From another board:
I've also been playing
Chou Jigen Action: Neptune U, which is a musou version of the Hyper Dimension Neptunia RPG series, where game consoles are represented by anime girls. It's weird n' wacky.
The game is basically Senran Kagura with Neptunia characters (Tamsoft is the developer and seems to be using the same engine as Shinovi Versus), right down to armor breaking being represented by clothes getting torn off. You can take up to two characters into battles and switch in and out at any time. There's a slight delay when switching -a brief 'teleport' animation plays- but it doesn't stop combos from continuing. The game's look, menus, and even some of its play mechanics are straight out of the RPG series. I also got Neptunia Re;Birth with this game and the two look and feel very similar to one another in a lot of ways. There's RPG-style equipment upgrading present, too.
I love the bizarre enemy choices. There's just something awesome about beating up on evil Tetris blocks and even the pipes from Super Mario Bros. Could do without the loliesque designs on a lot of the characters. Not my thing. Fun game though.
More pics, including pantsu~ for Joe:
spoiler (click to show/hide)