Author Topic: Maybe the real NeoGAF was the friends we made along the way...  (Read 2246078 times)

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Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9120 on: October 23, 2017, 01:34:59 PM »
please be more concise and topical with your shitposting browsing this site sucks enough on mobile without you nerds babbling for paragraphs about forum injustices and racism


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Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9121 on: October 23, 2017, 01:35:01 PM »
I hope the proud #gamer isn't too proud about it in resetera.

In the last years since GG, there was a narrative in Neogaf, that being a #gamer is the equivalent of the white male rapist racist. There was always several posters in neogaf threads that decried gamers and were ashamed to be gamers when someone was harassed or an individual who played games did something bad.

I think it was that GG - and other gaming-oriented controversies since then - showed that this hobby we might have once thought would unite and remove us from the ugliness of life was just as tainted as what we were trying to escape. It proved that many of the people behind the games we enjoy harbor some very dark beliefs that made it very difficult to separate from our enjoyment of this pastime. It's too bad that the vast majority of the people expressing those ugly views are white males. Maybe that's a problem that should be addressed?

HAH! This right here is why GAF was shit. You're joking though, right?

No, I'm very serious and speak from experience, remembering conversations I had with many minority members of the gaming community who were absolutely stunned that the ranks of their hobby included the dregs of society. We always knew that there were racists among us, as any time playing [insert your favorite multiplayer title of the last decade] could demonstrate. But, there was a feeling that the creators were above that, men who were educated enough to reject such prejudices.

First off: multiplayer "banter" has always been shit. this should come as no surprise. Mute that shit like every other normal person.

Second: Games are made by a swath of talented people who have all sorts of beliefs and ideologies. The fact that you thought that creators were some sort of enlightened class and not just regular men and women makes you and others complete morons. You have a very shallow view of the real world.

Growing up in a very politically aware household that bordered on militant, I've always been aware of what lies beneath the surface. I was led by no such delusion that some of my other more credulous friends suffered under. GAF became a battleground against the rising fascism among the youth. I have absolutely no problem with how they dealt with opinions that fell out of favor with their "echo chamber."

Well maybe now that GAF is gone, you'll grow up a bit. Good luck to ya.


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Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9122 on: October 23, 2017, 01:35:50 PM »
I guess this is a good time to point out that MOST people in the industry hated GAF. Not because it was a "progressive" board, but because they generally HATE games, and hate the people who make them.

Gaf: "You're a graphics programmer with mountains of debt working shit hours in a highly competitive industry? Why aren't you risking your career and livelihood and family to call out your bigot employee that we are clearly already taking care of from the outside!?!?!? It's you're fucking privilege that you can sit by and collect a check."

Dev: "But I'm half Greek half Hispanic..."

Gaf: *Onto the next victim*


  • Senior Member
Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9123 on: October 23, 2017, 01:36:39 PM »
Emily Rogers is going to be admin, along with SweetNicole/Patticakes who is a trans bi woman with a lesbian partner.

That Polygon article did work

Why are there so many trans video game “personalities”?

What is the intersectionality between being picky about pronouns and seeking out the sickest switch rumors or to make indie games?

Always wanted to ask on GAF but knew I’d catch a ban.

Why does it matter?

We are discussing defunct gaming website, None of this matters


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Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9124 on: October 23, 2017, 01:36:42 PM »
GAF had some vocal antifa supporters

Apparently IrishNinja is in AntiFa, so he likely bailed when I posted Tim Pool.


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Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9125 on: October 23, 2017, 01:37:56 PM »


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Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9126 on: October 23, 2017, 01:37:57 PM »
Incidentally, Antifa IS a bunch of violent crazies.

White supremanationawhatevers do have a right to free speech, Antifa has a right to free speech, both also have a right to freedom of assembly, and when any individuals from either gang of distinguished mentally-challenged fellows get violent they should be thrown in jail / prison for a commensurate amount of time for the violence they initiate.


Antifa thinks that they are virtuous because they are early to the resistance, when all they do is break the windows of coffee shops and pick fights amongst public chaos. Normal people hold the world together and act when they can actually contribute something of lasting value to resist fascist extremism. It's pathetic that they cannot see that.


  • Member
Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9127 on: October 23, 2017, 01:38:29 PM »'s NeoGAF?
I certainly don't think there's an academic-level of discussion at NeoGAF, but there's at least discussion.  Twitter is just raw reactions, and massively truncated ones at that.  One is really not a substitute for the other.

Like, what did I get from someone who posts "OMG Carol no don't do that! #WalkingDead"?  It's a platform for people's witty one-liners and snarky liveblogs.


  • Junior Member
Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9128 on: October 23, 2017, 01:38:59 PM »
I hope the proud #gamer isn't too proud about it in resetera.

In the last years since GG, there was a narrative in Neogaf, that being a #gamer is the equivalent of the white male rapist racist. There was always several posters in neogaf threads that decried gamers and were ashamed to be gamers when someone was harassed or an individual who played games did something bad.

I think it was that GG - and other gaming-oriented controversies since then - showed that this hobby we might have once thought would unite and remove us from the ugliness of life was just as tainted as what we were trying to escape. It proved that many of the people behind the games we enjoy harbor some very dark beliefs that made it very difficult to separate from our enjoyment of this pastime. It's too bad that the vast majority of the people expressing those ugly views are white males. Maybe that's a problem that should be addressed?

HAH! This right here is why GAF was shit. You're joking though, right?

No, I'm very serious and speak from experience, remembering conversations I had with many minority members of the gaming community who were absolutely stunned that the ranks of their hobby included the dregs of society. We always knew that there were racists among us, as any time playing [insert your favorite multiplayer title of the last decade] could demonstrate. But, there was a feeling that the creators were above that, men who were educated enough to reject such prejudices.

First off: multiplayer "banter" has always been shit. this should come as no surprise. Mute that shit like every other normal person.

Second: Games are made by a swath of talented people who have all sorts of beliefs and ideologies. The fact that you thought that creators were some sort of enlightened class and not just regular men and women makes you and others complete morons. You have a very shallow view of the real world.

Growing up in a very politically aware household that bordered on militant
, I've always been aware of what lies beneath the surface. I was led by no such delusion that some of my other more credulous friends suffered under. GAF became a battleground against the rising fascism among the youth. I have absolutely no problem with how they dealt with opinions that fell out of favor with their "echo chamber."

The bolded is an interesting way to say 'I was brainwashed from birth', but at least you said it.


  • Do the moron
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Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9129 on: October 23, 2017, 01:39:22 PM »
(Image removed from quote.)

(Image removed from quote.)

GAF going going through all of the states of server down.
Surprised he didn't cram an ad there also.


  • Junior Member
Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9130 on: October 23, 2017, 01:39:33 PM »
The real way to fight fascism in the youth is to purchase Wolfenstein® II: The New Colossus™ | Available 10.27.17 and prove just how strong the Resistance™ really is.


  • I don’t wanna be horny anymore, I wanna be happy
  • Senior Member
Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9131 on: October 23, 2017, 01:39:38 PM »
(Image removed from quote.)

(Image removed from quote.)

This has gone from a Reddit->Voat migration to a Digg->Reddit one.


  • Senior Member
Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9132 on: October 23, 2017, 01:39:46 PM »
Incidentally, Antifa IS a bunch of violent crazies.

White supremanationawhatevers do have a right to free speech, Antifa has a right to free speech, both also have a right to freedom of assembly, and when any individuals from either gang of distinguished mentally-challenged fellows get violent they should be thrown in jail / prison for a commensurate amount of time for the violence they initiate.


Antifa thinks that they are virtuous because they are early to the resistance, when all they do is break the windows of coffee shops and pick fights amongst public chaos. Normal people hold the world together and act when they can actually contribute something of lasting value to resist fascist extremism. It's pathetic that they cannot see that.

Can we just rename them Antifa the Jets and the White supremacist the sharks


  • Senior Member
Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9133 on: October 23, 2017, 01:40:02 PM »
GAF had some vocal antifa supporters

Apparently IrishNinja is in AntiFa, so he likely bailed when I posted Tim Pool.

Irish bailed when he posted the milk.shake duck thread and I told him that this wasn't gaf and everyone here thinks milk.shake duck is a wack phrase and thankfully we have added it to word filter. He sent me a pm bout it.



  • Junior Member
Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9134 on: October 23, 2017, 01:40:16 PM »
Sometimes, extremism rightfully begets an extreme response. You guys sure do love this ploy of drawing equivalencies between fascists and their critics.

Your definition of extremism is fucked beyond comprehension.
Look if we don't engage in politically motivated vigilante violence against those who espouse views legally that we don't like then the fascists win.

q f t

Bitmap Frogs

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Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9135 on: October 23, 2017, 01:40:23 PM »
That resetera deal sounds awful.


  • Senior Member
Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9136 on: October 23, 2017, 01:40:46 PM »
Have you guys considered just not being white?  :doge


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Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9137 on: October 23, 2017, 01:41:12 PM »
It's funny that the m1lkshake duck is what killed GAF


  • Junior Member
Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9138 on: October 23, 2017, 01:42:19 PM »
I guess this is a good time to point out that MOST people in the industry hated GAF. Not because it was a "progressive" board, but because they generally HATE games, and hate the people who make them.

The industry hated gaf - prior 2014 - because there were some good lad that could be very critical toward games. After 2014, it was all about Nintendards and shill everywhere, not just Sony shills, just shilling and astrosurfing.

When a dickhead hobbit like Bezinsky - or whatever the spelling - say that he hates gaf, it's mostly because gaf hate his games and he thought that Lawbreakers failed because of Neogaf, while it's just a shitty game in an over-crowded market.

Gaf was a shit place, but at least you could get some nice and critical discussions about games when the honey moon about said games was over. That was the only redeeming quality of the board.

The industry hates boards and social media reactions, not just gaf. All they want is marketing PR going straight to the consumers, they hate when commentators interfers in their business.


  • 🧘‍♂️
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Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9139 on: October 23, 2017, 01:42:28 PM »
It's funny that the m1lkshake duck is what killed GAF
''Twas the milkshake that broke the duck's back.  :doge


  • Senior Member
Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9140 on: October 23, 2017, 01:42:34 PM »
First, is there something inherently wrong with an "echo chamber"? Is there a problem fostering a community where rank bigotry was deem unacceptable and forbidden? Also, can you give me some examples of valid opinions that GAF refused the expression of? Or, what opinions on GAF were deemed above reproach and undeserving of challenge?

That antifa shouldn't go around beating the shit out of people, for starters. Gaf did not like neutrality, either you want to beat the shit out of nazis, or you are one. I felt like if I ever posted in a thread and extolled passive resistance over violence in any of the threads over the last few months, I would be banned. You used to be able to have an argument with someone and not have have to worry about it. So why speak your mind when the odds of being banned are so high.


  • Junior Member
Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9141 on: October 23, 2017, 01:42:42 PM »
Is Shinobi602 the guy who cant watch porn or his wife will leave him? I swear I read a post from him about that.

Hey man, we've all got our kinks.

Pills Here

  • Junior Member
Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9142 on: October 23, 2017, 01:42:56 PM »
I don't blame the Antifa supporters tbh, that country (United States) is such a joke that I'm surprised there isn't a total violent uprising.

No shade.


  • Senior Member
Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9143 on: October 23, 2017, 01:43:36 PM »

Am I reading this right? You just ignore racist minorities?

Yes?  I've never experienced any sort of real life racism, particularly not institutional racism or workplace racism.. so it's not really a hot topic for me.   I don't think it's constructive in any way to act that way, and I've told Angelus as much on NeoGAF, but I perceive it more as a symptom of their anger towards racism that actually affects them. 

Oh no, some guy on a message board talked shit about "white people".. whatever will I do... *sips champagne*

Racism is racism. Sexism is sexism. You don't get to justify it via other racism. That's what the alt-right does after all.

It's not just dirty words on a facebook post. The application of the idea of White Privilege itself is tautological, institutional racism. There is a large discussion about various advantages and disadvantages we all have, but that is a complex prism that changes individual to individual. White Privilege is not that detailed conversation. It's just racism that gets taught to naive youth like Angelus and yourself.


  • 𝕩𝕩𝕩
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Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9145 on: October 23, 2017, 01:44:06 PM »
I don't blame the Antifa supporters tbh, that country (United States) is such a joke that I'm surprised there isn't a total violent uprising.

No shade.

there's time enough yet


  • Junior Member
Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9146 on: October 23, 2017, 01:44:10 PM »
GAF had some vocal antifa supporters

Apparently IrishNinja is in AntiFa, so he likely bailed when I posted Tim Pool.

Irish bailed when he posted the milk.shake duck thread and I told him that this wasn't gaf and everyone here thinks milk.shake duck is a wack phrase and thankfully we have added it to word filter. He sent me a pm bout it.

cheeseburger shark
cheeseburger shark
cheeseburger shark

Praise the heavens. Such a stupid meme but they all ran with it like crazy.


  • Junior Member
Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9147 on: October 23, 2017, 01:44:21 PM »
Looks like GAF is coming back up, so if you could all form a que to the left (get it?) and exit in a safe manner. Nice seeing y'all.

As it should. The furor over what EL was accused is ridiculously overblown, so much so that I'm shocked he took the site down. Most GAF members are either indifferent to the accusation or felt it was an innoccously untoward act committed by someone naively unclear on how to conduct themselves in that kind of sexually charged situation. They just want their forum back.

You mean they want their echo-chamber back where they don't want their opinions challenged.

First, is there something inherently wrong with an "echo chamber"? Is there a problem fostering a community where rank bigotry was deem unacceptable and forbidden? Also, can you give me some examples of valid opinions that GAF refused the expression of? Or, what opinions on GAF were deemed above reproach and undeserving of challenge?

Valid opinion that resulted in instant ban = "Boys have a penis, and girls have a vagina."


  • The Bore's Like Bot
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Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9148 on: October 23, 2017, 01:44:23 PM »
I don't blame the Antifa supporters tbh, that country (United States) is such a joke that I'm surprised there isn't a total violent uprising.

No shade.

They would be btfo, who do you think owns all the guns?

Pills Here

  • Junior Member
Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9149 on: October 23, 2017, 01:44:23 PM »
It's funny that the m1lkshake duck is what killed GAF

Noted awful wankstain thelastword getting banned and literally having the last word was also funny


  • Winner of the Baited Award 2018
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Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9150 on: October 23, 2017, 01:45:09 PM »
GAF became a battleground against the rising fascism among the youth.

Something fire something something fire.


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Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9151 on: October 23, 2017, 01:45:24 PM »
I remember posting something to the extent of "Hey, how many of you guys are actually going to go out and punch Nazis at this rally in Gainesville?"

People got upset, but nobody volunteered. 


  • oops
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Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9153 on: October 23, 2017, 01:46:03 PM »

Am I reading this right? You just ignore racist minorities?

Yes?  I've never experienced any sort of real life racism, particularly not institutional racism or workplace racism.. so it's not really a hot topic for me.   I don't think it's constructive in any way to act that way, and I've told Angelus as much on NeoGAF, but I perceive it more as a symptom of their anger towards racism that actually affects them. 

Oh no, some guy on a message board talked shit about "white people".. whatever will I do... *sips champagne*

As a ethnic minority living outside of US, you guys certainly have a limited concept on what racism is and how it effects people. Dudes like Angelus are part of the problem.


  • Senior Member
Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9154 on: October 23, 2017, 01:46:03 PM »
AntiFa is full of nut jobs.

I was kicked out my local antifa because I thought the best way to handle it was discussion and beating them into submission with wit and facts instead of riots and threatening violence. I was accused of being a hateful Christian. All it did was further me away from sjw politics.

Bunch of crazies.


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Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9155 on: October 23, 2017, 01:46:10 PM »
How bout them apples Jiji.

Ps how you been bro

Yep, you got me there. Man, that was a long time ago.

Been okay! I hardly play videogames anymore  :-\ Been making up for lost time, getting into making music.


  • Junior Member
Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9156 on: October 23, 2017, 01:46:59 PM »
The funniest thing about this is the power grab from the ex-mods who thought they could do better and have been secretly been looking for any opportunity to do it. There wasn't even a moment of contemplation before all these "alternative" sites began popping up.

This coup d'état was probably considered for a while and a small controversy in a sea of outrage was the perfect opportunity to enact it.

I feel like quoting Ozymandias.


  • Haughty and a little naughty
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Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9157 on: October 23, 2017, 01:47:24 PM »
Is Shinobi602 the guy who cant watch porn or his wife will leave him? I swear I read a post from him about that.

Maybe my memory embellished it a bit, but I could swear that he was racing home because he had some tentacle porn in his browser history


  • 𝕩𝕩𝕩
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Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9158 on: October 23, 2017, 01:47:25 PM »
joe rogan killed gaf in an attempt to drive nerds to splinter and embrace more tribal like culture stay woke


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Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9159 on: October 23, 2017, 01:47:32 PM »

So his statement is that he fled the country and ended up in China. Interesting.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9160 on: October 23, 2017, 01:47:47 PM »
I remember posting something to the extent of "Hey, how many of you guys are actually going to go out and punch Nazis at this rally in Gainesville?"

People got upset, but nobody volunteered. 
They want the Trump Administration and the police to do that.


  • Senior Member
Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9161 on: October 23, 2017, 01:48:00 PM »
I don't blame the Antifa supporters tbh, that country (United States) is such a joke that I'm surprised there isn't a total violent uprising.

No shade.

They would be btfo, who do you think owns all the guns?

AntiFa is generally pro-gun.
How bout them apples Jiji.

Ps how you been bro

Yep, you got me there. Man, that was a long time ago.

Been okay! I hardly play videogames anymore  :-\ Been making up for lost time, getting into making music.

The only games I play now are fighters and old games. Games aren't worth following much anymore, pm me your music. Would love to catch up. Xoxoxo


  • Senior Member
Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9163 on: October 23, 2017, 01:48:11 PM »
I don't blame the Antifa supporters tbh, that country (United States) is such a joke that I'm surprised there isn't a total violent uprising.

No shade.

There is a sense of chaos, but antifa is part of that chaos.

Like I said before, when you have actual facism in Catalonia, AntiFa is suddenly a small peaceful movement. Their talk is all talk to justify a thirst for bad behavior.


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Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9164 on: October 23, 2017, 01:48:43 PM »
Malka de-modded someone and banned the editor of Cracked for merely suggesting that promoting violence in response to speech - instead of speech in response to speech - was distinguished mentally-challenged and morally repugnant.

Is there a list of semi-famous or noteworthy people who have been banned from NeoGAF for some ridiculous reason? 


  • Junior Member
Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9165 on: October 23, 2017, 01:49:51 PM »
GAF should have stuck with dying on a hill as their overused phrase, once they tried to adopt another the entire system just fell in on itself.


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Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9166 on: October 23, 2017, 01:50:23 PM »
Malka de-modded someone and banned the editor of Cracked for merely suggesting that promoting violence in response to speech - instead of speech in response to speech - was distinguished mentally-challenged and morally repugnant.

Is there a list of semi-famous or noteworthy people who have been banned from NeoGAF for some ridiculous reason?

Bobby Roberts was banned for spitting on Hef's grave


  • The Bore's Like Bot
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Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9167 on: October 23, 2017, 01:50:30 PM »
I don't blame the Antifa supporters tbh, that country (United States) is such a joke that I'm surprised there isn't a total violent uprising.

No shade.

They would be btfo, who do you think owns all the guns?

AntiFa is generally pro-gun.
How bout them apples Jiji.

Ps how you been bro

Yep, you got me there. Man, that was a long time ago.

Been okay! I hardly play videogames anymore  :-\ Been making up for lost time, getting into making music.

The only games I play now are fighters and old games. Games aren't worth following much anymore, pm me your music. Would love to catch up. Xoxoxo

Yes but right wingers tend to you know actually know how to shoot guns, since they usually are born into that shit.


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Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9168 on: October 23, 2017, 01:50:33 PM »
Shinobi is the "Please don't be Muslim" poster and left gaf because they shit on Mass Effect.  Other than that he seems to be pretty stable.


  • Senior Member
Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9169 on: October 23, 2017, 01:50:49 PM »
Remember when were mistaken for a black neogaf spin-off? Yeah, that's not happening ever again.

I guess we can try convincing people that JayDubya and etiolate are ho-teps.

You've been pretty bitch-made since I've been back. I have a feeling your current outlook is over compensation for your past outlook when you used to message me complaining about shit.


  • Senior Member
Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9170 on: October 23, 2017, 01:51:07 PM »
I don't blame the Antifa supporters tbh, that country (United States) is such a joke that I'm surprised there isn't a total violent uprising.

No shade.

I'm sure beating the shit out of neo-nazis is fun, but I wouldn't call it political activism. Unless you break some bones, they'll still attend the next asshole gathering. There's no upside.

Hobies cat

  • Junior Member
Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9171 on: October 23, 2017, 01:51:45 PM »
Incidentally, Antifa IS a bunch of violent crazies.

White supremanationawhatevers do have a right to free speech, Antifa has a right to free speech, both also have a right to freedom of assembly, and when any individuals from either gang of distinguished mentally-challenged fellows get violent they should be thrown in jail / prison for a commensurate amount of time for the violence they initiate.


Antifa thinks that they are virtuous because they are early to the resistance, when all they do is break the windows of coffee shops and pick fights amongst public chaos. Normal people hold the world together and act when they can actually contribute something of lasting value to resist fascist extremism. It's pathetic that they cannot see that.

Agreed. Any jackass can kick a barn door down.


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Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9174 on: October 23, 2017, 01:53:35 PM »
To be fair "Punch a Nazi" is a pretty good slogan.

"Someone else punch a Nazi while I stay on the internet and pretend anyone who opposes violence is a monster" is kinda wordy and doesn't have a very nice ring to it.


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Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9175 on: October 23, 2017, 01:53:40 PM »
joe rogan killed gaf in an attempt to drive nerds to splinter and embrace more tribal like culture stay wokeOnnit™
Corrected for accuracy


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Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9176 on: October 23, 2017, 01:53:54 PM »

Praise the heavens. Such a stupid meme but they all ran with it like crazy.

It made their witch-hunts more fun :girlaff

Swollen Bowels

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Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9177 on: October 23, 2017, 01:54:02 PM »
Looks like GAF is coming back up, so if you could all form a que to the left (get it?) and exit in a safe manner. Nice seeing y'all.

As it should. The furor over what EL was accused is ridiculously overblown, so much so that I'm shocked he took the site down. Most GAF members are either indifferent to the accusation or felt it was an innoccously untoward act committed by someone naively unclear on how to conduct themselves in that kind of sexually charged situation. They just want their forum back.

You mean they want their echo-chamber back where they don't want their opinions challenged.

First, is there something inherently wrong with an "echo chamber"? Is there a problem fostering a community where rank bigotry was deem unacceptable and forbidden? Also, can you give me some examples of valid opinions that GAF refused the expression of? Or, what opinions on GAF were deemed above reproach and undeserving of challenge?

An echo chamber is wrong in the case of Gaf as actual real discussion was frowned upon unless you were on the 'right' page with the loudest voices in those threads.

While there were clear and necessary lines drawn on what was tolerable opinion on GAF, there were also differences between the likeminded. You had many more left wing members of GAF who took exception, as even I did, against the feckless liberals that sought to excuse the normalization of fascism under the guise of "free speech."[/quote]

Look many of us are open minded fair people but here's the difference we don't thrown our toys out the pram if someone challenges our world or political thinking.

Fascism isn't just a challenge to my political thinking; it's an existential threat against me and my loved ones. Acting as if this is innocent forum squabbles over ideas, is dangerously naive and does a true disservice to combating the growing threat.

There used to be a time on Gaf where people of different political persuasions could actually discuss back and forth their thoughts and ideas in POLIgaf and leave maybe a bit more changed and knowledgeable on their worldview.

There also used to be a time when we wrongly believed that a fascist couldn't be elected to the highest office in the world.

Gaf became a place where some very strange people gathered who wanted any reality to be crushed and refocused to only how they saw the world.

I'm sorry your feelings were hurt by GAF's response to Trump and what he symbolizes, but maybe you should feel more concerned for the actual victims of these Nazis and how their violence is being slowly and methodically normalized thanks to gutless moderates crying over infringements on speech.


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Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9178 on: October 23, 2017, 01:54:14 PM »
Incidentally, Antifa IS a bunch of violent crazies.

White supremanationawhatevers do have a right to free speech, Antifa has a right to free speech, both also have a right to freedom of assembly, and when any individuals from either gang of distinguished mentally-challenged fellows get violent they should be thrown in jail / prison for a commensurate amount of time for the violence they initiate.


Antifa thinks that they are virtuous because they are early to the resistance, when all they do is break the windows of coffee shops and pick fights amongst public chaos. Normal people hold the world together and act when they can actually contribute something of lasting value to resist fascist extremism. It's pathetic that they cannot see that.

Agreed. Any jackass can kick a barn door down.

You give AntiFa too much credit.

A barn door is like 30 years ahead of their capabilities.


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Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9179 on: October 23, 2017, 01:54:51 PM »