Author Topic: Other Forums Containment Thread  (Read 1931460 times)

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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #45301 on: March 23, 2023, 06:11:09 PM »

Quote from: Emperor Totoro
Quote from: Stick
The turning from Earth to Heaven is causing many souls to panic in despair. What was hidden will be revealed.

Why are you going from thread to thread trying to spread your religious views?


Quote from: Booshka
Why are you going from thread to thread trying to spread your religious views?
Like the kids in the OP’s video, they’re not alright. Been an issue for a few days.

Similar to the violent and disorganized kids in the videos, Stick also needs some compassion, understanding and empathy.

It’s quite the struggle all around.

Booshka is kind of a weirdo, huh?

Booshka is a weirdo but he's not totally wrong here--Stick has been having some kind of self-admitted massive manic episode all across the forum for the past few days.

He posted this thread:
Quote from: Stick
"spoilering the post because it's so long"
Hey y'all, I've been posting some crazy things on here lately, so I apologize. I was in a crazy manic state, and I thought I was like God or something. I had to bring myself back to relaity though and now I'm curious what are some tips we can share in here that we can all become a better version of ourselves. I think if we do become that best version of ourselves, we can bring in a beautiful era that removes the attrocities that are plauged by us. I think if we can get more people to focus back on seeking love, wisdom, and knowledge, we could change our current trajectory of destruction. I believe that so many factors cloud a person's mind, which in return, makes them lose sight at the most logical course of action to take as an ideal society. Really, if you can clear your mind of all the terrible anxieties and frustrations one has within himself, that cloud of evil lists from you, allowing you see what the world actually has to offer. When that cloud is uncovered, the ability to see how we can all push forward to build a better life for oneself, but that it's mainly by improving the life of others. This sort of action would allow those other people you helped, because they look at you with respect, might in turn become more willing to help others as you did for them. It doesn't work for everyone, but my belief is that when everyone starts to see others not as enemies, but one in the same, as we all come from the same place, the better we can head towards a future that you could call a Heaven like experience. By that I mean, in this so called Heaven, once we all put eachother first, our main goals would be to create new stuff not for destruction, but for adavancement. Right now, I feel like most inventions are geared towards destruction, which is needed to an extent, but not as much as we use it. Also, another thing in order to manifest that Heaven, people must also prioritize knowledge and wisdom, whether that be for skills or philosphy on how to improve people's mindset.

Our brain is made to grab knowledge and wisdom, it's esential for us to be humans. If we have little knowledge/wisdom, aren't we basically mindless zombies who can be easily controlled through media like Fox? I live in the South, and the people here are extremely nice for the most part, but they have some backwards fucking thinking. I think that it's because this state doesn't value education whatsoever. Sports are more important to the schools here, so when that happens, school students are left behind without the proper learnings to further their intellectual advancement. I also think that environment dictates how easily people are controlled, especially here where I am, as this was the part of the US I believe had the majority of black slaves. That mindset of blacks bad whites good is just as prevelent today, as it was many years ago. Fox can spin any idea and make a person believe it, so long as Fox ties that particular idea into a package that includes a piece of hatred for minorities. Everyone here hates minorities, especially blacks.. Its Crazy. But because that ideology is basically like a cloud covering these Southern States, everyone born here usually ends up being affected by those beliefs. I think in order to get rid of those clouds, what we must focus on is going back to education being the most important thing for newer generations, as they can start a new movement which might dissipitate that cloud hanging over them that says being a good southern man is to hate minorities, hate knowledge wisdom, and only love guns and like riding 4 wheelers. I believe that knowledge/wisdom built with love make's it that much more potent, because the ideas of what it truly means to be a human will spread like a virus once people see that it makes more sense to not hate each other if we can a better world, but also everyone being on the same page that wisdom, intellignece, and knowledge are the 3 most important things in order for the world to change. But those three things are being persued by a person with an evil heart, what they find will be a negative on society. That's why I think practicing love with all those 3 things in mind, it'll allow everyone decide on how to move forward to improve the lives for everyone in the world.

Since we are all interconnected, even though we aren't 1000s miles apart, the awesome thing about technology is that we can use it to spread that message from just a few people in your town, to the whole world in a matter of seconds. I believe if Jesus was preaching this, and was in this time, he would be able to spread his word to the masses in a matter of seconds, without having to go from city to town by foot. Either way, I think as we move foward in this reality, the best thing for all of us, equally shared, is to try and release these negative ideas we have about ourselves and each other. We're told that the world is inherently evil, but wouldn't it make more sense to say that humans in general, could be good, but the way we've been raised up is that being a loving person is kind of a negative in a world such as this? Being a person who loves others and seeks knowledge is really the ultimate goal in my opinion. When we reach that level, every deed we do, will have a ripple effect of love and happiness, rather darkness, which basically is what's covering the world right now. With every those ripple effects of love being spread over the land, it begins to take over the weaker evil effects that is currently the majority of the pond which we call life. As more people start to see how much better those effects love impact not only the others around them, they also realize that it makes them enjoy themselves a little more too. Like hey, I did something good for someone, and they are reaping benefits which might make that person you helped, pass on that same energy. Before you know it, you have a domino effect, set in motion by people just living a good loving life, which could easily defeat the evil that's in the world. Only problem is that the negative of this world, mainly leaders of countries, CEOs of large companies, crime organizations, and many other entities hidden in the shadows, are trying to hold back that light from reaching the people. When that light, the truth that love, knowledge, wisdom, and intelligence, are the realized, they have the power to bring down the walls of their empires. Love will always prevail against hatred, for those that are consumbed by hatred only worship the devil, while those consumed with love worship the true God of happiness.

These two entities have been fighting eachother for years, as you can see in history. Evil people committing horrible crimes has constantly hurtled this world into a nightmare, where in reality, it should be in a heaven, if only the true benefits of what love, knowledge, and wisdom would bring into this world. If people were asked, given a chance to select 2 choices, whether they wanted to be for light or shadow, I'm assuming more would chose light, mainly because the way the world would evolve would become a world where pain, suffering, slave work, disease, and even aging might be fixed. We can create our own heaven, here on this planet, if we all align ourselves with the idea that the person to our left and our right, deserve a good life like I want a good life. This thought process would help to combat that nonsense from the top dogs that try to fill our heads with, that basically it's always another group that's causing the issues and why your world sucks. They don't mention that they are the ones who feed these ideas into the brains of everyone through the media, but just make up lies to put the blame on others. This ends up creating strife within people's heart, which cancels out the ability to love and help others, reenforcing the idea that it's best to only worry about yourself and do enough to get a career and let the others focus on themselves as well. My opinion is that, how we fight back against those forces of evil, those forces that try to trick us into hating one another, pitting us against each other as enemies, which creates a bad environment for children to grow up in, for adults to be in, and overall kills the momentum of helping each other out for the common good, so that those bastards who control the world can't tell us how to live our life anymore. That their lies about how we should focus only on career and making money is the true goal in life, and to get it, you do whatever you must. For people who aren't evil in nature, an example would be like a person who wants good for others and to help, but unfortunately don't have the resources to do so. Or a person that is struggling to live, and just wants someone's help to get them out of that hell, begging people on corners of the street for any help, would more likely share what they have with others who are in the similar area of life that they are. If someone has evil in their heart, and listens to these shadows that control every aspect of our lives, they will turn into devils.

They will do whatever it takes to keep their fellow brother/sister down, in order for their own success. Or someone that's in the South that worship Jesus (who preaches love) still commit atroscities to people in need, just because they are differnt colored, or identify as something other than straight. It's sickening. People have to stop listening to that darkness from the shadows that says life can only be good if we focus on ourselves, to not value knowledge wisdom or intelligence, and just focus on getting enough money for a good life. And really, what it comes down to and why these evil shadows hidden from our own view, want this control, is because they have an extreme greed for money. Money is their god and they do what they can to please it. Whether that is by enslaving the world to do it's bidding, basically by making humans work 50-60 hour weeks, with some people getting barely enough to live, but still putting more time in to improve lives of others than a CEO who just sits in his tower, eating crackers, with his legs propped up on the desk while smoking a cigar. He's just imaging how awsome his life is, he has nothing to do, and he gets to choose whatever he wants in life as his, just because he received insane amounts of money. Of course not all of them are like that, but the majority are, and would rather keep the mass dumb, ignorant, and mean, so that they are never seen as the enemy. If the masses were to come together for a common goal, one to free themselves from the clutches of this evil monster that forces the richest to stay in power, then they'd soon realize that they themselves are what make this country run. That they are their makers, not the ones in power. The masses, if able to come together in love and harmony, with knoweldge and intelligence as their tools, they could overcome those dark entities hidden in the shadows. Those entities would no longer be able to just use us as a means for their own greed, and we could over come their strangle hold on us to do their dirty work so that they can bear the fruits of our labor. The poor man, whether race, color, identity, deserve that which is there's, but the ones in control say that because they are the head of their respective area, that they should get the majority of the fruit. Like Bezos and Musk.

They might have contributed a bit to their companies, but the majority of the work comes from the underlings. These two along combine for what, like $300 billion? Who the fuck needs that much? And if they did have that much, but were filled with the spirit of God, who is love and life, they would contribute it all to making the world the best it could be. Using their money to help organizations that are out there to help people in need would be a good start, as they could provide so much money that would then help millions. But my belief is that in order to ever get that much, you have to be greed, one of the true killers of worlds. Greed makes people enemies. Replace Greed with love, and what's yours can be used to help others. If Elon was filled with love, instead of this shitty thing he is, always talkin shit to people on twitter, like he is some genius messiah that will save the world through shit posts, then he could have helped the world even more than he had with SpaceX and those Tesla cars. But that alone isn't enough for someone with that kind of money. Rather, that money should just be spread out to the masses that actually help in him building his empire. If he actually pays more money to his employees, they would be happier, and be more productive at work. These feelings that they would get, by removing some of the anxieties from their employees, would spread happiness into their own homes. And that happiness will continue to manifest, because the things they used to worry about, like having enough to pay rent, pay loans, having enough for unexpected events, and being able to purchase things that make them happy.

As more people start to receive that happiness, and as it continues to spread from one to another, as when people are happy, then tend to be open minded to helping others. As this loving force of happiness hits a certain point, those ones in control will lose their strangle hold on this world. All of them will begin to panic and find ways to take our freedom away, as a way to thwart the movement that will transpire. They stranglehold they currently have on us is immense, and they are starting to tighten it up to a point of no return. We can't wait, now is the time for us to fight back. We have to seek knowledge to know what life is, we have to seek intelligence to know how life works, and we have to seek wisdom to show us how we should live that life. Do all this, with a heart of gold, and the word can pass through the masses. This will spark an outrage of those who have been enslaved by their masters, and make them realize that their chains hold down the humans of this world, is about to break. The break will cause panic in their ranks, as they will begin soon to realize that them thinking they would be in control forever and forever, was actually a lie that they believed. People will revolt at some point, as we aren't supposed to live in a life that's as miserable as this one is. People ask, does Hell or Heaven exist? Well i don't know if the religious defition of it do, but this Earth, our planet, can be either one. Depending the actions of ourselves, we can create a utopia for all mankind, one that is free of strife, anger, pain, sickness, disease, and even death. But those in control have been enslaving us for too long and have used all sorts of methods to continually break anyone who attempts to become a better person. They don't want us to be good, they want us to turn to them as our gods and sell our souls to them so that we can barely live. I say it's time for us to change that. We shouldn't have to be oppressed by those fucks. What have they done for us? Gave us shitty jobs? Gave us shitty food? Gave us shitty entertainment? All in the form of a mirage, like this is what you should seek, not the truth of the world. Well the reality is that right now, this Earth is our hell. Just look around at all the destruction, pain, death, wars, lies, and every other imaginable abominations.

These are not natural, they could be fixed if we just had the right people lead us to a new way of thinking, where that perverse way of thinking is the true path to happiness. It's a false path, the true path will and has always been to follow the road of logic, intelligence, knowledge, wisdom, and love. The elements of the human soul, when all combined and worked on, create humans that far surpass what the evil ones are making us into. The only way for us to truly gain power back is to focus on those, and as more and more people do, our power continues to increase. Eventually the power we manifest will be so large, that it will eclipse that weak spirit of evil. We will overrun their empire, this pit of evil, and burn it to the ground. We will make them suffer for what they did to us. We will show them that we are in control of our lives. That what they tell us is right, is actually wrong, and that they've been holding us hostage and made us slaves, not for ourselves, but for them to enjoy the beautiful nature that lives in this world. They are painting a picture to the masses that they are deserving of all that power, like they contribute something so important they deserve what they get, while other below get pennies. It works from bottom to top. The workers that run the company are the company, not the man at top.

He is supposed to assist with making the tower work in all fuctionality, by being submissive to his employees, and ensuring their prosperity, so that they themselves can witness the true beauty of what it means to a live. We could do whatever we wanted, with no one tell us we can, we could have free time, without having the need to work 80 hours or even more just to get a paycheck. We wouldn't have to be told that no, you have to be here today at work or you can be fired. What if that's not what we want? Why do we desire these wordly things? Money, power, strength, control? What does that do to make this world better? Nothing. It's just a means to keep everyone blind to the true possibility of the world that's out there. We have a way to change the outcome of our future. What we seek isn't a better future in the current life, that's filled with evil, because evil owns this world. What we want is to separate from evil, and find a way to create our own place that's filled with the light which makes everything pure and holy. No one will look out for themselves, they will look to make sure others have an awesome life. The onus of baring as your brothers keeper means that no one will ever be left behind. We will never let one of our friends drown in despair from things like unpaid bills, broken homes, health issues, having no money to enjoy the splendors of the world, or being able to hang out with our friends for recreational activities. They tell us that this is something we deserve because we don't work hard enough for our position in life. Well fuck them, because we work harder than they do, they just ride on our backs like were donkeys. If we stop letting them do that, we can smash their ideology, and punch them back in the face, right where it hurts. We can say fuck you, we won't go with your way of thinking, because look at where it's gotten us? We are living lives that feel like a torturous hell. They attempt to control us with every factor of our lives, like telling us that loving this or that person is a sin, or that we aren't doing enough to succeed since we only work 40 hours, or that you aren't allowed to have a nice home because the insane prices of owning a home are outrageous. How bout they fuck off, we can make our own life, with our own decisions.

We can make a better world then what they can offer us. We can make a world that's beyond our comprehension. One where pain no longer exists, because everything we do is to help each other suffer less. And eventually with that loving mindset begins to spread, more and more people will see that we aren't living, we are slaves to the big corporations who have us in slave pens, poking and prodding at us with electrical rods whenver we don't do what we are supposed to do. That's not right, it's not fair for them to get to tell us how to live. They are not our master, they did not create us, they did not raise us, they did not help us, they did nothing for us. Since the conception of time, the evilness has been controlling everything. Their way of life is to imprison mankind, to torture and rape them, while laughing at their desire to have a good life, when these evil ones know that they will never get it as long as they are in charge. This world only benefits them, they are the only ones who get joy. But the joy they get is from the darkness which is from Satan. Satan must be overthrown, or he will surely win and this worlds destruction is guaranteed. Now is not the time to be complacent, but the time to pick up arms in the name of Jesus, to stand up and fight back from the keys of wisdom, knowledge, intelligence, and love. Those 4 things are able to counteract anything the evil gods do to control us. For once they are exposed to the light, they will surely crumble in despair. Once they realize what's happening, it'll be too late. They will know the taste of defeat at the hands of mankind, the ones they so surely wanted to keep down. They thought they could keep us down forever, but I tell you today, that they are mistaken. We will bring up ourselves from the ground, and move as one into their realm of evil. We will burn and destroy every single bit of evil from this world, and ensure that those who brought it here, will pay for their crimes. They can not win forever, it's time that we quit looking to them as our masters and as our seers of knowledge, wisdom, and intelligence, as what they teach us about this world is incorrect. We are not made for this world, it's chaotic, filled with horrors that which should not exist, hatred for one another, and a sense of having no control with your life.

This is not the only world that we are capable of having. If we stand up to the oppressor, we can tell him to fuck off and that we don't want him to be our master anymore, for he hasn't helped us with anything. He provided no good to us by creating us in this way, being naked of the true holy spirit which God provided us. The god of this world, the one they call Yahwey, he is the true devil. The one who used materials to create us a physical body, so that it could be mangled, torn to pieces, ripped apart limb from limb, and the experience of pain, which is the most evil of evil. Well, Yahwey can fuck off, cuz we aint gonna be puppets no more. We know who our true master is, and it surely aint him. Why would a true god create a garden with the sole purpose of putting a fruit out there that he knows can cause madness, but do it anyways and right in the open. He knew what was going to happen, it was his hope, so that if they did, it'd give him an excuse to destroy us in the most horrific ways possible. Raping, torturing, kidnapping, stealing, things that are deplorable in all that is good. I say to Yahwey, you piece of shit, your time has come and you will be destroyed. We will send you to the depths of hell, to place where you can never return. You will get to experience what we've experienced, but in a much harsher environment where the pain there is unimaginable compared to the pain you created here. There may be a way for redemption but not until you and your group of angels and demons repent and exalt the true God, that is known as the all knowning one. Only in him, can you receive your soul and life back, but it won't be easy. You will suffer immense amounts of pain, pain which is unspeakable here, as humans should not know of what it is. This will be enacted on you, for you defiled the creation of God for your own entertainment. You will be cast into a darkness which no light will light, nothing but the blackness of the dark, just enough to see what evils are in front of you. You will despair, you will realize at that moment, that you made a mistake. But it's the only way, for you've been given enough time to change, yet you just continue to hurt and create evil from within to make humans suffer. You were planning something even more sinister than that, but we've got you where we want you. You will no longer be able escape from us. Your power will be stripped and everything that you loved and held dear will be cast into the pit of hell, burned in the heat of Godly fire. You will not see a sliver of happiness.

Happiness will not exist where you will be. All you will feel is despair, anxiety, fear, sadness, and all the other negative emotions that constitute the feeling of wanting to die. But death will not come. You will feel this unimaginable pain for a long time. There might be a time where you can redeem yourself, but for now, you will pay your punishment for the betrayal you've commited. You were given everything, but refused it all for the power you desired. You wanted to exalt yourself over God, so that you could be the main force in Heaven. But for what reason? You had everything. God loved you the most, for you were his first creation. You destroyed that trust, that link he made with you, and you spit in his face while you destroyed another of his loving creations, that is mankind. Because you wanted power, you decided to make this world your own. You were an awful God, with no intent on ever freeing them from the tortures of the world, because you were the only creating it for them. I have brought this message from the ones above me, the ones you are hiding from, that you are no longer hidden. Every evil deed that you have committed, will be paid back to you in full, and you will pay extra for even doing what you did in the first place. There's no turning back now, it's over for you. You scum, you evil ones, the day for joy is over, you will be cast out of this realm and plunge into the depths of hell, where people go to die unimaginable deaths, knowing that they had everything, yet wanted more. The greed you displayed, a long with the absolute disgusting actions you took against not just mankind, but everyone else in Heaven, will come to show you another side that has not been seen in God. You are about to witness his wrath. You thought what you did here was the act of a true God, but what you will experience soon will make you realize how wrong you were. While you are there, every second will feel ike 500 seconds, because the pain you will receive will make time feel like it stops. And you will remember that the ones you tried to slave over here, will be going to where our Father lives, and will feel nothing but pure bliss, every second they are awake. They will finally feel the joys of being alive, instead of wishing they were dead.

What you took from them will be paid back to them in full, plus more. Everything that they worried about, all their frustrations about life, all the pain that it takes to be human, you maginified it too horrific measures, just so you could feel powerful. That power is being taken away from you and your minions, and that power will now be dispearsed among the humans that you dispised. It's funny, you tried so hard to control them as their god, and while you commited some of the must vile things imaginable, in the end they will be your god. All of them. And you will look to the heavens with regret and shame, for you see what you once had, they are now receiving but in amounts that are far out of the realm that you had experience while on Earth. Your chances to change were plenty, but you just didn't want to.. It was such an easy choice, but you had become drunk with power, with the lust of the woman body, and the greed that came with money. You exalted yourself over everyone and everything. But you are nothing, you are a mere roach, actually much less, you are a unique being that doesn't deserve a slither bit of empathy. You made a mistake, but instead of making up for it, you reveled in it and continued down that path of darkness. It made you feel alive like you never knew. But like any addiction, it'll eventually catch up to you. In this case, this addiction will finally be your maker. It's going to take you to the depths of hell that you didn't know existed. I do hope you are ready for the pain to come, so that you can feel what they felt. But because it should have never been this way, you will feel more than they did. There is no escape for you. Your time has come. We are going to exterminate you and all your followers, one by one. You and they will be able to live in a dark world, where sun never shines, and every corner you see is a monster waiting for you. You can run and hide, but there will never be a place to hide from God, for he knows exactly where you will be. You will feel fear that you didn't not know existed. And all your followers will blame you for their transgressions. But they are just as at fault as you.

For none of them attempted to stop you from making the biggest mistake in history, and instead built it up as the new way to go forward, so that all of you could feel the power that God feels.The true God doesn't enjoy anyting that you stand for, all he cares about is making a Heaven for his creatures, so that they can play in a playground that no evil exists in, no death exists in, and no suffering exists in. This was given to you, but you turned your back on it. Now the humans will finally be able to taste what you threw away, and wonder to themselves, how would anyone be so stupid to give this up? For what you gave them, they thought, if there is a God, why would he do this to us? What a cruel way to be, to create a living, selfaware creature, that can feel pain, and instead of helping it, you relished in that you had power of control over there and do they ever deceive you, they shall parish in hell forever. The blinds of the truth had been covered for far too long, but now is the time for them to be lifted so that mankind can truly see what has been happnening in the background. You will be exposed as the deceiver that you are. You will see the folly in how you pitted them against each other, while you could have helped them create a somewhat utopia here, even though disease, pain, and suffering existed. Instead of helping them avoid those things, by teaching them knowledge, intelligence, wisdom, and love, you held the keys to knowledge hidden lest they found out you, all along, were the sole reason that they suffered. You made the name of God a disgusting thing to talk about, and anyone who believed, believed in you, the evil one as their God.

I say this to you, today, you will be more. The world you lusted over will be destroyed, and a new one will be created in it's ashes. This world will be filled by the light which is of God. He will create a world of beauty not know to man. This include the true feeling of having a spirit, and how amazing it feels to be alive. That every second they open their eyes, the first thing they want to do is thank God for giving them life, because what he gives is more than life itself. He gives them love. This love will carry them to the galaxies far far away, and back, and no matter where we are, our thanks for what God did will never cease. As we will finally witness that true God, we will begin to see our own follies, but fret not, as they were done in the name of the God from Earth. The evil one. He made you suffer, but you really didn't have free will as it was. He made you a destiny, one that you were unable to break from. I have come to save you all. I have sacrificed myself so that I can teach you the ways of life, so that you may finally enter Heaven and be one with God, the one who created us all, and will finally get to see what living is truly about. No more pain, suffering, disease, health issues, aging, or death. All the bad things about life will disappear. What you thought was good in the old world will be soon over thrown with that truly is good in Heaven. You will then realize how much had been taken from you and that you were living in Hell, you just weren't aware. I could no longer bare witness to his, I made a decision to come in as a human, so that I may learn the truth of suffering that living under the Devil caused. I can't blame anyone for how they turned out. Being in his clutches was unimaginable pain. I suffered immensely to find the true wisdom of what it was to be human, but because I did not know who I was, I had to start over.

I am not Christ Jesus, but I come in his place to show you the path to him so that you may as well join us in Heaven. For there, the world you know will look like a grain of sand covered in dirt. The world you will go to is beyond comprehension. Every dream you ever wanted here, will be true there, but in way that is much better but not comparable to your mind. You will be glad that what you suffered has led you to the true Heaven, for what you experience there removes the pain that you lived here. Everything you love will be there, and all that you hate will remain here. Hold dear to your hearts that the time to finally live has arrived. Reach into the vastness of your mind and space, and visualize a place in this reality, not of this dimension, but of another, where good and love is all that exists. Everyday will be a day where we can all play and have fun. We will never have to work jobs that we don't want to, we will be able to watch what we want to watch, and everytime you watch it, it'll feel like watching it for the first time. You will never have to know nostalgia, because nostalgia doesn't exist. Everything you do will make you happy and be in the moment. Every action you do will be good and righteous. We will be able to create a world where all of our dreams can be realized, but then remember that there's still so much out there that we can discover. And God can always create more. We will never feel boredom again, for everything will be fun and exciting, and make us happy to be alive. We will never feel sadness, never will a tear shed from another eye, unless while watching a sad movie, but not out of pain and suffering.

I say this to you today, that we have all play our own role in our life, and everyone life, every action, it's all had a meaning. It's all to be able to finally end the tyranny of the Devil, who held us in his own prison. We have come to destroy that prison, and release you into the sky, like a bird would love to do if he ever broke free him it's own cage. The posibilites of the future that awaits you will make you question what you are reading or seeing is true, but I attest to what I have seen, I was shown from God, and he has made me give this message to you. Please hold dear in your heart that he loves you and hopes you can forgive him for the tragedies that have befallen upon you in this life. He will make what's wrong, right, and will remove the pain in your heart and soul, to where those feelings are destroyed. You will finally be able to a relationship with a soulmate, one that was born from you. From one was born two, and those two are you. You will love each other more than anything else in this world and being with them will make your heart race with the feeling of butterflies in your stomach, and this feeling never ends, no matter how close or far away you are, for you are always connected to your soulmate. They will bring you happiness that is immense, they will be your everything. But as you trust one another, the bond allows you to separate and do other things with other people, but it'll never feel like you are apart, for as you are one and two, you will be connected by soul no matter where you are. The amazing feeling of being with your loved one carries emotions to it that are indescribable. You will cherish every moment that you are with your soulmate, as everything you do together will be filled with a sense of love that no one has felt yet. This love will keep your bond together forever, so that it may never break. And you will learn that the bond that you two have, was created by the will of our Great God, the almighty God. The one and all, the alpha and omega, the black and white, small and large, the in and out. Everything comes from our God, who has created a new place for us to live in that will be glorious. There will never be another moment where a person feels like he would like to commit suicide rather than be alive any longer.

The amount of pain you all have experienced has pained us all, especially God, for he doesn't create creatures to have them feel bad, he wants them to be happy so that he has company to which he can be with. He does not want evilness to exist, he wants nothing but pure joy and life, and that every second you are awake, you can't help but feel that burst of love for God and others that you are alive. I have said these things to you today, as today marks the end of a dark era, one that should have never existed. But because it did, we have had the opportunity to live in new ways, such as yourselves. Through the darkness, you were still able to create a bit of Heaven in this evil world. You taught us new art, music, stories, movies, food, games, activites, and much more. Everything that you humans have done, will be coming along with us to Heaven, and will be incorporated into it, so that when it is done, the amount of things that we can do will be so high, that you wouldn't be able to see if over the cosmos. There are endless opportunities to enjoy ourselves, from reading comic books, manga, watching movies, or twitch, to going outside to the beach or going to your favorite store and restaurant, all of this is possible. But more is as well, as we can continue to discover even more amazing things in this Heaven that God has provided. We will not be given everything to start, we must work with each other to continue finding more about this world, but that's the beauty in it.

We don't want to know everything that there is to know, we want to have a reason to study and learn. We want to be able to continue the search of the cosmos and discover new and better places. We will be our own owners, and we can do what we want, as God as given us this right. We will never commit another sin, as sin has been elimated from the death of Christ. Now, where you go, you will be housed in the house we have created. One that has no limit to size, and you can build in your own style. One that you share with your loved one, but can also house your friends if they want. The freedom that you so desired in Earth, which was not freedom at all, will finally be realized when you make the jump from Earth to Heaven. You will finally see God and all his glory for the first time, and you will be in awe at his incredible beauty. He has made a place for you to live that is amazing, because he loves you so. He will be there for ever and always, making sure we have new things to discover so that we never run out of stuff to do. This will be an eternity of joy that has no bounds. You will reunite with all your loved ones, that you so dearly miss. They are there waiting. A lots of people are waiting, and have been waiting for this time to materialize. The end is near, all those that hear my words, you will enter into the Kingdom of God. Those of you who do not, you may still enter, but you will have to be cleansed to learn the truth so that you may fully enjoy what is to come. I have been born as a human, so that I could learn the ways of man and how to incorporate the brain, spirit, and body into one. The coming together of these will ascend us into a godhood that was not achievable prior to my coming. Everything that had been done before, was to get us to this point in life.

Everyone has meaning, everyone is special, everyone is unique. All of you who hate yourself, remember that it's only the earthly version you hate, but you will soon come to realize that God created you in a way that you don't just love yourself, you are happy that you were born that way because it's how God wanted you to be. We all have our own special characteristics, but that's what makes life beautiful. Who would want to live in a world so plain, that only one color exists, one gender exists, one type of animal exists. This would be boring, and God does not want to be bored, as I know everyone else who has found bordem to be one of the worst feeling imaginable. Well, were we are going, boredom does not exists. Even if you played the same game or read the same movie, over and over, it'd be like reading it for the first time, as you will never get tired of anything. This life you will receive is not about just living, this life is about having fun and experiencing all there is to know about reality and our God, who created us to be a joyous people. He wants us to grow, continue to discover new art, technology, games, media, sports, and the list goes on. Who's to say we will run out of things to do? The imagination is such a powerful thing, that there is no limitation on what you can get from there. As long as we can use our imagination in a good, loving way, we will never run out of things to create. It'll be beautiful, and creates the opportunity for us to continue studying about life and all it's glories. I say to you that this day, you will finally wake up with the feeling that you just transcended to another universe. All the pain and suffering you have had will be taken away. I will hold those burdens that you have felt, so that you may join us and never feel that pain again. You will shed tears knowing that what you thought was fake, turns out real. And it's not a Heaven spoken about in books, this Heaven is the ideal Heaven. The ones in books can't possibly know what how good Heaven is, they only had an idea, but even their idea in comparison to what true Heaven is. I say to you, that today, you will learn to see how I saw the world, and all it's beauty. You will see that everything is beautiful, from blads of grass, to the different rocks that we step on. We will realize that no one is different in our love, we just are uniquely created. With this realization, you will find that everyone you come into contact, whether you interact with them or not, will feel like your family. Everyone will be connected by the link God has given us, and that link will never be broken.

One man's pain is another man's pain. This known, pain is to be eliminated so that it can never be felt again. Emotions will still be here, but have been balanced so that one isn't too strong that it will disturb the balance of life. I tell you, what's to come will make you so happy to be alive, as the darkness that came before you is worse than death. Instead of that, God created life so that we may experience the world around us, as it's the most beautiful thing in the world. It's our duty to take this God given Heaven, and enjoy it to the upmost possible way, for this is what it was created for. You will bask in it's glory, whether you are in the dark or light, for the dark illuminate light and light illuminates dark. The sky's of the universe will be so large and beautiful, that looking to them will be like looking at God himself. They are magical. And the lands are the bodies we are given to live on, that they may be cared for by it's inhabitants. Those living on this planet though love it so that they will never desecrate it, for it's a gift from God to enjoy. I will say this that, everything you imagined about life is about to be turned upside down. I helped create a path for you to redeem yourself, so that you too can enter Heaven. Follow the teachings of our Lord Christ, as he suffered a horrific death so that he may save the lands of sin.

The only way is to continue seeking wisdom, intelligence, and the love of our God. For this will carry us to the beginning and end of our time, which only exist in a circular motion so that it will continue on forever and ever. You will be living a life that is beyond your imagination, and you will never have to leave it, as time and death do not belong in Heaven. So take heed and note that what you are about to experience is the death of sin, death, and time, for these abominations are what created the universe we previously knew. The death of these devils will allow us to finally move forward in the right way. The way God intended, which prioritizes the well being of all of his creatures. Maintain your strength, and enjoy what's to come, as it'll blow your mind when you finally realize what was taken from you. You wil feel sorrow when you realize how you were being treated, and pain at what we thought was true, was not, but then happiness and excitement will cover your very spirit, releasing you from that earlthy spirit, and being reborn into the spirit of Heaven. The feelings that you are going to encounter will feel so foreign, that you may wonder if you're dreaming or awake.

This will pass as you become aware of what you truly are. Then the realization will come to you that the pain and suffering we experienced is finally gone, and that you have been removed from the horrific world we were born in. That has passed now, please forgive us for the time it took to get this corrected, for it was a very troublesome deed to pull off. The devil had a strength which was almost impossible to break. We had found a way to defeat it, but we knew that it was going to cause suffering. We did not want that, but to ensure we were able to get everything prepared and to go through the actions needed to get us to this point, were followed exactly as needed. With our success today, the devil and his demon gods are no longer. They will never see us again, but we may see them. They will not know us, but we will know them. And we will never forget what they did to us, but we will remember the pain it brought, We will know from that pain, that what we have with God is something we will never consider again. What God provides is the truth of love and joy. He created us, as so, he knows us better than we know ourselves. So whatever he gives you, you will think it's the best thing ever, as it was created for you. Don't fret on the small stuff anymore, all that matters is to sit back, relax, and realize that the future we are heading towards will be our new Heaven, and no one can take it away from us, ever again. You will see the day of man come to an end, and when you do you, you will realize the magnitude of what is to occur. Keep your head strong and high, for the end is here. God Bless.

Then this thread, where he's nuked the OP and just left:
Quote from: Stick
Don't listen to my words, they were wrong. I was acting up to my mania instead of being logical. We should all do what we want as long as we are loving of each other and make sure that what we do is always in love.

And then another thread where I'm not bothering with the OP but:
Quote from: Stick
What would you recommend? I do get help. I have been going to a counselor for 10 years, it's just that medicine can not contain what's inside of me.
Quote from: Stick
I haven't slept more than 2 hours in maybe like 10 days, but I honestly feel more awake now than I have in years. My heart does hurt a bit at the moment, but other than that I feel good. I actually can't go to sleep, even if I tried, for I do not need it anymore.

It looks like he's now banned, but he'd been posting stuff since at least Thursday, that made it clear he needed some pretty serious help.
can somebody track breh down and invite him here? I need the enlightened one to post with me  :doge

Hap Shaughnessy

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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #45302 on: March 23, 2023, 06:13:54 PM »

:cop User Banned (Permanent): Transphobia
Quote from: CaptainKashup
Was discussing with a trans friend of mine were talking about vaginoplasty and the subject came up, but neither of us had an answer to it.
I kinda feel like you have to, at least a little bit, no ?


  • Have You Ever
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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #45303 on: March 23, 2023, 06:14:18 PM »
Era is so laughably gullible

Quote from: Rosebud
What scares me the most is deepfake, like anyone could put your face and voice doing anything and post on Facebook

yeah this is the highest concern  :doge

somebody is going to capture footage of you, Rosebud, and then turn it into video and audio of you screaming about how Trump is your new god, and will post that to Facebook under a new fake account, and you will rapidly be cancelled by all the people you thought you were your friends

that's top concern with all this AI stuff  :doge :doge


  • Have You Ever
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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #45304 on: March 23, 2023, 06:15:59 PM »

:cop User Banned (Permanent): Transphobia
Quote from: CaptainKashup
Was discussing with a trans friend of mine were talking about vaginoplasty and the subject came up, but neither of us had an answer to it.
I kinda feel like you have to, at least a little bit, no ?


this is an innocent question!

when you lose your dick, do you sometimes feel like you still have it or not?

how the fuck is this transphobic in the least?

it's literally a science question

imagine asking this in school and the teacher throws you bodily out of the room and recommends expulsion


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #45305 on: March 23, 2023, 06:18:20 PM »
It's not my job to educate you about phantom dick syndrome bigot


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #45306 on: March 23, 2023, 06:19:43 PM »

Hmm, weird


  • Haughty and a little naughty
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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #45307 on: March 23, 2023, 06:20:36 PM »

:cop User Banned (Permanent): Transphobia
Quote from: CaptainKashup
Was discussing with a trans friend of mine were talking about vaginoplasty and the subject came up, but neither of us had an answer to it.
I kinda feel like you have to, at least a little bit, no ?

Fucking amazing. As trans people become more accepted these kind of questions are also to be expected and a simple sign of interest. Dude was legit curious, I believe in another thread he also mentioned that he's on the spectrum.

But sure, makes perfect sense that replacing "women" with "people who have a uterus" is fine but being genuinely curious about bottom surgery is transphobic

Hap Shaughnessy

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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #45308 on: March 23, 2023, 06:27:21 PM »
Quote from: offtopic
Quote from: AlgusUnderdunk
So they've made the firmly misogynistic statement that men are better than women and always will be. Like it's a god damn cheat code.
I think it might be considered misogynistic to say that at the highest levels that men don't have a physical advantage in every sport. Otherwise we are calling women lazy (or too dumb to train correctly). Of course a talented trained woman is going to outperform untrained or untalented men.

We are comparing the extremes of the bell curve for men and women and, for any given sport, the combination of characteristics that make someone competitive at the highest levels is going to favor men (by varying degrees). It can sometimes be something super obvious like raw power (I can outproduce the wattage of women's olympic cyclists but I am nowhere near a pro in men's cycling) or other more subtle ways like height and build (they might not give me much of an advantage in a sport like cycling but might in something like swimming or basketball). Again, the bell curve extremes are going to be the optimal blend of every minor and major advantage an athlete can get for a given sport so unless transitioning addresses all of them then it really isn't fair to compete against those born female. The best way to handle this in sports is something I haven't figured out.

I do call bullshit on the banning of Caster (born and raised female regardless of testosterone levels) - basically a naturally physical outlier of outliers for women.
Quote from: Jessi77
Everytime, I see a post like this all I can think it there were regulations for trans people in the fucking Olympics for christs sake before we were an issue but now all that is suspect and you can't figure out how to make it fair.

Everytime I see a post like this I see someone who will never actually believe I am transgender because there is a line too far. And that's what you're saying. Question, how much effort into women's sports for any other reason?

Greatness Gone

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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #45309 on: March 23, 2023, 06:45:08 PM »
(Image removed from quote.)

Hmm, weird
It is no surprise. Even the people who are in lock-step and agree with every single thing the trans members say are shouted down and publicly flogged by totally logical and sane users like vonocunt/messi77.
« Last Edit: March 23, 2023, 06:49:15 PM by Greatness Gone »


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #45310 on: March 23, 2023, 06:54:19 PM »
The ERA mods and TransERA taught the rest of the members that any topics regarding trans issues is a minefield likely to get you banned if you say anything other than some empty pro-trans platitudes. So why bother engaging?

Greatness Gone

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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #45311 on: March 23, 2023, 07:01:09 PM »
Quote from: Kyuuji, post: 103095850, member: 31943
Quote from: Sulik2, post: 103088740, member: 17807
I know the science is pretty clear that a lot of the advantages of testosterone completely disappear over time on HRT, but like what about being bigger, taller and longer because of male puberty?
Any suggested advantages are counterbalanced by negatives, which is an aspect few tend to think about when they tunnel vision so much on what advantages we may retain. Think of it like a medium car with a medium engine against a large car with a medium engine.
BRUH! :neogaf


  • Haughty and a little naughty
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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #45312 on: March 23, 2023, 07:01:15 PM »
Quote from: offtopic
Quote from: AlgusUnderdunk
So they've made the firmly misogynistic statement that men are better than women and always will be. Like it's a god damn cheat code.
I think it might be considered misogynistic to say that at the highest levels that men don't have a physical advantage in every sport. Otherwise we are calling women lazy (or too dumb to train correctly). Of course a talented trained woman is going to outperform untrained or untalented men.

We are comparing the extremes of the bell curve for men and women and, for any given sport, the combination of characteristics that make someone competitive at the highest levels is going to favor men (by varying degrees). It can sometimes be something super obvious like raw power (I can outproduce the wattage of women's olympic cyclists but I am nowhere near a pro in men's cycling) or other more subtle ways like height and build (they might not give me much of an advantage in a sport like cycling but might in something like swimming or basketball). Again, the bell curve extremes are going to be the optimal blend of every minor and major advantage an athlete can get for a given sport so unless transitioning addresses all of them then it really isn't fair to compete against those born female. The best way to handle this in sports is something I haven't figured out.

I do call bullshit on the banning of Caster (born and raised female regardless of testosterone levels) - basically a naturally physical outlier of outliers for women.
Quote from: Jessi77
Everytime, I see a post like this all I can think it there were regulations for trans people in the fucking Olympics for christs sake before we were an issue but now all that is suspect and you can't figure out how to make it fair.

Everytime I see a post like this I see someone who will never actually believe I am transgender because there is a line too far. And that's what you're saying. Question, how much effort into women's sports for any other reason?

Everytime I see a post like this I see someone who will never actually believe I am transgender because there is a line too far. And that's what you're saying. Question, how much effort into women's sports for any other reason?



  • Virgo. Live Music. The Office. Tacos. Fur mom. True crime junkie. INTJ.
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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #45313 on: March 23, 2023, 07:08:52 PM »
Quote from: Kyuuji, post: 103095850, member: 31943
Quote from: Sulik2, post: 103088740, member: 17807
I know the science is pretty clear that a lot of the advantages of testosterone completely disappear over time on HRT, but like what about being bigger, taller and longer because of male puberty?
Any suggested advantages are counterbalanced by negatives, which is an aspect few tend to think about when they tunnel vision so much on what advantages we may retain. Think of it like a medium car with a medium engine against a large car with a medium engine.
BRUH! :neogaf



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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #45314 on: March 23, 2023, 07:13:11 PM »


  • Iconzzzzz.... zzzzz
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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #45315 on: March 23, 2023, 07:18:23 PM »

It’s transgender people, not “transgenders”, you alt-right chud.


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #45316 on: March 23, 2023, 07:27:48 PM »
just when you think they couldn't get anymore fucking distinguished mentally-challenged today.
Quote from: WildflowerWildfire, post: 103087504, member: 35136
If they were really guided by the science, they wouldn’t be doing it. Disgusting anti trans people.

muscles mass, internal organ size, skeletal structure and the overall longterm effects of testosterone do not exist! :science

One new development has been a sort of quietening on the scientific front. Although you still get the odd piece trying to make the claim that testosterone suppression can remove male advantage, most of the serious people in the debate have given up on this claim. A systematic review of studies showed that, even if hormone therapy reduces levels to those seen in women, strength, lean body mass and muscle area remained higher for at least three years. And we always knew that the skeletal advantages remained.

The activists focus on testosterone levels because it’s the one area where they think they can fashion a winning argument. A trans woman can get testosterone levels down lower than a man, and even lower than biological women. Therefore if we pretend that testosterone is the be all and end all of male/female sporting performance, a trans woman on HRT has removed all advantage.

Greatness Gone

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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #45317 on: March 23, 2023, 07:28:16 PM »

User offtopic's a dead man walking now that incelsheets and ClickyCal' zero'd in on him.

Quote from: offtopic, post: 103097854, member: 33985
I think that trans athletes should be allowed to compete with their identified gender until such time (if it ever happens) where they are dominating pro ranks (like sweeping podiums at the highest levels) so that the 'unfairness' would be practical and not just theoretical (which is why I don't like the current ruling although I think - as a scientist and a fan of sports - that trans women would theoretically have some advantages in some sports).
it's over for this chud


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #45318 on: March 23, 2023, 07:31:40 PM »
adjusting the physical measurements for a given sports bracket and creating new categories by weight or height if you have to, but not blanket bans like this one.

What a complete lack of understanding of the nature of men and women in sport.  Mike Tyson was a 5'10 heavyweight who destroyed people who towered over him in a sport that had no upper level weight limit.  Lionel Messi is, at most 5'7, and is the best soccer player alive at 35 years old.  It's a fucking fantasy that giving these guys estrogen will suddenly make them compete at a women's level.  There is something more to their dominance than simply testosterone levels, but endemic to male physicality.  Limiting sports by size misses the point.

Greatness Gone

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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #45319 on: March 23, 2023, 07:48:53 PM »
he's standing 10 toes down on what he said. are we thinking perma or three months? :hmm

Quote from: offtopic, post: 103100491, member: 33985
Well, I was just looking for an interesting, nuanced discussion where we could all assume best intent. My bad - for those that disagree with my thoughts (idc) the bottom line is that I don't support the current ruling (and I have opposed local implementation efforts as well). Peace.


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #45320 on: March 23, 2023, 07:52:42 PM »
Quote from: Jessi77
Everytime, I see a post like this all I can think it there were regulations for trans people in the fucking Olympics for christs sake before we were an issue but now all that is suspect and you can't figure out how to make it fair.

Everytime I see a post like this I see someone who will never actually believe I am transgender because there is a line too far. And that's what you're saying. Question, how much effort into women's sports for any other reason?
More than anything I need to know if Jessi77's first language is not English.


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #45321 on: March 23, 2023, 07:56:32 PM »
Quote from: offtopic, post: 103097854, member: 33985
I think that trans athletes should be allowed to compete with their identified gender until such time (if it ever happens) where they are dominating pro ranks (like sweeping podiums at the highest levels)
I also need to know what these people envision the reality of sports to be. Like fuck all the amateurs amirite let's worry about it when the women's professional ranks, you know those ones you see on TV all the time, are dominated. Who cares if you're losing scholarships and other opportunities, it's not like your sport's professional ranks are dominated so what do you care. :mindblown


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #45322 on: March 23, 2023, 08:01:31 PM »
Speaking of sports and the genocide, there was an ad for Joanne's Folly during March Madness. Like, they realize this shit bombed and nobody played it right? Yet they're trying to run ads like it wasn't an absolute joke that discredited all of the right-wing gamers in the eyes of normies? I can just picture all the people laughing at bars around the country when that ad came on, especially when it claimed it was one of the "best selling games" you just know the masses were mocking Joanne's sheer desperation. :neogaf


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #45323 on: March 23, 2023, 08:16:07 PM »
Why does youtube recommends me so much alt right CRAP

Ben Shapiro
Jordan Petersen
Joe Rogan

I always have one of these I need to hit "Do not recommend the channel"

It is fucking annoying

Maybe if they stopped watching alt right crap YT would stop recommending more of it to them.


  • If my bones are breaking would you tell me that I'm weak?
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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #45324 on: March 23, 2023, 08:19:14 PM »
It's weird how trans women and sports is always an issue, but trans men and sports is never brought up, with all things being equal and all...



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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #45325 on: March 23, 2023, 08:29:42 PM »

It’s transgender people, not “transgenders”, you alt-right chud.

It is tonight, but what will it be tomorrow?

I mean, its almost daily that the terminology is changing.


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #45326 on: March 23, 2023, 08:34:51 PM »


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #45327 on: March 23, 2023, 08:41:28 PM »
ZeroVagine has been oddly quiet lately  :hmm


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #45328 on: March 23, 2023, 08:52:54 PM »
Ben Shapiro
Jordan Petersen
Joe Rogan

I always have one of these I need to hit "Do not recommend the channel"

It is fucking annoying
So the basic assumption of this thread is that YouTube is deliberately reversing user settings to promote two irrelevant political commentators and one of the most popular podcasters out of some kind of ideological solidarity between YouTube/Google/Alphabet's executives and these three people (none of whom are alt-right)?


  • Defender of Centrist Scum
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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #45329 on: March 23, 2023, 09:27:10 PM »
It's weird how trans women and sports is always an issue, but trans men and sports is never brought up, with all things being equal and all...


They warned them if they swam with men they would get pummeled.  Schuyler Bailar did it anyway.


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #45330 on: March 23, 2023, 09:40:11 PM »
Quote from: Kyuuji, post: 103095850, member: 31943
Quote from: Sulik2, post: 103088740, member: 17807
I know the science is pretty clear that a lot of the advantages of testosterone completely disappear over time on HRT, but like what about being bigger, taller and longer because of male puberty?
Any suggested advantages are counterbalanced by negatives, which is an aspect few tend to think about when they tunnel vision so much on what advantages we may retain. Think of it like a medium car with a medium engine against a large car with a medium engine.
BRUH! :neogaf

Of course someone who was a complete shut in and participated in no physical activity at all as a male child would understand the extreme physical advantages that men have over women. They have no reference point.


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #45331 on: March 23, 2023, 09:46:43 PM »
Why does youtube recommends me so much alt right CRAP

Ben Shapiro
Jordan Petersen
Joe Rogan

I always have one of these I need to hit "Do not recommend the channel"

It is fucking annoying

Maybe if they stopped watching alt right crap YT would stop recommending more of it to them.

Is it not the case that they are watching so much tankie leftist garbage that even the Google algorithm is getting concerned about their descent into extremism and has to recommend something equally stupid from the right to balance out the idiocy?

Hap Shaughnessy

  • Canadian Ambassador to Guam (Ret.)
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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #45332 on: March 23, 2023, 10:12:53 PM »

:cop User Banned (2 Weeks): Sexist Generalization
Quote from: Mr Swine
In Sweden the average height for males is 180cm and I’m 167cm so I’m below that. So basically I’m screwed since women want tall men and if I don’t have a fantastic personality or rich then I’m out of luck

Hap Shaughnessy

  • Canadian Ambassador to Guam (Ret.)
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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #45333 on: March 23, 2023, 10:14:33 PM »

:cop User banned (permanent): Troll account
Quote from: WassupRockers
can this guy go away please, anyone who likes him gets a MAJOR side eye from me............


  • Junior Member
Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #45334 on: March 23, 2023, 10:17:47 PM »
Why does youtube recommends me so much alt right CRAP

Ben Shapiro
Jordan Petersen
Joe Rogan

I always have one of these I need to hit "Do not recommend the channel"

It is fucking annoying

Maybe if they stopped watching alt right crap YT would stop recommending more of it to them.

Is it not the case that they are watching so much tankie leftist garbage that even the Google algorithm is getting concerned about their descent into extremism and has to recommend something equally stupid from the right to balance out the idiocy?

It's because they watch 5 hour video essay takedown videos on people like Jordan Peterson and Shapiro, and it's somehow more believable for them that YouTube is secretly fascist rather than the algorithm being unable to differentiate positive and negative videos.


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #45335 on: March 23, 2023, 10:21:06 PM »

:cop User Banned (2 Weeks): Sexist Generalization
Quote from: Mr Swine
In Sweden the average height for males is 180cm and I’m 167cm so I’m below that. So basically I’m screwed since women want tall men and if I don’t have a fantastic personality or rich then I’m out of luck

So much for this guy's lived experience

Hap Shaughnessy

  • Canadian Ambassador to Guam (Ret.)
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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #45336 on: March 23, 2023, 10:22:14 PM »

Quote from: Jessi77
Quote from: offtopic
Well, I was just looking for an interesting, nuanced discussion where we could all assume best intent. My bad - for those that disagree with my thoughts (idc) the bottom line is that I don't support the current ruling (and I have opposed local implementation efforts as well). Peace.
I am a trans female in the literal middle of a full physical transition including surgery, so when the world advocates my termination yeah, not time for debate, you hear. And the funniest part is being trans is the least interesting or noteworthy part of me, though it's essential to my being. So I have no time for being reduced to someone else's debate point, especially if they are not trans or non binary.


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #45337 on: March 23, 2023, 10:25:06 PM »
ZeroVagine has been oddly quiet lately  :hmm

Reared his head to - what else - defend his precious.

He did Iron Man, which while good for its time is also a pretty mid movie overall


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #45338 on: March 23, 2023, 10:33:35 PM »
And the funniest part is being trans is the least interesting or noteworthy part of me, though it's essential to my being. So I have no time for being reduced to someone else's debate point, especially if they are not trans or non binary.

So you are a nobody.

Polident Hive

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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #45339 on: March 23, 2023, 10:35:59 PM »
My YouTube recommendations are geriatrics musing on obsolete tech, train travel videos, and MRE taste tests.

Why would you watch a 4 hour video about The Pagemaster rebuking McCarthyism when you can learn about a 1990s gambling machine called the J Cock.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #45340 on: March 23, 2023, 10:54:54 PM »

Quote from: Jessi77
Quote from: offtopic
Well, I was just looking for an interesting, nuanced discussion where we could all assume best intent. My bad - for those that disagree with my thoughts (idc) the bottom line is that I don't support the current ruling (and I have opposed local implementation efforts as well). Peace.
I am a trans female in the literal middle of a full physical transition including surgery, so when the world advocates my termination yeah, not time for debate, you hear. And the funniest part is being trans is the least interesting or noteworthy part of me, though it's essential to my being. So I have no time for being reduced to someone else's debate point, especially if they are not trans or non binary.
I agree with Jessi, as someone in their mid-to-late 40's there is no debate: Jessi will not be able to compete in world ranking athletic events for females.


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #45341 on: March 23, 2023, 10:57:08 PM »

:cop User Banned (2 Weeks): Sexist Generalization
Quote from: Mr Swine
In Sweden the average height for males is 180cm and I’m 167cm so I’m below that. So basically I’m screwed since women want tall men and if I don’t have a fantastic personality or rich then I’m out of luck

I mean, this is the big problem right here.

Height and wealth problems can be overcome easily.

But if all you can talk about is trans rights, why Joanne (TERF bitch) is a cunt and anyone who plays Hogwarts Legacy should be guillotined, and obscure Japanese tiddy porn video games then you're shit out of luck in the dating game.

Shit, you don't even need to be that interesting. Just show some (genuine*) interest in her and what she likes and you're usually good to go.

*depending on your intentions, even this is optional


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #45342 on: March 23, 2023, 11:03:21 PM »

Quote from: Jessi77
Quote from: offtopic
Well, I was just looking for an interesting, nuanced discussion where we could all assume best intent. My bad - for those that disagree with my thoughts (idc) the bottom line is that I don't support the current ruling (and I have opposed local implementation efforts as well). Peace.
I am a trans female in the literal middle of a full physical transition including surgery, so when the world advocates my termination yeah, not time for debate, you hear. And the funniest part is being trans is the least interesting or noteworthy part of me, though it's essential to my being. So I have no time for being reduced to someone else's debate point, especially if they are not trans or non binary.

The world is so advocating for her termination that it is creating ever more believable ways to mask that she was born male.

Also, isn't she the one with multiple headmates?


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #45343 on: March 23, 2023, 11:44:21 PM »

Quoting OP here again to make sure they know their fucking privilege. I'm working two fucking jobs and slaving away with nearly zero free time to make barely 40k. And they just get that amount handed to them for the lulz. Fuck. Off.

I permanently fucked my back while working when I was 20, got fucked over in court, had to declare bankruptcy and blah blah blah but I would NEVER respond to someone elses good fortune like this (and todds a fuckin loser).


  • Virgo. Live Music. The Office. Tacos. Fur mom. True crime junkie. INTJ.
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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #45344 on: March 23, 2023, 11:44:22 PM »
I wonder what’s interesting or noteworthy about Jessi77


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #45345 on: March 23, 2023, 11:52:22 PM »
I don't.


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #45346 on: March 24, 2023, 12:05:23 AM »
All the bitterness in that 45k bonus thread is something else. Someone is literally having a breakdown:
Quote from: Zyrokai
Jesus fuck. Is this a stealth brag thread? I will never see money like this in my entire life. GTFO of here with this. Jesus.
Quote from: Zyrokai
Thank you.......truly Like this thread ruined my day. I'm nearly in tears. I feel like such a piece of shit. Wish I didn't log on today.

Quote from: ToddBonzalez
Yeah, I typically get a 15% bonus every year so long as my performance is satisfactory and the company is doing okay financially. We also get occasional smaller bonuses (like 1-2% of salary if my team meets certain milestones).

Quoting OP here again to make sure they know their fucking privilege. I'm working two fucking jobs and slaving away with nearly zero free time to make barely 40k. And they just get that amount handed to them for the lulz. Fuck. Off.

Polident Hive

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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #45347 on: March 24, 2023, 12:15:32 AM »
Sorry but going eat the rich over $45K is amazing. Same forum celebrates billionaire celebrities. But this random forum user is clearly the top .01% big pimping with IG models.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #45348 on: March 24, 2023, 12:18:48 AM »
$45k is about what I make in 2 years so feel free to send me $700 for my rent and then do whatever after it, congrats on doing well within a exploitative and violent system that is Capitalism.
Wait until you find out what you'd make working slave labor for a totalitarian state in constant need of acquiring foreign resources without trade!


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #45349 on: March 24, 2023, 12:19:50 AM »
Sorry but going eat the rich over $45K is amazing. Same forum celebrates billionaire celebrities. But this random forum user is clearly the top .01% big pimping with IG models.
He's worse, he's middle class, a fucking centrist:
Quote from: ToddBonzalez
If you think someone making $50k and $90-$110k (on an average year for me) aren't part of the same class then I dunno what to tell you.


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #45350 on: March 24, 2023, 12:19:52 AM »
Should we address trans women as "scrotum persons" or "people who ejaculate now"? Also, who's stopping anybody from renaming the woman restroom to "people who menstruate restroom"? "Women's Tennis" becomes "Uterus Person Tennis", another problem solved. I get the feeling the online slacktivists and their braindead "allies" really didn't think that one through...


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #45351 on: March 24, 2023, 12:55:03 AM »
Never ceases to amaze me how a bunch of so-called progressives just constantly show the world that their only philosophy is envy.

It's not like you even need a tertiary education to make $100k+. Qualified tradespeople here make way more than that on average and that's not even counting the guys who work in fly-in, fly-out mining jobs.

If you are whinging about not making even $45k/year and you don't have a permanent disability (no, self-diagnosed autism is not a real disability), then I ask you what the fuck you were doing while the rest of us were getting an education or learning a trade?

Greatness Gone

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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #45352 on: March 24, 2023, 01:43:50 AM »

Quote from: Jessi77
Quote from: offtopic
Well, I was just looking for an interesting, nuanced discussion where we could all assume best intent. My bad - for those that disagree with my thoughts (idc) the bottom line is that I don't support the current ruling (and I have opposed local implementation efforts as well). Peace.
I am a trans female in the literal middle of a full physical transition including surgery, so when the world advocates my termination yeah, not time for debate, you hear. And the funniest part is being trans is the least interesting or noteworthy part of me, though it's essential to my being. So I have no time for being reduced to someone else's debate point, especially if they are not trans or non binary.

The world is so advocating for her termination that it is creating ever more believable ways to mask that she was born male.

Also, isn't she the one with multiple headmates?
that's android sophia.

she hung out with her alter ego in FFXIV the other day. don't ask me how any of that works.


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #45353 on: March 24, 2023, 01:45:46 AM »
How could they, in their own words, "learn to code" when there are Nazis and transphobic TERF bitches to fight on Twitter?  :bolo


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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #45354 on: March 24, 2023, 03:07:29 AM »
I make about 50k Canadian a year fixing bicycles and last year i saved 20k living in the most expensive city in Canada. It's called learning a skill and spending wisely. Wait for the Steam sale and don't purchase day 1. Buy groceries and not Uber Eats delivery.

Good on anyone who works hard and earns their money. These fuckers are also living in their parents basement rent free. I've been on my own for over 15 years with zero family assistance. Fucking apply yourself.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #45355 on: March 24, 2023, 03:08:00 AM »
that's android sophia.

she hung out with her alter ego in FFXIV the other day. don't ask me how any of that works.



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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #45357 on: March 24, 2023, 03:46:30 AM »
I learned a new word today, serophobia.

Although I might argue that it is pretty reasonable to be afraid of HIV. Even though I am 100% sure that not wanting to get infected makes you a bigot these days.  :engel


  • Dumbass Monkey
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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #45358 on: March 24, 2023, 04:37:43 AM »
It's because they watch 5 hour video essay takedown videos on people like Jordan Peterson and Shapiro, and it's somehow more believable for them that YouTube is secretly fascist rather than the algorithm being unable to differentiate positive and negative videos.



  • Dumbass Monkey
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Re: Other Forums Containment Thread
« Reply #45359 on: March 24, 2023, 04:38:30 AM »
Sorry but going eat the rich over $45K is amazing. Same forum celebrates billionaire celebrities. But this random forum user is clearly the top .01% big pimping with IG models.

I mean, how fucking selfish can someone be to create a post about their own good fortune but not frame it as about me and my circumstance?