Author Topic: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba baaaa  (Read 466790 times)

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Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba b
« Reply #3960 on: October 30, 2008, 01:55:44 PM »

Would love to get you guy's opinions on this discussion - basically the idea that this is still a center right country, and when "republicans run as republicans" they always win. Pfft

If "the most liberal senator" wins in a landslide this ain't a right of center country, and the idea that a massive landslide won't give Obama a mandate is laughable.

I guess you could call the US "center-right" if you're comparing it to the European social democracies, but that's not what they were talking about.

Scarbs is staking out his position in the upcoming How'd We Botch This So Bad? intra-GOP discussion, and it's a popular one:  Republicans weren't conservative enough, and conservatism is defined by small government.  Armey cites of Goldwater, Reagan, and Gingrich (via Contract With America as synecdoche) as real conservative roots.

Guess what guys?  None of your holy trinity were able to roll back the New Deal.  Reagan wound up raising taxes to protect Social Security.  Gingrich got his ass handed to him over the government shutdown.  And Goldwater just plain lost.

Why?  Cause AMERICANS LIKE THE WELFARE STATE.  Maybe they don't think of it that way, but try cutting Social Security or Medicare and see where it gets you.  Citizens may rail against Government Spending in the abstract, but they're in favor of education, healthcare, pension and defense spending that actually makes up the budget.

Pundits and political strategists always claim that embracing their pet issues isn't just morally right but electorally profitable.  But on the right it's a pathology.

You'd need so much cognitive dissonance to think that Scarbs is right.  The Medicare drug benefit, which is the height of Bush's apostasy to conservatives (and is a pretty shabby bill), is still popular because it pays for drugs for old people who need them.

On the other side, remember when Bush tried to privatize Social Security?  How horribly unpopular that was?  Those are the roots the GOP needs to get back to?  Good luck with that one, guys.


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Go vote!

Human Snorenado

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Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba b
« Reply #3962 on: October 30, 2008, 02:16:04 PM »
It's hilarious they seem to think Obama is gonna "overreach" thus causing republicans to take control in 2010, just like in 94.

Oh he's going to overreach. There's no doubt about that. The DEM congress ensures it. In fact, the bigger the margin he wins by, the greater the overreach will be. "Mandate", etc. Will it be enough to flip congress in 2010? No way. But, it will definately be the start of getting the Senate back in GOP hands.

Dude, what seats do you see the GOP picking up?  There are 15 Dem seats vs. 19 GOP seats.  Show me which one of these you're gonna take:

Chris Dodd (CT)- lol right.  Even if he retires you're not gonna win in New England.
Blanche Lincoln (AR)- possible but I doubt it.  Despite voting for Republicans for President Arkansas is pretty comfortable with Dem Senators.
Barbara Boxer (CA)- Don't make me laugh.  Even if AHNOLD runs, I doubt it. 
Ken Salazar (CO)- Hispanic up for re-election in an increasingly Dem & Hispanic state.  Nope.
Daniel Inouye (HI)- If Linda Lingle decides to run it could be possible.  But only if Inouye retires.
Obama's seat (IL)- Yeah right.
Evan Bayh (IN)- Bayh can stay in this seat until the end of time, and he might want to run in 2016.
Barbara Mikulski (MD)- While she's old and likely to retire, your side isn't winning in Maryland anytime soon.
Harry Reid (NV)- I doubt it.  Increasingly Democratic state, but you guys might try to headhunt here.  Good luck.
Chuck Schumer (NY)- Keep dreaming.
Byron Dorgan (ND)- Probably your best shot other than Arkansas.
Ron Wyden (OR)- Haha.  NOT.
Patrick Leahy (VT)- Even if he retires, Vermont will just send another Socialist to the Senate.
Patty Murray (WA)- Nope.
Russ Feingold (WI)- Your side would love to take him down as he's so unrepentantly liberal, but he's massively popular in Wisconsin.

So maybe two vulnerable Dem seats in AR and ND, with a shot in HI if Inouye retires.

Now let's look at just the vulnerable GOP seats in 2010:

John McCain (AZ)- Increasingly Dem state with a large Hispanic population.  McCain is old and will probably be downtrodden after his upcoming rejection on Tuesday.  Napolitano is primed to step in.
Lisa Murkowski (AK)- Emblematic of the old corrupt Alaska GOP.  Appointed by her father.  Could get primaried by Palin.  Could easily lose to Tony Knowles.
Mel Martinez (FL)- Hispanics in Florida are increasingly dem leaning.  Florida might flip columns this year.  Do I hear "Senator Wasserman-Schultz"?  Yes, yes I do.
Chuck Grassley (IA)- Increasingly dem leaning state.
Jim Bunning (KY)- Insane and barely won in 2004.  Ben Chandler could probably win.
Judd Gregg (NH)- Even moderate Republicans in the North East are becoming an endangered species.  NH is a weird state, tho.  I'd give him the edge but it could be a race.
Richard Burr (NC)- Not popular in his home state.  Could easily lose to Mike Easley, the current Governor who is leaving office this year.  Or Attorney General Roy Cooper.  Or my congressman, Mike McIntyre.
George Voinovich (OH)- Always a swing state with close elections.  In my dreams, I wake up on an early November day in 2010 to hear the words "Senator Dennis Kucinich" but that's not likely.
Arlen Specter (PA)- Massive Dem voter reg advantage in PA now.  Specter is old and cancer ridden, he might retire even tho he says he won't now.  He could win if Chris Matthews wins the primary, but I'm betting on Joe Sestak.

So that's 9 GOP seats I see as vulnerable in 2010, wouldn't be surprised if we pick off another 4-5.  Especially if Schumer is still running things.

Olivia Wilde Homo

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Chuck Grassley ain't going nowhere unless he chooses to step down


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So gents, a theoretical:

If Hillary Clinton won the primary season, does she win the general?

Oh yeah.  You'd be hearing about the Clinton economic record in the 90's ad nauseum.

Any of the big three Democratic candidates would have beaten any of the big five Republican candidates this cycle.  Different maps and different margins maybe, but the fundamentals are just too much to overcome.

On the other hand, a lot of people (myself included, I think) said that Obama's negatives would be Hillaryesque once the GOP had a whole campaign to go after him, but that hasn't been true.  It's certainly not for a lack of trying by conservatives, though.


  • Legend in his own mind
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So gents, a theoretical:

If Hillary Clinton won the primary season, does she win the general?

Oh yeah.  You'd be hearing about the Clinton economic record in the 90's ad nauseum.

Any of the big three Democratic candidates would have beaten any of the big five Republican candidates this cycle.  Different maps and different margins maybe, but the fundamentals are just too much to overcome.

On the other hand, a lot of people (myself included, I think) said that Obama's negatives would be Hillaryesque once the GOP had a whole campaign to go after him, but that hasn't been true.  It's certainly not for a lack of trying by conservatives, though.

I would disagree with "any of the big three." Edwards basically shot himself in the foot.


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Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba b
« Reply #3966 on: October 30, 2008, 03:07:22 PM »
Dude, what seats do you see the GOP picking up?  There are 15 Dem seats vs. 19 GOP seats.

Just going by history. Its going to be very difficult for the DEMs to maintain the majority they're about to be handed for any extended period of time. You're fooling yourself if you think they'll have 63-65 senate seats after the '10 midterm.

Like I said earlier...things are never as bad as your worst day, and things are never as good as your best.


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You're about as good as the average of your polling over two or three years, though.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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i don't think so

far too much baggage

i mean the right haaaaaaaaaates her.

And the right doesn't hate Obama?  :lol

Hillary would have a secure lead in Ohio and Florida right now. She wouldn't be leading in NC or close in Georgia but she'd still be cruising to victory, easily


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The right wing loathes both Hillary and Barack, but they got their hate to stick for a lot more moderates in Hillary's case.  Her negatives were always higher than Obama's have been at any point.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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So gents, a theoretical:

If Hillary Clinton won the primary season, does she win the general?

Oh yeah.  You'd be hearing about the Clinton economic record in the 90's ad nauseum.

Any of the big three Democratic candidates would have beaten any of the big five Republican candidates this cycle.
 Different maps and different margins maybe, but the fundamentals are just too much to overcome.

On the other hand, a lot of people (myself included, I think) said that Obama's negatives would be Hillaryesque once the GOP had a whole campaign to go after him, but that hasn't been true.  It's certainly not for a lack of trying by conservatives, though.

Seems like you've convinced yourself John Edwards' affair never happened!


  • Laugh when you can, it’s cheap medicine -LB
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Edwards will forever be on my shit list for trying to run for president with that skeleton in his closet.


  • Legend in his own mind
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Edwards will forever be on my shit list for trying to run for president with that skeleton in his closet.

Yeah, worst idea ever.


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You're about as good as the average of your polling over two or three years, though.

So, that's about 12% then?

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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He really fucked up. I've never liked him but it's hard to deny that he had a bright political future. He was well positioned for a cabinet position with Obama (attorney general?), and if Obama were to serve two terms Edwards would have been very well positioned in 2016 as a front runner; he'd be like 63 years old and Biden would be too old to run

What a dumbass


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Awww, conflating Congress' approval rating with that of the Democratic party.  So cute.

Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba b
« Reply #3977 on: October 30, 2008, 04:04:17 PM »
My friend who is unemployed with six months severence pay (thanks, Activision!) and nothing better to do than watch political TV just sent me this email:

"Rick Sanchez of CNN just did a live interview with Michael Goldfarb. Michael harps on the Khalidi connection, and accuses Obama of having a long history of hanging around with anti-semites.
Rick hammers Michael, trying to pin him down: "Name one other anti-semite that Obama hangs out with." Michale Goldfarb responds with "William Ayers is a domestic terrorist." Rick says "He's not anti-semitic - name one other anti-semite Obama hangs out with." Goldfarb responds with... several seconds of awkward silence. Rick presses. Goldfarb looks uncomfortable for several seconds. Rick presses some more. Goldfarb offers up "I think we all know who..." Rick asks who on earth he is talking about. Goldfarb suggests "You know who I'm talking about." and then uncomfortable silence."


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Keeping it classy, John!


  • Legend in his own mind
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Well, I guess if I ever see Barack Obama close up again I will be calling him "Mr. President" because I don't see him losing.

Which is great. I've supported him since before he announced his presidency and there were several times I was worried about him losing. Guess not.

Phoenix Dark

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Keeping it classy, John!

I'm not even going to comment on the first one

The Iran ad makes no sense though. Obama goes into a meeting with Iran with no pre-conditions, Iran wants to wipe Israel off the map, causing Obama to accept their "demands" and let Israel be wiped off the map? That ad made me feel stupid


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 :duh They can't possibly expect people to, at least at this point, buy into the idea that it's bad to meet with leaders of other nations, or that meeting with leaders of other nations somehow suggests unconditional capitulation.


  • Until at last, I threw down my enemy and smote his ruin upon the mountainside.
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Marxist, socialist, communist, redistributionist, terrorist sympathizer, anti-semetic, non-national,campaign funding liar-ist.......

Just call him a distinguished black fellow like you really want to John.


  • A lot of shit pisses me off
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The Iran ad makes no sense though. Obama goes into a meeting with Iran with no pre-conditions, Iran wants to wipe Israel off the map, causing Obama to accept their "demands" and let Israel be wiped off the map? That ad made me feel stupid

Something like that, yes. :lol  I mean, for fuck's sake. Diplomacy isn't a bad thing. As someone else said some pages ago, I'm not sure I could ever respect someone who voted for McCain/Palin. It'd take someone who is either incredibly self-centered with little care for the rest of the world, or a total idiot, to vote McCain/Palin. And if they win, I'd suggest that all expressions of American national pride be kept at bay for some time.


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Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba b
« Reply #3984 on: October 30, 2008, 04:27:53 PM »
Well, I guess if I ever see Barack Obama close up again I will be calling him "Mr. President" because I don't see him losing.

Which is great. I've supported him since before he announced his presidency and there were several times I was worried about him losing. Guess not.

Word up... I'll never forget the first time I heard of Obama, early articles talking about a shining new star in the Democratic party, back in 2003 during the start of the 04 political season. So, I did some more research on this guy and came away extremely impressed. I told people... in 2012, 2016 that guy will be the first ever black president. Never managed it would happen even sooner than that...


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The first ad is dumb and unfair (if MoveOn ran an ad with a honkey telling white people not to vote based on skin color, McCain's surrogates would be all over the air yelling RACE CARD RACE CARD RACE CARD) but doesn't really bug me.

The Iran one, though.  This kind of thing has consequences.

Just like demonizing Obama had the unintentional (and thoroughly predictable) consequence of making people hate him irrationally, scaring people about Iran will make people... scared of Iran.

It will be that much harder to craft a sane Iran policy if half the country thinks we're on the brink of a second Holocaust.


  • Until at last, I threw down my enemy and smote his ruin upon the mountainside.
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[youtube=425,350]<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>[/youtube]

that's the McCain campaign in a nutshell right there: vile accusations w/no facts to back it up

Phoenix Dark

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[youtube=425,350]<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>[/youtube]

that's the McCain campaign in a nutshell right there: vile accusations w/no facts to back it up

I know somebody that's going to be getting really, really drunk tonight.


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Tucker Bounds is suddenly looking a lot better.


  • Laugh when you can, it’s cheap medicine -LB
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Somebody posted this in the GAF thread.  Figure I should post it here.  It's an article from 2005 speculating about Obama running in 08.

Make sure you read the comics for bonus funny.
« Last Edit: October 30, 2008, 04:56:26 PM by TVC 15 »

Howard Alan Treesong

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that video is insane

at least McCarthy had a piece of paper

Phoenix Dark

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Looks like they're being told not to talk about Wright. But if that's the case why even subtly mention him if you know you can't defend yourself smh


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So do you guys think this thread or any poli-bore talk will die off after the election?


  • Until at last, I threw down my enemy and smote his ruin upon the mountainside.
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I also thought it was funny when Sanchez said the group McCain is head of gave Khalidi's group almost a half million dollars that the dude shrugged it off and said "You don't get it"......



Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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So do you guys think this thread or any poli-bore talk will die off after the election?

I'm sure SD, Beardo, and JayDubya will keep us entertained for the next 4 years

Howard Alan Treesong

  • キング・メタル・ドラゴン
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So do you guys think this thread or any poli-bore talk will die off after the election?

I'm sure SD, Beardo, and JayDubya will keep us entertained for the next 4 years

I like SD. He's a crazy right-winger, but he's our crazy right winger.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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APF is the GOAT :bow

Olivia Wilde Homo

  • Proud Kinkshamer
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So do you guys think this thread or any poli-bore talk will die off after the election?


The best part of all is next week: the bitter tears of the right wing.

On the 4th and probably the following couple days I'll only be watching Fox News, looking at the exasperated faces of Hannity and Cavuto as they can barely utter the words of that McCain lost.

I will anticipate that the GOP will have some really creative reasons why Obama won.  Each one more entertaining than the next.

Then you got the cabinet selections.  Watch as thousands of dumbasses make jokes that William Ayers will be Obama's right hand man.  Watch as the bitter racists make racist tirades on the internet about how the rapture is near and how distinguished black fellows have taken over the White House.

This part of the election is just dragging on now.  There should have been another debate or another VP debate.

Howard Alan Treesong

  • キング・メタル・ドラゴン
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On the 4th and probably the following couple days I'll only be watching Fox News, looking at the exasperated faces of Hannity and Cavuto as they can barely utter the words of that McCain lost.

I will anticipate that the GOP will have some really creative reasons why Obama won.  Each one more entertaining than the next.

At this point, it seems clear that Obama could win by a 2:1 majority and the Republicans would still try to discredit it as voter fraud. I just hope we get a concession speech from McCain within a reasonable timeframe.

So gents, a theoretical:

If Hillary Clinton won the primary season, does she win the general?

remember, in a race, the outcome is almost always the result of what the loser did wrong and what the winner did right.  Not only does Mccain fuck up a lot, Obama's campaign has run an amazinglly tight and far reaching campaign.  Without falling to the temptations, like Mccain or hillary so easily did. 

That should tell you how much Obama's more able at organization and leadership and responsiveness, and how resistant he is to outer, shall we say "influences."

Phoenix Dark

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I'd imagine his campaign advisers might want to drag this out as long as possible. I had forgotten that this thing could be over rather early out here in EST. Polls close at 7pm EST, and within a couple hours results will start pouring in. If Obama wins Ohio, Penn, NC, Florida, or Georgia - all he needs is one - and holds Pennsylvania we'll know who the next president of the US is. He won't be over 270 at 9PM but any one of those states would guarantee victory for him.  

A few days ago I was thinking about this and came to the conclusion that the advisers would tell him to hold out and bury the country in a few days of recounts...and McCain would refuse and instead concede. Now I think if he sees the opportunity to call results into doubt he'll do it without hesitation

Olivia Wilde Homo

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I think McCain will concede the morning of the 5th.

His advisers might want to drag it but GOP finances are strapped and to fund all these long shot legal cases would probably drain the remaining funds.  Not only that but if it is a blowout and there is no credibility, it will just make McCain look worse; a sore loser.  I think he might want to preserve his political legacy if he bows out gracefully.  He knows that the right wingers will do the dirty work for him - he doesn't need to do much.

Plus going by the rumors coming from McCain, he hates Palin and will probably be glad once he never has to see her again.  Same goes for her.  Palin will want the election to fail so she can try to be President in 2012.  They might try to recount votes in Indiana or North Carolina but hopefully Obama will be well over 300 EVs so it won't make a difference.

Positive Touch

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Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba b
« Reply #4003 on: October 30, 2008, 06:21:48 PM »
So do you guys think this thread or any poli-bore talk will die off after the election?


The best part of all is next week: the bitter tears of the right wing.

On the 4th and probably the following couple days I'll only be watching Fox News, looking at the exasperated faces of Hannity and Cavuto as they can barely utter the words of that McCain lost.

I will anticipate that the GOP will have some really creative reasons why Obama won.  Each one more entertaining than the next.

Then you got the cabinet selections.  Watch as thousands of dumbasses make jokes that William Ayers will be Obama's right hand man.  Watch as the bitter racists make racist tirades on the internet about how the rapture is near and how distinguished black fellows have taken over the White House.

This part of the election is just dragging on now.  There should have been another debate or another VP debate.

I fully expect all sorts of crazy rumors about Obama's presidency to start up a couple of days after the 4th.  In fact, I wouldn't be surprised at all if some of those commentators kept going back to the "Obama is a secret terrorist" bit for at least a few more years, especially when he tries to deal with Iran.

Fresh Prince

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November the 4th can not come soon enough. I have exams and shit to study for, I'm going to be totally screwed if the results become dragged out like the 2000 elections.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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Yea I got through my mid terms but it was hard just motivating myself to study instead of refreshing blog pages, or heading to coffee shops to discuss the race with friends 'n university faculty. I've been thinking about this god damn thing non-stop for more than a year and a half.

I've done a good job of lowering my own expectations, and while I don't expect Obama to win (I don't know who will win) I haven't been able to convince myself that he's going to lose, like I did during the primaries. I met Obama a couple years ago, loved his 2004 speech etc but once he joined the race I refused to even think he had a shot at beating Hillary. So I jumped on that bandwagon, not because I liked her but because I thought she was the inevitable candidate and loved the idea of having a hardass president beat the shit out of the opposition, fairly and unfairly. I didn't expect her to attempt to beat the shit out of a fellow democrat, fairly and very unfairly, which caused me to stop supporting her (in March iirc, when her camp leaked that Obama-dressed-as-a-Muslim pic).


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Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba b
« Reply #4006 on: October 30, 2008, 07:09:07 PM »
Is this the part of the thread where we all praise conservative posters and pat ourselves on the back for being open-minded?

More importantly, how does this forum not have a dismissive jerking off motion smiley?  Cause seriously guys, :dismissivejerkingoffmotion


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Pretty good article about the hate spewing shit coming from the McCain campaign.  A particularly poignant part of the article:

Perhaps a clue why such comments are uncontested by candidates who claim to be putting "country first," lies in Sarah Palin's acceptance speech at the Republican convention. She quoted “a writer” who extolled the virtues of small town citizens.  That writer was Westbrook Pegler, for decades an anti-black, anti-Semitic nationally syndicated columnist with ten million readers. Pegler had a penchant for “white patriots” and a bitter hatred of people who opposed white supremacy. [Frank Rich, New York Times, October 11, 2008] He was noted for his lament that Giuseppe Zangara, the deranged gunman who shot at President-elect Franklin Roosevelt in Miami in 1932 had missed and killed the Mayor of Chicago instead. Pegler found it "regrettable that Giuseppe Zangara hit the wrong man . . . . ”  In 1965, two years after President John F. Kennedy's assassination, Pegler said of his brother Robert Kennedy that he hoped "some white patriot of the Southern tier will spatter his spoonful of brains in public premises before the snow flies." [Wall Street Journal, September 10, 2008]

Westbrook Pegler died in 1969, the year after two of his choice targets, Martin Luther King, Jr. and Robert F. Kennedy were assassinated. But now his specter haunts the 2008 campaign.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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We had access to too much money, too much equipment, and little by little, we went insane


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Yeah, pretty much anyone voting for McCain at this point can fuck themselves.


  • The Smooth Canadian
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It really amazes me that Palin thinks that she has even a glimmer of hope at running successfully in o'12. She really has no clue.

Agreed. She has been a tremendous disappointment and the thought of her "leading" the GOP (or leading anything) in the future makes me want to vomit.  

BU-BU-BU, I thought you were in love?

Good ol' self-hating SD. :lol


  • Laugh when you can, it’s cheap medicine -LB
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It really amazes me that Palin thinks that she has even a glimmer of hope at running successfully in o'12. She really has no clue.

Agreed. She has been a tremendous disappointment and the thought of her "leading" the GOP (or leading anything) in the future makes me want to vomit.  

BU-BU-BU, I thought you were in love?

Good ol' self-hating SD. :lol

Ah, don't pick on him.  People change their minds.  He came around and that's what is important.

Olivia Wilde Homo

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Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba b
« Reply #4012 on: October 30, 2008, 08:44:55 PM »

Pretty good article about the hate spewing shit coming from the McCain campaign.  A particularly poignant part of the article:



The white nationalist overtones of the campaign is pretty sickening even for Republican standards.  Where being non-white makes you such an x factor that you can essentially pin anything onto him and because he's not white, it is more likely to stick.

The GOP purged everyone who isn't lockstep with McCain and Palin.  Even Bush had his dissenters but none left in such a mass exodus like this year.  The fact that the campaign has moved even further to the right than George W. Bush is pretty sick.  To be on a political chart and be more authoritarian than Chuck Baldwin (Sarah Palin) is sad.

I guess the only upside here is that it shows all the work that needs to be done still in fighting racism and shows the true colors of the GOP and their base supporters.  At least there was a thin veneer of equality with Bush when he picked Powell and Rice to be in his cabinet.
« Last Edit: October 30, 2008, 08:47:20 PM by T EXP »


  • Legend in his own mind
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I'm thinking about starting a campus alternative opinion/news blog for Berea. The student-run newspaper has turned conservative this semester, and now they are bitching about liberal bias in classes. It's really fucking annoying and they definitely spin things like Republicans do.


  • The Smooth Canadian
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It really amazes me that Palin thinks that she has even a glimmer of hope at running successfully in o'12. She really has no clue.

Agreed. She has been a tremendous disappointment and the thought of her "leading" the GOP (or leading anything) in the future makes me want to vomit.  

BU-BU-BU, I thought you were in love?

Good ol' self-hating SD. :lol

Ah, don't pick on him.  People change their minds.  He came around and that's what is important.

But he always comes around.  He voted Bush in 2004, Then 2005-2006, his entire shtick was "how could I have been so stupid, Bush is horrible, etc"

What happens in  2007-2008?  He hops right back aboard the GOP bandwagon.  His act is old.  Whining about a "Democratic supermajority", when I don't recall any such handwringing in 2002-2006.

That GOP dude was right. Palin is a litmus test.  A litmus test for self-respect and intelligence.


  • HastilyChosenUsername
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Palin isn't going rogue, she isn't rooting for McCain to lose, she wants to be president (she's admitted to a friend such ambition in the past) but her best/only chance is in winning this election.

Palin's best shot of ever being president is in not losing now.  She has got to know that a Vice President has a much better shot of winning the nomination then the governor of America's 2nd-least populated state.  What with McCain being extremely old and crusty, she could be a realistic contender for the 2012 seat should McCain decide not to run again due to health reasons or whatnot, that is, assuming he doesn't die first.

If (when, lets face it, when) McCain doesn't win, she has no political future outside of Alaska.


  • Until at last, I threw down my enemy and smote his ruin upon the mountainside.
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Palin isn't going rogue, she isn't rooting for McCain to lose, she wants to be president (she's admitted to a friend such ambition in the past) but her best/only chance is in winning this election.

Palin's best shot of ever being president is in not losing now.  She has got to know that a Vice President has a much better shot of winning the nomination then the governor of America's 2nd-least populated state.  What with McCain being extremely old and crusty, she could be a realistic contender for the 2012 seat should McCain decide not to run again due to health reasons or whatnot, that is, assuming he doesn't die first.

If (when, lets face it, when) McCain doesn't win, she has no political future outside of Alaska.

I threw up a little there. Maybe the mobilization of the "American guard" Patel linked to a while back is to deal with the backlash of a stolen election. Chaos will ensue if shit goes down in a bad way.

Fresh Prince

  • a one-eyed cat peepin' in a seafood store
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Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba b
« Reply #4017 on: October 30, 2008, 09:27:40 PM »
Yea I got through my mid terms but it was hard just motivating myself to study instead of refreshing blog pages, or heading to coffee shops to discuss the race with friends 'n university faculty. I've been thinking about this god damn thing non-stop for more than a year and a half.
Luckily people around here (engineering faculty) are pretty apolitical except for Obama = good, McCain= bad. Though the weird thing is that there's socialist party posters here that seem to be hailing Obama as some socialist Saviour for America and the world  ???

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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A McCain lose would greatly benefit Palin imo, although Hyper brings up some good points. The GOP is having a huge meeting in a couple weeks to discuss the future of the party, and Palin is going to be one of the biggest focuses of the meeting. If she can convince the party's kingmakers that she's legit (lol) and a better candidate than Romney I think she'll be in a very good position.

She has the potential to be the perfect trojan horse. Let her gain 4 more years of experience and continue to play the role of cute avatar for the far right hate fringe.

Obama's first term is going to be tenuous regardless of his policies imo (if he wins on tuesday). I'm not saying he wouldn't be re-elected but in 2012 the aura of voting for the black dude will be gone, the GOP is going to be blaming him for the recession, and most of the programs he trumpeted won't be in effect assuming this economy continues to crumble


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Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba b
« Reply #4019 on: October 30, 2008, 10:31:46 PM »
Palin wont be around after this year.