Author Topic: Shenmue III OT - I CAN believe that it's bad!  (Read 158953 times)

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Re: The REAL Shenmue III thread (FINAL TWO DAYS!)
« Reply #481 on: July 17, 2015, 12:02:08 PM »
To remind you of anyone who feels my reaction is not justified, here is what Shenmue's status was just a year ago.

:piss :piss2

Eat it. Choke on it.

Uh, I don't think you realize the kind of guy Gerstmann is, lol.


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Doesn't matter and it doesn't detract from my point. I remember full well that Yu Suzuki Q&A for Shenmue post mortem where his career and legacy were made fun of, treated without care, and mocked by industry professionals in a business setting despite being arguably a creative genius. Shenmue fans and Suzuki in particular have been trolled and mistreated for over a decade. Gertsmann is merely a drop, but the video is a general demonstration of how the professional gaming media has treated Shenmue, even through this entire kickstarter campaign and is the very reason for my disdain for gaming media and gamers as a whole.

Tonight, they will have their feet in their mouths.


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I guess we have to make do to form our generation's Bataan death marches.


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Yes, that's exactly what I said.


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Lol his rant was a joke for a panel. He even asked at the end when it's coming out.

Being uptight and not taking jokes well is why the Shenmue fanbase probably doesn't have the best reputation...


  • 🙈🙉🙊
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Being uptight and not taking jokes well is why the Shenmue SEGA fanbase probably doesn't have the best reputation...
Fixed. Though it is mostly a moot point these days.


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The joke is the point, Andrex. Shenmue's existence and legacy WAS a joke. You are missing my entire point.


  • Do the moron
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Yes, that's exactly what I said.

Well, mistreated for a decade sounds overly dramatic, does it not ?


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Only if you assume it's dramatic. It's fairly accurate, but all you are willing to do is troll and conflate hyperbolic comparisons.  Tell me how the fanbase, franchise, and Suzuki were not mistreated? Suzuki could not get a job.


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In any case, we are going to enjoy this, and there's nothing you can say to ruin that especially Andy's "this won't be good for the franchise" I've been dealing with you trolls for TEN YEARS. Surely you can deal with this for ONE DAY.



  • It was all going to be very admirable and noble and it would show us - philosophically - what it means to be human.
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Re: The REAL Shenmue III thread (PS4 PHYSICAL COPY! PLEDGE NOW!!!)
« Reply #491 on: July 17, 2015, 02:33:25 PM »


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Web fonts :rejoice

Book fonts :ufup

Joe Molotov

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font nerds  :cac

Human Snorenado

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AHAHAHA the back tracking

Go back and listen to the Cruncheons that came out after E3- I've been remarkably consistent with my take on this.

I mean, I'll go ahead and let you enjoy this time before an actual product ships, because if there's one thing that is blatantly obvious, it's that people don't enjoy Shenmue for gameplay, so why should you be excited for more "game" to "play," you're just excited because you're feeling vindicated that your pet franchise is getting more life breathed into it. Congrats! Enjoy this time. Once the game comes out and is, at best, more of the same banal shit but in all probability just a fucking poorly put together mess, that's when the crows come home to roost, sister. And oh, the trolling that will happen.


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I love Shenmue for its gameplay.


And it is back tracking. What happened to WORST E3 EVER?!?!?!


6 million incoming. 8)


Human Snorenado

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You love the Sims, though, so your opinions are super sus.


Seriously, all you're really celebrating is that there are fewer than 75k people who really, really love Shenmue and that vague promises have been made. Congrats on having hope about your favorite series; I look forward to shitting all over that hope when a subpar game is released.


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Goddamn I can taste the salt from here. :mouf

Honestly you not liking the sims says more about you than it does me, and it what it says is,"I have limited gaming taste and cannot appreciate diverse gameplay styles" so I win out every time due to my eclectic taste. :rejoice

"I'm Triumph and I want every game to be the same which is why I like diablo so much clickclickclick"

Like, I can understand not liking The Sims, but in taste arguments, you will fail every time when actually trying to argue that The Sims is an a bad game.

Also I bet you Shenmue III will have more gameplay than Fallout 4: no mini map, no quest markers, no handholding. But you prop up a franchise that has become the definition of everything wrong modern AAA RPGs: a mollycoddling mainstream title that has so little faith in its users it has to tell them where every quest is and advertises itself as having "deep" moral choices such as bombing a valuable town for resources for no reason and no changes nor recognition in the game world and being a goody two shoes that completes Wasteland Survival Guide's just because. Bask in :mouf as Fallout 4 turns out to be a disappointment and has the writing of a teen novel.

You are what you hate. :umad
« Last Edit: July 17, 2015, 05:59:47 PM by Queen of Ice »

Human Snorenado

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I really should bookmark all of this goddamn nonsense, but I'm so confident in a shitty product being delivered that there's really no need.



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You can't handle the truth. Especially the truth that You love Fallout 3, a game with worse first person shooting than Chex Quest but you always talk about the "game" part of other games while propping up a franchise where 90% of your time is spent in dialogue windows.


Human Snorenado

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Fallout 3 isn't really meant to be played for it's shooting, and I don't love it because of that; I love it because it's a big fucking sandbox full of fun stuff to do, and I love post-apocalyptic settings.

Look, whatever. I'm not going to get drawn into this bullshit with you. You're happy about this Shenmue thing. Congratulations. We'll talk again in a couple years when a shitty game on par but most likely WAY WORSE than the first two comes out, and I'll troll you until you cry and leave the forum for a month. It's the circle of Himumu. I love you to death, but goddamn. Find an even keel.


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All these excuses. :rejoice

Great Rumbler

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I really should bookmark all of this goddamn nonsense, but I'm so confident in a shitty product being delivered that there's really no need.


Nah, we're gonna HOF this thread for future reference.

Human Snorenado

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All these excuses. :rejoice

I'm still not sure wtf you're talking about. The only thing this has proven is that around 67,000 people are willing to put down an average of $90 each to be disappointed. What, exactly, am I making excuses for? That Shenmue 3 is getting made? Look how it had to happen.

Again, please, enjoy this time. This is your day of jubilee. Upon release, I get my turn.


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Re: The REAL Shenmue III thread - 6 MILLION
« Reply #504 on: July 17, 2015, 06:22:52 PM »
If Shenmue III is a modern classic and it makes the haters look even more silly :rejoice

They can't even let Shenmue fans have this. Naw, gotta wah wah while we making 6 million. rejoice

It's been 15 years and he can't just let go! :bow Suzuki's Magic :bow2


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Re: The REAL Shenmue III thread - 6 MILLION
« Reply #505 on: July 17, 2015, 06:26:51 PM »


  • Do the moron
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Only if you assume it's dramatic. It's fairly accurate, but all you are willing to do is troll and conflate hyperbolic comparisons.  Tell me how the fanbase, franchise, and Suzuki were not mistreated? Suzuki could not get a job.

So what ? Tough shit for him although not totally unexpected, having massive games bombing and your company going through hard times can do that, fair or not. Fans were not fired from their job for being fans. Being the butt of jokes in the internet videogaming community is not really what I would call mistreatment.

You're doing great in the challenge with The Last of Us fandom, however.


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Re: The REAL Shenmue III thread - 6 MILLION
« Reply #507 on: July 17, 2015, 06:38:06 PM »
For someone who doesn't seem to care about Shenmue you sure do like posting in this thread. :lol define it what you want, it was highly annoying and the only one being dramatic here is you. I said my piece a page back. You just need to deal with it. Whether being the butt of gamings jokes is mistreatment or not, the general disrespect towards Suzuki was never warranted and doesn't mean any of us have to like it.

this is the part where you compare this to Nazi Germany while pointing fingers that people are being dramatic, yes?


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Re: The REAL Shenmue III thread - 6 MILLION
« Reply #508 on: July 17, 2015, 06:40:13 PM »
All you have to do to is look at this page full of haters. They can't shut the fuck up, because they know they lost while they stink up a positive congratulatory thread for a series they don't even like. This is the nature of Shenmue haters: endlessly butthurt. :rofl


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Re: The REAL Shenmue III thread - 6 MILLION
« Reply #509 on: July 17, 2015, 06:45:54 PM »
For someone who doesn't seem to care about Shenmue you sure do like posting in this thread. :lol define it what you want, it was highly annoying and the only one being dramatic here is you. I said my piece a page back. You just need to deal with it. Whether being the butt of gamings jokes is mistreatment or not, the general disrespect towards Suzuki was never warranted and doesn't mean any of us have to like it.

this is the part where you compare this to Nazi Germany while pointing fingers that people are being dramatic, yes?

Every prolific videogame designer or director has been shit on by the tons by all communities online. Hideo Kojima gets told to direct movies instead of games. David Cage doesn't even get that much praise with the shit talk, people hate everything that he touches. Ken Levine is now viewed as a heel turn hack because Bioshock Infinite didn't satisfy everybody. The Houser Brothers are viewed as hacks that are apparently the worst writers on the planet. The people at Square Enix have been dumped on every minute since FFXIII's release in 2009.

And you know what? Almost all of these people are successful even though they get shit on constantly. The only difference between people disrespecting those devs compared to Yu Suzuki is Yu has been in Sega's basement for more than a decade.

« Last Edit: July 17, 2015, 06:58:12 PM by mormapope »

Human Snorenado

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Re: The REAL Shenmue III thread - 6 MILLION
« Reply #510 on: July 17, 2015, 06:50:52 PM »
All you have to do to is look at this page full of haters. They can't shut the fuck up, because they know they lost while they stink up a positive congratulatory thread for a series they don't even like. This is the nature of Shenmue haters: endlessly butthurt. :rofl

Literally every post I have said, "Please enjoy this time, I'll argue with you when there's a finished game"

You're too busy trying to spike a ball at midfield to realize you haven't gotten into the fucking endzone, you lunatic


  • It was all going to be very admirable and noble and it would show us - philosophically - what it means to be human.
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font nerds  :cac

Yo momma's so fat they call her Superblack Heavy Ultra Extended.


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Re: The REAL Shenmue III thread - 6 MILLION
« Reply #512 on: July 17, 2015, 06:51:54 PM »
For someone who doesn't seem to care about Shenmue you sure do like posting in this thread. :lol define it what you want, it was highly annoying and the only one being dramatic here is you. I said my piece a page back. You just need to deal with it. Whether being the butt of gamings jokes is mistreatment or not, the general disrespect towards Suzuki was never warranted and doesn't mean any of us have to like it.

this is the part where you compare this to Nazi Germany while pointing fingers that people are being dramatic, yes?

Every prolific videogame designer or director has been shit on by the tons by all communities online. Hideo Kojima gets told to direct movies instead of games. David Cage doesn't even get that much praise with the shit talk, people hate everything that he touches. Kevin Levine is now viewed as a heel turn hack because Bioshock Infinite didn't satisfy everybody. The Houser Brothers are viewed as hacks that are apparently the worst writers on the planet. The people at Square Enix have been dumped on every minute since FFXIII's release in 2009.

And you know what? Almost all of these people are successful even though they get shit on constantly. The only difference between people disrespecting those devs compared to Yu Suzuki is Yu has been in Sega's basement for more than a decade.

Where did I say Suzuki got shit? Suzuki got nothing. His career treated like a joke. A man whose last directorial game was an all time classic - virtua fighter 4 - and the gaming press had the opportunity to interview him in a Q&A and belittled him in a professional business setting. I highly suggest watching it. Then you can know what you're talking about on any level. Those developers got shit, true. But their opinions and experiences were valued. Suzuki was treated like a joke. Not liking this at all however puts Shenmue fans on par with TLOU fans though, I guess! Despite any grievance being warranted.

Human Snorenado

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Re: The REAL Shenmue III thread - 6 MILLION
« Reply #513 on: July 17, 2015, 06:52:40 PM »
Maybe those two Shenmue games are just THAT FUCKING BAD, Himuro


Joe Molotov

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Re: The REAL Shenmue III thread - 6 MILLION
« Reply #514 on: July 17, 2015, 06:53:16 PM »
I wish Himu had came up with that extra $4 Million so we could have gotten more than Shenmue III: Hidden Object Adventure, but I guess this is alright. :-\

cool breeze

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Re: The REAL Shenmue III thread - 6 MILLION
« Reply #515 on: July 17, 2015, 06:54:59 PM »
i decided to up my pledge to the ps4 retail.  it's a bad idea but might as well go full bore nostalgia here.


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Re: The REAL Shenmue III thread - 6 MILLION
« Reply #516 on: July 17, 2015, 06:55:16 PM »
Maybe those two Shenmue games are just THAT FUCKING BAD, Himuro


I'm pretty sure half the press that was there hadn't even played them.



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Re: The REAL Shenmue III thread - 6 MILLION
« Reply #517 on: July 17, 2015, 06:56:06 PM »
Where did I say Suzuki got shit? Suzuki got nothing. His career treated like a joke. A man whose last directorial game was an all time classic - virtua fighter 4 - and the gaming press had the opportunity to interview him in a Q&A and belittled him in a professional business setting. I highly suggest watching it. Then you can know what you're talking about on any level. Those developers got shit, true. But their opinions and experiences were valued. Suzuki was treated like a joke.

Who in the gaming press?

Looking up Yu Suzuki Virtua Fighter 4 warranted random videos and this:


Great Rumbler

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Re: The REAL Shenmue III thread - 6 MILLION
« Reply #518 on: July 17, 2015, 06:56:56 PM »
Yeah, I think literally no one here other than Himu knows what incident she's talking about.


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Re: The REAL Shenmue III thread - 6 MILLION
« Reply #519 on: July 17, 2015, 06:57:34 PM »
GDC Shenmue postmortem Q&A. There's a Q&A after the post mortem. Those are all "professionals".


  • Do the moron
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Re: The REAL Shenmue III thread - 6 MILLION
« Reply #520 on: July 17, 2015, 07:01:00 PM »
For someone who doesn't seem to care about Shenmue you sure do like posting in this thread. :lol define it what you want, it was highly annoying and the only one being dramatic here is you. I said my piece a page back. You just need to deal with it. Whether being the butt of gamings jokes is mistreatment or not, the general disrespect towards Suzuki was never warranted and doesn't mean any of us have to like it.

this is the part where you compare this to Nazi Germany while pointing fingers that people are being dramatic, yes?

Already did that, man (I have a good one with the destruction of Shenmhatera and a pillar of salt. Needs work.). Now just scratching my head at living vicariously the hardships of a game designer I guess  :itagaki (Well not this one, but the YS smiley is not there yet).


  • Do the moron
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Re: The REAL Shenmue III thread - 6 MILLION
« Reply #521 on: July 17, 2015, 07:03:27 PM »
Yeah, I think literally no one here other than Himu knows what incident she's talking about.

In defense of Himuro, we are still a long way to an Alternate Reality Game  :uguu

Great Rumbler

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Re: The REAL Shenmue III thread - 6 MILLION
« Reply #522 on: July 17, 2015, 07:05:06 PM »
GDC Shenmue postmortem Q&A. There's a Q&A after the post mortem. Those are all "professionals".

I'm looking at it right and I'm not seeing anything that is remotely like what you're talking about.


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Re: The REAL Shenmue III thread - 6 MILLION
« Reply #523 on: July 17, 2015, 07:06:54 PM »
GDC Shenmue postmortem Q&A. There's a Q&A after the post mortem. Those are all "professionals".

Can't find a video of this, but reading the questions from here...

Sounds like normal questions to me.


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Re: The REAL Shenmue III thread - 6 MILLION
« Reply #524 on: July 17, 2015, 07:09:16 PM »
For someone who doesn't seem to care about Shenmue you sure do like posting in this thread. :lol define it what you want, it was highly annoying and the only one being dramatic here is you. I said my piece a page back. You just need to deal with it. Whether being the butt of gamings jokes is mistreatment or not, the general disrespect towards Suzuki was never warranted and doesn't mean any of us have to like it.

this is the part where you compare this to Nazi Germany while pointing fingers that people are being dramatic, yes?

Already did that, man (I have a good one with the destruction of Shenmhatera and a pillar of salt. Needs work.). Now just scratching my head at living vicariously the hardships of a game designer I guess  :itagaki (Well not this one, but the YS smiley is not there yet).

Who said anything about living vicariously? :lol

It just got highly annoying over the years, is all. Shenmue had been treated like a joke. Now it's made 6 million. It felt like vindication, is all. Instead, you decide to turn something happy and positive into some stupid ass overly dramatic hyperbole comparing to WW2 atrocities. Do you realize you sound like the dumbest person here?


  • It was all going to be very admirable and noble and it would show us - philosophically - what it means to be human.
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Re: The REAL Shenmue III thread - 6 MILLION
« Reply #525 on: July 17, 2015, 07:15:25 PM »
Himu stop letting them shit up our day. :gurl

6 million raised. :preach

New record pledge. :preach

Fastest to a million or w/e. :preach

Getting shit done with #positivity. :preach


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Re: The REAL Shenmue III thread - 6 MILLION
« Reply #526 on: July 17, 2015, 07:18:35 PM »
GDC Shenmue postmortem Q&A. There's a Q&A after the post mortem. Those are all "professionals".

Can't find a video of this, but reading the questions from here...

Sounds like normal questions to me.

You have to think within the context of the time.

At the time, Cerny said clearly and plainly that they would only answer ONE question in relation to Shenmue III or Suzuki would walk off the stage and the Q&A would end.

No one knew if III would come. At that point, the question was redundant and tongue and cheek jab. It's first question that's asked. He doesn't ask how Yu been thinking of ways to POSSIBLY release Shenmue III. He asks,"When will Shenmue III be released?". A light jab, because he certainly KNOWS that Yu isn't working III at that point, but he wants to take the piss anyways.

Some guy asks a random question about Space Harrier. He doesn't even care, despite this being a post mortem for Shenmue.

Maybe I'm being over sensitive over the QA. I don't know. All I know is that at the time it angered me.


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Re: The REAL Shenmue III thread - 6 MILLION
« Reply #527 on: July 17, 2015, 07:19:30 PM »
Himu stop letting them shit up our day. :gurl

6 million raised. :preach

New record pledge. :preach

Fastest to a million or w/e. :preach

Getting shit done with #positivity. :preach

It's impossible for them to ruin this day but it seems just as impossible for them to not shit up this thread further by comparing things to WW2 atrocities like a fucking distinguished mentally-challenged fellow.

Great Rumbler

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Re: The REAL Shenmue III thread - 6 MILLION
« Reply #528 on: July 17, 2015, 07:19:59 PM »
GDC Shenmue postmortem Q&A. There's a Q&A after the post mortem. Those are all "professionals".

Can't find a video of this, but reading the questions from here...

Sounds like normal questions to me.

You have to think within the context of the time.

At the time, Cerny said clearly and plainly that they would only answer ONE question in relation to Shenmue III or Suzuki would walk off the stage and the Q&A would end.

No one knew if III would come. At that point, the question was redundant and tongue and cheek jab. It's first question that's asked. He doesn't ask how Yu been thinking of ways to POSSIBLY release Shenmue III. He asks,"When will Shenmue III be released?". A light jab, because he certainly KNOWS that Yu isn't working III at that point, but he wants to take the piss anyways.

Some guy asks a random question about Space Harrier. He doesn't even care, despite this being a post mortem for Shenmue.

Maybe I'm being over sensitive over the QA. I don't know. All I know is that at the time I angered me.

 :snoop :snoop :snoop :snoop :snoop :snoop :snoop


  • It was all going to be very admirable and noble and it would show us - philosophically - what it means to be human.
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Re: The REAL Shenmue III thread - 6 MILLION
« Reply #529 on: July 17, 2015, 07:29:42 PM »
Banal is a really negative term too, Himu. Everyday is the actual word but the person asking the question chose that one instead.


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Re: The REAL Shenmue III thread - 6 MILLION
« Reply #530 on: July 17, 2015, 07:32:23 PM »
Banal is a really negative term too, Himu. Everyday is the actual word but the person asking the question chose that one instead.

Yeah I wasn't fond of that word choice, either.

Human Snorenado

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Re: The REAL Shenmue III thread - 6 MILLION
« Reply #531 on: July 17, 2015, 07:32:53 PM »
GDC Shenmue postmortem Q&A. There's a Q&A after the post mortem. Those are all "professionals".

Shitting on Yu Suzuki at a Q&A after a Shenmue postmortem seems pretty warranted, considering that the series was a colossal fucking failure. Good job for once, gaming press!

Great Rumbler

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Re: The REAL Shenmue III thread - 6 MILLION
« Reply #532 on: July 17, 2015, 07:40:33 PM »
GDC Shenmue postmortem Q&A. There's a Q&A after the post mortem. Those are all "professionals".

Shitting on Yu Suzuki at a Q&A after a Shenmue postmortem seems pretty warranted, considering that the series was a colossal fucking failure. Good job for once, gaming press!

Well, if that was their intention, then they completely botched it. Not a single one of them ran up to the mic and yelled "Your game sucks and your face is dumb!" What a truly sad day for the gaming press.

Human Snorenado

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Re: The REAL Shenmue III thread - 6 MILLION
« Reply #533 on: July 17, 2015, 07:41:38 PM »
GDC Shenmue postmortem Q&A. There's a Q&A after the post mortem. Those are all "professionals".

Shitting on Yu Suzuki at a Q&A after a Shenmue postmortem seems pretty warranted, considering that the series was a colossal fucking failure. Good job for once, gaming press!

Well, if that was their intention, then they completely botched it. Not a single one of them ran up to the mic and yelled "Your game sucks and your face is dumb!" What a truly sad day for the gaming press.

Fuck, I take it back. Fuck you, gaming press.

Trent Dole

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Re: The REAL Shenmue III thread - 6 MILLION
« Reply #534 on: July 17, 2015, 07:58:08 PM »
Himu stop letting them shit up our day. :gurl

6 million raised. :preach

New record pledge. :preach

Fastest to a million or w/e. :preach

Getting shit done with #positivity. :preach


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Re: The REAL Shenmue III thread - $6,333,295! WE DID IT!
« Reply #535 on: July 17, 2015, 09:55:24 PM »

we did it guys


Oh my god. Shenmue's future starts NOW. :tocry

Paypal announced.



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Re: The REAL Shenmue III thread - $6,333,295! WE DID IT!
« Reply #536 on: July 17, 2015, 09:57:52 PM »
Congrats Himu and Kara. :)

...sheeeiiit, that's means they're gonna charge my card now, lol. Forgot about that.

Eh, $100 shouldn't be too bad.


  • It was all going to be very admirable and noble and it would show us - philosophically - what it means to be human.
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Re: The REAL Shenmue III thread - $6,333,295! WE DID IT!
« Reply #537 on: July 17, 2015, 10:00:13 PM »







Cave!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :preach


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Re: The REAL Shenmue III thread - $6,333,295! WE DID IT!
« Reply #538 on: July 17, 2015, 10:01:19 PM »
Now where's that MML3 Kickstarter :hitler

And don't give me that "Red Ash" crap. :comeon

cool breeze

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Re: The REAL Shenmue III thread - $6,333,295! WE DID IT!
« Reply #539 on: July 17, 2015, 10:03:59 PM »
in 2018 (optimistic) I can be playing shenmue 3   :clap

then I can move on to begging for shenmue 4  :omg