Author Topic: Street Fighter X Tekken: 2013 Update Up  (Read 23742 times)

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  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
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« Reply #180 on: January 18, 2012, 01:14:07 PM »
goty 2012


  • Easy Victor
  • Senior Member
« Reply #181 on: January 18, 2012, 03:09:41 PM »
The only thoughts I can muster toward this game anymore are along the lines of, "I wonder if I'll ever be bored and inebriated enough to buy this on a whim."

You will and you know it.


  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
  • Global Moderator
« Reply #182 on: January 18, 2012, 04:24:43 PM »
Will buy this game on 360, PS3, and Vita :hyper

Maybe PC too if it does make it out :hyper


  • Senior Member
« Reply #183 on: January 26, 2012, 09:58:21 PM »
Goddammit all. Why does fat Mega Man have to be only on PS3?  :-\


  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
  • Global Moderator
« Reply #184 on: January 26, 2012, 10:54:55 PM »

After seeing this, I kinda want the game but I really dislike tekken.

Good thing this game isn't Tekken then!



  • Easy Victor
  • Senior Member
« Reply #185 on: January 26, 2012, 10:55:50 PM »
so fucking awesome  :lol

« Reply #186 on: January 26, 2012, 11:23:46 PM »
Does Japan even know what fat NES box art Mega Man is?

Trent Dole

  • the sharpest tool in the shed
  • Senior Member
« Reply #187 on: January 27, 2012, 02:15:10 AM »


  • Senior Member

Small, early combo showcase as they're likely to appear in the final game.

That aside, I didn't realize the Vita version comes with TWELVE extra characters that aren't in the console release, in addition to the other FIVE that aren't on 360.  Smells like Super SFxT, or at least an additional $30+ in DLC, not including extra gems or costumes.


  • Senior Member
Another reason to skip this game.


  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
  • Global Moderator

That aside, I didn't realize the Vita version comes with TWELVE extra characters that aren't in the console release, in addition to the other FIVE that aren't on 360.  Smells like Super SFxT, or at least an additional $30+ in DLC, not including extra gems or costumes.

This should not come as a surprise.   :lol

There's gonna be "DLC" (I am sure it's just some more unlock key shit) out the ass for this game.  No "Super" version because people don't want to buy another disc!


  • Senior Member
I think I'm done with fighters for the rest of this gen. I hardly play games nowadays anyway. Same goes for my close friends.


  • Senior Member
Hopefully we don't have to wait too long before it hits the bargain bin.  I can't imagine how someone could personally justify spending $60 on this thing at this point.

Joe Molotov

  • I'm much more humble than you would understand.
  • Administrator
Why is Pac-Man driving a giant robot? Is this canon?


  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
  • Global Moderator
I think I'm done with fighters for the rest of this gen. I hardly play games nowadays anyway. Same goes for my close friends.


Hopefully we don't have to wait too long before it hits the bargain bin.  I can't imagine how someone could personally justify spending $60 on this thing at this point.

Collector's Edition 360 and regular edition PS3 day one rightchere!

You are assuming that all those characters are going to be paid DLC at $5 a pop.  We don't know that.


  • Senior Member
I figure a team of two characters for $5 is a pretty low ball number considering the cost of some other character DLC, but I've been surprised before.


  • Senior Member
Might as well post this too since episode 2 is up:

Episode 1 just goes over franchise history and is entirely skippable, but this is the first video I've seen that goes over all of the many, many sub-systems and explains their practicality without getting too jargon-y. 

Plus, I loved that guy in Con Air.


  • Senior Member
I think I'm done with fighters for the rest of this gen. I hardly play games nowadays anyway. Same goes for my close friends.

Yeah, I don't know what's wrong with me. All I've played so far this year are Renegade Ops and Batman: AA. I beat both on normal difficulties, but I didn't even enjoy AA that much. Gonna try it again on hard someday.

Fighters take a bit of dedication from me. I don't feel like I have enough for gaming right now. All the revisions outside of SF4's get on my nerves also.


  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
  • Global Moderator
SFxTK is releasing this week!  :hyper

Was hoping to get it early last week, but no dice.  Final Round stream is making the wait pretty easy, but tomorrow is gonna suck!


  • Senior Member
Non-surprise of the day, Capcom confirms the twelve additional characters as DLC for the console releases after they were found on the disc by some wily hackers, and goes on to suggest that the DLC will be released bundled together as an unofficial "Super" version of the game.  Nothing about Mega-man and Pac-man, but it's assumed that they're timed exclusives for the PS3 version since they were also found on the 360 disc.,_pc_this_fall

By now you've heard news that 12 additional characters - previously revealed as PlayStation Vita exclusives - are located on the Street Fighter X Tekken disc. Naturally this means said characters will arrive on the console and PC versions shortly after the Vita version launches later this year, but the real question is why they're on the disc in the first place.

Official statement:

Capcom has confirmed that 12 new fan-favorite characters will be available as Downloadable Content (DLC) on the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and PC versions of Street Fighter X Tekken later this year. The playable characters will make their debut on the PS Vita system when the game is released this fall, with the console and PC versions receiving them as DLC soon after. The character information and files were intentionally included on retail versions of the PS3 and Xbox 360 game to save hard drive space and to ensure for a smooth transition when the DLC is available, allowing players who choose not to purchase the content the ability to play against players that did. More specifics regarding pricing, dates and other additional exciting DLC plans for Street Fighter X Tekken will be shared at a later date. As a reminder, the retail version of the game will be the only disc-based version consumers will need to own and all future upgrades will come from post-launch DLC. The new characters fighting their way onto Street Fighter X Tekken are... from the Street Fighter side... Blanka, Cody, Dudley, Elena, Guy and Sakura will be playable and from Tekken... Alisa Bosconovitch, Bryan Fury, Christie Monteiro, Jack, Lars Alexandersson and Lei Wulong will all be available.


By including these 12 characters on the disc, the idea was to ensure easy compatability between players who do and do not choose to download the characters when they arrive as DLC. For example, not buying costumes in the Street Fighter IV series means you will not see the costumes when playing another person who did buy them; on-disc characters avoid this issue and allow everyone to participate in the update without additional patches or hiccups. The update also saves on file size - instead of a massive download, there will be a much smaller unlock that brings the new content to the surface.

This move also furthers our desire to avoid a "Super" version of the game down the road. Everything you need to enjoy this game for months (and years) to come will be accessed by the retail disc available this week. When the DLC update does come, it will inject new life and excitement into the game by unleashing 12 new fighters into the wild.

SFxT has a ton of content on day one, then later this year we reenergize the whole thing with a hefty DLC update, without the need for a second disc. And while pricing details are still to come, I can at least say it'll be a great value considering the size of the update - 12 new characters is pretty substantial, after all.

I understand the reaction, but SFxT is a damn fun game with a ton of content right out of the gate and more stuff - all designed to keep this fresh - to come.


  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
  • Global Moderator
Yup yup, bullshit PR spin all the way!   :lol

I can't believe they are waiting until Fall to release this stuff.


  • レーダーマン
  • Senior Member
I figure they just put the DLC characters' models and voices on the disc so they can simply be 'unlocked' with a DLC key, but they haven't actually started working on their movesets and balance yet, which is where the real work goes anyway.

Or maybe I'm wrong and you can just hack the game and unlock them right now.


  • Senior Member
They're already there in full and playable, apparently.  Someone had uploaded some video of Elena gameplay on Youtube over the weekend, but Capcom has been issuing take-downs.


  • Senior Member

Sho Nuff

  • Senior Member
One of my favorite things is not buying Capcom games


  • QUIT
  • Ebola Carrier
theres a video of pac man and mega man already playable in the 360 vers


  • QUIT
  • Ebola Carrier
perhaps a opportunity for you to flex your skills in investigative reporting green man and get to the bottom of the Fall of Capcpom


  • I love you just the way I am
  • Senior Member
So after this, why is anyone going to want Tekken X Street Fighter?


  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
  • Global Moderator
So after this, why is anyone going to want Tekken X Street Fighter?

Because, from most accounts, it's a really good game.  I don't care if there's rip-off DLC unlock keys, I know I'm going to play countless hours upon hours of this, so it's totally worth the purchase.  That goes for anyone who's into fighting games.

People are gonna whine and bitch about it, but they're still gonna buy it anyway.  It happened with Street Fighter and it happened with Marvel...the latter of which is far worse in terms of "LOL GIVE US MORE MONEY" than SFxTK HAD to buy a completely new game.
« Last Edit: March 05, 2012, 08:46:37 PM by lyte edge »


  • Easy Victor
  • Senior Member
don't want to buy but probably will.  :-\


  • I love you just the way I am
  • Senior Member
So after this, why is anyone going to want Tekken X Street Fighter?

Because, from most accounts, it's a really good game.  I don't care if there's rip-off DLC unlock keys, I know I'm going to play countless hours upon hours of this, so it's totally worth the purchase.  That goes for anyone who's into fighting games.

People are gonna whine and bitch about it, but they're still gonna buy it anyway.  It happened with Street Fighter and it happened with Marvel...the latter of which is far worse in terms of "LOL GIVE US MORE MONEY" than SFxTK HAD to buy a completely new game.

I don't mean this one, I mean the Tekken version coming out at some point.

That is, of course, presuming it's not vaporware.


  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
  • Global Moderator
 :lol Sorry, missed that!

Tekken X Street Fighter is still coming out, but not for a while.  Tekken Tag Tournament 2 on consoles is next, then they are supposed to start working on the game.  Maybe it will come out in 2013, perhaps on the next gen consoles?
« Last Edit: March 05, 2012, 10:30:18 PM by lyte edge »

Trent Dole

  • the sharpest tool in the shed
  • Senior Member
So how much are they going to ask for this entirely already on the disc update? $20/1600 is kind of crazy but not entirely unreasonable so I'm saying $30/2400 points. 8)


  • Senior Member
More fun drama from Capcpom, this time due to the discovery that 2-player local co-op in the 2v2 online mode does not exist in the 360 version.

If you are picking up your Xbox 360 copy of Street Fighter X Tekken today, you may notice that you can’t bring a two player pair into online battles. This is because local team-ups are disabled on the Xbox 360 version. A recent post on the Capcom-Unity forums asked whether or not this would be patched saying:

I’ve been hearing multiple reports that on the 360 you cannot play tag-team online with 2 people on the same console. Even with 2 gold accounts, people are saying it’s just not there. And in the PS3 game manual, it supposedly says you can have another player join by pressing start or whatever. In the 360 manual, that text is removed. Will this be patched in at a later date (Ideally on launch day), or will everyone who gets the 360 version just get screwed over in this area?

Capcom’s Christian Svensson responded to this post with an unfortunate “no.” Apparently, the functionality was disabled due to how the Xbox handles Gamertags. There’s simply nothing Capcom can do. This is particularly disappointing considering that the SF X TK Xbox manual says that pair play is possible when it isn’t.

It will not be patched and apologies for the manual inclusion. Seems it was an oversight. The difference has to do with how XBL differs from how it handles online and offline accounts.

According to the team:

“PS3 version: It is possible to mix and match online and offline players for scramble battles and pair play battles. Two local players can play on the same PS3 using 1 PSN ID, and play against other players online.

360 version: It is NOT possible to mix and match online and offline players for scramble battles and pair play battles. So you either have to have all players be offline and local (so 4 players, 1 xbox) or have all the players be online (4 players, 4 xboxs).”

The reason for this difference is because of the architecture differences between gamertags and PSN IDs. I’m not sure of the technical details, but basically it amounts to: Sony made it so you can mix and match online and offline, and Microsoft made it so you can’t.

"(Please forget for a moment that Halo has absolutely no problem doing this, and never mind that fighting games as recent as Mortal Kombat 9 boast this exact feature in perfect working order.)"

« Last Edit: March 06, 2012, 05:18:18 PM by Robo »


  • Senior Member
This game is shit. I rented it for Xbox and it's more like Street Fighter than Tekken. I'll just wait for Tekken Tag Tournament 2, thanks.


  • I have the most sensible car on The Bore
  • Senior Member
just waiting for the vita version


  • cooler than willco
  • Administrator
This game is shit. I rented it for Xbox and it's more like Street Fighter than Tekken. I'll just wait for Tekken Tag Tournament 2, thanks.

Isn't that what it's always been?

That's what Tekken x SF is for - plays like Tekken, the other plays like SF


  • Senior Member
This game is shit. I rented it for Xbox and it's more like Street Fighter than Tekken. I'll just wait for Tekken Tag Tournament 2, thanks.

Isn't that what it's always been?

That's what Tekken x SF is for - plays like Tekken, the other plays like SF

Well, I went in thinking it would've been like Tekken. I picked Paul and Ken at first and Paul had absolutely ZERO of the moves he has in Tekken. No thanks.


  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
  • Global Moderator
LOL at Capcom's response to the lack of 2P via the same machine online...ever hear of guest accounts, guys? 

Anyway, Capcom-gate aside, the game is amazing; played it nonstop after work today. 

There's a patch available right when you boot up that I assume fixes the online problems people were complaining about pre-launch.  It's all pretty similar to SSF4 now, with ranked matches, endless, and scramble (the 4P simultaneous mode).  Replays can also be viewed and saved.  You can see your opponent's connection quality before the fight.  The netcode is on par with SSF4 for the most part, although I did have some matches with some pretty awful lag.  Pretty typical.

Whoever said that this game plays exactly like SSF4 is on something.  The game has elements from SF4, but it is its own game and a lot of stuff from SF4 will not work.  If you hated the focus attack system and FADCs, this is definitely gonna be the game for you.

The scramble mode feels like a but mindless, since you just seem to attack whoever, but you can also play the regular game with a friend.

This game is shit. I rented it for Xbox and it's more like Street Fighter than Tekken. I'll just wait for Tekken Tag Tournament 2, thanks.

Isn't that what it's always been?

That's what Tekken x SF is for - plays like Tekken, the other plays like SF

Well, I went in thinking it would've been like Tekken. I picked Paul and Ken at first and Paul had absolutely ZERO of the moves he has in Tekken. No thanks.

Why the hell would you think that Street Fighter X Tekken, made by the developers behind Street Fighter IV, and published by CAPCOM, would play like Tekken?   :lol ???

Paul does have moves that he has in Tekken, however, as do all of the Tekken characters...but they play like Capcom-style characters.  That should have been immediately obvious if you've seen even 20 seconds of game play footage since the game was revealed two years ago. 


  • Senior Member
I bought this tonight, and I'm really not impressed. The engine seems to be about juggling, but its like its too much focused on that, it feels like it forces you into using launchers to combo stuff; and for some reasons, its not really fun at all. The tag-team setup is weird and annoying -- if you knock out a guy, the round ends and you get a point. The second team member doesnt jump in. It feels very artificial and awkward. I very much prefer the concept of having a continuous battle until a team is destroyed.

The backgrounds are INCREDIBLE, last time I was impressed that much with background was for the MK reboot. The backgrounds are super dynamic, colorful and with tons of stuff going on. I need to spend more time with it, but its not very compelling. It feels like they slapped the two (completly mismatched) franchises together into an engine spinoff of the sf4 engine done by interns.

The training mode with tutorials is well done. Nothing mode to add.

It's very weird to explain how this game feels.. It's well made, the presentation is A1, but .. it feels heartless. It's an honest effort

I really want to like this game, I will spend more time with it, but I don't know, its not hooking me as much as SF4 and Marvel did. I need to spend more time watching vids to truely understand how this engine works, maybe I'll appreciate it more.. SFxT feels like when you meet an old friend you havent seen in years; you're proud of what they became, it feels like the old days but something isnt quite 100% and you quickly realise that your friend changed a lot and that you have not much in common with him anymore. He's still a good lad but things arent 100% the same..

Shuri rating so far: 7/10
« Last Edit: March 07, 2012, 12:06:36 AM by Shuri »


  • Member
Good job on the DLC Crapcom. I'll end up picking this up when Gamefly has their Holiday sale. I'm sure they'll sell it for peanuts around then. If the DLC is cheap then I'll grab the characters. -1 Sale for Capcom because of their crappy DLC practices.


  • Senior Member
Quote from: lyte edge
This game is shit. I rented it for Xbox and it's more like Street Fighter than Tekken. I'll just wait for Tekken Tag Tournament 2, thanks.

Isn't that what it's always been?

That's what Tekken x SF is for - plays like Tekken, the other plays like SF

Well, I went in thinking it would've been like Tekken. I picked Paul and Ken at first and Paul had absolutely ZERO of the moves he has in Tekken. No thanks.
Why the hell would you think that Street Fighter X Tekken, made by the developers behind Street Fighter IV, and published by CAPCOM, would play like Tekken?   :lol ???

Paul does have moves that he has in Tekken, however, as do all of the Tekken characters...but they play like Capcom-style characters.  That should have been immediately obvious if you've seen even 20 seconds of game play footage since the game was revealed two years ago. 

Ah, I didn't follow any footage of this game at all. I just went into it expecting it to play somewhat like Tekken and for the Tekken characters to have most of their moves since y'know, Tekken is included in the title. I haven't had time to really pay attention to gaming news and footage lately. Oh well, carry on with the circlejerk!


  • Senior Member
I would suspect that a lot of casual Tekken fans are going to have the same expectation.


  • Senior Member
I haven't been following this either.  How do the Tekken characters play?  Are their Tekken moves just randomly assigned to QCFs, DPs?  Or do they still keep the same movements for some of the more well known moves like F,F+P and King's throw inputs and stuff?


  • Senior Member
They've been changed to the usual Capcom inputs.  You can take a look at the full move list here if you're interested:


  • Senior Member
Honestly that seems a bit dumb.

So to do a fireball in Tekken x SF, you'll press B,F+LP?  A dragon punch will be DB,UF+HP?  That would be the equivalent, yet I'm sure the SF characters will keep their motions in Tekken x SF.  It's not like you can't do B,DF+P or F,F+P, or PP/KK combinations in SF.  Hell, lots of the SF cast have these motions already.  They should have kept the Tekken moves as they are in Tekken.


  • Member
I just hope the bad press this has gotten and possibly lost sales do not effect Namco's Tekken X Street Fighter. I'd hate for them to see this game fail and cancel theirs.


  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
  • Global Moderator
I bought this tonight, and I'm really not impressed. The engine seems to be about juggling, but its like its too much focused on that, it feels like it forces you into using launchers to combo stuff; and for some reasons, its not really fun at all.

Why do you feel that way?  Also are you aware that the game has auto-launchers when you end a chain with HP/HK, HP, HK?  You're definitely not forced into using launches though.  SF-style combos and tactics are still present.


The tag-team setup is weird and annoying -- if you knock out a guy, the round ends and you get a point. The second team member doesnt jump in. It feels very artificial and awkward. I very much prefer the concept of having a continuous battle until a team is destroyed.

This isn't the first game to use this type of tag system, but what it does is add another layer of strategy to the match.  You have to be careful when you tag in and out (when not doing it in a combo)'s not as safe as other tag games.
The backgrounds are INCREDIBLE, last time I was impressed that much with background was for the MK reboot. The backgrounds are super dynamic, colorful and with tons of stuff going on. I need to spend more time with it, but its not very compelling. It feels like they slapped the two (completly mismatched) franchises together into an engine spinoff of the sf4 engine done by interns.

Yeah, the backgrounds are fantastic...I love the Final Fight stage especially.  Give the engine some more time and try more characters.  Some of the Tekken characters in particular just felt way too weird and turned me off a bit until I started getting used to things.

What they NEED to fix ASAP is the sound issue online.  No excuse for that.

Ah, I didn't follow any footage of this game at all. I just went into it expecting it to play somewhat like Tekken and for the Tekken characters to have most of their moves since y'know, Tekken is included in the title. I haven't had time to really pay attention to gaming news and footage lately. Oh well, carry on with the circlejerk!

You had two years to check the game out.   :lol  They said right from the start that this game would be more like SF...that's why there is also Tekken X SF coming.


  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
  • Global Moderator
Honestly that seems a bit dumb.

So to do a fireball in Tekken x SF, you'll press B,F+LP?  A dragon punch will be DB,UF+HP?  That would be the equivalent, yet I'm sure the SF characters will keep their motions in Tekken x SF.  It's not like you can't do B,DF+P or F,F+P, or PP/KK combinations in SF.  Hell, lots of the SF cast have these motions already.  They should have kept the Tekken moves as they are in Tekken.

Why are you assuming that TKxSF will play anything like this game?  The two games' devs aren't collaborating on anything....the game will probably be like Tekken with some added gimmick.

Tekken movesets wouldn't work well in a Capcom 2D fighter, hence the change.  A lot of stuff has been changed or simplified to fit in with the Capcom characters.  Some stuff is also different...Jin has a fireball for example, although it behaves differently than your typical shoto projectile.


  • Senior Member
Wait, what? There's going to be two games like this? Wow.


  • Senior Member
Err, I am assuming it will play like Tekken!  I'm saying Ryu in a Tekken 6 engine will not have Tekken commands to do his fireballs and dragon punches.  They will still be QCF and F,DF,F.  Namco doesn't have the balls to mess with the move commands for SF characters, and I don't think Capcom should have messed with Tekken character move commands in their game.


  • Member
I don't suspect we will see actual projecticles for the Street Fighter cast in Tekken. If anything they'll do the fireball but it will have a damage radius around the actual character. A fireball will become more of a power punch than anything.


  • Senior Member
It's not as if Ryu has any use for a dragon punch or fireball in a true 3D fighter.  More likely, they'll give him some sort of Tekken-style special that resembles either, but works in context of the game; essentially the same thing Capcom did with regard to the Tekken characters in SFxT.


  • Senior Member
But there have been projectiles in Tekken already...


  • Senior Member
Sure, but it's a relatively negligible part of the game.  Projectile zoning is a HUGE part of Street Fighter; replicating the importance Ryu's fireball is likely to be too disruptive to Tekken's usual close-quarter gameplay.  Speculatively, of course, because they've said absolutely nothing about the game at this point, I think it's pretty safe to say projectiles will only exist in TxSF sparingly or purely cosmetically.


  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
  • Global Moderator
Wait, what? There's going to be two games like this? Wow.

Yup...just like Capcom and SNK each made their own games when they announced crossover titles.

Err, I am assuming it will play like Tekken!  I'm saying Ryu in a Tekken 6 engine will not have Tekken commands to do his fireballs and dragon punches.  They will still be QCF and F,DF,F.  Namco doesn't have the balls to mess with the move commands for SF characters, and I don't think Capcom should have messed with Tekken character move commands in their game.

But Tekken already HAS fireball-like motions (Paul's fist move) and dragon punches (the Mishimas) that are done like in Street Fighter.

I don't suspect we will see actual projecticles for the Street Fighter cast in Tekken. If anything they'll do the fireball but it will have a damage radius around the actual character. A fireball will become more of a power punch than anything.
It's not as if Ryu has any use for a dragon punch or fireball in a true 3D fighter.  More likely, they'll give him some sort of Tekken-style special that resembles either, but works in context of the game; essentially the same thing Capcom did with regard to the Tekken characters in SFxT.


Sure, but it's a relatively negligible part of the game.  Projectile zoning is a HUGE part of Street Fighter; replicating the importance Ryu's fireball is likely to be too disruptive to Tekken's usual close-quarter gameplay.  Speculatively, of course, because they've said absolutely nothing about the game at this point, I think it's pretty safe to say projectiles will only exist in TxSF sparingly or purely cosmetically.

I can see fireballs being something similar to Devil's laser or Alisa's rocket punch...slow to start up and come out.  That's the only way it would work in Tekken.

But all we know about TKxSF is that from its concept art, they are going for the complete opposite of SFxTK visually, with more realistic, serious-looking characters.


  • Senior Member
Err, I am assuming it will play like Tekken!  I'm saying Ryu in a Tekken 6 engine will not have Tekken commands to do his fireballs and dragon punches.  They will still be QCF and F,DF,F.  Namco doesn't have the balls to mess with the move commands for SF characters, and I don't think Capcom should have messed with Tekken character move commands in their game.

But Tekken already HAS fireball-like motions (Paul's fist move) and dragon punches (the Mishimas) that are done like in Street Fighter.

But Street Fighter already HAS Tekken-like motions (Boxer's low dash punch, Vega's PPP cartwheel).  The only motion that might not be in SF is double taps (F,F+P...don't think anyone in SF has that).  But there's no reason why a double tap attack couldn't be integrated.


  • Senior Member
Sure there is: it overlaps with dash, which isn't typically special-cancellable in Capcom games.


  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
  • Global Moderator
Sure there is: it overlaps with dash, which isn't typically special-cancellable in Capcom games.

This, and Rog's dashes are charge-based moves...not like Tekken.  Vega has had that backflip since the SF2 days so I don't see how that's "like Tekken."


  • Senior Member
I'm really liking this game so far but what the hell at all the 360 problems? No local online tag teaming was heartbreaking and the sound issues is annoying.  At least the sound bug can be fixed but I don't understand why I can't have local co-op online when all the other modes have it. Hopefully the PC version won't have any of these issues.