I think that fell under forced humour to me when I went through it. :/
It's probably mostly because the game's tone was pretty serious, and by the time I got to the quest in postgame, I'd listened and read through so much text/dialogue that was serious or expanded upon the mythology that as much as I wanted to find it funny, I didn't. I think Sazh running around the casino in his FF13-2 DLC was funnier in context since that game's tone was loftier.
I'll agree with Himu in saying that the last FF that was genuinely funny to me was FFX-2, but part of that reason was because FFX-2 was not as serious in terms of tone despite dealing with political issues and a world trying to deal with ideological differences and a massive lifestyle change. You also have a trio of characters who play off of each other pretty well despite being different (one being awkward sometimes which leads to humour, one who's naturally funny/klutzy, and one who's mostly serious but can crack a joke). So when they interact, it doesn't feel as forced. Even the sometimes-awkward animations and alright scene direction can play into it too. Playing the international version has its perks because the Creature Create stories can be pretty funny because they're monsters interacting with humans in a stupid way and the script is written well.
FF12's humour comes out of quips or a character trying to be genuine even if it looks pretty stupid (ex: I'M CAPTAIN BASCH, "How old is Fran again!?"). And it still meshes well without feeling like it doesn't jive as well with the rest of the game's tone.
I'd go through FF:ATB again because the flavour text as okay, but it crashes upon startup now and even then that's not a major loss because it was free.
Honestly, it's been interesting going from Lightning Returns right back to playing FF5. FF5 gets really serious, but it still retains that humorous tone it had at the beginning of the game even while you're doing endgame sidequests, and the humour feels organic because the characters (well, Bartz, Faris, and Galuf in particular) are less-inclined to treat everything seriously as opposed to the character you control in LR.