Author Topic: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible  (Read 4180731 times)

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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #6180 on: March 28, 2019, 11:49:25 AM »
Also, it seems you use two periods instead of three for many of your ellipses  :rage


  • Virgo. Live Music. The Office. Tacos. Fur mom. True crime junkie. INTJ.
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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #6181 on: March 28, 2019, 12:12:46 PM »

filler, can you sort this out for these amateurs?

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« Last Edit: March 28, 2019, 12:29:17 PM by bork »


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #6183 on: March 28, 2019, 12:25:37 PM »
kojima was right yet again :rejoice


  • TheBore rulez
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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #6184 on: March 28, 2019, 12:30:23 PM »


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #6186 on: March 28, 2019, 12:35:55 PM »
Riotous how are you gonna complain that only 4 or 5 members of era are batshit insane on any particular issue?

We know the loudest couple voices dominate the discourse. Those 4 or 5 absolutely are representative of the forum because the mods let them dictate everything.

Surprise surprise its members like Bronx Man defending Smullet and Excelsheets just asking questions.

That's why they don't have polls and OFFICIAL STAFF POST every thread.

Don't defend it.


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #6187 on: March 28, 2019, 12:38:33 PM »
Of course Donald Dump finds this to be of the utmost importance.

The only reason to be mad at Jussie is cause he got caught. I don't care whether he was doing it to boost his career or not.

This is the same scumbag that was excited to see a video of people beating a racist old lady.

Cauliflower Of Love

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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #6188 on: March 28, 2019, 12:39:32 PM »
Riotous how are you gonna complain that only 4 or 5 members of era are batshit insane on any particular issue?

We know the loudest couple voices dominate the discourse. Those 4 or 5 absolutely are representative of the forum because the mods let them dictate everything.

Surprise surprise its members like Bronx Man defending Smullet and Excelsheets just asking questions.

That's why they don't have polls and OFFICIAL STAFF POST every thread.

Don't defend it.



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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #6190 on: March 28, 2019, 01:20:17 PM »
some people actually seem disappointed the video wasn't super racist or something

what will they get mad at instead


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #6192 on: March 28, 2019, 01:26:07 PM »
can you sick fucks stop all this misogyny and appreciate the form of a woman in a burqa and tent dress??!

Cauliflower Of Love

  • I found my bearings, they were in the race
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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #6193 on: March 28, 2019, 01:50:01 PM »
whyd you make it bigger?!?!



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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #6194 on: March 28, 2019, 02:06:24 PM »
It gets bigger on it's own

Cauliflower Of Love

  • I found my bearings, they were in the race
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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #6195 on: March 28, 2019, 02:10:09 PM »


  • Haughty and a little naughty
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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #6196 on: March 28, 2019, 02:11:35 PM »
They should just print this on burqas and everyone would be happy


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #6197 on: March 28, 2019, 02:16:10 PM »
LOL The Trump Reboot?

dude has been known quanity for 40+ years. White Supramacy and Privilege just want to believe


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #6198 on: March 28, 2019, 02:18:55 PM »
BERNIE :clap ISN'T  :clap WHITE  :clap

Joe Molotov

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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #6199 on: March 28, 2019, 02:35:18 PM »
BERNIE :clap ISN'T  :clap WHITE  :clap

Stop gatekeeping who gets to be white.


  • Do the moron
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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #6200 on: March 28, 2019, 02:52:33 PM »

It's a bit silly but I had a giggle at the juxtaposition of the Left needing to do a better job with the media and The Economist.


  • Do the moron
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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #6201 on: March 28, 2019, 02:53:47 PM »
They need to learn that Alt-right voices critique the Alt-right while espousing alt-right rhetoric. You critique so the rhetoric goes down smooth.


  • 🙈🙉🙊
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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #6202 on: March 28, 2019, 02:55:17 PM »
wtf is wrong with their big toes  :-\
Look up ballet dancer feet.
Arent they almost as bad as the chinese people who break the arch of their kids feet ?
I will not look this up, there are some bad feels i do not need. :fbm
They're like the Tapasa from Berserk. Fashioned into tools. Welts on every joint.


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #6203 on: March 28, 2019, 03:21:46 PM »
Riotous how are you gonna complain that only 4 or 5 members of era are batshit insane on any particular issue?

We know the loudest couple voices dominate the discourse. Those 4 or 5 absolutely are representative of the forum because the mods let them dictate everything.

Surprise surprise its members like Bronx Man defending Smullet and Excelsheets just asking questions.

That's why they don't have polls and OFFICIAL STAFF POST every thread.

Don't defend it.

Well I hadn't seen the Trump thread;  if you read the last couple of pages of the main thread anyone suggesting he's innocent is getting piled on, and it is really just one guy (and another who was "Asking questions" but bailed when they couldn't really defend the stance.)

There are topics where crazy narratives absolutely dominate and anyone questioning them is banned;  at the very least I'd like to point out that isn't happening here.  The majority think he's guilty and are arguing openly with anyone questioning that idea.

The original Jussie thread was insane for sure before the hoax shit came out, but the majority of sane posters seems to have won out MOSTLY on the post-hoax stuff.
This is a pointless struggle, man. OldGAF used to be chastised for being a hivemind, then in the next moment, chastised for not having a unified (and/or correct) opinion about something.

Sometimes, ERA is a single person, sometimes it's not. Just write it off as a quirk of human psychology.


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #6204 on: March 28, 2019, 03:25:15 PM »
Anyone want some objective qualified Hopium? Bear with me. It's a simple point but I want to be clear on what I think.

On Friday afternoon I says to Mrs. Stinkles, I says, "I bet you a hundred bucks that Barr releases whatever he's going to release on Sunday evening - after the morning shows because they would not be able to control messaging with that many educated proxies sitting on panels with data and insight. If they're going to try to suprress the report, Barr will do what he said he's gonna do the whole time: Make a judgment that Trump cannot be indicted or prosecuted as a sitting president.

I actually expected worse - the inclusion of the Mueller "not exonerated" line was surprising to me because I thought he'd quash anything that could be seen as tea leaves or casting suspicion on the president. I suspect that he included that to mollify what had to be a fucking stunned Mueller that evening. Likely something he promised to include - leaving Mueller to expect he was going to protect the president on "collusion" but give "obstruction" to Congress. He screwed his friend, no matter how you look at it. So I was disgusted, but oddly relieved on Sunday.

The media stampeded to be first to say what the Barr memo meant - and they made a disgrace of themselves as usual, effectively repeating a partisan press release that was itself built on falsehood and was itself a diretc effort to obstruct justice. Just as Barr always promised he would. The Senate confirmation of Barr was a tragic and avoidable mistake by the dems - who should have kicked and screamed - not to block his nomination - they don't have the numbers - but to give better context for what bullshit was released on sunday. Their capitualtion lent credence to Barr, who deserves NONE. He's a partisan plant. Bought and paid for and planned for.

But here's the important bit:

1. On Sunday evening, the most compelling, binary GOP interpretation of the report was at its zenith of success. Even MSNBC and some actual liberal outlets were reporting it as doom and gloom and "practically" exoneration. Every major media outlet marketed this all night as a win for Trump.

But yesterday, right at the peak, the crest of the wave of how convincing this cover-up effort will ever be, CNN polled their usual credulous both sides know nothings - using normal polling methods - which historically overstate Trump's popularity or impact. And it's a disaster. It's not what they hoped for. Trump's approval ratings did not move beyond the margin of error. He has saturated what is available to him, period.

CNN Poll is disastrous for GOP plan and Barr Press Release

And 56% of Americans not only didn't think this exonerated Trump of obstruction of justice, but also not the LESSER charge of "collusion" (conspiracy, really) and the one Mueller actually DID state couldn't be proven within the confines of his investigation. And even more meaningful, 58% of INDEPENDENTS (usually shy repubs, Libertarians, shy liberals, don't tread on em types etc) think Trump is guilty of one or both. In all the noise, I don't think has gotten enough traction. Because this is the BEST it's going to be for Trump and the GOP. After this, with every passing day and revelation, it's going to get worse.

Today, the (Qatar perhaps) secret Grand Jury investigation connected to the Mueller report is still "robustly continuing" and there are still multiple trials, sentencing and cooperation agreements in flight. The Mueller Report is not only not over, it's now known to contain significant evidence of obstruction of justice and other crimes - and it's also known that Trump is not exonerated by the report. And that's without considering the handoffs to State authorities.

Barr is going to be subpoenaed. Mueller is going to be subpoenaed. Multiple high level players have committed perjury and will again. The report is eventually coming out. If the GOP thinks this helps them in 2020 they have not understood what happened in 2018 and what is going to happen again at some level - in 2020. Instead of coming at the King and missing with one shot, the dems have been handed a box of a thousand razors to make little cuts with, for two years.

And the GOP couldn't help but overplay what is turning out to be their shitty hand - they immediately tried to repeal Obamacare again (continuing inadvertently to educate the public on what its benefits are, by eliminating them). Betsy DeVos zeroed out the meaningless tiny funding for Special Olympics because they are too tone deaf, or too confident in Trump's horrifying base's slavish tailgating of his worst instincts. Lindsay Graham claimed with a straight face - and I think he even believed it thanks to magical thinking - that Trump now had "tremendous political capital" despite never actually cracking 50% approval - even in the wake of his "exoneration."

Don't get me wrong. Sunday was the biggest victory they've had in this matter. But it's also the biggest one they're ever going to have and it hasn't changed anything. The media, clearly embarrassed by their predictable idiocy on Sunday, is now starting to walk it back and ask important questions. And the congress has the ability to get a lot of those answers. And the momentum looks clear. The more they try to cover this up, the more people will want to see what they're hiding. It's Streisand Effect at a SPECTACULAR scale.

Barr has risked his "public" reputation which was already shitty. He only cares about his private reputation at his cigar club and power broker K-street circle jerk. He will have no appetite for the long haul. He achieved his mission and probably wants to get back to corpulent venal trash and enjoy some of the back-patting.

The first question they need to ask Barr under oath btw - is this:

"Did you or a proxy communicate with the Trump administration to tell Donald J Trump to stop tweeting from Friday to sunday? Was Lindsay Graham part of a group

including Kid goddamned Rock help me jesus
asked to ensure that Trump didn't blow up the marketing plan?"

In summary, shoezaldroppen ist kommen.

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Someone send an ambulance to 343i plz


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #6205 on: March 28, 2019, 03:44:19 PM »


  • Dumbass Monkey
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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #6206 on: March 28, 2019, 03:45:39 PM »


  • TheBore rulez
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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #6207 on: March 28, 2019, 03:47:59 PM »
Jesus Christ, Benji it’s time for a intervention for Frank.



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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #6208 on: March 28, 2019, 03:59:25 PM »
his co-workers are probably happy he stopped using the All Employees outlook group for his essays


  • Nebuchadnezzar
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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #6209 on: March 28, 2019, 04:40:21 PM »
I love every single one of you, even marrec the sex offender


  • Virgo. Live Music. The Office. Tacos. Fur mom. True crime junkie. INTJ.
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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #6210 on: March 28, 2019, 04:42:59 PM »
I love every single one of you, even marrec the gap toothed sister fucker

FTFY  :ufup


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #6211 on: March 28, 2019, 04:44:33 PM »

 :doge :doge :doge :doge :doge :doge :doge :doge :doge :doge :doge :doge :doge :doge :doge :doge :doge :doge :doge :doge :doge :doge :doge :doge :doge :doge :doge :doge :doge :doge :doge :doge :doge :doge :doge :doge :doge :doge :doge :doge :doge :doge :doge :doge :doge :doge :doge :doge :doge :doge :doge :doge :doge :doge


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A good re comment about this:"how dare you spoil facts in a murder case before we have a chance to air them on our tv show finale"


  • GunOn™! Apply directly to forehead!
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  • GunOn™! Apply directly to forehead!
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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #6213 on: March 28, 2019, 04:58:08 PM »

Bork, plz add this to the smiles. TYIA</Kara>.


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #6214 on: March 28, 2019, 05:09:14 PM »
I don't hate Stinkles. He's just lost his fucking mind.


  • GunOn™! Apply directly to forehead!
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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #6215 on: March 28, 2019, 05:12:20 PM »
Frankie O'Connor: You can always post your screeds here. You have an account here. You could save Benji the work.


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #6216 on: March 28, 2019, 05:12:36 PM »
(Image removed from quote.)

This is based off a diagram showing how to detect if someone is having/had a stroke right?


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #6217 on: March 28, 2019, 05:24:01 PM »

Quote from: Audioboxer, post: 19307636, member: 888
I'm also not a big fan of this culture we live in where as long as you can find your "token offended person", said person can be weaponized into accusations that if you don't agree with them, you in some way abuse/mock/ridicule them. As I said in my post, I can understand WHY people may NEVER approve of something used within art/music/film/tv/etc, and I can respect their absolutist stance for whatever emotional/impactful reasoning they give. However, I am still capable of being honest about something and having no moral qualms about explaining the context/intent of something controversial/provocative and why it existing is not the moral panic it may be suggested it is/could be.

Yea who would just do that, find a “token offended person” and weaponize them???  ::cough cough:: y’all just did that with ms galaxy and people were quite literally quoting her outrage as a response.



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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #6218 on: March 28, 2019, 06:04:51 PM »
:era :era :era :era :era
 :era :era :era :era :era
 :era :era :era :era :era
 :era :era :era :era :era
 :era :era :era :era :era
Amazing how quickly the thread turned once those fucking Muppets actually watched the video. Even the OP changed their stance.

Amazing what a little context and reading past the headlines will do.

Also, outrage culture doesn't exist... /s


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #6219 on: March 28, 2019, 06:05:41 PM »
Frankie O'Connor: You can always post your screeds here. You have an account here. You could save Benji the work.

And what then for poor benji?


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #6220 on: March 28, 2019, 06:17:25 PM »
benji Obliterated


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #6221 on: March 28, 2019, 06:21:21 PM »


  • Haughty and a little naughty
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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #6222 on: March 28, 2019, 06:27:53 PM »

 :-\ :-\ :-\

HAHAHA! I wondered why my redheaded white dude was now a redheaded black dude.  :dolezal

Ubisoft just doing their part in fighting white supremacy  :salute


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #6223 on: March 28, 2019, 06:47:33 PM »
Quote from: Frank O'Connor
The first question they need to ask Barr under oath btw - is this:

"Did you or a proxy communicate with the Trump administration to tell Donald J Trump to stop tweeting from Friday to sunday? Was Lindsay Graham part of a group including Kid goddamned Rock help me jesus asked to ensure that Trump didn't blow up the marketing plan?"
based Frank :lawd


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #6224 on: March 28, 2019, 07:10:18 PM »

Is Jussie their new OJ?
Yep. This seasons negro that needs to be taught a lesson... white america.... (Insert anything)


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #6225 on: March 28, 2019, 07:58:46 PM »
I mean, considering that Jussie tried to imply they were trump supporters, isnt it a conflict of interest for him to order that?


brb ordering the FBI to do investigations brehs

« Last Edit: March 28, 2019, 08:03:01 PM by Propagandhim »

Cauliflower Of Love

  • I found my bearings, they were in the race
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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #6226 on: March 28, 2019, 08:16:38 PM »
I'm sure trump cares about conflicts of interest.



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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #6227 on: March 28, 2019, 08:20:49 PM »


Quote from: Tigress, post: 19326646, member: 4237
Wow... I can't believe how many people are still bitter over a game. You guys act like he took all your money and ran. When he took 60 dollars (which if that is near all your money than you shouldn't have been buying a video game anyways as you probably had much more important things to spend it on) and then kept working on the game and improving it.  Oh, and yeah, many people got refunds so they didn't even lose the 60 bux! Nevermind some of the bitter people who outright admit they didn't even buy the game so they lost nothing!

And a lot of the lies were small things that other game companies have done that people don't get near as upset about. Oh wait, it's because you wanted multiplayer and even though he kept saying it was a single player game there was a large group who kept insisting they'd play it MP over a feature that wasn't supposed to be the main part of the game. And yes, that feature wasn't in the game. What he's put in the game already is way more than he ever promised MP wise at launch (to the chagrin of those of us who wanted the SP game he originally promised). But then when people started pointing out that he had emphasized many times it was an SP game, it was time to find all the other nitpicks to prove that it was about his lies you were upset about and not that it wasn't an MP game.

Funny now even now the detractors still just focus on MP and most people have settled down once he introduced MP elements (hell, now the bitter people just hang on the well he lied and I refuse to endorse it even if he made it better later). And no one is nitpicking the nitpicks that still aren't in the game (cause that really wasn't what they cared about).

Well, at least now we mostly don't hear from you guys until the topic of the launch comes up (i.e. in threads talking about the game itself we can actually talk about the game and not about "his lies!").

Quote from: Tigress, post: 19328192, member: 4237
No, the level of spin people put on claiming that he said it was an MP game when he kept insisting it was an SP game with some online elements meant to enhance gameplay is amazing. And then they started finding other little nitpicks to try to rpove it wasn't cause it was MP they were upset. And yet funny how he hasn't fixed most those things and now most are happy with it or if they aren't they are saying too late (as in they admit it is fixed). Funny how it is him putting MP in the game which got a lot of the complaints to disappear.  I mean I remember way before the game warning people it wasn't MP and not to expect to find other people.

And a lot of the stuff people yelled about they give EA and Ubisoft a lot less shit about (or at least don't keep harping on it for years).

Add in it's a fucking game! It amazes me it has taken this long for the bitter people to actually not pop in every NMS thread. It wasn't until the last update that you could actually talk about NMS without the people who still won't move on sidetracking the discussion to how it was all lies and they will never forgive Sean and how we all should totally be still pissed at him. It's ridiculous.  Move the hell on already (ok, so most finally did but yeesh).

Oh, and the people who still feel Sean was trying to scam them. No, scammers don't come back and try to fix things. He had your money, if he was scamming he would have ran with it and you wouldn't have seen any more updates on it. I highly doubt he meant to scam anyone. From everything I gather and what makes the most sense they ran out of money and it was release it then and deal with the backlash and try to use the money gotten to continue working on it or release it never. Shit happens. Nobody who was purposely trying to scam you would have put this much effort back into the game when they already had your money. Hell, if he was just trying to run a business he wouldn't have put this much effort into something that was a high risk (by that point the damage could easily have well been done and nothing would bring people back).  This obviouslly was a project HG personally cared for.  So, yeah, sorry but not sorry that I'm willing to realize shit happens and at least he tried to make good and I'm not yelling that no one should ever give him money again.

« Last Edit: March 28, 2019, 08:27:18 PM by Jansen »


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #6228 on: March 28, 2019, 08:25:05 PM »

I'm not reading that whole article, TBH, so this isn't actually a criticism of the article, because I don't know what it says. But I'm using it to springboard off of to talk about empathy.

One of my biggest gripes with RE is that they've twisted and mutated such a wonderful thing like empathy to mean something completely different: hating the right people. Real empathy is different. If someone hates their oppressors, real empathy doesn't require you hate them too. Real empathy doesn't require you agree with a person, or think what they're doing is right.

In fact, true empathy requires you try to understand the oppressor, too. Understand why they believe what they believe. Understand what makes them tick. Understand what parts of their beliefs and behavior are their fault, and which ones aren't.

Instead, RE's view of empathy is like a high school girl listening to her friend cry about how horrible her boyfriend is and just nodding and saying, "Yeah, he's the worst!" without looking further into it to see what is true and what's not. It's such an incredibly juvenile view of empathy, and then someone comes along that expresses true empathy for all parties, and they have the gall to shout, "HAVE SOME EMPATHY, YOU HUMAN GARBAGE!"

Joe Molotov

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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #6229 on: March 28, 2019, 08:28:23 PM »
Quote white america.... (Insert anything)

Way ahead of you, my dude. :jawalrus


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #6230 on: March 28, 2019, 08:31:25 PM »

Even science channels are being infiltrated by the Alt-Right.

First anime, now science. What else will they take from us?  :stahp


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #6231 on: March 28, 2019, 08:57:59 PM »
If a straw was sealed up on one side we would still say it had one hole

Don Rumata

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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #6232 on: March 28, 2019, 09:02:27 PM »
If a straw was sealed up on one side we would still say it had one hole
No, we would call it a very thin and tall plastic cup.


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #6233 on: March 28, 2019, 09:09:03 PM »
Do you dig a hole or dig a cup?


  • Dumbass Monkey
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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #6234 on: March 28, 2019, 09:11:51 PM »


  • Dumbass Monkey
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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #6235 on: March 28, 2019, 09:17:59 PM »
Trump vs Smollett 2: Electric Boogaloo is such an embarassing shitshow.

Hey mods, if you were half as quick on the trigger with the "READ MODPOST: STOP POSTING STUPID FUCKING CONSPIRACY THEORIES" in these topics as you were in the original "ANYONE QUESTIONING JUSSIES ACCOUNT IS SPREADING RACIST CONSPIRACY THEORIES AND GETTING BANNED", you'd clear a whoooole lot of shitty posters off the forum, at least for a little bit.


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #6236 on: March 28, 2019, 09:27:46 PM »
The mods are the shitty posters, dude.  Finkle is Einhorn


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #6237 on: March 28, 2019, 09:29:22 PM »
They don't even need to ban the bad posters. They just need to not ban the sane posters. As the polls always show, the sane posters far outnumber the insane ones.


  • Dumbass Monkey
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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #6238 on: March 28, 2019, 09:38:02 PM »
They don't even need to ban the bad posters. They just need to not ban the sane posters. As the polls always show, the sane posters far outnumber the insane ones.
