are inherently completely unreasonable in their manners and behaviour.

This isn't about local mom and pop diners letting regulars in on the downlow sans masks getting raided by the cops for a city fine shakedown.
It's about organised groups of obnoxious, self righteous, and in many cases violent 'protesters' shitting up peoples businesses, and the businesses being left to handle it on their own with no real authority to deal with things, which is where you see the stories of minimum wage staff being assaulted, spat on, and abused.

Making it a legally enforced mandate means some of that pressure is off of the businesses and employees that also want some semblance of normal; they can now call the cops on these dickheads.

FWIW I think there is a really fine line between jumping into legal remedies for expediency and accidentally over reaching with bigger implications, and there is discussion to be had there, and I also don't think vax-checks / passports are actually as preventative as things like track and trace or tests at entry would be.

But this isn't just a business related situation. The government is mandating that all citizens get vaccinated. Say whatever you want but a government entity mandating a medical procedure is just wrong, full stop. I find it to be equivocally the wrong solution. Where's the line? What else can the government mandate me to do if they don't want me to have control over my body? If the vaccine worked to the point where it outright prevents Covid, I could see it. But it doesn't! It just gives your immune system a boost on the off chance you get it so you can hopefully fight it better so comparisons to things like Measles vaccination mandates don't work tit for tat either.

Essentially the state is requiring the populace to have our bodies altered on a maybe. A what if.

Another consequence of mandates is that not all people can even take the vaccine currently. What about them? Do they get an exemption?

You say it's not about control but what about the curfews? Over the past summer they lowered the 12 am curfew at Washington Square Park (my favorite park outside of Central and Prospect) to around 9 pm. The least likely to be vaccinated are racial minorities. The state says it cares about racial inequality, but is applying a wide sweeping mandate which targets certain racial groups by proxy. Their response? Oh, we just need to specifically target those groups least likely to get vaccinated and place a racial hierarchy on who gets Covid treatment. That's their solution!

The consequence of these actions are highly problematic from an American standpoint. Where does safety over liberty end exactly? Because from the links I've shared you should see that it never stops once it's rolling. It's a continual erosion.

On Reason this was timely posted and it strikes to crux of my argument.

If executives of local, state, and federal government can achieve these kind of sweeping mandates what's stopping them from activating them in bad faith? After all, according to Democratic Party, Republicans currently are fascist right? But you're mandating things. Often American politics act as a push and pull. California achieves sweeping anti-gun laws and Texas responds with sweeping anti-abortion laws. Currently Texas and Florida are doing their own flavor of anti-mandate laws but if the Republican Party are as dangerous as liberals say, going by this executive overreach what's stopping Republicans from achieving more heinous proposals through the same means?

Furthermore as an extension, given the already polarized nature of American politics, how is this not a control move? Did they really think all Americans would comply, much less Republicans? But it's more than Republicans that disagree with the mandate. I'm pro-vaccine and I've been against mandates from day one. This has only achieved more division and turmoil. Frankly, it makes Biden's case for Presidency forfeit and makes argument for voting out the current incumbents. It reeks of bad leadership. America is not Europe, but good or bad. Someone like me that supports vaccines is now considered anti-vax because I'm against mandates. It naturally politicizes and pushes people like me naturally to the right.

Say what you want about the "they're mostly vaxxed" but Japan's decision to not discriminate against the unvaccinated was an excellent move in smoothing waters. If Joe Biden's Administration had any sense they would have pushed for people getting vaccinated and making a case that doesn't have the stench of propaganda while humanizing and understanding the concerns of people that hadn't taken the vaccine. Instead their messaging was Winter of Death and Disease, et al. This is from the government that mandates a medical procedure? Death and disease? Imagine if we are on the wrong side next time given this obvious case of dehumanization?

Japan's health decree reads:

“Although we encourage all citizens to receive the COVID-19 vaccination, it is not compulsory or mandatory.

Vaccination will be given only with the consent of the person to be vaccinated after the information provided.

Please get vaccinated of your own decision, understanding both the effectiveness in preventing infectious diseases and the risk of side effects.

No vaccination will be given without consent.

Please do not force anyone in your workplace or those who around you to be vaccinated, and do not discriminate against those who have not been vaccinated.”

See? Reasonable leadership through good will and a helping hand. That is how government should act. Many have argued,"well Japan is smart and they're vaxxed and they do the right things to help their neighbors" but that doesn't take into consideration that the White House has this on their website:

Would you trust such a government or do what they tell you to? I wouldn't!

So basically, within the confines of American politics, a vaccine mandate makes shit worse. Not only in terms of bodily autonomy and liberty, but also politically. I am very, very against a vaccine mandate and will vote Republican just to counter it in response. Both Trump and Biden are doing the same things in reverse: Trump came out with anti-mask rhetoric and Biden has come out with anti-unvaccinated rhetoric. We've seen both sides have their chance to fix this without blowing the nation up and both fucked it up majorly. They both participate in language that dehumanizes the other side. At least Trump is playful and open about it and didn't campaign on "uniting the nation".
« Last Edit: January 03, 2022, 02:05:35 PM by Himu »

Cauliflower Of Love

  • I found my bearings, they were in the race
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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Resist Australian-style Fascism
« Reply #4755 on: January 03, 2022, 02:06:47 PM »
Say whatever you want but a government entity mandating a medical procedure is just wrong, full stop.

vaccines aren't medical procedures and vaccines have been mandated by the big G for centuries.


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Resist Australian-style Fascism
« Reply #4756 on: January 03, 2022, 02:23:22 PM »
Anti-vaxxers can get fully and unapologetically fucked. There is no "both sides" in this. Fuck the willfully ignorant fucks who continue to get people killed in the name of "muh freedoms".


  • Senior Member
Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Resist Australian-style Fascism
« Reply #4757 on: January 03, 2022, 02:25:50 PM »
Say whatever you want but a government entity mandating a medical procedure is just wrong, full stop.

vaccines aren't medical procedures and vaccines have been mandated by the big G for centuries.

Biden is mandating all companies with 100 or more employees.

NYC's Key to NYC basically mandates vaccines in all but name.

Anti-vaxxers can get fully and unapologetically fucked. There is no "both sides" in this. Fuck the willfully ignorant fucks who continue to get people killed in the name of "muh freedoms".

I disagree with Covid anti-vaxxers and think many can be crazy but they shouldn't get fucked and I will fight for their right to voice their opinions. There is absolutely both sides and by dehumanizing them you are proving there is.


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Resist Australian-style Fascism
« Reply #4758 on: January 03, 2022, 02:38:37 PM »
I'm super cool with dehumanizing dangerous morons. Their "opinions" are worth less than hot dogshit on a sidewalk.


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Resist Australian-style Fascism
« Reply #4759 on: January 03, 2022, 02:48:10 PM »
I'm super cool with dehumanizing dangerous morons. Their "opinions" are worth less than hot dogshit on a sidewalk.




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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Resist Australian-style Fascism
« Reply #4760 on: January 03, 2022, 02:50:33 PM »
I'm super cool with dehumanizing dangerous morons. Their "opinions" are worth less than hot dogshit on a sidewalk.

Anti-vaxxers kill people. Dogshit presumably doesn't, unless you smear it into an open wound and then refuse treatment with modern medicine. Kind of what anti-vaxxers are doing. Smearing dogshit into the heads of others and rejecting modern medicine.


  • Senior Member
Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Resist Australian-style Fascism
« Reply #4761 on: January 03, 2022, 02:54:01 PM »
Anti-vaxxers kill people. Dogshit presumably doesn't, unless you smear it into an open wound and then refuse treatment with modern medicine. Kind of what anti-vaxxers are doing. Smearing dogshit into the heads of others and rejecting modern medicine.

If you wear masks but choose not to get the vaccine are you really killing people?

Vaccinated people get and transfer the virus. Many of us have been living recklessly and without masks, spreading Covid. Are we also murderers?

You sound pretty insane.


Coffee Dog

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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Resist Australian-style Fascism
« Reply #4762 on: January 03, 2022, 03:26:26 PM »
Anti-vaxxers kill people. Dogshit presumably doesn't, unless you smear it into an open wound and then refuse treatment with modern medicine. Kind of what anti-vaxxers are doing. Smearing dogshit into the heads of others and rejecting modern medicine.

If you wear masks but choose not to get the vaccine are you really killing people?

It's easier to get infected with the virus if you aren't vaccinated, so it definitely helps spread the thing around to others. Hard to spread it if you don't get infected.

Cauliflower Of Love

  • I found my bearings, they were in the race
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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Resist Australian-style Fascism
« Reply #4763 on: January 03, 2022, 03:26:46 PM »


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Resist Australian-style Fascism
« Reply #4764 on: January 03, 2022, 04:04:21 PM »
Anti-vaxxers kill people. Dogshit presumably doesn't, unless you smear it into an open wound and then refuse treatment with modern medicine. Kind of what anti-vaxxers are doing. Smearing dogshit into the heads of others and rejecting modern medicine.

If you wear masks but choose not to get the vaccine are you really killing people?

It's easier to get infected with the virus if you aren't vaccinated, so it definitely helps spread the thing around to others. Hard to spread it if you don't get infected.

NY state puts a massive hole in that theory given our vaccinated rate and current case numbers.

Technically, aren't most people murderers in a pandemic? I find that argumentation unconvincing.

Furthermore, most unvaccinated people I know are black and skeptical. They don't think Bill Gates put 5G in it. They don't think it was curated as a science experiment on minorities. They're just skeptical. Given the rising cases they're even more skeptical. They wear masks and try to stay safe and don't consider the virus to be a hoax but the left who claims to fight for minority voices tells them to get fucked. Both sides indeed.
« Last Edit: January 03, 2022, 04:09:11 PM by Himu »


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Resist Australian-style Fascism
« Reply #4765 on: January 03, 2022, 04:13:53 PM »
I don't care what color you are. If you are skeptical, talk and LISTEN to your doctor, and take action accordingly. If you won't listen to reason you're a detriment to civilized society and can get fully fucked.

Coffee Dog

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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Resist Australian-style Fascism
« Reply #4766 on: January 03, 2022, 04:18:09 PM »
Anti-vaxxers kill people. Dogshit presumably doesn't, unless you smear it into an open wound and then refuse treatment with modern medicine. Kind of what anti-vaxxers are doing. Smearing dogshit into the heads of others and rejecting modern medicine.

If you wear masks but choose not to get the vaccine are you really killing people?

It's easier to get infected with the virus if you aren't vaccinated, so it definitely helps spread the thing around to others. Hard to spread it if you don't get infected.

NY state puts a massive hole in that theory given our vaccinated rate and current case numbers.

I didn't state a theory. It's easier to get infected when you're unvaccinated.


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Resist Australian-style Fascism
« Reply #4767 on: January 03, 2022, 04:22:33 PM »
Anti-vaxxers kill people. Dogshit presumably doesn't, unless you smear it into an open wound and then refuse treatment with modern medicine. Kind of what anti-vaxxers are doing. Smearing dogshit into the heads of others and rejecting modern medicine.

If you wear masks but choose not to get the vaccine are you really killing people?

It's easier to get infected with the virus if you aren't vaccinated, so it definitely helps spread the thing around to others. Hard to spread it if you don't get infected.

NY state puts a massive hole in that theory given our vaccinated rate and current case numbers.

Technically, aren't most people murderers in a pandemic? I find that argumentation unconvincing.

Furthermore, most unvaccinated people I know are black and skeptical. They don't think Bill Gates put 5G in it. They don't think it was curated as a science experiment on minorities. They're just skeptical. Given the rising cases they're even more skeptical. They wear masks and try to stay safe and don't consider the virus to be a hoax but the left who claims to fight for minority voices tells them to get fucked. Both sides indeed.
So, they're not avoiding the vaccine because they believe in conspiracies, they're just avoiding it because of "reasons".

I think I prefer the conspiracy nuts. At least they are being fooled by misinformation rather than just actively harming themselves and others by being sceptical for no apparent reason.


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Resist Australian-style Fascism
« Reply #4768 on: January 03, 2022, 04:30:33 PM »
No apparent reason.

Not only are you condescending but you're badly informed. :lol


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Resist Australian-style Fascism
« Reply #4769 on: January 03, 2022, 04:36:27 PM »
If I'm badly informed, it's your fault. That post was literally based on your information.


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Resist Australian-style Fascism
« Reply #4770 on: January 03, 2022, 05:31:45 PM »
Anti-vaxxers kill people. Dogshit presumably doesn't, unless you smear it into an open wound and then refuse treatment with modern medicine. Kind of what anti-vaxxers are doing. Smearing dogshit into the heads of others and rejecting modern medicine.

If you wear masks but choose not to get the vaccine are you really killing people?

It's easier to get infected with the virus if you aren't vaccinated, so it definitely helps spread the thing around to others. Hard to spread it if you don't get infected.

NY state puts a massive hole in that theory given our vaccinated rate and current case numbers.

Technically, aren't most people murderers in a pandemic? I find that argumentation unconvincing.

Furthermore, most unvaccinated people I know are black and skeptical. They don't think Bill Gates put 5G in it. They don't think it was curated as a science experiment on minorities. They're just skeptical. Given the rising cases they're even more skeptical. They wear masks and try to stay safe and don't consider the virus to be a hoax but the left who claims to fight for minority voices tells them to get fucked. Both sides indeed.
And most unvaccinated black people I know do believe all these conspiracies around the vaccine. Some wear masks, some don't. Some don't even want to get tested. There's no one popular viewpoint amongst unvaccinated black people, even just in NYC.

NY state's numbers are because of the new omicron variant. NY state's hospitals are still okay so far because vaccinated people are fighting off COVID without needing to go to the hospital. Early in the pandemic before there was a vaccine that wasn't the case. I'm sure you know this since you moved here during that time.
« Last Edit: January 03, 2022, 06:10:36 PM by Beezy »


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Resist Australian-style Fascism
« Reply #4771 on: January 03, 2022, 05:59:28 PM »
Honestly, reading some libertopian literature, the pandemic has made an excellent case for libertarianism which is funny because at the start of this I read things like "There's no Libertarian in a Pandemic." Whoopsie on that.

Pros of the libertarian position:

- correctly recognizes the power that government has

- correctly recognizes that government should be limited albeit with a guiding hand

- personal liberty is the most important aspect in society. Are we really free without liberty?

- plastic ideology. I can think badly of drug addicts while also thinking drugs should be decriminalized and no one should be punished for what they personally consume. I can think doing LGBT acts is sinful but also believe they should have the liberty toive the lives they want to live without judgement. Non-Muslims should let Muslim women allowed to wear hijab, niqab, and burqa if they want to. So much for liberte' eh, France?

- because it is ideological plastic it also has no real ideology beyond live and let live and no coercion outside of NAP. You can be a left libertarian or right libertarian. Everyone wins!

- because of this it's a good ideological framework outside of the two party system

- rather than blindly accepting other perspectives libertarians appear more than most to question the short term and long term effects of policy than either Democrats or Republicans who tend to be too tuned into their base.

- by extension, libertarians more than any politicial group I've seen love debating perspectives and understanding perspectives.

- because it's not stuck in ideology the libertarian perspective allows freedom outside of the two party system. I can vote for both democrsts and Republicans depending on where they are on the Freedum scale rather than for party.

Negatives of the libertarian position:

- the party is in complete disarray when more Americans could use a third option than ever

- because it is ideologically plastic anyone can claim to be libertarian. It's common for libertarian ideology to be ransacked by conservatives. Ted Cruz claims to be a libertarian but often goes against LGBT people in bigoted policy and flexes authoritarian Christian theology down tax payers' throats all while flying a Gadsden flag. This is problematic.

- because it's plastic this means there's no guiding light in it. Freedom means something different for everyone and that's a problem for libertarians.

- many libertopians tend to grab one to a key issue like say taxes or weed and take it to such an extreme that it's the only issue they care about and fuck everyone else's freedom. White conservative libertarians are notorious at this.

- because there's no fail safe list of beliefs for libertarianism it could probably never go mainstream because you need a common core principles to enact lasting cbange to convince the regular folk

- libertarianism bas garnered a bad name. Things like Bioshock characterize it as freedom run amock. People regularly blast and mock Ayn Rand writing. It's labeled as for college grads and stoners.

All in all pretty interesting with some notable negatives. Still appears to be worth looking into.
« Last Edit: January 03, 2022, 06:15:39 PM by Himu »


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Resist Australian-style Fascism
« Reply #4772 on: January 03, 2022, 06:12:37 PM »
Anti-vaxxers kill people. Dogshit presumably doesn't, unless you smear it into an open wound and then refuse treatment with modern medicine. Kind of what anti-vaxxers are doing. Smearing dogshit into the heads of others and rejecting modern medicine.

If you wear masks but choose not to get the vaccine are you really killing people?

It's easier to get infected with the virus if you aren't vaccinated, so it definitely helps spread the thing around to others. Hard to spread it if you don't get infected.

NY state puts a massive hole in that theory given our vaccinated rate and current case numbers.

Technically, aren't most people murderers in a pandemic? I find that argumentation unconvincing.

Furthermore, most unvaccinated people I know are black and skeptical. They don't think Bill Gates put 5G in it. They don't think it was curated as a science experiment on minorities. They're just skeptical. Given the rising cases they're even more skeptical. They wear masks and try to stay safe and don't consider the virus to be a hoax but the left who claims to fight for minority voices tells them to get fucked. Both sides indeed.
And most unvaccinated black people I know do believe all these conspiracies around the vaccine. Some wear masks, some don't. Some don't even want to get tested. There's no one popular viewpoint amongst unvaccinated black people, even just in NYC.

NY state's numbers are because of the new omicron variant. NY state's hospitals are still okay so far because vaccinated people are fighting off COVID without needing to go to the hospital. Early in the pandemic before there was a vaccine there wasn't the case. I'm sure you know this since you moved here during that time.

Agreed fully the conspiracy theorists are out there. My main contention is labeling all of them in this category or not taking their concerns seriously. At the end of the day I'm still not convinced that forcing people to get vaccinated or risk getting fired is the way to fight vaccination rates. I think it is horribly ineffective and callous. These are people that don't trust government so the governments answer is to...force them to get vaxxed or risk their jobs? It's...uh, not smart or logical in any manner lol. It's liberals coercing others to their bidding and further divides an already divided populace.


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Resist Australian-style Fascism
« Reply #4773 on: January 03, 2022, 06:48:54 PM »
But this isn't just a business related situation. The government is mandating that all citizens get vaccinated. Say whatever you want but a government entity mandating a medical procedure is just wrong, full stop. I find it to be equivocally the wrong solution. Where's the line? What else can the government mandate me to do if they don't want me to have control over my body? If the vaccine worked to the point where it outright prevents Covid, I could see it. But it doesn't! It just gives your immune system a boost on the off chance you get it so you can hopefully fight it better so comparisons to things like Measles vaccination mandates don't work tit for tat either.

Essentially the state is requiring the populace to have our bodies altered on a maybe. A what if.
It's probably worth noting that no level of the government has yet mandated vaccination. OSHA's requirement does not mandate vaccination, may not be constitutional and doesn't apply to everyone anyway. Local public health measures restricting access are not requirements to get vaccinated and I'm not sure they can get much tighter before the courts interfere, they already have on meaningless things like religious services for example. That said, Jacobson has been the law of the land for over a century. Vaccine mandates may be ineffective public policy, but they aren't new and aren't stretching the bounds of established police powers.

On the other hand, we also have Republican states and localities engaging in efforts to promote non-vaccination including banning private parties from establishing vaccine requirements and by directly paying people for not getting vaccinated and rescuing public officials like police officers who leave localities because they refuse to get vaccinated. This is bad public policy with no clear benefit. It's probably also unfortunately not unconstitutional nor is bad public policy new either.


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Resist Australian-style Fascism
« Reply #4774 on: January 03, 2022, 06:57:53 PM »
I've expressed my disgust with Republicans like Abbot and DeSantis mandating anti-mandates when it should be left to the business to make these choices. The Republicans are just as anti-freedom as the Democrats.

Good points on vaccine mandates and their current status. Thoughts on Key to NYC? Is that not a mandate? If no mandates are in place why do news sources continue to use that word and language?


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Resist Australian-style Fascism
« Reply #4775 on: January 03, 2022, 07:12:05 PM »
Requiring vaccination for access to public accommodations is not mandating anyone get vaccinated. I may dislike the idea of disallowing unvaccinated people access to certain public accommodations by government fiat but being unvaccinated is not a recognized protected class even if people are born that way and others want to dehumanize them.

I can't tell you why the news media does anything at this point.


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Resist Australian-style Fascism
« Reply #4776 on: January 03, 2022, 07:45:48 PM »
Requiring vaccination for access to public accommodations is not mandating anyone get vaccinated. I may dislike the idea of disallowing unvaccinated people access to certain public accommodations by government fiat but being unvaccinated is not a recognized protected class even if people are born that way and others want to dehumanize them.

I can't tell you why the news media does anything at this point.

Fair enough but these things are often so essential to basic human life it feels like a mandate I'm terms of policy and language, especially after nearly two years of this.  So yeah, I don't like it even if it's not a true mandate. And if it's not a real mandate it feels like it's grooming the populace for a mandate in the future. I don't like it one bit.


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Resist Australian-style Fascism
« Reply #4777 on: January 03, 2022, 07:54:26 PM »
All in all pretty interesting with some notable negatives. Still appears to be worth looking into.

it's weird to me to view this like shopping, holding up different fruits and looking for blemishes and choosing one to fully commit to, only to throw it out and choose a new one a few weeks later

I don't understand why anyone would willingly adopt any label for themselves because you're inviting so much baggage and immediate dismissal from others who have preconceptions about it

same reason nobody says "I am a gamer"

just embrace whatever ideologies sit best with you, if someone asks you what you are, you describe to them your positions and if they want to box you in and say "sounds like you're a libertarian," that's their decision, not yours


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Resist Australian-style Fascism
« Reply #4778 on: January 03, 2022, 07:57:28 PM »
Requiring vaccination for access to public accommodations is not mandating anyone get vaccinated. I may dislike the idea of disallowing unvaccinated people access to certain public accommodations by government fiat but being unvaccinated is not a recognized protected class even if people are born that way and others want to dehumanize them.

I can't tell you why the news media does anything at this point.

Fair enough but these things are often so essential to basic human life it feels like a mandate I'm terms of policy and language, especially after nearly two years of this.  So yeah, I don't like it even if it's not a true mandate. And if it's not a real mandate it feels like it's grooming the populace for a mandate in the future. I don't like it one bit.

I just don't like precedents that can be abused, like if trump gets re-elected and now thinks he has some basis to mandate ivermectin for everyone


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Resist Australian-style Fascism
« Reply #4779 on: January 03, 2022, 08:06:26 PM »
All in all pretty interesting with some notable negatives. Still appears to be worth looking into.

it's weird to me to view this like shopping, holding up different fruits and looking for blemishes and choosing one to fully commit to, only to throw it out and choose a new one a few weeks later

I don't understand why anyone would willingly adopt any label for themselves because you're inviting so much baggage and immediate dismissal from others who have preconceptions about it

same reason nobody says "I am a gamer"

just embrace whatever ideologies sit best with you, if someone asks you what you are, you describe to them your positions and if they want to box you in and say "sounds like you're a libertarian," that's their decision, not yours

You think it's about me picking something. To me it's about exploring my options to be an informed citizen on how to vote in a very rigid vote system. Also, this is America. No one votes 1:1 towards what they think. Small government conservatives vote GOP. A Communist like Shosta is a devout Democrat. If I'm to venture my options outside of the two party system needing to under libertarianism is necessary. Given my views I've already been labeled a libertopian on Reddit.
« Last Edit: January 03, 2022, 08:14:36 PM by Himu »


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Resist Australian-style Fascism
« Reply #4781 on: January 03, 2022, 08:29:07 PM »
A Communist like Shosta is a devout Democrat.
I didn't pull the lever for Newsom during the recall :ufup


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Resist Australian-style Fascism
« Reply #4782 on: January 03, 2022, 09:12:29 PM »
A Communist like Shosta is a devout Democrat.
I didn't pull the lever for Newsom during the recall :ufup

Good boy


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Resist Australian-style Fascism
« Reply #4783 on: January 03, 2022, 09:54:59 PM »

these guys always gotta delete these :rage


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Resist Australian-style Fascism
« Reply #4786 on: January 03, 2022, 11:50:31 PM »
Seems like the kind of viewpoint I'd expect from a college student, let alone a UCLA college student, let alone a Republican who is attending a high-priced four-year on their parents' dime, and doesn't want to acknowledge their privilege.


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Resist Australian-style Fascism
« Reply #4787 on: January 04, 2022, 03:11:18 AM »
College Republicans are the best:
Real q, do you ever get essays like this? :lol


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Resist Australian-style Fascism
« Reply #4788 on: January 04, 2022, 03:24:31 AM »
The will of the people over rule of law? Lol what?


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Resist Australian-style Fascism
« Reply #4789 on: January 04, 2022, 10:37:13 AM »
Inconsistent responses, inconsistent methods. It's almost like government barely functions! Big government? Lmao why?

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Cauliflower Of Love

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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Resist Australian-style Fascism
« Reply #4792 on: January 04, 2022, 02:04:55 PM »
Imagine being responsible  for saving the US from the brink of destruction twice in 20 years and getting bad ratings.


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Resist Australian-style Fascism
« Reply #4794 on: January 04, 2022, 07:21:31 PM »
Does that mean they'll release people currently locked up for non-violent crimes?


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Resist Australian-style Fascism
« Reply #4795 on: January 04, 2022, 07:33:24 PM »

Excellent policy. Good job. Hopefully Brooklyn next. There's been a mass effort from BK DA last year to cut down on sex work arrests as NYC works towards decriminalization of sex work which is a fantastic move and one that would make Jesus proud.


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Resist Australian-style Fascism
« Reply #4797 on: January 04, 2022, 09:03:45 PM »
Who would have thought that people who get their news and political talking points from Twitter might be ill-informed?


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Resist Australian-style Fascism
« Reply #4798 on: January 04, 2022, 11:00:11 PM »
College Republicans are the best:
Real q, do you ever get essays like this? :lol
No, unfortunately. It would be pretty great if someone replied to a question asking how something operated by attacking the legitimacy of the institution though.

I'm not sure how I would respond.


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