Author Topic: Bore Comics Thread: Crisis On Infinite Megathreads  (Read 856373 times)

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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #2160 on: March 12, 2013, 12:11:41 AM »

I also think Fatale is kinda screwed. Brubaker soon writing for computer game plots, it won't end well, just look what happened to Keiron Gillen.
That's a shame to hear. I just ordered the first trade on a whim.


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #2161 on: March 12, 2013, 12:23:56 AM »
I still really enjoy Fatale - they have opened it up a lot in the interests of making it an ongoing. Best read in trade though I think


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #2162 on: March 12, 2013, 12:34:57 AM »
It just seems dumb to me that they went through this major reboot but then only half assed it and now things seem way more convoluted than they ever were.
I'm sure the New 52's Crisis On Infinite Earths, Zero Hour, Infinite Crisis and Final Crisis will clear all this up.


Speaking of needless and pointless revisioning, I finally got around to reading the rest of Marvel's The Twelve. As I read I pictured J. Michael Straczynski locking all the doors to his house, putting on a long fake beard and wig, lighting a pentagram-shaped arrangement of candles, and muttering to himself "So what happens now, Alan?" as he sits down at his desk to type.

Seriously, it's fascinating how badly the dude wants to be Alan Moore.
Wait, so this was actually finished after all?

I actually thought it could be a neat premise until basically nothing happened for like eight issues and then it disappeared for two years or whatever.

This was the state he supposedly left Grounded in:
When I signed on in October of last year, they gave me a one-page... you could charitably call it an outline, written by Straczynski where he saw the remaining issues going. I think it was drafted at a point where he assumed he'd be writing them. So this is what he's giving DC Editorial to draft solicitation copy. Apparently, at some point after that, before Superman: Earth One has come out, Straczynski decides that the monthly books don't matter anymore because he knows there's a relaunch coming, so he can comfortably quit and let somebody else finish the story for him. When given this one-page outline, it was with the context that "here's where we were going to go, use of it what you want and do your own stuff," and basically the only things I was beholden to were to have Superman go to each of eight towns and eight cities in each of the issues, Superman is walking from East to West, and in issue 708, Wonder Woman shows up, and in 709, the Flash shows up. Beyond that, everything you see on the page is mine.

Verdigris Murder

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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #2163 on: March 12, 2013, 03:53:56 AM »
I still really enjoy Fatale - they have opened it up a lot in the interests of making it an ongoing. Best read in trade though I think
The first tranche I thought was really strong, but it seems to have become listless as the story progresses.


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #2164 on: March 12, 2013, 04:00:38 AM »
i confess i let it sit unread in my comixology stack for 3 months, but when I did read 10-12, i enjoyed 'em, especially the Joan of Arc-ish flashback


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #2165 on: March 12, 2013, 01:54:19 PM »
New 52 Earth 2 also takes place in two books and focuses mainly on the following characters:

-Green Lantern (Alan Scott, now gay, so his kids no longer exist).
-The Flash (Jay Garrick, now a teenager)
-Dr. Fate
-Steppenwolf (One of Darkseid's generals, trapped on Earth)
-Fury (Wonder Woman's daughter, not sure if this is supposed to be Donna Troy.  Evil.)
-Powergirl (Earth 2's Supergirl)
-Huntress (Earth 2's Robin; daughter of Batman and Catwoman)

The biggest difference between the mainstream DC Earth and Earth 2 is that Darkseid's forces invaded Earth and a huge war happened, with 95% of all the superheroes and villains getting wiped out.  The series starts with new super humans popping up to replace them.  Powergirl and Huntress have their own book, World's Finest, and were transported to the mainstream Earth.  Mr. Terrific from the mainstream Earth was also transported to Earth 2 but they haven't focused on him yet.


  • Hail Hydra
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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #2166 on: March 12, 2013, 08:25:47 PM »
So it's like an ongoing Elseworlds? That could be kind of interesting, I usually like Elseworld stories.


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #2167 on: March 13, 2013, 02:04:20 AM »
So I just got my first Absolute book(Batman and Robin) and man this thing is very nice. Sadly, this is probably the nicest comic book I own now.

Anyway, I'm about to be finished with Batman R.I.P. Should I get Battle for The Cowl? I know it just adds some details and may not be important to the Morrison story, but was it good?
« Last Edit: March 13, 2013, 02:06:41 AM by Rahxephon91 »


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #2168 on: March 13, 2013, 02:06:34 AM »
So it's like an ongoing Elseworlds? That could be kind of interesting, I usually like Elseworld stories.

no, more like coie part two.


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #2169 on: March 13, 2013, 02:26:08 AM »
So I just got my first Absolute book(Batman and Robin) and man this thing is very nice. Sadly, this is probably the nicest comic book I own now.

Anyway, I'm about to be finished with Batman R.I.P. Should I get Battle for The Cowl? I know it just adds some details and may not be important to the Morrison story, but was it good?

I have like 10 Absolutes but passed on that one 'cause I have it all in HC anyway and the Philip Tan stuff is just so ugly. You both can and should skip Battle for the Cowl, it's meaningless filler and not good.

I remembered that I actually have the Black Glove HC we talked about and went through it again over the last week :lol

Next up after R.I.P is probably Final Crisis? I have the Absolute for that and it's gorgeous


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #2170 on: March 13, 2013, 02:36:12 AM »
Yes I remember Tan from the Chuck Austin run on Uncanny X-Men and how ugly the art work was. When I saw that he was doing some of the Batman stuff, I couldn't believe he had more work after X-men. Especially since I thought the wana be manga fad had ended.

As for Final Crisis. While I'm aware that it has some important plot points, I was just going to skip it. I don't know anything about DC continuity, outside of a few Batman stories. I guess if its good I'd try it, I mean the Internet can help explain anything, but I've read some wiki articles on the Crisis story lines and it just seems a bit overwhelming.


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #2171 on: March 13, 2013, 03:08:59 AM »
Crisis is overwhelming but tbh all the Morrison Bats between now and Batman and Robin 1 is pretty crazy. Reading Final Crisis is not necessarily going to make Return of Bruce Wayne comprehensible but without it you're probably fucked :lol

Anyway, I had a pretty good grasp on all this stuff (had one very memorable night in a pub when a friend asked me to explain it all to him after he'd read it - took about an hour) so will be happy to answer any questions. There is a lot of deliberate ambiguity baked into it though - particularly exactly who or what Hurt is


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #2172 on: March 13, 2013, 03:10:40 AM »
I'll have you run through the summary for me when we hit Devilcraft again.

I stocked up on stuff during Comixology's big sale last week, or the one before. Finally getting around to Batman, Inc. -- two issues in, starting in Japan with Mister Unknown, I'm a little underwhelmed.


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #2173 on: March 13, 2013, 03:30:30 AM »
As for Final Crisis. While I'm aware that it has some important plot points, I was just going to skip it. I don't know anything about DC continuity, outside of a few Batman stories. I guess if its good I'd try it, I mean the Internet can help explain anything, but I've read some wiki articles on the Crisis story lines and it just seems a bit overwhelming.

I somewhat think you can read Final Crisis without the DC continuity better in some respects. Especially since Morrison reaches back into everything he's ever read two panels of.

I'd think all you need to know about it really is that there was a past crisis that collapsed the multiverse into one universe, then another that split it back into multiple ones, this all happened during the "Fourth World" of these New Gods. Final Crisis is the transition to the Fifth World and this places the multiverse into danger. (Because of some shit related to the prior crisis stuff.) Also, Darkseid is a jerk.

I think you can paper over some stuff with "bad guy's secret plot" or "super evil power" and get it. Especially if you're reading it just to get the Batman stuff.

Everything else is to just add weight when you know the characters and why this specific whatever is so awesome or horrible or whatever.

Sorta related comment, I liked all the spin-off stuff more than Infinite Crisis itself. The OMAC Project was, in particular, more of a "frightening" situation. (And 52 was a way better story.)
« Last Edit: March 13, 2013, 03:58:28 AM by benjipwns »


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #2174 on: March 13, 2013, 03:53:06 AM »
Well, you sorta need to know about the time bullet and Darkseid's Hyperadapter for Return of Bruce Wayne/Batman and Robin but admittedly these account for about 2 panels in FC


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #2175 on: March 13, 2013, 03:57:51 AM »
Oh, I didn't mean for the Batman stuff sans FC, I was responding to Rahx's lamentations about reading FC without the DC continuity background. I was thinking that if you read it for the Batman stuff, plus any story, you could probably get it well enough to understand what's happening without needing to know the history of the New Gods and Crisis, especially the Batman part.


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #2176 on: March 13, 2013, 04:02:48 AM »
The continuity is less of a barrier than the complexity of the plot and the splintered narrative style - people think they're missing continuity information they need but in most cases they're not, they're just not piecing it together properly.

Re-reading the Black Glove HC is interesting...with hindsight it's all pretty straightforward up to the Joe Chill story. Even that, I think I can see the point of every single part of it. When I first read it, I was baffled and bored by it


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #2177 on: March 13, 2013, 04:13:18 AM »
Yeah, that's why I think you can read Final Crisis without it, it's the storytelling that's more confusing. Much more disconnected than Crisis-Zero Hour-Infinite Crisis are.

Have you seen The Black Casebook with Morrison's intro essay? It has a collection of some odder stories from the 50s/60s he references throughout the run. I saw it at the library a few months back and didn't even know it had ever come out, and it got me to read Morrison's run again. I had actually read a number of these as a kid in other collections, including one of those Greatest Stories Ever Told collections they used to do, and never even realized he was referencing some of them when I read it his run the first couple times.


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #2178 on: March 13, 2013, 04:29:37 AM »
haven't read it but will check it out. I've looked up scans of a few bits and pieces from it though. If you really want to see some Morrison/Golden Age references though, check out the Brave and the Bold ep set on Zur en Arrh :lol  It is really quite amazing


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #2179 on: March 13, 2013, 04:44:03 AM »
It's just those old stories and he has a few page intro essay where he discusses them. I'm not sure it's worth buying but it was alright to thumb through from the library and see how he reinterpreted those wacky old stories so he could put them in modern Batman.

I was meaning to look into Brave and the Bold in general.

I took a greater appreciation for Morrison when I read through his Animal Man and Doom Patrol finally. For some reason I've "got" his Batman more because of Doom Patrol than I did from his JLA. (Which was all I read the first time into his Batman and R.I.P.) Then going back and re-reading the run after what happened in Batman and Robin and into Inc. makes the whole thing make more sense, so it may just be that.

EDIT: As you just noted.  :lol
« Last Edit: March 13, 2013, 04:45:35 AM by benjipwns »


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #2180 on: March 13, 2013, 09:54:41 AM »
The DKR reference was :lol

And the entire Aquaman episode was amazing.

Eric P

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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #2181 on: March 13, 2013, 11:45:11 AM »
krypto, the grimdarkwonderdog

Eel O'Brian

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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #2182 on: March 13, 2013, 11:50:00 AM »
did they gene-splice him with a sabretooth tiger

Joe Molotov

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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #2183 on: March 13, 2013, 12:24:37 PM »
Looks like he was irradiated with red kryptonite, which if I remember from Superman #347, turns you into a werewolf.


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #2184 on: March 13, 2013, 12:35:48 PM »
Joe  :lol


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #2185 on: March 13, 2013, 12:40:51 PM »
I started reading the New 52 Superman again recently.  Skipped to the issues by the new creative of team of Lobdell and Roccafort, since the stuff before that was pretty boring.  Their first issue was #0, which focuses on Superman's parents right before Krypton blows up.  Jor-El is the same, I guess, but WTF did Lobdell do to everyone else?  Supe's mother is an ex-military martial arts bad ass, dressed like a whore, and even though Jor-El comes up with a potential way to save the planet, rather than have his claims dismissed, he is instead attacked by assassins from a death cult who want the planet to blow up.  All of this is done to set up the future appearance of another villain called The Oracle. 

This flashback then ends with Superman watching everything, saying that he was there.   :lol ??? ???

They've also taken Helspont, the old WildCATs villain, and made him some near-immortal (Marvel character) Apocalpyse wannabe who is very familiar with Krypton and the house of El.   :yuck

Next up is the Hel On Earth storyline, which pits Superman, Superboy, and Supergirl against a guy who appears to be the evil emo version of Superman.
« Last Edit: March 13, 2013, 12:44:03 PM by bork laser »


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #2186 on: March 13, 2013, 12:53:42 PM »
He'l is basically the New 52 Bizarro. The crossover wasn't bad except for the WTF shit with Supergirl.


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #2187 on: March 13, 2013, 01:14:59 PM »
He'l is basically the New 52 Bizarro.


 ??? ??? ??? ???

The crossover wasn't bad except for the WTF shit with Supergirl.

What WTF shit?


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #2188 on: March 13, 2013, 01:38:37 PM »
spoiler (click to show/hide)
Up until the very last issue she fell for He'l and went along with all his WTF crazy plans.


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #2189 on: March 13, 2013, 02:04:02 PM »
Makes sense.  From the issues I've read (up to #10), Supergirl is a crazy bitch.   :lol


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #2190 on: March 13, 2013, 10:42:12 PM »
The DKR reference was :lol

And the entire Aquaman episode was amazing.

my daughter has watched that ep a thousand times, a THOUSAND. By far the best incarnation of Aquaman ever - Incredible Underwater Hercules voiced by Brian Blessed


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #2191 on: March 13, 2013, 10:50:15 PM »
hey Wolverine #1 is GOOD, shocking. I like Paul Cornell generally - he has a wild imagination and skills - but I really didn't think fucking Wolverine would be a good book for him. But it totally works.

That said, it's a zippy read for 3.99. I am very tempted to go on this Marvel digital all-you-can-eat plan and just read everything 6 months late - it's the same as waiting for the trade basically.


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #2192 on: March 14, 2013, 12:32:19 AM »
Yea it was really good. Especially considering how shitty the Wolverine has been in the solo book prior to AvX.


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #2193 on: March 14, 2013, 01:07:46 AM »
Panel of the Week?



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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #2194 on: March 14, 2013, 08:59:20 AM »
Walking Dead? I'm behind on that series.


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #2195 on: March 14, 2013, 10:20:06 AM »
it has been revitalized since the appearance of Negan (the titty ping pong perp above), IMHO. He completely monopolizes the book when he has the stage. I think he's one of those rare characters that the author can't control because they just love writing them so much. And the audience loves to hate them so much.


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #2196 on: March 15, 2013, 12:34:56 PM »
So everyone always loves to say how Marvel outsells DC every month. This is only because the numbers are cooked in Marvel's favor due to how they make shops order the books through Diamond.

Let's use DC as an example. To get a DC variant, shops only need to order a certain number of copies. Want the 1 in 100 sketch variant? Just order 100 copies.

DC also allows shops to tear the cover off unsold issues and return them for about 65% of the value if they want to.

Marvel on the other hand works differently. In addition to not allowing any books back once they've been ordered, the way they work their variants ensures that their numbers through Diamond are always high. Want a Skottie Young baby variant? Ok, then your order for that issue has to be anywhere from 125%-175% larger than your order for the previous issues. Can't sell that many? Too bad, they go in your back issue bin.

My shop usually always sells through their DC issues quickly and ends up with more Marvel going into backstock simply because Marvel makes them order a lot more books for the variants.

Howard Alan Treesong

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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #2197 on: March 15, 2013, 01:13:02 PM »
so, Marvel cooks the books by requiring stores to buy more copies of their comics, thus selling more copies of their comics

that is some nefarious bookkeeping


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #2198 on: March 15, 2013, 09:41:37 PM »
Why do they have to tear the cover off to return it? Seems like a waste. DC should donate those unused comics to children's hospitals, troops overseas, orphanariums, etc.


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #2199 on: March 16, 2013, 03:44:39 AM »
if you like absurdist humor, i highly recommend Michael Kupperman's Tales Designed to Thrizzle

It's one of those things where you KNOW the non-sequitur is coming...and it just cracks you up anyway. It regularly has me bent double


Eric P

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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #2200 on: March 16, 2013, 08:21:17 AM »
he used to dress up as Mark Twain and go to the Twain house and give bullshit speeches and facts to tourists.

We saw him perform as Twain for the release of the Twain autobiography book he did.  It was really hilarious.



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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #2201 on: March 16, 2013, 11:03:30 AM »
So after not having followed much of the new 52 stuff, I feel I want to get back into it. Which books do I need to read to get the best overall picture and which are the best books to read?


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #2202 on: March 16, 2013, 06:46:29 PM »
I haven't read very far, but I think All Star Western and the Batman Night of the Owls have been really good, so I would be comfortable recommending those. The other ones I'm either not familiar enough with, there would be several caveats to my recommendation, or they are outright horrible.


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #2203 on: March 16, 2013, 08:37:55 PM »
All Star Western was cancelled IIRC.

Joe Molotov

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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #2204 on: March 16, 2013, 10:28:25 PM »
Justice League is kind of the marquee title, but a lot of people hate it. :lol It's kind of BIG HOLLYWOOD MOVIE! in comic form. Batman is Batman, he hasn't really changed much in New 52, but the Bat books are all pretty solid.

Eel O'Brian

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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #2205 on: March 17, 2013, 12:03:47 AM »
All Star Western was cancelled IIRC.

It wasn't all that great once they started cramming DCU continuity into it. The previous Jonah Hex title was much better.

Eric P

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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #2206 on: March 17, 2013, 06:35:45 AM »
just finished the third volume (of 5) of Manhunter and it's really cool. i enjoy the fringe elements of the character and setting and it moves away from "DC's Punisher" fairly quickly and becomes a solid drama series which just happens to involve a woman in tights.  though the book exists at the height of DC Continuity fuckery (Countdown, various Crises, etc) it just chugs along with nary a care for what's happening in DCU proper.  Volume 3 opens with one of the coolest comic stories I think I've ever read.  Manhunter has cobbled her costume together from the evidence room of a police station and the issue goes into how those various elements got into the evidence room in the first place, a fun combination of both cosmic and street level mini stories fills the comic book.  Good fun comics.  Highly recommended thus far.

Verdigris Murder

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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #2207 on: March 17, 2013, 06:12:59 PM »
'Manhunter' sounds like a thirsty reluctant lesbian.


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #2208 on: March 17, 2013, 06:19:18 PM »
DC seems to have a thing for manhunters. They have the Martian Manhunter, The Manhunters that preceded the Green Lanterns, and now this new Manhunter.

Verdigris Murder

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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #2209 on: March 17, 2013, 06:20:55 PM »
American Vampire is seriously average, King was either drinking gin, molesting his step-daughter, or was just arse-lazing. All of the above apply to S King, which is part of his genius. Most of his books are utterly too long, which is why his shots were always just so much better.

Short stories are really hard to do well; Graham Greene, Maugham, Graves, Saki are few who excellent.


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #2210 on: March 19, 2013, 05:21:25 PM »
Thanks for the recommends :heart

Eric P

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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #2211 on: March 20, 2013, 09:02:10 AM »
got the Hawkeye trade yesterday and it is EXCELLENT.  really fun comics, but the Young Avengers issue included was way too continuity heavy for me to really grasp what was happening.  Hawkeye was a ninja in hiding because....something?  and he posed as a hansome cab driver?  and the young avengers who got on the cart didn't notice this guy was literally wearing armor and a mask under his tophat and cape?


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #2212 on: March 20, 2013, 08:39:17 PM »
Haven't seen that - writer/artist?

Eric P

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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #2213 on: March 20, 2013, 09:55:56 PM »
the young avengers presents was issue #5 or something.  included in the book because it's the first time Clint and his protege actually meet.

This story features Kate on a date with Patriot, when they are suddenly attacked by their horse-drawn carriage driver—Ronin in a top hat!
Does that bring back memories? Ronin? Remember Ronin? "He" was a mysterious ninja in a vest character from the beginning of Bendis' New Avengers run that was either supposed to be A) Daredevil or back-from-the-dead Hawkeye (one of the first violations of then-EIC Quesada's vow that dead would mean dead while he was in charge) in a disguise who was later changed to Echo-in-a-padded man suit because too many people too easily guessed the surprise or B) was meant to be Echo all along, but artist David Finch either didn't know it and thus drew Ronin as a big hulking man or just sort of sucked at drawing.

Anyway, Ronin was at this point Clint Barton, and he challenged Hawkeye to visit the New Avengers' secret base to have an archery contest over possession of her bow, which was his bow, but Captain America gave it to her while Clint was temporarily dead, but now Clint was alive and Captain America was temporarily dead, so he wanted his bow back (Jesus, I guess these stories are all a lot more complicated than I thought while reading; I guess a good way to tell just how Byzantine continuity is in a particular super-comic is to try summarizing it in a few paragraphs).

Davis and Farmer's art is really nice, as smooth and dynamic as always, although they dress the boys like they're grown-up stock brokers on dates: Patriot wears a suit and tie, Speed a blazer.
I liked Kate's second dress though, which featured the same pattern as one of Hawkeye's goofier costumes.

Fraction's script is pretty clever, and the Hawkeyes sound like they would a few years later in Hawkeye; the comic is much more straightforward in construction and lay-out though, and offers a nice indication of exactly what it is that David Aja is bringing to the table in Hawkeye (that, and/or it's an indication of the difference in Fraction's writing the just sixth-issue of an anthology series versus scripting his own series).

It made me kind of which Fraction was writing the new Young Avengers, or at least got to write these characters at some length somewhere between then and now.

It also made me wish that instead of titling Hawkeye Hawkguy, Marvel instead changed the name to either Hawkeyes or Hawkguys.

It also also made me dread the possibility that the two Hawkeyes might hook up at some point. The first issue of Young Avengers has Kate musing on how hot Bucky is and Patriot admonishing her that "he is way too old for you", and this final issue certainly demonstrates how teenage the Young Avengers are versus how middle-aged the New Avengers are (even if Hawkeye and his peers are drawn more like twenty-somethings than the thirty- or forty-somethings they probably actually are...I'm 35, but was in junior high during the Gulf War, which I think has replaced Vietnam as a time-marker in the Marvel Universe sliding timeline...or has it slid to Afghanistan already? Because that seems too drastic a slide...)

Anyway, she's only 18 now right? That would be legal but gross Fraction—don't do it!


Eric P

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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #2214 on: March 21, 2013, 08:17:49 AM »
I picked up this woman's work at the Brooklyn Comics and Illustration Expo and it is awesome.  I'm happy to see her getting accolades.  It's very rare that i feel something is transgressive in horror but she just absolutely nails it over and over and over again.  Also, lots of hot man on man action

As befits a comic that mostly takes place in a rowboat going nowhere in the middle of the ocean, Black Is the Color frequently collapses time and space into one another. Often its two-panel rows, or indeed entire pages, will depict a contiguous space split between the panels, the passage of time conveyed by the movement of your eye from one panel to the next within that space. Clouds drift and morph; a lonely cabin looks out over the sea; a storm descends over multiple pages, dwarfing a lone doomed ship; merfolk make idle chatter while watching men burn and drown; a mermaid descends through fronds of seaweed after leaving her dying lover to the daylight. Cartoonist Julia Gfrörer deploys a battery of tricks to get it all done—a skillful use of tangent lines; visual echoes between sea and clouds, hair and flora; clever perspectival shifts in the bottom rows of some of these six-panel pages, creating the illusion of great depth of field within the larger page; enough hatching in the bravura storm sequence to create a level of visual noise that would do a hybrid of Brian Chippendale and Tony Millionaire proud—but the overall effect remains the same: Set adrift so that his crewmates can survive off his share of their meager provisions, an unfortunate sailor called Warren is trapped in a long dying moment.

you can read her work here


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #2215 on: March 21, 2013, 09:02:57 AM »
Study Group is pretty amazing. Kinda want them to do comixology releases for convenience though, even if they have to charge a few bucks.

Great Rumbler

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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #2216 on: March 21, 2013, 10:16:31 AM »
Right now I'm reading:

Vampi an anime-inspired, cyberpunk reboot of Vampirella by David Conrad and Kevin Lau

Daughters of the Dragon: Samurai Bullets a duo of bondswomen track down supervillains that have jumped bail by Gray/Palmiotti


  • I must hurry back to my comic book store, where I dispense the insults rather than absorb them.
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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #2217 on: March 21, 2013, 10:31:20 AM »
Nova may be the best thing Jeph Loeb has written in a decade. It's a better Spider-Man than Spider-Man is after Dan Slott destroyed the book. Issue 2 was great.

Eric P

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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #2218 on: March 21, 2013, 10:36:29 AM »
read the first volume of the new Captain Marvel last night and loved it.  I hated the dexter soy artwork they started with and love the Emma Rios's sketchy scratchy art it ended with.  It's unfortunate that the book can't maintain a good artist because looking over the 6 issues that have been released it looks like they are still ping ponging artists.

Also Amazon had the first volume of Archer and Armstrong for $5 so i grabbed it.  Really enjoyed it.  Very goofy but still quite fun,

Eric P

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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #2219 on: March 21, 2013, 10:56:04 AM »
mainstream media comics spoilers ahoy again!


age of ultron spoilers within and they're weird.

spoiler (click to show/hide)
In “Age of Ultron,” a story currently being published by Marvel Comics, the Avengers and their allies are on the ropes against their archenemy Ultron, an artificial intelligence who has taken over the world. The story concludes in June and will feature a special guest star: the angel Angela, a character created by the writer Neil Gaiman and the artist Todd McFarlane for “Spawn,” published by Image Comics.

 With so many big stories spoiled by the media (with the willing cooperation of the comic book companies) lately, Axel Alonso, the editor in chief of Marvel Comics, insisted the revelation of XXXXXXX did not count as a spoiler.

oh, i see.  comics people have no idea what spoilers actually are.  this explains much,
« Last Edit: March 21, 2013, 10:58:28 AM by Eric P »