Author Topic: Making a Final Fantasy thread and no one can stop me. (Finalphile Support Group)  (Read 165586 times)

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i'm pretty sure mystic quest has the better plot though :heh


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Mystic Quest doesn't really even have a plot.

Joe Molotov

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Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest
Fainaru Fantajī Yū Esu Ē Misutikku Kuesuto
Original Release: October 5, 1992
Edition Played: SNES (Wii VC)
Time to Beat: 12 hours
Score:  :zzz/10

The good parts were the music and the dungeon design. The bad was pretty much everything else. Combat was tedious and boring. The plot was non-existent at best, and confusing at worse. People just appear and reappear out of nowhere and tell me to do stuff and I'm like "Bitch, I don't even know who you are." Spells, items, and equipment were all dumbed down to the point of not being interesting at all. Because of how limited the items were, the rewards for actually exploring the dungeons were lame (go down some side passage and fight 5 mobs to get a chest with 3 potions :lol )
spoiler (click to show/hide)
Athough legit Final Fantasy games also pull that crap.  :hitler
I had a ton of gold by the end of the game, even after buying 99 of the four total items that it lets you buy in the game. None of the bosses were challenging when you could just spam White/Meteor/Flare every turn, use your near infinite seed supply when you ran out of MP.

But saying all that, it's pretty much what I expected going in. I was curious though, I decided to give it a whirl while I was working my way through the SNES FF's. Now that it's out of the way, FF7 is up next (FF6 is on hold for the time being).


Joe Molotov

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Everything amazing about FFVII is contained solely within the Midgar segment of the beginning of the game. If it had stayed in Midgar the whole game, it would have been a truly unique jRPG, not just the most popular one. The Shadow Hearts' series kinda dabbled in dystopia (as a reflection of the '10s/'20s eras) but there aren't really any that so effectively captured dystopia like Midgar. It's a nice critique of where our cities are headed toward.


  • Senior Member
It feels like they had a super original idea with Midgar (even for the time, future dystopia wasn't an incredibly popular motif, Shadowrun et. al. aside) and then decided to reign it back and present most of the rest of the world as fairly generic wrapped up in a convoluted story about identity.

Cerveza mas fina

  • I don't care for Islam tbqh
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Midgar was the shit, rest of the game doesn't compare except 2 things:

-City of the Ancients music
-That feeling when you left Midgar and thought "DAMN this was just one town" of course rest of towns werent nearly as cool


  • Senior Member
if i have a problem with the remaining discs is that they don't have many new location, you visit that snowy mountain at the start of disc 2 and then the rest of the game takes place in location you've already visited

that bit with junon on disc 2 is still amazing though :lawd


Cerveza mas fina

  • I don't care for Islam tbqh
  • filler

Cerveza mas fina

  • I don't care for Islam tbqh
  • filler
That would have been great as an ending you are right, just to get a whiff that this was only part of a huge world.

Up until leaving Midgar I thought the whole game would take place there.


  • Senior Member

Leaving midgar was a mistake. FFVII is still really good though. It's story goes batshit, but it's story pacing , humor, variety in activities, and side quests still make it a pretty damn great game. Not better than VIII of course.
« Last Edit: July 15, 2014, 10:17:16 AM by Formerly Known As Himuro »


  • Senior Member
fuck it, you know what? i'm going to replay FF7 too, me and joe will be FF7 bro, he'll be the giant moogle suit to my cait sith


  • Senior Member
Replayed FFVII this year. Great as usual.


  • cooler than willco
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I watch carnage64 on twitch speedrun FF7 every day. Granted, he often dies to Demon Wall, but still


  • Senior Member
Replayed FFVII this year. Great as usual.

you know one thing that i absolutely love about the game is the dialogue, i always go through the tutorial even though i know everything there is to know because i find it hilarious, you go talking to 3 bodybuilder and cloud explain the game to them in the smuggest tone ever that a videogame will ever have "press L1 and R1 to escape, it's not like i will ever need it, unlike you!" :lol "be carefull of power outage! you don't want to lose your progress, if you do happen to lose your progress just chill down and try later" the game declares :lol, then a chest appear out of thin air and it's all like "i'm a chest! be on the lookout for me!" and i can't help but think "wtf? why is a treasure chest explaining stuff to me?" :lol :lol :lol

modern square-enix could never remake FF7, modern square-enix is too grimdark and the least said about nomura new artwork compared to nomura old artwork, the better

Joe Molotov

  • I'm much more humble than you would understand.
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Final Fantasy VII OST :lawd

spoiler (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: July 15, 2014, 01:59:25 PM by Joe Molotov »


  • Senior Member
Replayed FFVII this year. Great as usual.

you know one thing that i absolutely love about the game is the dialogue, i always go through the tutorial even though i know everything there is to know because i find it hilarious, you go talking to 3 bodybuilder and cloud explain the game to them in the smuggest tone ever that a videogame will ever have "press L1 and R1 to escape, it's not like i will ever need it, unlike you!" :lol "be carefull of power outage! you don't want to lose your progress, if you do happen to lose your progress just chill down and try later" the game declares :lol, then a chest appear out of thin air and it's all like "i'm a chest! be on the lookout for me!" and i can't help but think "wtf? why is a treasure chest explaining stuff to me?" :lol :lol :lol

modern square-enix could never remake FF7, modern square-enix is too grimdark and the least said about nomura new artwork compared to nomura old artwork, the better
Eh, S-E still has funny writers. They're just not put on big games.


  • Senior Member
One thing I've never liked about post FFVII related VII products is that they are without VII's humor. It's like SE played a totally different game than the game I loved. Given their characterization of Cloud in media after VII, I'm going to bet they haven't even played the game.


  • Senior Member
I'm lucky (unlucky?) that they haven't done a thing with VIII. Both VIIII and VII are stereotyped as being overly serious when they're full of comedy.

Joe Molotov

  • I'm much more humble than you would understand.
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The one moment that I'll always remember about FF7 is the Palmer fight where he randomly gets run over by a truck. I almost fell out of my chair laughing. :lol



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  • Member
Some people say the date sequence with Barret is the funniest part of the game.  While that could arguably be true for some, Palmer getting jobbed by a truck is still one of my favourite parts of an FF in post-SNES FFs.

I miss that humour so much. 

Yeah, FF13-2 has Serah fangirling over Snow, and Lightning Returns has Meow-Meow-Choco-Chow (which isn't as funny), but it's not the same.  :'(


  • Senior Member
Neither of those two XIII examples are funny to me. :( FF and comedy died in X-2. X was the last main series game to have it though. I thought the lack of comedy was fine in XII, and even that had I'M BASCH VON ROSENBERG.


  • Senior Member
As shitty as the game is, FF: All The Bravest has some of the funniest writing the company has ever done.

also, uh, FFXIII comedy?

Sazh and a Gigantuar:
« Last Edit: July 15, 2014, 03:13:59 PM by ZephyrFate »


  • Member
I think that fell under forced humour to me when I went through it. :/
It's probably mostly because the game's tone was pretty serious, and by the time I got to the quest in postgame, I'd listened and read through so much text/dialogue that was serious or expanded upon the mythology that as much as I wanted to find it funny, I didn't.  I think Sazh running around the casino in his FF13-2 DLC was funnier in context since that game's tone was loftier.

I'll agree with Himu in saying that the last FF that was genuinely funny to me was FFX-2, but part of that reason was because FFX-2 was not as serious in terms of tone despite dealing with political issues and a world trying to deal with ideological differences and a massive lifestyle change.  You also have a trio of characters who play off of each other pretty well despite being different (one being awkward sometimes which leads to humour, one who's naturally funny/klutzy, and one who's mostly serious but can crack a joke).  So when they interact, it doesn't feel as forced.  Even the sometimes-awkward animations and alright scene direction can play into it too.  Playing the international version has its perks because the Creature Create stories can be pretty funny because they're monsters interacting with humans in a stupid way and the script is written well. 

FF12's humour comes out of quips or a character trying to be genuine even if it looks pretty stupid (ex: I'M CAPTAIN BASCH, "How old is Fran again!?").  And it still meshes well without feeling like it doesn't jive as well with the rest of the game's tone. 

I'd go through FF:ATB again because the flavour text as okay, but it crashes upon startup now and even then that's not a major loss because it was free.

Honestly, it's been interesting going from Lightning Returns right back to playing FF5.  FF5 gets really serious, but it still retains that humorous tone it had at the beginning of the game even while you're doing endgame sidequests, and the humour feels organic because the characters (well, Bartz, Faris, and Galuf in particular) are less-inclined to treat everything seriously as opposed to the character you control in LR.


  • Senior Member
A secret boss counts as FF comedy now. :goty2

If we're talking about the main series only, I'd say X was the last humorous FF game. XII had its moments, but as said, they were sparse, and mostly one-liners. XIII was a complete dud in this category. Haven't played LR or 13-2 but I doubt it's not forced.

The funniest thing in 13 was Hope trying to kill Snow.

And this.

« Last Edit: July 15, 2014, 03:46:03 PM by Formerly Known As Himuro »


  • Senior Member

I can't find the version of that with a laugh track. SOMEONE HELP.


  • Member

I thought Hope trying to kill Snow was the best part of FF13, though. >_>


  • Senior Member


  • Senior Member
One thing I've never liked about post FFVII related VII products is that they are without VII's humor. It's like SE played a totally different game than the game I loved. Given their characterization of Cloud in media after VII, I'm going to bet they haven't even played the game.

Haven't played LR or 13-2 but I doubt it's not forced.

yeah look how funny LR is :goty2

« Last Edit: July 15, 2014, 05:36:56 PM by magus »


  • Senior Member
Why the fuck is Cloud brooding post VII? Cloud in Kingdom Hearts for instance makes me seethe. Cloud never broods in VII. And he's only about himself for all of five minutes.

It's funny because they nailed the essence of Squall - loner, who still cares for his friends, dark sense of humor, slightly brooding but still able to crack a joke, natural leader - more than Cloud and Cloud is their most popular character.


  • Senior Member
Why the fuck is Cloud brooding post VII? Cloud in Kingdom Hearts for instance makes me seethe. Cloud never broods in VII. And he's only about himself for all of five minutes.

It's funny because they nailed the essence of Squall - loner, who still cares for his friends, dark sense of humor, slightly brooding but still able to crack a joke, natural leader - more than Cloud and Cloud is their most popular character.

because AERIS/TH DIES!!1!!1!

also it's a lot easier having a character brood all the time than actualy writing dialogue for him
« Last Edit: July 15, 2014, 06:59:58 PM by magus »

Joe Molotov

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Creating HD dialogue is hard.


  • you might think that; I couldn't possibly comment
  • Senior Member
I find Snow pretty funny/entertaining in general tbh


  • Senior Member
FF7's humor is a result of a wacky collection of developers and designers for the time as well as it being an expansive, expensive, and at the time new format to work on. They could do a lot more with 3D than they could with 2D. But the humor in FF7 ranges from homophobic to awkward and wouldn't translate well to modern times.


  • Senior Member
Homophobic? You're reaching, mate.

Naw. FFVII has RedXIII trying to stand up on two legs while in a military uniform and Barret in a sailor suit. FFVII is hilarious.
« Last Edit: July 15, 2014, 09:15:18 PM by Formerly Known As Himuro »

Positive Touch

  • Woo Papa
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he means the bodybuilder gym


  • Senior Member
The gym was homophobic? Those guys relished in that shit, big bro. They like dressing up as girls, but everyone in town really doesn't give a fuck. I'm not seeing the homophobia?


  • Senior Member
The humor in V, VI, and VII are all pretty similar but VII is in its own special place. Was definitely VIII when the humor went in another direction. But then it had Laguna, as well as Seifer making fun of Squall going through puberty. But it, IX and X don't nearly reach the absurdity of a scientist trying to make a red haired talking wolf mate with the last surviving member of an ancient race or a talking puppet who speaks through a fucking microphone broadcasted by a dude somewhere across the world.

VII takes the extremes of older FF comedy and just runs with it. What an odd, fucked up, hilarious piece of software.
« Last Edit: July 15, 2014, 09:32:51 PM by Formerly Known As Himuro »


  • cooler than willco
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carn is running FF7 right now if you'd rather watch videogames than play them


  • Senior Member
You forgot the rape in the Honeybee Inn so fast?


  • Senior Member
Which one? Hot tub where cloud counts? Or the one where he has a mako seizure and wakes up on a bed? Because there's nothing to indicate that he was raped in the latter, and he definitely wasn't raped in the former.


  • Senior Member
There is definitely an insinuation that he was raped by homosexual bodybuilders in that hotel. I'm pretty sure everyone infers this to be true at this point


  • Senior Member
He wakes up with a dude on top of him after a fade to black smh


  • Senior Member
The guy is on top of him because Cloud passed out, and he's slapping Cloud to wake up. The only thing that could be suggested as rape are the sound effects during the black out. Stuff like, thump...pound..thump..pound, and Cloud's HP being restored. But Cloud wakes up with an,"OW!" basically, no one knows what's going on in that scene, and it'd probably be homophobia in itself to infer rape.
« Last Edit: July 15, 2014, 10:04:01 PM by Formerly Known As Himuro »

Positive Touch

  • Woo Papa
  • Senior Member
we were supposed to laugh at them cuz they were poofy touchy shirtless gay dudes

oops this post was meant for like 30 min ago


  • Senior Member
I laughed at them because they're fighting over a wig, but that is definitely homophobia.

Also, while I wouldn't say Cloud was raped, he was definitely molested in that bath tub.

Positive Touch

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Joe Molotov

  • I'm much more humble than you would understand.
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It was rape, but it wasn't rape-rape.
« Last Edit: July 15, 2014, 11:32:40 PM by Joe Molotov »

Positive Touch

  • Woo Papa
  • Senior Member
also i should point out that playing mystic quest but skipping 6 is a crime against all humanity

Joe Molotov

  • I'm much more humble than you would understand.
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also i should point out that playing mystic quest but skipping 6 is a crime against all humanity

Send me your copy and I will correct this immediately.


  • cooler than willco
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I'm sure he would if he could find a good deal on a copy. Hmmm....


  • Senior Member
also i should point out that playing mystic quest but skipping 6 is a crime against all humanity

Send me your copy and I will correct this immediately.

I have FFVIa sitting right next to me. Want it?

Joe Molotov

  • I'm much more humble than you would understand.
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Yessssss.   How much you want for it?


  • Senior Member


  • cooler than willco
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Yessssss. (Image removed from quote.)  How much you want for it?

Send me a shirtless and I will send you my copy.


  • Member
The Hildibrand quests in FFXIV ARR are probably the funniest things I've ever seen in a FF game. And new ones keep coming with every major patch. If you're not going to play FFXIV then YouTube the Hildibrand cutscenes.

I really hope Hildebrand becomes a recurring character in future FF games kind if like Cid and Gilgamesh.


  • Senior Member
FFXIV has outstanding writing. I wish it wasn't hidden behind a paywall.

an FFXIV LP with good commentators would be really great. Anyone got any recommendations?
« Last Edit: July 16, 2014, 03:50:38 AM by ZephyrFate »


  • Senior Member
gay rape by big burly muscle man is clearly a form of art you guys don't understand! :maf


in all seriousness japan seems to have a beef with culturist

or at least it had when japan was about being quirky and silly :fbm
« Last Edit: July 16, 2014, 06:52:08 AM by magus »