Author Topic: Movie News, Reviews, and Discussion Super-Thread  (Read 4255736 times)

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Phoenix Dark

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Re: The Movie News Topic
« Reply #23340 on: October 15, 2015, 08:03:11 AM »

Phoenix Dark

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Re: The Movie News Topic
« Reply #23341 on: October 15, 2015, 11:34:35 AM »
one day i'm gonna break and buy those Berzerk mangas just so I can see what happens next :brazilcry

but until then lol manga  :doge


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Re: The Movie News Topic
« Reply #23342 on: October 15, 2015, 12:39:13 PM »

Looks like Filth crossed with American Psycho, I am so game.

Stoney Mason

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Re: The new and improved "Movies you've seen recently" thread
« Reply #23343 on: October 16, 2015, 02:35:17 PM »
Watched National Treasure which I had never seen before.

I remember when the movie originally came out it looked dumb to me and I'm not much of a Nic Cage fan even when he's not hamming it up.

I think this one of those movies that is very mood dependent. If I had come into it in a bad mood it would probably seem really bad. But I happened to be in a good mood last night therefore it was okay. Not great. Not even especially good, but tolerable as a popcorn flick. It is very dumb as I expected but it has that feeling of an early 2000's mainstream movie where they were all kind of dumb in this way. It's funny how it feels like a movie from that time period. I don't think I even consciously realized there was a thing as an early 2000's movie but the moment you watch this with the way it uses music, and editing, and plotting, it feels exactly like you remember movies from that time period. Like the Mummy and all those sequels.

Sean Bean as the baddy elevates it somewhat and he was the most interesting character whenever he was on screen.

Madrun Badrun

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Re: The new and improved "Movies you've seen recently" thread
« Reply #23344 on: October 16, 2015, 02:51:34 PM »
I like National Treasure. 


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Re: The new and improved "Movies you've seen recently" thread
« Reply #23345 on: October 16, 2015, 03:03:34 PM »
Saw Crimson Peak last night

It was ok.

Del Toro brings a lot of amazing imagery. The story held things back.

It's weird. The story does a 'clever' thing in the way it parallels a specific thing mentioned within the plot. However by doing this the story ends up being less interesting. The film sets up some kind of mystery and ends up paying it off in a very simple fashion. The most obvious explanation ends up being the explanation.

I will say I was surprised how much the sudden moments of violence shocked me considering it's Del Tori. However I didn't expect them in this kind of movie.

Dont go in expect a horror flick. It's a Gothic romance "mystery" with spooky overtones.

Enjoyable but forgettable.


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Re: The new and improved "Movies you've seen recently" thread
« Reply #23346 on: October 16, 2015, 04:01:42 PM »
Sudden violence shouldn't be surprising considering Pan's Labyrinth, Cronos and Devil's Backbone.  Your post actually made me more excited.  I was afraid it would be too dumb with jump scares.  He has always played to tropes and just worked on executing them flawlessly so to me it makes sense that whatever the explanation is it won't be anything that breaks the mold. 

Sounds to me like he went back to his roots a la Devil's Backbone.  :hyper :hyper


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Re: The new and improved "Movies you've seen recently" thread
« Reply #23347 on: October 16, 2015, 04:13:22 PM »
When is Peter Jackson gonna go back to his roots. :'(


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Re: The new and improved "Movies you've seen recently" thread
« Reply #23348 on: October 16, 2015, 05:06:30 PM »
When is Peter Jackson gonna go back to his roots. :'(

Why would he ? And even if he wanted, could he ? I mean the guy has a dream job, is paid in millions and could probably get greenlighted a project of whatever scope he would fancy second only to Spielberg, Cameron and Lucas once upon a time (Jackson may be pigeonholed tho).

I get the sentiment but in truth I don't think it is an issue of losing oneself in success. Making bloated films is probably just the counterpoint of his former excesses translated into "epic" stories. My opinion is that he is not that good of a director despite being obviously very competent in many avenues which are necessary to herd those insane pieces of productions. Not unlike Del Toro, which is a phenomenal art director but never seem to make the fullest of that in the finished product.

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Re: The new and improved "Movies you've seen recently" thread
« Reply #23349 on: October 16, 2015, 05:54:00 PM »
I like National Treasure. 

National Treasure is okay, a bit of a low-rent Indiana Jones without the Nazis. I don't think I ever watched the sequel, though, just didn't see any real point in going back to that well.

When is Peter Jackson gonna go back to his roots. :'(

Why would he ? And even if he wanted, could he ? I mean the guy has a dream job, is paid in millions and could probably get greenlighted a project of whatever scope he would fancy second only to Spielberg, Cameron and Lucas once upon a time (Jackson may be pigeonholed tho).

I don't know, Raimi was in kind of the same position for a while and he ended up getting to make Drag Me to Hell, so it's not impossible that he might make a bit of a u-turn to his older days at some point.


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Re: The new and improved "Movies you've seen recently" thread
« Reply #23350 on: October 16, 2015, 06:23:01 PM »
Sudden violence shouldn't be surprising considering Pan's Labyrinth, Cronos and Devil's Backbone.  Your post actually made me more excited.  I was afraid it would be too dumb with jump scares.  He has always played to tropes and just worked on executing them flawlessly so to me it makes sense that whatever the explanation is it won't be anything that breaks the mold. 

Sounds to me like he went back to his roots a la Devil's Backbone.  :hyper :hyper

The sudden violence is very much the same fashion as Pan's Labyrinth. Quick and brutal and not meant to be glorified. I was surpsied mostly because the film didn't seem to be the kind of film to have that. Which I guess is what he was going for.

It's worth a watch for the beautiful set design and all that at least.


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Re: The new and improved "Movies you've seen recently" thread
« Reply #23351 on: October 16, 2015, 08:26:25 PM »
When is Peter Jackson gonna go back to his roots. :'(

Why would he ? And even if he wanted, could he ? I mean the guy has a dream job, is paid in millions and could probably get greenlighted a project of whatever scope he would fancy second only to Spielberg, Cameron and Lucas once upon a time (Jackson may be pigeonholed tho).

I don't know, Raimi was in kind of the same position for a while and he ended up getting to make Drag Me to Hell, so it's not impossible that he might make a bit of a u-turn to his older days at some point.

The thing is I don't think it's really as simple as doing a U-turn. You can't really roll back time and Jackson is not where he is at by any constraint but on the contrary because he was able to develop in the most optimal way considering his personal goals (unlike, say, John Carpenter who fell out of favour with the majors). After all the same year that Drag me to Hell, Jackson had the Lovely Bones in theater. I didn't see it but to the best of my understanding it was presented as something more in line with the tone of Heavenly Creatures. It's not exactly a cheap film, but neither is Drag me to hell really. Obviously Jackson doesn't seem interested in doing a funny gore fest but it doesn't mean he has disavowed those early films either. I think his career is fairly consistent, Forgotten Silver and King Kong are born from the same impulses for instance, just like you could say for Raimi. Drag me to hell was enjoyable because he was and still is a great director (stronger than PJ overall, IMO), not because he strapped his jackboots to go back live the authentic experience from the bottom all over again.


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Re: The new and improved "Movies you've seen recently" thread
« Reply #23352 on: October 16, 2015, 09:38:41 PM »
I know I started this tangent but Raimi is so much of a better director than Jackson that it isn't even funny. So I concede that point.


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Re: The new and improved "Movies you've seen recently" thread
« Reply #23353 on: October 16, 2015, 10:21:00 PM »
Crimson Peak was probably one of the movies I was looking forward to the most this year, and after seeing it, I'm pretty happy with it.  It's a solid B/B+ effort, a stylish throwback to the old school Edgar Allen Poe-ish/Alfred Hitchcock suspense/mystery/horror before horror became slashers, violence, monsters and gore.  Everything looks lavish (the scene transitions are such great fanservice for film fans and the set designs are some of the Del Toro's done).  You can tell Del Toro had so much fun making it as a love letter to some of his favorites and that rubs off on the audience as well because the movie is pretty fun.

On the downside, the main actress from Stoker can't act and compared to Hiddleston and Chastain it really shows, and the plot is overly simplistic and something you'd expect out of an early Sherlock Holmes novel, and not some great Hitchcock mystery.  The movie loses steam towards the end, but the finale is good. 

It's not as good as Pan's, but it's about on par with the Hellboy films and better than Pacific Rim.  Wasn't disappointed and enjoyed it for what it was, so I'm happy.

Also don't understand 1) How the movie is rated R, and 2) What people are talking about when they say the film is violent or gory.  Maybe I'm just desensitized by modern horror films and videogames, but to me this was totally a PG-13 Goonies type movie.  Do people find decayed Ghost bodies R-rated or something?  I mean nothing here is worse than what's in Walking Dead and that's on network tv...


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Re: The new and improved "Movies you've seen recently" thread
« Reply #23354 on: October 16, 2015, 10:31:39 PM »
Better than Pacific Rim? High praise indeed! :hyper


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Re: The new and improved "Movies you've seen recently" thread
« Reply #23355 on: October 17, 2015, 06:00:53 AM »
if I put Raimi's and Jackson's best films against each other, there's not a wide disparity of quality (A Simple Plan vs Heavenly Creatures), the main hook though is that Raimi's career is waaaaaay more consistent then Jackson has been. I don't doubt that Jackson has some fine films left in him, but I'm not really expecting any of that old magic anymore, the excitement isn't there like it is for Raimi. He can still muster up his inner low-fi Michigan filmmaker, Jackson might not even recognize the person he started out as in this industry.

anyways, Netflix just got a whole lot more Shawesome in the last week or so. Five Deadly Venoms is pretty great, although I more enjoyed its kung-fu flavored melodrama then its actual fighting content. Seeing a film like this in such crisp HD-ness feels almost transgressive. The 36th Chamber of Shaolin has even better fights and is just fun as shit to watch.


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Re: The new and improved "Movies you've seen recently" thread
« Reply #23356 on: October 17, 2015, 01:17:34 PM »
Holy Jesus, Raimi directed A Simple Plan?



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Re: The new and improved "Movies you've seen recently" thread
« Reply #23357 on: October 17, 2015, 11:47:19 PM »
Beasts of No Nation

Pretty great. Cinematography, soundtrack and acting is top notch.

The story dragged a little bit I felt but otherwise very good movie.


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Re: The new and improved "Movies you've seen recently" thread
« Reply #23358 on: October 19, 2015, 08:30:18 PM »
Ghost Rider: It was a movie. It wasn't offensively bad, but it was mostly unmemorable. The creepypasta-themed bad guys were dealt with too casually, and the cheeseball camerawork and heavy-handed foreshadowing was not as over the top as it could have been. Honestly, a Raimi-directed Nic Cage film could have made this into perfection. The CG has not aged well at all. My 10 year old son liked it and has asked for the sequel, which I remember enjoying MUCH MORE than this origin story. Plus, hey: Idris Elba.


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Re: The new and improved "Movies you've seen recently" thread
« Reply #23359 on: October 19, 2015, 11:54:24 PM »
14. Creepshow

Really enjoyed checking this movie off my list. The direction was good, and while the quality was inconsistent (Stephen King's short was definitely the weakest, and The Crate went on a little too long for me), the direction as great. Not really super creepy but still nicely atmospheric and with some nice gore effects. I especially liked the light filters whenever shit got real instead of tinting the entire picture in post-production, felt very gritty and low-fi. Loved it.

4 / 5

15. Texas Chainsaw (2013)

The parade of idiocy on display in this movie was fairly off the charts. Thankfully no one was particularly unlikable, but no one redeemable either (especially in the second half of the movie.)

What's striking is how much this movie goes out of its way to sync up with the 1974 original, positioning itself as "the one true sequel," and then proceeds to shit all over the movie with ridiculous retconning and a massive stylistic clash. Where as the Tobe Hooper original was moody, barren, and suffocating, this new "sequel" is noisy, dumb, trashy, gorey, and worst of all, boring in spite of it all.

Gonna spoil the movie (but I have a reason): in the middle, the main chick finds out Leatherface is her biological cousin. He's been killing her friends and some townspeople the entire movie, but then the Mayor turns on her for her lineage and she finds out about her past.

She proceeds to throw a chainsaw into Leatherface's hands and shout, "Do your thing, cuz!" before he carves up the Mayor.

To be honest, I'm tempted to give it a point just for that incredibly hilarious moment. I was cracking up for a few solid minutes and had to rewind to watch it again.

1 / 5

16. Creep (2014)

A well-acted but mostly empty movie about a guy who is hired off Craigslist to video document some weirdo who is allegedly dying of cancer. Dying guy is making a video thing for his future son, or so he says.

It's tough to say why this one didn't hit for me. After I watched it, I saw it had 92% on RottenTomatoes, and I probably would have given a lower score if I knew that ahead of time. It's just... empty. I can sort of see why it resonated with critics, the acting as I said was top-notch and it focused on thrills over gore. For me though, there just wasn't anything to grab onto. I was somewhat expecting a supernatural bent, and I'm not disappointed I didn't get it, but the fact remains it's lacking something.

Not sure. If anyone else saw this movie, tell me what I was missing (or what the movie was missing, if you agree.)

2 / 5

17. Mama

This movie was definitely the scariest of the last week or two. The monster was absolutely amazing, definitely worthy of a Del Toro-produced picture. There were some good jump scares, and the central premise was decent, but the moment-to-moment feeling of dread wasn't as high as I expected. It was also obvious this was originally a short stretched into a full feature, as the psychologist sideplot was almost entirely fluff (especially considering all the backstory happens in a dream anyways.)

spoiler (click to show/hide)
Also, I know it's going to make me sound horrible person, but I was so happy when the younger sister died at the end. Holy crap what an annoying fricking character. And also, a very punchable face. OK, that makes me sound even more horrible. (But it's true.)

3 / 5

18. House of the Long Shadows

This is an incredibly overlooked movie, which is a shame. The atmosphere is crazy-good and haunting, and the core mystery is fairly engaging. The biggest reason to see this is the star power: Vincent Price, Christopher Lee, Peter Cushing and John Carradine. I'm not as knowledgable about Carradine, but the former three? Oh my god. This is the only movie in existence that they all appeared in together, and they're easily the highlights of the entire film.

Imagine The Avengers but for the Hammer era horror flicks. This should have been a big deal, but I fear the reason it wasn't is because it came a little too late (1983.) Still, this movie cannot be missed.

I should say the rest of the cast wasn't nearly as strong (and were occasionally annoying), and the scares weren't quite there for me, but I was easily able to overlook those flaws. If you have good taste, you probably can too.

Besides everything else, drunk old Peter Cushing is a national treasure that should be cherished at all costs.

4 / 5

19. The Gallows

Haha, this movie suuuuuuuccccked.

The commercials were touting:

"Jason had his machete. Freddy had his glove. Charlie... has his noose."


They're all produced by New Line Cinema, so it's totally in their prerogative to draw the comparison, but man, I cannot imagine it misfiring harder than this misfire of a movie. I watched this movie purely out of morbid schadenfreude. I wanted to see just how badly they failed.

And hoo lordy, if I had low expectations, they now seem like Everest in comparison now. This checks all the late 90s/early 00s bad cliche boxes with an almost religious fervor.

Horrible, unlikable, putrid characters? Check.

Terrible acting? Check.

Worthless and nauseating found-footage shaky cam? Check. (More late 00s, but still.)

Generic, uninspired "bad guy" killer with braindead backstory? Check and check.

Jesus. There is absolutely nothing redeemable about this slop-pile other than the inspiring thought that if this piece of shit could get made for $100,000 and hit it big, then indie film makers might not have it too bad.

Other than, you know, crying themselves to sleep every night because The Gallows was produced and not their assuredly-much better films.

0 / 5

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The only movie I've ever given a zero to.
« Last Edit: October 20, 2015, 12:25:57 AM by Tasty Meat »

Re: The new and improved "Movies you've seen recently" thread
« Reply #23360 on: October 20, 2015, 05:44:26 PM »
It Follows is the best horror movie I've seen since The Babadook and probably has made my top 5 list. I recommend it if you liked The Ring/The Grudge but thought they had a little too many cheap scares and you also wanted a Drive-like score.

Steve Contra

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Re: The new and improved "Movies you've seen recently" thread
« Reply #23361 on: October 20, 2015, 06:10:48 PM »
I rewatched Stardust with my sick wife.  Forgot how much I enjoyed it.  Fantasy movie without all the heavy handed world building and INSIDE JOKES FOR NERDS yes please.


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Re: The new and improved "Movies you've seen recently" thread
« Reply #23362 on: October 21, 2015, 12:57:19 AM »
Bridge of Spies - Made me feel good about myself as a fellow negotiator with morals :)

Plus it was a good movie.  The subdued tone of the first half feels less dramatic than a documentary, but it really is just that almost the entire movie exists to setup the facts for the last 20 minutes which is where the dramatic storytelling is.  It's a total gamble stylistically but it pays off in the end and is very satisfying in its finale.  Speilberg still knows what he's doing and in some of the quirky comic dialogue bits you can feel the Coen brother's influence since they adapted the script.

Oh and Tom Hanks is awesome as usual.  When is Tom Hanks not fantastic?

Phoenix Dark

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Re: The new and improved "Movies you've seen recently" thread
« Reply #23363 on: October 21, 2015, 01:17:00 AM »
Beast Of No Nation

Not much else to say. Great film, but what a gut punch. The soundtrack is amazing btw.


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Re: The new and improved "Movies you've seen recently" thread
« Reply #23364 on: October 21, 2015, 09:21:07 AM »
Beasts of No Nation was great.  Something felt off in the pacing of the 2nd act though.  Still incredibly enjoyable but it just felt uneven in that regard. 

I read a story about the production and it seems like it was an absolute mess which makes the film even more amazing.


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Re: The new and improved "Movies you've seen recently" thread
« Reply #23365 on: October 21, 2015, 10:00:36 PM »
Son asked for the sequel of the movie we watched the other day, so I grabbed MiB II, turns out he meant Ghost Rider 2. Still, MiB II held up better than I remember. I recall intensely disliking it in theaters, but I guess the role-reversal for Jones and Smith is pretty good, and Lara Flynn Boyle in lingerie and leather is not hard to enjoy. I had entirely forgotten that the (other) female lead is Rosario Dawson. She is cute in this, but I think she's more beautiful now than ever. I'd also like to see her star in a biopic as Prince.


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Re: The new and improved "Movies you've seen recently" thread
« Reply #23366 on: October 21, 2015, 11:01:33 PM »
MiBII got shat on by a certain subsegment of film geeks and I never understood it. Especially when they did it to praise something like Hellboy II which is as formulaic if not more.
« Last Edit: October 22, 2015, 12:25:59 AM by VomKriege »


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Re: The new and improved "Movies you've seen recently" thread
« Reply #23367 on: October 21, 2015, 11:54:16 PM »
It's funny to see how much better the actual MiB suit, "the last suit you'll ever wear," looks timeless and perfect here in 2015, but all of Will Smith's civilian wardrobe, and his modified MiB suit at the end of the first movie look outrageously dated and silly.

Also, I am sad that Linda Fiorentino did not come back for a sequel... but her IMDB page is actually pretty sparse, appears she hasn't done film work since 2009, and even that was after a 7 year hiatus. Weird. Guess she was tired of Hollywood.

Stoney Mason

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Re: The new and improved "Movies you've seen recently" thread
« Reply #23368 on: October 22, 2015, 12:43:47 AM »
Watched World's Greatest Dad which I had always heard good things about but never seen.

I liked it. Essentially felt like Heathers for adults. The sort of funny satire Americans seem to struggle with but the British nail so effortlessly. This movie is an example of Americans getting it right.


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Re: The new and improved "Movies you've seen recently" thread
« Reply #23369 on: October 22, 2015, 01:33:20 PM »
Also, I am sad that Linda Fiorentino did not come back for a sequel... but her IMDB page is actually pretty sparse, appears she hasn't done film work since 2009, and even that was after a 7 year hiatus. Weird. Guess she was tired of Hollywood.

Hollywood is really cruel to women once they age. Unless you were an A-lister at one time or stage star, it's almost impossible for those women to find (good) work.

Look at the careers of people like Jeanne Tripplehorn, Gina Gershon, Carrie Anne Moss.


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Re: The new and improved "Movies you've seen recently" thread
« Reply #23370 on: October 23, 2015, 02:28:28 PM »
Moss had The Matrix and Memento come out within a year of each other, I figured for sure she was gonna be a major star, how could she not be? I guess having her breakthrough while already being in her thirties must have been it.

so I figure Eli Roth saw Funny Games was like, "Well, gee, I liked the sadism an awful lot, but it really wasn't all that funny, my version is gonna be funnier, and with titties." And lo and behold to us now he has bequeathed Knock Knock, a sort of odd and off flavored comedy-thriller wherein poor Keanu Reeves really gets put through the wringer. Its not really all that good, that funny, or that thrilling, and its deeply mixed messages it sends about its characters morality is kinda off putting, but at least its got Keanu, giving it his all, and a pretty decent soundtrack.

and its a shame that Wild Card didn't get much of a release, as I'd place it in the upper tier of the 'Jason Statham Punches People' genre. There's some of that, but more so there's some good, shaggy, pulpy fun with an expansive cast of characters drifting in and out of various Las Vegas related dramatic tropes (the gambler who can't quit, the vengeful hooker, honorable gangsters, etc). I really, really like the gonzo Statham films (Crank, Transporter, Death Race), but if I can't get those, I'll gladly take the amiable, old-fashioned sort of grit I get here.


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Re: The new and improved "Movies you've seen recently" thread
« Reply #23371 on: October 23, 2015, 03:13:17 PM »
Moss was coming from the leftfield tho, before finally getting her chance at Hollywood she was mostly b-listing in terrible TV shows. Got her break a bit late (Nicole Kidman is born the same year). Always found her a looker but honestly it's hard to have an opinion on her acting skills. She was great in Memento.

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Re: The new and improved "Movies you've seen recently" thread
« Reply #23372 on: October 23, 2015, 03:35:44 PM »
Moss had The Matrix and Memento come out within a year of each other, I figured for sure she was gonna be a major star, how could she not be?

hey don't forget about red planet


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Re: The new and improved "Movies you've seen recently" thread
« Reply #23373 on: October 23, 2015, 07:27:25 PM »
And apparently Carrie-Anne Moss is in Jessica Jones? What a strange coincidence of conversation.

Re: The Movie News Topic
« Reply #23375 on: October 25, 2015, 11:21:42 AM »
He's absolutely right that Bond is a misogynist and not a role model. I think Craig's Bond has been written better when it comes to sexual violence/assault, but watching the older films, especially Connery's, can be difficult. He basically rapes Pussy Galore in Goldfinger.

There was some internet outrage over Queen Elizabeth doing a skit with Daniel Craig as James Bond before the 2012 London Olympics for this reason.

It's unfortunate that Craig doesn't enjoy playing Bond anymore, but since Craig has played Bond, the character has been written as an actual human and the series was saved for it.

I think this was partially caused by the Bourne series because it showed a secret agent as human and audiences really liked it. So Craig's Bond was subsequently humanized: emotionally weak in Casino Royale, physically weak in Skyfall (and haunted by his mommy/daddy issues.) I think the franchise will only continue to be successful if it continues in this direction. Bond can be portrayed as a flawed, alcoholic, lonely, sexist, murderer for hire without him being particularly glamorized for it.

Craig has mentioned before the sexual relationship Spectre will have "weight and meaning to it" so hopefully that's true and his latest comments aren't dissatisfaction with the finished product. We'll have to wait and see.


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Re: The Movie News Topic
« Reply #23376 on: October 25, 2015, 12:45:40 PM »
I love the later day OSS movies, which are basically Connery-era Bond attitudes played straight.

back to the point, they had no choice but to adapt Bond to be better suited for the modern era. Connery himself is still cool, but acting just like him, well you can't really do that anymore.

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Re: The Movie News Topic
« Reply #23377 on: October 25, 2015, 02:30:09 PM »
There was so many bombas at the box office today. Lol paranormal Activity lost any good will at gas with even more boring movies. lol Jem being an 80's property that people only remember cause of the 80's shit. Lol nobody gives a shit about Steve Jobs. Lol at Vin Diesel being in a movie that isn't a F&F movie or one without him repeating more than a few lines of dialogue. And especially lol at Pan.

In probably forgetting some. Looks most of the general public doesn't care.

Crimson Peak fell flat, too.

The Martian is still pulling down good money, though.


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Re: The Movie News Topic
« Reply #23378 on: October 25, 2015, 03:02:22 PM »
This is what happens when everything needs to be some kind of event...when they really don't. I like Vin and I'm sure I'd like last witchunter but that shit looks like lazy sunday netflix/tnt classic to me.


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Re: The Movie News Topic
« Reply #23379 on: October 25, 2015, 03:19:44 PM »
There was so many bombas at the box office today. Lol paranormal Activity lost any good will at gas with even more boring movies. lol Jem being an 80's property that people only remember cause of the 80's shit. Lol nobody gives a shit about Steve Jobs. Lol at Vin Diesel being in a movie that isn't a F&F movie or one without him repeating more than a few lines of dialogue. And especially lol at Pan.

In probably forgetting some. Looks most of the general public doesn't care.

Moviegoers: More Marvel and Star Wars!

Filmmakers: :kobeyuck

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Re: The Movie News Topic
« Reply #23380 on: October 25, 2015, 06:35:56 PM »
I'm excited for The Last Witch-Hunter when it finally opens in Japan in 2017.


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Re: The Movie News Topic
« Reply #23381 on: October 26, 2015, 01:36:27 AM »
I was mostly being facetious, but it's pretty obvious the trend is there.

Yes, Paranormal Activity: The Ghost Dimension (I still can't fucking believe a Hollywood-produced movie has that title) looked like absolute pap, but it's pretty much the same as the others which all did gangbusters. Still, even Saw died out after a while I suppose.

Yes, Jem was on nobody's radar, no dispute.

Yes, The Last Witchunter always looked like a mega-bomba that got more of a budget than it probably should have, but it is an original property and has a ton of CG shit and action and people usually eat that up.

Disagree about Steve Jobs, it shouldn't have been a bomba. It's a small-ish biopic coming after all the other Jobs movies, but it's Boyle and Sorkin and is getting fabulous reviews.

And for me Pan was always a toss-up. I'm not surprised it bombed, but I wouldn't have been surprised if it was a huge success either. Like, Snow White and the Huntsmen was apparently a success but Jack the Giant Slayer wasn't. When it comes to these big budget reinterpretations it's always a roll of the dice it seems like.


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Re: The Movie News Topic
« Reply #23382 on: October 26, 2015, 02:08:43 AM »
I don't think there's a reining, franchised king yet, but I'm sure one will appear to fill the void. I don't think Insidious fits the bill yet.


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Re: The Movie News Topic
« Reply #23383 on: October 26, 2015, 03:07:05 AM »
The sad thing is I thought this trailer actually made the movie look good.

Not as a biopic, but as an actual character study movie and not even a typical biopic movie. The Ashton kutcher one looked like a typical Hollywood biopic. Complete with the "fall" and "redemption" story beats. The Fassbender one just makes him look like an asshole and not a corny movie.

I mean it looks better than this..

But yeah I don't know why they thought people would want another Steve Jobs movie.


  • HastilyChosenUsername
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Re: The Movie News Topic
« Reply #23384 on: October 26, 2015, 03:19:52 AM »
I don't think there's a reining, franchised king yet, but I'm sure one will appear to fill the void. I don't think Insidious fits the bill yet.
The Conjuring/Annabelle fits the bill, huge earners that are getting sequels and are a sort of franchise. Also, Jason Blum has released eight wide release horror films this year alone.

and for my money, the reason so many movies are losing so much of it as of late is because the release schedule is jam effing packed. Five new major releases this week, four last week, many of which had significant audience overlap. Of course there's a high casualty count, how could there not be? Why the eff studios continue to play (and lose) at scheduling chicken astounds me.


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Re: The Movie News Topic
« Reply #23385 on: October 26, 2015, 09:15:42 AM »

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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Re: The Movie News Topic
« Reply #23386 on: October 26, 2015, 01:34:44 PM »
Is Steve Jobs a bomb? I thought it was still in limited release, like less than 100 theaters.

People need to stop treating the dude like he's Henry Ford. Jesus fuck who cares.


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Re: The Movie News Topic
« Reply #23387 on: October 26, 2015, 01:46:33 PM »
I thought Pirates of Silicon Valley obviated the need for any further Jobs movies. It was perfect and more importantly accurate.

That said, I'll still end up renting Steve Jobs eventually because I love Boyle and Sorkin.

Joe Molotov

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Re: The Movie News Topic
« Reply #23388 on: October 26, 2015, 01:53:42 PM »
Is Steve Jobs a bomb? I thought it was still in limited release, like less than 100 theaters.

People need to stop treating the dude like he's Henry Ford. Jesus fuck who cares.

It opened wide this week, but no1curr.

Steve Contra

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Re: The Movie News Topic
« Reply #23389 on: October 26, 2015, 02:00:59 PM »
Who wants to watch a movie about a guy who sells phones?


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Re: The new and improved "Movies you've seen recently" thread
« Reply #23390 on: October 26, 2015, 09:36:21 PM »
20. Cannibal Holocaust

This movie is pretty infamous and warrants no introduction. Going in, I knew the basics and the controversy. What surprised me was the framing - very little of this is actual "found footage," when I was under the impression it was the mac daddy of the entire genre. Sure, it's the most innovative aspect on display, but I overplayed it a little in my mind.

It's good then, that the framing device of the dude recovering the footage and convincing the greedy TV execs not to air it is actually really, really good. To the point where I was more interested in that story than the violent and prurient content of the recovered tapes.

It's difficult to really judge this movie. If I give it a 5, what does that say about me? On the other than, I can't give it a 1 either - it's very well made, and for the time pretty innovative. So I'm taking the coward's way out and giving it the middle-of-the-road score. Check it out, though I guarantee you'll only want to watch it once.

3 / 5

21. Goodnight Mommy

Thankfully, I could tell from the trailer this movie would be a slow burn, which helped immensely. Anyone going in blind would probably be bored out of their skulls. However, I really appreciated the slow burn. I'm not sure I'd cut any scene, maybe I'd shorten a couple but in general the story progresses at an agreeable pace for the subject matter.

The movie's twist is easily guessed by the midway point, but a big point in its favor is the remaining scenes are still interesting to watch even with it in mind. You just want to see how things play out.

This movie was extremely well made and suspenseful at parts, and it'll probably stick with me more than most of the flicks I've watched this month. That's a pretty strong endorsement for a movie with barely any action. Best part of the movie? The kids' acting. Possibly some of the best acting by children I've ever seen. That said, this one won't be for everyone. If you like jump scares or action or not knowing the twist until the end, I'd give this one a skip.

4 / 5

22. You're Next

I'm not sure why this didn't click for me. It felt more fresh than I expected. Maybe it's because the attempts at black humor didn't stick for me, outside a line or two. The movie didn't really go full-tilt with the black humor, either, playing it straight for about the first hour. I'd be interested in seeing a sequel, but I wouldn't necessarily be excited for it.

2 / 5

23. The Woman in Black 2: Angel of Death

Movie was just kinda "there" for me. I thought the first was a solid 4 / 5, the gothic imagery, interesting period, subdued horror, and the acting of Daniel Radcliffe elevated it for me more than I expected. This movie rests a little too much on the first, with much less "creepiness" and in fact, fewer scares in general. Also, the main kid everyone kept trying to save looked so stupid I wanted to punch him in the face. OK, not really, but he looked super smug and dumb. Note to horror producers: don't put kids in horror movies. Either as fodder or antagonists.

2 / 5

24. Hatchet

OK, this movie was absolute crap, but it was the fun, campy kind of crap that seems tailor-made for lovers of Friday the 13th such as myself.

The characters were mostly trash, but some of them said some surprisingly hilarious things. I was laughing far more than I thought I would. The acting by the key players was also above-grade, another surprise. Joel Moore could have been annoying as hell, but other than the beginning he steered clear of his mopey backstory and did a good job.

The cameos by Tony Todd, Robert Englund, and Kane Hodder (sans mask/makeup) were pleasant, too.

The story was absolutely cliche, which was the intention, but it was played straight a little more than it should have been. The movie was also, like, the opposite of scary. It was part of the reason I was laughing so hard - the bad guy, Crowley (a corporeal "ghost") got the shit beaten out of him in every single encounter with the main group of characters, and seeing him running around in a ridiculous looking low-budget rubber suit made it difficult to keep a straight face.

It's not a great movie, and the beginning has some tortuous parts, but it was very enjoyable overall.

3 / 5


  • 𝕩𝕩𝕩
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Re: The Movie News Topic
« Reply #23391 on: October 26, 2015, 11:41:35 PM »
Q - In other Escape From New York news, you sued Luc Besson in French court recently for copyright infringement.
(Laughs) They didn’t give us much money.

Q - I think it was something like an €80,000 settlement, 20,000 of which went to you? How much did you want?

I have no idea. Look, CanalPlus is the company that, with me, owns Escape From New York. They came to me and said, “Luc Besson ripped you off on Lockout.” Or Lockdown, whatever the hell that was. And they sent me the movie, and yes, he did. It’s the same story. (Laughs) I mean, you can’t do that, can you? You have to change a couple things. He’s after the president’s daughter? Come on. So I took him to French court.

The great thing is, I didn’t have to do anything, really. That’s the kind of the job I’ve always wanted — where you don’t have to show up, and something happens. And we won! But any great dreams of retiring wealthy were shattered because they didn’t give us as much money as CanalPlus wanted. They wanted to get Luc Besson. They didn’t like it.

Q - CanalPlus has some problem with Luc Besson?

Yes! Oh, yes. He has another company. But I think they’re actually doing some business with him, too. [CanalPlus] wanted to also go after the video game Metal Gear Solid, which is kind of a rip-off of Escape From New York, too, but I told them not to do that. I know the director of those games, and he’s a nice guy, or at least he’s nice to me.

John Carpenter


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Re: The new and improved "Movies you've seen recently" thread
« Reply #23392 on: October 27, 2015, 12:31:53 AM »
Ended up seeing Room.  The first half was ok and spoiled by the trailers unfortunately.  But the second half was really good.  Great soundtrack too. 


  • Do the moron
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Re: The Movie News Topic
« Reply #23393 on: October 27, 2015, 01:14:49 AM »
Canal+ are such a band of wankers. More interested in nickel & diming the legal stuff than properly exploit their huge back catalogue.


  • Do the moron
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Re: The Movie News Topic
« Reply #23394 on: October 27, 2015, 04:03:35 AM »

Over a 21 week work schedule a small team of A-list script writers and artists, under Don & Gary’s supervision, Don Bluth Films will develop a unique teaser presentation incorporating a section of the script with recorded dialogues, storyboards, some animation and color art direction, giving the viewer a sample of the story, character personalities delivering an entertaining experience to create a “want to see” reaction. A presentation which will encourage investors to provide financing of our budgeted 70 million dollars for us to produce Dragon’s Lair : The Movie.


Purrp Skirrp

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Re: The new and improved "Movies you've seen recently" thread
« Reply #23395 on: October 27, 2015, 01:31:33 PM »
Watched Star Wars for the first time :-[

That was some pulpy fun. Dark too at times with Luke's charred relatives, Alderaan getting done in, limbs getting cut off, and an impressive body count of Storm Troopers, X-Wing pilots, and Jawas.

It's real weird because I've absorbed so much of Star Wars through pop culture, to the point where I recognized scenes without every having watched them. Ex: Greedo and Han Solo and the Mos Eisley Cantina.

The cast of characters are diverse and entertaining, so I can see why the film has universal appeal. The SFX must have been mind blowing in 77.

Gonna watch ESB and ROTJ soon; both films I saw some of on VHS when I was a kid. Watching the theatrical releases so no Lucas fuckery.

Skipping the prequels, though I did see ROTS in theaters (and it sucked ass).

Re: The new and improved "Movies you've seen recently" thread
« Reply #23396 on: October 27, 2015, 10:36:18 PM »
Saw Sinister. I don't know why I keep seeing this on "actually good" horror lists. Ethan Hawke is great and the murder films he discovers are super creepy, but even before the absolutely garbage reveal/twist happens it's still full of cheap loud noises scares and it's shot like an X-Files episode where it's constantly so dark you can't see anything. I give the first two acts a solid 7/10 despite that, but the last act is 1/10 poo poo.

spoiler (click to show/hide)
Seriously, the murderer is the actual boogey man whose costume design was stolen from Slipknot?



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Re: The new and improved "Movies you've seen recently" thread
« Reply #23397 on: October 27, 2015, 11:24:05 PM »
It Follows is the best horror movie I've seen since The Babadook and probably has made my top 5 list. I recommend it if you liked The Ring/The Grudge but thought they had a little too many cheap scares and you also wanted a Drive-like score.

Late as shit to this, but I absolutely loved It Follows and haven't found a single other person IRL that did. So much Carpenter in that one. Incredible sense of dread, especially the opening scene.


  • relapsed dev
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Re: The new and improved "Movies you've seen recently" thread
« Reply #23398 on: October 28, 2015, 12:55:11 AM »
Ghost Rider 2: Spirit of Vengeance - HOLY SHIT, this movie is SO MUCH BETTER than the original. It's better as a comic book, it's better as a Nic Cage showcase, and it's better as an action movie. The effects are great, the villains are fun, and Nic loses his everlovin' shit in about half the scenes he's in. Just wonderful. Also the dangerous MILF and Idris Elba are winning.

MiB III - Plenty of fun. Josh Brolin's impersonation of Tommy Lee Jones is fabulous, and there are plenty of spots for the Flight of the Conchords guy to shine. This is a better movie than MiB II, but not as good as the original. It's too shiny, too slick, and hard to get a good hold on.

It Follows is the best horror movie I've seen since The Babadook and probably has made my top 5 list. I recommend it if you liked The Ring/The Grudge but thought they had a little too many cheap scares and you also wanted a Drive-like score.

Late as shit to this, but I absolutely loved It Follows and haven't found a single other person IRL that did. So much Carpenter in that one. Incredible sense of dread, especially the opening scene.

Apparently It Follows is free or cheap on Amazon right now, and it's 99¢ on iTunes. I'll be watching it after Halloween, as I'm out of the country for the next couple'a days.


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Re: The new and improved "Movies you've seen recently" thread
« Reply #23399 on: October 28, 2015, 01:50:44 AM »
Yeah, Idris Elba was the best part of Ghost Rider 2.  One of my favorite roles of his.  Dude brings his A-game everywhere.