Author Topic: International Politics Thread - Disease and Disaster  (Read 1333390 times)

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You know, Rufus, I thought about it, and...

crowding the center is a legitimate strategy and how places like Japan can have only one dominant party for as long as they have. while onerously legitimizing race based politics it might be a worthwhile strategic move. i say this because

1) the migrant crisis is mostly over anyway. 1 million people arrived in 2015 and the number of new arrivals is vastly lower. Compared to most refugee situations this was actually better than average for the amount of people able to flee disaster.
2) the right wing populists are actually threatening to send asylum seekers back. I think that is far more dangerous than the hypothetical loss of face left wing politicians in Germany etc. will incur by slowing down or stopping the asylum process.


  • 🙈🙉🙊
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"Win in the centre" is the CDUs entire schtick. Much like the LibDems in Japan, they too have governed for the longest amount fo time (and the longest stretches, too). Being a "Volkspartei" is very important to them and it is rewarded by the German people. The candidates lining up to replace Merkel as head of the party know this, too.

Nobody here is blind to why the AfD is gaining. That's why I can only roll my eyes at her redundant input.
« Last Edit: November 22, 2018, 08:54:45 PM by Rufus »


  • Finish the Fight
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Well, at least the EU is on the same page regarding Brexit right?

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Oh god RUSSIANS!, yes well, no outlet here is carrying this.  :lol


  • 🙈🙉🙊
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Well, at least the EU is on the same page regarding Brexit right?

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Oh god RUSSIANS!, yes well, no outlet here is carrying this.  :lol
Old news already:


  • Winner of the Baited Award 2018
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  • Finish the Fight
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You have to admit the French stay true to their principals. They even go on strike during the weekend.


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Can people finally stop riding HRC's rotting clit now?

Hmmm, you don’t like Hillary. Hmmm and your a man. Sexist!


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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You know, Rufus, I thought about it, and...

crowding the center is a legitimate strategy and how places like Japan can have only one dominant party for as long as they have. while onerously legitimizing race based politics it might be a worthwhile strategic move. i say this because
I'd like to point out that much like the PRI in Mexico*, for decades, party membership in the Liberal Democrats was, while not essential, a very powerful advantage for members in ways outside of electoral politics.

*Before they started copying America by importing multi-party competition. And bigotry.


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Taiwan feeling the pressure


  • Finish the Fight
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Trump had his weekend cut short due to the stand off between the Russian and Ukranian navy at the Kerch strait that is fast escalating. Russian conspirators and corrupt UA officials have also essentially blocked UA borders with Poland and Slovakia with a massive traffic jam.



  • Finish the Fight
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« Last Edit: November 25, 2018, 01:49:35 PM by Nintex »


  • Finish the Fight
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Russian fake news is faltering today and UA and RU bots are in open warfare on social media.

Here's the fake news:

And here's a Sputnik/RT propagandist denying that same story:

The FSB send out a statement that tensions were eased and the ships had returned safely to their ports.
But now the same news sources are posting stories that 6 UA sailors were injured in the clashes.


  • Finish the Fight
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Ukraine has lost the plot. They may declare martial law and a state of war against Russia


  • cultural maoist
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Usually I can see what the starting point is for Trump's dementia ramblings but on this one I'm totally lost.


  • Finish the Fight
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Poroshenko just announced he supports Martial Law 'in defense of the country'. Also calls up the reservists.
Now it just needs to pass their parliament which will certainly happen.

Many see this as a way for him to postpone/cancel elections in March that he had no hope in winning and to bolster his control over the country.

The French protests are mostly against rising diesel and gas prices. Trump probably watched something about it on TV.
So what Trump means is:
"They're protesting high oil prices, but they're not even thinking about the bill I will present them to remedy our trade deficit with France and the military commitments they should meet through the NATO alliance."

He's basically threatening the French that they will have to spend more on the military and trade deals/tariffs and that will only increase the numbers of protests.

Friendship with Macron is over


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Usually I can see what the starting point is for Trump's dementia ramblings but on this one I'm totally lost.


  • Winner of the Baited Award 2018
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Trump's got a massive love/hate-based man crush on Macron. It's really funny.


  • Punk Mushi no Onna
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Wow, what are you? A necrophiliac?


  • Finish the Fight
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It is astonishing to watch the Russian fake news and UN shenigans fall apart at a rapid pace.

Russians called for a UN meeting entitled: "Violation of borders of the Russian federation".
But the other members really wouldn't have any of it.

The Russians then said that they wouldn't respond to the Ukrainian side but backtracked on that when they found out UA had 100% support of the UNSC and recordings of the Russians carrying out the orders to attack the Ukrainian vessels.
It also doesn't help that one of the Russians filmed the Russian coastguard ramming the Ukrainian ship on purpose. From the outset it looks like an orchestrated event that was bungled.

Poroshenko will also introduce a bill that continues the election despite the martial law should it come to that. Silencing his political rivals who said he only wanted martial law to postpone the elections.

For the first time in a while the Russians are standing with their backs against the wall diplomatically.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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How exactly? This is the same situation they had with Crimea...hell, pretty much with Georgia too.

When have they ever cared about getting a sternly worded lecture from diplomats? Or footage of their blatantly staged/altered events releasing?

Quote from: Sergey Aksyonov
Ukrainian warships illegally crossed Russia’s border and blatantly violated norms of international law. I am sure Western patrons of the Kiev regime are behind this provocation it doesn’t look a mere coincidence that European and American politicians have been so concerned over the situation in the Sea of Azov in the recent months. Ukraine, as a country stripped of sovereignty and being under external governance, is an instrument for whipping up international tensions.


  • Finish the Fight
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How exactly? This is the same situation they had with Crimea...hell, pretty much with Georgia too.

When have they ever cared about getting a sternly worded lecture from diplomats? Or footage of their blatantly staged/altered events releasing?

Quote from: Sergey Aksyonov
Ukrainian warships illegally crossed Russia’s border and blatantly violated norms of international law. I am sure Western patrons of the Kiev regime are behind this provocation it doesn’t look a mere coincidence that European and American politicians have been so concerned over the situation in the Sea of Azov in the recent months. Ukraine, as a country stripped of sovereignty and being under external governance, is an instrument for whipping up international tensions.
The difference is that their own channels are sending conflicting messages and reports. Usually the Russians have a bullshit story and they stick to that bullshit story and when it changes, everyone changes their story.
Usually it doesn't start with the FSB claiming everything is fine and Russia Today reporting shelling of the Donbass with their own journalists denying it.

In fact, in the end the Russians pretty much reported the 'truth' of 6 injured sailors and even released photo's of the seized Ukrainian vessels. An event that he FSB had denied just hours before.
Not to mention that throughout the events Putin and his friends have pretty much been silent as have their network of trolls and propagandists.

It is as if someone in the chain of bullshit command said: "Nope" when the networks tried to escalate this and they all improvised on the spot.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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They messed up like that during the Crimea stuff too, RT's small level of autonomy almost always backfires like that to where it should be a meme. Remember all the anchors resigning on the air and stuff?


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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putting shit in his briefing that's wrong and then sorta smugly correcting him when he fucks up must be straight from the original show writers


  • Winner of the Baited Award 2018
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Never forget.

Lord Buckethead for PM :rejoice


  • Finish the Fight
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"What did we do in the second world war?"


Meanwhile in Russia
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This timeline is just so fucking weird.  :doge
« Last Edit: November 28, 2018, 03:02:42 PM by Nintex »


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  • Finish the Fight
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This is comedy gold at just 5 minutes in when Boris 'breaks the ice' with a Hirohito joke.  :lol


  • Finish the Fight
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A) The German government has 1 working plane (which broke down)
B) None of the other EU member states wanted to arrange a flight for th German delegation



  • Senior Member
I was in a German airport when the tram broke down and this shit doesn’t surprise me at all. There was literally no establish way to just walk between terminals, so they had to get a gate guard to like take us through all these back routes and stuff.


  • Finish the Fight
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The G20 is going well


"I liked that move with the chainsaw breh"
"Man, I love how you blackmailed the US Prez"
« Last Edit: November 30, 2018, 01:48:07 PM by Nintex »


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Best food.

Most sustainable food.

It's true.

(Image removed from quote.)
*high five*

We're number two.

Those dumb shits will all starve and we can troll them  8)
Can't drive tanks on empty stomachs brehs


  • Senior Member

Best food.

Most sustainable food.

It's true.

(Image removed from quote.)

Every year, consumers in France waste 67.2kg of food per person compared to 95.1kg in the United States, 87.1kg in Belgium and 78.2kg in Canada, Koehring said.

Murica still comes out way ahead when you measure it as a percentage of food eaten  :doge


  • Finish the Fight
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People apparently love having the most sustainable food culture



  • Winner of the Baited Award 2018
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Best food.

Most sustainable food.

It's true.

(Image removed from quote.)
*high five*

We're number two.

Those dumb shits will all starve and we can troll them  8)
Can't drive tanks on empty stomachs brehs

I'm not sure whether the trash you have really qualifies as food tho.


  • Finish the Fight
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  • Do the moron
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French politicians after every union backed strike or demonstration in the last 25 years : "Street mobs are not the government ! GTFO unions."

French politicians now : "It's terrible, those grassroot movements have no leaders, no coherence and no institutional relays we can talk to, how did it come to this ?  :-\ ."

I'm not wishing for anyone to be brutalized by police but I'm a bit floored by the overall leniency and borderline apologetics this movement has been getting. Unions wouldn't get away with letting half of this shit happen in a demonstration and someone would have called for sending the army in projects if it was "young urban thugs". I have a hard time believing the Paris police would be overwhelmed by 5000 or so demonstrators, even rowdy ones. Though I guess the tune will change unfavourably, it's not exactly good press to trash public property all over Paris twice.

But such is France : everyone goes on and on and on about playing by the rules of the sacrosanct Republican order, but the reality is that only the groups playing rough or dirty are effective at protecting their corporations (farmers, fishermen, truck drivers, hunters, some dockers, etc...).


  • Y = λ𝑓. (λ𝑥. 𝑓 (𝑥 𝑥)) (λ𝑥. 𝑓 (𝑥 𝑥))
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What ever happened to France's state of emergency? Surely this is more pressing than a real but microscopic terrorist threat from migrants.


  • Winner of the Baited Award 2018
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Aaaaand another Minister resigned over Brexit (Sam Gyimah, Universities & Science Minister).


  • Do the moron
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What ever happened to France's state of emergency? Surely this is more pressing than a real but microscopic terrorist threat from migrants.


The state of emergency has been lifted a while ago. Besides things are not that bad, the vandalism itself is not disproportionately more extensive than what you'll get with black blocks or the local football fans going wild to celebrate a win. Overall 2 casualties and hundreds of injuries (from light to severe) after several weeks is a far cry from tens of people gunned down.

I guess police could have been ordered to handle things more forcibly in general (many gatherings and blockades were not properly declared to relevant administration beforehand if at all) but it would probably have been a PR disaster. The movement will probably fizzle out at some point and waiting is probably the optimal, if cynical, move.


  • Finish the Fight
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Aaaaand another Minister resigned over Brexit (Sam Gyimah, Universities & Science Minister).

(Image removed from quote.)
May is about to commit political suicide and pass the hot potato on to the next in line.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Mr. Preston and the people replying to his tweet seem to have entirely discounted the idea that people often feign confidence. It's all some elaborate plan, or mental disorder, or she's an austy, or brain cancer, or she's an evil robot.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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These two are probably most on the ball though:
alison warner
 8h8 hours ago
Replying to @Peston @theresa_may
personally I would not be surprised if she was plotting a military takeover - the army are already poised to impose martial war
15 replies 3 retweets 51 likes

Maria Nelson #JC4PM #GTTO
 6h6 hours ago
my thoughts too said this to someone a while back


  • Winner of the Baited Award 2018
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The military's allegiance is to the crown, not the government. Nice try.


  • Finish the Fight
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The running theory is that she wants to call another 'snap election'  in case she loses the vote.
That way the public gets to vote for/against her (and her deal) without having a referendum.

Corbyn is dumb over this and still supports Brexit to the dismay of his own party and doesn't want to focus the election on Brexit.
Polls also show that she's still more popular than Boris Johnson, David Davis and other conservative leaders.
If she calls for a snap election the party leaders will probably not risk a leadership battle and the party is likely to close ranks again.


  • It was all going to be very admirable and noble and it would show us - philosophically - what it means to be human.
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If you haven't won an election in awhile it's not dumb to support the result of a plebiscite that got 52%, especially when the hard remain party's support has utterly collapsed. Stop gibbering.


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Hasn't Remain support been much larger than Leave for months and months? I just checked and it was 52% in October.


  • Do the moron
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Hasn't Remain support been much larger than Leave for months and months? I just checked and it was 52% in October.

Polls fly away, elections remain (or in that case, don't).


  • It was all going to be very admirable and noble and it would show us - philosophically - what it means to be human.
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The polling in the runup to the vote showed remain winning, that's part of why it was a shocking result.


  • Senior Member
The polling in the runup to the vote showed remain winning, that's part of why it was a shocking result.

IIRC the polls showed remain winning rather comfortably, while the bookies on the eve of the referendum had it down to a coin flip.

The gambling mafia caused Brexit :hans1


  • It was all going to be very admirable and noble and it would show us - philosophically - what it means to be human.
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Bookies want even wagering. :money

They're also probably more in tune with the average UK voter than pollsters and politicians.


  • Finish the Fight
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Macron's problems keep piling up. In some cities the police is siding with the protestors in other cases things get out of hand.

He wants to open a dialogue with the leaders of the 'yellow vest' movement. But the movement has no leadership.
Basically everyone who doesn't like Macron or the government or just wants to vent has put on a yellow vest to protest and shout he must resign. It's a mess.

Some stores were looted and people beaten by police and such. But in every interview the citizens blame Macron for everything that has happened.
Which is kinda weird, as usually the protest movements themselves get the backlash once the looting starts.


  • Senior Member
Hasn't Remain support been much larger than Leave for months and months? I just checked and it was 52% in October.

That’s pretty crazy. Brits are maybe even dumber than Americans. Remain should have like 70%+ support.

Madrun Badrun

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  • Finish the Fight
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The problem is
- 2008 economic crisis
- Unpopular President
- Tax hikes
- Russia
- Migration
- EU
- Nazi's
- Antifa

- Facebook!

OH well, these facebook revolutions always end the same. By the end of the month Macron will be raped in a ditch by parisians as NATO bombers celebrate the installment of a Muslim Brotherhood member as President.  :teehee


  • It was all going to be very admirable and noble and it would show us - philosophically - what it means to be human.
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I think the remain vote in Gibraltar was 90+ percent or something. Have a age of empire rump state as a modern day nation-state, brehs.


  • Winner of the Baited Award 2018
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I think the remain vote in Gibraltar was 90+ percent or something. Have a age of empire rump state as a modern day nation-state, brehs.