Author Topic: Other Forums Containment Thread  (Read 2169024 times)

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Hap Shaughnessy

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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #45000 on: March 20, 2023, 07:21:05 PM »

:cop User Banned (2 Weeks): Misgendering
Quote from:  never
Like if they committed crimes, I hope they are held accountable and goes to jail or whatever. If they didn't and its just mental health issues, I hope they get help. I think justice shouldn't be only punitive, people need to be given the room to reform.

Last edited: Yesterday at 11:02 PM

Quote from: ClickyCal'
They/them btw. You need to edit your post. No dude or he or him.

Quote from: never
oh crap, you’re right. my bad.

Just what the fuck is the point of a ban like that?

He appears to have been banned for the post he quoted, which misgenders Ezra, while that user's post remains unedited and unbanned.
Quote from: BobbleheadRich
I think Ezra Miller (in my mind) has clear psychological/ mental issues; the behaviour he exhibited is so strange and erratic after years of normalcy - and I do think they should be allowed to find a way to heal. Quite clearly a lot of it is drug fueled. But that is addiction and that's also something you need support to get over.

"Having recently gone through a time of intense crisis, I now understand that I am suffering complex mental health issues and have begun ongoing treatment,"

I'm surprised everyone is so quick to dunk on. Personally, everytime I read about him now - I'm like "poor Miller needs help" and I'm glad they are now. Clearly when they were in the midst of their psychotic break (imo) - they were spiralling and there wasn't a clear OFF switch.

:cop User Banned (2 Weeks): Misgendering; Armchair Diagnosis of Mental Health

Hap Shaughnessy

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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #45001 on: March 20, 2023, 07:30:36 PM »

Quote from: Keldroc
Quote from: junk
I grew up near this mall. I remember when it was opened. It’s never been like this in the sunset district and ingleside. Im sorry but fuck these fkn kids and I don’t give a fk what broken environment they come from - that is no excuse. Elders & young ones in my extended family still frequent this place, but besides that, that whole surrounding community is a peaceful place and they don’t deserve these fkn demons ruining it.
Oh get a grip. This is a result of essentially forced bussing yet again. I grew up there and while Stonestown didn't have much violence, Tanforan had tons of it regularly. The risk of being caught up in some shit was the price you paid for going to the dollar theater there when I was a teenager. None of the issues that caused it 30 years ago have been addressed, just shuffled around, so now you see it in a different gathering place. People aren't "demons."


Greatness Gone

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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #45002 on: March 20, 2023, 07:32:54 PM »
Sure there's a big difference. One of those game companies has an actual body count.

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And you're crazy GG, the D4 Beta is awesome.
Rogue was boring (not even as fun as Demon Hunter), level scaling ruins the power fantasy, no map overlay (UI is soulless overall), and the gargantuan map was a slog to walk around in, necessitating a mount (that they want you to buy cosmetics for). Didn't even level to 20 for the wolf pup backpack. :trumps

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I'm mostly just triggered because Pally/Zon aren't in, so just ignore me.


  • Virgo. Live Music. The Office. Tacos. Fur mom. True crime junkie. INTJ.
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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #45003 on: March 20, 2023, 07:34:50 PM »


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #45004 on: March 20, 2023, 07:43:26 PM »

Quote from: Sign My Guestbook!
Reminder that America was working on its own fascist genocidal movement before we jumped into WW2

There won’t be a war this time to turn our national head in the right direction. If we survive this shit, it will be as a civilization traumatized by our citizenry. Being American has never be a proud thing for many, and it sure as Hell ain’t about to improve.

History according to ResetEra

1493 B.C. - GamerGate is founded by the Israelites

1776 - Wakanda is invaded by the British Colonizers and they rename it to "America"

1940 / 1945 - Literally Hitler but Churchill wasn't innocent either

1953 - Comrade Stalin passed away

2001 - Xbox and GameCube are released in North America, beginning of the console war

2016 / 2020 - Darth Trump

2022 / NOW - Trans Genocide


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #45005 on: March 20, 2023, 07:58:35 PM »
Diablo with level scaling does kinda sound like turds


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #45007 on: March 20, 2023, 08:18:16 PM »
So you shouldn't mention this terrible shit in your articles for awareness because... it'd get mentioned too much? Wait, what?


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #45008 on: March 20, 2023, 08:35:59 PM »
Big difference here


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #45009 on: March 20, 2023, 08:52:12 PM »

Getting some full FAT takes in this thread now

Quote from: ROYALFAT
The problem is nobody cares about these kids.

Not to dig up old 2020 primary bullshit, but perhaps one of the more heartbreaking moments of the primary to me was the reaction on the left to Kamala Harris’ proposal to expand funding to public schools on the condition the expand after school programs to 6PM.

The rising cost of living in the US, compounded by the decades long stagnation in wages has created an environment where parents are working longer and longer hours. The erosion of social programs in this country, compounded by the social shift away from religious institutions (that previously filled this role) and other forms of communal caregiving has created a situation where not only do these kids have nowhere to go when they’re not in school, it’s actually much worse: these kids have nowhere to go, and nobody wants them. This is a reality that we have known about since I was a child, and here we had a major candidate, a former successful progressive DA and prosecutor for the Bay Area (hmmm, I wonder if this informed her insight at all), proposing major legislation that was laser targeted at helping these kids and not just throwing more cops at them…and the reaction on the left was to laugh at her for it, criticize the legislation for not being an out-of-the-box perfect solution (when is it ever?), or twisted the intent of the legislation to claim it would put more burden on teachers (the legislation addressed this; it didn’t).

Seriously, read the thread on this legislation that floated around on Era at the time. In hindsight, it’s incredibly sad.

This isn’t intended to be a gotcha or an 11th hour defense of Kamala Harris. The intent here is to point out that when it comes to these kids, the lack of supervision, the lack of care….we know what the problems are. We know what the solutions are. What can we do about this? is the wrong question, because we already know the answer: a lot. There’s a lot we could do.

The right question to ask is what are we willing to do? And the answer to that is fucking tragic.

And it just really sucks to watch the cycle perpetuate over and fucking over again. Because when you operate in these communities, when you have a window into these kids’ lives…for every horrific instance of violence and neglect that makes it to national news like what we see here, you see the dozen steps that could have been taken. The dozen ways we as a pubic could have intervened. The signs we could have paid attention to, the funding we could have voted for, the issues we could have prioritized.

And then you realize that nobody cares. Because people in this country do not care about kids until they can be scapegoated or used for tax credits. And until we deal with that? Won’t none of this shit change. The consequences of our collective neglect will build up to these horrific tragedies. People will rightfully and understandably be made afraid. The “More Cops!” button will get pushed. The cycle will repeat.

And I’m just so fucking tired and sad.

is royalan actually bemoaning the loss of doting parents who get involved in their kids' lives and mid-week bible study and youth group?

what does he mean "we know what the solutions are?" have studies shown that extended after-school programs really fill that void? are they going to get genuine moral teaching there that makes sure they know it's wrong to go roving around the city looking for asians to attack, or is it just going to be dangling keys by a bored teacher being paid a bit of overtime?

Man, I wonder why royalfat would stan kamala the cop...


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #45010 on: March 20, 2023, 10:06:17 PM »

Haha these bitches are so easy to set off


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #45011 on: March 20, 2023, 10:18:26 PM »
 :neogaf :sabu

If these bitches had just never virtue signaled over the hogwarts game, WHICH HAD A BUNCH OF LGBTQ PEOPLE WORKING ON IT who went to great lengths to make the game incredibly inclusive, they wouldn't be getting all flustered over getting called out for liking D4.

Diablo 4 is amazing btw  :whew

Blizzard's still got it. I don't know if it's all that sexual harassment they're doing but give me more of it if it means more awesome Diablo games   :gurl :lawd :rejoice

Taco Bell Tower

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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #45012 on: March 20, 2023, 10:28:55 PM »
If that was my place I would drag them out kicking and screaming. As in I would be the one kicking and screaming at them while I dragged their arse out and threw them in the gutter lol

Polident Hive

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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #45013 on: March 20, 2023, 10:57:35 PM »
Quote from: PRrambo_, post: 102928114, member: 1253
I wasn't aware that she had such a negative relationship with VFX crews.

Even if she was, at least she helped to push for more LGBTQ representation, and I hope Marvel pushes to improve in that area.
Sucks she completely turned the VFX industry on its head, resulting in overworked and stressed employees/unhealthy work conditions but at least the Rock man in Thor is gay! :supergay

Dawg this is the biggest movie studio on earth and they’re running it like forum moderators  :stahp


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #45015 on: March 21, 2023, 02:37:43 AM »
"Latina" can also just mean a white person who speaks spanish lol

the bitch is Argentinean and looks heavy on the european side. her family were probably nazi sympathizers, "but she put lgbt people in the garbage movies I like! :social2"

Taco Bell Tower

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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #45016 on: March 21, 2023, 03:23:52 AM »
Latinx :punch

Fuck me, I hate that term so much :fbm


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #45017 on: March 21, 2023, 08:22:44 AM »

Quote from: Messofanego
Y'all really need to check why you gotta go with non-white terrorists or Sharia Law as your ultimate standard of evil when there are plenty of white, christofascist, cult-like, terrorists that get up to this level of shit. Not to mention Taliban were created by Americans. It's not just the global south where girls get treated the worst.

Also, Sharia Law is not about this, that's just Islamophobia thinking Muslims do this on the regular. Girls being educated is quite important in Islam. Not a fan of what Muslims follow regularly being equated to terrorism.

I work with Muslims from Afghanistan who have suffered at the hands of the Taliban, which is why they are closer at hand to me than other groups. So fuck you and your implication.

Well, nazis are usually used when it comes to politics, war etc. But, given that the topic is religious people and that the taliban DO stop women from education NOW, while previously having burned ”heretics” alive during their attempt to establish a religious empire….

Unless you specifically want to ignore them they fit the bill perfectly. They are a great example of the ultimate evil.

Whataboutism is blooming on Resetera like that algae blob in the Atlantic.

Yes America bad, Sharia good.

Do share, what is Sharia all about that is so awfully misunderstood?

Yikes, Messy hammering that report button about now.


  • Haughty and a little naughty
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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #45018 on: March 21, 2023, 08:25:42 AM »
Not to mention Taliban were created by Americans.

Does he know that when people say that they mean support the group got and not their ideology?


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #45019 on: March 21, 2023, 08:33:03 AM »
I work with Muslims from Afghanistan who have suffered at the hands of the Taliban, which is why they are closer at hand to me than other groups. So fuck you and your implication.

Ooh, a therapy face off



  • Virgo. Live Music. The Office. Tacos. Fur mom. True crime junkie. INTJ.
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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #45020 on: March 21, 2023, 09:23:55 AM »
Ongoing pathetic saga in the constructive thread:

Quote from: Natiko, post: 101774200, member: 2482
I made some reports recently that were met with a response to stop reporting posts of that nature as it was being discussed internally. When can I expect some sort of update? “Stop reporting this thing while we think about if it’s bad but we’re not going to tell you how long we’ll think about it or what if anything the outcome will be” is roughly how that felt from my end.


Quote from: Natiko, post: 101837200, member: 2482
So.. guess I’m just going to be ignored just like my reports were.

Quote from: Judge, post: 101838172, member: 4714
You likely haven't gotten a response because there is no update since then.

Quote from: Natiko, post: 101838820, member: 2482
That was a really easy and simple reply. I’m not sure if you are or are not involved in said discussions due to the vague nature of your response, but literally anyone that is could’ve said the same thing in the first place. It’s disappointing that I had to push just for a vague, non-descript response at all, but thank you for responding. I’ll wait some more before inquiring further if I’ve not seen any updates.


Quote from: Natiko, post: 102179866, member: 2482
Another week and no update. These discussions must be really in-depth, can’t wait to see the detailed decision.
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Quote from: Lobster Roll, post: 102182104, member: 60178

I’m sure the mod staff is plenty busy. They’re doing this for free, too, and I don’t think needling them for a response is going to make it happen quicker.

Quote from: Sawneeks, post: 102269527, member: 2394
While I don't disagree, a simple 'hey we're still working on it!' does do wonders. Silence just makes it easier to fill in the void with anything.

Edit: I'm saying that rather tongue-in-cheek because I'm still waiting on an 'apology' thread the mods were going to make some 4 - 5 years ago that never happened. Asking for updates on something has precendent here since it may just never happen.

Quote from: RetroRunner, post: 102277795, member: 87613
I think people need to be more understanding the mods don’t get paid here, imagine your motivation to work on a PowerPoint that’s going to be criticized by your entire company if you weren’t being paid. I’d rather quit.

Quote from: Sawneeks, post: 102279265, member: 2394
No, I understand that. It's not motivating at all nor would I want to be in their place. But in the situation where the management of a place has negatively effected it and well-meaning questions, concerns, or asks for dialogue are met with silence/'we will talk about it later' and never materialize - what then? This isn't the first time and to treat it as such is a disservice and fuels part of the problem at large.

I absolutely want to be proven wrong and have a discussion about this stuff with staff. It's just given history, I don't believe it will happen - despite me hoping it might finally change this time. And this isn't a 'wow i hate the mods' decisions, it's one fueled by my desire for this place to grow and be the best it can be.

Quote from: Natiko, post: 102511963, member: 2482
Another week, still no update. It’s not even that crazy of a topic - I know you have policies regarding it, I received an infraction myself. It’s absurd that I was banned for something that is flagrantly talked about in other threads and all of that is being ignored while you “discuss” it.


Quote from: Natiko, post: 102889819, member: 2482
Coming up on a month now without an update. I would think the common courtesy to just give a status update wouldn’t be too much to ask.

:dead :rofl

Quote from: HeavenlyOne, post: 102914086, member: 34890
My man, you gotta make peace with the fact that it's never gonna happen.

Quote from: Natiko, post: 102914185, member: 2482
Then I will go back to reporting the violations and they will have to address it that way eventually.



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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #45021 on: March 21, 2023, 09:24:51 AM »
Reaffirming my decision to skip my cousin's bachelor party in Miami because I refuse to give a dime to that shit state.



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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #45022 on: March 21, 2023, 09:26:06 AM »
Ongoing pathetic saga in the constructive thread:

Quote from: Natiko, post: 101774200, member: 2482
I made some reports recently that were met with a response to stop reporting posts of that nature as it was being discussed internally. When can I expect some sort of update? “Stop reporting this thing while we think about if it’s bad but we’re not going to tell you how long we’ll think about it or what if anything the outcome will be” is roughly how that felt from my end.


Quote from: Natiko, post: 101837200, member: 2482
So.. guess I’m just going to be ignored just like my reports were.

Quote from: Judge, post: 101838172, member: 4714
You likely haven't gotten a response because there is no update since then.

Quote from: Natiko, post: 101838820, member: 2482
That was a really easy and simple reply. I’m not sure if you are or are not involved in said discussions due to the vague nature of your response, but literally anyone that is could’ve said the same thing in the first place. It’s disappointing that I had to push just for a vague, non-descript response at all, but thank you for responding. I’ll wait some more before inquiring further if I’ve not seen any updates.


Quote from: Natiko, post: 102179866, member: 2482
Another week and no update. These discussions must be really in-depth, can’t wait to see the detailed decision.
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Quote from: Lobster Roll, post: 102182104, member: 60178

I’m sure the mod staff is plenty busy. They’re doing this for free, too, and I don’t think needling them for a response is going to make it happen quicker.

Quote from: Sawneeks, post: 102269527, member: 2394
While I don't disagree, a simple 'hey we're still working on it!' does do wonders. Silence just makes it easier to fill in the void with anything.

Edit: I'm saying that rather tongue-in-cheek because I'm still waiting on an 'apology' thread the mods were going to make some 4 - 5 years ago that never happened. Asking for updates on something has precendent here since it may just never happen.

Quote from: RetroRunner, post: 102277795, member: 87613
I think people need to be more understanding the mods don’t get paid here, imagine your motivation to work on a PowerPoint that’s going to be criticized by your entire company if you weren’t being paid. I’d rather quit.

Quote from: Sawneeks, post: 102279265, member: 2394
No, I understand that. It's not motivating at all nor would I want to be in their place. But in the situation where the management of a place has negatively effected it and well-meaning questions, concerns, or asks for dialogue are met with silence/'we will talk about it later' and never materialize - what then? This isn't the first time and to treat it as such is a disservice and fuels part of the problem at large.

I absolutely want to be proven wrong and have a discussion about this stuff with staff. It's just given history, I don't believe it will happen - despite me hoping it might finally change this time. And this isn't a 'wow i hate the mods' decisions, it's one fueled by my desire for this place to grow and be the best it can be.

Quote from: Natiko, post: 102511963, member: 2482
Another week, still no update. It’s not even that crazy of a topic - I know you have policies regarding it, I received an infraction myself. It’s absurd that I was banned for something that is flagrantly talked about in other threads and all of that is being ignored while you “discuss” it.


Quote from: Natiko, post: 102889819, member: 2482
Coming up on a month now without an update. I would think the common courtesy to just give a status update wouldn’t be too much to ask.

:dead :rofl

Quote from: HeavenlyOne, post: 102914086, member: 34890
My man, you gotta make peace with the fact that it's never gonna happen.

Quote from: Natiko, post: 102914185, member: 2482
Then I will go back to reporting the violations and they will have to address it that way eventually.


I gotta know what he's reporting!!

Cauliflower Of Love

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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #45023 on: March 21, 2023, 09:27:17 AM »


  • Virgo. Live Music. The Office. Tacos. Fur mom. True crime junkie. INTJ.
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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #45024 on: March 21, 2023, 09:29:13 AM »
I gotta know what he's reporting!!

It’s absurd that I was banned for something that is flagrantly talked about in other threads and all of that is being ignored while you “discuss” it.

He apparently got banned for whatever he’s reporting. Somebody good at doxxing can figure it out *coughbenjiorhapcough*

Straight Edge

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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #45025 on: March 21, 2023, 09:40:46 AM »
Reaffirming my decision to skip my cousin's bachelor party in Miami because I refuse to give a dime to that shit state.


Likely due to :exxy cuz of strippers.
Oi Oi


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #45026 on: March 21, 2023, 09:43:29 AM »
The "don't make OPs based on rumors" issue is tied to the overall lack of adherence to the thread-creation rules. Look at the Thread Creation Guidelines in the FAQ, then look at the first page on either side of the site, and see how many threads are either a single tweet/link with no context, a couple of sentences clipped from the article, or a perfunctory "Wow. Crazy." comment. Multiple members have basically made this their persona on the site: person who posts news without context or commentary.

For whatever reason, these rules are ignored, along with several of the other guidelines there: "use threadmarks to curate your thread," "it is better to be correct than to be first," and so on. At this point, the ship has sailed - it's clear that posters who break these rules are only actioned sporadically, if at all.

The issue is key to why the level of discourse has dropped precipitously, and why the non-OT areas of the site have basically become poor news-aggregation zones with a comment section, and not a discussion forum. Why would posters want to engage in anything but surface-level, drive-by comments when the thread creator just dropped a link and left?

 :thinking :what :phil

Joe Molotov

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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #45027 on: March 21, 2023, 09:49:46 AM »
Wow. Crazy.


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #45028 on: March 21, 2023, 10:03:41 AM »
Latinx :punch

Fuck me, I hate that term so much :fbm

ok marrec

If your friend dislikes the term Latinx: sorry, they're transphobic.

 :lol :lol :lol


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #45029 on: March 21, 2023, 10:15:38 AM »
Latinx :punch

Fuck me, I hate that term so much :fbm

ok marrec

If your friend dislikes the term Latinx: sorry, they're transphobic.

 :lol :lol :lol

One of the other players, Camilia, who was a trans Black woman, plainly asked me “are you going to make your character Latinx as well?” I didn’t know what to say because I had never heard that word before. I knew that Camilia was highly educated with a Master’s degree in Africana Studies, so I wasn’t surprised that she was using language that I didn’t understand.

But before I could respond to Camilia, the GameMaster spoke up. Her queer white face was stern even though we had known and considered her almost like a friend for two years. She looked at Camilia and said, “I thought we talked about this already. Human races don’t exist in Dungeons and Dragons. Just because I’m part Cherokee doesn’t mean I can make my character Native American.”

That’s when I realized that we were having a discussion about race, which were discussions that I usually tried to shy away from growing up. It turned out that “Latinx” was a gender neutral term to refer to people with Latin American heritage.

But it wasn’t enough for our GameMaster to just be problematic regarding PoC representation in fantasy. They went on to say something deeply transphobic: “And ‘Latinx’ isn’t even a real word.”

You could have heard a pin drop.

Camilia then shot fact after fact at our white GameMaster in quick succession. She explained that first of all, focusing on realism in games is exactly the kind of racist dog whistling that Trump supporters use. Secondly, race doesn’t and shouldn’t matter in mythical fantasy lands.

She went on to explain that even if the world of Dungeons & Dragons was based on european myths and culture, it didn’t matter because there were still people of color all over medieval europe. I learned that european cultures like the vikings, celts, british, and romans were racially diverse societies much like USA today, and featured tons of impactful people of color — a fact that white people still have a hard time accepting.

Camilia delivered the final blow to our white “ally” by ending her speech with: “Oh, and you’re a fucking transphobe.”

:dead :dead :dead


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #45030 on: March 21, 2023, 10:33:44 AM »
Latinx :punch

Fuck me, I hate that term so much :fbm

ok marrec

If your friend dislikes the term Latinx: sorry, they're transphobic.

 :lol :lol :lol

One of the other players, Camilia, who was a trans Black woman, plainly asked me “are you going to make your character Latinx as well?” I didn’t know what to say because I had never heard that word before. I knew that Camilia was highly educated with a Master’s degree in Africana Studies, so I wasn’t surprised that she was using language that I didn’t understand.

But before I could respond to Camilia, the GameMaster spoke up. Her queer white face was stern even though we had known and considered her almost like a friend for two years. She looked at Camilia and said, “I thought we talked about this already. Human races don’t exist in Dungeons and Dragons. Just because I’m part Cherokee doesn’t mean I can make my character Native American.”

That’s when I realized that we were having a discussion about race, which were discussions that I usually tried to shy away from growing up. It turned out that “Latinx” was a gender neutral term to refer to people with Latin American heritage.

But it wasn’t enough for our GameMaster to just be problematic regarding PoC representation in fantasy. They went on to say something deeply transphobic: “And ‘Latinx’ isn’t even a real word.”

You could have heard a pin drop.

Camilia then shot fact after fact at our white GameMaster in quick succession. She explained that first of all, focusing on realism in games is exactly the kind of racist dog whistling that Trump supporters use. Secondly, race doesn’t and shouldn’t matter in mythical fantasy lands.

She went on to explain that even if the world of Dungeons & Dragons was based on european myths and culture, it didn’t matter because there were still people of color all over medieval europe. I learned that european cultures like the vikings, celts, british, and romans were racially diverse societies much like USA today, and featured tons of impactful people of color — a fact that white people still have a hard time accepting.

Camilia delivered the final blow to our white “ally” by ending her speech with: “Oh, and you’re a fucking transphobe.”

:dead :dead :dead

RIP queer white ally gamemaster

Joe Molotov

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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #45031 on: March 21, 2023, 11:19:38 AM »
Highly problematic for Camilia to dismiss her lived experience as a part Cherokee POC.


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #45032 on: March 21, 2023, 11:29:55 AM »
I learned that european cultures like the vikings, celts, british, and romans were racially diverse societies much like USA today



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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #45033 on: March 21, 2023, 11:34:26 AM »



Oh my god, I'm dying over here

Skullfuckers Anonymous

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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #45034 on: March 21, 2023, 11:36:22 AM »
Was Elizabeth Warren the game master?

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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #45036 on: March 21, 2023, 11:53:15 AM »
“Her queer white face”  :lol

I love that these cats can write 15,000 words on their bollocks pontifications, and then I can drop a straight-cis-white-male ‘uh-huh’, followed by a straight-cis-white-male raise of the eyebrows, and disregard the whole thing.

Oh god my unearned and undeserved privilege feels so good dripping all over my body. I just want to roll around in it, kicking my legs in a heterosexual-yet-giddy manner. Probably won’t though, got important white man shit to be getting on with.


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #45037 on: March 21, 2023, 12:07:00 PM »
“Her queer white face”  :lol

I love that these cats can write 15,000 words on their bollocks pontifications, and then I can drop a straight-cis-white-male ‘uh-huh’, followed by a straight-cis-white-male raise of the eyebrows, and disregard the whole thing.

Oh god my unearned and undeserved privilege feels so good dripping all over my body. I just want to roll around in it, kicking my legs in a heterosexual-yet-giddy manner. Probably won’t though, got important white man shit to be getting on with.



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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #45038 on: March 21, 2023, 12:24:56 PM »
I learned that european cultures like the vikings, celts, british, and romans were racially diverse societies much like USA today


I mean, I'm sure the Vikings, British and Romans were quite happy to colonise and enslave without consideration of skin colour.

And Celtic strongholds like Cornwall and Wales are renowned for their genetic diversity.


  • TheBore rulez
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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #45039 on: March 21, 2023, 12:27:33 PM »
This is ironic:

Sorry, Afrunauts! We can't allow comments until we have built an ethical way to address the troll problem. If you feel the calling and you have familiarized yourself with what is and isn't free speech, you can still email us your scribbles. If your feedback is excellent, we may manually add it!

And under that are the comments, including this troll:

It’s terribly ironic how in their fevrent attempts to be inclusive, the Left still can’t shake off Western imperialism. Latinx is imperalist unto itself because it follows English linguistic conventions and not Spanish ones. In Spanish, it’s impossible to pronouce “latinx” because an “x” is pronounced differently in Spanish than in English (think the way how “Mexico” is said in Spanish) and doesn’t flow at all with the concluding “n”. This implies that English and its Germanic cousins are superior languages, as we can accomodate for gender neutrality, yet Spanish and other Romance languages cannot because they’re gendered. As I’m sure we all learned in high-school Spanish class, a mixed group of people is always referred to as “male”, no matter if there’s 99 men or just one, so the correct term would be “Latino” anyways. If we are this desperate for a gender-neutral term for Hispanic people, “Latin” should be the obvious choice, and “Latine” is gaining traction as well.

According to this study ( only 4% of Hispanic people use the term Latinx. Most folks south of the border would have no idea how the word was even pronounced and would simply laugh at your gringo BS.

 :dead :noah :whew :whoo

Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #45040 on: March 21, 2023, 12:28:36 PM »
The "don't make OPs based on rumors" issue is tied to the overall lack of adherence to the thread-creation rules. Look at the Thread Creation Guidelines in the FAQ, then look at the first page on either side of the site, and see how many threads are either a single tweet/link with no context, a couple of sentences clipped from the article, or a perfunctory "Wow. Crazy." comment. Multiple members have basically made this their persona on the site: person who posts news without context or commentary.

For whatever reason, these rules are ignored, along with several of the other guidelines there: "use threadmarks to curate your thread," "it is better to be correct than to be first," and so on. At this point, the ship has sailed - it's clear that posters who break these rules are only actioned sporadically, if at all.

The issue is key to why the level of discourse has dropped precipitously, and why the non-OT areas of the site have basically become poor news-aggregation zones with a comment section, and not a discussion forum. Why would posters want to engage in anything but surface-level, drive-by comments when the thread creator just dropped a link and left?

 :thinking :what :phil

you could say that some people excel at that  :teehee :teehee


  • TheBore rulez
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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #45041 on: March 21, 2023, 12:29:30 PM »
The "don't make OPs based on rumors" issue is tied to the overall lack of adherence to the thread-creation rules. Look at the Thread Creation Guidelines in the FAQ, then look at the first page on either side of the site, and see how many threads are either a single tweet/link with no context, a couple of sentences clipped from the article, or a perfunctory "Wow. Crazy." comment. Multiple members have basically made this their persona on the site: person who posts news without context or commentary.

For whatever reason, these rules are ignored, along with several of the other guidelines there: "use threadmarks to curate your thread," "it is better to be correct than to be first," and so on. At this point, the ship has sailed - it's clear that posters who break these rules are only actioned sporadically, if at all.

The issue is key to why the level of discourse has dropped precipitously, and why the non-OT areas of the site have basically become poor news-aggregation zones with a comment section, and not a discussion forum. Why would posters want to engage in anything but surface-level, drive-by comments when the thread creator just dropped a link and left?

 :thinking :what :phil

you could say that some people excel at that  :teehee :teehee

 :jeanluc :camby

Hap Shaughnessy

  • Canadian Ambassador to Guam (Ret.)
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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #45042 on: March 21, 2023, 12:29:31 PM »
I gotta know what he's reporting!!

It’s absurd that I was banned for something that is flagrantly talked about in other threads and all of that is being ignored while you “discuss” it.

He apparently got banned for whatever he’s reporting. Somebody good at doxxing can figure it out *coughbenjiorhapcough*

:cop User banned (3 days): False equivalence, downplaying regional price abuse over a series of posts.
Quote from: Natiko
Whole lot of judgmental, entitled folks in here casting blanket judgements on people they don’t know, with stories they don’t know. Fucking shameful. Interesting how the XBL Gamepass Ultimate thread doesn’t have this same gate keeping when people are openly talking about abusing regional pricing there. But that’s Era - inconsistently applied principles that only matter when the narrative fits.



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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #45043 on: March 21, 2023, 12:42:10 PM »
I gotta know what he's reporting!!

It’s absurd that I was banned for something that is flagrantly talked about in other threads and all of that is being ignored while you “discuss” it.

He apparently got banned for whatever he’s reporting. Somebody good at doxxing can figure it out *coughbenjiorhapcough*

:cop User banned (3 days): False equivalence, downplaying regional price abuse over a series of posts.
Quote from: Natiko
Whole lot of judgmental, entitled folks in here casting blanket judgements on people they don’t know, with stories they don’t know. Fucking shameful. Interesting how the XBL Gamepass Ultimate thread doesn’t have this same gate keeping when people are openly talking about abusing regional pricing there. But that’s Era - inconsistently applied principles that only matter when the narrative fits.



  • TheBore rulez
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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #45044 on: March 21, 2023, 12:42:30 PM »
Jay-zeus Christ, that website is crazy brain worms mixed with a clickbait IGN website.

Why are white people allergic to saying ‘excuse me’ in the grocery store?

Annie Jones and herstory’s many badass bearded beauties

Here’s why you should pay PoC for the emotional labor of dealing with you

Black girl magic: that time a Black woman became the first immortal human

But as if these takes weren’t bad enough, I fell upon the bottom of the barrel.

Anal sex is ruining our buttholes, and buttholes deserve better

Hap Shaughnessy

  • Canadian Ambassador to Guam (Ret.)
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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #45045 on: March 21, 2023, 12:43:17 PM »

:cop User Banned (2 weeks): Cross thread drama, misrepresenting moderation. Long history of antagonistic behaviour.
Quote from: Slatsunus
Quote from: Soi-Fong
WTF? Crossing Eden's comments were legit. Why were they banned?
Being mean to Ai enthusiasts is bannable. Them saying artists are outdated or need to get a real job?Totally Kosher.

That’s what it seems like

Hap Shaughnessy

  • Canadian Ambassador to Guam (Ret.)
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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #45046 on: March 21, 2023, 12:45:53 PM »

:cop User banned (2 months): Racist generalizations over multiple posts
Quote from: spad3
I want to support this, but seeing as what's happening in India right now, it's hard to justify any hype for any South Asian representation.

Joe Molotov

  • I'm much more humble than you would understand.
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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #45047 on: March 21, 2023, 12:46:13 PM »
Checking “downplaying regional price abuse” in the TOS, but it’s not penned down yet.

Hap Shaughnessy

  • Canadian Ambassador to Guam (Ret.)
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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #45048 on: March 21, 2023, 12:48:20 PM »

:cop User Banned (2 Weeks): Dismissive Commentary; Dismissive Point of Comparison
Quote from: NeoZeedeater
Multi-millionnaire feels cheated while millions of people on Earth struggle to eat and pay rent.

Hap Shaughnessy

  • Canadian Ambassador to Guam (Ret.)
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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #45049 on: March 21, 2023, 12:49:39 PM »

:cop User banned (1 month): Sinophobic rhetoric
Quote from: Mr. Genuine
When Persona fans are so desperate for a new announcement that they are getting excited for a Chinese knock-off.

Hap Shaughnessy

  • Canadian Ambassador to Guam (Ret.)
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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #45050 on: March 21, 2023, 12:51:05 PM »
:cop User Banned (1 Month): Trolling and whataboutism over multiple posts, previous severe infraction.
Quote from:  Jersey_Tom
Quote from: makonero
Lmao so it’s either nuclear war or hand over every country that Russia decides it owns now?
(Image removed from quote.)
Gotta tell ya. ERA, never fails when it comes to some members completely missing the forest for the trees here.
:cop User Banned (Permanently): Troll Account
Quote from: poseph
if you think it's not America's job to kill bad guys and arm good guys you're incredibly naive and a tankie you have no rizz. before you open your dumb fucking mouths again, take time to read more literature on the subject (the official ukraine war thread on resetera)


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #45051 on: March 21, 2023, 12:56:24 PM »
Meanwhile Ezra Miller gonna get paid. Being White is a cheat code.

Complaining that "Hollywood" (we all know what that dogwhistle is) isn't paying well, and that a Jewish actor is.  The anti-semitism on this forum is out of control!

Taco Bell Tower

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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #45052 on: March 21, 2023, 02:07:51 PM »

:cop User banned (2 months): Racist generalizations over multiple posts
Quote from: spad3
I want to support this, but seeing as what's happening in India right now, it's hard to justify any hype for any South Asian representation.

Why don't they perm racist people? ???
Why are republicans so obsessed with the private parts of underage children 🤔
Oh wait they just plain hate women.
Yeah, why is ResetEra so obsessed over Lily to zoom in and pause on her crotch shots and why do they loathe women?


  • Finish the Fight
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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #45053 on: March 21, 2023, 02:28:59 PM »
Not to mention Taliban were created by Americans.

Does he know that when people say that they mean support the group got and not their ideology?

Fact check


team filler

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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #45054 on: March 21, 2023, 02:39:51 PM »

But as if these takes weren’t bad enough, I fell upon the bottom of the barrel.

Anal sex is ruining our buttholes, and buttholes deserve better

this is the worst take I've ever seen in my life  :pacspit

buttholes deserve to be spit on and fucked  :pacspit :hump  :rash


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #45055 on: March 21, 2023, 03:10:30 PM »
 :-X :yuck

spoiler (click to show/hide)
It’s spat on.


  • TheBore rulez
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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #45056 on: March 21, 2023, 03:13:32 PM »

But as if these takes weren’t bad enough, I fell upon the bottom of the barrel.

Anal sex is ruining our buttholes, and buttholes deserve better

this is the worst take I've ever seen in my life  :pacspit

buttholes deserve to be spit on and fucked  :pacspit :hump  :rash

I knew that would get your ire up.



  • Finish the Fight
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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #45057 on: March 21, 2023, 03:28:41 PM »


Taco Bell Tower

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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #45058 on: March 21, 2023, 03:35:01 PM »
I'm so fucked up :dsp

Cauliflower Of Love

  • I found my bearings, they were in the race
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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #45059 on: March 21, 2023, 03:35:44 PM »
There's no way that torso is real