Author Topic: RELATIONSHIPS: helping wizards deplete their mana since 2011  (Read 1446692 times)

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Re: RELATIONSHIPS: helping wizards deplete their mana since 2011
« Reply #15120 on: June 27, 2023, 09:02:49 PM »
I'm a short man. I'm 5'5 going on 5'6. I've always felt invisible all my life, especially since I was fat the majority of it.

I really like the look of respect people give me now. I walk with my chest out and despite being short I know I'm all that. I have that BROOKLYN SWAGGER, baby! To go from invisible all your life to being looked at and respected despite your height is the ultimate feather in a man's cap. There's nothing you can't do once you believe in yourself!

Post more books on leadership that are similar to How To Win Friends, please! Book recs! :rejoice Social skills are an art form! Let's get to it!


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Re: RELATIONSHIPS: helping wizards deplete their mana since 2011
« Reply #15121 on: June 28, 2023, 07:21:22 AM »
I like Travel Girl's energy. she texted me at 3 am. Anime Girl ain't putting in the effort to get to know a nicca.

A new chick gave me her number. Let's see how serious she is.

Another sister came into my orbit. She said she's available any time. Let's see how much she wants it.
« Last Edit: June 28, 2023, 07:36:10 AM by Himu »


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Re: RELATIONSHIPS: helping wizards deplete their mana since 2011
« Reply #15122 on: June 28, 2023, 09:36:03 AM »
Please do not have sex with your sister


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Re: RELATIONSHIPS: helping wizards deplete their mana since 2011
« Reply #15123 on: June 28, 2023, 11:17:24 AM »
Perfect on Paper

Anime Girl seemed just my type on paper. Private, keeps to herself, few selfies, focuses on her hobbies, religious. But the more I get to know her the less I'm attracted to her personality. She's very negative. She complains a lot. She's insecure. I don't need that in a wife. I want a forward thinking wife. A woman secure with herself. A woman that has healed.

By contrast, Travel Girl was vulnerable enough to tell me she has a health condition yet this is the first she's mentioned it and she works her ass off despite it. She has strength of character. She has lots of skills to help me build a strong family unit. She's just as religious, has more positive male relationships in her life, and never complains. She also reciprocates better and is more supportive towards and excited regarding my vision for a family. She is more compliant and cooperative. Anime Girl has trauma and hasn't healed. Travel Girl reciprocates in a way I prefer more which helps create a more healthy bond.

Dating to Date versus Dating for Marriage

All of this shows the benefits of dating for marriage. Women hold the keys to dating but men hold the keys to marriage. I get lots of power and lots of say because I know what I want. Because my standards are high (reasonable, but high) I refuse nothing less. Telling a woman out the gate,"Hey, I'm looking for a wife" is also a fantastic filter. If she's not ready because she realizes you're 100% serious she will back away. She will respect the hell out of you but won't waste your time. The result is I attract higher and higher quality women that are actually wife material. You are what you seek.

The Wisdom of the Ancients

Not having sex before marriage is great. Not only does it protect the woman it creates an environment of desire. One of the worst parts of pre-marital sex is that the man gets what he wants without commitment but this also means that he can fall in love with pussy rather than a woman's character. By deliberately holding sex off before marriage, I as a man can create desire in a woman and make it build and build and build and BUILD and then deny her. It shows true strength of character, separates yourself from the sex obsessed modern male. Not that I don't want sex. I really do. But by saying no to a woman, she wants me even more. A man should ideally want a situation where the woman asks him for sex, not the opposite. Men have more power than we think. Only a fool would have sex with a woman he wouldn't marry.

Cats Cats Cats

Women really are like cats. Try to pet, she runs away. Sit there and just wait, and she'll come and sit in your lap. Attracting a woman is a matter of sparking attraction and desire. The woman will pull back to make sense of her emotions. Don't pursue but allow her some space. She'll come back for more. This will repeat as you get to know each other and until she fully trusts you. Patience wins the prize. Let's go fishing.


Travel Girl insists that I talk to her with her Wali (guardian) on the line. In Muslim terms this is when things get serious. No woman introduces a man she's not serious about to her Wali.


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Re: RELATIONSHIPS: helping wizards deplete their mana since 2011
« Reply #15124 on: June 28, 2023, 11:25:37 AM »
Only a fool would have sex with a woman he wouldn't marry.


  • Virgo. Live Music. The Office. Tacos. Fur mom. True crime junkie. INTJ.
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Re: RELATIONSHIPS: helping wizards deplete their mana since 2011
« Reply #15125 on: June 28, 2023, 12:40:15 PM »
But the more I get to know her the less I'm attracted to her personality. She's very negative. She complains a lot. She's insecure.

:thinking :hmm


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Re: RELATIONSHIPS: helping wizards deplete their mana since 2011
« Reply #15126 on: June 28, 2023, 02:03:46 PM »

Skullfuckers Anonymous

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Re: RELATIONSHIPS: helping wizards deplete their mana since 2011
« Reply #15127 on: June 28, 2023, 09:17:48 PM »
Only a fool would have sex with a woman he wouldn't marry.

Fellas, is it gay to have sex with a woman?


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Re: RELATIONSHIPS: helping wizards deplete their mana since 2011
« Reply #15128 on: June 28, 2023, 11:27:44 PM »
There's a lot of women deviants out there, that's why you've got to stay strong and focus on the big picture. There's no time to waste, so if they want to waste your time rather than get to the end goal, don't waste your time. Women are like pants, finance to buy what looks good first, try on later. And once you've put them on you can't take them back.
« Last Edit: June 28, 2023, 11:32:59 PM by benjipwns »

Cauliflower Of Love

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Re: RELATIONSHIPS: helping wizards deplete their mana since 2011
« Reply #15129 on: June 29, 2023, 02:26:27 PM »
oh you're a short guy like me.

that explains alot.

is your dick big?

if yes, then keep up whatever the fuck your doing with denigrating women.

if not, then get a better personality.


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Re: RELATIONSHIPS: helping wizards deplete their mana since 2011
« Reply #15130 on: June 29, 2023, 04:59:07 PM »
Nothing like a "what are you thinking?", "I really like you. It's not often that someone has that type of concern for someone they just met", "I was looking extra cute today" texts in the middle of the day. Pretty good for someone that "DeNigRaaTeS WOmeEN". Travel Girl and I have real chemistry, positive energy, reciprocate, are trying to be good Muslims, are physically attracted to each other. Seems worth investing into. I have created a good environment that lets her be in her feminine and open up. It really does begin and end with the man.

Eid Mubarak, White Knights.
« Last Edit: June 29, 2023, 05:03:16 PM by Himu »


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Re: RELATIONSHIPS: helping wizards deplete their mana since 2011
« Reply #15131 on: July 01, 2023, 02:38:53 AM »
So I had a really good halal date last night with Travel Girl and one of her Wali's (Guardians). We have a natural flow, are very attracted to each other, have a lot of similarities, we enjoy each other, and things got off on a great start. She's 3-4 inches taller than me and I don't care.
« Last Edit: July 01, 2023, 03:35:43 AM by Himu »


  • Virgo. Live Music. The Office. Tacos. Fur mom. True crime junkie. INTJ.
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Re: RELATIONSHIPS: helping wizards deplete their mana since 2011
« Reply #15132 on: July 01, 2023, 07:30:53 AM »
How much does a wife go for these days?


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Re: RELATIONSHIPS: helping wizards deplete their mana since 2011
« Reply #15133 on: July 01, 2023, 10:41:49 AM »
So I had a really good halal date last night with Travel Girl and one of her Wali's (Guardians). We have a natural flow, are very attracted to each other, have a lot of similarities, we enjoy each other, and things got off on a great start. She's 3-4 inches taller than me and I don't care.

Tall halal queen :preach


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Re: RELATIONSHIPS: helping wizards deplete their mana since 2011
« Reply #15134 on: July 01, 2023, 12:06:52 PM »
hell yeah

So far, so good. She shows great interest in me and my life. So far no signs of self centeredness. I'm greatly interested in her but playing it cool, which makes her more interested in me of course. So far, everything is in congruence and I am leading. I have had to put my foot down once so far. She respected it. Everything has been chill.
« Last Edit: July 01, 2023, 12:18:30 PM by Himu »


  • Punk Mushi no Onna
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Re: RELATIONSHIPS: helping wizards deplete their mana since 2011
« Reply #15135 on: July 01, 2023, 01:27:04 PM »
How much does a wife go for these days?

It depends on the breed.


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Re: RELATIONSHIPS: helping wizards deplete their mana since 2011
« Reply #15136 on: July 01, 2023, 03:22:45 PM »
How much does a wife go for these days?

It depends on the breed.

I saw Bionic's mom on the wife market. I almost bought her but then she talked back.

She expressed how she was worried her son was gay and I really empathized. "I can't imagine, ma'am" as I put her back in her gate and fixed her collar.


  • Virgo. Live Music. The Office. Tacos. Fur mom. True crime junkie. INTJ.
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Re: RELATIONSHIPS: helping wizards deplete their mana since 2011
« Reply #15137 on: July 01, 2023, 04:39:30 PM »
I like how you consistently try to insult me by calling me gay like it’s 2002 and when you were the one crying in the mental health thread about why god made you enjoy sucking cock. I hope you disclosed that to your bitch (your words, not mine) and her dad.

Cauliflower Of Love

  • I found my bearings, they were in the race
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Re: RELATIONSHIPS: helping wizards deplete their mana since 2011
« Reply #15138 on: July 01, 2023, 07:50:28 PM »

team filler

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Re: RELATIONSHIPS: helping wizards deplete their mana since 2011
« Reply #15139 on: July 01, 2023, 08:47:08 PM »
bionic is gay  :crowdlaff


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Re: RELATIONSHIPS: helping wizards deplete their mana since 2011
« Reply #15140 on: July 01, 2023, 09:36:28 PM »
I like how you consistently try to insult me by calling me gay like it’s 2002 and when you were the one crying in the mental health thread about why god made you enjoy sucking cock. I hope you disclosed that to your bitch (your words, not mine) and her dad.
lol gay


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Re: RELATIONSHIPS: helping wizards deplete their mana since 2011
« Reply #15141 on: July 01, 2023, 10:10:41 PM »
I like how you consistently try to insult me by calling me gay like it’s 2002 and when you were the one crying in the mental health thread about why god made you enjoy sucking cock. I hope you disclosed that to your bitch (your words, not mine) and her dad.

Bitch? How misogynistic of you.

Let's keep it a buck: you spend all of your free time shit talking other people on other forums, with your other gay friends, you are triggered by everything that offends you, and you spend the free time shit talking someone you don't like on the internet that doesn't even care what you think much less considers your own existence outside of this space. And you're what, over 30?

By all rights you're a gigantic fa.g, and not of the gay kind, but the loser kind. Your mother is really disappointed. She told me last night after begging to do some really unsavory stuff with me last night. She weeped on my clothes, leaving a stain of salty water, about how she raised such a sundering sod of a shit pile. You are so miserable you try to put down into your mind space but I am above you in every single way. You are truly a sad individual and I'm just out here drinking alcoholic free margartitas.
« Last Edit: July 01, 2023, 10:23:01 PM by Himu »

team filler

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Re: RELATIONSHIPS: helping wizards deplete their mana since 2011
« Reply #15142 on: July 01, 2023, 10:27:35 PM »
alcoholic free margartitas


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Re: RELATIONSHIPS: helping wizards deplete their mana since 2011
« Reply #15143 on: July 01, 2023, 10:37:41 PM »
alcoholic free margartitas

Hey! Some of us quit drinking! I used to have a problem but I conquered it.

This is another factor: Bionic and the others I know you're all so sexually frustrated that I won't whip my cock out and face fuck you while you scream my name while gagging. I understand that I happen to cause that effect on all of you but I'm not attracted to complainers. We ain't compatible. On Team Himu we have a can do attitude. Conquer your fears. Conquer your troubles. I know it's hard when, like Filler, you have a heroin addiction, but all we can do is try.

team filler

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Re: RELATIONSHIPS: helping wizards deplete their mana since 2011
« Reply #15144 on: July 01, 2023, 10:42:25 PM »
I like uppers not downers, sweatty  ::)


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Re: RELATIONSHIPS: helping wizards deplete their mana since 2011
« Reply #15145 on: July 01, 2023, 10:46:05 PM »
Thanks for the correction. It absolutely explains your behavior.

team filler

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Re: RELATIONSHIPS: helping wizards deplete their mana since 2011
« Reply #15146 on: July 01, 2023, 11:02:35 PM »
you have a dick addiction and it explains yours  :thinking

ya sissy slut biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatch  :lol


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Re: RELATIONSHIPS: helping wizards deplete their mana since 2011
« Reply #15147 on: July 01, 2023, 11:08:13 PM »
I sense a crack. I hurt you, in a small way. Let's go harder. How's the meth habit? Lose any teeth, lately? Sell your dogs corpse to traders to pay for your next fix?

As for me, you're right!

Look at this marg. That white stuff? It's cum!



  • Virgo. Live Music. The Office. Tacos. Fur mom. True crime junkie. INTJ.
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Re: RELATIONSHIPS: helping wizards deplete their mana since 2011
« Reply #15148 on: July 01, 2023, 11:46:58 PM »

team filler

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Re: RELATIONSHIPS: helping wizards deplete their mana since 2011
« Reply #15149 on: July 01, 2023, 11:49:27 PM »
himu is just the version of azealia banks  :hitler


  • Finish the Fight
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Re: RELATIONSHIPS: helping wizards deplete their mana since 2011
« Reply #15150 on: July 02, 2023, 04:23:48 AM »

team filler

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Re: RELATIONSHIPS: helping wizards deplete their mana since 2011
« Reply #15151 on: July 02, 2023, 05:52:14 AM »
we're at our best when we trash each other. this bore is full of degenerates pretending they're better than they are. just admit you're trash and accept your fate


  • my hog is small but it is mighty
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Re: RELATIONSHIPS: helping wizards deplete their mana since 2011
« Reply #15152 on: July 02, 2023, 06:01:29 AM »
himu is just the version of azealia banks  :hitler
whens someone dropping the bore version of 212  :whew

who is ted danson?

  • ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀✋💎✋🤬
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Re: RELATIONSHIPS: helping wizards deplete their mana since 2011
« Reply #15153 on: July 02, 2023, 06:18:03 AM »
Show her your willy before you meet her wali


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Re: RELATIONSHIPS: helping wizards deplete their mana since 2011
« Reply #15154 on: July 02, 2023, 08:09:33 AM »
we're at our best when we trash each other. this bore is full of degenerates pretending they're better than they are. just admit you're trash and accept your fate

Wrong. The Bore is a site where we support each other. We crack jokes, but we support.


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Re: RELATIONSHIPS: helping wizards deplete their mana since 2011
« Reply #15155 on: July 02, 2023, 10:02:35 AM »
The support left about three years ago. Even the Other Forums gossip gals have moved into benji’s house after he stole demi’s lunch. All that’s left here is the end, and one train wreck to check in on.


  • Finish the Fight
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Re: RELATIONSHIPS: helping wizards deplete their mana since 2011
« Reply #15156 on: July 02, 2023, 02:47:22 PM »


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Re: RELATIONSHIPS: helping wizards deplete their mana since 2011
« Reply #15157 on: July 03, 2023, 01:33:43 AM »
The support left about three years ago. Even the Other Forums gossip gals have moved into benji’s house after he stole demi’s lunch. All that’s left here is the end, and one train wreck to check in on.

Quite right. All we have left is Benji and his F-train of tacos, with a one way stop straight into Satan's rectum.

Last night Bionic's mom opined to me about her son in a soliloquy that she was so sad she never swallowed. I would have felt sorry for him, but then I don't cry over troglodytic cunts. I fixed her collar before I put her back in her crate. "Ptoeey!" She spit a marvelous loog of bile and bahl. She stared into it and one tear fell upon her cheek, and then the other. She was saddened because her spit reminded her of the seed that got her womb infected with its greatest tumor: him. She remembered how the tumor popped in its piddle of perfunctory patheticness as it plodded, step by step, year by year, into its current form. And then she licked the spit off the brown dirt, doing what she should have done years and years ago. She smiled as she fell alseep soundly, full from delicious dirt and the seedless sperm of her mouth.
« Last Edit: July 03, 2023, 05:46:25 AM by Himu »


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Re: RELATIONSHIPS: helping wizards deplete their mana since 2011
« Reply #15158 on: July 03, 2023, 08:05:31 AM »
Anyways, the Wali rejected me and I'm fucking heart broken.

A woman turning me down. Fine.

But a man turning me down...for a woman? My brain can't comprehend it.

The uncle turned out to be SUPER Salafi. I am not Salafi in any sense. I follow Ashari aqidah. Salafi's are super restrictive Muslims and what people know as the extremists as they form their theology from Wahhabism. Ashari and Salafi creed are opposed. Salafi is literal; Ashari is metaphorical. Ashari is traditional, Orthodox Islam. Salafism is modern extremist stuff. This guy suddenly told us we aren't allowed to text, not even group text. Then he insulted me and my plans by calling the destination I wanted to settle down in (Dearborn, Mi) after I graduate from school as un-Islamic because there happen to be *gasp* Muslims there have different interpretations than him (Sufi, Shia). Then he insulted one of my closest friends because he's Pakistani ("Pakistani's tend to be Sufi" :wtf), questioned his faith, and pointed that others aren't true Muslims except him and people that think like him. I managed to keep my cool to diffuse it (it was really hard). He basically said he wants his niece to be on the right path and that means not living in Dearborn, Michigan despite it being the most populous Muslim city in the country with access to tons of Islamic variety, halal options, African American Muslims with cheap living, low taxes, and a humble lifestyle in the midwest. He rejected me because I had a year of school to attend to before I could marry. It seems like he wants to get her married ASAP.

I'm taking a break from women after this. I really saw potential in this woman. We connected through her Autism and our share of difficulties, we have natural chemistry, really like each other, and just click. I was laying a really good foundation too. This has really broken my heart and I want to shake my fist at Saudi Arabia once a fucking gain for their stupid Wahhabi Extremist bullshit.
« Last Edit: July 03, 2023, 08:13:14 AM by Himu »


  • Virgo. Live Music. The Office. Tacos. Fur mom. True crime junkie. INTJ.
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Re: RELATIONSHIPS: helping wizards deplete their mana since 2011
« Reply #15160 on: July 03, 2023, 08:48:24 AM »
To make matters worse he shares WRATH's first name.

That said, I've taken his opinions into consideration not because I agree but because it's good to have multiple options. I've always figured if I didn't go for Dearborn, that upstate NY would be second choice since they're basically the same thing. Upstate NY is VERY similar to Michigan in terms of topography, natural sights, lakes, forests and the cost of living? Bruh. Buffalo, NY has houses in the ball park of 200k. And in the same state as THE city so you can easily travel for cool shit? It's also close to Canada, just like Michigan, and you can take the fam to Toronto or something for a vaycay. Close to Niagara which means lots of tourists while means I can hustle people for cash. Since it's close to NYC and in the same state I can continue to build my contacts. Plus, a big Muslim population. And like Michigan, it's so damn cold it keeps the riff raff out. It's win-win. Seems a good place to settle down and plant some roots.

I'm actually considering it. Much more pretty than Dearborn (which I've been to), as well. Plus, in Buffalo you can get away with not having a car.

Your posts are so low quality that you make Methodis look like The Business, and Flame of Callandor to look like Mandark. You are so daft you think I'm actually mad (haha) at you, rather than absolutely bored out of my mind, that I get to have fun making fun insults out of the deepest, creative center of my brain. Mad? No. So bored I need to entertain myself, yes. In the same way a child has to entertain dolls, or humans entertain ants, I humor you just for fun.
« Last Edit: July 03, 2023, 09:19:16 AM by Himu »

Cauliflower Of Love

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Re: RELATIONSHIPS: helping wizards deplete their mana since 2011
« Reply #15161 on: July 03, 2023, 10:10:05 AM »
Stop yearning for that cock


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Re: RELATIONSHIPS: helping wizards deplete their mana since 2011
« Reply #15162 on: July 03, 2023, 10:58:06 AM »
The support left about three years ago. Even the Other Forums gossip gals have moved into benji’s house after he stole demi’s lunch. All that’s left here is the end, and one train wreck to check in on.

Quite right. All we have left is Benji and his F-train of tacos, with a one way stop straight into Satan's rectum.

Last night Bionic's mom opined to me about her son in a soliloquy that she was so sad she never swallowed. I would have felt sorry for him, but then I don't cry over troglodytic cunts.
Anyways, the Wali rejected me and I'm fucking heart broken.

A woman turning me down. Fine.

But a man turning me down...for a woman? My brain can't comprehend it.
Your posts are so low quality that you make Methodis look like The Business, and Flame of Callandor to look like Mandark. You are so daft you think I'm actually mad (haha) at you, rather than absolutely bored out of my mind, that I get to have fun making fun insults out of the deepest, creative center of my brain. Mad? No. So bored I need to entertain myself, yes. In the same way a child has to entertain dolls, or humans entertain ants, I humor you just for fun.
There's no need to offer support to someone so strong in their sense of self that they've always known for years that they're never mad with anyone who disagrees with whatever they're currently on about not even when those capital-F Troglodyte men stupidly try to help only to receive delusional mindreading, weird attempts at personal attacks and elaborate accusations in return.


  • Virgo. Live Music. The Office. Tacos. Fur mom. True crime junkie. INTJ.
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Re: RELATIONSHIPS: helping wizards deplete their mana since 2011
« Reply #15163 on: July 03, 2023, 11:40:01 AM »
But a man turning me down…

Aren’t you used to that though?


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Re: RELATIONSHIPS: helping wizards deplete their mana since 2011
« Reply #15164 on: July 03, 2023, 03:33:14 PM »
To make matters worse he shares WRATH's first name.

That said, I've taken his opinions into consideration not because I agree but because it's good to have multiple options. I've always figured if I didn't go for Dearborn, that upstate NY would be second choice since they're basically the same thing. Upstate NY is VERY similar to Michigan in terms of topography, natural sights, lakes, forests and the cost of living? Bruh. Buffalo, NY has houses in the ball park of 200k. And in the same state as THE city so you can easily travel for cool shit? It's also close to Canada, just like Michigan, and you can take the fam to Toronto or something for a vaycay. Close to Niagara which means lots of tourists while means I can hustle people for cash. Since it's close to NYC and in the same state I can continue to build my contacts. Plus, a big Muslim population. And like Michigan, it's so damn cold it keeps the riff raff out. It's win-win. Seems a good place to settle down and plant some roots.

I'm actually considering it. Much more pretty than Dearborn (which I've been to), as well. Plus, in Buffalo you can get away with not having a car.

Depends where in Buffalo... Living without a car there is tough, especially the burbs (I was lucky that I had enough friends in college who were commuters and was able to bum a ride off of). There is only one metro rail line that follows Main Street from UB South Campus into the heart of downtown, and the bus system isn't the most reliable or robust. And the biggest issue - there's also very little in the way of employment. It's a historically blue-collar rust belt city who lost lots of its factories during de-industrialization and hasn't been able to re-pivot into a more service based economy (like say Pittsburgh or Columbus). Most of my friends from the area moved away after college since they struggled to find jobs (especially in tech, engineering, finance). Buffalo definitely has a lot going for it (beautiful historical architecture, a sports-centric culture, high quality schools in the burbs, a great state university (what, me biased? :P), delicious (though unhealthy!) greasy spoon type food, proximity to Canada, proximity to Niagara Falls/Finger Lakes/Lechtworth), 8 or less hour drive from Albany, Cleveland, Columbus, Pittsburgh, Rochester, Boston, NYC, but it's been squandering its geographical and cultural advantages for half a century at least.

Large Muslim population? Not really too sure about nowadays but the majority of people up there in my day were Black (Baptist), Polish, Irish, and a bit of German. Very heavily Catholic too. By UB it's expectedly more diverse.
« Last Edit: July 03, 2023, 03:38:20 PM by tiesto »

Cauliflower Of Love

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Re: RELATIONSHIPS: helping wizards deplete their mana since 2011
« Reply #15165 on: July 03, 2023, 10:54:40 PM »
Imagine being such an alpha that you get beta'ed by a woman's uncle.



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Re: RELATIONSHIPS: helping wizards deplete their mana since 2011
« Reply #15166 on: July 04, 2023, 12:45:52 AM »
Anyways, the Wali rejected me and I'm fucking heart broken.

 :girlaff :crowdlaff :ltg :juche :killme :crybaby :crowdlaff :girlaff :crowdlaff :crowdlaff :crowdlaff :crowdlaff :crowdlaff :crowdlaff :woody


  • Virgo. Live Music. The Office. Tacos. Fur mom. True crime junkie. INTJ.
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Re: RELATIONSHIPS: helping wizards deplete their mana since 2011
« Reply #15167 on: July 04, 2023, 09:16:52 AM »
Such heartwarming support on this website :blessup


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Re: RELATIONSHIPS: helping wizards deplete their mana since 2011
« Reply #15168 on: July 04, 2023, 03:28:04 PM »
He wants you to be a brave Mujahideen fighter who can protect his princess.
Perhaps he's testing you to see if you easily give up or will try again.

Maybe you will earn his respect if you try again instead of giving up on the first try.

You can also try to bargain, maybe there's a deal to be made.

who is ted danson?

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Re: RELATIONSHIPS: helping wizards deplete their mana since 2011
« Reply #15169 on: July 04, 2023, 03:31:42 PM »
Show her your willy before you meet her wali


team filler

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Re: RELATIONSHIPS: helping wizards deplete their mana since 2011
« Reply #15170 on: July 04, 2023, 04:31:48 PM »
we're at our best when we trash each other. this bore is full of degenerates pretending they're better than they are. just admit you're trash and accept your fate

Wrong. The Bore is a site where we support each other. We crack jokes, but we support.
I only support degeneracy  :pimp


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Re: RELATIONSHIPS: helping wizards deplete their mana since 2011
« Reply #15171 on: July 04, 2023, 09:13:00 PM »
He wants you to be a brave Mujahideen fighter who can protect his princess.
Perhaps he's testing you to see if you easily give up or will try again.

Maybe you will earn his respect if you try again instead of giving up on the first try.

You can also try to bargain, maybe there's a deal to be made.

This is pretty wise. It is customary to offer at least one goat to start negotiations and be prepared to yield a camel if you really like her

No Wali worth their salt will ever exchange their woman for just vibes. As a man, he is expected to bring home great value to make up for the money it spent to fatten up the woman for market 

Cauliflower Of Love

  • I found my bearings, they were in the race
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Re: RELATIONSHIPS: helping wizards deplete their mana since 2011
« Reply #15172 on: July 04, 2023, 11:09:46 PM »
I hope himu is ok.

All that said.

"heart broken" after ALL that shit she's been posting for the past couple of weeks. I'm still laughing.


  • Virgo. Live Music. The Office. Tacos. Fur mom. True crime junkie. INTJ.
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Re: RELATIONSHIPS: helping wizards deplete their mana since 2011
« Reply #15173 on: July 04, 2023, 11:36:42 PM »
In Soviet Russia, bitch(‘s wali) breaks you :bolo

Cauliflower Of Love

  • I found my bearings, they were in the race
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Re: RELATIONSHIPS: helping wizards deplete their mana since 2011
« Reply #15174 on: July 05, 2023, 01:43:11 PM »
How many dicks has himu sucked since being broken up by an uncle?

spoiler (click to show/hide)
I would feel bad about taking a shit on himu, if he hadn't decided to go on a taco tirade.


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Re: RELATIONSHIPS: helping wizards deplete their mana since 2011
« Reply #15175 on: July 05, 2023, 07:03:56 PM »
Knowing Himu he'll be fine but change personas.
Thus he returns as a biker.


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Re: RELATIONSHIPS: helping wizards deplete their mana since 2011
« Reply #15176 on: July 05, 2023, 07:29:21 PM »
He wants you to be a brave Mujahideen fighter who can protect his princess.
Perhaps he's testing you to see if you easily give up or will try again.

Maybe you will earn his respect if you try again instead of giving up on the first try.

You can also try to bargain, maybe there's a deal to be made.

Only a fool with no respect for himself would try to get in good graces with someone that insulted a close friend just for a woman. If he wants to negotiate we can but after apologizing on what he said about my friend. Plus, if I marry her I marry her family. Do I really want to deal with a super salafi Uncle when I a student of one of the most prominent black Ashari aqidah sheikhs? You say it's perhaps a test of strength. I told him I'd be ready for marriage August/September 2024 with the implicit goal of seeing if we were right for each other before that time. He asked why am I looking for a wife now which shows he wants it to be closer than later, but I will be doing a full time program in school in NYC. I wouldn't be able to have time for a wife and especially the time she would deserve. This means that in a year, I can check and see if she's still single and then go for it then. But I will challenge him on his manners if that's the case.

Asking other Muslims, his behavior is poor and I dodged a bullet.

Imagine being such an alpha that you get beta'ed by a woman's uncle.


I don't think I've once claimed to be an alpha male. I believe that is something your ilk has projected on to me. On the contrary, I have mocked so-called "alpha males" and regularly call casual sex/promiscuity that the people of that type regularly espouse to be disgusting and hedonistic.

To make matters worse he shares WRATH's first name.

That said, I've taken his opinions into consideration not because I agree but because it's good to have multiple options. I've always figured if I didn't go for Dearborn, that upstate NY would be second choice since they're basically the same thing. Upstate NY is VERY similar to Michigan in terms of topography, natural sights, lakes, forests and the cost of living? Bruh. Buffalo, NY has houses in the ball park of 200k. And in the same state as THE city so you can easily travel for cool shit? It's also close to Canada, just like Michigan, and you can take the fam to Toronto or something for a vaycay. Close to Niagara which means lots of tourists while means I can hustle people for cash. Since it's close to NYC and in the same state I can continue to build my contacts. Plus, a big Muslim population. And like Michigan, it's so damn cold it keeps the riff raff out. It's win-win. Seems a good place to settle down and plant some roots.

I'm actually considering it. Much more pretty than Dearborn (which I've been to), as well. Plus, in Buffalo you can get away with not having a car.

Depends where in Buffalo... Living without a car there is tough, especially the burbs (I was lucky that I had enough friends in college who were commuters and was able to bum a ride off of). There is only one metro rail line that follows Main Street from UB South Campus into the heart of downtown, and the bus system isn't the most reliable or robust. And the biggest issue - there's also very little in the way of employment. It's a historically blue-collar rust belt city who lost lots of its factories during de-industrialization and hasn't been able to re-pivot into a more service based economy (like say Pittsburgh or Columbus). Most of my friends from the area moved away after college since they struggled to find jobs (especially in tech, engineering, finance). Buffalo definitely has a lot going for it (beautiful historical architecture, a sports-centric culture, high quality schools in the burbs, a great state university (what, me biased? :P), delicious (though unhealthy!) greasy spoon type food, proximity to Canada, proximity to Niagara Falls/Finger Lakes/Lechtworth), 8 or less hour drive from Albany, Cleveland, Columbus, Pittsburgh, Rochester, Boston, NYC, but it's been squandering its geographical and cultural advantages for half a century at least.

Large Muslim population? Not really too sure about nowadays but the majority of people up there in my day were Black (Baptist), Polish, Irish, and a bit of German. Very heavily Catholic too. By UB it's expectedly more diverse.

I know quite a few black Muslims in Buffalo. It's a sizable population. Thanks for the information!

The support left about three years ago. Even the Other Forums gossip gals have moved into benji’s house after he stole demi’s lunch. All that’s left here is the end, and one train wreck to check in on.

Quite right. All we have left is Benji and his F-train of tacos, with a one way stop straight into Satan's rectum.

Last night Bionic's mom opined to me about her son in a soliloquy that she was so sad she never swallowed. I would have felt sorry for him, but then I don't cry over troglodytic cunts.
Anyways, the Wali rejected me and I'm fucking heart broken.

A woman turning me down. Fine.

But a man turning me down...for a woman? My brain can't comprehend it.
Your posts are so low quality that you make Methodis look like The Business, and Flame of Callandor to look like Mandark. You are so daft you think I'm actually mad (haha) at you, rather than absolutely bored out of my mind, that I get to have fun making fun insults out of the deepest, creative center of my brain. Mad? No. So bored I need to entertain myself, yes. In the same way a child has to entertain dolls, or humans entertain ants, I humor you just for fun.
There's no need to offer support to someone so strong in their sense of self that they've always known for years that they're never mad with anyone who disagrees with whatever they're currently on about not even when those capital-F Troglodyte men stupidly try to help only to receive delusional mindreading, weird attempts at personal attacks and elaborate accusations in return.

Support wasn't offered even before that hence the verbage. I need to stretch the writing muscles somehow.
« Last Edit: July 05, 2023, 07:42:00 PM by Himu »

Cauliflower Of Love

  • I found my bearings, they were in the race
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Re: RELATIONSHIPS: helping wizards deplete their mana since 2011
« Reply #15177 on: July 05, 2023, 07:39:45 PM »
I don't think I've once claimed to be an alpha male. I believe that is something your ilk has projected on to me. On the contrary, I have mocked so-called "alpha males" and regularly call casual sex/promiscuity that the people of that type regularly espouse to be disgusting and hedonistic.

Quote from: you
Conclusion: women want to be dominated. Anyone that has had sex knows that. Are some women different and more dominant? Sure. But at the heart of it, most women want to be dominated.

And if they want to be dominated in the bedroom, they want to also be dominated in a relationship. Women like to be checked, corrected, and are not attracted long term to men they can control or walk over. You have to stand your ground and show what your boundaries are. This is why I now dominate a woman immediately when dealing with a woman I know is attracted to me and I'm attracted to her, because it shows if I can mentally dominate her, I can sure as shit dominate her in the bedroom. Sex doesn't even have to be brought up. She knows it. She can hear my voice and hear it. Since women usually lack physicality, their main battle arena is the mental. Women are more dangerous psychologically. It's why things like Mean Girls is a thing. Women will get under your skin mentally and are fucking fierce. Therefore, when dealing with a woman you must demonstrate mental strength. A good way to show that is to show she's just any ordinary woman and is easily replaceable, at least at the outset, and that her looks aren't enough to captivate you and lock you down.

You're either hypocrite or a fucking wacko.


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Re: RELATIONSHIPS: helping wizards deplete their mana since 2011
« Reply #15178 on: July 05, 2023, 07:43:21 PM »
I don't think I've once claimed to be an alpha male. I believe that is something your ilk has projected on to me. On the contrary, I have mocked so-called "alpha males" and regularly call casual sex/promiscuity that the people of that type regularly espouse to be disgusting and hedonistic.

Quote from: you
Conclusion: women want to be dominated. Anyone that has had sex knows that. Are some women different and more dominant? Sure. But at the heart of it, most women want to be dominated.

And if they want to be dominated in the bedroom, they want to also be dominated in a relationship. Women like to be checked, corrected, and are not attracted long term to men they can control or walk over. You have to stand your ground and show what your boundaries are. This is why I now dominate a woman immediately when dealing with a woman I know is attracted to me and I'm attracted to her, because it shows if I can mentally dominate her, I can sure as shit dominate her in the bedroom. Sex doesn't even have to be brought up. She knows it. She can hear my voice and hear it. Since women usually lack physicality, their main battle arena is the mental. Women are more dangerous psychologically. It's why things like Mean Girls is a thing. Women will get under your skin mentally and are fucking fierce. Therefore, when dealing with a woman you must demonstrate mental strength. A good way to show that is to show she's just any ordinary woman and is easily replaceable, at least at the outset, and that her looks aren't enough to captivate you and lock you down.

You're either hypocrite or a fucking wacko.

Where did I claim to be an alpha male in that paragraph? Like I said, it's all a projection on your part. You're a chef right, shouldn't you be shooting up some drug behind the kitchen during the middle of shift?

What's wrong with the paragraph? You think women....haha, women want to be...hahahaha be treated EQUAL?


Good luck.

Cauliflower Of Love

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Re: RELATIONSHIPS: helping wizards deplete their mana since 2011
« Reply #15179 on: July 05, 2023, 07:44:19 PM »
Get help.

e: I'm sorry for taking jabs at the mentally unwell.