Author Topic: Other Forums Containment Thread  (Read 1906532 times)

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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #38640 on: January 27, 2023, 09:44:25 PM »
B Chud, you said no more banning, then capitulated and banned the wizard game.

They know you have no balls. They will cancel you. The site is no longer yours. ISIS Nails should have gotten 2 weeks like you threatened. You cucked out.

You have made your mentally ill bed, now lay in it and get pegged.

edit: Top of page huffle smut
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« Last Edit: January 27, 2023, 09:48:58 PM by BikeJesus »


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #38641 on: January 27, 2023, 09:59:17 PM »
He's a race and gender essentialist. He believes that they're immutable attributes of a person assigned at birth, and the world only makes sense to him in that perspective. He rose to fame for his race essentialist jokes that prominently made fun of white people, either directly or indirectly. But his humor always was from that core. He has a Rachel Dolezal bit that is almost exactly like how he formats his trans jokes ... He's simply agreeing with J.K. Rowling's gender essentialist worldview.
This is some hilariously confused nonsense. Joanne isn't a "gender essentialist" that's the trans movement. And neither race nor sex are "assigned at birth" because they actually are immutable attributes, you can't change them! Accepting that you can't change them isn't "essentialism" at all, arguably the opposite interpretation is essentialist. I don't know Dave's bit but I'm assume it actually is similar to Joanne's argument, neither of which are essentialist, they're simply saying that some people actually are treated differently because of their race or sex and they don't want special considerations for those to be simply dismissed to achieve equity for those who are a different race or sex. doesn't even disagree with this position because they support affirmative action, different treatment of Blacks who create a little chaos, tell men to shut up about abortion or women wearing high heels in Diablo, etc.


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #38642 on: January 27, 2023, 10:14:44 PM »

Quote from: Nepenthe
Well, the thing is, I don't think the issue is a question of exposure, it's a question of actual morality on part of Americans.

Cops don't get away with shit because people don't know about the shit they get away with, because if that were the case Mike Brown would've actually upset the apple cart. They get away with it because fundamentally most of the public- left and right-leaning- approves of their behavior to enough of a degree to want to maintain the systems in place. This is in part because anti-Blackness is a somewhat universal belief, and also in part because people refuse to entertain alternative systems of community security. The moment the news reports a spike in crime, or some middle class jokester sees some shit on a subway from a homeless person, even the staunchest "pro-BLM" liberal will happily vote for an increase in police budgets, without fail.

America is fundamentally an anti-Black country, and we all operate with that knowledge to some degree, whether we want to admit it or not. We also all know, whether we want to admit it or not, that the police state is a great way to maintain this dynamic. So you are not going to move the needle significantly until you either A.) start caring about Black people as people, or B.) white people lose power. Really the only two options.
Nepenthe again speaking for all Black people. Who was it who pushed back against the white progressives advocating Abolish/Defund The Police and Nepenthe's desire for "alternative systems of community security"? Oh, that was Black people, who despite disparate treatment want more and better equipped police in their communities. I bet there's no group with a lower approval rating for police than urban whites, urban Blacks are closer to suburban whites. Nepenthe, yet again, doesn't actually care what Black people want nor "about Black people as people", she only cares what she wants.

Since my ACAB principles actually are mostly impeccable I have no problem acknowledging that people actually do like and want the police. I don't have to construct elaborate conspiracy theories based around race essentialism (the actual kind, see above) to somehow claim that Black people don't have race consciousness and don't realize they're siding with the whites when they want the state to do what the state has promised to do but doesn't do. I don't have to pretend people excuse the state because of anti-Blackness even when the theory doesn't make any sense and is being used to complain about goons of the state getting punished (by a majority Black police department in a majority Black city) for their behavior. I don't have to be angry all the time demanding people just listen to me and create the police state I'm demanding to save us from the police state we have. I don't have to be a paranoid cop on an paranoid internet forum.

This lunatic thread is still going on with the same theme: it sucks that black cops are facing justice for their brutality.

How often and where that happens today is the question mark, but it will happen. And it's tiring, because the problems are so obvious and the bullshit excuses and defenses are so hollow and tiring. Fox News will already have their story of "police were given swift justice, why are people protesting now?" failing to realize it was only because there was something not quite all white about these officers. The rest of the playbook of bullshit and deflection is the same, they just skipped past the first few steps on the flowchart. If these cops looked different, we'd perhaps be at this step what, 12~18 months from today? They'd still be getting paid, and what the fuck does that say about all this?
I notice he says "the problems are so obvious and the bullshit excuses and defenses are so hollow" but then spends all of his time whining about how other people aren't focused on race. Completely ignoring that in this case, what is supposed to be done with police is actually being done (fired and facing charges), which leaves him and even angrier than if the police had escaped punishment at all.


  • Defender of Centrist Scum
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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #38643 on: January 27, 2023, 10:44:33 PM »
That thread actually is lacking in the usual conspiracy theories that the Governor ordered a hit squad and they had targeted and released him just so he would run so they could justify it later and made sure they didn't catch him till he was within one block of his moms house and you can clearly see one of them using a Sat. Phone to contact the Pentagon with further mission orders.

They seem to realize that doesn't belong in such a serious thread.  Nepenthe of course is trying to make it about the real enemy being Capitalism and ins her socialist paradise this would never happen and the faster everyone burns down the city the faster she can create it for them.  So get on it and protest for Nepenthe. 

Oh, and how awful it is when the other side mentions that all the cops were black.  You didn't see Era going on and on about this within three posts of the thread creation.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #38644 on: January 27, 2023, 11:02:16 PM »
Jason Whitlock (intellectual) suspects the release of the video might be a deliberate attempt to entrap Nepenthe (literally) by drawing riots to Memphis:


  • Defender of Centrist Scum
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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #38645 on: January 27, 2023, 11:07:03 PM »
Krazen starting off conspiracy theory time

Why is a lone cop car parked in the middle of time square (with no cops around it)? Why is he the only one hopping on to kick it down? And why is it a bunch of lieutenants, not beat cops, that take him down.

Not to say guaranteed a few cop cars are going to get it if NYC really protests tonight (although a bit off the beaten path), but that video is a strange one.

Because it's a stound stage.  Duh


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #38646 on: January 27, 2023, 11:18:20 PM »
Quote from: heathen earth
It’s sooooo hard to not play the bigot game. Please absolve me, trans people.

Quote from: heathen earth
I wanted to come back in a less sarcastic and more serious mode here.

I can’t and won’t soothe your conscience. Furthermore, guilt is a useful emotion. It tells you when you’re doing something wrong. You know, like financially supporting hateful transphobes.
Quote from: PlanetSmasher
For the folks who still feel they have some connection to HP and need to let go of it, here's an actionable suggestion:

Get a bunch of your friends and run a D&D (or other TTRPG system, your choice!) campaign set in a non-Hogwarts magic school. Wean yourselves off of relying on JK by creating your own wizard kid setting that doesn't directly fund hate groups.
Quote from: Vonocourt
Truly the most pained position of our time, the cis ally who wants to play a video game.

Why is this the game, and not the like the entire history of the United States as a country where you're starting to realize that marginalized groups are like, marginalized?
Quote from: Oso 16 Bit
this thread always makes me imagine we’re judges in a court holding trials for cis people who are making their case for why they’re still a good person. I picture the gavel banging and the verdict of ally card revoked dramatically announced.
Quote from: PlanetSmasher
It's like a reality show where people are begging not to be voted off the island.
Quote from: Sign My Guestbook!
"Yeah, totally, understood, but on the other hand, my nostalgia is more important than your existence so what's the big deal?"
Quote from: waterpuppy
At this point, jumping into this thread just to ask for trans people to absolve you of your cis guilt about liking Harry Potter should be a bannable offense, christ.

Also, since it's been pretty glossed over lately due to the whole JK being a transphobe discussion, people seem to have forgotten that the games plot is still... extremely antisemitic. So why would you be so eager to play it anyway?
Quote from: AliceAmber, Administrator
I still can't believe the S.P.E.W. storyline was treated like a joke. Should have been a wakeup call
Quote from: Malakym
It really sucks that the vast majority of people that would actually watch a 3+ hour Jessie Gender video are the sort that will already agree with the premise she's making cause... fucking hell, you'd have to be an absolutely spineless fucking worm to watch that thing and come out trying to rationalize engaging with the game still - or anything HP related at all for that matter. Especially after that last section.
Should be required watching for the people still coming in here wringing their hands about the really really hard decision they have now.
Quote from: Android Sophia
Younger me didn't quite understand it at the time. But now that I'm older and involved with activism, this whole plotline reads like a thinly veiled criticism of activism in general. Especially for racial issues.

I also understand fully why Warner Bros cut it out from the movie.
"more important than your existence" :lol

Taco Bell Tower

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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #38647 on: January 27, 2023, 11:22:34 PM »
Krazen starting off conspiracy theory time

Why is a lone cop car parked in the middle of time square (with no cops around it)? Why is he the only one hopping on to kick it down? And why is it a bunch of lieutenants, not beat cops, that take him down.

Not to say guaranteed a few cop cars are going to get it if NYC really protests tonight (although a bit off the beaten path), but that video is a strange one.

Because it's a stound stage.  Duh
I haven't seen the footage, but my dad watched it tonight, and he was so angry from reacting to it that I could hear him screaming at someone about it from two floors up. I haven't heard him that upset in years. It was honestly chilling just to hear him react to it, so I can only imagine how horrific it must be to watch it.

Like this is the kind of evil cops are putting into the world on what seems to be a daily basis - how are so few police willing or able to see the fact that this behavior is elementally wrong?


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #38648 on: January 27, 2023, 11:27:51 PM »

Quote from: Nepenthe
Well, the thing is, I don't think the issue is a question of exposure, it's a question of actual morality on part of Americans.

Cops don't get away with shit because people don't know about the shit they get away with, because if that were the case Mike Brown would've actually upset the apple cart. They get away with it because fundamentally most of the public- left and right-leaning- approves of their behavior to enough of a degree to want to maintain the systems in place. This is in part because anti-Blackness is a somewhat universal belief, and also in part because people refuse to entertain alternative systems of community security. The moment the news reports a spike in crime, or some middle class jokester sees some shit on a subway from a homeless person, even the staunchest "pro-BLM" liberal will happily vote for an increase in police budgets, without fail.

America is fundamentally an anti-Black country, and we all operate with that knowledge to some degree, whether we want to admit it or not. We also all know, whether we want to admit it or not, that the police state is a great way to maintain this dynamic. So you are not going to move the needle significantly until you either A.) start caring about Black people as people, or B.) white people lose power. Really the only two options.
Nepenthe again speaking for all Black people. Who was it who pushed back against the white progressives advocating Abolish/Defund The Police and Nepenthe's desire for "alternative systems of community security"? Oh, that was Black people, who despite disparate treatment want more and better equipped police in their communities. I bet there's no group with a lower approval rating for police than urban whites, urban Blacks are closer to suburban whites. Nepenthe, yet again, doesn't actually care what Black people want nor "about Black people as people", she only cares what she wants.

Since my ACAB principles actually are mostly impeccable I have no problem acknowledging that people actually do like and want the police. I don't have to construct elaborate conspiracy theories based around race essentialism (the actual kind, see above) to somehow claim that Black people don't have race consciousness and don't realize they're siding with the whites when they want the state to do what the state has promised to do but doesn't do. I don't have to pretend people excuse the state because of anti-Blackness even when the theory doesn't make any sense and is being used to complain about goons of the state getting punished (by a majority Black police department in a majority Black city) for their behavior. I don't have to be angry all the time demanding people just listen to me and create the police state I'm demanding to save us from the police state we have. I don't have to be a paranoid cop on an paranoid internet forum.

This lunatic thread is still going on with the same theme: it sucks that black cops are facing justice for their brutality.

How often and where that happens today is the question mark, but it will happen. And it's tiring, because the problems are so obvious and the bullshit excuses and defenses are so hollow and tiring. Fox News will already have their story of "police were given swift justice, why are people protesting now?" failing to realize it was only because there was something not quite all white about these officers. The rest of the playbook of bullshit and deflection is the same, they just skipped past the first few steps on the flowchart. If these cops looked different, we'd perhaps be at this step what, 12~18 months from today? They'd still be getting paid, and what the fuck does that say about all this?
I notice he says "the problems are so obvious and the bullshit excuses and defenses are so hollow" but then spends all of his time whining about how other people aren't focused on race. Completely ignoring that in this case, what is supposed to be done with police is actually being done (fired and facing charges), which leaves him and even angrier than if the police had escaped punishment at all.
Not actually going to read that. I'm just going to assume that what you said is, "it's all white people's fault".

Taco Bell Tower

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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #38649 on: January 27, 2023, 11:33:04 PM »
Holy fuck, Ree really deleted that pedo's thread.


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #38650 on: January 27, 2023, 11:34:50 PM »

Quote from: Nepenthe
Well, the thing is, I don't think the issue is a question of exposure, it's a question of actual morality on part of Americans.

Cops don't get away with shit because people don't know about the shit they get away with, because if that were the case Mike Brown would've actually upset the apple cart. They get away with it because fundamentally most of the public- left and right-leaning- approves of their behavior to enough of a degree to want to maintain the systems in place. This is in part because anti-Blackness is a somewhat universal belief, and also in part because people refuse to entertain alternative systems of community security. The moment the news reports a spike in crime, or some middle class jokester sees some shit on a subway from a homeless person, even the staunchest "pro-BLM" liberal will happily vote for an increase in police budgets, without fail.

America is fundamentally an anti-Black country, and we all operate with that knowledge to some degree, whether we want to admit it or not. We also all know, whether we want to admit it or not, that the police state is a great way to maintain this dynamic. So you are not going to move the needle significantly until you either A.) start caring about Black people as people, or B.) white people lose power. Really the only two options.
Nepenthe again speaking for all Black people. Who was it who pushed back against the white progressives advocating Abolish/Defund The Police and Nepenthe's desire for "alternative systems of community security"? Oh, that was Black people, who despite disparate treatment want more and better equipped police in their communities. I bet there's no group with a lower approval rating for police than urban whites, urban Blacks are closer to suburban whites. Nepenthe, yet again, doesn't actually care what Black people want nor "about Black people as people", she only cares what she wants.

Since my ACAB principles actually are mostly impeccable I have no problem acknowledging that people actually do like and want the police. I don't have to construct elaborate conspiracy theories based around race essentialism (the actual kind, see above) to somehow claim that Black people don't have race consciousness and don't realize they're siding with the whites when they want the state to do what the state has promised to do but doesn't do. I don't have to pretend people excuse the state because of anti-Blackness even when the theory doesn't make any sense and is being used to complain about goons of the state getting punished (by a majority Black police department in a majority Black city) for their behavior. I don't have to be angry all the time demanding people just listen to me and create the police state I'm demanding to save us from the police state we have. I don't have to be a paranoid cop on an paranoid internet forum.

This lunatic thread is still going on with the same theme: it sucks that black cops are facing justice for their brutality.

How often and where that happens today is the question mark, but it will happen. And it's tiring, because the problems are so obvious and the bullshit excuses and defenses are so hollow and tiring. Fox News will already have their story of "police were given swift justice, why are people protesting now?" failing to realize it was only because there was something not quite all white about these officers. The rest of the playbook of bullshit and deflection is the same, they just skipped past the first few steps on the flowchart. If these cops looked different, we'd perhaps be at this step what, 12~18 months from today? They'd still be getting paid, and what the fuck does that say about all this?
I notice he says "the problems are so obvious and the bullshit excuses and defenses are so hollow" but then spends all of his time whining about how other people aren't focused on race. Completely ignoring that in this case, what is supposed to be done with police is actually being done (fired and facing charges), which leaves him and even angrier than if the police had escaped punishment at all.
Not actually going to read that. I'm just going to assume that what you said is, "it's all white people's fault".

I'm happy for u tho.  or sorry that happened


  • Haughty and a little naughty
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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #38651 on: January 27, 2023, 11:37:45 PM »
We should also continue being skeptical of the fact that only the Black officers were revealed to the public, as already folks across the political spectrum are latching onto "Black on Black crime!!!" narratives which pull attention away from the fact that this is an institutional occurrence as a result of an inherent anti-Black bias in American society.

Did I miss something? Wasn't it those 5 that beat him to death? Why should anyone else be "revealed to the public"?


  • Defender of Centrist Scum
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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #38652 on: January 27, 2023, 11:45:47 PM »
We should also continue being skeptical of the fact that only the Black officers were revealed to the public, as already folks across the political spectrum are latching onto "Black on Black crime!!!" narratives which pull attention away from the fact that this is an institutional occurrence as a result of an inherent anti-Black bias in American society.

Did I miss something? Wasn't it those 5 that beat him to death? Why should anyone else be "revealed to the public"?

There were two paramedics and didn't karate chop all the cops.

Why do we think we absolutely need militias to enact community safety and maintain quality of life?

It's that what you want?  Self-militas for each neighborhood in communities that number less than 1,000 accountable only to the people like some Sovereign Citizen?

Polident Hive

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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #38653 on: January 27, 2023, 11:52:32 PM »
The oft repeated existence line is a pale mockery of bratty kids holding their breath to guilt parents into compliance. Maybe I need to get educated. Is there a four hour YouTube video about why Veruca Salt is actually right?


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #38654 on: January 27, 2023, 11:57:57 PM »
Krazen starting off conspiracy theory time

Why is a lone cop car parked in the middle of time square (with no cops around it)? Why is he the only one hopping on to kick it down? And why is it a bunch of lieutenants, not beat cops, that take him down.

Not to say guaranteed a few cop cars are going to get it if NYC really protests tonight (although a bit off the beaten path), but that video is a strange one.

Because it's a stound stage.  Duh
I haven't seen the footage, but my dad watched it tonight, and he was so angry from reacting to it that I could hear him screaming at someone about it from two floors up. I haven't heard him that upset in years. It was honestly chilling just to hear him react to it, so I can only imagine how horrific it must be to watch it.

Like this is the kind of evil cops are putting into the world on what seems to be a daily basis - how are so few police willing or able to see the fact that this behavior is elementally wrong?
Lol, he literally lives in his parents' basement!


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #38655 on: January 27, 2023, 11:58:38 PM »
as already folks across the political spectrum are latching onto "Black on Black crime!!!" narratives which pull attention away from the fact that this is an institutional occurrence as a result of an inherent anti-Black bias in American society.

We should also understand that, while protesting and flashfire demonstrations of activism are good, they are not solutions, and Black civil rights and community leaders have been telling us they are not solutions since the 60s. A reactive march in the streets can be waited out; people eventually gotta go back to school and work, and property can be replaced. What cannot be easily countered is a proactive organization intent on retaking power back from the cops wholesale. This is the real test of long term change, and once again, you will know if you're fucking up if you take the side of the law in the face of this sort of activism.

In short, in the upcoming days, just don't be a bootlicker.
If that's true, then there's no solution. So you need to stop being angry about it as there's nothing that can be done. You need to just go off and live in a shack in the woods not forming a local insurrection "a proactive organization intent on retaking power back from the cops wholesale." (But do not send letter bombs back to the decant failed society.)


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #38656 on: January 27, 2023, 11:59:56 PM »
We should also continue being skeptical of the fact that only the Black officers were revealed to the public, as already folks across the political spectrum are latching onto "Black on Black crime!!!" narratives which pull attention away from the fact that this is an institutional occurrence as a result of an inherent anti-Black bias in American society.

Did I miss something? Wasn't it those 5 that beat him to death? Why should anyone else be "revealed to the public"?
Clearly their white masters put them up to it
« Last Edit: January 28, 2023, 04:06:20 AM by Potato »


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #38657 on: January 28, 2023, 12:25:12 AM »
Those Black cops wouldn't have even been on this continent to beat that Black man to death had it not been for capitalism, colonialism and white supremacy. Anyone who thinks any anti-Black systems of oppression are more important than your existence is not an ally and should be shotgunned to death.


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #38658 on: January 28, 2023, 01:04:42 AM »

:cop User Banned (Permanent): Dismissive Commentary Over Racism; Long History and Severe Bans for Dismissive Behavior
Quote from: CNoodles
Man all of you talking about why the police were fired because of the race are weird af. Filthy pigs assaulted the poor guy so bad that they broke his damn neck and caused him to go into cardiac arrest. If there is footage of that then the actual reason they were fired so fast is not because of their race but because of the brutality of their actions. They are going to hope firing is all they get but they for sure gonna get time if their is footage of this.


Poor man must have missed the meeting when the acronym was changed to AWCAB  :lol


  • Virgo. Live Music. The Office. Tacos. Fur mom. True crime junkie. INTJ.
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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #38659 on: January 28, 2023, 02:03:34 AM »
Quote from: heathen earth
It’s sooooo hard to not play the bigot game. Please absolve me, trans people.

Quote from: heathen earth
I wanted to come back in a less sarcastic and more serious mode here.

I can’t and won’t soothe your conscience. Furthermore, guilt is a useful emotion. It tells you when you’re doing something wrong. You know, like financially supporting hateful transphobes.

Unless I’m mistaken (too lazy to dig through posts), this cunt is supposedly a substance abuse therapist/counselor. Truly embodying the spirit of the profession.


  • Virgo. Live Music. The Office. Tacos. Fur mom. True crime junkie. INTJ.
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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #38660 on: January 28, 2023, 02:35:04 AM »

Quote from: deimosmasque, post: 100364155, member: 42513
Why watch movies/read book/etc. When you can watch a youtube videos about "8 Reasons Hermonie is the real Dark Wizard"

Why engage in critical thinking when you can watch a vapid 4 hour YouTube video to tell you exactly what to think?


  • Virgo. Live Music. The Office. Tacos. Fur mom. True crime junkie. INTJ.
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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #38661 on: January 28, 2023, 02:42:41 AM »
Constructive thread:

Quote from: Voras, post: 100362844, member: 10715
While I agree with not allowing for the game thread, I feel like the messaging around it has been pretty bad. It very much feels like trans people are being told to shut up and not speak up about topics, games, people, etc. who are harmful. Certain types of threads, like on OT for a new game, are promotional by their nature. It feels like we are being stripped of the means to protect ourselves from this place becoming somewhere where projects that will financially support the harm of trans folks are allowed to be promoted. I simply don't understand why we are not allowed, as trans people, to be able to weigh in on topics that can actively harm us. And the level of hostility at the topic even brought up only seems to further push a divide between staff and posters here. Obviously in this case the threads have been prohibited but in the future we as trans people will no longer be allowed to have a voice and that feels fundamentally wrong and discriminatory.


Taco Bell Tower

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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #38662 on: January 28, 2023, 03:12:38 AM »
Who's telling them to shut up on Ree?  Lol


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #38663 on: January 28, 2023, 03:44:33 AM »
Why engage in critical thinking when you can watch a vapid 4 hour YouTube video to tell you exactly what to think?
Well, I didn't want to do that, but scrolling through their timeline from the last month for five minutes helped confirm that I knew what it'd say. (Not pictured: four times in the last month they announced they were stepping back from Twitter because it creates anxiety and that'd they were going to stop sharing opinions on Twitter. Also not pictured: the hundreds of tweets where this stepping back never happened.)

we should have listened to the people who told us that Joanne was the devil
the video was originally only two hours long

Daffy Duck

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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #38664 on: January 28, 2023, 03:58:52 AM »
Constructive thread:

Quote from: Voras, post: 100362844, member: 10715
While I agree with not allowing for the game thread, I feel like the messaging around it has been pretty bad. It very much feels like trans people are being told to shut up and not speak up about topics, games, people, etc. who are harmful. Certain types of threads, like on OT for a new game, are promotional by their nature. It feels like we are being stripped of the means to protect ourselves from this place becoming somewhere where projects that will financially support the harm of trans folks are allowed to be promoted. I simply don't understand why we are not allowed, as trans people, to be able to weigh in on topics that can actively harm us. And the level of hostility at the topic even brought up only seems to further push a divide between staff and posters here. Obviously in this case the threads have been prohibited but in the future we as trans people will no longer be allowed to have a voice and that feels fundamentally wrong and discriminatory.


Let me run that through a translator

We want to be able to talk about Hogwarts legacy in our crimes of JK thread and you stopping us from doing that is making us feel unsafe and silencing us

Daffy Duck

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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #38665 on: January 28, 2023, 04:09:20 AM »
Quote from: heathen earth
It’s sooooo hard to not play the bigot game. Please absolve me, trans people.

Quote from: heathen earth
I wanted to come back in a less sarcastic and more serious mode here.

I can’t and won’t soothe your conscience. Furthermore, guilt is a useful emotion. It tells you when you’re doing something wrong. You know, like financially supporting hateful transphobes.
Quote from: PlanetSmasher
For the folks who still feel they have some connection to HP and need to let go of it, here's an actionable suggestion:

Get a bunch of your friends and run a D&D (or other TTRPG system, your choice!) campaign set in a non-Hogwarts magic school. Wean yourselves off of relying on JK by creating your own wizard kid setting that doesn't directly fund hate groups.
Quote from: Vonocourt
Truly the most pained position of our time, the cis ally who wants to play a video game.

Why is this the game, and not the like the entire history of the United States as a country where you're starting to realize that marginalized groups are like, marginalized?
Quote from: Oso 16 Bit
this thread always makes me imagine we’re judges in a court holding trials for cis people who are making their case for why they’re still a good person. I picture the gavel banging and the verdict of ally card revoked dramatically announced.
Quote from: PlanetSmasher
It's like a reality show where people are begging not to be voted off the island.
Quote from: Sign My Guestbook!
"Yeah, totally, understood, but on the other hand, my nostalgia is more important than your existence so what's the big deal?"
Quote from: waterpuppy
At this point, jumping into this thread just to ask for trans people to absolve you of your cis guilt about liking Harry Potter should be a bannable offense, christ.

Also, since it's been pretty glossed over lately due to the whole JK being a transphobe discussion, people seem to have forgotten that the games plot is still... extremely antisemitic. So why would you be so eager to play it anyway?
Quote from: AliceAmber, Administrator
I still can't believe the S.P.E.W. storyline was treated like a joke. Should have been a wakeup call
Quote from: Malakym
It really sucks that the vast majority of people that would actually watch a 3+ hour Jessie Gender video are the sort that will already agree with the premise she's making cause... fucking hell, you'd have to be an absolutely spineless fucking worm to watch that thing and come out trying to rationalize engaging with the game still - or anything HP related at all for that matter. Especially after that last section.
Should be required watching for the people still coming in here wringing their hands about the really really hard decision they have now.
Quote from: Android Sophia
Younger me didn't quite understand it at the time. But now that I'm older and involved with activism, this whole plotline reads like a thinly veiled criticism of activism in general. Especially for racial issues.

I also understand fully why Warner Bros cut it out from the movie.
"more important than your existence" :lol

Remember just the other day “people just see us as a set of rules” and here we are days later stipulating the rules to abide by


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #38666 on: January 28, 2023, 04:13:52 AM »
Why engage in critical thinking when you can watch a vapid 4 hour YouTube video to tell you exactly what to think?
Well, I didn't want to do that, but scrolling through their timeline from the last month for five minutes helped confirm that I knew what it'd say. (Not pictured: four times in the last month they announced they were stepping back from Twitter because it creates anxiety and that'd they were going to stop sharing opinions on Twitter. Also not pictured: the hundreds of tweets where this stepping back never happened.)

we should have listened to the people who told us that Joanne was the devil
the video was originally only two hours long
These people are mentally ill. Nothing will convince me otherwise as the volume of evidence to back up my opinion is insurmountable.

Cauliflower Of Love

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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #38667 on: January 28, 2023, 04:18:24 AM »
Certain types of threads, like on OT for a new game, are promotional by their nature.



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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #38668 on: January 28, 2023, 04:20:33 AM »
A few years back, I got into tons of arguments with freshly transitioning trans boys/young men my age who were utterly transmisogynistic towards friends of mine while also being really fucking lesbophobic & dismissive of lesbians using he/him pronouns.

I love when they bury little nuggets of undiluted :wut in their page-long screeds.


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #38669 on: January 28, 2023, 04:25:44 AM »
A few years back, I got into tons of arguments with freshly transitioning trans boys/young men my age who were utterly transmisogynistic towards friends of mine while also being really fucking lesbophobic & dismissive of lesbians using he/him pronouns.

I love when they bury little nuggets of undiluted :wut in their page-long screeds.
These nutcases are confusing me even more now. Are these he/him lesbians the ones with penises or not?

Tuckers Law

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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #38670 on: January 28, 2023, 04:28:53 AM »
Constructive thread:

Quote from: Voras, post: 100362844, member: 10715
While I agree with not allowing for the game thread, I feel like the messaging around it has been pretty bad. It very much feels like trans people are being told to shut up and not speak up about topics, games, people, etc. who are harmful. Certain types of threads, like on OT for a new game, are promotional by their nature. It feels like we are being stripped of the means to protect ourselves from this place becoming somewhere where projects that will financially support the harm of trans folks are allowed to be promoted. I simply don't understand why we are not allowed, as trans people, to be able to weigh in on topics that can actively harm us. And the level of hostility at the topic even brought up only seems to further push a divide between staff and posters here. Obviously in this case the threads have been prohibited but in the future we as trans people will no longer be allowed to have a voice and that feels fundamentally wrong and discriminatory.


And there it is, something closer to the truth of the matter.  It’s only positive or neutral discussion of the game that they want banned; they demand to continue being able to discuss all the evils that it apparently has unleashed upon their genocided communities.  Bdubs banning any discussion around it was never an option.


  • Virgo. Live Music. The Office. Tacos. Fur mom. True crime junkie. INTJ.
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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #38671 on: January 28, 2023, 04:32:27 AM »
A few years back, I got into tons of arguments with freshly transitioning trans boys/young men my age who were utterly transmisogynistic towards friends of mine while also being really fucking lesbophobic & dismissive of lesbians using he/him pronouns.

I love when they bury little nuggets of undiluted :wut in their page-long screeds.

I think they mean that they’re misgendering these lesbians, but maybe I’m being too charitable in my reading :lol


  • Finish the Fight
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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #38672 on: January 28, 2023, 04:51:25 AM »
These people are mentally ill. Nothing will convince me otherwise as the volume of evidence to back up my opinion is insurmountable.
It's all the chemicals and hormones keeping them in the constant state of going through puberty but no adult dares to send them to their room.

Cauliflower Of Love

  • I found my bearings, they were in the race
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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #38673 on: January 28, 2023, 04:58:36 AM »
A few years back, I got into tons of arguments with freshly transitioning trans boys/young men my age who were utterly transmisogynistic towards friends of mine while also being really fucking lesbophobic & dismissive of lesbians using he/him pronouns.

I love when they bury little nuggets of undiluted :wut in their page-long screeds.
These nutcases are confusing me even more now. Are these he/him lesbians the ones with penises or not?

wow, never thought potatoe would stoop to chapelle levels of judgery

Taco Bell Tower

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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #38674 on: January 28, 2023, 05:14:44 AM »
Messofanego not getting special treatment like the others that got banned and then unbanned will never stop being funny lol
Osu 16 Bit
this thread always makes me imagine we’re judges in a court holding trials for cis people who are making their case for why they’re still a good person. I picture the gavel banging and the verdict of ally card revoked dramatically announced.

The thing with the Hermione SPEW stuff is that if you read the books, there's a ton of nuance in specific scenes that actively makes it worse. Off the top of my head:

There's a scene where Hermione leaves a bunch of clothes out in a mess to try and trick the house elves into being freed(???). Ron picks up the clothes and says that house elves should at least have the freedom to choose not to be slaves(??????? So they should have the agency to choose not to have agency in their lives?????????????).

And in the final book, Hermione gets a scene where she's allowed to be right about the wizarding world mistreating house elves. The problem? It's not that slavery is bad, it's that if you treat your slaves poorly, it will negatively effect the wizards in the long run. So Harry still owns a slave at the end of the scene, he's just polite about it I guess. Bizarre.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #38675 on: January 28, 2023, 05:27:18 AM »
Remember just the other day “people just see us as a set of rules” and here we are days later stipulating the rules to abide by
You're misunderstanding the objection. A set of rules implies they can be known beforehand and considered before choosing to act, they want the arbitrary authority to establish and modify all rules at any time so the way to act lies entirely within their discretion to determine after the fact at all times.

Do note that your inability to not know what is or is not genocide does not absolve you from your responsibility not to do genocide.
« Last Edit: January 28, 2023, 05:31:22 AM by benjipwns »


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #38676 on: January 28, 2023, 05:30:48 AM »
These people are mentally ill. Nothing will convince me otherwise as the volume of evidence to back up my opinion is insurmountable.
It's all the chemicals and hormones keeping them in the constant state of going through puberty but no adult dares to send them to their room.

Never thought of it that way, but maybe you're right


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #38677 on: January 28, 2023, 05:34:17 AM »
The thing with the Hermione SPEW stuff is that if you read the books, there's a ton of nuance in specific scenes that actively makes it worse. Off the top of my head:

There's a scene where Hermione leaves a bunch of clothes out in a mess to try and trick the house elves into being freed( ??? ). Ron picks up the clothes and says that house elves should at least have the freedom to choose not to be slaves( ??? ??? ? So they should have the agency to choose not to have agency in their lives? ??? ??? ??? ??? ).

And in the final book, Hermione gets a scene where she's allowed to be right about the wizarding world mistreating house elves. The problem? It's not that slavery is bad, it's that if you treat your slaves poorly, it will negatively effect the wizards in the long run. So Harry still owns a slave at the end of the scene, he's just polite about it I guess. Bizarre.
Every character is a self insert and a clear indication of the author's political beliefs. i.e. if you write a Nazi character (even if they're the villain), you MUST be a Nazi.


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #38678 on: January 28, 2023, 06:08:30 AM »
Quote from: RealitySmasher
Correct. She consistently involves herself in this and has completely stopped trying to pretend she's anything other than the Kefka of TERFdom, firing lasers from the top of her tower of corpses.

I'd play that game.


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #38679 on: January 28, 2023, 06:10:07 AM »
A few years back, I got into tons of arguments with freshly transitioning trans boys/young men my age who were utterly transmisogynistic towards friends of mine while also being really fucking lesbophobic & dismissive of lesbians using he/him pronouns.

I love when they bury little nuggets of undiluted :wut in their page-long screeds.

I think they mean that they’re misgendering these lesbians, but maybe I’m being too charitable in my reading :lol

I’m not sure that’s what they’re implying, as Google tells me there is indeed a debate about lesbians using male pronouns. You’re right that it can be read that way, but if it was misgendering they were concerned about they’d be more direct about it rather than skirting around it by calling them “dismissive”.


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #38680 on: January 28, 2023, 06:16:49 AM »
Wasn't it a weird coincidence that a few hours after Visawife got banned a long dormant trans account suddenly got activated?



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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #38681 on: January 28, 2023, 06:54:35 AM »


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #38682 on: January 28, 2023, 07:32:12 AM »
Wasn't it a weird coincidence that a few hours after Visawife got banned a long dormant trans account suddenly got activated?

Which account did Nintex...I mean Messofanego reactivate


  • Virgo. Live Music. The Office. Tacos. Fur mom. True crime junkie. INTJ.
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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #38683 on: January 28, 2023, 08:08:19 AM »
A few years back, I got into tons of arguments with freshly transitioning trans boys/young men my age who were utterly transmisogynistic towards friends of mine while also being really fucking lesbophobic & dismissive of lesbians using he/him pronouns.

I love when they bury little nuggets of undiluted :wut in their page-long screeds.

I think they mean that they’re misgendering these lesbians, but maybe I’m being too charitable in my reading :lol

I’m not sure that’s what they’re implying, as Google tells me there is indeed a debate about lesbians using male pronouns. You’re right that it can be read that way, but if it was misgendering they were concerned about they’d be more direct about it rather than skirting around it by calling them “dismissive”.



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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #38684 on: January 28, 2023, 08:23:06 AM »

Which account did Nintex...I mean Messofanego reactivate

Quote from: LampTramp
Im really sorry and I dont mean to derail or pick the scab, but this really upset me this afternoon.

After coming out to ERA first and foremost out of everyone I know, because of ERA and being supported by ERA its upsetting to see, ire being focused towards our community and not towards those that was belittle and denigrate a community. That such fury and anger could be caused not by that person on twitters actions, but by the posters here was disheartening and saddening. It upset me and made me feel impotent to speak out for fear of being actioned.
I have been away from here since CP2077 where the team promised such subjects were important and people were listening.

I'm really sorry to derail and if you must ban me or warn me for venting spleen publicly, but its sooooo important to me, and it makes me so sad, not for me, but the next poor cow looking for a place to finally be herself and come out.

I am only alive and here and as happy I can be because of ERA and trans ERA specifically.
Really sorry, but I am very very upset, and this may be more better for my health than just screaming at a screen.

Been away for over a year but somehow is up to date on everything and comes back just to whine about Visawife's ban



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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #38685 on: January 28, 2023, 08:28:24 AM »

Which account did Nintex...I mean Messofanego reactivate

Quote from: LampTramp
Im really sorry and I dont mean to derail or pick the scab, but this really upset me this afternoon.

After coming out to ERA first and foremost out of everyone I know, because of ERA and being supported by ERA its upsetting to see, ire being focused towards our community and not towards those that was belittle and denigrate a community. That such fury and anger could be caused not by that person on twitters actions, but by the posters here was disheartening and saddening. It upset me and made me feel impotent to speak out for fear of being actioned.
I have been away from here since CP2077 where the team promised such subjects were important and people were listening.

I'm really sorry to derail and if you must ban me or warn me for venting spleen publicly, but its sooooo important to me, and it makes me so sad, not for me, but the next poor cow looking for a place to finally be herself and come out.

I am only alive and here and as happy I can be because of ERA and trans ERA specifically.
Really sorry, but I am very very upset, and this may be more better for my health than just screaming at a screen.

Been away for over a year but somehow is up to date on everything and comes back just to whine about Visawife's ban

Bitchmadechudds and Hecht will do fuck all about it as usual.


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #38686 on: January 28, 2023, 08:39:25 AM »
To be fair B.Dub's software only detects alts used by non prominent members. Even then it only works after they've said mean things to Nep


  • Virgo. Live Music. The Office. Tacos. Fur mom. True crime junkie. INTJ.
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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #38687 on: January 28, 2023, 09:25:20 AM »
(Members only thread)

Quote from: Melody Shreds, post: 100360315, member: 2700
It's with a heavy heart that I announce that i've had enough and i will be leaving this forum. certain members of staff has made it clear that they don't actually care about trans people, only throwing us a bone occasionally to keep us temporarily satiated. A specific moderator whom i will not name has made my time here very uncorfortable and anxiety inducing and I hope they someday have a moment of introspection as i wish no ill will on them.

Goodbye my friends its been a good 15 years, i was happy to have been part of this community for as long as it lasted.


They were threadbanned from the JK thread for protesting the messy ban for context


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #38688 on: January 28, 2023, 09:28:23 AM »
I’m not sure that’s what they’re implying, as Google tells me there is indeed a debate about lesbians using male pronouns. You’re right that it can be read that way, but if it was misgendering they were concerned about they’d be more direct about it rather than skirting around it by calling them “dismissive”.

this ties into the recent no fly list leak from the uwu tumblr person who was in the process of getting mildly cancelled for having embarrassing pronouns and a contradictory lesbian identity, before the wagons were circled yet again and it was buried

Maia Arson Crimew's "Neopronouns and Bi Lesbian" Discourse

Despite many in the LGBTQ+ community reacting positively to Maia Arson Crimew's No-Fly Leak, a certain number of lesbian Twitter users became disgruntled with her identity as a self-proclaimed "bi lesbian." Her since-deleted tweet that sparked the backlash read, "neopronouns slap and ive used them myself for a while before !!! while we're at it im a bi lesbian for the record." Some Twitter users were angered, like one QT that read, "ever had your worldview SHATTERED and everything you love STRIPPED AWAY AND BURNED."

The aforementioned QT screenshot was tweeted by Maia Arson Crimew on January 22nd, 2023, who captioned it, "let me just tell u that this is not a normal way to react to someones queer identity," and received over 790 likes in one day. Other tweets from Maia Arson Crimew about the backlash received more engagement, like one tweet posted by her on January 22nd that read, "let me just delete that tweet i dont have the energy to deal with people cancelling me over an innocent word i use to describe myself y'all are incredibly childish," and earned roughly 3,600 likes in less than a day.


  • Punk Mushi no Onna
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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #38689 on: January 28, 2023, 10:12:51 AM »
I'm also a gay straight enby. Please give me special treatment or I'll cry genocide.


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #38690 on: January 28, 2023, 10:44:18 AM »
Already demanding they be allowed to talk about the game while no one else can. That didn’t take long. And they’ll inevitably be allowed to because mods are spineless.

Keep talking about how certain mods don’t care about trans people right after they banned discussion of what will be perhaps the biggest game this year, though.

Taco Bell Tower

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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #38691 on: January 28, 2023, 10:56:05 AM »
(Members only thread)

Quote from: Melody Shreds, post: 100360315, member: 2700
It's with a heavy heart that I announce that i've had enough and i will be leaving this forum. certain members of staff has made it clear that they don't actually care about trans people, only throwing us a bone occasionally to keep us temporarily satiated. A specific moderator whom i will not name has made my time here very uncorfortable and anxiety inducing and I hope they someday have a moment of introspection as i wish no ill will on them.

Goodbye my friends its been a good 15 years, i was happy to have been part of this community for as long as it lasted.


They were threadbanned from the JK thread for protesting the messy ban for context
How is said mod gonna change of heart for making that user feel very "uncorfortable"


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #38692 on: January 28, 2023, 11:13:23 AM »
(Members only thread)

Quote from: Melody Shreds, post: 100360315, member: 2700
It's with a heavy heart that I announce that i've had enough and i will be leaving this forum. certain members of staff has made it clear that they don't actually care about trans people, only throwing us a bone occasionally to keep us temporarily satiated. A specific moderator whom i will not name has made my time here very uncorfortable and anxiety inducing and I hope they someday have a moment of introspection as i wish no ill will on them.

Goodbye my friends its been a good 15 years, i was happy to have been part of this community for as long as it lasted.


They were threadbanned from the JK thread for protesting the messy ban for context

Goodbye my friends its been a good 15 years, i was happy to have been part of this community for as long as it lasted.

Please welcome new member
Shmelody Meds. She might post like me but is totally not me.

Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #38693 on: January 28, 2023, 11:24:43 AM »
Somewhere, B-Dubs is weeping into a pillow over the community's constant demands for more banned topics.

Someone makes a WWE Royal Rumble thread:

It makes it 28 posts before
Quote from: OfficerRob
Nine days ago:

Which kicks off open season on how DARE someone make a thread celebrating WWE, with people expressing outrage a la:
Quote from: EvilDead1987
We're seriously allowing an WWE OT on this site now? Did the Saudi deal suddenly vanish in the last few hours? Did Vince finally get convicted of all the awful shit he did and is rotting in jail right now?


Then why the hell is this thread being made for a disgusting company like WWE?

Y'all just gonna ignore all the awful shit this company has done just so you can root for Cody Rhodes or Sami Zayn?

Also locking the thread about Vince too. Christ what the hell is happening here. What's next a Hogwarts Legacy OT too?

And fun things like speculations on the TRUE motive of the OP, which does catch a ban:
Quote from: Protome
User banned (1 week): inflammatory accusations
Quote from: Nateo
Same reason Blizzard, Activision, CDPR, Sony and MS just to name a few threads can be posted. Mods are allowing it for now.
We haven’t had WWE OTs in a year or so now. OP knew what they were doing making one now.

Someone else earns a ban for taking a shot at moderation:
Quote from: OfficerRob
User Banned (1 week): trolling
So much for this being locked, I guess mods are allowing WWE hype threads now. So we are cool with rape around here now?
Quote from: OfficerRob
Quote from: Sleepingdragon
Based mods Standing up for WWE.
(Image removed from quote.)

Thread is then locked with no mod post. Which is fun, since they banned two of the people more stridently demanding the topic not be allowed, but then shut the thread with no commentary... giving those people what they seemed to be demanding. So based on recent quotes the HL ban hasn't actually made the trans community feel any more safe, and it's emboldened another wave of people to harass-for-a-good-cause/demand further topic bans. Things are going greeeeeeat.

Taco Bell Tower

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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #38694 on: January 28, 2023, 11:37:57 AM »
Good lord is that ever fucked up. Is this supposed to be funny, maybe? Edgy humor? Or is it what it appears to be -- a preachy, horribly cringey parable about how, actually, nobody should be allowed to say the n-word?

And like who even wrote this? And what was their agenda? Just a hurt white person who can't get over not being allowed to say it?

I don't read comics and I'm not Black, so, just taking this all in.


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #38695 on: January 28, 2023, 12:02:12 PM »
feels like they've finally reached critical mass cultivating a group who will root out the sin in everything  :lol

"post your favorite hot dog toppings! there's a great new joint that opened up near me"

"um sweaty the big hotdog industry is one of the world's major contributors to global warming, not to mention the horrific way the animals are treated, and it's honestly disgusting you would bring this conversation into this space"

"check out this new indie game! it's from a new studio so unlike blizzard or EA or nintendo or microsoft or ubisoft, it's not inherently exploitive and evil! just some people who care a lot about the game they are making  :-["

"uh...the secondary artist for this game clearly list on their linkedin that they worked for WB on Wizard Game. we see what you're doing here, you want to trick people into tacit support of JK's bigoted transphobe genocide. get fucked troll"
« Last Edit: January 28, 2023, 12:08:16 PM by Uncle »


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #38696 on: January 28, 2023, 12:05:58 PM »
Rape, ResetEra's favorite topic to talk about.

What better way to start your day than discuss the trending rapes, the most controversial rapes and the most violent rapes.

Taco Bell Tower

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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #38697 on: January 28, 2023, 12:14:04 PM »
feels like they've finally reached critical mass cultivating a group who will root out the sin in everything  :lol

"post your favorite hot dog toppings! there's a great new joint that opened up near me"

"um sweaty the big hotdog industry is one of the world's major contributors to global warming, not to mention the horrific way the animals are treated, and it's honestly disgusting you would bring this conversation into this space"

"check out this new indie game! it's from a new studio so unlike blizzard or EA or nintendo or microsoft or ubisoft, it's not inherently exploitive and evil! just some people who care a lot about the game they are making  :-["

"uh...the secondary artist for this game clearly list on their linkedin that they worked for WB on Wizard Game. we see what you're doing here, you want to trick people into tacit support of JK's bigoted transphobe genocide. get fucked troll"
You joke but I do see the indie game part seriously happening lol


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #38698 on: January 28, 2023, 12:42:51 PM »
Remember, the member that did the most to kickstart this trend on ERA of demanding stuff gets banned/restricted from discussion, Kyuuji, openly and brazenly played and new game plussed the supposed problematic piece of media she spend a year campaigning to get banned :lol

All the while she and her ilk was getting other people banned for wanting to talk about said piece of media in peace. Kyuuji played that entire community like a fiddle, and the mods' cowardice from fear of being labeled a bigot/virtue signal about being a good 'ally' allowed it.


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #38699 on: January 28, 2023, 12:49:32 PM »
(Members only thread)

Quote from: Melody Shreds, post: 100360315, member: 2700
It's with a heavy heart that I announce that i've had enough and i will be leaving this forum. certain members of staff has made it clear that they don't actually care about trans people, only throwing us a bone occasionally to keep us temporarily satiated. A specific moderator whom i will not name has made my time here very uncorfortable and anxiety inducing and I hope they someday have a moment of introspection as i wish no ill will on them.

Goodbye my friends its been a good 15 years, i was happy to have been part of this community for as long as it lasted.


They were threadbanned from the JK thread for protesting the messy ban for context

This right here proves they don't want to be treated equally. They want to be treated more favorably than the rest. The second they are treated like anyone else, they cry, whine, and try to guilt-trip you into doing what they want. It's the reason why they love invoking 'genocide' as often as possible. It's to get an intense emotional reaction out of you to give in to their demands, because who in their right mind would want to be associated with a genocide, right?