Author Topic: It has been 4... 0 days since the last mass shooting official shooting thread  (Read 191971 times)

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He also did this on a first date:
An ex-girlfriend of the Ohio gunman who killed nine people says he showed her a video of the Pittsburgh synagogue shooting on their first date.

He really made a good impression it seems...

First date: Watch video of the Pittsburgh synagogue shooting.

"I'm unsure about him. I'll go on a second date with him and see what he is like"

Second date: Watch video of a nutcase stabbing someone to death with an icepick.

"I don't know. The choice in movie was quite strange, but he seems kind of nice."


  • Senior Member
Yeah. Kind of reminds me of how angry Elliot Rodger would get when he saw attractive women with fat men.

I also have this weird image in my mind now of Elliot Rodger killing a mass shooter. A strange alternative universe where a sick and twisted incel who went on a shooting spree, is really a hero who killed a mass shooter.


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background checks can be weird in what they do and don't retain, not to mention what elevates to a hold or not

iirc it was the Virginia Tech shooter who technically should have failed multiple times, but the way he went about purchasing stuff (in part so he could afford everything) he unintentionally slipped through a bunch of hold triggers because it didn't look like a pattern until he actually used all the guns in the shooting

when my one roommate was buying ammo, the trigger on it was if you were buying different (and certain) types of ammo close together, if you just bought one kind you could buy five hundred pounds of it (probably not really but i exaggerate for effect) though .30-06 might not be a big deal
« Last Edit: August 06, 2019, 08:54:08 PM by benjipwns »


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How the fuck do gun shops/gun sellers never get dragged into court for selling these weapons to people who in most cases are obvious red flag candidates who should not be sold weapons and armor? Bar tenders can and have been sued and arrested for people they served going out and killing people while driving drunk. You never hear about the gun store that sold the guns to obvious psycho who went and shot 30 people getting any blowblack.

Surely there has to be some specialized liability considering the nature of the products being sold.

Because that’s bad policy. At that point you could start suing and prosecuting bar owners who sell alcohol to patrons who are caught in DUI accidents, which you mention, but it’d have to be passed at the state level, likely, and would mostly definitely impact other industries. Suing a bartender for serving alcohol is also a bit much.

Would this mean a seller would be sued anytime someone commits a crime with a gun? Or just a mass shooting? Would this mass shooting definition be the 250 number? Or the 7 number? Or the 17 number? Could they be sued any time a gun is used or just in specific instances? Usually, gun penalties are on the shooter. So you can go to prison for giving a warning shot or brandishing because you used the weapon in unsafe manner.
« Last Edit: August 07, 2019, 03:39:26 AM by Cindi Mayweather »


  • Senior Member
One of the most authoritative and interesting surveys of the attitudes of gun owners was conducted by the Pew Research Center in 2017. That survey shows the vast majority of Americans who own guns are not members of the NRA and that most favor some form of gun control. However, most refrain from pushing for greater regulation of guns because they neither trust the government nor believe that it will protect them. They often resent the disdain for their way of life of the kind expressed by President Barack Obama when he suggested they “cling to guns or religion” as a way of expressing “antipathy to people who aren't like them … as a way to explain their frustrations." They see themselves as on their own in a dangerous world.

The sale, manufacture, distribution, purchase and production of guns, as well as the views of their owners, are, in part, responses to the perceived weakness of the government and the perceived need for constant vigilance and a concomitant interpersonal fear. As dangerous weapons, guns offer a form of direct power in a world where trust and civic belonging are in short supply. The Pew poll reported that 67 percent of gun owners said protection is a major reason they own a gun; 38 percent cited hunting, 30 percent listed sport shooting, and 13 percent listed gun collecting as major reasons.

Good article.


  • Senior Member
Seriously, the Democratic party cannot be expecting to win in 2020 if their message is "our very Democracy is in danger, people are dying in violent outbursts at an alarming rate, the police keep murdering us for things like wanting to breathe or answering our doors with our phones in our hands, and our solution is to limit our collective capability to defend ourselves from it."

It's such a bizarre fucking time to champion gun control when most of what they're talking about is how oppressive the government has gotten and how much the administration has stoked the flames of extremism. They need to put down that pet cause for just a moment or at least consider the context of what they're saying relative to everything else that's happening.

It's because they have gone from believing the government can help solve some social issues to believing the government can and should solve everything. They should be the sole holders of power and arbiters of good.

If you only want the police to have guns, you're not pro minority rights.

Something else that comes to mind is that we essentially live in a corporate oligarchy these days, and our society voting to disarm itself would play straight into those oligarch's hands. In many ways the police are a tool of said oligarchs, so of course they would get exemptions.
It's so striking how many people in this country are willing to vote away their rights. Our education system has obviously failed to teach people the value of their rights...
Reminds me of the story about Ben Franklin on the last day of the constitutional convention:
“A lady asked Dr. Franklin 'Well Doctor what have we got a republic or a monarchy?' 'A republic,' replied the Doctor 'if you can keep it.'”
Doesn't seem like we're doing a good job of keeping our republic intact.

The Pyramid of Power

I can't figure out which is more peak centrism:
Bitching you don't feel safe because of the 'mass shooting epidemic' and then making fun of people who want to be armed cause 'wHy wOUldN't yOu fEEL SaFe at WaLMArt, lOL PUssy'. Or is it wanting to disarm the populace while there are literal concentration camps. 🤔

Alternative views from pro-gun liberals and socialists.

Edit: goddamn, these are teenagers??
« Last Edit: August 07, 2019, 04:18:29 AM by Cindi Mayweather »


  • Senior Member
Often that has nothing to do with the seller and more to do federal background checks. For instance, often you’ll have a case where a shooter committed domestic violence but the partner didn’t report the domestic assault. Then after the fact they’ll say,”he beat me” but didn’t report it to police, which would have had his firearms taken away or disabled his ability to purchase.” Often, “prior offenses” and “red flags” aren’t reported to begin with or aren’t taken seriously. The Parkland shooter had his house visited dozens (iirc over 30?) times by police in the timespan of a few years and was still allowed to buy guns.

An example of domestic violence being ignored.

It has less to do with sellers and more to do with authorities not doing their job and cases falling through the cracks.

In other words...



  • Senior Member
Related to domestic abuse. Good Intercept article from a year ago when Pulse shooter’s ex-wife was on trial.

Lots of people are blamed in these attacks.


  • captain of my capsized ship
  • Senior Member
Does anyone have good stats on murder-suicide globally? America averages 9-10 a week and no one really talks about it, because they are usually seen as regional news. I can't imagine there are other places in the world that are worse than the US.

There was another one down in Atlanta yesterday where a guy killed 3 people (one his gf/wife) and then killed himself. It's almost always the same story, man kills woman (and kids or lover) and then kills himself with a gun.


  • Icon
Cindi, you posted a bunch of quotes about how people shouldn't trust the government or police, then said that police need to be more aggressive in taking away people's guns before they use them to kill people.


  • Live Más
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Because that’s bad policy. At that point you could start suing and prosecuting bar owners who sell alcohol to patrons who are caught in DUI accidents, which you mention, but it’d have to be passed at the state level, likely, and would mostly definitely impact other industries. Suing a bartender for serving alcohol is also a bit much.
But many states already have some form of law that hold bars liable for over serving people who then cause injury to a third party.

Madrun Badrun

  • twin-anused mascot
  • Senior Member  last episode was interesting, especially the part of going back to Columbine and how the nazi elements of it were excused. 

Madrun Badrun

  • twin-anused mascot
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You are right, but also pointing out issues and connections without saying how to solve those issues is OK. 

Human Snorenado

  • Stay out of Malibu, Lebowski
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New York (CNN Business)Walmart is taking down displays of violent video games in its stores in the wake of recent shootings.

Madrun Badrun

  • twin-anused mascot
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Does walmart still sell guns?

Human Snorenado

  • Stay out of Malibu, Lebowski
  • Icon
Does walmart still sell guns?

That's the literal next line in the link I posted, so yes.

But the company plans to still sell the controversial video games -- and guns.

The change in policy does not apply to the sale or display of actual firearms. As the nation's largest retailer, Walmart is also one of the largest sellers of guns and ammunition in the world.


  • Finish the Fight
  • Senior Member
But the company plans to still sell the controversial video games
-- and guns

Human Snorenado

  • Stay out of Malibu, Lebowski
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Ah, god bless Jack Chick, who is dead I think


  • Finish the Fight
  • Senior Member
I hope Trump ends up causing legislative action against violent videogames for the fuckery tbh #NoNintex
He's too busy with more important matters such as drafting an executive order on Twitter and Facebook censorship  :like


  • Senior Member
I hope Trump ends up causing legislative action against violent videogames for the fuckery tbh #NoNintex

that would be very


Madrun Badrun

  • twin-anused mascot
  • Senior Member
Does walmart still sell guns?

That's the literal next line in the link I posted, so yes.

But the company plans to still sell the controversial video games -- and guns.

The change in policy does not apply to the sale or display of actual firearms. As the nation's largest retailer, Walmart is also one of the largest sellers of guns and ammunition in the world.

When it comes to news, I just read the link and assume I know what it's about.  Its why I'm so informed because I can read like 100 links in the time it would take to read an article. 

Madrun Badrun

  • twin-anused mascot
  • Senior Member
I hope Trump ends up causing legislative action against violent videogames for the fuckery tbh #NoNintex

I'd honestly be ok with legislation for online games that make them adult-rated if they don't support a system for reporting and banning players who engage in hate speech.   


  • Finish the Fight
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Madrun Badrun

  • twin-anused mascot
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A 65-year-old man who tackled a gunman who stormed a mosque in Norway is being hailed as a hero.

team filler

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europe should pass some gun laws  :kermit


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And the would be killer was stopped without using a gun.


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I think it's time to outlaw tackling folks

Joe Molotov

  • I'm much more humble than you would understand.
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pussy-ass rightwingers can't even take down an active shooter without a gun :lol


  • The Bore's Like Bot
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pussy-ass rightwingers can't even take down an active shooter without a gun :lol

I would have disarmed him with facts and logic checkmate libruls.  :brain


  • Senior Member

Kid looks like he went a round with Tyson.

Madrun Badrun

  • twin-anused mascot
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  • GunOn™! Apply directly to forehead!
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Kid looks like he went a round with Tyson.

More like kid looks like the daughter of the woman right next to him.


  • Senior Member
You mean his mom?


  • Senior Member
I would have thought that was his lawyer. Surprised they let his family that close to him


  • Senior Member
actually, i don't know if that's his mom, but i figured cause they look very similar

edit: guess that IS his lawyer

another huge loss in the battle of ideas i guess  :doge


  • Senior Member

The important thing is how badly he got beat with the ugly stick


  • Winner of the Baited Award 2018
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Interesting, if true.  I can't find a reliable news source.

From the URL I thought this site was related to Killary, and it didn't make much sense.

Joe Molotov

  • I'm much more humble than you would understand.
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That dude looks like the woman that gets abused by her partner, after she decides to shave her hair and start taking karate lessons in the second half of the Lifetime movie.


  • Finish the Fight
  • Senior Member
About 5 cops shot in Philly by some dude live streaming on Facebook  :mindblown

Madrun Badrun

  • twin-anused mascot
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Looks like it was police trying to serve a warrant.  Kinda a different situation from the normal mass shootings.


  • Finish the Fight
  • Senior Member
That title.... are these things randomly generated now?

Great Rumbler

  • Dab on the sinners
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Gunman [at] large [in] hijacked mail truck[,] shooting [at] random people.


  • Finish the Fight
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Madrun Badrun

  • twin-anused mascot
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Ya.   To speculate - which I really shouldn't be doing - it sounds like a new strategy to kill more people.  Wouldn't be surprised if we find out they posted on 4 chan etc about kill counts. 


  • Finish the Fight
  • Senior Member
Ya.   To speculate - which I really shouldn't be doing - it sounds like a new strategy to kill more people.  Wouldn't be surprised if we find out they posted on 4 chan etc about kill counts.
It reminds me of those ISIS snuff films from way back. They would hit the highway's with AK 47's and shoot at cars of police and Assad's military officers and officials on leave.
The poor fools never had a chance against those random raids.


  • <<SALVATION!>>
  • Senior Member
Can't say I'm not unnerved by you casually working reflecting on "ISIS snuff film" into conversation

team filler

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  • Finish the Fight
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In the past 2 days Nintex has rooted for space nazis and casually dropped he watched ISIS snuff films.
Also watched a video of one of Assad's tanks trying to navigate through a destroyed city and horribly failing at it.
It basically popped up on the same channels as the war in Ukraine raging on the side of the continent.

MSM(in Kiev): "Today we're not seeing any fighting at the front"
Meanwhile on YouTube the biggest tank battle since WW2 on the Donetsk front.

There was this account conflictnews or whatever that had loads of this stuff from both Syria and Ukraine.
It was mostly the military engagements though (so rebels blowing up tanks, bases, shooting at cars or US air strikes that sort of shit) and none of the beheadings, drowning people in cages etc. .
It bored me rather quickly though only the weird music sort of stuck as a running gag when me and my buddies played Battlefield 4.


  • Finish the Fight
  • Senior Member you think that post made you look better?
no but since you were interested I wanted to give you some background.


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  • <<SALVATION!>>
  • Senior Member
In the past 2 days Nintex has rooted for space nazis and casually dropped he watched ISIS snuff films.
Also watched a video of one of Assad's tanks trying to navigate through a destroyed city and horribly failing at it.
It basically popped up on the same channels as the war in Ukraine raging on the side of the continent.

MSM(in Kiev): "Today we're not seeing any fighting at the front"
Meanwhile on YouTube the biggest tank battle since WW2 on the Donetsk front.

There was this account conflictnews or whatever that had loads of this stuff from both Syria and Ukraine.
It was mostly the military engagements though (so rebels blowing up tanks, bases, shooting at cars or US air strikes that sort of shit) and none of the beheadings, drowning people in cages etc. .
It bored me rather quickly though only the weird music sort of stuck as a running gag when me and my buddies played Battlefield 4.


Madrun Badrun

  • twin-anused mascot
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  • GunOn™! Apply directly to forehead!
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Re: It has been 4... 0 days since the last mass shooting official shooting thread
« Reply #1435 on: September 03, 2019, 04:44:17 PM »
Honestly never would have thought Walmart would even do that much  :leon

Funny how shit doesn't change until it happens to you, eh?


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Re: It has been 4... 0 days since the last mass shooting official shooting thread
« Reply #1436 on: September 04, 2019, 04:46:55 AM »

Considering that most don't have passports and never travel abroad, how else would average Americans get to have a real war zone experience, if not for the awesome freedom to own firearms?


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Re: It has been 4... 0 days since the last mass shooting official shooting thread
« Reply #1437 on: September 04, 2019, 09:38:19 AM »
Black Friday already simulates that.

Great Rumbler

  • Dab on the sinners
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Re: It has been 4... 0 days since the last mass shooting official shooting thread
« Reply #1438 on: September 04, 2019, 09:55:05 AM »
Black Friday just simulates our inevitable, resource-poor future.


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Re: It has been 4... 0 days since the last mass shooting official shooting thread
« Reply #1439 on: September 04, 2019, 10:07:12 AM »
It's not a simulation if you get shot at with live ammunition.