Author Topic: Playstation 5  (Read 202503 times)

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  • Punk Mushi no Onna
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Re: Playstation 5
« Reply #2820 on: December 04, 2022, 09:56:33 AM »
I wouldn't call this Asgard section any better so far. The game also had the most amazing section in store for me, since I love the climbing so much. The stupid over the shoulder camera being so close you can't even take in the splendour of it all also really helped. For the love of god, zoom that shit out sometimes.

"Look at this amazing scenery" My dude, this FOV is like I'm looking at the world through a toilet paper roll. I can't see anything that isn't directly in front of me.

They really need to drop this one-take style for the next game. It's the sole reason all this time wasting shit is in the game. Just cut to the next scene. The game also has a terrible penchant for constantly telling you stuff but not showing anything. "Oh, I can't believe what Fimbulwinter has done to this realm." Bitch, this is the first time I'm seeing the place. I'll take your word for it I guess? Give me something to care about.

The second open ended area in Alfheim was the first section I actually enjoyed. Throwing a bunch of optional bosses at you. Throwing one or two enemies at you at a time, as you duke it out. Whenever they throw more at you, it has these dogshit sniper/projectile enemies which aren't fun to fight and basically take you out of the flow of the combat.


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Re: Playstation 5
« Reply #2821 on: December 04, 2022, 01:07:32 PM »
I mean, those are the adventure games parts in this action/adventure. It's a hybrid of an action game, an rpg, a ubisoft collectible checklist, and a story-based adventure game.

The old games were just...action games. They're doing very different things.

I can see fans of action games who don't like rpgs and their cutscenes or don't PnC adventure games with lots of dialogue exposition and just walking around talking to people, not liking this change in direction. I like all those genre so it works for me. I thought Asgard was good because it was a lot of major central characters talking. Like when you play a Metal Gear game and you get scenes with the bad guys.

I get your complaint that if all these sections are essentially just long cutscenes, then why not just make them a cutscene that you can pause and skip. But ever since like...Half-life 2 gaming has pushed getting away from cutscenes and instead had you walk through cutscenes as they occur in real-time around you. The idea being the latter is more immersive than just watching a cutscene. But it also has its downsides like not being able to skip.

I definitely feel like as opposed to an action game or character action game that you play 3-4 times on different difficulty levels, Ragnarok is designed for a single playthrough. It's long and more like an ubisoft game and I'm guessing after you beat it you can just back in and keep playing and finish off all the checklist stuff. You can also adjust the difficulty on the fly. I complained that Bayonetta 3 being 25 hours for the first run was stupid because character action games with replay value should be like 8-12 hours and then 3-4 hours on NG+ runs. Ragnarok is like a 40 hour+ game. It's not meant to be replayed. When you think AC Valhalla or Odyssey, do you think about your next run from scratch? No, if you want to play more you jump back in and if they're GAAS they keep adding content like Valhalla. Otherwise you finish everything out and then you're done, on to the next game. Come back in 5-10 years when you've forgotten most of it to experience the whole thing again.

I don't think any of that's bad, it's just a different type of game from the original GoWs. It's also different in that the original games were like GO KILL GODS ONE AFTER ANOTHER AND GET POWERS FROM THEM megaman style. With 2018 I was like this is boring when do I get to kill gods and it wasn't until the Magni/Modi stuff halfway that the game took off at all. Ragnarok's story is not an epic battle of fighting Norse gods rah rah rah. It's just an adventure with a cast of characters in this world with a lot of gods. It's pretty different and Ragnarok could almost ditch the God of War series name and be an original IP. Which is fine, it's a good story and I'm enjoying it. Probably the best father/son tale I've seen in gaming.

Ragnarok is just a different kind of game than its predecessors and that's not going to be for everyone and that's ok.

Let's Cyber

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Re: Playstation 5
« Reply #2822 on: December 04, 2022, 01:51:06 PM »
The Crater is the best part of the game, IMO. No spoilers, but it's obvious why once you get there and start exploring. I just wish more of the game had been like that.

It might be 50+ hours for the platinum for me, a lot of dying on some of these optional bosses. I would not recommend playing this on GMGOW or No Mercy. Even weak mob enemies have a ton of super armor and it just becomes obnoxious after a while, especially during the combat trials.


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Re: Playstation 5
« Reply #2823 on: December 04, 2022, 02:21:08 PM »
Yeah, I'm finding the game a good challenge but fair on standard difficulty. Then again I'm probably tackling some of these optional bosses underleveled since if you can dodge and parry everything you can still win even if you die in 2-3 hits.

Curious about this crater section. I guess I'll see soon enough. I'm still cleaning up side stuff after getting the last metroidvania upgrade (I think).

Cyber, any tips for

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using the spear efficiently in combat?


  • Punk Mushi no Onna
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Re: Playstation 5
« Reply #2824 on: December 04, 2022, 02:40:12 PM »
I can see fans of action games who don't like rpgs and their cutscenes or don't PnC adventure games with lots of dialogue exposition and just walking around talking to people, not liking this change in direction. I like all those genre so it works for me. I thought Asgard was good because it was a lot of major central characters talking. Like when you play a Metal Gear game and you get scenes with the bad guys.

I get your complaint that if all these sections are essentially just long cutscenes, then why not just make them a cutscene that you can pause and skip. But ever since like...Half-life 2 gaming has pushed getting away from cutscenes and instead had you walk through cutscenes as they occur in real-time around you. The idea being the latter is more immersive than just watching a cutscene. But it also has its downsides like not being able to skip.

Except the same base gameplay is still intact in Half-Life 2's cutscene sections. I can look around the environments and interact with objects. Here I'm sometimes not even allowed to push the camera left or right. I imagine this is also because of the dogshit one-take camera system. Oh no... Kratos/Atreus looking the wrong way might mess up our bespoke animation that's meant to play at this trigger point. It's like they took away the wrong point from Half-Life 2's way of handling cutscenes. It's how all this is implemented that rubs me the wrong way.

Let's Cyber

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Re: Playstation 5
« Reply #2825 on: December 04, 2022, 05:05:48 PM »
Cyber, any tips for

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using the spear efficiently in combat?
I usually use the charged throw for bigger enemies at a distance and standard combos for smaller things until I can R3 them. The normal combo does big stun damage on smaller enemies. Also keep in mind it has its own skill tree and it needs to be leveled up to unlock all its moves, so it will get better.

It becomes more viable when you get some of the really good runic skills, especially the big AoE heavy runics.



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Re: Playstation 5
« Reply #2826 on: December 04, 2022, 09:35:31 PM »
Ok, this sisters of Illska optional boss with 3 bosses at once and tracking projectiles is all kinds of bullshit. I literally die in like 10 seconds at power level 5-6.

Might need to come back to this at the very end when stronger.


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Re: Playstation 5
« Reply #2827 on: December 04, 2022, 10:39:47 PM »
Also, some of the legacy dungeons are not really designed well for backtracking. I'm missing a chest/raven/lore at the Alfheim tower dungeon and spent like 10 mins trekking all the way back to the top only to find a spot where the story took me through a section and now it's impossible to go any further.

Will probably just grab some more checklist stuff and then finish the story and use a guide to find some of this stuff after the ending.

And yeah, most of the optional stuff at this point has level 6/7/8 enemies and I feel like I don't do enough damage with my lvl.5 weapons. Might as well save this stuff for post-game.
« Last Edit: December 04, 2022, 11:35:51 PM by Bebpo »


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Re: Playstation 5
« Reply #2828 on: December 05, 2022, 02:31:25 PM »
So they finally released photo mode for Ragnarok today.

It's really odd it wasn't there from the start. Game is gorgeous and I've taken a million screenshots already but was always surprised there was no standard photo mode for an attractive visual game like this. I guess it has to do with hiding stuff in the environment and locking the camera at bits, but they normally just disabled moving the camera in photo mode during those parts like real-time cutscenes.

Will mess around with it as I finish the endgame.


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Re: Playstation 5
« Reply #2829 on: December 11, 2022, 01:42:21 AM »
I don't like The Crater  :lol
Not done yet, finished The Jungle 100% and working through The Plains still. I don't have an issue with the fights or anything, I just think the level design is a pain in the fucking ass and not very fun to try to find everything. True open world only works if you can actually like jump aka Elden Ring or BoTW. Being corraleld down these set paths but then having to find your way around when it mostly all looks the same is just super confusing navigation and honestly I prefer the simple "here is a boat/sled, go to each unique landmass you see and there will be one thing to do at it, then go to the next" to this structure.

Vanaheim as a whole with its night/day mechanic is my least favorite realm in the game, though unfortunately it's also the largest one in content. I think the way the mechanic is handled is bad since it's confusing and hard to tell what's changed. I also think the hex arrow puzzles are kind of janky. That's about the only negatives I have against any of the mechanics in the game.

Also I feel generally underleveled a bit. I don't like how the lvl.6+ upgrades for the weapons are locked behind finding all these small side content items. I'm missing like 1 chaos spark still, and 1 wind gale spark, and only a couple for the axe and it's annoying being kept down in damage with my lvl.5 weapons when fighting lvl.7 power level guys in The Crater because I haven't found some collectible. I think if it's not in the main story, weapon upgrades should've been tied to major sidequests so you do the sidequest you get a weapon upgrade, the end. Keep it simple.

Will finish up The Crater, then maybe attempt the Musphelim trials (they just seem like they'll be annoying), and then finish the story.


  • Senior Member
Re: Playstation 5
« Reply #2830 on: December 11, 2022, 04:54:35 AM »
Finished up the three Crater areas 100%. It was fun, but not my favorite area. Level design was just too weird. Some fun boss fights in it though. Also helped me get my weapons to 6/7 and my armor to 7.

Will finish up the story tomorrow.

Let's Cyber

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Re: Playstation 5
« Reply #2831 on: December 11, 2022, 02:19:57 PM »
Final Trials and last 2 optional bosses wrecked my shit.

I probably spent 2.5 hours on Gná and completely overhauled my build multiple times before biting the bullet and lowering the difficulty to balanced.

Idk, kind of a rough end to my experience.  :mjcry


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Re: Playstation 5
« Reply #2832 on: December 11, 2022, 02:42:18 PM »

Yeah, the trials look annoying. Which is different than hard. I'm ok with hard, but annoying stuff is not my thing. I'll see how they are but otherwise will do them post-game and if I can't finish them in a couple of tries will skip.

I feel like the difficulty modes don't do much? Like in Horizon 2 if you change to story mode you are GOD and kill everything in like 2 hits and are invincible which is what I think of as story mode difficulties. But put Ragnarok on story mode and go face a gravestone berserker fight and you might still die. The only difference seems like you take a bit less damage and do a bit more so you can eat a few extra hits and clear super armor faster. On one hand this sucks if you actually are bad at the game and want a story mode experience to just blow through everything. Otoh, I am not going to feel bad if I gotta drop to story mode to get through some of the last optional shit because I don't have the patience.

Like that trio berserker fight in Alfheim? I'll give it another shot post-game on balanced, but if it's still complete bullshit like it was when I tried it at power lvl.5, story mode clear it is for that fight.


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Re: Playstation 5
« Reply #2833 on: December 11, 2022, 04:53:11 PM »
One thing that I think took a while for me to understand because it's the ONE combat system with no tutorial which is bizarre, is that from about midway through the game getting your L1+triangle weapon gauge going is where your real damage increase comes from. When I'm able to keep that going bosses go down so fast. So focusing on builds around building that up and keeping it going seem pretty important.

Then again stuff like increasing build up for combo finishers doesn't really help on bosses that won't let you get the last slow hit of a combo finisher off because they'll move between hit stuns during the windup. So idk. Then you have stuff like increased runic attack damage while the gauge is full but you don't use it and that seems mixed message. I like the amulet that slows down the loss of the gauge when you do get hit (which I think is the same one as combo finishers having increased build up).

Basically using that one + enhanced dodge and mix and match one more depending on what I'm fighting. For the first 2 sets of 3 I use melee damage+ when over 75% health and melee damage+ when under 50% health to pretty constantly have a damage buff going, though without actual numbers it's hard to tell how much these buffs are worth having.

Like I really liked the chest piece that gives +15% damage for each runic attack and stacks up to 3 times. So if you keep switching between weapons using runic attacks and if you have some stuff lowering cooldown you're constantly running around with +15%-+45% damage at all times. But after the Dragon mail that gives strength/defense buffs every block/parry I changed to that since I parry more often than I use runic attacks. But hard to tell how much damage those buffs are buffing in comparison. Wish the skills have more numbers like the +15% chest piece to have a better idea of min/maxing.

For arms/waist I'm just using cooldown lowering stuff so I can keep using runic attacks often.


  • Senior Member
Re: Playstation 5
« Reply #2834 on: December 11, 2022, 08:07:52 PM »
Wait, the "final challenges" -> fight 99 guys...was only ONE of six? I thought that was the last challenge there was.'s not even the challenge, but having the time and patience to go through this. Probably don't care enough about a Platinum to bother. Will finish everything else and leave these last 5 final challenges.


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Re: Playstation 5
« Reply #2835 on: December 11, 2022, 09:41:32 PM »
Alright, finished everything in the game possible besides the final challenges. Time to see where the story ends up.

After getting all the endgame gear, my combat strategy changed entirely into being based around the Berserker chestpiece that gives you damage+++ for a few seconds each realm shift and the handles for each weapon that start a realm shift on filling the gauge. Pretty much run a build focused on getting those gauges up as fast as possible then L1+triangle into realm shift -> massive damage for a few seconds -> change weapon and repeat over and over. The wrist/waist from the arena that increases the gauge fill up by 30% plus some amulet stuff are what I'm using.

Gotta say, the Berserker fights on balanced went from really fucking hard at lvl.5 to kinda easy at lvl.8-9 with this gear. The last handful I did at the end went down quick. The stupid trio one is the only one I had to drop the difficulty down for in the end. God, that fight sucked.

Also hate to say it, but Ragnarok is a poor Metroidvania in terms of backtracking around completing things. There aren't enough fast travel points and it's kind of boring getting between stuff. If they were going to make it like this they should have had twice the amount of fast travel spots.
« Last Edit: December 11, 2022, 10:09:36 PM by Bebpo »


  • Senior Member
Re: Playstation 5
« Reply #2836 on: December 14, 2022, 01:13:11 PM »
Final Trials and last 2 optional bosses wrecked my shit.

I probably spent 2.5 hours on Gná and completely overhauled my build multiple times before biting the bullet and lowering the difficulty to balanced.

Idk, kind of a rough end to my experience.  :mjcry

Got the Plat last night. 48ish hours total.

GNA was a really good fight EXCEPT her move where she leaps up and lands on you in a QTE. It seems like she can pull if it off when you're mid-combo on her and I had two good runs that failed because of that killing me. I guess you're just supposed to pay attention and if she jumps out of the screen when you're in a combo you need to roll the fuck away instantly.

Otherwise I thought the rest of her moves were pretty well telegraphed and reasonable to dodge/parry. Did end up using the mid-boss checkpoints for her and Berserker King. But still good fights. Berserker King was kinda forgettable. Fine fight, but just felt like various moves of the other Berserkers you'd already dealt with.

One issue that came up with a few Berserkers is I kind of hate enemies that jump away and do the blue moves because half the time I can't reach them in time if I run up and shield break and I eat the attack. I guess I should have been using the approaching shield on those bosses since it runs towards? I just stuck with Dauntless.

On the Berserker King he has some move in the 2nd half where he hangs in the air and does a big 1/2 HP bifrost attack. Seems unblockable, undodgeable and has no color signals. Maybe I was supposed to throw shit at him to interrupt it?

And on bosses I never figured out how Rage meter works. I stuck with Fury the whole game and it did jack shit damage on bosses wailing on them, but it regained about half a life bar of health and gave me some invincibility so I stuck with it. I used Valor a couple of times for the HP regen and I can see it being more useful but I hated the timing of trying to launch it right before an attack to maximize and I'd eat attacks and die sometimes so I stuck with Fury. Wrath seemed good on enemy mobs but wasn't sure it was applicable on bosses.

The final trials were....well the trials themselves were fine, the stupid repeating 2 lower trials over and over to unlock each final trial was a shit grind and should've been excised.

Also speaking of postgame grind

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The remnants of Asgard were stupid. The fights weren't even challenging mobs, just a few mobs of normal enemies. But doing that 10 times which included some backtracking to get around to these places was just a waste of time for nothing but to get the platinum trophy. This quest should've been skipped

Otherwise great stuff. I'm more ok with the finale/ending of the game after another night of playing it postgame. I think the story could've been better, and Angraboda section is way too fucking long, but otherwise the game has so many great character moments. Lotta laughs and feels in this throughout, so I expected  the finale to be epic feels, but it's suprisingly a lot emptier than the strong moments before it. For example

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The scene before going to Ragnarok with Kratos and Atreus in his tent is 10x more dramatic than anything that actually happens in Ragnarok or the ending.

The game is definitely about great moments. And being like 40-50 hours long there are plenty of those. The combat is also fucking awesome though the camera could still be better.

In the end with the combat I even ended up really liking

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The spear because of its speed. Became my go to weapon for quickly taking out grunts and interrupting enemies with spear throws.

I was thinking the game was like 8.5/10 after the ending, but sleeping on it and getting back to some good combat and stuff the next day wrapping up the post-game I guess I'd give it a 9/10. It's a flawed game with some pretty legit flaws, and it's absolutely a game that symptomatic of the 200 person dev team AAA syndrome where you have like 9 writers and the you end up with logical inconsistencies between stuff. Too many cooks in the kitchen. But there's enough great quality game there that it's pretty awesome.

I hope the next God of War is a smaller team, shorter development, smaller and tighter game, but who am I kidding the next game is going to be Elden Ring GoW 75 hour game of mixed quality.
« Last Edit: December 14, 2022, 01:18:52 PM by Bebpo »

Let's Cyber

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Re: Playstation 5
« Reply #2837 on: December 14, 2022, 02:59:02 PM »
The final trials were....well the trials themselves were fine, the stupid repeating 2 lower trials over and over to unlock each final trial was a shit grind and should've been excised.
Yup. There was zero reason for this dumb filler.


  • Punk Mushi no Onna
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Re: Playstation 5
« Reply #2838 on: December 15, 2022, 01:43:36 AM »
I was shouting at the screen for Kratos to tear the head of the one god he actually kills. This scene was supposed to show the real God of War. Mimir acts in shock and I'm like: "The fuck is this shit?" The one scene where you are supposed to show how brutal Kratos is and it's basically him putting a child to bed and giving it a peck on the forehead.



  • Senior Member
Re: Playstation 5
« Reply #2839 on: December 15, 2022, 08:06:30 AM »

 :dsp I need a PSVR2 at launch now.

Making full use of the PlayStation VR2, you’ll be wholly immersed when playing Resident Evil Village with this DLC. Visually, the vivid graphics of the 4K HDR display (2000×2040 per eye) and eye tracking produces a heightened perception of reality as if everything you see is actually there. 3D audio enhances the realism with audio from every angle, and your sense of touch is enhanced via the PlayStation VR2 Sense controllers. With one controller in each hand, you can feel the vibration, recoil, and resistance as you interact with objects in the world and fire weapons.
The Sense controllers also enable intuitive movements like putting your arms up to guard and holding your gun out in front of you to shoot, and there are additional actions you can perform to heighten your immersion. Hold two weapons independently, load a clip into your handgun to reload, and wield your knife with slashing or stabbing attacks. It’s a truly captivating experience that puts you directly into the twisted world that Ethan Winters is fighting through.

 :dsp :dsp
« Last Edit: December 15, 2022, 09:24:06 AM by Svejk »


  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
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Re: Playstation 5
« Reply #2840 on: December 16, 2022, 10:36:17 AM »

An online project set in the world of Horizon and featuring a new cast of characters and a “unique stylized” look is currently in development at Guerrilla Games, the company confirmed in a job post.

Pissy F Benny

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Re: Playstation 5
« Reply #2841 on: December 16, 2022, 11:34:58 AM »
So a MMO game or GAAS trash? I think they've missed the train on both of those, and free to play isn't sony's style at all :doge


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Re: Playstation 5
« Reply #2842 on: December 16, 2022, 01:17:47 PM »
So a MMO game or GAAS trash? I think they've missed the train on both of those, and free to play isn't sony's style at all :doge
What I get from "unique stylized" is a cartoony Fortnite clone with a Horizon coat.  yuckitty yuck.  :yuck

Let's Cyber

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Re: Playstation 5
« Reply #2843 on: December 16, 2022, 03:02:26 PM »
The MMO is reportedly with NCSoft.

This project is a different thing. It's co-op based and probably closer to MonHun in concept.

Pissy F Benny

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Re: Playstation 5
« Reply #2844 on: December 16, 2022, 09:34:34 PM »
Dunno why you'd want to mess with the look of horizon, it's graphics are the main thing it has going for it, unless it's a phone game.


  • Punk Mushi no Onna
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Re: Playstation 5
« Reply #2845 on: December 18, 2022, 11:46:37 AM »
Got the GOW Ragnarok platinum. (Only cause it's easy to get.) Like the last game, the one on one bosses were easily the best part. Encounter design in general still leaves a lot to be desired. Way too many enemies with projectiles which aren't fun to fight in the system they created. They had 4 years to improve on the first game and what they did was just not good enough. If I consider the first game like a 7/10 this is like a 6,5 to me.


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Re: Playstation 5
« Reply #2846 on: December 18, 2022, 04:12:17 PM »
Got the GOW Ragnarok platinum. (Only cause it's easy to get.) Like the last game, the one on one bosses were easily the best part. Encounter design in general still leaves a lot to be desired. Way too many enemies with projectiles which aren't fun to fight in the system they created. They had 4 years to improve on the first game and what they did was just not good enough. If I consider the first game like a 7/10 this is like a 6,5 to me.

Well at least the good news is now you can move on to a game you actually enjoy.


  • Punk Mushi no Onna
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Re: Playstation 5
« Reply #2847 on: December 19, 2022, 01:45:49 AM »
I feel like there's more potential to these games. The only reason I'd score the first one higher is because I see it as a proof of concept.

There's such an easy fix to some of the problems. It's like the Arkham games that use the over the shoulder camera but in combat encounters they zoom it way out so you actually have an overview of the combat arena. Why not do that? You don't have to break the one-take nature of the game for that. It also instantly improve the second issue with the combat where you can only attack whichever way the camera is pointing. Have me do the pointing on the left stick. Rubberbanding on the attacks and enemies is also pretty bad. Both you and the enemy slide across the floor to make an attack hit, putting less importance on actually properly positioning yourself. Unless they really want to go for the God Hand brawler type style. Then a lot of the enemy encounters'd need an overhaul.

Maybe they'll nail it on the third game. Although I'm expecting them to overhaul the entire series again if we're moving on to another pantheon.


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Re: Playstation 5
« Reply #2848 on: December 22, 2022, 04:14:57 PM »
Stellar Blade shows available to wishlist.  :phil

But that's it.  No price, date, pre-order, nothing.  :doge

Olivia Wilde Homo

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Re: Playstation 5
« Reply #2849 on: January 03, 2023, 11:09:17 PM »
I was able to order the disc version of the PS5 right off Sony’s website. Are they more available now? Either way I’m getting it on Thursday without a scalper.


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Re: Playstation 5
« Reply #2850 on: January 05, 2023, 09:00:11 AM »
GT7 will get a free upgrade for PSVR2 at launch.   :success 

Also Beat Saber was announced for PSVR2.  :popular


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Re: Playstation 5
« Reply #2851 on: January 05, 2023, 09:25:32 AM »
With Beat Saber and Moss I'm interested in PSVR2 again. Now please announce an improved version of Astro Bot: Rescue Mission.


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Re: Playstation 5
« Reply #2852 on: January 16, 2023, 01:13:29 AM »
What games are the reason to get a ps5 over a Xbox Series X if Sony first exclusives really don't interest me? Like, SFVI, Tekken 8, etc. are all on pc or xbox and will mutli system online.
« Last Edit: January 16, 2023, 01:18:26 AM by Himu »

Pissy F Benny

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Re: Playstation 5
« Reply #2853 on: January 16, 2023, 04:58:14 AM »
Both Final Fantasy games this year are exclusive


  • my hog is small but it is mighty
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Re: Playstation 5
« Reply #2854 on: January 16, 2023, 06:17:06 AM »
Both Final Fantasy games this year are exclusive

And the bullshit is fucking working on me because I want one for that reason.


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Re: Playstation 5
« Reply #2855 on: January 16, 2023, 01:54:38 PM »
Both Final Fantasy games this year are exclusive

Final Fantasy and I are done. Anything else?

Pissy F Benny

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Re: Playstation 5
« Reply #2856 on: January 16, 2023, 02:02:10 PM »
Idk but theres nothing 'hot' coming to xbox thats exclusive really besides forza 8 and that bethesda space game.

Games that have barely had anything shown so far either :teehee


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Re: Playstation 5
« Reply #2857 on: January 16, 2023, 02:31:40 PM »
Idk but theres nothing 'hot' coming to xbox thats exclusive really besides forza 8 and that bethesda space game.

Games that have barely had anything shown so far either :teehee

Most games worth playing these days are third party and most Sony games worth playing come to PC. Stay on topic please.


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Re: Playstation 5
« Reply #2858 on: January 16, 2023, 02:37:04 PM »
Both Final Fantasy games this year are exclusive

Final Fantasy and I are done. Anything else?
Really? Did you not like FFVIIR?  Otherwise, unless you got the time and energy to gobble up GamePass, there's really no reason to have a XB over a PS5.  I'd still wait until that must play pops up on the horizon.  Also, may want to wait till a smaller version of the PS5 comes out.  It's unecesarily too large.


  • Finish the Fight
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Re: Playstation 5
« Reply #2859 on: January 16, 2023, 02:40:23 PM »
I would say there's not much difference between the PS5 and Series X but I can't help but notice that the Xbox is missing a lot of games lately that are announced for PS5, PS5+Switch or PS4+Switch.
It's clear that for Japanese third parties PlayStation is still the platform of choice if a Nintendo system can't run their game.

A console is sort of a long term investment especially this generation which is expected to run until the fall of 2028 (or at least that's what Microsoft thinks according to files from the Actiblizz take-over lawsuit).
Then again there's also the part where you want to play things now and at this time the PS5 has a stronger line-up. You can't go wrong with either system.

Xbox biggest ace in the hole is GamePass but there haven't been many releases as of late.


  • Senior Member
Re: Playstation 5
« Reply #2860 on: January 16, 2023, 02:56:39 PM »
Both Final Fantasy games this year are exclusive

Final Fantasy and I are done. Anything else?
Really? Did you not like FFVIIR?  Otherwise, unless you got the time and energy to gobble up GamePass, there's really no reason to have a XB over a PS5.  I'd still wait until that must play pops up on the horizon.  Also, may want to wait till a smaller version of the PS5 comes out.  It's unecesarily too large.

FFXVI looks like a Dmc or Soulslike. If they're going to turn them into action games I might as well just play action games instead. By making every rpg action based rpg developers have rendered video game rpgs redundant. If FFXVI is going to be a DMC clone I might as well get DMCV, something I've never played, instead. Video game rpgs are overwhelmingly stupid (to me) and I'd rather stick to tabletop. I'm kind of done with RPGs with few exceptions and FFVIIr was one of those exceptions. If you showed me FFXVI in 2000 I wouldn't even think it was a Final Fantasy. As it is, it doesn't look like FF to me and it's time to pass the torch to the new generation and I have zero interest supporting the franchise any longer.

I have absolutely zero interest in RPGs, much less jrpgs. This entire past year I've mostly played shooters. Less bloat, more lean, more respect for my time, no stupid quests. Playing Gears of War 2 now.
« Last Edit: January 16, 2023, 04:06:23 PM by Himu »


  • Senior Member
Re: Playstation 5
« Reply #2861 on: January 16, 2023, 03:10:21 PM »
I would say there's not much difference between the PS5 and Series X but I can't help but notice that the Xbox is missing a lot of games lately that are announced for PS5, PS5+Switch or PS4+Switch.
It's clear that for Japanese third parties PlayStation is still the platform of choice if a Nintendo system can't run their game.

A console is sort of a long term investment especially this generation which is expected to run until the fall of 2028 (or at least that's what Microsoft thinks according to files from the Actiblizz take-over lawsuit).
Then again there's also the part where you want to play things now and at this time the PS5 has a stronger line-up. You can't go wrong with either system.

Xbox biggest ace in the hole is GamePass but there haven't been many releases as of late.

I'd prefer a system with BC. Haven't played RE7,8, RE2make, ore RE3make for example.

Xbox series X boosting backwards compat games and making Morrowind 60fps is too good to pass up.

Also Psychonauts 2

Returnal looks cool.
« Last Edit: January 16, 2023, 03:36:34 PM by Himu »


  • Senior Member
Re: Playstation 5
« Reply #2862 on: January 16, 2023, 04:37:52 PM »
Otherwise, unless you got the time and energy to gobble up GamePass, there's really no reason to have a XB over a PS5.
I've never seen the high quantity of games on GamePass used as a negative before.


  • Senior Member
Re: Playstation 5
« Reply #2863 on: January 16, 2023, 04:50:16 PM »
Both Final Fantasy games this year are exclusive

Final Fantasy and I are done. Anything else?
Really? Did you not like FFVIIR?  Otherwise, unless you got the time and energy to gobble up GamePass, there's really no reason to have a XB over a PS5.  I'd still wait until that must play pops up on the horizon.  Also, may want to wait till a smaller version of the PS5 comes out.  It's unecesarily too large.

FFXVI looks like a Dmc or Soulslike. If they're going to turn them into action games I might as well just play action games instead. By making every rpg action based rpg developers have rendered video game rpgs redundant. If FFXVI is going to be a DMC clone I might as well get DMCV, something I've never played, instead. Video game rpgs are overwhelmingly stupid (to me) and I'd rather stick to tabletop. I'm kind of done with RPGs with few exceptions and FFVIIr was one of those exceptions. If you showed me FFXVI in 2000 I wouldn't even think it was a Final Fantasy. As it is, it doesn't look like FF to me and it's time to pass the torch to the new generation and I have zero interest supporting the franchise any longer.

I have absolutely zero interest in RPGs, much less jrpgs. This entire past year I've mostly played shooters. Less bloat, more lean, more respect for my time, no stupid quests. Playing Gears of War 2 now.
If you're into shooters, Returnal is straight fire and a total must play.  Playing any 3D shooter after it feels like playing in molases.  No bullshit, just run and gun with a speed and firepower like no other.   Sure, it's coming to PC, but it has higher requirements than your average PC port.


  • Senior Member
Re: Playstation 5
« Reply #2864 on: January 16, 2023, 04:51:12 PM »
Ratchet and Clank looks great.

I would consider PS5 for an mgs1 remake.
« Last Edit: January 16, 2023, 05:01:45 PM by Himu »


  • Senior Member
Re: Playstation 5
« Reply #2865 on: January 16, 2023, 05:06:24 PM »
Otherwise, unless you got the time and energy to gobble up GamePass, there's really no reason to have a XB over a PS5.
I've never seen the high quantity of games on GamePass used as a negative before.
It's not a bad thing at all for the price, there's just plenty of people that don't have the time to play so many games.   If they'd allow you to add games to your library, permanantly like PS Plus or any other digital store front, it'd be so much better.   Fuck playing games they're telling me to play in a limited time frame.   Sounds just as shitty as a streaming service. 


  • Senior Member
Re: Playstation 5
« Reply #2866 on: January 16, 2023, 05:24:03 PM »
I'm riding out physical games until the end, so despite Sony going arrogant mode, PS5 was the only choice. I guess recently Xbox loosened its DRM a bit, but that ship has sailed from my view. Low loading times was also one of the bigger selling points for me in quite a while - admittedly though, some 3rd party games aren't yet using the SSD well. I applaud the digital backwards compatability of Xbox, which is the closest to the level of Steam, which all platform holders should strive for (and beyond tbh). I don't really care much for their libraries after the original Xbox though, so I will survive with keeping my original Xbox console for Ninja Gaiden and a few racing games. The occasional MS exclusive that interests me I will stream through PC Gamepass Ultimate every other year. Which brings me to the fact, that Playstation still has the Japanese support I'm most interested in on day1. Xbox seems to be catching up, I'll get Yakuza Ishin and Fatal Frame 4 next and they are multiplat. Yet there are still many games Xbox celebrates for coming to their platform 5 years later. I'm also not sure how many of those PS4/Switch games were ever on Steam? Point is, I don't have to worry about any of this on PS5.
« Last Edit: January 16, 2023, 05:28:17 PM by paprikastaude »


  • Senior Member
Re: Playstation 5
« Reply #2867 on: January 16, 2023, 05:29:17 PM »
How is MS anti physical media?


  • Senior Member
Re: Playstation 5
« Reply #2868 on: January 16, 2023, 05:35:09 PM »
Discs were DRM-checked until a couple of months ago.


  • Senior Member
Re: Playstation 5
« Reply #2869 on: January 16, 2023, 06:00:49 PM »
Watched the game awards reveal trailers:

Space Marine II, Replaced, Street Fighter VI, Tekken 8, Remnant, Scars Above, Post Trauma, After Us are the best looking games. Scars Above and Post Trauma especially.

Judas looks cool but I have no idea what kind of game it is. I'm not buying a modern open-world game unless it's really, really, really legit. Atomic Heart looked great but I looked it up and it's an open world game. Pass.

The only PS game that looked like it was worth something more than a glance was Viewfinder which looked fantastic and reminiscent of old PS.

All of these games besides Viewfinder are on Xbox Series X. Series X it is then. Game pass, backwards compat, game boost, cheaper price, stronger hardware. Can't be beat. And the games that are PS exclusive are on Steam anyways. Thanks everyone.


  • Finish the Fight
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Re: Playstation 5
« Reply #2870 on: January 16, 2023, 06:18:23 PM »
Stronger hardware is debatable, both systems have their pro's and cons but the memory bandwith is a serious issue on Xbox Series X (plus the Series S spec holding back first party games).
For some reason the Xbox Series X punches below it's weight, the Matrix Unreal Engine 5 demo ran better on PS5 as does Elden Ring. There is other examples too, Ray Tracing often performs better on PS5.

Still at $500 these consoles are great value considering what AMD and Nvidia are doing right now in the PC space but in the 3rd year we're still early in the generation.  :doge


  • Senior Member
Re: Playstation 5
« Reply #2871 on: January 16, 2023, 06:46:23 PM »
Oh, that's what it seemed like from what i saw: Series X was more powerful.



  • Senior Member
Re: Playstation 5
« Reply #2872 on: January 16, 2023, 07:16:07 PM »
Controllers are debatable too.  I live and die by PS controllers and their centered joysticks, while others swear by the off centered ones.  Guess it really depends on what type of games you play and how articulate your hands are.  Not sure about XB controllers, but the DS haptics do bring more to games than I thought they would initially.  Returnal for example, when it’s raining, you can feel the subtle drops.  In CP2077, when driving, you can feel the RPMS and the gears shifting.  It's a surprisingly awesome effect and really does add to the immersion.
spoiler (click to show/hide)

Pissy F Benny

  • Is down with the sickness
  • Senior Member
Re: Playstation 5
« Reply #2873 on: January 16, 2023, 07:18:23 PM »
My legit advice would be to get a ps5, cuz you will be sperging out about the inferior Japanese support in 6 months max :trumps


  • Senior Member
Re: Playstation 5
« Reply #2874 on: January 16, 2023, 08:02:52 PM »
What Japanese support? lol All that shit is on PC and Switch.


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  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
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Re: Playstation 5
« Reply #2876 on: January 16, 2023, 08:56:52 PM »
What Japanese support? lol All that shit is on PC and Switch.

If you can get a good PC, don't bother with either console and stick with that combo instead.  PC = Xbox but with more games including some of the Sony ones.  Switch for the Nintendo stuff.


  • Senior Member
Re: Playstation 5
« Reply #2877 on: January 16, 2023, 09:25:54 PM »
What Japanese support? lol All that shit is on PC and Switch.

If you can get a good PC, don't bother with either console and stick with that combo instead.  PC = Xbox but with more games including some of the Sony ones.  Switch for the Nintendo stuff.
Just get a Steamdeck.


  • Senior Member
Re: Playstation 5
« Reply #2878 on: January 16, 2023, 09:27:08 PM »
What Japanese support? lol All that shit is on PC and Switch.

If you can get a good PC, don't bother with either console and stick with that combo instead.  PC = Xbox but with more games including some of the Sony ones.  Switch for the Nintendo stuff.

I would agree if not for things like Game pass. Xbox Game pass has many games that are Xbox exclusive that just aren't on PC and Xbox graphics boost for bc games is a better option than many pc games. The Morrowind version I mentioned is arguably the best way to play it. The only thing it lacks is mods. So Xbox has that over PC.

But yeah if I were being practical, PC plus Switch is the best combo.
« Last Edit: January 16, 2023, 09:36:33 PM by Himu »


  • Senior Member
Re: Playstation 5
« Reply #2879 on: January 17, 2023, 01:33:53 AM »
Just get whatever you want.

Playstation just like pretty much every other Playstation is the console that offers access to a good majority of games plus whatever exclusives are made for the system. If you don't want a console, then get a PC.
« Last Edit: January 17, 2023, 01:40:08 AM by Rahxephon91 »